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10 comments to Thursday

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    David Maddison

    Don’t forget to make a submission against the Australian Government’s latest proposed censorship bill.

    See Jo’s blog post from yesterday.


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    Perhaps BBC Verify could try a quick Google as their climate activist reporters can’t be bothered. Europe floods because climate:-

    “In many places in Poland a great flood, caused by incessant rain in August, has drowned the crops, herds and draught animals.” – the year 1368 in the Annals of Jan Dlugosz

    “Polish researchers examining medieval sources have discovered that the country was hit by flooding 166 times between the 11th and 15th centuries…”


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      David Maddison

      Warmists are “staticists” in the Aristotlean tradition and don’t believe the earth or it’s variable star sun ever changes.

      The idea that the earth and universe is static is a very primitive one and articulated by Aristotle in “In the Heavens” 350BCE.

      For in the whole range of time past, so far as our inherited records reach, no change appears to have taken place either in the whole scheme of the outermost heaven or in any of its proper parts.


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    David Maddison

    Australia’s chief censorship official, the Liberal appointed e Safety Kommissar, speaks at the WEF about how free speech needs to be “recalibrated”.


    She used to be a censor at Twitter (director of public policy in Australia and south-east Asia) before Elon Musk bought it and made it into a free speech platform (but she still tries to censor Twitter with Australian Government “take down” orders).

    As a member of the thinking community, I find it offensive and disturbing to think that someone else wants to control what opinions I read or say. I would never try to censor someone else whose opinions I disagree with. But Leftists openly do it to thinking people.

    It will get MUCH worse under Australia’s new proposed censorship laws.

    I can see free speech platforms like X/Twitter being banned in Australia or being rendered inaccessible by their owners due to heavy censorship fines. This has already happened in Brazil with X.

    And it will also cause a shut down of sites like Jo’s. You won’t be able to read opinions that differ from the Official Narrative.

    See my previous submission against the last version of the censorship bill.

    Scary stuff. I never imagined that this could happen in Australia.


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      Paul Cottingham

      Australia’s chief censorship official is to recalibrate ‘Free Speech’ from “If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear” to “If liberalism means anything at all it means the authority to tell people what they can do, say and hear”


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    Paul Cottingham

    British website Expose warns about an Australian Approved Vaccine Which Kills The Unvaccinated

    A vaccine for smallpox called ACAM2000, and now recommended for monkeypox, which was approved in Australia in 2009, can infect the vaccinated with the pox and cause death to the vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated if they get infected by the vaccinated:


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    Honk R Smith

    Fake US election update.
    ‘Early’ voting has already started in many states.
    Hmm … just wondering … where do the ballots go after they’re collected ‘early’.
    Who has possession of them?
    Are they in a safe?
    A Save Our Democracy bank?
    Who has access to the ‘early’ votes?
    Are there 24 hour shifts of pairs of Democrat and Republican early vote guards*making sure that the other guards the votes?
    Until November?
    (In my city, we don’t even a full contingent of police much less vote guards.)
    *(Don’t drink the coffee the Democrat guard brings you.)

    This is a joke.
    Made possible by the Magnificent Media Lying Machine that’s keeps the public ignorant across the world.
    Get your 8th booster before the oceans boil away.

    Oh dear, I guess I’m ‘harming’ public confidence in government.
    Which is looking like will be a crime in both our countries next year.
    Which is another joke,
    How can you ‘harm’ something that is nonexistent.


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    Scientists Raise Alarm as All-Cause Deaths Surge Among Covid-Vaccinated

    The alarming new study has revealed that deaths from all causes are soaring dramatically among those who have received Covid mRNA shots compared to the unvaccinated.

    The discovery was revealed in a study by an Italian team of researchers led by Professor Marco Alessandria of the University of Turin and Dr. Alberto Donzelli, M.D. of Italy’s Independent Medical-Scientific Commission.


  • #
    David Maddison

    A good discussion from 4 months ago about Australia’s proposed censorship legislation.


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