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83 comments to Friday

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      David Maddison

      I want to see a firm commitment from the pretend conservative Liberal Party that in the unlikely event that this faction of the Uniparty is elected, that they will 100% remove this legislation along with the e Safety Kommissar, both creations of the Liberals.

      I suspect they won’t.


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        You got that right.


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        We actually urgently need a referendum to enshrine the absolute right to freedom of speech and communication in our Constitution.
        There has to be absolutely no doubt that we have the right to express our own opinions freely and without any fear of government censorship, control or retribution.
        The concept of “harmful” speech is a manufactured “harm” intended to make it possible to silence any opinion or expression of doubt or concern about government action or intention.
        We cannot afford to leave such important matters solely in the hands of fickle politicians.

        Similarly, we urgently need the Constitution amended to include the absolute right to complete control of our own health decisions and management. Government or employers must never again be able to subject us to coercion, blackmail or any other pressure to accept any medical intervention under any circumstances.
        Again, we cannot afford to leave such important matters solely in the hands of fickle politicians.


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          Like it and would probably vote for it but can’t totaly agree.
          In the past the spread of serious disease was slowed by forced quarantine. Probably never successfully controled but slowed enough to gain time. For the moment we are keeping foot and mouth out.
          Plain honesty is what is required and that is proving difficult.



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    Trump Will Start World War III,’ Says Party Autographing Bombs To Be Launched At Russia

    Babylon Bee


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    David Maddison

    The former Victorian dictator and Sinophile was elected three times even though his megalomaniac, dictatorial control freak, socialistic and huge spending tendencies were obvious even before the first election.

    This indicates four things.

    -The lack of reasoning power of many voters.

    -The desire of “free stuff” of many voters. Just how much of the income of their fellow workers (or money borrowed by Government) do they think should be transferred to them?

    -The incompetence and lack of leadership of the pretend conservative Liberal Party who were unable to secure what should have been an easy election win in all cases. They would have been slightly less bad than Labor.

    -After the first election, the huge expansion of the public service, projects on which the feral union the CFMEU were “employed”, projects with Chinese firms such as wind plantations were used, and other interest groups who benefited from massive overspending and therefore whose future votes and/or support were purchased at the cost of huge amounts of future unaffordable taxpayer funding liabilities.


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    David Maddison

    I suspect this is AI generated as it admits to various speculations and perceptions about Trudeau.

    He surely wouldn’t admit to such things, even to a supportive Leftist audience and interviewer.

    It also shows the power of (suspected) AI.


    Justin Trudeau Makes Shocking Admission on The Colbert Show


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      David Maddison

      The correct term for this is Deep Fake.


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        Andrew McRae

        For a few frames at 1:16 while saying “Drumpf”, Colbert’s mouth becomes a black ellipse in an impossible position.
        Fake, but would it “reasonably be regarded as parody or satire”? The ACMA would like to know!

        It sounded like you weren’t sure at first. It has been well done.


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      Tides of Mudgee

      There seems to be no question that this Trudeau “interview” is deeply deeply fake. Carefully watch his mouth and Colbert’s when they are speaking. It doesn’t match the words they’re saying. ToM


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    David Maddison

    I hate it when some service person says “too easy” in response to my request.


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    David Maddison

    I am still weighting for a Leftist to tell me why they think they have a right, via censorship, to tell me what opinions I am allowed to read or write.


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    David Maddison

    I think AI “assistance” tools which supposedly help you (e.g. to summarise a meeting) are the final phase of the dumbing-down of the population after 60 or so years (in the West) of the education system being deliberately dumbed-down by Marxists.

    And like nearly all AI to date, the trainers have incorporated a strong Leftist bias into these tools such as the rewriting of history as with the bizarre portrayal of black National Socialists to name but one example.


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    Greg in NZ

    Last day of school term, hey it’s Friday, pull a sickie? It must be –

    Shkool Shtryke 4 Climb IT ⚠️

    Sure hope the little preciouses are wrapped up in layers and layers of polyprop thermals & nylon jackets & plastic gumboots a la Goblin Girl: it’s below-freezing with snow to 200 metres (700ft) down south today 🥶

    The only thing burning is irony, and people’s fireplaces as they try to ward off the Big Chill of Spring 2024.


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    David Maddison

    The Australian Government wants to ban negative gearing by real estate investors.

    Keating banned negative gearing in 1985-87 and rents unsurprisingly went up. Obviously they would have to. Negative gearing is a poor term. All it means is that expenses incurred in earning an income are tax deductible. It’s no different to a business claiming the cost of a computer or office stationery, electricity or even labour costs. In this case it is the cost of interest. In Australia the ability to claim this cost has kept rents lower than they otherwise would be. In fact the prices charged by ANY business would have to go up if they couldn’t claim the cost of business expenses against tax.

    The possibility of banning negative gearing and draconian rental laws will mean most investors will leave the market. In fact, on the basis of draconian anti-landlord laws in Victoria, nearly everyone I know who is a property investor has, will be or wants to sell up.

    Also, when you sell a rental property you are also subject to capital gains tax.

    There is essentially no incentive now, in Australia, for investors to invest in real estate.

    And the rental crisis is mostly about Australia importing immigrants much faster than housing for them can be built.


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      There are “no plans” to change the discount because it would fail to fix the housing supply, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has said.

      Albo is taking full advantage of negative gearing with his property in Dulwich Hill.


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        Albanese has his Dulwich Hill rental on the market. He gave it a makeover before putting it on the market. Probably wants to get it sold before the market collapses when negative gearing is no longer a tax deduction.


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        “Albo is taking full advantage of negative gearing with his property in Dulwich Hill.”

        The reason it never takes off… Politicians main focus is their own wealth, not building the country.


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      The Treasurer comes clean.

      ‘Treasurer Jim Chalmers conceded he asked his department to model the impact of changes to negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions.
      About 1.1 million Australians had a negatively geared property in 2020-21, according to Australian Taxation Office data.’ (ABC)


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    David Maddison

    Setting aside theological beliefs for a moment…

    The universe exists because if it didn’t, what would there be?


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      And back inside the universe we inhabit, we have an understanding that most of what should be there, (according to stars circling a galaxy), is not only not visible but otherwise undetectable.

      So even the universe that exists, (by observation), is not all that there is to see.

      And that’s just our universe(s). If there were others, would we be able to observe them? Maybe they have already been caught in an expanding void and are out of our reach, (with regard to light traveling back to our eyes).

      Maybe in that other universe they have a wonderful time, the sun shines, the world is pleasant and of course, they have no lawyers.


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      ” … there was never a Big Bang that produced something from nothing.” Stephen Hawking


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        Kalm Keith

        Maybe, but the concept was extremely useful in working out a lot of details about what’s going on up there.

        Similarly, the Bohr model of the atomic structure may not be a perfect picture of reality but certainly enabled a huge advance in so many aspects of science.


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    another ian


    “MAHA – Robert F Kennedy Jr Outlines Core Problem with American Food Products
    September 26, 2024 | Sundance | 408 Comments”

    “Example: Seed oils are banned in Russia. You literally cannot find any food processed with flaxseed oil, canola oil or any other industrial seed oil. To understand the ramification, go to your pantry right now and look at the ingredient label. Put everything you find containing Canola oil (also used as a preservative in semi-fresh foods) on your counter, then realize all of those food products are considered toxic and not readily available outside the USA.”

    More at


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      >considered toxic and not readily available outside the USA
      …and Australia, where canola oil is readily available in shops and supermarkets.
      In Victoria right now, canola, (rape), is in full flower and all along the inland highways mile after mile of glorious golden canola, thousands upon thousands of acres of shining beauty, almost ready to go to seed. For oil. Toxic oil.


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    With our censorship bill about to be passed, some clown is trying to get rich by setting up a scheme to sort out REAL journos, who will be allowed more leeway, from ‘citizen reporters’ who actually investigate what politicians do and tell the truth.

    “Under his plan, “member journalists” would pay to register and become part of Journalism Australia if they met certain standards. In return, they would gain the protections offered under the bill. Defining member journalists would help law enforcement agencies and courts identify who is producing trusted journalism to a particular standard”

    The other groups trying to cash in on this are not so happy-

    ““It is critical that these decisions are made by industry peers who understand firsthand the challenges of journalism in Australia,” says Karen Percy, media president for the MEAA. She says the bill would not provide solutions to the real and ongoing issues journalists face, such as defamation laws, restrictive Freedom of Information processes and court suppression orders.”

    She wants to keep it in-house under her control… Funny how the censorship bill didn’t get mentioned, almost as though it won’t affect Govt patsys in mainstream media..

    So much corruption, so blatantly obvious!


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    YYY Guy

    Joe Hockey was at the Nat Press Club yesterday. Highlights –
    He’s making lots of money from gov contracts at his business Bondi Partners.
    KRudd is doing a great job.
    As is Penny Wong.
    Trump vs Harris? Leaning towards Harris.
    He is very proud of his record despite never balancing a budget.
    AUKUS? Great idea. He must be in on the grift.
    Not a single hard question from the churnos.
    And so on.


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    John Connor II

    Our Leader Albo, who art in chaos, Hallowed be thy promises.
    Thy circus come, thy BS be spun, On Earth as it is on ABC News.
    Give us this day our daily cringe,
    And forgive us our sanity,
    As we forgive those who keep drinking the Kool- Aid.
    Lead us not into rational thought,
    But deliver us from reason.
    For thine is the Schwab puppet, the con, and the circus, Forever and ever, amen.


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    John Connor II

    Russell Broadbent MP Informs Prime Minister of DNA Contamination

    ..significantly, Russell also forwarded his letter to all Federal Senators and MPs using the internal Parliamentary system, while including all the co-signatories of his letter, which is against protocol.

    Ooh, better rush through those free speech laws! 😎


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    John Connor II

    Friday ejuksyshun: dinosaurs vs man, a size comparative


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    John Connor II

    Friday funny: asking AI what women of each country look like


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      Please correct me if I am wrong here.
      AI seems to be at the mercy of the internet – i.e. doesn’t AI produce results solely based on the available internet information?
      So, if the information online is incomplete or missing or distorted then the AI result will also suffer from that?

      When AI was in its infancy, I asked ChatGpt to examine research indicating the effect of solar system planetary movements on climate. But ChatGpt could not access such relevant information and continually/repeatedly stated that climate change was accepted as caused by man as purported by so called ‘climate scientists’. ChatGpt would not provide any alternatives, and so was biased to the information available on the internet (which is incomplete or biased).
      If this is correct, then AI would be subject to censorship and bias.

      As I asked at the beginning, please correct me if I may be incorrect as I am no expert on AI.


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        John Connor II

        “AI” is of course nothing of the kind YET.
        GIGO (Garbage in garbage out) has already been shown to be a major problem.
        It’s a glorified database querying and extrapolation tool, designed by the left and with endless inherent biases, prejudices and limitations.
        Don’t expect human (non-left) reasoning and understanding.
        AGI, while originally expected to be 50+ years away is now considered by real experts to be here by 2030 or so given the pace of evolution , and inevitable black projects beyond government oversight will be there all the way.


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    John Connor II

    Friday wtf: shark intestines outperform Tesla valves

    Scientists at the University of Washington have re-created the distinctive spiral shapes of shark intestines in 3D-printed pipes in order to study the unique fluid flow inside the spirals. Their prototypes kept fluids flowing in one preferred direction with no need for flaps to control that flow and performed significantly better than so-called “Tesla valves,” particularly when made of soft polymers, according to a new paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    [Prior work] showed that if you connect these intestines in the same direction as a digestive tract, you get a faster flow of fluid than if you connect them the other way around. We thought this was very interesting from a physics perspective,” said Levin last year while presenting preliminary results at the 67th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting. “One of the theorems in physics actually states that if you take a pipe, and you flow fluid very slowly through it, you have the same flow if you invert it. So we were very surprised to see experiments that contradict the theory. But then you remember that the intestines are not made out of steel—they’re made of something soft, so while fluid flows through the pipe, it deforms it.”

    Nature wins yet again.


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    Andrew McRae

    I have put up the first draft of my Misinformation Bill submission as a comment here:
    Criticism welcome so that I might make improvements before the submission deadline.


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      Good on you Andrew. I was so pressed for time I resubmitted my response to their first Bill. They will probably now reject it on technical grounds. The website was so difficult to navigate that I accidentally included a photo of my cows! Grounds alone for rejection – though it will be light relief for the day of some public servant.


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    Paul Siebert

    John Connor II, #18, Sept 27,
    ____Looks like today’s brains are just barely catching up to Viktor Schauberger.


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    another ian

    For do-it-yourselfers

    From stone age to bronze age


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    John Connor II

    Robby Starbuck Targets Toyota As Anti-Woke Crusade Expands Across Corporate America

    For a Japanese company, Starbuck and his team were entirely shocked by what they found:

    Toyota sponsored a drag queen program at a summer camp for kids identifying as LGBTQ+.

    Toyota opposes laws that ban sex changes for kids and funds groups who work to make sex changes legal for children and they worked with the @HRC to oppose these laws.

    Toyota openly supports “the equality act” which would allow men into girl’s bathrooms, sports and locker-rooms.

    Toyota funded the @HRC’s Time To Thrive Summit where they worked with the largest teachers union to push gender ideology into elementary schools.

    Donated to the HRC, the Trevor Project, Dallas Resource Center and Los Angeles LGBT Center and the Workplace Equality Summit — All supporters of child transitions. The Trevor Project features chat rooms where adults have been caught talking to kids about sexual kinks, how to transition, masturbation and more. They also have a quick exit feature to wipe the browser and hide the website from parents.

    Funded many “all ages” pride events.

    Woke DEI trainings.

    Toyota, like most, has gone downhill quality wise for years now.
    They really don’t need blacklisting, boycotting and bankruptcy, which us what supporting degenerates destroying childhood innocence will get you.


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