A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The greens recipe as to how you should live your lives is very disturbing. Less Meat. Less travel and 50sq mtr of space for everyone
FWIW – an example of advice that will be needed (IMO)
“How to Deal With Cabin Fever”
Has Kamala gone too far?
Too far for who/whom?
The trans/gender identity crusade seems a mainstream corporate cause across the board.
Without regard for the potential of alienating large swaths of the customer base.
They must see something in the marketplace some of us fail to see.
Setting the stage for the first bl@ck, h0mosexual, feminine presenting presidential candidate.
It is pretty safe to say Kamala will be tossed aside after her candidature if she loses.
Oh, and as transgender hormones and surgery guarantee sterility and little or no pleasure it
feeds the general Malthusian trope.
I go to Austria a lot and have commented on this topic before.
In effect the Viennese population under 16 is predominantly Muslim. That will work its way through the system with a huge influx of migrants. The right wing parties are being denied power even though they won recent elections.
Vienna and the other major cities are very liberal and have by far the highest proportion of mus*ims compared to rural areas
Looks like we need another battle of Vienna –
The defeat of the Ottoman army outside the gates of Vienna in 1683 is usually regarded as the beginning of the decline of the Ottoman Empire.
In the summer of 1683, the main army of the Ottoman Empire, a large and well-equipped force, besieged Vienna. The town was nearing the end of its ability to resist: but just as the capture of Vienna was becoming only a matter of time – not more than a week away, at most – an army came to its rescue. On September 12th, in an open battle before Vienna, the Ottoman army was defeated, and the city escaped pillage and destruction. There is probably no book on the general history of Europe that does not record these events.
Yes, it was a very famous and decisive battle. However I doubt it is much taught these days. We forget our history at our peril.
The Lipkov Tatars were brave soldiers of Sobieski, as was Charles Bronson, who was the son of a Lipkov Tatar. They received many privileges from the Polish king.
Actor and Hollywood star Charles Bronson served as an aerial gunner on a B-29 Superfortress in the 39th Bombardment Group in 1945. He was awarded a Purple Heart for wounds received during his combat missions against the Japanese home islands.
Sabatan, a Swedish band, have done their bit to keep the memory alive. Their song, ‘When the Winged Hussars Arrived’, has over 13 million hits on you tube. It is stirring stuff. A bit more lively than reading about it in school?
A favourite movie is ‘With Fire and Sword’, a Polish ‘Gone With the Wind’, that details a whole chunk of history, that we in the West have no idea what happened. The events in contemporary early settlement of the Americas, was small beer, compared to what was playing out on the other side of the world.
Thanks for that. Top stuff.
Poles and Lithuanians served in the hussars, as the Republic of Both Nations existed at the time.
I very much doubt any of the highly indoctrinated woke generations would care to fight these days.
They have been taught to hate Western Civilisation and the Greco-Roman cultural legacy and the Judeo-Christian moral code on which Western Civilisation is based.
France at ‘tipping point’ after shoot-out involving ‘400 gang members’
Minister says ‘choice is between general mobilisation or Mexicanisation of the country’ after gunfight leaves teenager fighting for life
France has reached a “tipping point” on drug-related violence, the country’s hardline interior minister warned on Friday, after hundreds of people took part in a massive shoot-out.
The gunfight, which left a teenager fighting for his life and four others seriously wounded, erupted overnight in the western city of Poitiers.
Police intervened at around 10.45pm after shots were fired outside a restaurant in the Couronneries district of the city and found the first casualty on the ground.
Treated for a bullet wound to the head, the 15-year-old was taken to hospital and was in a critical condition, a police source said. A witness said the teenager was a customer caught in the crossfire.
According to the same source, two other teenagers were shot, one in the shoulder and the other in the ankle, and were treated by the emergency services. Around ten 22-calibre shells were found on the ground by the investigators.
“What started as a shooting at a restaurant ended up in a fight between rival gangs that involved several hundred people. I’m told by the local (state) prefect that four to six hundred people were involved,” said French interior minister Bruno Retailleau, adding that police reinforcements were being sent to the city.
Cyril Lacombe, the local prosecutor, countered the claim that up to 600 people were involved, confirming that “50 to 60 people” clashed in a fight following the shooting.
The future of all western countries
120,000 foreign student family and partner visa arrivals under Labor amid cost of living crisis
More than 120,000 arrivals of relatives of foreign students have been recorded using special visas under the Albanese government, with one in five not taking part in any education.
Tens of thousands of recipients of the so-called secondary student visas have swept into Australia because a relative or spouse is studying here, the new figures show.
The large numbers of family members of overseas students linked to Australia’s education system have sparked a savage response from the opposition amid the cost-of-living crisis and the tight demand for housing.
The Department of Home Affairs figures from the election of the Albanese government to March this year show up to nearly 9000 people a month arrived on secondary student visas.
The special visas allow members of a family unit of a student visa holder access to Australia.
The Australian revealed last week that almost 210,000 foreigners were granted pandemic event visas by the Albanese government well after the crisis ended, raising further questions about Labor’s ability to manage its migration targets.
The most important question now is why the production of ozone in the upper stratosphere in the tropics is declining, as evidenced by the temperature drop on about 5 hPa at an altitude of 35 km. At this level, the temperature can only rise as a result of photolysis of O2 into oxygen atoms by UV radiation shorter than 242 nm. We don’t realize what kind of disruption this can cause to the circulation of the stratospheric polar vortex.
Nice pretty pictures. Lovely colours. You seem knowledgeable on this topic, can tell us what is the norm, based on observations over the last 50/100 years?
Without some indication of a long term norm, it’s just pretty pictures. This could actually be showing seasonal results that are normal. Or, what if the data is based on the sampling of only a five or six stations, directly overhead of several research lab, if so, should it really be reported as being global?
Can you dig up some more info on the information presented?
A polar vortex center has formed over Russia in the upper troposphere (5 km ), bringing air from the north to Poland as well. This situation may last for quite a long time, as the tendency to block the western circulation is seen.
Apparently the stratosphere is cooling because of the extra water vapour from the Hunga Tonga eruption. Perhaps there is a connection between ozone depletion and H2O.
‘Separating the signals of the Hunga eruption from the broader stratospheric variability reveals a strong persistent radiative cooling of up to –4 K in the tropical and subtropical middle stratosphere from early after the eruption until mid-2023, clearly corresponding to the water vapor distribution.
‘Our results provide new insights from observations into both the localized temperature changes and the persistent stratospheric cooling caused by the Hunga eruption and document this exceptional climatic effect not seen for previous volcanic eruptions.’ (Stocker et al 2024)
‘Water vapor breaks down in the stratosphere, releasing reactive hydrogen oxide molecules that destroy ozone. These molecules also react with chlorine containing gases, converting them into forms that destroy ozone as well. So a wetter stratosphere will have less ozone.’ (NASA)
The UK Government is trying to get political prisoner Tommy Robinson killed with their latest action.
His “crime” was showing a video he made. In fact, I don’t even think he showed it himself, it was someone in the US, where free speech is legal, who distributed it. He was ultimately convicted of contempt of court, a non-violent crime not deserving of him being put in high security gaol/jail with murderers and terrorists where they will likely attack and kill him.
This is terrible. This is what would have been expected in the old USSR or similar dictatorships.
See comments by Mahyar Tousi.
This sort of abuse of power is what led the Thirteen Colonies, soon to be the United States, to declare independence from Once Great Britain.
Was Tommy reporting back then too? He gets around.
Seriously though, if his, (TR), version is correct, the video actually tells the truth of the events covering his trial, it includes the details that Tommy had to pay fines, lost his court case, etc. If the video had contained only facts, as asserted by TR, then surely he cannot be convicted of a crime.
If telling the truth is punishable, then when will the rest of us be tried and jailed. Maybe we need to lie just to stay out of jail?
I respect TR for having the courage to stand up while most others won’t. But TR has a bit of a self-destruction attitude. He likes trouble. He knew exactly what he was doing breaking those conditions showing that video. He has also done this in the past, told to stay away from people going to court, he refuses to do so, goes to gaol.
Its why Farage doesn’t want to have anything to do with him, he doesn’t have the cool head required for politics.
But yes they want him knocked off in gaol. They’ve done it before. Some of his tales of his survival in prison are pretty good stories. It’s a brutal world law and politics, not the above-board search for truth and justice we are all told it is. It’s a dirty game of power and abuse.
Tommy should know this and act accordingly instead of continuously giving them what they want. But that’s not his style.
Tommy is in prison because he’s a simple criminal, nothing ‘political’ about it.
Testing, Testing, 1, 2.
Your Braille translator May not be working and you are receiving a mirror image of what is actually being translated and transmitted.
There fixed, no charge.
Does the P25 network have a Braille Translator? I trust the other communications are not this garbled.
Another Leftist Elite Australian politician buys a multimillion dollar property.
Looks like some Laborites think they will be retired soon.
I hope they are not wrong.
I intensely dislike her policies and her politics and her nasty games. She is a disaster as Foreign minister, but so was Bob Carr. But to be fair, she is on a good salary and her mother recently died and they just sold the house. So there is nothing wrong here.
Alabanese’s little rental investment is a different matter. But you have to think no one is going to play with negative gearing and beach homes when all the rich Labor minions are sinking their cash into rentals and negative gearing. The self appointed battlers are nothing of the kind. Nor the unqualified Union apparatchiks now administering superannuation funds. If anything will bring down the Victorian Labor party it’s their massive tax grab on beach houses, given they all have one.
It was a great pleasure to watch he melt down on an election night panel covering Shorten’s.
Does anyone know where these politicians can get that sort of money from on their declared wage?
Maybe a good audit of their income and expenditure would be warranted. Some money is flowing in from sources that may not be fully declared, for us common folk, that could mean trouble and back taxes.
Eng_Ian, It is almost like they have shares in a Laundry.
And just look at where politicians get “employed” after their political careers have ended.
Trump had the right idea of banning employment of ex-politicians and bureaucrats in areas which were their former responsibility for five years.
I think it should be longer. Ten years or perhaps never.
And the income, assets, spending activities and bank accounts of all politicians should be routinely forensically audited either yearly or on a continuous basis by provably independent and non-corrupt auditors.
Didnt just happen this year, there would be a lifetime of work behind that and I doubt anyone here knows how much debt is involved.
Like Albos recent real estate moves, not a good look running up to an election in tough times
Isn’t a good look rubbing the noses of those who can’t afford rent or purchase of out of reach real estate,in it, both Airbus and Pong splurging on multimillion dollar real estate.
Doesn’t Mr Wong weed BoM’s predictions? Never-before-seen 1-day heatwave to sear Adelaide with 35 degrees of dry desert heat today… before dropping to 23 tomorrow then 15 overnight.
Glorious Warming™️ now causes heatwaves to last less than 24 hours! Think of the children and those poor servants living in the Gentleman’s Villa. It’s as if Animal Farm was written last week.
Penny Wong has done more than the 18 years so is entitled to an annual pension of about $320k (75% of her current salary). If she ends up in opposition next year the pension is not going to increase.
Of course the same applies to Also but with slightly higher pension.
Pensions for long-serving, ageing Ministers end up incentivising early retirement.
Scott Morrison only served for 14 years so may have been able to increase his retirement pension by staying on but he is still up in the 1% of income with his pension and allowances.
Ex PMs also get an office and more as befitting an ex head of state. But with the rotating spit which is the Prime Minister’s job these days, there are a lot of ex PMs on handouts. Paul Keating, John Howard,Kevin Rudd,Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, Scott Morrison and soon Anthony Albanese. That’s perk city. Most since 2007, so 8 PMs in 17 years. Soon 9 PMs in 18 years.
” Soon 9 PMs in 18 years.”
Definitely sound like some unstable banana republic! Viva la revolution!
Audit all public officials on the way in and on the way out. Then look at their income over the years.
Too many seem to have wealth well beyond their means.
Beyond our means and their earnings. It’s an endless conveyor belt of overpaid failures.
Why ask for more documents requiring interpretation and whose existence can be ignored with a simple sorry and a promise of repayment.
Do not pay politicians!!!
It is not a career, it is a community service.
“Do not pay politicians!!!”
Yes!! Like NZ used to have, a 6month stint in Parliament that was not paid. You NEEDED the support of the local people who elected you.
Should this house have plenty of rooms then maybe “Wenny Pong” could house a few migrants or some of the homeless. Maybe any Labour/Green/Teal “Pollie” could help out as well.
And let’s not let the LNP off the hook.
So leftist, the right don’t buy property at all .
So dopey and leftist. Go home P brain.
See it for yourself on video:
My niece was mailed three mail in ballots from the state where she used to live. They were sent to her new address in a different state!
I took my elderly father to the court house so he could vote early, since he is now in a wheel chair. He had to sign an avadavat since somebody had already tried to cast a mail in ballot in his name.
I have a phone with a previously used number. I have been getting texts from the Democrat Party in another state to the previous owner of the number saying that they can reregister her to vote there and send her mail-in ballots (plural) to fill out.
Good anecdotal evidence that the system has failed.
My apologies to him if I’m misquoting Churchill, but I think his words were:
“Democracy is the worst form of government, apart from all the rest”.
Assuming he’s right the question becomes: “How do we improve this least worst system?”
For Australia I still think a reasonable starting point is changing our compulsory exhaustive preferential voting in the House of Representatives to significantly reduce the invasion of poorly representative groups into positions of perverting reasonable debate when they get the deciding vote(s).
But it’s not enough, because it also requires that all candidates can identify and support ideas that genuinely advance Australia. A rather large demand.
For America? Too big a problem for me right now, but if it survives next Tuesday the next administration might have some good ideas.
I must disagree with Churchill, and we have had another 70years of democracy to show it just does not work! You cannot vote your hand into someone else’s pocket to live on, you will run out of money as everyone tries to live off someone else, from cheating beneficiaries through corrupt politicians to mindless snivel servants and criminals in big business.
Look at Govt debt in the West, every ‘democratic Govt’ has just borrowed and borrowed, leaving the mess to the next mob, and the taxpayer on the hook.
I lived in South Africa in the 70s/80s, a magnificent country that was world-leading in some technologies, and had companies that could plan for the future with a political party that had been in power for 40years! 20% of the population planned and ran that country, until the West convinced it that one-man one-vote democracy was the way to go, and turned it into the 3-world hell-hole it is today. That is the same for all those African countries who ‘threw off the coloniser’ and figured starvation and crime was a fair payment for democracy. If nothing else it proved that democracy attracts the worst kind of people to be leaders, every time, every place!
Nope, a stupid idea, get rid of it and issue a summons to a few hundred random Aussies to go to Canberra and form a Govt for four years. A million-dollar salary, done once in a lifetime. You’d bet your life on 12 ordinary people in a murder trial, why not in politics? …it could never be worse!
It’s always good to be biased towards ‘evidence ‘ that confirms your preconceived views.
The video shows ‘voter error ‘ , the guy has fat fingers, the system gives multiple chances to correct errors.
This has been debunked, but best stick to the story you like.
“Debunked”? A good word.
But, what evidence?
An excellent word, go look up what the election officials say, but they’re part of the conspiracy, you’d say .
> …biased towards ‘evidence ‘ that confirms your preconceived views.
Where is there any evidence to support your view that the cause is voter error due to fat fingers?
You offer none.
The evidence of the video is plain to see. The voter’s finger goes nowhere near the Kamala field, it repeatedly selects the Trump box as near as goddamit to right on target, yet the machine selects Harris which is nowhere near the voter’s finger at any stage.
>The video shows ‘voter error ‘
Not in the slightest! Clearly you are “biased towards ‘evidence ‘ that confirms your preconceived views.”
>the guy has fat fingers,
The fingers don’t look at all fat to me.
“biased towards ‘evidence ‘ that confirms your preconceived views.”?
Left-wing rag Sydney Morning Herald’s anti-Trump rhetoric is getting ridiculous!
“Polls outside the US couldn’t be clearer. So why is it so close? Are Americans seriously looking to a fraudster who increasingly uses fascist rhetoric and is hellbent on vengeance? Depends on their mood.”
“Trump creates fresh firestorm with Liz Cheney gun comments. Donald Trump made the remarks during an onstage interview in Arizona with sacked former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. ”
“If America buckles to a rampant Trump, it may be the end of history”
“What if Donald Trump wins 6-3, not by the democratic vote? Donald Trump knows there’s a conservative 6:3 majority on the US Supreme Court bench.”
“‘We should be scared’: JLo speaks out against Trump. Puerto Rican-American pop star Jennifer Lopez has branded Donald Trump the biggest domestic adversary the US has ever faced.”
“It’s absurd for US newspapers to not make an endorsement in the election. I certainly don’t think election editorials shift any votes. But I don’t think it’s credible to sit this one out.”
Those are headlines for articles on the front page of the website. Talk about telling people what to think, no wonder legacy media is going broke!
October Jobs Report: Private Sector Loses 28,000 Jobs, Government Gains 40,000 – August, Sept Revised Lower: 112,000 Fewer Jobs
November 1, 2024 Sundance
The final Bureau of Labor & Statistics (BLS) jobs report before the election was released today. The results are devastating to the Biden economic narrative, yet reflective of the statistical manipulation within prior data. [BLS Report HERE]
Overall, 12,000 jobs were added. However, the private sector lost another 28,000 jobs and government gained 40,000.
Additionally, “the change in total nonfarm payroll employment for August was revised down by 81,000, from +159,000 to +78,000, and the change for September was revised down by 31,000, from +254,000 to +223,000. With these revisions, employment in August and September combined is 112,000 lower than previously reported.” [BLS Report, Table B-1]
Trump Drops Truth Bomb On Liz Cheney. Media Has No Choice But To Spread Fake News
Liberal media is cooking up a new Trump hoax that no sane person would think is true.
Former President Donald Trump set off a media-feeding frenzy Thursday night into Friday morning after he pointed out that Liz Cheney, who loves to wage wars abroad, has never actually fought in one herself.
Cheney has recently hit the campaign trail with Kamala Harris in several battleground states to court moderate Republicans in suburban areas.
Numerous outlets, including CNN, Reuters, ABC News, The Independent, The New York Times and The Washington Post, ran pearl-clutching or outright misleading headlines about Trump’s hypothetical that Cheney should have skin in the game and try facing enemy fire before sending American soldiers into battle to do her dirty work. Rolling Stone and Drudge Report had the most egregious headlines: “Trump Fantasizes About Putting Liz Cheney In Front Of Firing Squad” and “Trump Calls For Cheney’s Execution.”
What Trump actially said!
“I think it hurts Kamala a lot actually. [Cheney’s] a deranged person, but the reason she couldn’t stand me is that she always wanted to go to war with people.
I don’t want to go to war,” Trump told Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson at a campaign event in Arizona. “She wanted to go — she wanted to stay in Syria. I took them out.
She wanted to stay in Iraq. I took them out. I mean, if it were up to her, we’d be in 50 different countries. She’s a radical war hawk.”
“Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her.
Okay? Let’s see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face,” Trump said.
“They’re all war hawks when they’re sitting in Washington in a nice building saying, ‘Oh, gee, well let’s send 10,000 troops right into the mouth of the enemy.’”
This is what Trump said:
Greg Price@greg_price11
Watch the full clip of President Trump saying Liz Cheney wants to send people to die in wars that she will never experience herself.
Then look at the headlines the media is writing about it.
Gee, I wonder why trust in media is at an all time low.
In a Truth Social post, Trump defended his comment stating:
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
All I’m saying about Liz Cheney is that she is a War Hawk, and a dumb one at that, but she wouldn’t have “the guts” to fight herself. It’s easy for her to talk, sitting far from where the death scenes take place, but put a gun in her hand, and let her go fight, and she’ll say, “No thanks!” Her father decimated the Middle East, and other places, and got rich by doing so. He’s caused plenty of DEATH, and probably never even gave it a thought. That’s not what we want running our Country!
Did not old Dicky C. also sh@@t some judge in the back during a ‘friendly fire’ hunting session? And got off scott-free? The ‘joy’ of being a VP.
Selectively edited, it can make it sound completely different.
Collin Rugg@CollinRugg
NEW: The media’s disinformation campaign to confuse voters over Trump’s Liz Cheney comment appears to be backfiring.
Columnist Jonah Goldberg, who falsely claimed on CNN that Trump wanted to execute Cheney, has issued a ‘correction’ for spreading the false story.
Goldberg, falsely claimed that Trump called for the execution of Liz Cheney on live TV.
“This morning on CNN I referred to Trump’s “rifles” quote as him advocating a ‘firing squad’ for Liz Cheney.”
“I was wrong to say he was calling for a firing squad execution. After I said that, my co-panelist, Brad Todd made the case that I was wrong.”
“I let my disgust at Trump’s comments get the better of me as this was the first time I’d heard them.”
‘Journalist’ Aaron Rupar is also under fire for deceiving voters through his deceptively clipped video which has amassed 20M impressions.
Media twists Trump’s words about Liz Cheney — and his point
By Post Editorial Board Published Nov. 1, 2024
“TRUMP CALLS FOR CHENEY’S EXECUTION,” blared the Drudge Report, amplifying a completely phony outrage on Friday.
The Harris campaign and its media allies claimed to be shocked and appalled over Donald Trump’s words at a Thursday night hurricane-relief event in Arizona.
“She’s a radical war hawk. Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, OK?” he said.
“Let’s see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face.
“You know they’re all war hawks when they’re sitting in Washington in a nice building saying, ‘Oh gee, let’s send 10,000 troops right into the mouth of the enemy.’ “
That is: He was arguing that Liz Cheney, like her father, is quick to put other people in harm’s way in the service of the US.
Trump presents himself as the most anti-war president since the flower children.
Of course, Cheney, Team Harris and today’s left-leaning chattering class simply shared the tape without the second half of the statement, then waxed hysterical.
They even got Arizona’s (Democratic) attorney general to announce an investigation.
All just an effort to win the day’s “media cycle” in a week when bumbling Mark Cuban and Joe Biden kept handing victories to Team Trump: Just some simple editing and you finally have “confirmation” of the tired “threat to our democracy” theme.
Heck, Harris might even dare a three-hour sitdown with Joe Rogan.
They’ve collapsed from “vibes” and “joy” to distortions and fear.
It’s hard to believe the polls still show this to be a 50-50 race.
Thank G@d the campaign is nearly over, and America will be free of this particular nonsense until at least the next election season kicks off.
US announces $425M military aid package for Ukraine days before 2024 presidential election
WASHINGTON — The White House announced yet another military aid package for Ukraine Friday — this time to the tune of about $425 million — as Russia moves North Korean troops closer to the front lines and a bitterly contested US presidential election approaches.
That buys a lot of 155 mm howitzer shells. You need a big stock before the war ends. Most of that money ends up in hands in the US where they are made. Artillery shells are great business. They are designed to self destruct, the ultimate in consumer goods. And the end user never complains.
My father worked with an Australian manufacturer of machetes for the jungle in WWII. They were still punching them out on a contract long after the war ended. Printing money. Profitable business war, if you don’t have to go. You can stay home and shoot judges, like Dick Cheney.
FWIW – WRT some questions posted in prior threads
“Nate Silver Claims Pollsters Are ‘Putting Their Finger on the Scale’ to Make It Appear the Race Is Close”
Becoming a habit!
“Over This Yet? Another Lithium Ion Big Badda Battery Plant BOOM”
How many people realise that our “Councils” belong to “Iclei….Local Government for sustainability” ?
From a little place in Bonn, Germany.
And we know how good that’s all going in Germany, eh.
“Voyager 1 Just Phoned Home From 24 Billion Kilometers Away On A Transmitter Not Used Since 1981”
Amazing…. not that it called home but that we could still receive it. Imagine if someone were to use a device from the 80’s to call you now. Would your digital phone be able to receive the message, no. Would your telephone provider be able to receive the incoming call, no. I doubt that the telephone company would still have the same radio channel available to them, everyone is jumping up and into the GHz bands now.
Most people can’t even play a VHS cassette anymore. How long did it take to boot up the old receiver? Did it work the first time that the switch was clicked on?
I drive around on the weekend in a device from the 80’s
Heck … here in Australia we still have AM radio stations. Your old crystal set will still work … although not offering any guarantee on that.
William Pickering the Director of JPL that designed and built the thing. One of my favourite scientists.
Can that be claimed as “Artificial Intelligence”?
Harris is totally lost, totally clueless without apparent teleprompter support. And then she’s interrupted by protesters.
And look at her slave army of mindless drones cheering her.
I have heard the expression lost for words. I did not know it could be a permanent state. How could the race be so close?
Most politics works on the idea that people take sides and stick to the one side all their lives. Like football. What else explains why black people barrack for the party of slavery? Even Senator Joe Biden’s original platform was to support and maintain segregation!
And both sides only chase the swinging or reluctant voters.
Not this time.
The Jewish sector who until this election and up to a month ago voted 66% for Democrats. At least one Hasidic group has publicly changed sides and say Harris is a real threat both to them and to Israel. And they move as a block. Many Jewish people openly attended the Madison Square Garden and sat as a block. As obvious as they could be. Even at least one red MAGA yamulka!
And the women who vote for Harris simply and only because she is a woman. That happens, but Kamala is not Hillary. The cackling bimbo is an embarassment to all women and epitomizes the worst. She has broken no glass ceilings. And she is no descendant of black slaves.
Or the Catholics who have voted Democrats since the Irish Catholic Kennedys. Even Joe Biden while pushing full term abortion continues to push his little Irish Heritage. Kamala could not have been more insulting to Catholics, 22% of the population, if she tried.
Plus the Roe vs Wade abortion issue, which no one has explained was removed because it was illegal, like a lot of Green laws. Abortion, even Health is not anywhere in the US constitution as an issue. These were matters of faith and all health and all education were State issues, as in Australia. The rest is illegal Federal creep by Washington and Canberra and Brussells.
So what is happening now is going to be a seismic and potentially permanent change in voting patterns for a generation.
These groups will not automatically return at the next election or the one after that. And the Kennedys, Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer will vanish back into the 20th century where they belong. Meanwhile Obama will have no friends to continue his Presidency. And live on Martha’s Estate with the Brothers.
My hope is that Trump/Vance will have four years without impeachments and Trump haters like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.
And undo all the damage and fight back against China’s attempt to conquer the world.
And get ready for the a hot war on Taiwan/South Korea/Japan or all three. Because when the US slams the doors shut on migrants and Fentanyl and Chinese dumping, the impact on China’s economy will be enormous. And no one wants electric cars, at any price. You can’t charge them.
So the world needs a strong and principled America. And the terrible wars in the Middle East and Ukraine to stop. Biden/Obama started both.
How could the race be so close? Democracy.
Around George Washington’s time, the idea of democracy like it is perceived today, they thought would lead to masses attaching to popular ideas – like free lunch at the tuck shop – that would destroy the place.
Fast forward, and this is what we have. Kamala’s chances rest with university aged white girls and their love of abortions and the idea of being “nice”, which in the context of current world affairs, is just insane.
I am no fan of the one person one vote form of democracy. Sounds good, morally superior and justifiable in every way, but that’s about it.
‘ … the one person one vote form of democracy.’
It is better this way, otherwise there would be political tumult. If they eliminated compulsory voting in Australia it could have a profound effect.
” If they eliminated compulsory voting in Australia it could have a profound effect.”
It could only make it better…
‘… the one person one vote form of democracy.’
Doesn’t quite work like that here.
“My choice didn’t get into the top two.”
‘Sorry mate. Here, you can vote again for your second choice”.
It’s the ‘some people get more than one vote form of democracy’.
“Compare and contrast” … as they instructed in exam papers:
Donald Trump calling his opponent a “Cracker” which is hilarious
double entendre.
Vance calls Harris the Michael Jordan of word salads, says she lies like his young child
‘I think that she is the Michael Jordan of using as many words as possible to say as little as possible’ Vance said
Republican vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance and podcast host Joe Rogan mocked Vice President Kamala Harris for her “world salads” on Thursday.
Rogan and Vance were laughing about how Harris “talks in circles” when Vance suggested she says statements about building an opportunity economy like “‘We need to build an opportunity economy because if Americans don’t have opportunity then they’re not going to have the opportunity to be Americans.'” Vance mused, “And it’s like what the hell did you just say?”
Vance later suggested that this, in a way, can be considered a skill for a politician.
“I think that she is the Michael Jordan of using as many words as possible to say as little as possible. There’s actually a certain gift that she has because you listen to her talk, and you know you’re 100-200 words into it, you’re 500 words into it, and you’re like ‘What the hell did she just say?’ She didn’t say anything!”
“It actually worries me about her being president. Like, okay, there are all these substantive policy disagreements, and we could talk about ‘Okay I don’t like her border policies, I don’t like this, I don’t like that,’ but what does she do when she’s in a meeting with a world leader, and she has to, like, know the details of public policy to negotiate with Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping?” Vance asked.
“Like, one of the major things that you do as a president is you participate in economic negotiations like what tariffs are we going to apply on your goods unless you lower the tariffs on ours or vice versa. You have to be able to know a little bit about your job to be the President of the United States, and I don’t know that she has an ounce of curiosity about public policy in this country, that’s what scares the hell out of me.”
Master strokes the appearance of Trump and Vance on Rogan. Rogan’s audience is made of middle ground Americans, it’s just where you will find swing voters. Harris avoiding it is a huge mistake.
But she can’t talk beyond nothing replies to softball questions from anti Trump loons like Whoopi Goldberg, so maybe it was the wisest thing to do.
“Trump’s Potential Treasury Pick Vows Spending Cuts In Partnership With Musk”
“Billionaire John Paulson said he would work with Elon Musk to cut federal spending, particularly by reducing green energy subsidies, if appointed Treasury Secretary under Trump’s administration.”
Didn’t Elon “Garbage” Musk just buy Boeing?
With the (hopeful) imminent election of Trump, corporations no longer want to have safety issues or loss of profit by being forced to hire people on race or gender grounds only but not merit.
With the cancelling of DEI, racist and sexist employment policies will be dropped and people employed only upon their suitability and competence for the job. Black, white, male, female it will make no difference if you are the right person for the job.
Why are the US Demon-rats so obsessed with abortion? It’s almost the only thing they “think” about.
Trump isn’t going to ban abortion, it is not a responsibility of the US Federal Government. He couldn’t do that even if he wanted to.
It’s strictly up to the states.
And that’s a good thing, because those who believe in abortion before, during and after birth can always go to a state that allows it.
Only one state, Oklahama, prohibits abortion in cases of rape or incest. It is not an issue elsewhere. And these days there is no excuse for “accidental” pregnancy. There never really was but especially over the last 60 years or so with “the pill”.
A rhetorical question David?
Those who have the ability to shape opinion for power and profit will do whatever it takes on any topic which enables them to shape opinion.
In the vernacular they are professional stirrers.
Just think about the leftists we most often see on TV or hear from in the media, i.e. the loudest voices:
Hilary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Kackala Harris, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Gretchen Whitmer, Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey …
A follow up to Graeme4’s comment 38 on Friday. Here is an email message I sent to the QCC (15 Oct 24). Received an automatic acknowledgement but haven’t got & don’t expect any actual reply!
“I note your campaign to protect koalas and greater gliders on Facebook. Are you serious? The greatest current threat to these iconic marsupials is the disgraceful destruction of large swathes of their pristine habitat along the ridge lines of the Clarke-Connors range system in Central Queensland. This habitat was essentially protected by its inaccessibility and steepness until the Qld and Australian governments allowed Squadron Energy & like-minded subsidy miners to install huge wind turbine plants on its peak ridge lines. Images of this destructive impact are freely available on the internet. (See: . And/or put Steven Nowakowski in your search engine). Especially note that under the regulations of Qld’s Vegetation Management Act (1999) this destruction of steep pristine habitat would have attracted 6 figure fines if the State government had not exempted renewable energy projects from the VMA & Nature Conservation Acts. Then Tanya Plibersek has the hide to give the Fitzroy Basin Association $4.5 million in 2023 to restore koala habitat in the very same Clarke-Connors range system she & our state government are destroying by approving the installation of raptor (they love an updraft) choppers (aka “Wind Farms”). Note that the extent of habitat destruction for arboreal fauna effectively extends for 1 km east and west of each turbine because of shadow flicker generated by rotating blades, especially in early morning and evening daylight hours.
I am unaware of any advocacy by QCC, ACF, WWF or similar “conservation” bodies arguing against this gross destruction of this pristine wildlife habitat – to which can be added the magnificent Lotus Creek arboreal fauna site on the northern edge of the Clarke-Connors range system, now funded by the State’s own quango – CS Energy. Have the saints of conservation no shame or are they simply fellow travellers in a world of typical urban myopia? Whatever – Hypocrites all of them!”
Steven Nowakowski’s 3D videos have now been put out in another article in The Australian, and has aroused further outrage about the environmental destruction being wrought.
The full 2 hr interview of Patrick Ben David talking to Mike Benz, an ex State official, who for 10yrs has been diving into censorship. So take that as you will. What ‘Seven Ways of Sunday’ does the blob have left to stop Trump? It seems this has all been war gamed over the last 7 years, and a popular choice would be to create so much mayhem around Trump winning the Electoral Collage vote, that people will throw their hands in the air, and be willing to accept the Popular Vote as a just outcome! All nudged along by the MSM. (I don’t get how the MSM, has so little reach, but so much influence?) Peace at any cost.
Plus they go bigger picture, and how the goal of our superiors, is control of Russia’s $170 trillion natural resources. Trumps ‘aggressive neutrality’ over Ukraine would hinder that. I don’t know. Call it a draw, and try something else. Xi isn’t a natural ally of the Pute, and he is at the front of the line for a big slice of the pie, if Russia falls apart.
Pauline Hanson Please Explain Therapeutic Albanese, Alan Joyce and Qantas.
Not a bad interview with Joe Hockey.
Includes US election analysis. He says Trump’s protectionist promises will be a disaster for inflation, if he actually implements them.
Whether true or not is not my expertise. But it amazes me the lack of economic discussion in US elections. There is no detail at all, from either side. Australian political elections are far more detailed on such matters.
Im not a fan of protectionism, but it is very popular with the “pub test” at the moment.
We all put too much hope into Trump. We all believe that somehow, somehow he will achieve peace, prosperity and happiness for mankind.
He made Israelis and Saudis to talk peace after 75 year of war, why would not he do it with Russians & Ukrainians?
This election is less about Trump (with his Everest-size ego) than about us all, longing for pre-Obama world, however imperfect it was.
About protectionism. My friends in US (low middle class, if such exists…) say: we all are for Trump because he is good for America, full stop.
Having watched Joe Rogan and J D Vance Interview 3 hr 17 Mins 20 secs, given the people Trump is surrounding himself with, having admitted he arrived in Washington DC Swamp in 2016 as a Non-Politician, he learnt a lot of lessons.
If the American people are smart enough to elect Trump/Vance next Tuesday 5 November 2024, the World can look forward to a better future, given Trump’s success in his first term, notwithstanding being underminded by the DC Swamp.
The fact that if he wins, he is funding his own transition show he means business & had learnt lessons about the DC Swamp.
And J D Vance as President in 2028 will be a Bonus.
Immigrant Brutality, WWIII, and a Failing Economy — How Is This Race Even Close?
This election, for which I’ve waited four grueling years, has some serious ramifications for me.
If Trump wins, I will likely remain living where I do, spending equal time on Long Island and in Michigan. If Kamala wins, I will likely be moved to a “gated community” with 24/7 armed guard protection, if ya get my drift.
My gut says Trump will win if there is no cheating (STOP LAUGHING).
The nation is on the brink of WWIII. The economy is in the brasco. Foreign gangs are taking over our big blue-toilet cities, many of which have been trashed by years of liberal policies. Crime is ravaging the nation, especially poor, black communities.
We the People struggle to make ends meet, as the Biden-Harris administration spends $150.7 billion of our tax dollars per year to keep illegal immigrants comfy in swanky hotels, well-fed, and with plenty of jingle-jangle in their pockets.
FACT-O-RAMA! American seniors, who have paid into Social Security their whole lives, receive an average of $21,402.60 per year. An illegal immigrant family of four hoovers $18,200 per year. When you factor in their free housing and free healthcare, the illegals are receiving better treatment, and YOU pay for it.
Underserved black communities, many of which have been poor for generations, are being ignored by Democrats who have turned their attention — and money — to people who shouldn’t even be in the country.
M-I-C-O-RAMA! The Democrats and the military-industrial complex are ramping up WWIII. War is profitable; peace is not.
Trump gave us peace, lawfulness, and prosperity. The Democrats, using the 45 Goals of Communism, Rules For Radicals, and The Communist Manifesto as playbooks, have ripped up Trump’s successes in four years.
Illegal immigrants are r@ping and murdering kids and women, like this animal who r@ped a 5-year-old on Long Island, in brutal numbers.
Despite everything you’ve just read, the presidential election is somehow a “dead heat.” How is that possible?
Old Ozzie,
To me selection of Vance as his vice confirms what you said – Trump learnt his lesson to some extent.
Hopefully this time he will have a team of two, at least. And this time with God’s help “his” term would last full 8 years, maybe even 12.
Harris would be as much a figurehead as Biden — and we’d be ruled by the swamp
By Glenn H. Reynolds
I think
“The fact that if he wins, he is funding his own transition show he means business & had learnt lessons about the DC Swamp.”
needs to be in bold print
Trump has charismatic authority and should win the election, I’m confident that he will ditch NATO in his first term
Protectionist policies are the unfortunate but inevitable result of allowing China free rein for too long, as it ran huge trade imbalances, stole IP, unfairly ‘competed’ with western businesses resulting in an business bloodbath in many formerly industrial nations and put up huge barriers to western products.
I would not say you are wrong. Problem with free trade is not everyone does it. Individual agreements between states seems to be closer to reality.
Good interview. It is great to see a non-journalist have a conservation. Probably the best I have seen of Joe Hockey.
I loved his notion and description of Mary Milwaukee as the typical swing voter in the USA for the 2016 election. Hockey saw Trump winning based on this notion. If Mary is still the swing voter then selecting JD Vance will be very good for Trump. ID could be Mary’s son in 20 years.
I also liked his realisation that we should not be expecting governments to solve every problem. We need to take personal responsibility. We need to let tree markets evolve to meet our needs at the best price.
He had kind words for everyone he has contact with. In a single word ‘affable’ comes to mind. Probably done more for Australia then we give him credit.
I always thought Joe was alright. But as he says, everyone wants candy. His and Abbott’s short tenure was not good for Australia, had potential to be a decent reign.
At my age I should not be that naive but I will never understand how Howard and Abbott have lost .
It is not that they were faultless, not at all.
It is who replaced them – total nonentities, seriously – I am struggling to recall their names.
An interesting, fairly short, talk by Niall Ferguson, asking Whether the USA has reached the Soviet Union’s 1980’s level of disillusionment and nihilism? Suicide and drug deaths in the US, in the lower classes, are at the same level as Russia’s alcohol binge, that killed millions of men in the 80’s!
I’d say the alcolholism that killed men in Russia in the 80s was due to lack of hope and future, and so you resort to other outlets to make joy. 1980s soviet Russia must’ve been a dire place, amplified by the propaganda telling you of the biggest harvest ever and seeing no food in the shops.
Similar thing is happening in America. Its liberal culture promotes drug taking as a hip thing to do, fueled by the hopelessness of reality, low paying jobs, no jobs, and the relentless propaganda lie of white privilege and feminism accusing you of living luxury off the spoils of their pain.
Drives you nuts, and when you can’t articulate your frustrations, there’s an easy way out.
I laugh at all these anti male depression organisations run by well-paid feminists, telling men the solution to their misery is to be more like women.
I think the current US election is possibly the most important in the history of the US and Western Civilisation in general.
If Trump doesn’t get elected, which will almost certainly be due to Demon-rat fraud, then the United States and the Western world have no viable future.
The US and West will be taken over by a Leftist globalist fascist dictatorship. That’s already happening now, but there’ll be no stopping the Left without Trump.
This is a Civilisation making and breaking event!
Agreed. I’m no fan of protectionism but there’s far more at stake in this election, so Trump must win. I’m confident he will, until I see young democrat voters interviewed, then add the willingness of cheating to that equation and I’m just not sure.
Despite the worsening climate of fear erupting throughout the Land of the Free [sic], it’s a lovely spring day here, while down south NZ:
Puysegur: ‘Sea becoming high … 6 metres [20ft+] … squally thunderstorms’
Fiordland, Southland, Otago: ‘Snow to 500 metres’
And that’s why we call this month Snovember. Nup, no ‘change’ here, same as it ever was, yet naïve silly city greens want to shutdown farming, fishing, transport, power generation, everything – except complaining. Doomers of the Death Cult ☠️
21*C of sunny blissful warmth here 😎
-1*C windchill and SNOW in Queenstown 😱
-5*C windchill down along the South coast 🥶
How carbon™️ does all this at once no one knows, unless all those extra TAXES we’re being charged are having some tangible effect… yeah nah.
For Steve of Cornubia re #34 yesterday
Some more reading
And re the blogger’s wife’s treatment –
“BTW, a frontline doctor named Paul Marik is mentioned in this article. It’s his protocol that we’re using for Cathy’s treatment.”
Thanks again Ian. I have rec’d a response from Brightwork, regarding my question about their preferred supplier of Ivermectin. They simply said Summit Products is a new, small business, hence the apparent lack of info on the internet. Not a very satisfactory response insofar as they didn’t really help me feel confident about it all.
I currently propose to continue using the Ivermectin I can buy from India. Whilst I understand there may be questions regarding QC in India, the supply I bought previously seems to have plenty of the active ingredient if my wife’s response to it is any guide. She almost immediately saw a drop in her blood pressure – a known side effect. We will wait to see if her CA125 marker changes at her next test (week after next), at which point she will have been taking it for around a month, then plot a way forward.
Looks like a Second Edition just out –
Dr Paul Marik
I have v2, thanks Ian. I found it after you mentioned him. I’m tending towards following Marik more so than Brightwork, which appears to be mostly just passing along Marik’s work then funneling desperate subscribers toward just one supplier, in America.
My post-Covid scepticism toward the medical profession generally is making this really hard. I am painfully aware that I know the square root of bugger all when it comes to medicines, yet I truly don’t know which professionals to trust. Obviously, Marik and other who (AFAIK) stand to gain nothing from all that work, have a head start on the rest.
“Obviously, Marik and other who (AFAIK) stand to gain nothing from all that work, have a head start on the rest.”
A great way to evaluate information! Look at the incentive the person has in pushing their barrow and decide if they are there to help or to sell!
Yes, but-
for the medical profession the major driver of action and advice is not medical knowledge and experience but compliance.
Government control is so tight that there is real risk of warnings, fines, and being struck-off as a medical practitioner. Medics have a very high investment in money and years of training, not many will risk losing their job, career and community standing.
Re “My post-Covid scepticism toward the medical profession generally is making this really hard. ”
Keep it up and keep reading! If the bulk of current medicos had been in charge we wouldn’t have got to leeches yet (IMO).
I add new finds as FWIW
For NSW Real Estate Watchers
Interesting to see how my local Suburb is going –
Just change Postcode to where you want to look and put in Suburb in Caps
Click in Sale Date to get latest sale – Registrations usually run 2-3 months behind
And if you want to find UCV for Land Tax in NSW try
And if you are looking at QLD – if anyone can explain the rationale re QLD Land Tax?
I bought an electric push lawn mower yesterday. It’s good. The cut is a bit different, the clippings are more whole than the smashed up petrol mower. But it does cut quite well.
I got the 36V version, utilising existing tool batteries I have. The batteries lasted well, down to one bar by the end. Could have mowed more. Difficult to say how much area because our lawn is all over the place. I usually do it with a ride on and its small for that.
One thing I like is it is light, and after mowing you can flip it on its side and clean underneath the deck to stop rust, without petrol dripping out. And no more pulling that cord to start the petrol mower which was constantly giving us trouble.
It seems to me battery powered items are good for low load small items. I also have a battery pole saw which is fantastic, best gardening tool I’ve ever bought. But for bigger items that carry a load, they’re a dud. I wouldn’t consider an electric ride on, nor a car.
Yes, there is a limit to how much “power” a battery tool can produce.
Even the 36/40v devices are limited to the max amps the battery pack can release. ….40-50 amps at the very best, meaning a total of 2000 Watts…..and that for a very short time.
1000 watts is likely the best continuous power you could expect, which implies an 8ah, 36v battery would provide that level of power for only 20 mins..
A mains 240v powered tool / vacuum cleaner, can operate at more than double that power level (2400 W), continuously, for as long as required .
It may deliver less than 1000 watts, as Im pretty sure it went for longer than 20 mins or around that. I will time it next time.
But it was enough. Doesn’t have the power of petrol mowers though. forgot to say that. But it has enough.
I have heard that a lot of building tradies are switching back to mains powered tools.
‘We hit him’: Dan Andrews’ triple-0 call after teenager collides with then-Premier’s car
The bombshell release of Dan Andrews’ triple-0 call after he collided with a teenage cyclist has raised questions about a claim made by the former Premier.
A triple-zero call from former Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has come to light raising questions about an accident that occurred a decade ago that saw a teenager nearly die.
Ryan Meuleman, then 15, was cycling in Blairgowrie, on the Mornington Peninsula, in January 2013 when he collided with an SUV driven by Mr Andrews’ wife Catherine.
The impact saw Mr Meuleman suffer serious injuries that led to him being flown to hospital.
He lost his spleen and had rib and lung damage. His father has said he went to a “dark place,” after the collision that saw him lose “10 years of his life”.
Now in his mid-twenties, Mr Meuleman has always maintained that the Andrews’ car struck him that day. But Mr Andrews said that their car was hit by the cyclist.
“The cyclist was travelling at speed and hit our car at a perfect right angle very heavily,” he told police after the incident.
“I want to make it clear – the cyclist hit our vehicle”.
‘We hit him’
On Friday, however, Channel 9’s A Current Affair played a triple-zero call where Mr Andrews appeared to say that it was the car that hit the cyclist.
Mr Andrews, who has said he was in the passenger seat at the time of the accident, tells the dispatcher the address and describes the incident.
“We’ve turned right into Ridley Street and a kid’s coming flying through on the bike path.
“And we’ve hit him”.
After saying it was his car that hit the child, the former Premier then said that the victim was “on the ground,” was conscious but was in “a lot, a lot of pain”.
The teen’s body left a huge dent in the Ford Territory’s windscreen smashing the glass.
Mrs Andrews wasn’t breathalysed after the crash, and Mr Meuleman wasn’t given the opportunity to give a statement to police.
No charges were ever laid in relation to the incident.
Just the usual corruption you’d expect with a politician, hide it for a decade and let it out after they’ve retired.. Then they can die guilt-free..
This is easy to listen to:
JD Vance with Joe Rogan.
Michelle Yeoh’s incredible motorcycle stunt in Police Story 3: Super Cop
Michelle Yeoh performed all of her own stunts – including jumping a train on a motorcycle – in Stanley Tong’s 1992 comedy Police Story 3: Super Cop. She managed to upstage Jackie Chan and earn his respect.
From the Oscars to Wicked: Michelle Yeoh’s journey to hollywood icon
Is there anything she can’t do? From martial arts classics to the Oscars limelight, and now a starring role in the hotly anticipated Wicked, Michelle Yeoh is on a roll.
A stunt is not real life. It is an expertly choreographed dance, like riding a motorcycle onto a speeding train, which Michelle Yeoh does in 1992’s Supercop. Yeoh, 62, has been doing stunts ever since she’s been making movies, and she’s been making movies for a very long time. “I do love what I do,” she smiles. “You have to have the passion. Otherwise it is very draining. Otherwise it will make you go insane.
By the time Yeoh arrived on the big screen, she had already lived many lives. The first was as a ballet dancer: born in 1962 in Malaysia, she attended the Royal Academy of Dance in London until a back injury ended her dream. Her second life, courtesy of a forged signature by her mother on an application form, was as a pageant queen. Yeoh was named Miss Malaysia in 1983 and, a year later, touched down in Melbourne for the Miss Moomba competition. She won. “I’m the Moomba Queen!” she yelps, flinging her arms up in a perfect pageant flourish.
Our order of business is to discuss Wicked, the blockbuster adaptation of the musical that reframed The Wizard of Ozwhen it opened on Broadway in 2003.
Yeoh stars as Madame Morrible (a role played on stage by everyone from Carol Kane to Miriam Margolyes), headmistress of Shiz, the university where Elphaba (Cynthia Erivo) and Glinda (Ariana Grande, stealing the show) are learning the tools of their magical trade. Madame Morrible is the villain of the piece, stoking discord by playing on people’s fear of what they don’t understand.
The Covid report is too polite to state the obvious: Victorians were the victims of a huge experiment in mass population control conducted by Daniel Andrews and his health bureaucrats.
Flawed report safeguards two of the worst state governments in decades
The release of the 871-page report commissioned by the Albanese government came with a surprise – despite instructions in the terms of reference to ignore unilateral actions by state governments – the authors, while not identifying the premiers, have issued a powerful critique of their punishing policies. It is a welcome and overdue step on the road to accountability for the blunders and overreach in the nation’s pandemic response with the premiers bearing the chief responsibility.
But this is a flawed report. It is inadequate primarily because of the political protection the Albanese government insisted on to safeguard the reputation of the Labor Party, notably the former Andrews and Palaszczuk governments, two of the worst state governments in decades.
The inquiry was hampered by the outrageous term of reference that it must not examine “actions taken unilaterally by state and territory governments” – which covers the bulk of the Covid health measures. In this sense, the review is a macabre joke – it bemoans the “lack of transparency” in the pandemic measures yet the entire report suffers from a lack of transparency.
In truth, this is the report on how the nation managed Covid when you don’t really want the report.
The pandemic was the greatest health challenge Australia faced for a century and the greatest potential economic challenge since the Depression and what do we get?
A federal government that lacks the honesty and courage to properly assess what happened. It is beyond pathetic.
The report is too polite to state the obvious: Victorians were the victims of a huge experiment in mass population control conducted by Andrews and his health bureaucrats, without explanation or evidence being produced for their prolonged lockdowns that were devoid of any effort to balance the gains and losses.
The other Covid plague that devoured our brains
It is curious that a disease that had its birth in China should carry another pathogen as it spread around the world: totalitarianism.
Here, Covid-19 revealed a lot about our character as a nation and as a people. Some of it was good, some deeply disturbing.
The performance of state governments was at first collegiate and worthy, then parochial and despicable as preening premiers split our country into colonies.
The federal government began decisive and strong, then ended confused and weakened by states that controlled schools, hospitals, police forces and internal borders.
The most disgraceful decision during the pandemic was to lock Australians out of their own country. So what is the value of being a citizen of this democracy?
The most cowardly decision in the wake of the worst health crisis in 100 years was not to hold a royal commission to which all levels of government submitted: not to seek retribution but to publicly interrogate every aspect of the response to develop the best possible plan for the next crisis.
Get rid of the States! An expensive waste of extra Govt we don’t need!
Don’t like Canberra, then get rid of Federal Govt, a waste of extra Govt we don’t need..
Take the ability to tax away from the Federal Govt and make them send a bill to each State Govt, just keep Canberra as a figurehead to represent Australia overseas.
Both of them are working as hard as they can to increase their empire at the expense of the other, and everyone paying for it knows they’re a waste of money.
A lot of politicians in the USA would like to eliminate voting by state…..
Interesting image.
What do you notice?
Error 404 – page not found
Blanc Le Blank. Nuffink. Carbon Zero?
““Ricky Gervais just destroyed every celeb endorsing Kamala! ‘Vote for Kamala because we know better than you!’ 😂 Nothing like Hollywood telling us how to think… Ricky’s got it spot on!”
FOIA Reveals Long-Hidden Transcript of President Obama Talking to Progressive Media About the Trump-Russia Fraud Story 3 Days Before Trump 2017 Inauguration
November 1, 2024 Sundance
Renewables are taking quite a beating in The Australian lately. The latest (paywalled) article by Graham Lloyd: ‘Model is broken’: off-shore wind’s towering hype faces reality check. discusses many of the current issues affecting the proposed use of offshore wind in Australia, and uses very good graphics and videos to show how big the proposed wind turbines will be. The article also notes that the offshore wind suppliers now seem to be acknowledging that offshore wind will be a lot more expensive than onshore wind, and want to pitch their offshore wind comparisons against nuclear, with GE Vernova’s chief executive saying that the company is turning its attention to nuclear. Also Macquarie is looking at selling its offshore wind developer Corio Generation, and BP is looking to exit offshore wind. And current wind suppliers Vestas, Siemens Gamesa, Goldwind and Nordex are all suffering financial losses.
G 4
Have a squiz at the graph here – on shore doesn’t look so good either
“The Paradigm Shift Is Here”
“Some wild shifts are taking place in our time..”
FWIW – latest Kunstler
“Actually, The Democratic Party is Hitler”
“”The Blue Team is protected by the sheer audacity of their betrayal of Americans. For most, their approach is literally beyond belief.” — Bret Weinstein ”
” Along about now, you’re probably wondering what sort of mayhem the Party of Chaos is set to unleash on our democracy after their mighty ballot fraud operation fails to overcome the yet more powerful instinct of the voters to expel them from the seats of power they seized by fraud in 2020 and 2022. You can be sure they’ve gamed-out a playbook aimed at paralyzing the nation one way or another if the effort to install Kamala Harris in the White House face-plants, as it appears to be doing in these final days before the reckoning.”
“The days just ahead will be filled with tension and angst, I know. Make sure you vote. After Tuesday, our country will be politically fogged-in for a while. Hunker down, keep your heads screwed on, and have faith in each other. The cause is a righteous one. MASA: Make America Sane Again.”
You can bet that Albanese (and other leftist governments) will be watching this with great interest and wondering, could we do that…?
China’s cyberspace watchdog launches campaign to tackle illegal and false content on local online discussion sites
Yes, ALL Govts will be up for this!
“The cyberspace watchdog will tackle negative content and online behaviors that spread hostility online such as using local hot topics related to housing, education, healthcare and food safety to hurl malicious insults, slander, and stigmatize regions, professions, and groups, promoting negative emotions including pessimism and fear to incite group antagonism.
According to CAC, the authority will target the sensationalizing of occasional extreme incidents, heatedly discussed events, disasters and accidents, events forcibly linked to history or labeled with specific regions, remarks promoting biased or discriminatory views to stir regional tensions. Meanwhile, the special campaign will also crack down on online rumors and misinformation related to public policies and social welfare, fabricated disasters, accidents, and incidents designed to spark public panic. ”
That’s it! No discussion of global warming or its effects, no insults or slander against ‘deplorables’ or ‘conspiracy theorists’, no ‘negative emotions or fear-mongering’ that we are all going to die when the oceans boil..
The Govt will have nothing to say!
“Astronauts Aboard International Space Station Told to Prepare for Urgent Evacuation”
A sign of “The Trustworthy Times”!
“CAN WE TRUST THEM TO CONDUCT AN URGENT EVACUATION IN TIME? Astronauts Aboard International Space Station Told to Prepare for Urgent Evacuation.”
FWIW – things you can do with a V 10 engine!
“Renault F1 engine playing God Save the Queen”
Not a single mention of problems with Solar and batteries in Broken Hill.
They do mention some unreliable “generator” while carefully not giving any details.
As usual, the ABC sure don’t report what actually happened.
Renew Economy has quite a good article on the problem with the solar facility. Seems it was deliberately setup, on Transgrid’s command, NOT to “island”, so it couldn’t be used to backup the grid. Look at their article 27 Oct, “Battery charges up to create local micro grid, but why was it disabled in the first place?”
As the article says, the 200 MW Silverton wind facility and the 50MW Broken Hill solar facility were sitting idle – not connected, as they cannot generate under the connection rules.
Along with what I believe were old transmission towers overloaded with new lines, the whole thing has been a debacle. There seems to be many wrong decisions made by a number of operators, who no doubt won’t be held responsible.
“Well done Erin Molan, your dad would be so proud.”
FWIW – re those “Harris catching up” polls
Via Instapundit
“IT’S MORE THAN THAT. THEY’RE TRYING TO MAKE THE TIDE OF FRAUD PLAUSIBLE: Polling Guru Nate Silver Accuses Pollsters of Cheating, Herding to Make Race Appear Tight.”