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3 comments to Saturday

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    we’re finally allowed to disclose a vulnerability reported to Kia which would’ve allowed an attacker to remotely control almost all vehicles made after 2013 using only the license plate.

    Full disclosure:



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    this is a hard slog…
    Definition of Misinformation and Disinformation (13(1)(a) & 13(2)(a)): “contains information that is reasonably verifiable as false, misleading or deceptive”.
    Information or data will often permit the drawing of a range of reasonable (plausible or probable) inferences without logical error. The material may, in other words, “reasonably admit[] of different conclusions” This is notoriously the case in matters of public discourse which routinely involve uncertain or conflicting narratives. What government considers “reasonably verifiable” may thus be open to an alternate and equally reasonable or plausible interpretation. Here the only difference between the opinion of the citizen and the opinion of the state will be that the latter will carry the coercive power of government. That is not a logically or democratically acceptable criterion for discriminating between epistemic judgments.


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