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62 comments to Friday

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    william x

    To all who posted yesterday.. “Los Angeles burns in winter”

    Well said.

    I wish our Lamestream Media, Politicians, Academics and Public officials had just 10% of your total cognitive ability.

    So how do you reduce the impact and risk of your next “Armaggedon Bushfire”.

    The answer is fairly simple…. Allow pre fire mitigation of all properties and parks…. Stop the dropping of incendiaries from aircraft… Also stop (good intentioned) amateur volunteers from indiscriminate backburning in inclement fire conditions… And Jail any arsonist for 20+ years.

    I could then…. happily sit in my fire station, not chasing for months on end, the establishment’s self induced and media love child… Which is… “Climate Change Catastrophic Bushfires”

    And the extra bonus for you all, is that you will be less likely, to see my ugly face responding to your “Gov caused.. Worst day of your life”.


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      Stop the dropping of incendiaries from aircraft – you mean like stop the war?


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        william x

        Oblique question, MeAgain, But glad you asked.

        We are talking wild/bushfires, not war.

        To be clear…

        Firefighting aircraft drop incendiaries to supposedly “stop” a wild/bushfire. It is done to try to turn the fire back on itself.. sometimes it works, most times it makes the fire larger.

        A bad outcome can happen… e.g. The (Australian Bushfires) Canberra, 24 years ago. That tactic fell short.. and 400+ houses were lost.

        How do I know? Well I was there.

        What was done was in good faith… And have we learned at all from that experience?…. Imho, Not really…

        To this date, In 2025, contracted fire service Aircraft are still on call to drop incendiaries to “try” to control bushfires.


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          sometimes it works, most times it makes the fire larger – Aussies are the biggest losers per capita from gambling, we should probably leave this alone too


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      Found this related to fire rather than war but is from the 80’s – I had never heard of this practice


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      And they are off: “Researchers have found that parts of Texas, California, Oregon, and Washington now experience fire weather more than twice as often compared to 1973.” – don’t know why 73 is an important year


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      In the UK we don’t tend to have wildfires but we do have flooding.

      Much of that is due to rivers not being dredged/maintained and people wanting to live near the water so inappropriate sites on flood plains are built on.

      I would assume hot country equivalents are authorities not clearing away brushwood, not making firebreaks and people living in places they really shouldn’t be.


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      at first read I thought weapons testing causing bushfires


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    (Reply to MeAgain 1.1 but registered as #2)Or maybe, might I venture, alluding to vapor aka contrails? I didn’t place too much stock in the “chemtrails” theories but have to admit just on 2 weeks ago while putting the washing out I noted the break up of a vapor trail i.e. series of dashes of what was a short time before a continuous white vapor line. Then I realised the aircraft was actually still up there when a new streak started and within a few seconds stopped. Soon also realised I could count to 4 (one and two and three and four) each time a new streak started and then stopped. A bit like counting between the flash and the thunder to gauge how far away the storm is.

    Anyways the take away for me was the plane didn’t seem to be that high an altitude compared to other (“real”) vapor trails we sometimes get and the “timed” dash effect suggested it wasn’t the result of high altitude disturbance but rather an on then off release. Next day the sky was just one continuous wispy cloud from horizon to horizon – the blue of the upper atmosphere was muted rather than concealed a bit like putting a handkerchief over a lamp.


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      David Maddison

      While I have absolutely no doubt that there’s a lot of evil people out there wishing to harm we Deplorables, I don’t think so-called “chemtrails” are the way they’re doing it

      They’ve already demonstrated that a genetically engineered virus like Covid 19 can achieve everything they want:

      1) Inducing terror among the ignorant classes.
      2) Changing laws, most never to be repealed, to give the government and police enormous intrusive and dictatorial powers, especially in fanatical UN and WEF following countries like Australia. Militarisation of police forces. Using military for civilian control.
      3) Extensive censorship of the truth using social media partners.
      4) Bringing scientists and doctors under control by censoring them, firing them, cancelling them, ridiculing them etc. for daring to have an evidence-based alternative opinion. Lawfare against them.
      5) Loss of faith in science, medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, all basic foundations of a civilised society.
      6) Government control over personal medical decisions
      7) Government banning treatments known to work, e.g. IVM, HCQ, no promotion of known prophylaxis like correcting vitamin D deficiency.
      8) Harming of health due to defective “vaccines” weakening of population.
      9) Directing billions of dollars toward Big Pharma.
      10) Destruction of businesses and personal lives.
      11) Massive economy-destroying Government (taxpayer) debt.
      12) Compulsory administration of potentially and actually dangerous experimental “vaccines”.
      13) Brutal suppression of pro-freedom, pro-reason protests. (Australia)
      14) “Blooding” of police, many of them clearly enjoyed the brutality they were given free range to practice. (Australia). They will be more brutal next time. They enjoyed it. Only two police in all of Australia resigned over it.
      15) Australians used to think they had certain rights guaranteed in law. This proved that we don’t.

      Chemtrails can do none of that.

      The one thing the plandemic taught me was that I could never understand how a supposedly civilised, educated, industrial country like Germany could vote in the National Socialists or support that regime’s genocidal and expansionist policies. Thanks to C-19, I could see all the elements to repeat that same performance right here in Australia. It’s just that this time we didn’t go as far as Germany did. It’s frightening what Australia has become.


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    “DC Superior Court judge has made two orders: The first, denied (Michael)Mann’s motion seeking attorney fees from Mark (Steyn). The second, ordered Mann to pay $530,820.21 in attorney fees and costs to National Review! ”


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    David Maddison

    The scary stories just keep coming.

    Now it’s bubonic plague.

    Australia’s only bubonic plague event was in 1900 and it killed 535 people.

    I’m sure they have an experimental mRNA “vaccine” for this, especially now the Government has “invested” in an mRNA factory.

    Bubonic plague can be treated with antibiotics but don’t worry, they’ll soon have mRNA vaccines. See link at bottom.

    Fears super-powerful Black Death strain could hit Australia

    Experts have warned a disease which killed 50 million people across Europe in the 1300s could make a return, and the result might be even more devastating.

    Jackie Sinnerton
    January 8, 2025 – 1:21PM

    The state should be on the alert for the return of the Black Death that killed up to 50 million people in the 1300s, a Queensland infectious disease expert has warned.


    mRNA vaccines under development

    Currently, there are more than 21 candidate vaccines in the preclinical phase3. Below, we have reviewed the pre-clinical candidates (Tables 1–5) and subsequently those that are in early clinical development with a timeline (Fig. 2). The pre-clinical candidates can be broadly categorised as subunit, live attenuated, vectored (bacterial or viral), DNA, or messenger RNA (mRNA).


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      David Maddison

      Here’s some more.

      I wonder if anyone has been fiddling with the bacterium Yersinia pestis to enhance it and give it “super powers”?

      Now, almost half a decade on since a vaccine was created for COVID-19, scientists behind the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab are busy developing another vaccine, this time for a disease whose pandemic last devastated the world more than 700 years ago: the bubonic plague.

      Widely believed to have led to the 14th-century Black Death pandemic (the biggest global pandemic in recorded history), bubonic plague – one of three types of plague – had a mortality rate of between 72 and 100 per cent as it spread across Europe hundreds of years ago.


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        Would that be the same Astra-zenica whose covid-19 jabs had to be withdrawn due to serious side effects?


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        David Maddison

        I wonder if anyone has been fiddling with the bacterium Yersinia pestis to enhance it and give it “super powers”?

        Answering my own question…

        Why, yes they have!

        Gain-of-Function Analysis Reveals Important Virulence Roles for the Yersinia pestis Type III Secretion System Effectors YopJ, YopT, and YpkA
        Samantha G Palace et al. Infect Immun. 2018.

        Virulence of Yersinia pestis in mammals requires the type III secretion system, which delivers seven effector proteins into the cytoplasm of host cells to undermine immune responses. All seven of these effectors are conserved across Y. pestis strains, but three, YopJ, YopT, and YpkA, are apparently dispensable for virulence. Some degree of functional redundancy between effector proteins would explain both observations. Here, we use a combinatorial genetic approach to define the minimal subset of effectors required for full virulence in mice following subcutaneous infection. We found that a Y. pestis strain lacking YopJ, YopT, and YpkA is attenuated for virulence in mice and that addition of any one of these effectors to this strain increases lethality significantly. YopJ, YopT, and YpkA likely contribute to virulence via distinct mechanisms. YopJ is uniquely able to cause macrophage cell death in vitro and to suppress accumulation of inflammatory cells to foci of bacterial growth in deep tissue, whereas YopT and YpkA cannot. The synthetic phenotypes that emerge when YopJ, YopT, and YpkA are removed in combination provide evidence that each effector enhances Y. pestis virulence and that YopT and YpkA act through a mechanism distinct from that of YopJ.

        Keywords: T3SS; Yersinia pestis; YopJ; YopT; YpkA; type III secretion.

        Redundant and Cooperative Roles for Yersinia pestis Yop Effectors in the Inhibition of Human Neutrophil Exocytic Responses Revealed by Gain-of-Function Approach

        What could possibly go wrong?


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      Peter C

      Medieval plague death tolls were likely highly exaggerated.

      Probably the same for modern events too!


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    David Maddison

    New Tonga volcano discoveries, including interesting induced lightning.


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    David Maddison

    If you are interested in antique restorations, here is an extreme radio restoration. Utterly amazing!


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    David Maddison

    Joe Rogan predicted the LA fires in July 2024 after speaking with a fire official.

    The devastation due to Newscum shutting down the water supply because of demolition of dams and anti-environmentalists prohibiting fuel reduction burns was entirely predictable.


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    David Maddison

    For overseas readers, Australia Day is Australia’s official national day and marks the arrival of the First Fleet in Sydney Cove on January 26th, 1788.

    Many woke politicians, “celebrities”, senior public serpents, Government representatives, 100% of Leftists and others are ashamed that Australia ever existed and should never have been established and refuse to celebrate it.

    High commissioner to snub Australia Day for a second time

    Australia’s high commissioner to the UK, Stephen Smith, has signalled he won’t attend an annual Australia Day dinner a year after citing sensitivities around celebrating the day.

    Rhiannon Down

    January 9, 2025



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      Murray Shaw

      David my impression is that Australia Day, Jan 26 was proclaimed as the day that the Australian Citizenship Bill passed Parliament in 1949. The Bill was called the Australian Citizenship Act 1948, but was passed/proclaimed on Jan 26 1949.


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        David Maddison

        Murray, Australia Day was agreed by all states to be on Jan 26th in 1946. The Citizenship Act came after that. Before that different states celebrated different days.

        And Jan 26th was chosen as that is the date that the First Fleet arrived.


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      Australia day commemorates when Australia was founded. Aborigines did not know where they lived. Or that it was an island. And the reason that the Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish were not interested is that it had nothing at all. Nothing to steal and no slaves, no population except a very small nomadic family groups with no metal, no cloth, no goods, no dwellings. Even the animals could not be caught or farmed.

      And it is rumoured that the British and French were really interested in Norfolk Island and their huge pines which would make the biggest ships of war with keels from a single tree. But the pines were rotted inside. The French moved on. It was not worth fighting. And the British used Norfolk for the first prison colony. One neihbour’s Jewish ancestor was a baby in 1789 on Norfolk Island, Latvian Jewish parents. Only useful, fit people were sent to the colonies. The cost was horrendous.

      So we celebrate the invention of the country in which all people were to be equal, over time. Including women and convicts and aborigines.

      And we should fight these efforts to introduce black apartheid. But as always, it’s about all the free money. $42Billion a year which should turn 42,000 aboriginals a year, roughly the aboriginal population of the Northern Territory into millionaires but which in fact vanishes without a trace.


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        I was reading about William Dampier, he camped on the west coast in late 1600’s for a couple of months. He had some interesting descriptions of the natives he encountered, which I won’t repeat as it may upset modern sensitivities and illusions.

        Had a pretty adventerous life did Mr Dampier. I would like to read his book, which was very popular at the time.


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          David Maddison

          As many modern historical accounts have been censored or altered, we need to go to source documents.

          An extract of Dampier’s log of 1689 from The Voyages and Adventures of Captain William Dampier (published 1776). Vol. II, pp. 134-40 appears at

          Scroll down the page or search page for Dampier to see some of his comments. (Trigger Warning for the feeble-minded.)


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    David Maddison

    Passenger gets stuck in driverless taxi and it goes around in circles.


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    With the fires in California, the real shock is that LA itself is vulnerable.

    But we had the same thing in our National capital, Canberra, where the Greens dominate and insisted that the suburbs were not trimmed and made Fire proof. And when the fire came, it wiped out suburbs.

    Gum trees are explosive, filled with gum. And in a dry climate, they are one of the few alternatives, other than fast growing pines which are filled with turpentine. So you keep these loaded guns away from houses, farms. And do not build on clifftops for the view as hot air rises and houses explode at 1000C. Even Steel burns and radiation alone will cook you instantly.

    It’s what happens when people who believe that Mother Nature is caring and kind and benificient realise they were completely wrong. Planet Earth will kill you given half a chance. And trees and grasses, all living things are flammable including people. Cameron’s Avatar is an absurd fantasy, not reality.

    So Hollywood had to live with their Green obsession including the idea that you can have peace by getting together and singing Kumbaya and smoking dope in a world without CO2 and fire.


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      Murray Shaw

      TdeF, the main factor in the Canberra fire getting into the suburbs was the rule that house block fences were to be made of Brush, another Green initiative, which when the fire came acted like a wick , exploding between the houses. I believe that rule/law was quietly deleted after that disaster.


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        Thanks. Hindsight is a wonderful teacher. But we are set on the usual path of forgetting what we have learned over millenia. We have learned from our mistakes and we are guaranteed to repeat them. Wishful Green thinking is no substitute for reality. And that applies to defence too as Chinese companies own the port of Darwin, as an example. Or have a defacto naval base on Greenland, which is a real concern for the incoming administration.


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        Lol. Wow! Sounds about right. The problem with green initiatives is that they are made by people with green ethics and hearts, and they are always a bit dim. Trust me, I’ve done an environmental science degree, I’ve seen the breeding grounds firsthand.

        I enjoy looking at environmental projects years down the track. A favourite is “Native Plant Regeneration Area, Keep Off” signs, put up by the RTA years ago. Today, they are a few aging rotted wattles overrun with Lantana. Like the enormous money they spend on planting out the edges of highways. Remember Bob Hawke’s A Billion Trees program? (something like that). Where is that? I think I recall seeing some tired stunted trees along a highway near Uralla once?


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        With that Canberra fire, I noted peoples lawns were burning, but the most obvious thing was that the surviving homes all had 6ft high Colourbond fences surrounding the property.


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        They seem to be big on those things in Adelaide too.


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        My home for six years was in a Canberra suburb that was later burnt by the fires. There were no brush fences there! Fuel for the fires came mostly from pine and blue gum plantations on the perimeter of Weston Creek. The old growth eucalypts that once defined the early farm fences and boundaries had been kept largely intact and suburbs grew around them. These acted as touch paper and allowed the fire fronts to invade the built up areas.
        WRT the LA fires: Wood framed houses don’t stand a chance with fires driven by howling dry winds added to the dry native bush. Nothing to do with climate change, whatever that is?


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    People starting fires in LA.

    Sniffer dogs deployed for Palisades fire.

    Meanwhile BBC repeats over and over; climate change winds are ‘fuelling’ fires.


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    another ian

    FWIW – more covid

    “Everything you need to know about the Florida Grand Jury’s final report on the vaccines.”

    “Ah, but the truth is never quite so straightforward, is it? The Florida Phoenix’s headline was a lie by grotesque omission. It might be literally true —the Grand Jury could not find a fitting crime against anyone not legally protected— but nevertheless, it was a monstrous distortion of the Jury’s findings and was a classic case of what media just loves to call misinformation when other people do it.

    Let’s dig in.”

    Today’s Coffee and Covid newsletter


    “So what are we to make of this Grand Jury Report? Most people who’d hoped for a fiery fusillade of criminal charges will be disappointed. But past that inital shock, the courageous Jurors performed a great public service of understanding, documenting, and simplifying a deliberately vague and intentionally fogged ocean of deception.”


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    “It says everything when we see gas-powered bulldozers smashing electric Teslas off the road so emergency crews can get through.”


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    David Maddison

    Biden may pre-emptively pardon Fauci et al. for any crimes they may have committed but have not yet been found guilty of.

    Can a US President legally even give a pre-emptive pardon? Not that that would bother the Biden Maladministration.

    Biden was asked about reports suggesting he is considering issuing preemptive pardons to people Trump has targeted—like former Rep. Liz Cheney and public health official Anthony Fauci—and the president did not deny the rumors, just saying that “a little bit of it depends on who [Trump] puts in what positions.”

    When USA Today confirmed that meant he “[hasn’t] decided yet” whether to issue the pardons, Biden responded, “Well, no, I have not.”


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    David Maddison

    It takes many centuries to build a civilisation but only years to destroy it.


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      Holds true for our electricity grid. What on earth will happen to it when they shut down the critical coal stations sometime soon? With both parties not interested in short term fixes, nor talking about it in anyway, who knows? I think the place will be run on diesel generators for an interim period before someone comes to their senses. Once the Net Zero thing is dropped, a commonsense solution may be undertaken.


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      Tides of Mudgee

      David, like trust. It takes time to establish, but can be lost in the blink of an eye and is then often irretrievable. ToM


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    “It’s all about the wind droughts, stupid!”
    When there is little or no wind at night there is little or no wind and solar power generated, regardless of the number of windmills and solar panels installed.
    That is just about the end of the story.

    Its just a shame that the meteorologists didn’t warn us and the policy planners didn’t check.

    Consequently trillions have been spent worldwide to get more expensive and less reliable energy with massive damage to the planet.

    I don’t expect the mainstream media to pick this up but I am surprised that conservative journalists and commentators have not told people about it.


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      I don’t expect the mainstream media to pick this up but I am surprised that conservative journalists and commentators have not told people about it.

      Is that actually so? I’m not sure of the public, they don’t make decisions anyway, but I am of the belief decision makers have been told, they just ignore it, so overwhelmed are they of their ideology.


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    The Telegraph Opinion

    Elon Musk has ripped the cloak of deceit off one of Britain’s most disgusting scandals

    Allison Pearson

    Once upon a time there was a good and fair country and people who lived in countries that were neither good nor fair travelled to that land and made it their home because they knew it to be kind.

    But some men who made that land their home brought the values of countries that were neither kind nor fair with them. Such men hated the female children they found in the good and fair country.

    The girls were white but not chaste; they were dirty unbelievers who went about unaccompanied as if they were boys. They disgusted the men, and they tempted them, which made them hate the female children even more. The monsters, for that is what the men became over time, caused savage harm to thousands of girls – so many that no one is yet sure of the number and may never be, for some were lost or killed. And the monsters drugged and bribed them, they made them s@x slaves, branding the girls’ flesh with their initials, ramming large implements into their tiny bodies the better to accommodate four men.

    This may be hard to comprehend, dear reader, but the people of that enlightened land did not protect their daughters. I’m sorry to say they abandoned them to their fate.

    Police, whose duty it was to look after the most vulnerable, either arrested the girls, dismissed their pleas for help or left them with their tormentors. For that famously kind and decent land had fallen under a strange enchantment, which was called multiculturalism.

    It said that, no matter how wicked or cruel the men were to the children, you must never speak of it. The dark spell, and what a powerful spell it was (enough to vanquish justice and compassion), caused any who dared to say that Pakistani M@slim men were targeting white girls to become the bad people.

    Because all cultures are equal, you see, even ones that don’t believe in equality or which agree that girls who aren’t v@rgins are wh@res and deserve to be punished.

    And those who struggled against the powerful spell that stifled their countrymen were called racist.

    Then, one day, the richest man in the whole wide world came along and broke the dark spell.

    Elon had read court transcripts telling what those monsters had done to the female children, and he could not believe such unfathomable depravity had taken root in the good and fair country.

    Because of his great wealth, Elon could not be intimidated into agreeing that thousands of white girls should have been used as a peace offering to placate the gods of multiculturalism.

    His righteous wrath shamed the cowardly leaders of the land and in their panic they cried “Misinformation!”

    But the people were having none of it. For they were awake now and they saw what horrors the brutes had been allowed to get away with. As the wicked enchantment lifted, the malevolent myth of multiculturalism was unmasked, the country slowly but surely recovered its senses and demanded the guilty be found and punished, even unto the highest in the land.

    A very long and excellent article by Allison Pearson through Yahoo News


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    another ian


    “Gee, you don’t think…

    Daily Mail- Hunter Biden’s $15,800 Malibu rental home has been razed by the Pacific Palisades Fire, can reveal.”



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    It looks like a big chunk of the fabled Malibu foreshore is gone. A real field of dreams, poof. We can’t hold onto anything. Given a wet spell, a dry spell, and a big wind…………


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    It is obvious to anyone who wants to look, that where you have leftards, you usually have greens on their coat tails, directing business, so all you are left with is ashes, debt, crime, tragedy and worse.

    Time for a massive cleanout.

    The ball has started rolling in OZ, first the NT, then QLD, hopefully next is Canberra then Sicktoria.


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    LA rainfall since 1878, graphed, and year by year. This is also the state that had one 200 year drought, and one 150 year drought, in the last 1000 years.


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    another ian

    FWIW – for your architectural marvelling –

    “January 2025 | Eyesore’


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    David Maddison

    The DEI leadership team at the Los Angeles Fire Department is obviously delivering the goods…



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