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8 comments to Thursday

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    William x

    I had another unbearable lecture from my lefty Phd/Dr relatives. (at a recent family birthday event).

    The debate turned to talk about population.

    “8,000,000,0000 people.
    And… If we placed each one on a 1 square meter plot.

    Together, beside/adjacent to each other.
    Then the worlds population would cover 8000 sq Kilometers.”

    I agreed with that.

    Then they all consenually agreed that that was larger than the landmass of the USA.

    I disagreed with that….. and suffered the usual putdowns by the family elite who can’t calculate.

    Yet 8000 sq km Sounds large doesn’t it?

    Not really.

    To give one an idea of how much land space that takes up.

    It is 89.4 kilometers long and 89.4 kilometers wide.

    So we can stand the world’s total population in the tiny country of Cyprus with a lot of room to spare..


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      Hard to convince myself that you, or your educated rellies weren’t wasting your time. I watered down my first draft.

      I’ve heard it before but I think I’d prefer to debate a flatearther.


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      John F. Hultquist

      I have found it best to not engage with lefty Phd/Dr types. Although in my case the appropriate designation is Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). My strategy is to assume I am a cosmic alien and be just an observer of crazy humans. Those types are like an odd religious cult, and I don’t engage with them either.
      Here is a crowd:


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        Don’t you think it’s our duty to engage with them hard, challenge their views, and hold their feet to the fire so to speak? Is it not our duty to the truth?

        But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.
        – Thomas Paine, Rights of Man


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    Be honest-how many on this blog identify as Koalas or Wombats as it seems ok for you to do so, according to UK govt minister


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      We used to have institutions to care for these creatures but the accountants and the do-gooders had them closed down and the inmates released into the community with sad and tragic outcomes such as these.
      I wonder what kind of pig-brained demonic entity it is that’s identifying as Sir Kier Starmer?


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    This is an update on the ecological damage caused by wind turbines after they have been hauled into an upright position.

    Would be interesting to see an article describing the whole of life damage caused by wind turbines, including their manufacture, shipping, putting in place, ecological harm to birds and insects and dismantling. Not to mention noise and the local effects on down wind climate.


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    With the swing to the right in Europe and a coming awareness of costs and the problems with energy sources, I had formed the impression that Europe was backing off from their extreme climate zealotry Never underestimate the desire of Brussels politicians to get reelected however and their willingness to form pacts to ensure this


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