A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I was told ‘renewable’ energy would cheap and effective.
Who do I see for a refund?
‘would cheap BE and effective.’
Sorry for the editing error.
I was distracted with perturbment over my outrageous electricity bill …
because my stupid Democrat controlled state can only meet 40% of its’ energy needs because of virtue signaling, politically expedient ‘Green’ energy fantasy goals.
Now they’re scrambling to rediscover nuclear, which will only take a decade if we’re lucky.
Dee-neye ‘Science’?
How about we not dee-neye engineering for a while.
I think the failure was intended the whole time.
‘would BE cheap and effective.’
Mis-edited again.
Still distracted with perturbment.
In the UK, we will be asking that question of HM Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, the Wonderful Mr. Miliband.
He of the Very Expensive Underwater Wires, naturally.
Whether he will have a sensible answer is, of course, moot.
But he might be able to tell us where our thousands of millions of pounds have gone!
I was amazed that Farage is talking of a tax on windmills and solar panels.
It means they, like most Australians, do not realise half of their electricity cost is carbon tax buried in the electricity prices
and which funds the windmills and solar panels.
It was an illegal Australian invention of John Howard who while claiming to be ‘agnostic’ on man made CO2 driven Global Warming, invented the idea of certificates which turn into cash. The 2001 Renewable Energy(Electricity) Act was a master stroke of deceit, avoiding two words, carbon and tax. And it was copied in the UK.
Unfortunately as it is not a tax, it is illegal, directing people’s money to friends of the king, something called enriching third parties and forbidden since Magna Carta. Even Julia Gillard had no idea when she declared “there will be no carbon tax in a Government I lead”. This brought her down politically because no one in Australia wanted a carbon tax. And still politicans and pundits do not realise the tens of billions which have flowed. For nothing at all of benefit to Australians based on theft of which they are unaware.
Turn off the carbon taxes, fire all the carbon employees and electricity would halve overnight and the coal power plants would roar in a few years, halving CO2 output anyway. As would the use of gas.
It’s all a giant scam.
Forced by the Greens (by whatever name they ran at the time) to get some other bill through.
It’s called democracy!
Sure. And not repealed when they could? It’s called treachery and opportunism.
No. It’s called blackmail. Democracy via the senate isn’t “if you approve this then we’ll approve that”.
A party with no seats in the house of reps (at that time) got to have influence via balance of power in the senate.
The senate was set-up as a house of review to ensure that the populous states with the most seats didn’t just govern for the populous states. It was meant to be a safeguard. Not an obstruction to reasonable legislation (they obviously thought it was reasonable because they ultimately voted for it).
THat’s not the attitude we expect, Honk.
You must merely scale down your energy use. The UK is leading the way
We can give you an hour of energy per day-from renewable sources of course. Would you like it all at once or we could offer 2 half hour sessions, as long as that doesn’t include any time after sunset.
In Australia, it’s a twit called “Blackout Bowen”. Good Luck with that.
Do not believe your lying electricity bill! Renewables are cheaper!
You just have to understand that most things the Left say are the opposite of objective truth.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
Renewable electricity is cheap.
And that while wind might fail in one location, it would not fail in every location at once. Which was a lie.
Or that solar panels in winter on grey days of a few hours and covered with snow, rain, dust and low angles of incidence would be effective. The problem with mid winter in Northern Europe is that 60North is an elevation of 30degrees on the equinox and 8 degrees in mid winter and the shadow of a mouse would block the sun. But Europeans knew that and thought technlogy would triumph. Its why panels are used as fencing. The whole thing is a scam.
And the sunniest place on the planet, the great empty deserts of South Australia are covered in Solar Panels and windmills which cannot power South Australia let alone anyone else. The environment will destroy them. As expected. But the people’s money flows like a river overseas.
It is daylight robbery, organized by a Green Marxist government supported by the Wets in the Liberal party. If you locked politicians up for corruption, there would be less of this. But they would plead total incompetence, which is credible. These are lawyers and activists and people who are otherwise unemployable.
I thought that UK solar CF was 10-11%. But I see from recent data that it’s only around 9%.
Paris, 49 North, London 51 North. Berlin 52
Glasgow/Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Moscow 56 North.
And Oslo, Stockholm, St. Peterburgs,. 60.
Murmansk 69 North. Population 350,000.
by comparison our lowest Capital is Hobart at 42 South.
They might be very warm in summer but winter is very different. And winter is when survival is the question, not comfort.
The idea that solar is any sort of solution for adequate and commandable power is absurd before you get to cheap.
Unreliables are rubbish. A million times zero is still zero.
Seems the egg industry in USof A has reached total failure point because of avian flu – H5N1, a novel strain of bird flu – and this egg producer has made the call to allow H5N1 vaccines to be given to poultry. Apparently vaccinating against Newcastle disease has occurred for decades so what harm will another one do?
There is no comment in the article on Marek’s disease and many will recall the excellent articles by Jo on the fact that the Marek’s disease vaccine was a “leaky vaccine” that has led to dire consequences. The following is the Brave AI response to the search “mareks disease vaccine was a leaky vaccine”:
“The Marek’s disease vaccine is indeed a leaky vaccine, meaning it prevents the disease’s symptoms but does not stop the virus from infecting the host or spreading to other chickens. This characteristic allows the virus to continue evolving into more virulent strains, which can pose a greater risk to unvaccinated birds.”
Son of covid booster Omelettes coming to kitchens near you soon.
This article is more optimistic:
Thanks for the link. The last paragraph is interesting… especially if you blend in the global situation raging in 2020 (when the reference paper was published) and get….
“Do we stop [people from travelling more than 5km from their homes]showing and [make them wear ineffective masks] build protective fences around our farms [and institute minimum distances between people] with fans to blow away unwanted contaminated dander? Absolutely not. Marek’s [The unadulterated flu] has been around as long as chickens [humans] have, and chickens [humans] are still going strong. Should we vaccinate? That is a personal choice [you can make for your chickens but you are not allowed to make for yourself], and should be made based on [full disclosure including information regarding harmful side effects] considerations like your breed, your situation [age group], and your tolerance of risk [your vitamin D levels and over all health]. No one answer is right for everyone [The covid answer was right for everyone], and no[all] guilt or[and] shame should be attached to your choice [to wanting to wait for the “vaccine” to be properly tested and proven].
Spot which species is the battery hen now LOL.
“The Price of Eggs at CNN
With no real arguments left, the Left is grasping at straws to fuel anti-Trump mania.”
All the chickens are being killed in Australia as well creating an egg shortage.
I don’t see the point. Avian influenza is hard for humans to get so shouldn’t be a problem. (But see note.)
And if they let chickens get it, surely the genetically resistant ones will survive and can be used to breed resistant stock.
Now, even though avian influenza is hard for humans to get, if you do a Goolag search for “avian influenza gain of function” without quote marks, you will see that they are in fact trying to make it easier for humans to catch. Not a joke.
Naturally, the extreme Left Los Angeles Times supports gain of function “research” and publishes supportive articles.
Negative image, indeed.
I think the Left are at war against the humble chicken (chooks as they are colloquially known in Australia) because it’s a popular and inexpensive form of meat and egg protein and they want non-Elites to adopt poverty vegan and insect diets.
I like travelling in the Western areas of Eastern Australia, places like Forbes, Mudgee, Hamilton. I don’t see any suffocation. I do see vast areas of productive land just waiting for reliable irrigation and cheap electricity to run the pumps. The enviros don’t like dams because frogs and tortoises can’t float apparently. The proposed dam on the Mary River was stopped because some amphibians were under threat from rising waters. There are communists at work throughout our government and bureaucracy whose aim is to stifle the growth that could make Australia great.
It’s been the plan for a l-o-n-g time.
USAID and Globalist Plans to Dominate Food Supplies
Kissinger’s proposal in his 1974 Kissinger Report to control human population growth for “national security” and industrial protectionism was couched in glowing ambitions to rescue poor nations “equitably,” elevate African women above gender discrimination, save humanity from climate change (first cold, now hot), and other social justice (Marxist) language. As Dr. Vernon Coleman has warned, “We have reached the point on the political circle where communism merges with fascism.”
This is from a Green German think tank from 2017, but is a good summary of how food supply chains are increasingly consolidated in major firms – I don’t think Coles and Woolies are as big an influence as we think.
To meet the Labor government’s goal of 80 per cent renewables by 2030, we need to overbuild using components we can’t make, to establish an inconsistent power source that will need replacing in 20 years’ time. And it’s going to cost us big time.
As the Man said – Pipe Dreams meet up with Reality and Reality will win, Big Time.
Only 5 years to go so just not going to happen.
If you want to see some inflation then eat out and buy flowers/chocolates today which is Valentine’s Day.
Everything costs nearly twice as much as it did yesterday.
We’ve never bothered with it and we are now over 57 years married!
Congratulations Annie, lovely to hear. Hope you have many more years.
Thank you TedM 🙂
How they gonna get the bots for Hate Speech?
Love it! The ultimate blend of America’s suppressed sexuality in Asia, and on top of it all is the quest to make an artificial person and then being offended when it turns out to be an accurate copy.
All a vehicle for censorship of views not approved by those in power.
and over and over
The EPA’s Titanic Blunder: A $20 Billion Betrayal of Public Trust
Charles Rotter
In a staggering revelation, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin has uncovered a clandestine maneuver by the previous Biden administration, involving the allocation of approximately $20 billion in taxpayer funds to an external financial institution. This move appears to have been a deliberate attempt to circumvent potential budgetary constraints anticipated from the succeeding administration. The funds, earmarked for environmental projects under the Inflation Reduction Act, were distributed among eight entities, notably including the Climate United Fund.
The EPA’s actions represent a profound breach of public trust. It’s imperative that we address this misconduct head-on, not only to rectify the current situation but also to prevent such abuses in the future. The American people deserve a government that operates with integrity, transparency, and accountability—not one that throws their hard-earned “gold bars” into the abyss.
Can those taxpayer funds be retrieved?
And people need to go to jail over this.
Yes, and why NGOs were getting $20Billion for “Climate Change” is a very serious question. These NGOs were not going to fix any problem. They are the problem. And $20Billion pays for a lot of climate activism. Especially when you are routinely ‘shilling’ for Big Oil. The people in these NGOs are paid shills for the Democratic party and friends and the people on the Climate Gravy Train.
If you even considered $20,000 was a bribe to attack ‘deniers’, that’s a million paid activists in single unexplained transaction and in one country from one government department.
Big Marxists have found the crock of gold at the end of the Climate rainbow, the US Democratic party in power. According to one investigator, they were throwing Gold bars off the Titanic.
In Australia, and I assume Britain, once an election is called the government goes into caretaker mode in which it is supposed to govern but not enact policy.
Shirley such a policy is needed in the US between the election and Jan 20th. OK, I see the problem already: The dems have defied every convention the moment it became convenient.
Shirley indeed!
Funny how things stick in your mind. I now have to stop and think how to pronounce “hyperbole”, thanks to the Ranga.
Tesla fights back, at last, against copper charging canle thieves.
Pressurised covers, with marker dye, will deter some.
I wonder how much of the present high price for copper is due to it being wasted in inefficient “renewables” projects where a lot of material resources like copper are used to produce very little output?
I’d imagine there’s a few kg of copper in a 3 to 5 MW generator on a stick, aka wind turbine, not to mention all the cabling to get the intermittent electrons to a town near you.
Here is an interesting essay analysing the mental state of liberals i.e. Leftists in US terminology, not classical liberals in the European sense of the word.
We always knew they were stupid.
When you tell the truth you make a lot of enemies.
And get blank looks from the flock.
I’m in awe of US liberals. Their devotion to party talking points has them committing political suicide on the altar of anti DOGE and anti Musk rhetoric.
Can’t they read polls? Why this particular hill to die on?
My understanding is that each MW of nameplate capacity in a wind turbine requires about 1500Kg of copper.
This, obviously, equates to much more copper per MW of actual output, all of which needs to be prospected for, mined, transported, refined, shaped/machined, insulated, and transported, again.
Siemens-Gamesa’s new 21 MW trial turbine (in Denmark), would thus need a bit north of 30 tonnes of copper, and it may average 2.5-3MW (@ 12-15% efficiency through the year).
The picture gives an idea of the size of this thing!
Figures I have seen, perhaps two years ago:
…Per MW … Nameplate: –
1.5t copper, 1 t Aluminium, 110 t steel, 650 kg rare earth’s, about 400 t concrete.
These may be a bit out of date, but indicate the scale if the UK, say, were to overbuild to, say, 100G, in the hope of getting an average of 12MW, some of the time.
Meant as a reply to DM @ 8.1
Thanks Auto.
Renewables represent an extremely inefficient utilisation of resources.
That are wasteful and expensive in numerous ways.
“Don’t the mainstream media ever get tired of lying?”
“Hollywood, Media Silent as ‘Crocodile Dundee’ Gets Censored
Woke scolds snip ‘problematic’ scenes from ’80s comedy classic”
The article says:
But that’s another Leftist lie.
TRUMP is the one against censorship.
It’s the Left that want censorship.
As usual, the Left state the opposite of the objective truth.
I better order a copy of the uncensored version before it becomes unattainable.
I have previously purchased a copy of Zulu (1964) as that was about to be censored. (Depiction of 1879 Battle or Rorke’s Drift between the British and Zulu in South Africa.)
In the comments, there is an angry Keith Diamond: Sooooo if THE WRITER Paul Hogan ” agrees with the cuts” WHO THE FK ARE YOU TO COMPLAIN? I just watched CASABLANCA for the umpteenth time and the scene where INGRID BERGMAN calls “Sam” a fifty year old black man, “BOY” is representative of how fked up racism was. BUT IT DOESN’T AFFECT YOUR WHITE ASS so you can pretend it’s some kind of “sacred” writing or whatever your dumb ass is pretending!
Reckon it might be this guy, maybe involved in the whole production?
I find really small things make the despair sink in for me these days, this edit of croc dundee is one of them.
Cyclone Zelia is intensifying and changed direction to southeast. Now heading directly toward the Pilbara coast. Central pressure now showing 964hPa and windspeed up to 180kph.
Someone at their ABC massaged that figure as they are now wailing “320 km/h winds”… meanwhile at the other end of the country, their BoM is still calling for snow to 1,000m in Tasmania all weekend and 1,400m for more exposed parts of Victoria’s hill country…
Two years ago to the day the remnants of ex-TC Gabrielle drowned low-lying parts of NZ’s East Cape, yet they who supposedly battle against mis/dis/mal info continue to [inaccurately] refer to the downgraded low as ‘Cyclone’ Gabrielle.
Not sure which is worse: extreme weather or extreme nonsense propaganda.
Looks like it’s now aiming for Port Hedland instead of Whim Creek. At least the Whim Creek pub might be missed this time.
Zelia rossed the coast as category 4. It actually crossed very close to Port Hedland but Their ABC reports that Port Hedland was spared the full fury of the storm. There was a reporter at an open door in her motel room about the time it was passing and it was not the paint removing type of winds I have seen up there.
I can remember when the Pilbara coast would get a dozen or more tropical cyclones making landfall each year. They are now so rare that each one has to be hyped to the moon by Their BoM and Their ABC to sustain the fairy tale that climate change makes all severe weather worse.
I was somewhat surprised that it did not track further SSW before heading for land because the dry air is further south.
Yes, nowhere near the possible 320 kmh previously claimed. Looking at the TV footage, Port Hedland lost a few trees, but with 660mm rain soaking the ground, expected. I see Karoly became involved, claiming due to climate change. The commentary has changed from “the worst” to “one of the worst”. Don’t think it was anywhere near the worst in that area.
The fake conservative Liberals are bad, Labor is far worse but a minority Labor Government in coalition with the Greens is even more of a nightmare than even the present Labor Government.
In 2010 Julia signed a deal with the Greens and we all know how that turned out.
An Australian Muslim leader has compared the vile anti-Semitic comments of two nurses to Matilda captain Sam Kerr’s outburst in a London cab.
Wow didn’t see this coming.
I was in awae of the nurses rapid transition from vile tough guy abusers , to anxiety ridden sorry saying victims
Quite telling.
I hope the police accepting non presentation for questioning and negotiation via solicitors has set a new standard. The $40+Bill a year crowd will make meal of that one. Seriously , anyone else would be arrested and taken in.
“Why We Must SLAM The Chinese Door”
“The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) analyzed three versions of firmware for the Contec CMS8000, a patient monitor used by the Healthcare and Public Health sector, and discovered an embedded backdoor function with a hard-coded IP address, CWE – 912: Hidden Functionality (CVE-2025-0626), and functionality that enables patient data spillage, CWE – 359: Exposure of Private Personal Information to an Unauthorized Actor (CVE-2025-0683), exists in all firmware versions CISA analyzed. The Contec patient monitor CMS8000 (see Figure 1) is used in healthcare settings to monitor human vital signs.
This is a formal warning and it has CVEs assigned to it — the unit has been caught not only transmitting data to China it also has the capacity to have its firmware and configuration updated without command or consent by the owner.”
More at
Well, I hope they check ALL the other patient monitoring systems and tell us what backdoors they have. This transparent propaganda that only China spies on us is getting tiresome.
The sales pitch for the unit probably states that the firmware is periodically updated. Most things that get connected to the internet have some means of updating. It is desirable for the operator to be in control of the update process.
I will never forget the time my friend’s laptop with his navigation software running as we entered the Port Philip rip decided to do its midnight update without any request. Fortunately I always have a Garmin portable GPS loaded with navigation charts in my kit.
Jeez, and I thought an update starting in the middle of a conference presentation was bad
“The Perfect Moment”
“As we watch the fireworks and the dizzying dismantling of the overgrown, twisted brambles of the deep state, a thought keeps coming up in all our groups and chats: Why hasn’t this happened before?”
“Here we are.
In this perfect storm for the deep state, this perfect moment in history.
This is happening the earliest it could happen.
It’s been a long time getting here, but now it’s happening. And it’s glorious.
We might still lose, of course, but I doubt it. The tide has turned. And in this perfect moment, we’re winning.
We have a chance — all we ever wanted was a chance — of restoring the republic.
Because this is the right time. We have the right tools.
Even us who are just killing false narratives, encouraging people in the trenches, making sense of it all.
Let’s get to work.”
The dark force was seeded in the UN in New York.
The Climate hoax has gained so much support it is almost unfathomable. But history proves the gullibility of the masses. I am constantly reminded that not many people truly understand the way things work in the physical world. And there are some things like the connection between mass, energy, gravity field and electro-magnetic field that I do not understand.
So far only USA under Trump’s leadership is breaking free from the horrible legacy of the climate hoax. The grifters like Hansen and Mann conspired with the UNIPCC to take the scientific community into the black hole of anti-science. Turning off their funding will help reduce their dark influence. But there are entire government funded institutions in Australia and the UK that are being paid to keep the hoax alive. I do not see any strong leader stepping up in Australia. Maybe Farage will gain influence in the UK.
It looks like Dutton is our one and only hope, let’s hope he is up to it.
I’m a believer in “The lesser of two evils” and labor is truly evil. Of course the libs could be purer but with support they may get better, labor never will.
“but with support they may get better, ”
Don’t be naive! They have had decades to prove themselves worthy and have failed every time! It is a Uniparty, plain for anyone to see. Things will NOT get better under them. Just look at the losers, wimpy whiners every one of them, promising anything to get power and knowing full well they won’t have to honour any of it!
I didn’t go along with the idea that the US was better for not having a Trump presidency in 2020, the four years of Biden was a tragedy, but when I saw what Musk and his savant “kids” managed over a weekend I knew this was not possible four years ago.
Musk and his refidex of brilliant software engineers were not on board then but nor were the AI tools I assume they are using.
Will they package the tools and sell to governments around the world? Would an Aussie pollie buy it?
I believe the world will benefit from the 4 year break in the Trump presidency. There would be no way people like Gabbard, RFK and Patel would be so firmly in Trump’s team without the Biden era TDS.
I remember the last days of Trump’s first term with advisers like Fauci leading Trump down rabbit holes. Having 4 years tio appreciate the extent of the forces against him was valuable. He has probably achieved more in the last month than he would have got done in the first year of a second consecutive term.
It will make a great movie in a decade! “The Time of Trump!”
..or in thirty years, “How the Modern Age Began”
This is a link to the DOGE tracker.
It states 60,000 employees took up the payout offer giving an annual saving of $30bn. That averages $500k per employee. I consider that a high cost of employing an individual. With almost 3M employees, the wages bill alone works out at $1.5tr if each is getting 500k a year.
Given the bottleneck in the mineshaft, it will take about 10 months for these redundancies to be processed.
And counting
“Over 75,000 Federal Employees Have Now Accepted Trump’s Buyout Offer — Nearly Four Percent of Total Workforce”
But are they letting go the best, those confident in their ability?
It depends on what they have been doing with that ability, and what they intend to continue with…
“The Teachers Are Not Okay”
“Linda McMahon, WWE maven and former Small Business Administrator in the first Trump administration, is in the Senate hot seat today for the start of her confirmation hearings as the nominee to head the Department of Education.
This is another chance for Democrats to trot out the ‘puppy hostage’ card (a really clever phrase I just heard yesterday).”
{“There is a tactic that I call the “hostage puppy.” A group spends much or most of its time and money in horrible, counterproductive ways, but they are also keeping an extremely cute and vulnerable puppy alive. If anyone tries to cut their funding or shut them down, they wheel out the puppy, show its soulful eyes to the cameras, and explain that if their budget is cut or they are shut down, the cute little puppy will die.
The puppy takes many forms and can be more or less literal. ” } (“Their ABC” keeps a kennel)
A good start –
“Linda McMahon says test scores continue to plummet despite the department of education spending A TRILLION DOLLARS.”
FWIW – think before stirring
“Oilfield Rando EXPOSES the NGO That Blamed Trump for Taiwanese Woman’s Death After Her Oxygen Was Cut Off”
And the head of that NGO!
Getting desperate?
“Key technologies under evaluation include:
“short-term storage – batteries integrated into wind turbine monopiles (Verlume);
“medium-term storage – compressed air energy storage (Flasc) and underground pumped hydro (Ocean Grazer) co-located within wind farms;
“long-term storage – electrolyser system installed on offshore platforms directly connected to wind farms (Battolyser).”
Imagine an unfriendly state, like Ruritania, perhaps, attacking one of these . . .
As difficult as it is to listen to RFK Jrs staccato speech, this is truly heart warming and worth the 9 minutes to take it in.
I am encouraged every day now by what is occurring in the USA under Trump.
I am asking for any willing masochist to keep an ear to Their ABC in Australia to see if this speech gets aired on any of their services.
His confirmation at least is being reported, though with the usual ABC leftist spin:
“Vaccine sceptic Robert Kennedy Jr is sworn in as Trump’s health chief after a close Senate vote.”
Thank you. Hope you are well after the ordeal of listening to Their ABC.
Not one demonrat vote.
SMH-.. “: Robert F. Kennedy Jr, the turncoat scion of the great Democratic family and a prominent vaccine sceptic, has been sworn in as US health secretary after just one Republican senator broke ranks to oppose his nomination.”
Then quotes from wonderful Mitch McConnell about RFK having- ““a record of trafficking in dangerous conspiracy theories and eroding trust in public health institutions does not entitle Mr Kennedy to lead these important efforts”.”
Australians assume we have free speech protection in law.
In fact, we don’t.
We grew up with the saying, “it’s a free country, I can say whatever I want”, but we cannot and the restrictions are getting more onerous, more one-sided, more political, and more dangerous.
Sticks and stones will break my bones, but unapproved words will get me arrested.
We need more police helicopters to monitor what people are saying on remote beaches!
Say NO! to free speech.
Protect a snowflake today!
Three great comments in one first-class post!
I hope they’re not copyright because I want a T shirt with your first message, and another one with your third.
Those snowflakes are so fragile.
” A ‘city-killer’ asteroid now has a 2.3 percent chance of slamming into Earth in about eight years, and a terrifying video has revealed what could happen if it does.
The energy released could be equivalent to eight megatons of TNT, capable of devastating an area the size of Washington, DC.”
They’re really trying to wind us up about this 2.3% chance an asteroid might hit earth.
How many icebergs or Olympic-sized swimming pools is D.C.? Just wondering…
It is forecast to hit the Middle East, where it will inflict billions of dollars worth of improvements.
The Younger Dryas asteroid broke up over north Africa and chunks smashed into North America, forcing the climate back to full glaciation.
Try this for size in “Earth meddling”
“Here’s a plan to detonate the world’s largest H-bomb to end global warming — what could go wrong?”
81 gigatons!
Christine Anderson, MEP: The Aggressive Push to Install 15 Minute Cities, Digital ID And CBDCs is a Desperate Attempt to “Erect a Totalitarian Surveillance State” Before Too Many People Wake Up
“What they don’t get, though, is people are waking up because they’re ramping it up.”
“The window is kind of closing, because the critical voices are becoming more and they’re becoming louder. So that’s why they’re ramping things up.”
Lei’s Real Talk today is interesting in that she explains the whispers that Xi is furious that two of his senior advisors got it so wrong predicting Trump’s policies.
I don’t know what he expected, no one has made honest attempts to analyse him so clearly the dishonest attempts were always going to be wrong.
She has an interesting take on Panama and Greenland.
Some may have seen this clip before. I have not seen Newt Grinch so excited in a long time.
This was a week after the election win. It highlights how well Gingrich foretold the first few weeks of Trump’s second term.
Maybe he was in on the planning?
After massive snow storms in Japan, the same in the US
“Winter storm Jett is about to drift across the United States, prompting travel warnings and weather advisories from coast to coast, the Daily Mail reported.
The storm, which is the fifth winter storm in just a week, is expected to take a wide path across the country between Thursday and Sunday. The West Coast is expected to get snowfall on Thursday with up to six feet in high-elevation areas, according to the report.
The National Weather Service (NWS) on Thursday issued several weather alerts for wind, extreme cold, snow, and ice, and wind in parts of California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming and Montana.”
37 years of rapid warming. It’s what happens when you stop paying Climate blackmail.
One Voice for America’s Foreign Relations
February 12, 2025
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Purpose. Article II of the United States Constitution vests the power to conduct foreign policy in the President of the United States. Presidents rely on their Secretaries of State and their subordinate officials to ensure that the United States is served and protected at home and abroad. As the principal steward of the President’s foreign policy, the Secretary must maintain an exceptional workforce of patriots to implement this policy effectively.
Sec. 2. Policy. All officers or employees charged with implementing the foreign policy of the United States must under Article II do so under the direction and authority of the President. Failure to faithfully implement the President’s policy is grounds for professional discipline, including separation. The personnel procedures of executive departments and agencies (agencies) charged with implementing the President’s foreign policy must therefore provide an effective and efficient means for ensuring that officers and employees faithfully implement the President’s policies.
Sec. 3. Definitions. For the purposes of this order:
linked from In a related action, President Trump signed an Executive Order [SEE HERE] outlining that anyone from the State Department or CIA who attempts to retain their involvement in Ukraine and subsequently defies the expressed change in approach by President Trump, will be removed from their position.
President Trump cannot address the proxy war, until he first removes the people who were conducting it. Hence, the executive order.
President Trump signed this executive order yesterday, the same day he had the telephone call with President Putin.
Gathering the reins
‘Failure to faithfully implement the President’s policy is grounds for professional discipline, including separation…of head from shoulders.’
Much better idea!
Steve Bannon on GB news. 1.24.00 pretty excellent right through, but from 1.17 talking the Brits wanting to give Diego Garcia to the Chinese, then lashing the Brit conservatives – could be equally be applied to Aus libs.
How a private equity firm bought up emergency vehicle manufacturers, doubled the cost of fire equipment, and X4 the delivery times, putting over half the aging LA fire fleet off the road, and forcing cannibalisation to try to get vehicles back on out there. 10 mins
I haven’t watched the vid, but that sounds like the kind of scheme that couldn’t happen without having politicians and senior public service types involved.
“KNOW YOUR ROLE! President Trump DROPS Kaitlan Collins for Interrupting Him in the Oval Office”
“He is talking right past her, to the American people directly, and rightfully mocking the legacy media in the process.
And, as we also saw today, he has no problem with telling them to shut their pie holes.
It’s going to be a fun four years.
Not so much for CNN or the dead legacy media, but absolutely for the rest of us. “
Kevin Bloody Wilson has a song –
wind tower death zones
Queenslanders claiming that they learned things through COVID lockdowns….um, no you didn’t
Queenslanders let their Southern fellow Australians face house arrests and did NOTHING
Faking a mass casualty…
Sugar taxes lead to sweet smuggling operations
“Peace in Ukraine would amount to “capitulation,” French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview with the Financial Times.
Macron’s statements come after United States President Donald Trump spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin about ending the conflict in Ukraine..
The French president saw that peace in the Eastern European country would be “bad news for everyone.”
… Macron stressed Europe’s role in regional security while saying that it would be up to Ukraine to discuss issues of territory and sovereignty. “It is up to the international community, with a specific role for the Europeans, to discuss security guarantees and, more broadly, the security framework for the entire region,” Macron said. “”
Poor poodle, completely ignored when the adults started talking. I suppose what Putin & Trump really talked about was carving up Europe between them..
Not really, Trump wants a quick end to hostilities, so in the wash-up Putin gets Crimea but the Donbas must remain with Ukraine.
If the Kremlin clown hits that on the head then ‘Donald the Great’ will apply much stronger economic and military pressure until Putin comes to the table.
A commentator in The Australian seems to be struggling with simple maths and physics. Took a battery amount of “3GW”, then proceeded to multiply it by 24 hours, then 365 days, to obtain some magical huge amount of storage. What are they teaching in schools these days?
When is the public float?
New Accounting Standard uses the language ‘nature-dependant’ electricity
Here’s to the disinformation dozen and the kiddies they stopped getting COVID jab:
Kennedy is still a lawyer and a sons of senators sons of senators sons of senators sons type. We’ll see. But the dissonance is fantastic!