It turns out the Non-Government Organizations were really The Government
The word for that is GONGO — a government organised non-government organization — at once, an impossible thing and also a tautology.
Hands up who is still reeling with the news that USAID had 50 thousand million dollars of political and media influence? The annual budget of $50 billion dollars in the hands of unaccountable activist NGOs buys a lot of “journalists”, editors and teenage protestors. Suddenly a lot of odd repeated patterns around the world make more sense. Why were all governments suddenly worried about disinformation, or the rights of transexuals?
Today we found out that news outlets like Politico, and the New York Times were being given millions of dollars from the US government.
This is the biggest scandal in news media history: No employee at Politico got paid yesterday. First time ever the company missed a pay period. This is a crisis. Now we learn Politico — a “news company” — which spent the last 10 years trying to destroy the MAGA Movement was being massively funded by USAID.
It seems some $27 million dollars went to Politico during the Biden years — and that’s just the subscriptions (not the USAID). Truly, Politico charges as much as $10,000 for a single “Politico Pro” subscription — and so the taxpayers fork out big bucks to pay for politicians “work expenses”, and the money ends up covering the salaries of journalists who are working hard to deceive the hapless taxpayers.
As ZeroHedge reminds us, Politico went in hard in the 2020 election to cover for the Hunter Biden laptop from hell.
They also point out that the Blob has many other ways to keep newspapers toeing the line…
It’s not just the subscriptions: there are huge “ad contracts”, dinner parties DC throws itself under the guise of “media conferences”, sponsorships, etc all paid for by taxpayers. Once done with Politico look at its spawn Axios, founded by Politico veterans
— rick.h (@rickyhewitt_dev) February 5, 2025
The Soviet quote fits disturbingly well.
It will be interesting to see the keyboard warriors retort once they are ronin.
Too funny.
Maybe they can wander the streets of DC and NYC dueling … challenging each other by who can name the most genders.
“…challenging each other by who can identify as the most genders.”
For a long time I’ve read NGO as near government organisation.
More recently, whenever I see independent, I read unaccountable.
It helps… a little.
Tens of thousands of public service criminals are running for the exits. Not from a purge. Just an audit.
The American public will be angry at the robbery. This is a country where in North Carolina the Federal Government had spent all the FEMA disaster money on illegal migrants and could not and would not help. Now even more tens of billions on bribery, buying elections and favorable news coverage, while pretending to help people overseas.
What is amazing in government corruption like this is not just that public servants and journalists can be bought. But how cheaply.
Is the New York Times going to investigate itself for corruption?
USAID was created in 1961. 60 x $50Bn = $3Trillion. That’s 20x the entire Australian Federal Budget. And clearly unaudited. How much did USAID help anyone? The enemies of democracy have been funded internally and externally by Washington. That’s not a swamp. It’s a cess pit.
“All the news paid to print.” A slightly more accurate motto for the New York Times.
I can hear the cries ” But I was only following orders”. Kicking doors in and pointing loaded weapons at women and children of unsuspecting J6ers at 5am.
I would expect the same from an audit of indigenous aid spending in Australia
Unbelievably, even Australia, a rich First World country (or it used to be), received USAID money.
It’s difficult to understand why. Australia doesn’t (yet) seek financial aid.
Was this money actually a disguised bribe to some politician or senior public serpent? And what specific influence waa being purchased?
That’s $100,000 for Australian National bushfire relief? Which home received this cash from a budget of $50,000,000,000? I hope they received a nice card from a grateful nation.
Deployed staff to Australia to support humanitarian assessments and response activities.
I’d say $100,000 was the cost of a week or two at Queensland resort for the deployed staff.
Teals? A Liberal PM who didn’t need the aid?
Back in the 1990s , I was working here oin Oz with a US expat. As part of his package he got a 10% “hardship” allowance (which we got at varying %s for working in 3rd world or difficult locations)
He thought it was comical, but accepted graciously.
I think showing the 8mm film of Mr Holt ‘s demise by G-Men was sufficient to get Oz PM cooperation without too much moola involved David.
>the 8mm film of Mr Holt ‘s demise by G-Men
The corruption and fra-d from the left wing liars and con merchants just rolls on and on and all funded by the poor taxpayers and yet enough of our clueless voters still support these treasonous parties of the left.
When will they wake up and take a stand?
How many of those depend on a City, County, State, Federal, Educational institution, or a grant or subsidy, pay check, either directly or indirectly?
Lots. The climate scientists for a start. Every public serpent, increasing numbers every year under socialist governments. University staff are another government dependent g4oup. Jacinta Pricewould be making lists as we speak.b h j
I was hardly aware of Politico before today’s thread. I made my first visit to their website today. Despite their main source of funding being cut off they are still posting stories.
No great surprise that they worried about “the financially sensitive” info that may be exposed by DOGE.
“A federal judge on Wednesday declined to immediately block two of Elon Musk’s allies — now special employees of the Treasury Department — from sharing Treasury records with anyone outside the department, including Musk himself.
During a hearing Wednesday afternoon, U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly signaled she might temporarily bar the Musk allies from disseminating the records outside of Treasury. Kollar-Kotelly is presiding over a lawsuit brought by government employees fearful that Musk’s so-called Department of Government Efficiency is compromising Treasury’s payment system. That system manages billions of transactions, many of which contain sensitive financial data.
But on Wednesday evening, Kollar-Kotelly held off on issuing an immediate order, instead encouraging attorneys for the employees to confer with the Justice Department to see if an agreement is possible to maintain the status quo while the lawsuit proceeds. If there’s no agreement by Wednesday night, the judge said, she will hold a second hearing Friday and decide whether to issue an order.”
Hopefully the judge doesn’t disrupt the process. Government employees are scrambling to cover their ars*s.
The Left are in Meltdown over the closure of USAID.
But just like the Left, it did nothing useful. It just destroyed by virtue of spreading the Leftist civilisation-destroying agenda.
Nothing useful to whom?
Its nice that they documented it so well. Inside the bubble they thought this was all normal. They wont make that mistake again.
Just amazing. As these things get published, I would deny ever having worked there rather than cry in public over having been locked out of the building/my account etc. But then again places like that draws a certain type to fit into the “culture”…
Notice the heavy emphasis on LGBT+++, “green” and DEI issues, not feeding starving people whom are of no concern whatsoever to the Left (if they were they’d actually be helping them).
I doubt that’s really where it went (DEI and LGBT groups) … there’s layer upon layer of laundering going on there. A lot of pockets got lined, no doubt some self interest benefits there too.
A lot of it is ostensibly going to Ukraine, as USAID’s budget has more than doubled since Russia’s invasion in 2022. However, Zelensky claims that only about a quarter of the money that has been allocated to Ukraine has actually made it to him. The rest disappears somewhere in transit between ‘murica and Ukraine as the (not so) little piggies in Washington DC, Kyiv, and points in-between feed at the trough.
USAID redefined the old recipe “bread and games” to “bread and sex”. Not much bread.
I haven’t seen such shameless squandering of grant money since the days when Sit Les Patterson was minister for the Yartz
*Sir*. Sorry Mr Humphries.
And missing from the list are all the funds for the CIA to meddle in the affairs of foreign countries and carry out regime change.
the CIA funding is included/hidden in every funding initiative.
Wanna see even more on what USAID did with our money? Here’s a pretty comprehensive list. But I’m sure it’s just the tip of the iceberg….
Unbelievable evil.
Here’s another one you guys should read. DOGE is going full-on with hurricane level exposures of the graft and grifters in my government. And even more than that.
I’m surprised this hasn’t come up yet:
Gates Foundation heavily involved
Australia also pays Leftist legacy media outlets.
The swamp runs deep and crosses international borders.
I wish we had people in a position of power like TRUMP/Musk who cared about Government waste and corruption.
It’s no wonder, as we realise that all the news is pre programmed and micro managed by elitist persons, our own democratic beliefs must come under scrutiny. Murdoch News and ABC tells Australian and NZders what to think. Our political system is a 50/50 coin toss with a double snake-headed coin.
I like how TRUMP and Musk don’t mess around.
In Australia, if it were proposed to close a corrupt and wasteful Government agency, which is just about all of them, there would be inquiries, public debates, Royal Commisions etc., all of which themselves would involve hugely overpaid “consultants” and lawyers and the process would go on for years and the conclusion would be that nothing changes.
At the stroke of a pen, TRUMP closes the agency by the end of the business day.
Yes, but technically he cannot. It was setup by an Act of Congress and still exists. However in exposing what the agency has been doing with the money is a huge scandal which Congress cannot ignore.
The whole rationale of these government agencies over time needs to be reviewed. Whatever the intent in 1961 in the Missile Crisis and the recovery of Europe and the Marshall plan, withdrawal from Japan and the Cold War has to be revisited. What is the purpose of USAID?
In Australia the rationale behind the ABC, the SBS, the BOM, the CSIRO and endless self serving junkets needs to be examined in terms of the future and an honest assessement of the need for them today. The 1970s SBS to bring language media to Italians and Greeks is absurd in the internet age. And how much has the CSIRO actually achieved? How much of the BOM is now on full automatic? And why should a government fund a completely autonomous and unaccountable ABC news bureau at over $1Billion a year?
If you mean USAID, it was established by an Executive Order from President Kennedy.
It can be un-established the same way.
I know that’s what the internet says but the Act existed.
“In 1961, President Kennedy signed the Foreign Assistance Act into law and created USAID by executive order”.
This creation of the USAID department consolidated many previous post war initiatives and has just continued, clearly rudderless.
My understanding of US Presidential executive orders as head of the executive branch but ultimately they have to be ratified by congress or within the powers already granted by Acts of Congress. The President can act quickly but the Congress has to ultimately approve or disapprove or preapprove. Ultimately he is not the US Federal government which writes laws although militarily he is Commander in chief. The Constitution does give the President specific powers like the ability to grant Pardons without writing laws.
For example only Congress can declare war but the war in Iraq was executed without declaring a state of War. That is within the President’s executive authority.
In the UK, all Acts of Parliament have to be signed into law by the Queen.
All the balance between the President and the executive, the Congress, the Senate and the military are laid out in the Constitution and Amendments. The idea is that no one group can act unilaterally, preventing coups, dictatorship, autocracy. And the states in the Federation are quite separate with their own houses and governor. Trump’s powers are circumscribed.
Yes, our Acts of Parliament in the UK as the final step in the process receive Royal Assent – King Charles now. But…..within the Act they may be sections that do not come into effect until another instrument – a Statutory Instrument – is created which can be very confusing if you are looking at legislation. The SI is secondary legislation and is created by the government and signed into force. On rare occasions they might be subject to some debate and affirmation by Parliament.
A bit more on that point:
Here’s a bit on the Marshall plan too:
Good stuff.
“You see Trump has power to set priorities for Executive branch departments but there are limits. In the case of DOGE, Trump clearly had a team of lawyers looking at ways to accomplish this goal legally”
People might like to see Trump as absolute ruler, dictator, madman, hero, Mr America, but he has to work within the rules. And he has teams of lawyers looking at how to make things happen.
I expect USAID will be stripped of WOKE and LGBTIQ++ and handouts to friends and enemies. It should reflect the general aims of the administration and be what is purports to be, US Aid. Not a money fountain for socialist dreams.
Personally it makes sense to force USAID to publish its activities. There should be no secrecy about US ‘aid’. Bribery, corruption, propaganda and a major socialist agenda should be made impossible. Openness, something every public servant mandarin promises but in fact despises.
I would point out that during the recent and most historically important preplanned criminal assault on humanity in modern times … ‘Pandemic’ …
many government officials here in the US imposed self imprisonment and small business destruction, closing of schools and mandated uninformed medical treatment …
WITHOUT the technical legal power to do so.
For example, the former governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, has even publicly stated that he
‘never closed businesses or imposed vaccine mandates’, “because I had no legal power to do so”.
We all complied because of the perception of power.
And the fact that few of us can afford the legal expenses to resist.
Donald Trump understands the perception of power, and had the funds to resist.
Thank God.
“This is the biggest scandal in news media history: No employee at Politico got paid yesterday.”
Just when I think I’m getting too conspiracy minded.
I knew USAID has had an ordure of funk since Nam.
But wow.
Going hard at USAID.
Master stroke going straight to the at hive nest of the Blob collective.
I did not imagine this.
Even if I had, I would’ve been certain it couldn’t be done.
Trump may have crossed the Delaware (Christmas comes late) and routed them from their corrupt as all Hell, sleepy happy safe space.
They claim it was just a technical problem. Just a coincidence, all good, nothing to see here.
You would think this would be the number 1 news item on the news media. But no. Havn’t seen anything yet. Thanks to Jo and the participants on this site that we are privy to this information. Like others, I will pass this on to others so that a clear understanding of what the Trump administration is already achieving is available.
It is astonishing that the US public service has been so easily directed to virtually institute globally a political agenda of such significance. The revelation is vital in understanding the historical significance of this Trump administration.
Was about to say the same. The fact it’s not been reported by the legacy media is a real red flag. But the Trump Gaza plan has now taken centre stage and perhaps this was intended. It allows the new US administration to get on with their work behind the scenes without disruption.
It may not be playing on Australian Lame News Media much but it is being reported on alternative Media platforms. Breitbart, Gateway Pundit and places like Louder with Crowder on rumble, which leans towards comedic as well as serious information style format
Don’t forget
The first three pages of The Australian paint Trump as a madman, insane, crazy, out of control, splitting his MAGA base, alienating his supporters with ‘owning’ GAZA as Trump Disney Land.
Yesterday he was at war with Netanyahu. Today they are friends but Netanyahu thinks Trump has gone mad. Again.
Today, he has ‘shocked’ the world. Which is nonsense. GAZA is a disaster. No one has a solution. But everyone knows Trump is crazy, especially Murdoch’s American reporters.
Except Trump is not proposing spending a cent. But who cares about the details? Anything to distract from DOGE and the complicity of the journalists. And who else is proposing any solution? Not his critics.
I like the words I’ve read elsewhere, and which I hope I’m quoting correctly:
“Take Trump’s words seriously, but not literally”.
I’d had my fingers crossed that he’d do something to ensure that the 2024 election wouldn’t (couldn’t?) be stolen again, but his technique for success – all those lawyers reminding the vote counters of the penalties for interfering with the count was a master stroke I didn’t forsee.
Similarly for the fentanyl reaction to the tariff announcement towards Mexico and Canada was brilliant.
So, what will emerge from his “plan” to turn Gaza into a tourist resort? I have no idea, but will watch with great interest.
So a desolate strip of land bordering the Mediterranean with miles of excellent beaches? Who would know how to do something with that? Investors would come from all over the world. It’s all about the deal.
Beirut was the Paris of the East.
Alexandria was the greatest city in Europe, Alexander’s city.
Other cities have such great potential.
But leave them in the control of Islamic terrorists? No.
If you want to see what can be done, look West to the 60km of incredible beaches, resorts, palaces from Alexandria to the Palace of El Alamain. All walled and private indulgence.
There is a way. But it’s not going to happen if Gaza is just handed back to Hamas.
Even conservatives and fellow rational thinkers had been blinded to some extent by the waste, destruction and Civilisation-destroying Leftist programs of The Swamp. It was just seen as a “normal” part of Government, or at least it was thought that nothing much could be done about it.
It took a completely fresh approach by TRUMP and Musk to fully expose and do something about this.
Their CC hoax is by far the biggest con and fra-d in Human history and yet so many people still believe this lunacy.
Malcolm Roberts has produced the best video on the renewables Ponzi scheme and all sides of politics have their say because they know toxic W & S is a trillion $ disaster and will destroy the environment forever and will quickly make Australia a very weak country unable to defend itself.
BTW in the video Steven Nowakowski comes up with some very frightening statistics. Just watch the last 30 minutes if you can.
He has calculated that the full roll out of Labor’s toxic W & S disasters would require an area that’s 7 times the area of Tasmania.
Tassie area is about 68,000 sq klms and 7 times = 476,000 sq klms to complete their toxic full rollout. He also states that it would cost 1.2 TRILLION $ by 2032 and many more trillions by 2050.
India outlawed NGOs like Greenpeace as enemy of the state.
GONGO = old term
GONENOW = new term.
NGO’s spared no excess,
In funding left woke and left press,
And any DEI project,
Tax dollars no object,
All paid from USAID largesse.
Nice one Ruairi
One of his/her best, Annie.
Thanks Peter Petrum and Annie. Ruairi is my name, a boy’s name, which is the Gaelic/Irish language for Rory,as in the world famous golfer, Rory McIlroy.( Translated would be: Ruairi Mac Giolla Ruairi)
I particularly enjoyed hearing Senator Schumer say that first it was USAID, then it was treasury. Who knows what will be next. This is just the beginning.
And a very large number of people responded by saying that they hoped so.
As Senator Schumer is figuring out … President Donald Trump has six ways from Sunday to get back at the people who decided to mess with him.
The important thing is that NGO’s are not subject to taxes and unaccountable . The deep state has been using them to further their agendas and the governments have been throwing money into them without any accountability . “Charitable trusts” and other “Trust” funds are often slush funds for manipulating the narrative and buying “opinions” . What does it cost to buy a bunch of “internet influencers” or even politicians ?
The news about USAID is becoming known but it is not nearly the headline grabber as the ideas that Trump wants to build Trump Towers on a cleaned up Gaza Strip nor the executive order about large eggs (ova) and tiny squirmers (sperm) defining how to determine who can play sports on what teams.
Forgotten is the substantial shareholding purchased in Television Channel 9 Australia by billionaire now very old climate politics involved man
and the later acquisition of Fairfax Group and merger.
There is good news.
Two of those unique and rare individuals who can thing outside convention
and move people and events in different directions from force of will have
decided to fix the US.
Two highly motivated people who I heard both need only 4 hours sleep a night and work long hours but still find time to relax.
Meant green, thick finger, sorry.
My son told me about Elon’s Bobs yesterday. These are his best and brightest who have set up sleeping beds in Federal buildings so they do not waste time travelling:
Musk has pointed out that a small team of geniuses working 120 hours per week will outperform the bloated government bureaucracies they are tasked with unravelling.
This link gives some more detail on a few of the Bobs:
Imagine how the blob would be intimidated by these high achievers.
An interesting background story includes;
HyperNormalisation is a pretty interesting documentary by Adam Curtis.
I recommend giving it a watch if you can find it.
>find it
Hypernormalisation | Full Documentary | Adam Curtis – YouTube
It must be good Youtube wants me to sign in to view.
However, I never sign in to view anything on youtube.
A great example is Bowen as Energy Minister.
We are supposed to pretend everything is OK, he knows what he is doing and everything is going to plan.
And the Democrats and the MSM are mad about Elon Musk showing Americans who is robbing them and how they are doing it. Talk about shooting the messenger.
They keep yelling “who elected Elon Musk”, well nearly 80 million Americans voted for the bloke who said if he was elected he would appoint Elon as the head of a new Dept of Govt Efficiency, what part of that statement did they not understand.
What an amazing fortnight this has been to watch.
It will be in history text books. Who writes the book and whose narrative will be told depends on who is the victor.
It’s not just Trump. He is the visionary who has risked life, family, fortune to save his America. He never needed the job.
But his team is extraordinary. A few potential Presidents in the lot. And the Demoncrats are an ageing, useless, negative bunch of no hopers and liars. You can add the RINOS like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney,..
I still cannot believe anyone thought Kamala Harris and Tim Walz were electable. They must have been expecting the election would be rigged again. There is no way anyone outside the slave Press and Hollywood thought Kamala could answer a question or boil an egg. Or ever had.
I was amazed the way Hollywood promoted Harris. And all charged millions for doing so. Opportunists and liars. They deserve each other.
Who elected Musk?
Who elected anyone in USAID, or any of the bigly corrupt agencies? Samantha Powers, was she elected? Fauci? Mayorkas?
“… I wasn’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition!”
“No one expects the DOGE!!! Our three weapons are: government outsiders, mad computer skills and presidential authority! Also AI. Errr … our four weapons are … I’ll come in again …”
But seriously, DOGE targeting Treasury, then OMB (federal HR) then USAID (likely followed by NED) is a brilliant strike. Main target hit with less than 10m CEP, secondary explosions and stunning “collateral damage”. This strike is so precise, it must have been planned for months.
The Department of Government Efficiency is supposedly targeting government wasteful spending. That is the cover story. Hence social media is full of lists including “$32,000 for transgender comic book for children in Peru”. Revelation of these line items is just chaff and flares to distract those now rushing to cry over an agency they had no prior idea of. USAID only commanded $50 billion, peanuts compared to the USA’s $37 trillion in unserviceable debt.
Why strike USAID and NED? It’s not the $50 billion in savings. It’s crushing the Deep State and the NeoCons, and stopping foreign wars. It’s ending the swampy corruption of congress. It’s securing the southern border against human trafficking and drug trafficking. It’s amazing.
Crushing the Deep State.
The Deep State has keep the US in constant wars, fuelling their Military Industrial Complex sponsors. USAID and NED were the financial vehicles funding opposition parties, “NGOs” and “independent” media in foreign nations to facilitate this. Somalia, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine (yes, USAID and NED started that war in 2014 after a previous failed attempt) and now Romania and Georgia (Georgia for a second time. The first time the Georgian president attempted to eat his own tie on national television when the Russians won).
But not just foreign nations. Yes, USAID works for the Deep State inside the US. They fund the media organisations the support the Deep State including AP and Politico. They played a critical role in the impeachment attempt against president Trump in his first term. (When Trump on that “phone call” was concerned about “corruption in Ukraine”, he was talking of USAID paying gas company Burisma to pay Hunter Biden over $30,000 per month as a “board member”).
Ending the corruption of Congress.
Congress Critters all officially earn less than $200,000 per year. So how do they have $100s of millions? Corporate lobbyist $ from Big Harmasutical? Only in part. The problem with corporate lobbyists is they want something in return for their money. Annoying things like Vioxx and mRNA approvals that later explode in Congress Critter faces. Donations from foreign “NGOs” and “contractors” are so much easier. The USAID funded “NGOs” don’t want anything except that the USAID and NED money keeps coming, they make no further demands. So no bills written by lobbyists for staffers to read to time expired Congress Critters, no bills to table or try to debate with a pudding for a brain, no prolonged votes delaying drinking hour. For Congress Critters, laundered USAID money is the best.
Securing the southern border.
“But how does freezing USAID spending and savagely auditing them secure the southern border?” ask gormless American Christians …
The answer is simple: USAID is paying billions to “Christian charities” within the USA to provide “refugees services”. These ever so “Christian” “NGOs” then send money to “humanitarian NGOs” in Mexico and South America who instruct and fund the flow of illegal economic migrants to the USA southern border, to further their business model. Stopping the “refugee” flow also stops the drugs and child sex trafficking.
The DOGE precision strike on USAID is awesome. They’ve taken out an agency with less than a $50 billion budget and saved $trillions and countless lives.
Putting it simply, follow the money.
It will be in history text books. Who writes the book and whose narrative will be told depends on who is the victor.
Forcing Trump to start again, regroup and plan only made him much stronger. Everything has been planned in fine detail this time. Which allows Trump to pretend he is a flighty person, when he has been deeply involved in all the forward planning. Fight, fight, fight.
Now his team captains will start and delegate and implement, thousands of lawyers have been working on paving the way. The impact on cosy public servants will be startling as they find their carefully crafted hideaways exposed and their funds questioned. This is a fully legal revolution. And Pelosi, McConnell, Obama, Milley, Paul Ryan and Hollywood had no idea. Arrogant, confident, sneering and caught napping.
And it’s only just begun. There are hundreds of thousands of people who have been planning for four years. It’s a war on war, drugs, waste, gender madness, fascism, civil unrest, wokeism, globalism, AntiFA, Big Pharma, Big finance, the Military Industrial establishment and inner city devastation. If you think Gaza is bad, look at inner city America.
If you like popcorn, get some and sit back. It is rolling like thunder. And Hollywood only has Mia Farrow left.
And I have to point out the Trump is only the second non public servant to be US President. Now Twice.
Oliver Anthony must feel like he IS waking up and it’s not true:
Here’s a few more of USAID’s recipients for you to spit your coffee out over:
1. National Squirrel Census $2.3M
2. Federal Committee on Sandwich Standards $5M
3. Bureau of Uneven Sidewalk Awareness $1.8M
4. National Soap Carving Championship Grant $700K
5. Bureau of Left Handed Scissors $250K
6. National Moth Appreciation Day Initiative $250K
7. The Federal Cheese Wheel Roll Off $1.2M
8. The Office of Inflatable Pool Regulations $500K
9. Duck Quack Research Fund $4M
10. National Database of Presidential Hairstyles $800K
11. National Pillow Fluffing Initiative $1.5M
12. Bureau of Elevator Music Standards $2.1M
13. Federal Bureau of Traffic Cone Counting $1.3M
14. Office of Seasonal Pumpkin Oversight $800K
15. National Chair Spinning Safety Council $400K
16. Federal Kazoo Orchestra Grant $2M
17.American Cloud Watching Fund $1.1M
18. The Department of Leftover Labeling $600K
19. The Bureau of Ice Cube Uniformity $2.5M
20. The National Velcro Noise Study $1.7M
21. The National Bubble Wrap Stress Relief Study $1.4M
22. Bureau of Mailbox Feng Shui $900K
23. Federal Balloon Animal Training Academy $2.3M
24. National Pretzel Untwisting Initiative $600K
25. Department of Sock Pairing $1.8M
26. Federal High Five Coordination Bureau $1.2M
27. National Ice Cream Cone constructural  Integrity Lab $700K
28. Office of Puddle Depth Measurement $3M
29. Bureau of Alarm Clock Testing $1.5M
30. Federal Litter Clean Up Task Force $2M
h/t Areaoncho
Ah nuts, just too late to edit.
Warning, the above post is satire I have now discovered, but when satire is indistinguishable from truth we are in loads of trouble.
Virginia is the top state in the nation for federal contract awards, according to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. In 2023, the state received $106 billion in contracts.
Does anyone think all this leftie corruption and electoral fraud indicate that the Far Left do not trust the people to embrace their flawed ideology without it?
And, perhaps, the left’s pathological dislike of elections may be another symptom.
“Council shake-up sees elections delayed in nine areas”
This is being driven by Sir Starmer’s Deputy, Angela Rayner.
Socialists both.
[…] Nova wonders why no media outlet on Earth seemingly figured this out for themselves. Perhaps it was the millions in funding the government paid some media outlets, presumably, to say nothing at all the right […]
Careful, if you keep that up you may go into and endless loop.