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5 comments to Thursday

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    Before we were all engaged with the Net Zero part of agenda 2030, the problem of smoking was the previous one tackled with much gusto by the omnipresent moral busy bodies. Fiscal anti-smoking policies are part of the SDGs.

    How that’s all going then?

    (and yes, there is a slight change in lung cancer per 100,000 in over 40s, but this is more than offset by increases in all other cancers per 100,000 – if you die of another cancer before the lung cancer gets you, then not a lot of point to all this fuss, is there? If you just get shot in the crossfire of some tobacco gang war)


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    Well, predictably the left wing exploded so I shall buy the Guardian tomorrow to observe their wailing.

    Kamala still hasn’t appeared to her followers concede defeat even though Trump was declared Victor around 9 hours ago. It makes her look even worse.

    Some people admit to changing their minds

    I got the impression last time around that Trump didnt really know where the Swamp was never mind how he was going to drain it. Presumably this time round he will know who to target


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    In Britain, Europe, Australia and now it seems, America, it seems that very many people can’t afford to buy their own homes until much later in life

    Nothing of course to do with the unprecedented number of migrants who obviously need to live somewhere and compete for rental and permanent homes.


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      John Hultquist

      In the USA, a new pickup truck can cost over $60,000 with another 10% for taxes, fees, and license. Interest rates are over 6%. Part of the high cost is to make-up the loss on EVs. That amounts to 2X the cost of our first house in 1972. I was 28.
      Salaries have gone up to. Apparently not as fast as costs. I don’t need a new house or a new truck, so have not been paying much attention.


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    UK Farmers are now to pay 20% inheritance taxes on land/buildings value of the farm over £1 million. Reason given is that there are wealthy people hiding inheritances in farmland.

    For family farms, scuse the pun, this is a death knell.
    No productive farm in the UK will be valued at less than the million. According to Charles Mallet on UK column, when you strip out grants and subsidies, average annual income per full-time UK farmer is £16,000. Dunno where they would be able to find the funds to pay taxes to pay during inheritance? If the kids stay, the farm will accumulate liens.

    The land value of a farm matters little to a farmer in the scheme of their life, except when it comes to financing big investments / improvements – adding to the overall value of the plot will be a consideration. But, if this is just going to leave tax burden for the kids, the investments and major improvements will not happen.


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