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    Looming European energy crisis: A lesson in averages that won’t soon be forgotten

    From the BOE REPORT

    Terry Etam

    Well, maybe I’d like to talk about statisticians, as in the old joke about the one that drowned because he forded a river that was only three feet deep, on average.

    A car may be designed for the average – one doesn’t find the tallest person on earth and design an interior to accommodate them. The exceptions get to either bang their shins or dangle their feet, but that’s the way it has to be.

    In other areas, it can’t work that way. Do you insulate your house for average conditions? No, of course not. Do you install an air conditioner for average conditions? Same. And on it goes. When the risk of harm goes up, we design for the extremes, not the averages. Or we should.

    A whole world of trouble will come your way if your plans are built on averages but you cannot live with the extremes. Or even with substantial variations. Europe, and other progressive energy parts of the world, are finding this out the hard way.



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      David Maddison

      Australia’s energy crisis, due to expensive “green” energy, is partly hidden by the fact that most people live in areas where the climate is mild and the inability to afford heating or cooling only makes you uncomfortable, it doesn’t kill you. Also, in Australia, most people don’t seem to notice the shutdown of industry due to expensive green energy.


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    David Maddison


    In the UK, “Bladerunner” from a popular crowd-sourced anti-ULEZ group takes down one the hated cameras designed to milk motorists dry.

    ULEZ is an anti-car, anti-indivualist measure by the Left/globalists to reduce personal mobility/freedom under the guise of supposedly reducing air pollution.

    Bladerunner uses a cordless saw.


    Others do it with foam:


    Needless to say, such civil disobedience is not legal but resistance against police states never is.


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