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22 comments to Tuesday

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    Friends of Science Newsletter #417
    Topics include:
    Net Zero and the Future Power Grid, with Randy Stubbings
    Florida Major Hurricanes, 1900-2024: What Do the Statistics Show?
    Steve McIntyre; the Real Lesson to be Learned from Hurricane Helene
    U.K. Faces Economic Ruin with World’s Highest Electricity Prices
    Heavy September Rainfalls Have Brought Back Lakes In The Sahara!
    Cloud Changes ‘Are the Cause of Changes In the Accumulated Solar Energy’


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    Chapeau to Elon Musk, who is making the world a better place. Incredible.

    But it also means NASA is too busy fighting man made funding chasing Global Warming instead of doing their job. One man with his own money and sheer determination is making a mockery of public space research. And Boeing also has lost their way, introducing racism as a meter for R&D and achievement.

    Long live the pursuit of excellence. Only one man is talking of colonizing Mars. The rest have lost their way in Marxism.

    And the world is busier spending $1.8Trillion a year fighting something which does not exist, man made CO2 driven Global Warming. The oceans are NOT boiling. That’s ridiculous. And no one in the slave press says so? Who believes it? No one. They are too busy punishing Putin, ignoring China, demanding that there are a million sexes and chasing reparations for slavery which has not existed for centuries.

    Meanwhile an utterly unqualified and very strange woman may be elected US President on the platforms of racism, sexism and utter incompetence. E Pluribus Nihil. Kamala Chameleon is completely unsuited for the job. And all of America knows it. That makes NASA’s failure to innovate look reasonable.

    And no one put in the door bolts on a new Boeing, checked they were there or even cared. Doors fall off. It happens. So they wonder why 17,000 people just lost their jobs? And Disney, the children’s favorite for decades is now the company of institutionalized pedophilia. Who cares about science, morals or even survival? It’s Hollywood versus the world.


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    David Maddison

    Great news!

    The Victoriastan Government is lowering electricity prices. They sent me tbis:

    Another round of energy bill relief is putting money back into the pockets of Victorian households and small businesses.

    In 2024-25 the Australian Government, in partnership with states and territories, is providing $3.5 billion to deliver electricity bill rebates to Australian households and eligible small businesses to ease cost of living pressures.

    Read on to find out how to secure your $300 energy bill rebate, see how one Victorian homeowner is slashing his energy costs, and where you can get help with your energy bills.

    And where does this $300 come from?

    It comes from the very same taxpayers it was stolen from in the first place, or money borrowed by the Government that the taxpayer will eventually have to pay back one way or another.

    But most people (present company excepted) won’t realise that as they are addicted to all the “free stuff” they think the Government gives them.

    It’s funny how no one needed electricity bill relief before the Liberals (fake conservatives) under Howard first forced “green” energy onto Australians, a position enthusiastically followed by the Green Labor faction of the Uniparty.


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    A few days ago all the usual suspects were delighting in the closure of the UK’s last coal power station. Today, risk of generation shortfall:-



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      No need to panic says Ed Sillyband, the Flywheels and Batteries will come to the rescue.


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        I have bought a pack of AA batteries and will be contacting mini brain to tell him they will be able to store enough energy to power the UK for six weeks.

        I have provided lots of mathematical formula as proof

        £ 100 million sounds reasonable for this valuable energy source. Wish me luck.


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          David Maddison

          With “your” Ed Millibrain I think we now have a real challenger to “our” simpleton Energy Minister Chrissy Bowen. I never thought there could be a serious challenger to Bowen’s extreme stupidity.


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      David Maddison

      That’s great news.

      The Woke countries, including Once Great Britain and Australia, need some major power outages or preferably complete grid collapses with associated major chaos.

      It’s the only way the Sheeple and politicians will wake up.

      Don’t prolong the agony.

      The downside is the way it might be spun. In Australia, I can see the Lamestream media, Marxist fake “academics”, the subsidy harvesters and our simpleton politicians spinning it as attributable to not enough wind and solar plantations. We just need to throw more billions at more such plantations.


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    Just watched some Sky News this morning where a new QLD State Guv’ment Candidate who is a former Construction Worker stated in a TV Interview – “I’m not a Politician, I’m a real person”.

    Well said mate.


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    Kalm Keith

    Yesterday, somewhere , there was another news headline that struck me as being so 2024ish.

    It proclaimed that “Dementia is Diabetes Type 3 “.

    Didn’t bother to read it.

    Type 2 causation I understand, type 1, I suspect, is a derivative of the damage that follows on from T2 but now we have T3.


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    David Maddison


    On recent drives between Melbournistan and Sydneystan, my eyes and ears have been assaulted by three things

    1) The sight of wind and solar plantations.
    2) Their ABC Radio. How do people listen to that?
    3) Government roadside rest stops with woke long drop/composting toilets. Only Leftists could love them with the disgusting sights and smells…

    ANYWAY yesterday I noticed at one of the wind plantations thst many windmills were not spinning or only quite slowly and there was no obvious wind. I know that in the absence of wind power is drawn from the grid to turn them VERY slowly to prevent Brinelling of the bearings but many windmills seemed to be going faster than a very slow speed. I was wondering whether, in the absence of wind, they are spun under power just to give the appearance of operating and being useful? Yes, I am THAT cynical…


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    Interesting, I can’t recall seeing anything about this in the Lame stream Media


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    David Maddison

    One of the best examples of science fiction turning into reality is the vertical landing of Elon Musk’s reusable rockets. It was the standard way rockets were portrayed as landing in science fiction stories and illustrations in the early 20th century but that was never the reality until recently.

    It’s still fascinating to watch even though it’s been routine for SpaceX for about six years.

    Going beyond that, and in reference to Jo’s story yesterday, now Musk’s rockets don’t even touch the ground but are caught by the Mechazilla Arms.

    And the Left are out to destroy this guy just because he doesn’t conform to their anti-Civilisation and anti-science beliefs and especially the Woke Mind Virus as he calls it.


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    Yes, David I am THAT cynical too. “They are spun under power just to give the appearance of operating and being useful?” AEMO anybody?


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    The BOM does it again.

    Monday’s Weather Forecast for Sydney City, the prediction was for rain and a few mm of rain. In reality there was lots of rain with thunderstorms on Monday afternoon.

    This morning’s Weather Report stated 24 mm for Sydney City on Monday……………That is nearly an inch
    – Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……………………


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