A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Is the West being systematically destabilised?
The West will be ruined by net zero policies
How many conservative women are there in the UK? All of the articles are written by men, and most of them appear to live in the US.
So what?
At last count 25,386,117
To the operators of the Simon bot…
You may want to adjust the bot algorithm. The flak it generates incandescantly illuminates your sensitive targets.
On the other hand, leave it as it is. It serves a useful purpose.
Tee hee.
“What have the Romans ever done for us?” Saved a modern Spanish city apparently from flooding
The numerous past flooding events in Spain are chronicled here.
“The rain in Spain falls mainly ……….”.
You only have a few days left to buy your Trump souvenirs before the election
If Trump “wins”:
Got your liberal periodic table tshirts?
Very good.
Trump 2.0 will turn out as the closest pal of V. Zelensky who will also stop talking and start working.
They are twins, they always were outrages twins, hated by normal performers envious of their undeserved fame.
But both are the achievers.
Two apologies for the above note :
a) outrageous, not outrages
b) I mis-managed to attach a Trump escapade matching that of Zelensky’s
Dr John Campbell talks about “turbo cancers”.
According to the Official Narrative, “nothing to see here”.
from substack:
on ‘X’ :
Elmo got the COVID vaccine today, just like Elmo’s mommy and daddy! Elmo’s daddy had a lot of questions, but Elmo’s doctor said the vaccine would help keep Elmo healthy, and all of Elmo’s friends and family too!
The most criminal example however was Pfizer’s advertising for children to be in their vaccine trials (remember the case of Maddie de Garay, who was permanently disabled in the Pfizer trial for kids, had her injury recorded as stomach pain, and then was kicked to the curb by Pfizer)
another shocking advertisement:
Making a list
Checking it twice
Gone find out who is vaccinated and nice
Bring your five to eleven year olds
to get vaccinated and see Santa!
Get your shot for Santa and receive
a $100 dollar Visa debit card
when you get your first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine’
-‘Show your vaccination card
Get a free glazed donut’
One death from heart attack and one stroke in a recovering ‘sudden cancer’ patient in the local motorsport community last week.
I mean, everyone dies, but it seems to be happening awfully fast these days..
“Get a free glazed donut” … that’s the child after the shot!
Sorry, steered badly, meant green.
Video about the stealthy cardboard drones the Australian taxpayer is sending to Ukraine.
Now how could we have used that $1.4B AUD of taxpayer money sent to help corrupt Zelensky in the neocons war, a war that Ukraine is losing badly despite all the money and weapons?
Time to dump all our Manchurian candidates and start looking after Aussies for a change.
Allied nations help allied nations in times of need and together combined defence forces and weapons supply.
“Allied nations help allied nations in times of need and together combined defence forces and weapons supply.”
“The Yanks tell their lackeys what to do in their war for global domination”
To the red thumbs, try to imagine the result of World War 02 if allied nations had not decided to help the UK and invaded countries of Europe, and in particular the United States and noting that they also rescued Australia from the Japanese who were planning invasion from their Papua New Guinea and Indonesia bases and from the Pacific Ocean.
The plans involved invasion of Darwin and area and then Alice Springs to seize control of the railway to Adelaide and then invade and use Adelaide as a major base from which to attack Melbourne and Sydney.
Combined defence forces are obviously more powerful than even the United States alone can offer.
Consider ANZUS, Five Eyes Intelligence Group of nations, Quad – India, Japan, Australia, United States and other alliances.
Clearly you are correct about WW2 but this is a war that was provoked by the US State Department and CIA. If you don’t understand that you need to do some serious reading and not listen to the official narrative.
“Alliance commitments that would require allies to intervene on behalf of potential target states reduce the probability that a militarized dispute will emerge, but alliance commitments promising offensive support to a potential challenger and alliances that promise non-intervention by outside powers increase the likelihood that a challenger will initiate a crisis.”
How is Ukraine allied to Australia, or by your definition every country is allied with Aus, except Russia!
We owe Ukraine nothing, they are an economic loss.
How about you go over there, instead of throwing more of my money at other peoples problems.
Allies… spare me.
Is your pension fund invested in arms manufacturing?
JD Vance has an interesting perspective on which islamist nation will be the first to have nuclear weapons – he is thinking UK.
True. Once Great Britain (once mostly Christian) will be the first Western Islamised nation with nuclear weapons. The formerly Christian nation of France will be the next Islamised country with nuclear weapons.
They will compliment the already Islamised nations of Pakistan (once Hindu, Buddhist, Jain and Zoroastrian). and (possibly) Iran (once Zoroastrian).
Pakistan already has nuclear weapons but Obama transferred US$150 billion of embargoed assets to assist Iran to acquire them plus warned Israel not to attack Iranian nuclear weapons facilities (as the current Obama-guided administration also did).
The Islamist Obama wanted to “even things up” between the West and Islamist world hence facilitating a second Islamist Iranian bomb plus his infamous (for conservatives) Cairo apology speech at the start of his reign which was basically an apology for the existence of the United States (and the West).
Interesting insight.
I watched snippets of Dr. Strangelove on youtube recently. Strangely Slim Pickens riding the bomb down wasn’t quite as comical as I remember.
Still, I must brush up on my duck and cover technique for personal preservation. Then again perhaps living in regional Queensland makes me a little less likely to suffer a direct hit.
Maybe chase up the film On the Beach and move back to Melbourne to see out the end.
Or just seek comfort in the fact that I have lived my entire life in better times despite the constant and deliberate fear mongering of politicians the world over. Heck. Those vaccines must have been safe and effective. Otherwise how did we live through it all.
Excellent lecture on the early American government based on George Washington’s reluctance to be President.
Ol’ Georgie boy’s monumental statue in the District of Columbia (a separate entity as per Vatican City and the City of London) has him sitting in a chair with armrests supported by two upright Roman fasces: hidden in plain sight as so much of today’s dubious messaging is [see Jo’s other article today].
Umm, isn’t that Statue Abraham Lincoln?
If he’s the serious-looking suit with a trimmed beard, yes.
Thanks Tony, my knowledge of USA presidents is (obviously) mediocre: however, I can name all 196 countries and the continents they’re in (something 97% of Americans find impossible to do). God bless eggsepshunull ejakashun!
US President’s Kids- Compare & Contrast!
Who is bottom right?
This appears well thought through projection for the presidential election based on recent polling and past shifts in the closing days of the election:
It ends up with 312 college votes for Trump.
Good analysis but that assumes an honest election.
Similar analyses in 2020 also showed Trump would win but he didn’t because of Demon-rat fraud.
Trump has to get a much larger number of votes than for an honest election so he can exceed the number of fraudulent votes.
After doing some research my confidence in polls has diminished in the last few days.
I made some comments below.
Trump’s new ad:
(1 min video)
“Oops, Science Was “Settled”—Until It Wasn’t: Plants Absorb 31% More CO₂ Than We Thought”
31% more there. Now
“For the second time in a week, climate scientists surprised with an increased CO2 absorption mechanism.”
Now an extra 7%
“Resolving the Dissonance Regarding Fossil Fuels”
“Fossil fuels are destroying our planet. Big oil is evil. Coal is an addiction. These are hyperbolic statements uttered without basis in the public square as we continue with lifestyles dependent on hydrocarbons and their derivatives.
This dissonance exists cognitively in individuals whose choices are inconsistent with their thinking. Another dissonance manifests itself as elites who are wedded to an apocalyptic climate vision fearmongering to people who are just fine with their “high-carbon lives.” ”
More at
I don’t see any Leftists who have boycotted oil-based products, or are even knowledgeable enough to know which products they wear or use which are derived from them.
This includes Saint Greta who travelled across the Atlantc in a high tech carbon fibre yacht rather than fly because she didn’t want to make use of oil. WTF? The cluelessness is staggering.
If people want to avoid the use of synthetic hydrocarbon products they need to go to the Outback and lead the former lifestyle of Australia’s indigenous nomads, who themselves have abandoned their Paleolithic lifestyle.
Has anyone heard anything about 18 ATO Officials being investigated about “irregularities” with money?
From The Epoch Times.
No, but I am not the least bit surprised.
And they could find “only” eighteen corrupt public serpents?
If they bothered to look they would find many more. And politicians as well.
“150 ATO officials investigated in GST fraud scheme that was promoted via TikTok”
I hadn’t but I had heard about hundreds of parliamentarians not being investigated about “irregularities” with money.
This is unexpected.
Even Somalis in Minnesota, imported specifically to boost the Demon-rat vote, are endorsing Trump.
See video at link.
I wonder how many of them though. When the right of politics gets a non-white voter they love to broadcast them, but most of them don’t (vote right). But I do get the impression more black males are voting Trump this time.
Zombie Traffic Light: The German government teeters once again on the brink of collapse, but in truth it is already dead
The government that rules Germany is colloquially called the “traffic light.” This is because it is a coalition of three parties that are represented by the colours red, yellow and green.
The traffic light, in short, is the most dysfunctional government ever to beset the Federal Republic. They may be one of the most dysfunctional governments ever to preside over a major Western industrial power at all. The red SPD are an undead political corpse on autopilot, the yellow FDP will support anything so long as they get to govern, and all of this has given the Green crazy maximum freedom to manifest itself. This is not good even for the Greens, who do best when they are confined to the opposition and prevented from inflicting their full insanity upon real people.
Lacking all imagination and initiative, the traffic light merely continued the disastrous policies of the Merkel era, if in a more rhetorically unhinged and imprudent way. They gave us more Merkelian open borders, they gave us more Merkelian climatist hocus pocus, and they gave us more Merkelian spending on everything except those things we should be spending money on, like infrastructure and defence. Merkel got away with all of this, because throughout her chancellorship money was cheap, there was not yet war in the Ukraine, and the problems caused by years of underinvestment in things like railway and bridges had not yet reached the point of acute catastrophe.
The same everywhere, and your cars are hopelessly badly engineered unreliable crap.😉
P’Nut the squirrel:
“I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton”.😆
Yet everyone knows it’s Hi!!ary who has rabies – what with all that frothing at the mouth and incoherent ranting, similar to the present-day Vice President.
HOT TAKES: Elon and Others Come Together for Peanut the Squirrel, Against Gov’t Overreach
Why Peanut the Squirrel Matters
If you live on Twitter/X (or any of the social media platforms), you will likely have heard the story of Peanut the Squirrel.
Peanut has been a social media celebrity for seven years. An animal rescue nonprofit was built around him, saving hundreds of animals, from rodents to horses, from abuse, neglect, or simply bad luck. His story and his antics charmed millions of people, and helped people escape from the grittier and nastier realities of living in an unforgiving world.
Until the New York government decided to raid his home and kill him. They executed a search warrant, trashed a home, seized him and his buddy Fred the Raccoon, and executed them next.
In the midst of the decisive election campaign of our lifetimes, why talk about Peanut the Squirrel? Aren’t there more important issues like the polls, turnout, shenanigans, and all the day’s news?
Yes, all those things matter. But the story of Peanut matters because it is a microcosm of what we are facing.
A nameless, faceless, and merciless bureaucracy with no sense of proportion or empathy can, at a whim, upend people’s lives over what amounts to nothing.
It can seize a beloved family pet, the mascot of an organization that does enormous good, just because some nanny-stater decides they don’t approve.
Elon Musk@elonmusk
“If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine” Obi PNut Kenobi
We’re From the Government and We’re Here to Euthanize Your Squirrel
Tyrants come in all forms, and at all levels of government. For many years, I have warned that the only way to fight the big tyrannies — the federal government — is to start with the small tyrannies — local government.
Stateside, the heartless bureaucrats who populate the New York State government decided a seven-year-old squirrel, rescued by a citizen and famous thanks to social media was a problem. To the point where they invaded the man’s home, interrogated him and his wife, and seized Peanut the Squirrel and a racoon named Fred.
They then killed Peanut and the racoon citing ‘rabies concerns.’
The names, phone numbers and email addresses of everyone involved in kidnapping and killing Peanut are here:
Man – What a Lot Of Top Heavy Bureaucrats!
P’nut the Squirrel’s grieving family gives tearful statement on TikTok: ‘I’m sad, I’m disgusted’
The owner of P’nut the Squirrel gave a tearful statement on TikTok, Saturday about the tiny creature’s death at the hands of New York State officials.
Mark Longo, joined by his wife, sobbed through his prepared remarks on the killing of his beloved best friend.
“I’m angry, I’m sad, I’m disgusted,” Longo said while choking back his emotions in a clip of a TikTok live.
“We fight and work everyday to pay our state taxes and they turn around and they do this to a family,” Longo said.
New York State and the Department of Environmental Conservation have faced mass public blowback for their actions.
The department claimed in a statement Thursday that P’nut, who was notably friendly and docile through the course of his public facing life, had bitten an agent and needed to be tested for rabies.
” had bitten an agent and needed to be tested for rabies.”
I’m sure Longo was worried that P’nut might have caught rabies from a Govt Agent.. Its the frothing at the mouth that gives them away.
Let’s name names, shall we?
Here’s the commissioner of the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation,
, who has locked down his account.
He makes $220,000 a year to murder pet squirrels
Trump capitalises on it now:
Vote demonrat to avoid your pet dying from a climate change induced heart attack with 2 holes in the back of the head.
Inspired by RickWill and David’s exchange above I thought it an opportune moment to update my thoughts.
If you want some sobering reading about polls have a look at
According to that table, in 2022 Emerson College surveyed 22 states and overestimated on the Republican side in 61% of them and on the Democrat side in 39% of them.
The figure which got my attention though was the average error of 3.5%. In practical terms if they said it was 50/50 then it was on average really 53.5/46.5 or 46.5/53.5.
Perhaps it was a case that if all of the pollsters were this bad then the average of the polls might produce something more useful, but remember that the uncertainty still needs to be considered.
As famous election modeler Nate Silver recently said, a reputable pollster ought to be generating surprise results now and again. If a pollster is producing a steady stream of 51/59 results then that diminishes their credibility.
I was one of those who followed poll results fairly closely. Now my only interest is how far wrong they will be.
And my confidence in betting markets has diminished too. I watched polymarket for a while. There may be some value in the fact that people are using their own money, but there is clear evidence of robotic betting systems scalping the market and creating instability in the odds. I learned a great deal about this in my share trading days.
A little more research shows that the final scene of On the Beach was filmed at Canadian Bay near Mt Eliza about 200m from where I lived in the 90s.
Clearly ahead of my time!
Ahead of mine too and I lived near there in the early 70’s
“If a pollster is producing a steady stream of 51/59 results then that diminishes their credibility.”
Not least because they can’t do simple sums.
Yep, I really did type 51/59.
Either they can’t do sums or I can’t type 🙂
You have to account for the level of frawd and there being way more votes than voters.
Emerson College, besides those polls, had to produced some students, had it not ?
I wonder if anyone followed their career path, especially in semi-precise fields, like accountancy…
I always enjoyed the joke about 2 + 2. It goes something like this…
A physicist will say that each of the 2s is really plus or minus 0.5 so that answer is 4 plus or minus 1.0
A mathematician will say that the answer is 4 but they are not so sure about the concept of addition.
An accountant will pull down the blinds and ask what you would like it to be.
Global warming is everywhere except northern Europe.
Sunday freebie: The Pfizer Papers
The Pfizer Papers features new reports written by WarRoom/DailyClout research volunteers, which are based on the primary source Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order and on related medical literature. The book shows in high relief that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial was deeply flawed and that the pharmaceutical company knew by November 2020 that its vaccine was neither safe nor effective. The reports detail vaccine-induced harms throughout the human body, including to the reproductive system; show that women suffer vaccine-related adverse events at a 3:1 ratio; expose that vaccine-induced myocarditis is not rare, mild, or transient; and, shockingly, demonstrate that the mRNA vaccines have created a new category of multi-system, multi-organ disease, which is being called “CoVax Disease.”
Book, PDF, 270MB
Autodeleted in 4 weeks.
The Fall of the Academic Publishing Cartel
Most of the major publishers, including Elsevier, Springer Nature, Wiley, Sage Publications and Taylor & Francis, have formed a cartel under the International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers. The Cartel controls two-thirds of global journal publications, enforces unpaid peer reviews, restricts manuscript submissions, and delays scientific progress—all to protect their multi-billion-dollar profits. This resulted in a recent class action lawsuit against the Cartel for “tremendous damage to science and the public interest.”
The widespread corruption embedded within the nearly closed system of the Academic Publishing Cartel operates in a way that resembles a high-entropy* state, as described by the second law of thermodynamics.
* Classic theory of entropy anyway. JC2.
Update on NZ’s nonexistent boiling melting climactic breakdown via the govt’s MetService:
Monday 4 Nov, North Island Mountains: Frosts
(same day) South Island Mtns: Snow to 1,500m
Select a ski area and scroll down to webcams – all that snow is in no rush to go anywhere. The very last one, The Remarkables, is my old stomping grounds: so much snow! Another ‘White Christmas’ anyone?
We are witnessing a Communist coup in Britain.
A farm valued at £4 million (land, buildings and machinery) might return a profit of only 50-100k per annum. Some years, it will make a loss.
The Labour government has just announced a 20% inheritance on the value of farms, which amounts to £800,000 payable (on a £4M farm) after the death of the farmer.
His children will be unable to pay this astronomical sum of money, so they will have to sell the farm. But no one will want to buy the farm because of the future inheritance tax issue.
What will happen? Friends of the government will buy it cheaply and convert it into a solar farm. After a couple of decades of useless energy production the land will be contaminated and can be re-zoned as a brownfield site and sold as building land.
The government will be very happy. Lots of politicians will become very rich. Farmers will no longer exist and the average person will be unable to buy the expensive imported food British farmers once provided cheaply.
I’m not sure people fully understand what is actually happening in England. If they did, there would be a million sturdy yeoman armed with pitchforks surrounding parliament next week.
No doubt that idea will come to Australia and be implemented by the Uniparty.
Liberal men are finally admitting what we knew all along: they are more feminine than conservatives.
Pew Research conducted a fascinating report earlier in October on masculinity in America, surveying over 6,000 adults about whether they identify as more feminine or masculine, which male behaviors should be considered socially acceptable, and how men have fared in modern society compared to women.
In an interesting nugget, Pew found that fewer Democratic men, 29%, rate themselves as “highly masculine” compared to Republican men, 53%.
The results aren’t shocking. Liberal men lean more feminine, while conservatives lean more masculine. Sometimes, I wonder if liberal women, who I presume are dating liberal men, attack traditional masculinity because they are jealous that their boyfriends or husbands are not as masculine as they want them to be and that they are unable to attract a typically masculine man.
Perhaps the lady doth protest too much?
As a general observation about masculinity in America, I think both the left (in nearly 95% of instances) and the right (sometimes, but not always) offer twisted views about what it means to be a man.
The left makes traditional masculinity a toxic problem that needs to be corrected with the proper feminist coding.
What this means is to deny your biological hardwiring as a man and try to be more feminine and overly sensitive, which leads nowhere good.
We could see Facebook moving to the right as Zuckerberg takes up martial arts. Bound to increase his testosterone level:
Joe Rogan pointed out that achievement in martial arts is related to the work that goes into it. Hard work is mostly a right wing trait so the top proponents in martial arts are much more likely to have a right wing outlook.
Only 29% of males who vote democrat identify as being strongly masculine.
I figure the masculine women of the Left are happy that they rule over their soyboys, and unhappy that they can’t rule over the Right men, who don’t believe in superior women.
The rest of us compromise as best we can…
Read Compton Mackenzie’s “Whisky Galore” and the fate of Mrs Campbell
Check your terminology
“Here’s more than you ever wanted to know about screws and screwdrivers.”
“When a Phillips Is Not a Phillips!”
For shooters
Something to reflect on next time you go bench rest shooting –
Sub MOA at 500 yards
” An unspecified number of Whitworth rifles found their way to the Confederate states in the American Civil War, where they were called “Whitworth Sharpshooters”. The rifles were capable of sub-MOA groups at 500 yards.[13] It was often called the “sharpshooter” because of its accuracy, which is considered one of the earliest examples of a sniper rifle.[14][15][16][17][18]”
Interesting stuff. One of the main requirements to shoot sub MoA at 500yards is to actually be able to see a 5 inch circle at this range. While lobbing shots into a bison sized animal would be quite plausible, holding a rifle steady enough to find a 5 inch bull even on a large clear background at this range requires some imagination. Remember these rifles were pre telescopic sighting aids. The gun may have been “capable” but the human aspect not so much.
“Why I despair that the ‘global warming’ scam will ever be recognised as such”
“So what will Britain look like in 2035 and 2050, the global-warming scam having held sway during the intervening years?
I think most readers can make their own accurate predictions, but here are some of mine.”
Missed out “Next Islamic nuclear armed nation”