
7.6 out of 10 based on 28 ratings

116 comments to Monday

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      David Maddison

      Our Uniparty politicians don’t really care and the Lamestream Media is not too fussed.

      After all, most of them would welcome a Commie invasion.

      I think the Chicomms are testing what TRUMP’s reaction will be as he must find the attitudes of the extremely woke Australia and NZ ANZUS Treaty alliance members very troubling.

      Our Ambassador to the US KRudd, the PM Al-bozo and the Foreign Minister Wrong all have severe, incurable cases of TDS and EDS.


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        … the Chicomms are testing what TRUMP’s reaction will be …

        Yes, plus the CCP’s real irritation on the possibility of Aus aquiring nuclear subs. This issue has had the CCP constantly jabbing away at it since it was first mooted. The Chinese navy is well advanced in most areas but not subs.

        Plus the real possibility that by constantly unsettling the Aus Govt (live fire, anyone ?) the ALP will turn eventually turn turtle on nuclear subs and abandon them.


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          I don’t think us getting nuclear subs makes any difference to the world at all.

          Its just a pain for the Yanks to have to train another set of foreign incompetents, we’re getting all their castoffs while they build new ones, and the total number of subs won’t change if we buy them or not.

          I’m sure if the Chinese are short of sub tech the Russians will get them up to speed. How many nuclear-tsunami remote subs has Russia got off the coast of America now?


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        John Connor II

        If the US has DOGE, then we should have CANGA – Committee Assessing Nutjob Government Activities
        Or KOALA – KO All Lefty Artifices
        Or ABC – All Born Cabalists
        Or BOM – Burying Obviously true Measurements
        Or TGA – Trustworthiness Goals Abrogated


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      Classic “probing in force” tactic.

      Note any reaction; timing, and its tactical approach. Adjust if necessary.

      I suggest folks read up on the role one Captain James Cook had in the Seige of Guebec.

      No expert here; the closest I came to nautical prowess was learning how to operate Army assault boats, back in the day.

      China already owns, literally, a huge chunk of the Australian meat trade; literally from “paddock to plate”

      They also “took advantage” of this during the Kovid Kaper; with regular Chinese-flagged Jumbos per week, flying out of Wellcamp airport in Toowoomba, laden with tasty tucker, including a lot of wine. DIRECT flights tracked all the way to Hong Kong.

      See also: Commercial and domestic real estate.

      The Oz peasantry has LONG been sold down the river. And the new masters are adept at employing “useful idiots” from the local herd, to do the dirty work and provide a “plausible” screen.


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      Just Our Landlords dropping down to check us out!


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        Few government ministers would give up their weekend to clear an administrative backlog at any point of the election cycle, let alone on the eve of a campaign.

        Which is why we must conclude that Immigration Minister Tony Burke’s explanation last Friday for unprecedented mass citizenship ceremonies in western Sydney is tosh.

        Burke was not there to reduce an alleged waiting list of 50,000 would-be citizens. He was there to stack the electoral roll with thousands of people he thinks will vote Labor.

        If Burke has a late-onset passion for clearing backlogs, he and Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus might turn their minds to the 35,000 people appealing visa refusals at the Administrative Review Tribunal. Two-thirds of these are students who have overstayed their welcome.

        A minister who appears to be treating certificates like real-estate brochures in a box labelled “Please take one” is committing profanity in the eyes of patriotic, socially conservative blue-collar voters who were once rusted on to Labor but have been steadily rusting off for the past 30 years.

        Once they would have been the core constituents in a seat such as Watson, which Burke has occupied since 2004. Today it is a multicultural enclave demographically poles apart from most of the rest of Australia.


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        I think they’re just doing what we’re doing in the South China Sea, giving back a bit of what we give them.


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          Do we do live fire exercises?

          I am unaware that ANYONE has said that they were encroaching on waters we claim and therefore entitled to harass them.

          OTOH anyone sailing in international waters in the SC Sea can expect to be rammed, have water cannon sprayed on them, flares released so they could be injested by jet engines etc.

          There is no equivalence.


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      No, it’s fairly common for foreign navies to conduct live fire drills (to 50,000′) in say the Middle of the English Channel (150km from Sydney). (Later note: the actual fire drill were 640km from Sydney and into active aircraft flight paths). That’s literally a shot over the bows for both Australia and New Zealand, obviously menacing both countries with war as plainly as you could.

      And the Chinese government has objected to our objections, claiming we are too sensitive. It’s not even a game but contempt.

      Given the Pacific ocean covers half the planet, being just off the coast of Australia is an obvious place to test fire munitions in the busiest air space in the region. Perhaps they could try Los Angeles next?


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      Tit for tat maybe. We maintain a right of way claim in the South China sea with a military presence.

      Gathering intelligence for sure. And extending their coverage.

      If China was to launch something big elsewhere, those three ships would take us out of the argument for a time. If they were armed with nukes maybe they could shut us down.


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        Jon Rattin

        Speaking of tit for tat. I guess if rampant Lefties can angle grind the heads off statues of British explorers and Royals, it’s understandable that a disgruntled individual can vandalise an $18,000 art installation Doomsday clock.


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        Our ‘Freedom of Navigation’ flights through international airspace have not included live firing exercises. The only ‘live firings’ in those flights were flares dispensed from an agressive Chicoms fighter into the path of our maritime surveillance aircraft.


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          ” ‘Freedom of Navigation’ ”

          Now THERE’S some stretched words! A typical Americanism that means ‘we will do provocative things in your back yard to embarrass your Govt and create trouble, which we will instantly scream about and blame you.’

          They do it all the time with Russia, its helps their “Putin is baad’ propaganda.


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        According to the NZ minister, these ships have a weapons range of 1000km. More than enough to shut down or attack Melbourne and Sydney simultaneously.


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          China could lob missiles into Australia from China if it came to war. Australians have to get used to the idea that our remoteness doesn’t preserve us from attack anymore.
          It’s the message that needs to get through Albanese’s and Marles’ head. Their current position ie Defence is a very low priority when its funding is required elsewhere to win elections.


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      Nah , no problem. Everyone will still rush out and buy cheap MG cars and ChiQ fridges. No amount of Chinese sabre rattling will perturb our apathy.


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        Oh well, I suppose some awareness maybe raised by the first missile arrivals; but only if Collingwood isnt playing Carlton or the Real Wives of Sydney new season isnt on.


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      Mark Jones

      Nobody has made comment about this as yet. CCPNavy in our neighbourhood. Much concern about being inside our EEZ…which nobody but Australians abide by…Live fire exercise across a very busy airspace…blah, blah, blah. However, a task force of a cruiser, a destroyer and an oiler…an oiler that does not leave its station. Question. Why do only two vessels require the permanent service of an oiler? Obvious answer, they have no operational range, they are a long,long way from any support and they are desparate to make any attempt to project “force”. By comparison, we launched Oberon subs from our mainland to offshore Vladivostok in the middle of the cold war! If the CCP is reading, thanks for telling us how useless you are outside 600nm from your mainland. I am sure our guys have been shadowing you and observing how many times you take on fuel for both of your war making vessels. Hope you have a substantial task force to protect your service station!


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      Bill Burrows

      Well spotted Tony. What has happened to prescribed burning in Australia? As the saying goes “if we don’t learn from history, we are bound to repeat it”.

      Attaching a few PowerPoint slides (extracted from past talks I have given) – see the following link: .
      The USA data included in the first slide mostly refers to US rangeland (livestock grazing) communities up to the year 2000. Nevertheless, this curve closely mirrors the declining pattern in fire extent in that country, referred to in the Nature article you cited. The 3 remaining slides give an Australian perspective on past burning on this continent. Reference sources are either on the slide itself or given in the Notes section below the each PPt slide (q.v.).


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    The Dutch seem to be heading for a ban on social media for Children

    I think Oz was thinking of something similar but how do you check childrens ages without checking everyones ages? Surely that requires digital i.d.?


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      David Maddison

      Yes. Australia has passed into law, waiting to be implemented next year after recommendations of how to implement it by the e Safety Kommisar.

      but how do you check childrens ages without checking everyones ages? Surely that requires digital i.d.?


      That was the whole point. It was a surreptitious way of getting EVERYONE on social media to be ID’d and have their digital person number associated with their social media posts.

      That way they can use AI to give you a Chicomm-style social credit score according to your level of compliance with the Official Narrative.

      You can then be assessed for the quantity and type of rations and freedom you get such as insect and other “food” rations, freedom to leave your 15 Minute City, freedom to travel, size of housing etc..


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        Stay off social media is obviously the only sensible solution. I’ve managed to get this far without Facebook or X.


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          And then they came for this site……

          And still I did nothing.

          If you can’t see this creeping control landing on everything you touch then you’ve missed the point of the digital ID laws. They are always optional, just like breathing.


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            Robert Swan


            I’m of two minds on this one. Posting under a pseudonym has been available on the Internet from back in the Usenet days (and before, I bet), but I have bother seeing it as a fundamental right. Free speech is *my* freedom to say what *I* want. I don’t think hiding my identity is in that deal. You don’t *have* freedom of speech if you have to speak anonymously.

            In any case, how much anonymity do you *really* have posting under an pseudonym at Jo Nova’s? The website knows your IP address, and government officials can track that down to your ISP and thence to your physical connection. A bit inconvenient for them, but it wouldn’t be hard to automate if the government had a mind to.


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              I wrote some papers with a climate scientist some years ago. The person didn’t dare use their proper name as they worked for the govt and would have been fired or ostracised for being sceptical


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                Robert Swan

                That’s a real problem, but I put it to you that anonymity is the wrong remedy. It just further entrenches the problem.


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              Not sure, but what happens when folks use a VPN? My son purchases his streaming service using an Argentinian IP via an VPN – apparently a lot cheaper.


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                Robert Swan


                VPNs can make it harder, as can nested proxies, but in the end, when you post your comment it has to wend its way to Jo Nova’s site, and since HTTP is a TCP protocol, there *is* some form of connection all the way back to your browser for the site to acknowledge receipt of your comment. (optional detail: it’s a three-way handshake me->jo: connect; jo->me:accepted your connection; me->jo: got your acknowledgement; then the content gets transmitted)

                A VPN usually encrypts the content which is likely to be very hard to unscramble, but that’s only for the journey. It’s back into plain English (plus typos, spellcheck weirdness, etc.) at Jo’s site where a motivated person with powerful resources has a good chance of working out where it originated.

                So a VPN is safe against ordinary scammers, but not so much against governments.


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                If the owner of the VPN site refuses to pass on your IP address then the service is completely anonymous.

                All the VPN has to do is use a fixed IP pool for it’s customers, their customers are allocated an address from that pool and that IP address is what the rest of the world see. For example Google sends some data to you via the VPN. If Google are forced to track WHO downloaded a file, they would get the issued IP address and that’s as far as they can go.

                It all relies on the VPN provider having a secure service and NOT passing on YOUR IP address, (as it maps to their outward IP pool).


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                Thanks to Robert and Ian for their information. Very interesting, and seems to indicate that perhaps VPNs don’t hide your address that much.


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                Protecting the plumbing is just one layer of protection. What happens further up the layers can still leave you well labelled and identified.

                This article is a nice summary.



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              I saw somewhere, VPNs are very crackable.


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                Yes, but you have to crack it. And then you are only back at the original computer which communicates via encrypted transmissions and you have to crack that to get to the originating computer. Most VPNs allow you to change site as often as you like.

                I use VPNs when needed. For example to work with government sites in Europe. If they detect you are from overseas, you are treated differently and sometimes cannot get free access.

                Or if you want local news, say in Chicago. Everything which appears, from news to advertising is targeted at your home address and as a foreigner, you are treated differently.

                And there is nothing to stop you using a Virtual Machine on top of that, so a successful hacker finds themselves on an empty machine.


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                All very interesting. I often wonder if I could use a VPN to make it appear as though I am based overseas when chasing down cheap air fares.


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                The Govts don’t need to ‘crack’ them really, they issue the VPN owners with a summons that allows them to trace traffic AND bans the VPN owners from telling anyone they have been compromised.

                The Yanks have been busted for it, so I assume all the Western Govts are doing it.


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                “The Advanced Data Protection (ADP) tool is an optional feature which means only account holders can see things like photos or documents that they have stored online. Apple itself does not have access to the data.

                However, the UK government reportedly requested the right to see the data earlier this month. In response, Apple has removed the tool from use in the UK…Security officials argue that encryption hinders criminal investigations, while tech firms defend it as essential to user privacy.

                The loss of end-to-end encryption for iCloud backup means Apple would be able in some instances to read user data such as iMessages that would otherwise be protected and pass it on to authorities if legally compelled.”


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      Mike Jonas

      An idea that I have seen elsewhere (not on X) which strikes me as incredibly constructive is that every schoolchild should augment their schooling with Grok. With guidance on how to use it constructively. That way, children would really learn stuff regardless of school competence, and it would combat school wokery.

      Only Grok is unbiased, and it really is an amazing facility.


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    The first paragraph of this article says it all

    Only 8% of the population could be called progressive activists (other phrases are available) but they exert power and authority way beyond their numbers.

    The sad truth is that most people are not interested or too busy to get involved in activism so a small number who are dedicated to overthrowing or promoting something can exert great influence.


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      I’m a firm believer that we should grant these progressive activists everything that they want.

      No oil, I’m okay with that. Strip them of anything made of plastic, remove access to any means of transport that use oil for lubrication, (fuel too of course). And if the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing, then turn off their electrical power.

      I’m all for living the life you chose. Let them too.


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      There has been a popular theory in political circles for decades that most people like football fans vote the same way every time, regardless of the facts. Only a small group change their vote, so politicians target these people. It gives activists everything they want.

      This has started to fail recently as it has become so extreme that Labor parties in the UK, Australia, America have abandoned left voting workers completely. But the kicker is that in all three areas, the workers are changing their allegiances.

      Unfortunately for the workers, both sides are playing the same global game, so the difference between Labor and the Tories, Labor and Liberals, Democrats and Republicans is zero. Which is why Farage is booming in support. And in the US, Trump has abandoned the McConnells and McCains and Cheneys and slick Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney and their Fascist globalist or Chinese communist agendas.

      And in the last election, 5% of voters switched sides to Trump’s Republicans. That has not happened in decades. And with what he is doing to demonstrate government employees doing whatever they please with public money, it will continue.

      RINOs are being tossed overboard. Next election you will likely see Republican Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska primaried out of their jobs if they try to vote Democrat.

      And I expect you will see a big increase in Republican representation at the next half election instead of a protest vote against the government. The sentiment even in Blue California is changing rapidly, especially after Hollywood homes burned to the ground under a government which does not care.


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    Paul Cottingham

    Starmer’s US Visit Set for Tense Talks as VP JD Vance Criticizes UK Censorship Laws:

    Vice President JD Vance insists that the topic of ‘free speech’ will be on the table. Starmers far-left Stalinist persecution of British citizens on religious and/or ideological grounds will be on the table. Political prisoner Tommy Robinson and his journalism exposing Labour Party crimes will be mentioned. Far-left socialist Britain has been repeatedly criticized, particularly for its sweeping orwellian censorship law, the Online Safety Act. The legislation has the unfortunate quality of threatening free speech and US companies.

    Vice President JD Vance said of the Stalinist East German type regime in Britain “We’re simply telling them to respect the values on which our civilisation was founded, that you ought to debate with one another, your government should respect when the people have a dissenting viewpoint. It’s very simple, and it’s very obvious.”

    However like Stalin, far-left Starmer accuses his enemies of being far-right supporters of free speech fanatic, Adolph Hitler. So refuses to talk to Putin, Farage or Tommy Robinson.


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    another ian


    Method in that email reply –

    “”They Are Covering Immense Fraud”: Musk Says Surprise Fed Emails Meant To Uncover ‘Non-Existent Or Dead People’ Collecting Paychecks”

    “”The reason this matters is that a significant number of people who are supposed to be working for the government are doing so little work that they are not checking their email at all!” Musk wrote on X. “In some cases, we believe non-existent people or the identities of dead people are being used to collect paychecks. In other words, there is outright fraud.” ”


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    another ian


    “The ‘Remote Work’ Movement”

    “I get it: It looks like a free lunch.

    And for some people perhaps it is. If your job is just a job, and you’re not really after climbing the ladder in the corporate world then it would appear to have little downside.

    But it does have downside.”

    “It is precisely that quality — observation and then initiative which will further the business — that employers who have some intelligence in their executive suite look for. It is also how you take your wage and add 50% or even double it in one step instead of another fifty cents or buck an hour a year.

    If you demand to work remote you’re telling management you’re not interested in that.

    Choose wisely.”


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      Old Goat

      If you can “work from home” you can be replaced by AI . All office workers are overhead expense and many are going to get replaced – call centre staff are already in that zone. When you consider how many call centre staff get flummoxed when you take them off script….


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      MeAgain Since Covid there are younger people who have never actually been ‘to’ work. After the emotional ‘germophobe’ stunting of the COVID scam itself, this is a great way to reduce workforce costs – not so much ‘work from home’ as ‘work at home’ for some.

      Consider the following exchange between the 25-year-old and an older family member (OFM):

      OFM: “So what are you doing for work now you’ve finished studying?”

      25 y/o: “Oh, I’ve been lucky, I’ve managed to get a really good job in administration for a great company.”

      OFM: “Sounds interesting, what are the hours?”

      25 y/o: “Monday to Friday, 8 to 6.”

      “8 to 6, that’s a long day, you must be tired at the end of it, what with all the travel as well.”

      “Oh, there’s no travel! It’s all work from home.”

      “What, you mean you never go into the office?”

      “No, none of the admin or support staff do.”

      “Have you EVER been into the office?”

      “No, the interview was over Zoom.”


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    another ian



    “Ryan Saavedra
    This is the crux of the problem facing Europe right now, including its
    security situation with its weak militaries.
    Severe overregulation has stifled their economic growth.
    Douglas Carswell*E @DouglasCarswell • 22h

    Home Depot is worth more than all the European start ups created in the past 50
    years combined. Home Depot.

    public From-scratch and EU Companies Less than 50 Years Old With Market Cap
    1 1:51 AM Feb 23, 2025 • 51 Views”

    (My bold)

    I doubt Oz features very well either


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      Australia has a couple of big ones. FMG is valued at $60bn. Fox Industries valued at $25bn. Visy is probably is probably up around $10bn. Bunnings only $2.4bn but a big player in Australia.

      Some may be a little older than the 50 year mark but still in the lifetime of the founder except Visy in that list.

      It would be interesting to do the analysis.


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        I was consulting to FMG back in the day. The project was an upgrade for FMG to allow then to ship 155 MT of ore per annum.

        Gina was just starting out on her iron ore shipping business and was investing somewhere in the order of $10B to create a similar out going facility at Port Hedland, just across the creek from FMG.

        At the time, Gina could have bought ALL the shares of FMG for much less than $10B and would have owned the whole port load out facility AND the mines and their future production for less than what she was paying for the port.

        I always thought that she should have invested more wisely.

        And of course, when I pointed this detail out to several of the senior managers at FMG they became very nervous. I don’t think they had ever thought that a take over would be viable. But as soon as they multiplied the number of shares by the share price they went very quiet. And of course, they spoke very quietly about Gina from then on, just in case the walls have ears.


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    This is the first article I have read that makes a firm prediction on the outcome of EPA’s endangerment review:

    The Environmental Protection Agency is about to bury the unscientific idea that carbon dioxide is a pollutant. Dropping this “endangerment finding” represents the beginning of the end of the great global warming hoax.

    Time will tell if this is well informed or highly speculative.

    I would be surprised if Lee Zeldin has not recommended rescinding the finding. The Trump Administration may be planning how they address any legal attacks before the public release. The blue States will be high and dry on their NetZero voyage without their Federal gifts.


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    Greg in NZ

    And just like that there are 3 troppos:

    TC Rae, Cat 2, 985 hPa, formed last night and is now drifting southwards through the (eastern) Fiji islands of the Lau Group.

    TC Alfred (aka ‘Anthony’), Cat 1, 991 hPa and soon to be Cat 2, formed in the Coral Sea and is slowly drifting southeastwards.

    Our large NZ blocking high – summer at last! – is keeping these storms well to the north of us as they slide along the Tropical Convergence Zone, ie. we’re still under the effect of Antarctic fronts and hence missing out on that lovely tropical warmth & humidity which used to be standard fare for February.

    TC Bianca, Cat 1, 997 hPa, is way out to sea off NW WA following the same track most of its predecessors took, harmlessly drifting into the Indian Ocean.

    Meanwhile the 3 naval ships of Chairman Xi are off the east coast of Tasmania, possibly spying on the ‘world-leading’ battery operated ferries being built there to ‘save the planet’ or sumpfink™️ – I mean, what else does the map o’ Tassie offer them?


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    Can we handle the truth after 80 years of lies and propaganda?


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    Peter C

    German Elections
    AfD won second place in the German elections yesterday but will likely be denied a place in any coalition government due to a so called ‘firewall’.
    Does anyone know how the German elections system works in terms of percentage votes converting into seats?


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    Massive brawl erupts at Atlanta airport terminal, viral video shows

    Dozens were caught on camera throwing punches, kicking at a Spirit Airlines terminal at the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport

    Any Guesses?

    As a Commenter said “You can take the Animal out of the Jungle, but you cannot take the Jungle out of the Animal”


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      another ian

      This could become quotable – from comments there

      “Never in the history of our great country (and probably in the history of the world) has such a small group done so little for so few for so long while declining so many opportunities then go on to inflict such misery, cruelty and discourtesy on so many.”


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      It was funny reading the comments on News, with everyone trying so hard not to notice the very obvious in the video.


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    Serious question: is Elon Musk the Second Coming of Christ? I’m not a big church goer but he really ticks off all the boxes. We are genuinely seeing the forces of good prevail from a man who’s dedicated himself selflessly to this cause. He has nothing to gain from his crusade. He’s literally doing it just for us because he loves us.


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      John Connor II

      Well, the invisible sky creature believers of all faiths have been waiting 2,000 years so far for their respective deities to appear, so maybe Elon can part the seas and create talking snakes, but I suspect not.


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        Greg in NZ

        Tho he doth verily bringeth down fire from heaven when his Starlink satellites burn as they succumb to gravity’s attraction.

        He also enjoys sparking up a spliff now & then – not sure if that was written about in ye olde parchments of Bronze Age wisdom, though medicinal plants have been savoured by mankind ever since Lucy originally fell out of her tree…


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      John B

      A note of sarcasm, I believe.


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      I will beleive it when he brings forth the Holy Hand Grenade.


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    John Connor II

    Mad Scientist Wants To Engineer People To Not Like Meat And Make People Shorter To Reduce Carbon Emissions

    Scientist Mattew Liao, Director of the Center for Bioethics and Arthur Zitrin Professor of Bioethics at the New York University School of Global Public Health, and Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Moral Philosophy, discussed in an open forum at the World Science Festival in 2016 the possibility of genetically engineering the population to reject eating meat in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    Why bother?
    The days of big strong men like Daniel Boone are long gone to be replaced by shorter weaker men now as machines do the work we used to.
    Evolution works fast.


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    Greg in NZ

    Forget who the cartoon character was that proudly stated – with hand on heart –

    I, for one, welcome our new lion overlords.

    The top 8 surnames of 2024:
    Singh, Kaur, Smith, Patel, Williams, Sharma, Brown, Wilson.

    Back in 2014 the top 3 were:
    Smith, Wilson, Brown.

    I’m surprised there’s no Wang nor Kim nor Botha in there as they’ve been arriving by the plane-load for decades.

    Ironically, Isla and Noah were the most popular Christian names for girls and boys last year… Isla Singh for you? Noah Kaur was an English comedian? NB. Singh is Sanskrit for ‘lion’.


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    Kalm Keith

    Total coincidence, this has been going on for some time.

    An earthquake has been recorded near Muswellbrook in the New South Wales Upper Hunter region. The magnitude-4.1 quake was felt hundreds of kilometres from the mining town. A seismologist says the quake is part of an “earthquake swarm” in the region.12 Nov 2024


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    The chook Nazi says: “No more eggs for you! Round up the chooks and exterminate them as suspects for avian flu. Kill the asymptomatic chooks as well”.


    “Using PCR to justify mass culling of asymptomatic chickens in ‘avian flu outbreaks’ is like sentencing an entire town to exile because a few dust particles tested positive for smoke. Detecting viral fragments (often indistinguishable from nucleic acids from damaged cells) is not the same as confirming infection, let alone infectiousness—yet entire poultry industries are dismantled based on a molecular whisper, not a biological reality. Even Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR, warned that it should never be used as a diagnostic tool for infectious diseases”.
    Sayer Ji


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    another ian


    “Oops! I Think the NYT Just Said the Quiet Part About Deportation Out Loud”

    Spare a smear of sympathy?


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      Interesting. No criminals. No drug dealers. No one but Latinos. And all hardworking people around the Hamptons doing all the hard and dirty and repetitious jobs. But it’s consisent. The one plane load of people which was sent directly to the Hamptons was promptly deported. They want their slaves compliant and filtered and Latino. These are picky billionaires. The Obamas among them.


      • #

        Americans love their slaves.

        Slaves 1.0 were actually imported. Big mistake.
        Slaves 2.0 were left at home in China. Much better, they could never claim citizenship or vote but can’t help around the house.
        Slaves 3.0 are the illegals, hybrids of 1.0 and 2.0 who suffer Stockholm Syndrome and Trump is trying to ruin a good thing.


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    Ya gotta ❤️ the Israelis, they just flew a four ship flight of fighter jets over the terrorist Nasrallah’s funeral in Beirut. It was held in a stadium with thousands in the streets so many thousands saw the three F-35s and what looked like a [non-stealth] F-15 give him a salute fit for a king.
    You can cut the irony with a knife. Nasrallah was killed in the heart of Beirut by these planes, now they photo-bomb his funeral.


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    another ian


    “GO READ THIS. IT’S EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: I’m concerned that many people do not understand the historical and institutional context in which the DOGE labor reforms are unfolding. They look at this as if these are some random, chaotic, arbitrary, strange, and even cruel measures to impose on a devoted civil service.”



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    Just looking at AEMO despatch. Everything look nicely balanced, interconnectors lightly loaded. Prices in each State still $120


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    another ian

    FWIW – maybe high speed rail isn’t the answer to a train travel problem?

    Via SDA


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      High speed rail is the manifestation of an inferiority complex: Them little yellas can do it so can we!

      First prove the need. There is none.


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    Since 2017 we have no right to leave the country without being scanned:

    How long do you reckon until ‘stop the boats’ will be flipped where they are trying to stop people leaving, rather than stopping the boats dropping new people off?


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      Not as fast as ‘leaving the country’ will mean ‘leaving the country but taking no money!’

      ‘Oh, you don’t need to spend that much of Australia’s diminishing wealth on a holiday, we can only let you take $100/day..’

      ..and if you don’t have a return ticket you won’t get out at all. International bank transfer?? Get permission for that! Sending money overseas? Not a chance…

      Financial exchange controls first, people controls when really desperate!


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    Zelensky happy to resign if Ukraine gets into NATO.. Now that Trump is pulling the plug I expect he’ll resign anyway, a nice chateau in France is better than the Presidency of a country with no future!


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    Election date anyone? In various media, it looks like it has already been announced – had to check I hadn’t missed something


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    Martin Armstrong being interviewed- ‘Prepare for the end of democracies.’

    “You know the interest expenditures in the United States are exceeding $1 trillion. The national debt was $1 trillion under Ronald Reagan in 1980… it’s not a sustainable system. And all Western governments are basically in the same boat with this…we will go through another sovereign debt crisis like this…then often, unfortunately, they use war as the excuse to default.

    Even the United States, the Revolutionary War, the Constitution said they would honor the debts of the Continental Congress. They never did. In World War One, they defaulted on the debts, even Canada…France is in what, its fifth republic and each new government says we don’t pay the debts of the last one…Spain became the serial defaulter. I think it was seven times starting in around 1570. They successfully took themselves from the richest country in Europe to basically a third world status…

    Governments only really act in their own self-interest. They always just want to sustain their power. It has nothing to do with the people or anything else. ”

    Whole countries dissolving the big crash of 2032!


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    They can map the fluoridation but not the water quality…

    How many households on their fluoride map don’t drink the water out of the tap anyway or don’t have tap water from government and rely on rainwater tanks.

    Not one mention in the ABC story about WHY councils have concerns – it’s all a dental health issue.

    Successive state governments dismissed calls to reintroduce mandated fluoride despite campaigning by organisations including the Australian Medical Association, which promoted fluoridation as a safe and effective public health measure.


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    “Perhaps students should no longer be part of an immigration cap because they are vital to our colleagues, they’re vital to our people in the future.”

    At a time of rising geopolitcal tensions, Ms Treadell said education systems in Australia and the UK were a crucial form of soft power that could be used as part of diplomatic efforts.

    “If we give them the best education we have, if they have the greatest experience of their time in our countries, they are friends and allies and partners in the future,” she said.

    I had reason to review the Auditor General’s reports of Sri Lanka in 2020. One of the outstanding issues is academics who have left Sri Lanka with outstanding study bonds – where they have had previous studies funded by the government on the basis that they stay and serve their institution for a defined period after this study, else they are to pay back some of the costs of the study. It was thought that they were mainly in Australia.

    There are more Ghanaians employed in the NHS than in the health service in Ghana.

    Not to say all the students who don’t have such a great time and get a poor level of education in dodgy institutions.

    I think the High Commissioners view of the situation lacks nuance – that immigration caps also lack I guess.
