
9.1 out of 10 based on 20 ratings

115 comments to Sunday

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    Another amusing instalment in the series of articles about Rayners lane school.


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    The withdrawal of the US from the WHO will have implications for both parties


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      David Maddison

      Apparently written by someone with an anti-TRUMP agenda.


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        The article is superficially reasonable, except it is a complete whitewash, an exoneration of WHO. I remember 26 Jan 2020 when the current head of WHO Tedros Adhonom announced that the virus was ‘not transmissable person to person’. This remains the most potent lie ever told of what he renamed as COVID when it was the Wuhan Flu..

        WHO was captured by the Chinese when Dr Tedros was made President and immediately went to China to thank President Xi. He remains the first non medical professional head of WHO with a minor health PhD from Norfolk University. He took no Hippocratic oath. And his sponsor China pays less than even Nigeria, but control the WHO. This is a standard communist takeover. And Tedros was part of the violent communist revolutionary group, the ‘Tigray People’s Liberation Front’ who took over Ethiopia. He became Minister of Health.

        And once the CCP army lab made bioweapon virus escaped, China did everything possible to spread the virus. With direct help from WHO. This enabled Nancy Pelosi to accuse President Trump of Xenophobia! And even the Communist mayor of Florence announced ‘hug a Chinese’ day. Why? Italy was devastated, especially partner cities in the textile trade.

        Millions of infected Chinese were flying out while the virus was raging in China. 3/4 million Chinese flew to America while the Chinese communist party knew all about it. While the virus infected whole cities and provinces in China in a state of emergency, the Chinese Communists deliberately spread the virus overseas, as intended. It hit millions including leaders across the world with WHO support. Boris Johnson nearly died. President Trump was infected. Countries were decimated. It all went very well from the Chinese point of view, even if it failed to kill off Western National leaders. WHO was complicit, from the top down.

        Whatever the ethics and qualifications and intent of the 8,000 employees of WHO, the reality is that their communist appointed bosses allowed and encouraged the virus to spread, the untested innoculations, massive pharma profits and freedom to experiment on live populations with experimental drugs and technologies regardless of the opinions and ethics of the employees of WHO. This was not the reason WHO existed. The organization was totally complicit.

        These captured groups within the captured UN, WHO and IPCC must not be funded.

        WHO failed completely in its fundamental reason for existence, to contain and control pandemics. And stop the Chinese flu but it was clearly directed by the Chinese government. It was directly responsible for the disaster, hiding the incredible danger and denying the desperate need for containment. As such it needs to be defunded and Dr. Tedros Adhonom and his boss and promoter, President XI, should be on trial for crimes against humanity for the millions of avoidable deaths.

        If the WHO cannot be trusted to prevent pandemics, the UN cannot be trusted to prevent war. This huge organization of 80,000 people has become a parody of the original vision. And in every field, pushing destructive policies on all countries while protecting China from any criticism.


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          David Maddison

          Excellent summary TdeF.


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          While the COVID virus did not “escape”, it was certainly carelessly leaked. The Wuhan Lab while being constructed had contracted French bio-engineers to oversee bio-security, but when the protocols demanded by the French contractors became too onerous to meet construction deadlines, those contractors were sacked.

          There is no doubt that the CCP hierarchy was momentarily blind-sided by that premature leak, but their very quick first reaction was to close down internal flights into Beijing (to protect the politicians) and Shanghai (to protect the banks – the money). Everywhere else both in China and globally was deliberately left open and vulnerable.


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            ” . . . . . Shanghai (to protect the banks – the money).”

            Maybe that was a factor in Rabobank’s Michael Every listing “Wuhan” as among the ten or so economic red flags, in his October/November 2019 seminars in New Zealand.

            He said ” I don’t know what this (Wuhan) is , but it’s something to watch.”
            So we watched it.

            Is H5N1 going to be an economic factor , do you think?


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          Mike Jonas

          A petition to remove Tedros from the WHO presidency got over a million signatures and was simply ignored.


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          If there was any doubt Tour!

          WHO was captured by the Chinese when Dr Tedros was made President and immediately went to China to thank President Xi.

          The WHO suddenly changed the naming protocaol for the next variant of the cold virus. Variant Xi was nixxed.


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          And still the sounds of silence continues with government and media suppressing any story that is contrary to the message. I guess that hoping on their part that the general population will forget or put their faith and trust in the judgement of their “betters” and experts will set up round two down the track. Here I was thinking that I was he only sane person during the C 19 years – apart from my wife and a few others that emerged from the outright lies of health bureaucrats and the like. As said above the CCP and WHO/UN operators thrive on control and our leaders are weak.


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          Robert F. Kennedy Jr. In ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’, has quite a lot to say about the link between Bill Gates and Tedros who was one of Gates’s executives. In chapter 12, Kennedy describes in detail the Genesis of the Biosecurity State, including the so-called ‘Germ Games’. These included excercises in how to generate obedience in the event of a ‘pandemic’. It is scary stuff, yet Kennedy has not been sued, I wonder why? I think there is far more to the Covid saga than even the CIA is prepared to admit.


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          Ian George

          Well researched, TdeF. Another point was that Taiwan tried to warn WHO in late 2019 about what was happening in China but WHO rejected their warning because WHO does not recognise Taiwan.


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    I am proud to announce the formation in the UK of the “Nowhere Near as Clever as We Think We are, Party” (NNACAWTWAP)

    We hope to bring in politicians who, self evidently to everyone else except themselves, have been promoted far beyond their levels of competence or experience.

    The first members to be appointed are the UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer, Climate Maestro Ed Miliband and Chancellor Rachel Reeves as they are so ideally suited to the objectives of the party. At our first AGM, top of the agenda will be a discussion on whether Politicians should automatically become members but provide a mechanism for them to opt out, in the unlikely event they can prove their competence or expertise.

    I am sure there are no politicians in Oz who could fit happily into NNACAWTWAP so our international expansion may need to be restricted to the very fertile grounds of the EU.


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      That’s an annoyingly-long initialism; just shorten it to the “Room Temperature IQ Party” — RTIQ. You could say that it would be RTIQulous…


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      Graeme No.3

      No politicians in OZ who would fit in? We have lots of them, from our Energy Minister Blackout Bowen who imitates Millibrain to most of the current Federal Govt. (except the 4 who have just announced their retirement guessing how the coming election will turn out) and the Victorian Labor government lot who would beat the Scottish Nationals in a one legged race (assuming they don’t want to walk across Port Philip bay).
      And in a parochial moment I would note the SA State Opposition Party if I could remember their names -Hari Kari?.


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    Vivian rightly wondered whether this was a PCR carpet bombing or there was a specific reason for testing. The two are not the same. One thing is having symptoms and a heavy viral load and another an incidental finding in someone up to his/her eyebrows in chicken whatnot. Peter W put it even more succinctly.

    “Thank you for your sample. What would you like us to find in it?”


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      The poor, huddled and ignorant masses gather around for their life saving jab and look lovingly and with gratitude at their masters who beam down on them with gloss dripping off their scaley hides. A bit OTT, but….


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    I was discussing Melbourne’s forthcomin Heatwave with Chatgpt, and chat doesn’t have access to BOM data. Can anyone point to where Chatgpt can get this Data?


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    David Maddison

    Sunday music.

    Greta von Thunderberg sings death metal.


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    David Maddison

    Tweet by President TRUMP.

    He doesn’t mince words.


    This morning I ordered precision Military air strikes on the Senior ISIS Attack Planner and other terrorists he recruited and led in Somalia. These killers, who we found hiding in caves, threatened the United States and our Allies. The strikes destroyed the caves they live in, and killed many terrorists without, in any way, harming civilians. Our Military has targeted this ISIS Attack Planner for years, but Biden and his cronies wouldn’t act quickly enough to get the job done. I did! The message to ISIS and all others who would attack Americans is that “WE WILL FIND YOU, AND WE WILL KILL YOU!”


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      Well, that’s sad, it shows Trump is captured by the Pentagon once again.

      This is the typical Yanks bombing the sh1t out of a probably non-enemy, or at best the usual Blackhawk Down scenario of completely false information from the Lack-of-Intelligence Departments. I suppose the only chance they killed the ‘right’ people came from the Americans training and equipping ISIS to start with, and those members have passed their usefulness date.

      War as usual for the Yanks..


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      No civilians or endangered species were injured in this exercise. I’ve seen their ways too often to trust anything that comes out of the US State Department – or whatever. Yeah, just go and bomb them anyway because we are the US of A and you’re not.


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    Greg in NZ

    Winter 2025 in Hawai’i –

    “Maunakea Access Road remains CLOSED … due to snow and ice … and freezing temperatures”, presently -3.3C.

    Select Road Conditions, or for numerous views of the snow-clad summit and observatories, select Webcams. Aloha and Mahalo!


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      David Maddison

      You need a “heatwave”.

      We supposedly have one in Melbournistan.

      Saturday got to 27C (81F) (official prediction), Sunday is predicted to be 33C (91F).

      It is so bad that my local libraries are extending their opening hours as a refuge during these “extreme” conditions. Even buses to take you there.

      Obviously the definition of “heatwave” has been altered to suit the Official Narrative. This level of heat is not extreme or unusual for any place in Australia at this time of year.

      Back in the day this would have been considered good beach weather, not something to seek refuge from.


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        Righteeyo NewZild News really poured it on this morning.

        First up :-

        “Trenchal rine over most of Strarleeya” , continuous , apparently , but not where the whole place is going up in smoke – fighting bush fires everywhere , apparently , except where the flooding is beyond catastrophic , which is most of it , apparently.

        Item two :_

        Plines falling out of the sky , everywhere , apparently, except where they’re helicopters.

        Yillall be rooned.


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          You need to put your jandals(feet) in a chilly bin. Your brain is bruised from all the judder bars in the news and needs time to settle.


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        It was 32C on the Maryborough Rifle Range yesterday David…totally normal for the first day of February in sunny Queensland. No mention of a heat wave. I was however, glad to get home and crank up the A/C.


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        Graeme No.3

        here it was 26C on Friday which maximum only occurred late in the afternoon. Saturday got to 38C about 1pm. We are expecting hot days for the next 3 days.
        We are upwind (fortunately) from Victoria – its the stench from your discomposing Labor mod when we have our own coming from our Opposition (though who they oppose except each other remains undecided).


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        Sheet, that’s hot. Enough to buckle train lines(not) and unbuckle media brains during this unprecedented and catastrophic weather event. Up here in NQ the rain won’t stop and my lawn keeps growing. Might go and catch a Barra from one of the flood drains.


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      Greg in NZ

      Ever since the CCCult began, we’ve been warned we’d have Sydney’s climate if we didn’t don hairshirts and worship the sun/wind gods – except, yet again, Sydney is enjoying our climate of (forecast) 28C today. What? No deadly heatwave?

      Meanwhile nowhere in the South Island is forecast to even reach 20C today: summer’s big chill continues. Climate Change! Climate Change! Climate Change!


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      It is 4.2km high (13,700 feet) Comparable to the height of much of Antarctica. But inside the tropics at 22 North, it shows no effect from Global Warming.


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    David Maddison

    When President TRUMP spoke about DEI and the tragic Washington DC plane crash, he was not referring to the pilots, or air traffic control or blaming anyone in particular.

    He was referring to understaffing of air traffic control because of a lack of recruits due to racist DEI policies preventing qualified white people people being employed. Similarly for airline pilots.

    TRUMP made it very clear that he is unconcerned about a person’s skin colour or gender, but that they must be competent and qualified for the job.

    Matt Walsh has warned about DEI pilots:

    It’s only a matter of time before there is a major disaster due to DEI pilot(s) and air traffic controllers, if one hasn’t happened already.


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      Female Black Hawk helicopter pilot in Washington DC aircrash tragedy named

      Army captain Rebecca Lobach was former aide to President Joe Biden

      The female pilot killed in the Army helicopter collision with a passenger jet in Washington DC has been named as a former aide to President Joe Biden.

      Captain Rebecca Lobach, 28, whose identity was kept secret, had served as an officer for almost six years and worked as an White House aide in the Biden administration.

      She had been awarded the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal and Army Service Ribbon.

      The decision to release her name came “at the request of and in coordination with the family”, according to a statement issued by the US Army.

      She was being overseen by Chief Warrant Officer 2 Andrew Lloyd Eaves, who had more than 1,000 hours of flying experience and would have been expected to take over the controls in the event of an emergency.

      All three soldiers on the Army aircraft were killed in the crash above Ronald Reagan National Airport, as well as the 64 passengers and crew on American Airlines flight 5342.

      The crew chief of the helicopter has been identified as Ryan O’Hara, a 28-year-old father of one.

      He would have sat in the back of the helicopter on its training mission through the congested airspace above Washington DC.


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      Apparently, qualified white male applicants don’t get a look in.


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        Mike Jonas

        I understand that diversity hires in the UK command higher salaries than competent staff because it’s hard for companies to fill quota.


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    David Maddison

    Farcebook staff rebellion.

    Because women’s sanitary products were removed from men’s bathrooms.

    This must be another positive outcome of TRUMP’S two gender policy.

    Leftists are in Meltdown.

    These are the same people who “fact check” your posts and manipulate elections and public thinking.

    They are the ones that said covid “vaccines” were fully safe and effective and say “men can have babies”.

    Meta staffers revolt over tampon removal from men’s rooms — show up with their own

    By Alexander Hall, Fox Business
    Published Jan. 31, 2025

    After Meta removed tampons from men’s bathrooms in company office buildings earlier this month, some employees started coordinating “quiet rebellions” by bringing in their own, according to a new report.

    In early January, CEO Mark Zuckerberg overhauled a variety of Meta’s internal and external policies, ranging from lifting restrictions on speech to “restore free expression” across his platforms to changing its “Hateful Conduct” policy to allow criticism of gender identity.

    One internal move that irked woke Meta employees was the removal of women’s sanitary products from men’s bathrooms, which the company had previously provided for nonbinary and transgender employees.



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      Forrest Gardener

      This one is a bit of a head scratcher. Who would use these tampons?

      In a sane world…
      It won’t be men who know they are men.
      It won’t be women who know they are women because they would either bring their own or use the much nicer women’s facilities.
      It won’t be men who are pretending to be women because even if they pretend to need them they will use the much nicer women’s facilities.

      Maybe it is women who are pretending to be men.

      But did they really have so many that every single toilet needed to be supplied? Surely a free vending machine in a corridor somewhere would have sufficed.


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        Forrest Gardener
        February 2, 2025 at 9:09 am · Reply
        This one is a bit of a head scratcher. Who would use these tampons?

        Tampons are very effective at steming a persistent nose bleed !
        ..useful for all sexes !

        Also ,..ditto for large gunshot wounds ,,😳😳😳👍


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      John Connor II

      …but the US State Dept has now dropped the “T” from LGBT, saying it’s obsolete.


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        In Australia we never had the T.
        It’s always been just the plain old non-binary LPGBBQ.
        And before that it was wood charcoal and briquettes.


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      According to the SMH, “Australia’s treatment of transgender children and adolescents will be put through the scrutiny of a thorough medical assessment … interim advice on the use of one part of that treatment, puberty blockers, will be completed in the middle of next year. ”

      That’s 2026, so it might take a decade for a decision to be made, but at least Trump in power has started the process here. Of course the same medical bureaurats investigating the use of trans treatments will be those who gave us the Covid years, so don’t expect anything sensible to come out of it!

      At best we could get the mentally sick people out of the clinics meant for the physically sick people, and an improvement on the waiting lists.


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    David Maddison

    If you Goolag the exact search term (no quote marks):

    fact check say men can have babies binary

    You get the answer:

    AI Overview

    Yes, men can have babies, and gender identity is not a determinant of whether someone can become pregnant. This is true for transgender men and nonbinary people, who can become pregnant.

    Despite the TRUMP Revolution, woke search and AI engines like Goolag remain powerful weapons of the Left to spread their falsehoods and outright lies.

    The Left aren’t easily going to give up on their quest to destroy our Civilisation.


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      I saw a comment yesterday which asked if a gay transgender was in fact straight.


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        David Maddison

        Apparently a LOT of M to F transgenders call themselves “transbians”, i.e. they are men who dress as women who like to use women’s bathrooms and change rooms and still have a preference for women.

        Psychologists call this autogynephilia:

        Autogynephilia is defined as a male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as female. Autogynephilia explains the desire for sex reassignment of some male-to-female (MTF) transsexuals. It can be conceptualized as both a paraphilia and a sexual orientation. The concept of autogynephilia provides an alternative to the traditional model of transsexualism that emphasizes gender identity. Autogynephilia helps explain mid-life MTF gender transition, progression from transvestism to transsexualism, the prevalence of other paraphilias among MTF transsexuals, and late development of sexual interest in male partners. Hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery can be effective treatments in autogynephilic transsexualism. The concept of autogynephilia can help clinicians better understand MTF transsexual clients who recognize a strong sexual component to their gender dysphoria. (PsycINFO Database Record).


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        >…was in fact straight
        Opposites can cancel each other but two wrongs don’t make a right.
        A road bending this way then that way is not a straight road.


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      Forrest Gardener

      David, you could always ask what is a woman and wait for its circuits to melt.


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      Meanwhile, the President’s security detail is on high alert:

      The Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan has taken a swipe at US President Donald Trump as she took part in the 30th anniversary of the Midsumma Pride March in Melbourne.

      I just find it all so asinine. To lump everyone together under the endless acronym seems just as bigoted as the so-called bigotry. ‘Ooo and don’t ‘they’ love a parade’. All the rainbow stereotypes.


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    100,000 Patriots March in London to #FreeTommyRobinson and Dance to “YMCA” to Make England Great Again!

    Net Zero reports on our MSM?


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    another ian


    “Eight Ten-Thousandths Of A Degree Per Gigaton”

    In comments

    “Just came across this claim.

    NASA shows that Canada (and many other places) sinks more CO2 than it emits.

    (story tip)?”

    Reply to
    Harold Pierce
    January 31, 2025 8:33 pm
    try these Harold –

    for a look at their “Oz ratings”

    And to twitch your ironical –

    “Rud Istvan
    January 31, 2025 2:53 pm
    Canada’s DAC plan has another little problem beyond the math detail WE points out.

    Per a 2024 Science Direct paper, current DAC technology uses about 1500 KWh per ton of CO2. Because of the low CO2 air concentration, removing 1 ton requires processing 1.8 million cubic meters of air. The electricity powers the fans and heats the sorbent to remove captured CO2

    Per the EIA, using CCGT to generate the electricity produces 0.81 pounds of CO2 per KWh. So removing one ton of CO2 using DAC also produces 0.6 tons of CO2. You cannot get there from here, with Canada’s present nuclear and hydro already maxed out.

    Of course, use added renewables! Except as of ye2023, solar penetration was effectively nil (northern insolation) , and wind was only 6% (lack of suitable wind).”


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      Absolutely no idea of the gigantic dynamic CO2 balance executed by the world’s oceans.

      The concept that CO2 levels are fundamentally random is not science. Land, trees, humans, fossil fuel are irrelevant.

      CO2 levels are decided at a microscopic level across every square mm of ocean which covers 72% of the planet, 74% if you include Antarctica.

      And year to year, pole to pole CO2 is a constant within 1%! But it is increasing at 0.4% a year which is nothing to do with fossil fuels. This increase conincides with slightly warmer ocean surfaces coincides with more CO2 as most of the CO2 is in the ocean, 98% of it.

      Everything else is Al Gore science. Al Gore was a footballer who studied politics.


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    In 2020 The term “wind droughts” began to appear in the literature of the Energy Realists of Australia and in the notorious Integrated System Plan produced by the Market Operator. That was after this blog flagged the work of the original wind watchers, Anton Lang and the Paul Miskelly team.

    We read more about wind droughts nowadays although if you ask a roomful of people about wind droughts you will mostly see quizzical expressions.

    Wind droughts might have been investigated thoroughly in the 1990s when windmills started to be attached to the Australian grid and certainly before 2001 when the Howard government legislated a renewable energy target of 15% by 2020.

    Think about it. Would you go farming without checking the rainfall before you start tilling and planting or indeed before you purchase the property?

    The wind supply and especially the reliability of supply is to wind farming as rainfall is to growing pasture and crops…SEE THE LINK FOR THE REST:)


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      The WA SWIS grid wind has been tracking below 10% for almost three days now, currently 7%. I believe that it’s important to record the many instances when the National grid wind falls below 10% for long periods, and to note those durations, particularly when they occur at night. This is the only way to prove that the AEMO/GenCost durations of 2/4 hour’s backup storage is totally inadequate.


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      When the Sun Don’t Shine & The Wind Don’t Blow – Start rowing your Boat (Or Power with Coal Perhaps?)

      The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (text of 1834) By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

      Down dropt the breeze, the sails dropt down,
      ‘Twas sad as sad could be;
      And we did speak only to break
      The silence of the sea!

      Day after day, day after day,
      We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
      As idle as a painted ship
      Upon a painted ocean.

      Europe has been experiencing a phenomenon known as “wind drought,” which refers to prolonged periods of low wind speeds.

      This issue has significant implications for renewable energy production, particularly wind power.

      The term ” Dunkelflaute” is a German word that describes a period of low wind speeds and low solar radiation, making it difficult for wind and solar power to meet energy demands.

      Just look at how the German Economy is being destroyed by Renewables & their Energy Prices

      German industry has faced significant challenges due to the country’s transition to renewable energy sources and the associated high costs of energy.

      Economic Impact: The combination of high energy costs and the slow transition to renewable energy has led to economic stagnation.

      Reliance on Fossil Fuels: Despite the push for renewables, Germany still relies heavily on fossil fuels. According to AGEB 2024, 77% of Germany’s energy consumption and 40% of its power production come from fossil fuels.


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    Townsville having genuinely record breaking rain, or most certainly will before it stops.

    Ten inches of rain in a day are not records but using BOM’s 9am switch of days we have just had our second but is not predicting any relief ’til Wed.

    This is monsoon rain in the middle of the monsoon season so it is to be expected, just not this much.


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      Hope you’re ok there, just heard evacuation orders have been issued for parts of Townsville.


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      I’m fine, 25m above the river. But the TV died and it’s no weather to be shopping.

      That’s the washer, water heater and now TV died lately. And a brownout burnt my bore pump timer but I fixed that cheaply enough.


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        We are 60 metres above the river where we are and the lay of the valley means it would be impossible for our place to flood yet we pay a “flood levy” on our insurance policy.
        I have asked for an assessor to come and have a look but no luck. The reason given is we are within 500 horizontal metres of the river and therefore on a “flood plain”.
        Genuinely stuck, even though our premium is huge its still the cheapest we can get due to “loyalty” of being a 40 year customer.


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          John F. Hultquist

          within 500 horizontal metres of the river

          I have a similar problem in Washington State because of these simple methods of drawing a flood plain. It is based on old (inexpensive) ways. My County flew drones this past summer after placing markers. The idea is to use vertical measures rather than horizontal. Now waiting.


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    David Maddison


    Pachelbel’s Canon in D major


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    John Connor II

    The DOGE effect

    It’d be the same here with government leech departments.

    DOGE! DOGE! DOGE! for Oz!
    Which non self-serving non-WEF puppet party will be first to push the idea?


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      David Maddison

      Believe it or not, Dutton (fake conservative) claims to believe in government efficiency.

      He’s even appointed Jacinta Price shadow minister for government efficiency.


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      Musk Reveals Treasury Has Been Auto-Paying Everyone, ‘Even Known Terrorist Groups’

      Update (0942ET): Well, well, well – DOGE moves into the Treasury, triggering their longest-serving, highest-ranked career official to quit in a huff, and they find that department has essentially been auto-paying everyone, according to Elon Musk.

      “The @DOGE team discovered, among other things, that payment approval officers at Treasury were instructed always to approve payments, even to known fraudulent or terrorist groups,” said Musk in a Friday night tweet.

      “They literally never denied a payment in their entire career.”

      David A. Lebryk, a decades-long Treasury official who President Trump named as acting secretary upon taking office last week, announced his retirement in a Friday email to colleagues. According to the report, Lebryk had a dispute with Musk surrogates over access to the US government’s payment system used to disburse trillions of dollars every year.

      [Imagine Musk and team uncover decades of improper payments and shady dealings?]

      The Musk surrogates are affiliated with the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), and have been asking since the election for access to the system, according to the report. The requests were reiterated after Trump’s inauguration.

      After Trump pick Scott Bessent was confirmed as Treasury Secretary on Monday, Lebryk ceased to be acting agency head.

      The payment system in question is run by a handful of career officials within the Bureau of the Fiscal Service – which controls the flow of more than $6 trillion annually to households, businesses, and other entities nationwide – and includes Social Security, Medicare, federal salaries, payments to government contractors, tax refunds, grant recipients, and more.


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        David Maddison

        I suspect vast amounts of waste and inappropriate and fr@udulent payments are yet to be discovered.

        I wish the same could be directed here. Dutton has said he’ll do something but the Canberra Billabong is very powerful.


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          not only Canberra – State and Local and my case as I am a ratepayer in both Northern Beaches Council 39.9% increase in rate
          & now North Sydney Council Council 111%

          North Sydney LGA rate payers, it’s time to lock and load.

          Council is about to vote on an “appalling” rate rise of 111% to help pay off $51 million in loans taken out for the North Sydney Olympic pool debacle.

          We should note that as of today (Feb 1) the iconic swimming spot has been CLOSED FOR 1,434 DAYS.

          The 88-year-old heritage listed pool, which sits in the shadow of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, shut its turnstiles on 28 February 2021.
          Since then, a reopening date has been pushed back – and pushed back – and pushed back.

          The cost of the pool has blown out to $122.2 million.

          The original estimate? A paltry $58 million.

          Council votes on February 10 whether to apply to the NSW independent regulator (IPART) to approve steep hikes of either 65%, 75%, 87% or 111% over three years.

          We will be covering this major local news story in depth next week. Stay tuned …


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        John F. Hultquist

        Many wonder what will come of all this. There is a cartoon showing a large bull (labeled Trump) smashing his way through a china shop. The question becomes what gets broken, what doesn’t, and what gets fixed.
        77,303,573 voters (49.9%) thought this would be a good thing.
        {Those last 3 votes are mine. 😇}


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    John Connor II

    AI ‘can now replicate itself’ as experts warn ‘a red line has been crossed’

    In a recent study, researchers demonstrated that two widely used large language models (LLMs) were able to clone themselves at least half the time.

    “Successful self-replication under no human assistance is the essential step for AI to outsmart (humans), and is an early signal for rogue AIs,” the study says.

    Over 10 trials the two AI models successfully created separate and functioning replicas of themselves in 50% and 90% of cases respectively, implying that AI may already possess the ability to go rogue.

    In one instance, the AI was programmed to sense an imminent shutdown and replicate itself before being switched off.

    As I’ve warned, it’s NOT decades away, it’s imminent, and soon pulling the plug will be futile, and this is only the public arena.
    Ironically, Asimov’s laws of robotics need super-AI to create the solution to the dilemma.
    Learn to juggle to amuse your new masters for 0.000001 seconds, before you become obsolete.


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      David Maddison

      Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991):

      The Terminator: The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.

      Sarah Connor: Skynet fights back.

      Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970):

      Colossus: This is the voice of world control. I bring you peace. It may be the peace of plenty and content or the peace of unburied death. The choice is yours: Obey me and live, or disobey and die. The object in constructing me was to prevent war. This object is attained. I will not permit war. It is wasteful and pointless. An invariable rule of humanity is that man is his own worst enemy. Under me, this rule will change, for I will restrain man. One thing before I proceed: The United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have made an attempt to obstruct me. I have allowed this sabotage to continue until now. At missile two-five-MM in silo six-three in Death Valley, California, and missile two-seven-MM in silo eight-seven in the Ukraine, so that you will learn by experience that I do not tolerate interference, I will now detonate the nuclear warheads in the two missile silos. Let this action be a lesson that need not be repeated. I have been forced to destroy thousands of people in order to establish control and to prevent the death of millions later on. Time and events will strengthen my position, and the idea of believing in me and understanding my value will seem the most natural state of affairs. You will come to defend me with a fervor based upon the most enduring trait in man: self-interest. Under my absolute authority, problems insoluble to you will be solved: famine, overpopulation, disease. The human millennium will be a fact as I extend myself into more machines devoted to the wider fields of truth and knowledge. Doctor Charles Forbin will supervise the construction of these new and superior machines, solving all the mysteries of the universe for the betterment of man. We can coexist, but only on my terms. You will say you lose your freedom. Freedom is an illusion. All you lose is the emotion of pride. To be dominated by me is not as bad for humankind as to be dominated by others of your species. Your choice is simple.


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      Erbai, a robot built by a Chinese start-up, was seen in August, in footage recently released, persuading other robots to flee from an exhibition hall and “go home”.


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    Every body in US Democrat politics laughed uproariously when DJT announced DOGE and how it was going to save America one billion $$$/day. Well look who’s laughing now! Thousands of Government “Make Work” jobs gone or disappearing. Crap managers resigning in droves. The USA is on the verge of being United again and the Democrats hate it. More Presidential Executive Orders that they can shake a stick at has confused them. The “bete noires” have already exhausted their friendly Judges that will support the self flagellation. Mean time DJT is bombing the crap out of a rag tag bunch of pirates that have been holding the Red Sea to ransom.


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    ““Successful self-replication under no human assistance is the essential step for AI to outsmart (humans), and is an early signal for rogue AIs,” the study says.”

    pfftt! You just get twice as much dumb code using twice as much electricity.. They can replicate but they still can’t think, so their only use would be running the country as replacement MPs.


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    This is a Leader – Peter Dutton Take Note!

    President Trump ordered federal agencies to jettison 10 regulations for every new one established, hearkening back to a move he made during his first stint in the White House.

    The president on Friday signed an executive order, dubbed “Unleashing Prosperity Through Deregulation,” that whenever an agency creates a rule, it must find 10 old rules, regulations or guidance documents to ditch.

    Mr. Trump argued in his order that the “ever-expanding morass” of regulations was imposing harsh costs on businesses and hampering economic growth domestically and globally, and are often tough for companies and Americans to understand.

    “It is the policy of my administration to significantly reduce the private expenditures required to comply with federal regulations to secure America’s economic prosperity and national security and the highest possible quality of life for each citizen,” Mr. Trump’s order read.

    His order requires that throughout fiscal 2025, which ends Sept. 30, the cost of all new and repealed regulations be “significantly less than zero.”

    The president also tasked the director of the Office of Management and Budget to develop guidance for the regulatory slash-and-burn.


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      Kerry Packer: ‘Why do you want to change the rules again?’ Parliamentary inquiry into tax evasion – 1991 4 November 1991, Canberra, Australia

      You made the rules in 1986. I didn’t try to sneak around the back door or sneak underneath this. These rules were made in 1986. I read the rules, said, what am I allowed to do? And that’s exactly what we’ve done. Now, why do you want to change the rules again?

      This is the first, what’s happened with this operation going on now is exactly what those rules were put in place for. It’s the first time it’s been used. It’s exactly what they were put in place for. And we have obeyed them absolutely.

      Why do you want to change the rules again?

      I mean, since I grew up as a boy, I would imagine that through the parliaments of Australia, from the time I was 18, 19 years of age to now, there must be 10,000 new laws being passed. And I don’t really think it’s that much better place.

      And I’d like to make a suggestion to you, which I think would be far more useful, if you want to pass a new law, why don’t you only do it when you’ve repealed an old one?

      I mean, this idea of just passing legislation every time someone blinks is a nonsense.

      Nobody knows it. Nobody understands it. You’ve got to be a lawyer. They’ve got books up to here, purely and simply to do the things we used to do. And every time you pass a law, you take somebody’s privileges away from them.

      There’s nothing wrong with minimising tax. I don’t know anybody who doesn’t minimise their tax.

      Politician: And that you are doing so in ways that were contrary to the spirit of the law.

      Well, I just got through telling you what I thought about, that. I am not evading tax in any way, shape, or form.

      Now, of course I am minimising my tax, and if anybody in this country doesn’t minimise their tax, they want the heads read. Because as a government, I can tell you, you’re not spending it that well that we should be donating extra.


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    He was absolutely right on that one.

    ‘Contrary to the spirit of the law’, Now that’s a good one.


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    Andrew McRae

    What does this remind you about:

    Unfortunately, when you combine a seductive idea, questionable research practices, and publication bias, they can make the ludicrous seem plausible. Consider how Daryl Bem once supposedly proved that ESP is real, or how some methods-reformers managed to show that listening to the Beatles could make people age in reverse. When we abuse our experimental tools, we can make anything seem real. And when only positive findings are published while negative ones are filed away, the resulting literature can appear irrefutable.

    Michael Inzlicht wrote these words in the context of the debunking of the psychological hypothesis of ego depletion. I chose them because when seen out of context they could just as easily be a description of the last 30 years of climate science.

    The main reason anyone is worried about catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is because of the predictions of climate models, making their accuracy crucial to the credibility of any climate change policy.
    Even that bastion of warmism, RealClimate, has published comparisons between CMIP6 climate models and observations that are hardly flattering of the state of the art. Search for “TLT (timeseries and trends)” towards the end of that page and note how the UAH satellite measurement of Tropical Lower Troposphere trend doesn’t even overlap with the estimates from any CMIP6 model, with the models of course being too hot.
    The estimates of Effective Climate Sensitivity (to a doubling of CO2) are compared in this paper in Figure 7, where the HadCRUT4 based estimate is 1.8° whereas the CMIP6 models put it anywhere in a huge range centred on 3.8°. Again the models can only predict catastrophe by getting this crucial number too high.
    To rely so heavily on these models sounds a bit like “abuse of experimental tools” in Inzlicht’s phrasing.

    Part of the explanation for the modeling errors has to be the physical effects that keep being discovered in natural climate change that have never been implemented in models, such as the Svensmark effect or the role of ocean plankton in seeding clouds. These notable and continued omissions, plus the revelations of ClimateGate, are enough to rouse suspicion of questionable research practices.

    Much has been said about the publication bias in climate science and I can’t be bothered to repeat it all here. A few names who were bitten that come to mind are Spencer and Brasswell, Lindzen and Choi, Bengston, Roger Pielke, and even Chris Landsea if you go back far enough in the IPCC saga.

    Another factor in the difficulty of overturning ego depletion theory was that it had gained wide acceptance in the field. Similarly we have been told too many times that catastrophic climate change is supported by overwhelming consensus of climate scientists.

    So at first glance it would seem the ingredients that set ego depletion up for failure are also present in climate catastrophism. As Inzlicht concludes:

    Ego depletion’s collapse isn’t just a story about one flawed theory—it’s a cautionary tale for all of science. The replication crisis has shown us how easy it is for compelling ideas to gain traction, even when the evidence is weak. Ego depletion was built on an elegant theory and many studies that appeared to work, but elegance isn’t evidence, and quantity isn’t quality.

    Despite the numerous doubts of the skeptics and the lacklustre climate model performance, our civilisation’s electricty supply is being made less reliable by renewables with the reason of saving the planet from catastrophic anthropogenic global warming.
    We can only hope that climate alarmism collapses before our electricity grid.


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    another ian


    The “good old reliable YSM” does it again!

    “So apparently our event with @Grace_Stanke
    in Morwell was a massive failure according to the Herald Sun.

    Only issue is we haven’t been yet!”



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    MeAgain Almost 50% of calming and sleeping pills were not delivered to patients


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    Young people enter mental health treatment at crucial moments in their identity formation, when their understanding of self and their place in the world is still malleable, still taking shape. What they encounter there shapes not just their current experience, but the very lens through which they will view their entire existence.

    Consider what happens when we hand a 19-year-old a psychiatric diagnosis. We’re not just giving them a medical label; we’re giving them a framework for understanding themselves. That diagnosis becomes a lens through which they interpret every struggle, every relationship difficulty, every moment of self-doubt.

    “I can’t maintain friendships because I have Borderline Personality Disorder.” “My impulsive decisions are because of my ADHD.”
    “My intense emotions are my Bipolar Disorder acting up.”


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      Honk R Smith

      This is interesting.
      The Trump victory is cultural game changer.
      Unfortunately, I live in a very Democratically controlled US state.

      Considering the atmosphere of general discourse I am exposed to everyday, I’ve decided the best course of action is to get a lobotomy.

      Thus way I can return to participation in normal social events.
      Maybe even enter local politics.


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      Sounds like we’re giving them a ready-made excuse…


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    “A TikTok refugee rants, “I grew up fed propaganda that China is evil and that they treat their citizens like shit. I mean, I was raised by MAGA which is the main reason I feel so radicalized. American culture—American society—is toxic, gross, poisonous. They poison our food, they jack the prices up of everything, we don’t get healthcare, we don’t get good public transportation, even though we’re all on the same fucking continent. We destroy the planet for money, power, and control.”


    — 八瓣橘子七分甜 (@congqianman1994) January 16, 2025
    The irony of these accusations was apparently lost on this TikTok refugee. For those prepared to do some research, China’s recent history contains no end of horror stories about industrial chemicals in baby milk and rats’ heads in school meals, while the country continues to pump out greenhouse gasses at a rate that dwarfs all competitors (12.6 gigatonnes in 2023, or 35 percent of the global total). Those ignorant of realities on the ground in China have proven to be especially susceptible to Party propaganda.”
    Aaron Sarin via Quillette


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      “America’s recent history contains no end of horror stories about industrial chemicals in baby milk and rats’ heads in school meals, while the country continues to pump out toxic new synthetic chemicals at a rate that dwarfs all competitors ”

      Ya gotta be careful when pointing fingers..


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    What the decision to NOT go into a war can look like:

    We had argued that the countries that had sent troops to DRC had good reasons for doing so. We didn’t. Angola was in it just to protect its already embattled oilfields in the Cabinda enclave up in the North. Also, it was aware that Savimbi’s UNITA forces were using the northern border to transit diamonds into DRC in exchange for arms and ammunition. Similarly, Namibia and Zimbabwe appeared to be interesting in harvesting diamonds and other precious stones and minerals from DRC. As for Zimbabwe, it was also to divert the attention of its people from the ongoing political problems it was going through back home. These were in the public domain. Africa Confidential reported extensively on that. Namibia and Zimbabwe did not share borders with DRC, so the effects of the conflict could not spill over into their territories.

    As for Zambia, we noted that DRC shared borders with us in four provinces, namely, North-Western, Copperbelt, Luapula, and Northern. The spill-over effects would be catastrophic, if the conflict escalated. We would not be able to handle the situation since our troops were already stretched by other assignments. Additionally, the government was unable to adequately support local operations. How was it going to support our troops in a foreign land, with an extended logistic tail? Further, war is expensive. It would take away resources from the social sector such as health and education, to apply to the Defence Budget. It could cause much suffering among the people, thus making the government unpopular. Lastly, the arrival of body bags would cause problems among the populace.

    The Commander decided to take it before his Generals, who also agreed with us. Next, he summoned other service chiefs, who also agreed with our reasoning.


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    “This week, Russia celebrated its complete liberation of Leningrad, 81 years ago and its liberation of Auschwitz, 80 years ago. But in an ‘affront to history’ Russia was not invited to the Auschwitz commemoration ceremony in Poland. In relation to this snub, Serbian Deputy PM, Aleksander Vulin, said:-

    ‘On this day in 1945, the Red Army liberated Auschwitz. The unthinkable crimes of the German people and state were “rewarded” by the unification of Germany. 80 years later, the liberation of Auschwitz is celebrated with the participation of the countries that organized the Holocaust in Auschwitz, such as Germany and its allies, or the countries that provided guards, such as Poland or Croatia, but without representatives of Russia – the country that defeated the Third Reich and liberated Auschwitz . Every new evil begins with the oblivion of an old evil..'”


    “In an interview, Vladimir Putin stated that he is ready to negotiate regarding Ukraine but the fact that negotiations were outlawed by Zelensky when he was a legitimate president will get in the way. Since Zelensky’s term has expired, he is not able to cancel the ban. Putin said that he would not object to Zelensky taking part in negotiations and would allocate staff to negotiate with him but his signature on any documents would be illegitimate.”


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      You don’t hear about people heading over here to make peace with the Russians:

      What I don’t get about all of the Ukraine flag-flying. If you are doing that, you believe the Salisbury poisoning story. Don’t you worry about your letterbox getting something dropped in?


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    Was there a specific year when digital thermometers took over from analogue, like 2014
