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5 comments to Saturday

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    This headline seems so extreme that it must be suspect but the researchers seem highly credible


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    The Saltbush Club
    Blind Freddy on Green Hydrogen
    By Geoff Derrick

    Everyone knows “Blind Freddy”. He’s the man who sees problematic issues with extreme clarity, who identifies projects based on humbug, who calls out scams and wrong-doings, who is our quiet protector on many controversial social and business issues, and who keeps many of our radical politicians, businessmen and policy makers in check.

    It is Blind Freddy who could see that “Green Hydrogen” was set to fail (“Writing on wall for green hydrogen”, Weekend Australian, 5-6 Oct), simply because making green hydrogen by passing an electric current through water is extremely expensive and energy consuming. It is Blind Freddy who sees that this process uses more energy than hydrogen can produce, and that it costs more to make this green hydrogen than its world sale price.

    Operating at a loss may well be standard socialist philosophy, but it is not the way capitalism works.

    And it is Blind Freddy who can see that renewables will never replace fossil fuels because they cannot do the job of powering a nation 24/7.


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    Readers might remember that devastating car park fire at Luton airport last year which destroyed 1300 vehicles

    Seems the cause was a diesel Range Rover


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    And now, to start your weekend with a dose of indigestion, it looks like Floydism will be the next new religion. Being healed by the presence and protection of Saint George.

    There Are Now Baptisms Taking Place on Corner Where George Floyd Was Killed

    Sometimes the power of a movement starts from brokenness. Even in the darkest hours, through the most debilitating trials, something beautiful can be waiting around the corner.

    That doesn’t erase the sting of the original pain, but it honors that loss by turning grief into something bigger and even more meaningful.


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    BBC does its own attribution …

    “How unusual has this hurricane season been?”

    Usual tatt.
    But, in fairness, – “Yet in early September, when hurricane activity is normally at its peak, there were peculiarly few storms.”

    Not sure if the BBC – or, at least the authors,
    “Mark Poynting, Becky Dale, Erwan Rivault and Libby Rogers”
    “BBC Climate & BBC Verify Data Journalism teams” do actually understand natural variation.

    Perhaps …

    Mark Poynting – 21 months work experience [with the BBC], has B Geography, and MPhil, Polar studies;
    Becky Dale – BA International Studies [Missouri], Master of Arts (M.A.), Geopolitics, Territory and Security, and has a Multicultural Certificate; and is a Fellow, Oxford Climate Journalism Network (OCJN) Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism;
    Erwan Rivault – a Senior Dataviz designer – Bachelor’s in Remote Sensing, Masters in Remote sensing – 3 years at the BBC – and at the ESA before that.
    Libby Rogers – a Senior [promoted a month ago] Data Scientist @ the BBC; before that, 4 years at the Greater London Authority [When Mr Khan was Mayor of London]; and esearch Associate at UCL, and an Actuarial trainee. Masters in Maths.

    I’ve looked, so you don;’t need to!

    PS – ‘Dataviz Designer’ – a new one on me, but perhaps
    – ‘I make pretty diagrams, and have read “How to Lie with Statistics” … maybe’
    Chap I know is a Pre-loved Consumer-goods Recycling and Repurposing Manager; when I was a lad, I would have said he drives the bin-lorry.


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