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170 comments to Wednesday

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    CO2 Lover

    2. Staying up late
    The early bird may get the worm, but evidence has suggested that night owls actually have higher IQs.

    4. Thriving in clutter
    Some people can’t stand a messy room or desk. But the highly intelligent don’t seem to mind it – or perhaps even prefer it.

    6. Being introverted

    7. Devouring books

    As Oscar Wilde said when arriving at customs:

    “I have nothing to declare except for my genius”


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    CO2 Lover

    Car and Music Trivia

    A Ferrari 250GTO was purchased by Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason for £35,000, circa November 1977, with proceeds from the album The Dark Side Of The Moon {One of my favourite Albums}.

    Just 36 of the 250 GTOs were manufactured between 1962 and 1964

    One was recently sold via RM Sotheby’s New York on 13 Nov 2023 for US$ 51,705,000

    The current record for world’s most expensive Ferrari was set in June 2018 when a 1963 250 GTO (chassis 4153GT) was sold to David MacNeil in a private sale for US$70 million.

    The GTO originally sold for US$18,500 and second hand models sold as low as US2500 in 1969. One was even given to a High School for mechanic students to work on!


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      CO2 Lover

      Ford vs Ferrari

      Ford Mustang driven by Steve McQueen in ‘Bullitt’ sells for $3.4 million. (Reuters) – The 1968 Ford Mustang GT that Steve McQueen drove in the classic car chase from the movie “Bullitt, one of the most famed cars from American cinema, sold for $3.4 million at auction in Florida on Friday, Mecum Auctions said.10 Jan 2020


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      I can’t afford most of the cars I drove when I was younger. The few that survive now cost twice as much as they did new back in the day. If I’d kept the best 3 I’d have half a pension pot. Hindsight eh!


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        I drive my 14 yr old sedan and think of my youth. Today there is no way I would actually drive an MG B or TR 3 so I think of more recent examples and without a doubt the most delightful car I owned [on a limited budget] was my Rover badged 1.6l Honda Integra.

        To buy one today it would twice the age, twice the milage and twice the price of my Toyota. Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be. 🙂


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          Was that a Rover 416?

          I just registered my Rover 2000 TC (1966) in North Carolina, USA after moving from another state. The value they assessed me for road tax was $5000 which is more than the price new back in 1966. It was also the highest assessed price of any of my cars registered here.


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      John Connor II

      Yes but think of the capital gains tax you’ll be slugged with…


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    CO2 Lover

    My Favourite Athlete

    Australia’s women’s cricket team have cheekily offered Raygun a place in their squad following her Olympic Games performance in Paris.

    Her Olympic “dance” has sparked heated debate as critics question how she qualified to perform.

    However others including Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Australia’s Olympic chief Anna Meares, have rushed to her defence and say that Raygun epitomises the Aussie spirit of ‘having a go’.

    ‘She has an enormous brand,’ US-based marketing and public relations expert Max Markson told Daily Mail Australia.

    ‘Her reputation in Australia isn’t that great, but she is famous across the world.

    ‘She will get international offers from sports shoe brands, like Adidas or Puma, food companies like McDonald’s or KFC, electric cars like BYD, and she will get a phone company like Telstra or Optus or Vodafone.

    ‘There will be other international companies that want her as well.’


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    CO2 Lover

    Why I love CO2!

    Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening and Reduces Drought Risk

    One of the more commonly-stated concerns linked to “global warming” is that sweltering heat will parch the terrestrial landscape (browning), limit vegetation growth, and foment water shortages – even widespread drought.

    However, a new study suggests the Earth’s rising CO2 concentration has the exact opposite effect in the real world.


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      David of Cooyal in Oz

      Interestingly there’s no mention of photosynthesis in this learned article, let alone the use of solar energy to power the process.


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      Surprise, surprise!!!

      Some years ago I attended a seminar where a research scientist patiently explained that the planet was actually greening as a result of increases in CO2. He’s probably lost his job in the intervening years.


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    The Third exciting update to the 60w solar panel saga set in my garden on the south west coast of England.

    A nice morning but lots of fair weather cloud and the panel provided a max of 30w of power for only a few minutes at a time. This afternoon has been much cloudier with some light rain from around 4pm and at no time was more than 14w produced and more often it was 6W.

    All in all a minimum amount of power would have been provided by solar today (tue) none at all on misty Sunday and a intermittent supply on Monday that fell off when clouds came over and we headed towards late afternoon.

    Batteries (but not near me) and solar tracking are surely basic requirements for any permanent solar installation, especially with the massive solar farms (2000 acres) springing up in many areas of this not very sunny isle.

    2000 years ago Roman Historian Tacitus (almost) said that solar panels were a waste of time in the UK when he referred to this misty cloudy isle. But obviously Ed Miliband knows better


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      Graeme No.3

      Makes me wonder how the panels would go in dark rainy winter. Net Zero?


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      CO2 Lover

      Our Prime Minister is dumber than Ed Miliband


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      Batteries (but not near me) and solar tracking are surely basic requirements for any permanent solar installation, especially with the massive solar farms…

      Storage is a essential for optimum use of a solar facility, but tracking adds big costs and complexity for a disproportionate increase in output.
      Whilst some solar farms do use tracking (usually only single axis,..east/west) as panel costs have reduced it has been found more cost effective to simply use more panels with a spread of east/west orientation to increase and even out the solar collection over the daylight hours.
      This is common practice now on Roof Top home installs also.


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    Exciting times on X

    Humza yousaf was briefly leader of the Scottisj National Party when Mrs Sturgeon resigned/was forced out.


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    As Electric cars in the UK freeload on the rest of us paying car licence fees and fuel tax I suppose this proposal was inevitable.

    I am not sure how this would work in OZ where distances are much greater. I don’t know the percentage of electric cars in Australian cities so would this sort of proposal work in your green cities, whose citizens presumably use and damage the roads but don’t pay for their upkeep?


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      CO2 Lover

      In the People’s Republic of Victoriastan a pay-per-mile-tax was introduced but struck down by the High Court

      In Vanderstock v Victoria [2023] HCA 30, the Australian High Court handed down its decision and declared the Victorian Zero & Low Electric Vehicle road user charge to be constitutionally invalid.

      Such a tax was deemed to be an “excise tax” which can only be imposed by the Commonwealth Government.


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    Environment sCeptic

    How cool is STEVE ??

    From a favourite space weather news aggregation and science site in the link.

    “STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement) is the pink ribbon of light in Griffin’s photo. It looks like an aurora, but it is not. The pink glow is caused by hot (3000°C) ribbons of gas flowing through Earth’s magnetosphere faster than 13,000 mph. Strong geomagnetic storms do a good job of setting these ribbons in motion.”

    Sky watchers have been watching STEVE for centuries not realizing what it was. Only recently have researchers started studying it as a phenomenon distinct from auroras. There is still much to learn,”…


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      Greg in NZ

      Hot is the new cool 🔥

      That timelapse photo by Ian Griffin, taken from the shores of Dunedin Harbour (an ancient, drowned, volcanic caldera on the south-east coast of the South Island) approx. 45 degrees south, is the best I’ve seen so far of STEVE.

      No man-made climate change crisis was involved in the making of that picture.


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      John Connor II

      There is still much to learn

      Like how to type a resume, now that you’ve contradicted the climate narrative.


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        environment sceptic

        There is still much to learn

        And more….…..

        This turned up a minute ago on

        “A STRANGELY MAGNETIZED SUNSPOT: Sunspot AR3784 is breaking Hale’s Law.
        According to that hundred-year-old rule, sunspots in the sun’s northern hemisphere should be polarized like this: . Instead, AR3784 is polarized like this: . This magnetic map from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the 90-degree twist:”

        …And then there is this..

        BIG FARSIDE SUNSPOTS: There are two sunspot groups on the farside of the sun so big they are affecting the way the whole sun vibrates. Helioseismic maps suggest that one of them will turn toward Earth this weekend. The appearance of another big sunspot group should keep sunspot numbers elevated at their current 20-year high.”


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    David Maddison

    Anthony Fauci has been covid vaxxed and boosted SIX TIMES and now has his third case of covid.

    Np surprise there.



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    David Maddison


    Three M->F transgenders win 1, 2 and 3 in womens’ cycling race.

    Three transgender cyclists were 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in a Washington bike race. The Marymoor Grand Prix is an annual event held at the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome in Redmond, Washington. For the first time in the history of women’s cycling, three male athletes topped the podium and replaced female athletes. T

    The event involved three pairs of cyclists and all three transgender athletes won a medal. The UCI banned transgender athletes from competing in women’s categories internationally. However, USA Cycling continues to allow male athletes to compete in women’s cycling.

    Here’s an idea. How about a separate category for female sports, recognising that men are generally larger, stronger and have other characteristics giving them an unfair advantage against women in most sports?


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    David Maddison

    Owners of Toyota hydrogen cars in the US are suing Toyota because the cars are impractical and there are very few hydrogen refueling stations. And Toyota is selling the cars at huge discounts.

    Meanwhile, Australia sees hydrogen and ammonia as “fuels of the future”.


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    “Woman in Newcastle allegedly arrested for holding a sign peacefully in public saying:-

    ‘Fight The Government Not Each Other’

    Britain is the New North Korea”



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    CO2 Lover

    Justice in Australia!

    Jatinder Singh: Indian national who kept a $10.4million crypto ‘refund’ made in error learns his fate
    Spent $6million in funds put into his account in error
    Will be eligible for parole after two years

    How the ruling elite operates with a corrupt judiciary.

    Crypto is a huge ponzi scheme and should be shut down. I would say this is a clear case of racism.

    Singh did nothing wrong. Violent criminals are given non-custodial sentences in Australia these days. If Singh had been promptly notified of the error – would he have spent the money?

    When the cryptocurrency platform realised the mistake – seven months later during an audit – it and the Commonwealth Bank attempted to contact the pair to recover the money.

    “Commonwealth Bank” says it all!


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      YYY Guy

      CBA! I agree. Paid off my CC first thing yesterday. Last thing yesterday get a text reminding me to pay it. Branches are using facial recognition tech and grret you with a “hello YYY Guy”


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    Todays Spooner depicts Blackout Bowen “Broke Dancing” with RBA boss the only judge giving him a be fat Zero. He won’t even get a “Bradbury”


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    I am puzzled that Kamala Harris is a credible Presidential Candidate. No policies, no interviews, a dismal track record of endless unexplained promotions and a real problem in just speaking naturally. Her experience with countries around the world is zero. And I wonder how she even functioned as a barrister/prosecutor when she speaks rubbish by rote? Will the Obama/Clinton/Pelosi cabal really get away with another blatant sock puppet? Did Joe Biden really suffer a stroke in Las Vegas when he suffered a medical emergency? Was that really Covid?Where is he?

    The ability of the US press to hide Biden and his health and Harris and her total incompetence from public scrutiny is amazing. One is clearly disabled and the other is unburdened by any obvious knowledge or intelligence. Meanwhile people cannot afford groceries or fuel and the Democrats cannot see the problem?

    Prominent unelected television identities and Hollywood are running interference for Biden and Harris, attacking Trump and Vance. And the Secret Service seem to be part of the whole plan to stop a Republican presidency. Trump has insured himself against another assassination attempt by having a man the left should fear even more as Vice President.

    I read the news every day and marvel at the ability of Los Angeles, Chicago and New York to dominate the news. We hear more from antiques like Bette Middler, Glen Close, Jane Fonda, Jamie Lee Curtis and Barbra Streisand than we do from Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. Who elected them? As Elon Musk says, there are only two paths now, Trump and destruction. And Trump is the right path.


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    Karamelloe is the Obamination Mk 3.

    Barely smart enough to “take directions” but not bright enough to realize what is actually happening.

    The sort of person you might only follow out of idle curiosity, and briefly.

    The people who put the Halfrican Queen into the Whitehouse, TWCICE need a bit more sunlight.


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      ‘A grid that is solely or mostly powered by renewables will therefore be more expensive than a gas-fired grid. However, as wind and solar power are intermittent in nature, they require some sort of backup or storage to ensure that the grid can always meet demand.’

      Wind Bag Bowen will ignore this, but Dutton won’t.


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    David Maddison

    If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.

    Mark Twain


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    David Maddison

    It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.

    Warren Buffett


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    David Maddison

    Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

    Warren Buffett


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    David Maddison

    When are politicians going to work out that they’re our servants, not the other way around?


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      John Connor II

      After it all goes to crap and they realise they haven’t been magically spared like they thought they would be if they towed the NWO line.


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      “When are politicians going to work out that they’re our servants, not the other way around?”

      What on earth gives you that funny idea? Secretly record any group of politicians in the Parliamentary bar and you will soon be disabused of that notion!


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    David Maddison

    It’s only when the tide goes out that you discover who’s been swimming naked.

    -Warren Buffett


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    Is there a highlights video of the Trump – Musk interview?

    I listened to a few minutes from a favourable source and noted how Musk strongly opposes Harris.


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    John Connor II

    Harris Campaign Busted Spoofing News Outlets In Headline-Altering Ad Scheme

    Despite corporate media’s unabashed u-turn to support Kamala Harris, her campaign has been busted creating made-up headlines next to the names of real news outlets to trick people into thinking they’ve stumbled upon the real thing, Axios reports.

    How pathetic!
    They can’t even make a decent fake.


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      Harris campaign edits news articles in Google search results for more favorable headlines

      Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign has altered headlines from news outlets in Google search results to appear more favorable to her, according to a report published Tuesday.

      The articles, which were changed without the knowledge of the outlets, were then reposted on Google as advertisements for the Harris campaign and included a banner that reads, “Paid for by Harris for President.”

      Among the news outlets whose headlines were changed for the pro-Harris advertisements include The Associated Press, Reuters, The Independent, CBS News, CNN, NPR and The Guardian, according to data collected by Axios. Even local outlets such as WDAY Radio in North Dakota saw their headlines changed to be more pro-Harris.

      In some cases, the headlines and subheads were both changed to suggest that the outlets were on her side.

      For example, an ad that included a headline from The Guardian that read, “VP Harris Fights Abortion Bans,” was changed to add “Harris Defends Repo Freedom.” The Harris campaign then added text that read, “VP Harris is a champion for reproductive rights and will stop Trump’s abortion bans.”

      An ad featuring a link to an NPR story with the headline, “Harris Will Lower Health Costs” now included the supporting text that says, “Kamala Harris will lower the cost of high-quality affordable health care.”

      The media outlets told Axios that they were unaware that their brands had been co-opted by the Harris campaign.

      “While we understand why an organization might wish to align itself with The Guardian’s trusted brand, we need to ensure that it is being used appropriately and with our permissions,” a spokesperson for The Guardian said. “We’ll be reaching out to Google for more information about this practice.”

      It is unclear why the Harris campaign felt the need to tweak the news headlines, as there has been no shortage of favorable coverage of her since she replaced President Biden atop the Democratic ticket.

      The Harris campaign did not respond to a request for comment from The Washington Times.


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        Kamala the chameleon

        Democratic candidate has a plan to make America great again

        By Editorial Board – The Washington Times – Tuesday, August 13, 2024

        The top Democratic candidates are experts at passing themselves off as something they’re not. The other day, Vice President Kamala Harris announced she had a plan to “eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers.”

        It’s a blatant case of pilfering a winning idea from one’s opponent. Donald Trump has been running for the past several months on keeping the IRS away from the extra earnings of those who live from paycheck to paycheck waiting tables. The former president’s campaign website has been selling “Vote Trump for No Tax on Tips” decals to stick on restaurant bills.

        There’s no such product on the Democratic campaign website, because there is nothing reflecting the stance of Ms. Harris on any relevant issue. The site instead features creatively embellished biographies of Mr. Walz and Ms. Harris, ways to donate and a merchandise store featuring body-positivity models in Harris-style attire.

        Mr. Trump’s site, by contrast, highlights his “big ideas, bold ambitions and daring dreams for America’s future” with detailed information about what he intends to do about the border, crime, fighting drugs, rejecting globalism, reclaiming free speech, “draining the swamp” and reducing health care costs.

        The former president’s website calls out Ms. Harris over her plagiarism. In a statement posted Saturday, Mr. Trump asks, “If she actually wants to end taxes on tips, why won’t she do it now, considering she’s part of the administration currently in charge?”

        Two years ago, Ms. Harris did the opposite. She cast the tiebreaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, which funded an unprecedented $45.6 billion expansion of IRS auditing capabilities, guaranteeing no tip would go untaxed.

        In another example of the Democrats’ bait-and-switch, Ms. Harris just released a campaign ad portraying her as a stern, anti-crime prosecutor and touting her record on the border, saying: “Fixing the border is tough. So is Kamala Harris.”

        If only that were true of our border czar, who bears direct responsibility for leaving our southern border open to an illegal invasion by 10 million foreigners.

        She used to be proud of her open border stance. After winning a Senate seat representing California in 2016, Ms. Harris explained her agenda: “And during our campaign, I was a leading voice for increasing — not stopping — the number of asylum-seekers our country accepts from Syria and other war-torn countries.”

        Open borders have been a disaster, and the public doesn’t want just anyone from around the world to waltz into the country unchallenged. That’s why Democratic campaign chiefs have ordered Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz to skip interviews, lest their true, hard-left agenda slip out under questioning.

        That’s also why Ms. Harris has refused to talk for more than 60 seconds with the media since she was democratically installed as her party’s candidate by a small group of elites. Her appearances are limited to scripted events.

        Mr. Trump, on the other hand, did a freewheeling interview with Elon Musk on X on Monday night. His running mate, J.D. Vance, just did three hostile Sunday talk show interviews. If anything, Mr. Trump can be a bit too eager to speak off-script, encouraging media partisans to twist his words in ways he never intended.

        Americans shouldn’t be expected to approve the election of a mystery candidate. That means Ms. Harris shouldn’t be allowed to dodge the three of the presidential debates that have been proposed.


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        BS comes reasonably cheap and USD460M buys a decent amount.


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    YYY Guy

    Suggestions please. Finding Brave search engine a pain since it’s gone AI. Can find little that’s current. Thanks
    Also the Olympic Games lost $2,000,000,000


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    John Connor II

    Foreign man Viron Hykaj, who stabbed another man 20 times in broad daylight yesterday in Dublin, has walked free on €400 bail

    He warned him to obey bail conditions: reside at his current address and notify gardaí of any change for their approval; sign on daily at a Garda station; have no contact directly or indirectly with the alleged injured party; be available for contact 24 hours a day on the phone number he provided; and stay away from Marlborough Street.

    Probably Albanian from the name.
    Why not give him a free overseas holiday while you’re at it?


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    David Maddison

    So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern…Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.

    George Orwell, 1984


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    John Connor II

    Junk Temperature Measuring Network Means the Met Office Cannot Prove There’s Been a “Dramatic Increase” in Temperature

    Earlier this month, the Met Office claimed that climate change was causing a “dramatic increase in the frequency of temperature extremes and number of temperature records in the U.K.”. Given what we now know from recent freedom of information (FOI) revelations about the state of its ‘junk’ nationwide temperature measuring network, it is difficult to see how the Met Office can publish such a statement and keep a straight face.

    The claims were the headline findings in the operation’s latest state of the U.K. climate report and are said to be based on “observations from the U.K.’s network of weather stations, using data extending back to the 19th Century to provide long term context”. That would be the network where nearly eight out of 10 stations are deemed by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) to have ‘uncertainties’ – i.e., potential errors – between 2-5°C. The same junk stations that provide ‘record’ daily temperatures often in the same places, such as the urban heat furnace that is Heathrow airport. The same junk measurements that the Met Office uses to claim collated measurements down to one hundredth of a degree centigrade.


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    Robert Swan

    A few days ago there was a short discussion here about how nobody could believe that our CPI was only at 3.8% pa. I wondered what was in the supposed “basket of goods” used to measure inflation, because many things seem a lot more expensive lately.

    Strop pointed me at a likely page and that led into a rabbit-hole at the ABS. I spent an hour or two wandering around there before deciding that the point of those pages was to waffle. All sounded lovely, but never got down to brass tacks.

    At school I was taught that there was a notional basket with so much of bread, butter, milk, rib eye, chuck, cereal, etc., and beyond groceries into rent, petrol, and so on. Prices would be sampled at various stores and the total compared with previous ones to calculate the inflation rate, like-for-like.

    The weakness with that is that it wouldn’t allow for changes in tastes and fashions. Horseshoes are out; iPhones are in. Fair enough. Apparently the technical term for this drift is substitution effects.

    The ABS solution (apparently similar in the USA) looks like a complicated exercise where they examine what has actually been purchased at grocery stores, department stores, etc., etc., and (somehow) divine from that what consumers’ changing preferences might be.

    There’s an obvious weakness. Since price is one of the main determinants of what we buy, this calculation is bound to conceal the true inflation rate. If rib eye gets expensive, people will buy more chuck or move on to pet-food cuts (meal worms?). The ABS will count that as a mere “change in consumer preferences”. The grocery spend doesn’t go up so much, but quality of life is down the toilet.

    This over-complex approach is probably more the fault of the unaccountable bureaucracy than the government: trust the experts and all that. I’m sure there are enough moving parts in their scheme that they can make a government look good or bad as they feel inclined.

    So next time the government preens about how well it has inflation under control, feel free to nod along. Indeed the ABS has the numbers well under control.

    An honest person who wanted to cope with horseshoes giving way to iPhones, but still wanting an idea of the true rate of inflation would simply have old and new baskets. Every half-dozen years or so, come up with the latest fixed set of goods. And just like the BoM *didn’t* do with their changing thermometers, you measure inflation on both baskets at the changeover. The basket contents would also make an interesting anthropological record of changing tastes.

    It’s not like the CPI is a trivial number (like global mean surface temperature). Various things, especially pensions, are indexed to it, and it’s the prime driver of interest rates. Cooking the figures is a fraud on all of us.


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      David of Cooyal in Oz

      Thanks Robert.
      Must have been a dreadful task you gave yourself, and not one I’ve attempted. But often wondered about.
      Dave B


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      The basket includes 11 categories, one of which is “Recreation & Culture”!
      Whatever has that got to do with cost of living?
      There is no way that the 11 categories listed could only produce increases of 3.8%. That’s rubbish.
      The 11 categories listed are:
      Food and non-alcoholic beverages
      Alcohol and tobacco
      Clothing and footwear
      Furnishings, household equipment and services
      Recreation and culture
      Insurance and financial services.


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        Insurance would drag everything else over 3.8% all by itself!

        Its all bullshit because missing from there are Govt charges- rates, taxes, Govt borrowings, stamp duties, capital gains, excise, import duties, petroleum tax.. They all need to be factored in.


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    John Connor II

    CNN value collapses to near ZERO after parent Warner Bros. takes $9.1 billion writedown

    Shares of Warner Bros. Discovery, the parent company of both CNN and TNT, plummeted by 10 percent this week – reaching the lowest price on record – after the company reported serious financial troubles.

    Warner missed every target across every income statement and throughout its entire operations. The company also wrote down the value of all of its traditional television network, which it acquired in 2022 when Warner Bros. Discovery was birthed out of an acquisition of WarnerMedia.

    For the past quarter, Warner reported a net loss of $10 billion, a figure that includes additional charges of $2.1 billion from the merger. Revenue fell 6.2 percent to $9.71 billion during the same period.

    “In fact, judging by the ongoing mass layoffs at the former, one can argue that CNN’s value is now negative and will continue to be so until it stops hemorrhaging cash.”

    The biggest elephant in the room, though, is the mass exodus of viewers who no longer watch cable news, especially the likes of CNN. The entire legacy media industry seems to be imploding as the world shifts towards a do as thou wilt system where anyone can become the “news” with their own social media channels, or portals.

    F#ck ’em. Reap what you sow. And they are.


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    In case anyone is interested in Heat Pump hot water service performance. This is our experience, with predominantly two people regularly using.
    315 litre traditional electric hot water manufactured early 2000’s – in mid summer it was averaging 8kw per day, winter 11kw per day. (figures from near the end of its life, cylinder rupture.)
    310 litre solar tube boosted electric hot water service manufactured 2021 – mid summer was averaging 1.5kw per day, winter 7kw per day.
    300 litre Sanden Heat Pump electric hot water service manufactured 2023. – mid summer was averaging 1.5kw per day, winter 2.5kw-3kw per day.

    We’re near Ballarat. So the daily max temp in mid winter is typically 11deg and the min 3 deg. The heat pump has performed very well in those low temps. We did spend a bit extra buying the Sanden brand. Don’t know how the government scheme cheaper units perform.
    But the Sanden has shown us that the talk that Heat Pumps aren’t good in the Southern Vic climate isn’t true for that brand.

    The above experience is from replacing an old HWS in previous house and installing the solar boosted. Then moving house and installing a new HWS there. Similar usage pattern at each.


    • #

      That is very useful information.

      Can you provide a ballpark figure for the cost of the Sanden unit and why you chose it?

      2.5-3kWh for winter is very impressive. And 300 litre offers a lot of storage so could be used as a battery with just running when the sun is up.

      We have a 25 year old gas unit that must be near the end of its days. Melbourne water is very kind to electrical appliances.


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        have you replaced Sacrifical Anode in your Gas Hot Water System?

        We have 2 Rheem Gas Hot Water Systems – 135l Rheem Optima installed 1986 for rear extension, and 2001, Rheem Stellar 360l installed for Front House when original 1949 Off Peak Electrical Tank in Ceiling finally failed

        Replaced anode in Rheem Optima last year during Raypak Gas Spa Heater & Breamar Eco Gas Central Heating Annual Services – not much left – said Stellar anode still OK


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          The gas storage is AquaMax stainless steel tank. I don’t think they use a sacrificial anode.

          I am wanting to have game plan toward all electric to eventually move off gas.

          I have note used the gas ducted heating at all this year. Just made certain I had enough wood for the wood burner.


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        Sorry for delayed response Rick.

        The 300 ltr was $5.5k with GST and after they deducted the $800 small-scale technology certificate (sstc) rebate the govt offers. There’s a few little kit costs included in that total, that are extra to the straight unit price. (The model was the Eco 300, but I think it’s actually a 315ltr tank).
        Installation was extra and will depend on what you’re replacing and work around matching into that.
        The 250 ltr model was about $300 less.
        We paid a similar amount for the solar boosted HWS 3 years ago. (wouldn’t have if I knew we’d be moving two years later. Doh!)
        The compressor is quiet. They claim 37db and it is very quiet. Compressor is a separate unit to the cylinder.

        Chose it because:
        a) the electrician who installed the solar setup here (with the owner before us) recommended Sanden and he gains nothing from that recommendation. We got him out to check the system he installed and give us instructions about its operation. Asked him his thoughts on our ditching the gas setup and the system capacity for more use load.
        b) it rated No.1 in reviews I checked out
        c) Japanese product (designed for low temp use)
        d) much longer warranty than most with 15 years on the tank. I think the heat pump is 5 or 6 years.
        e) it’s not a product the govt uses so it must be good 😉

        Worth noting that my usage is primarily 2 person use. So a family would use more hot water and therefore more power. But, having said that, I don’t have just a 3min shower. In our weather you gotta get some good heat into the bones to start the day 🙂

        I believe the equivalent sized Rheem Heat Pump HWS would have been nearly $1,000 less. Our plumber is a Rheem rep and gave the comparison.
        The specs indicated better performance than the Rheem, but hard to know what that translates too in practical terms. I spent the extra because I could afford it and we’re off grid. So didn’t want to later wish I’d spent the extra.
        Begs the question though. Where to put the money? More batteries, more panels, or energy efficiency. Most energy efficient appliances generally don’t make a lot of difference, such as fridges etc. But high energy use appliances do. We actually ditched the instantaneous gas hot water and gas bottles that were already with the house because. Which was also supplying the cook top. I would say it was costing close to $1,000 per year for hot water and cooking with LPG. So the $5.5k heat pump is not too bad in the long run.

        Let me know if you saw this. Otherwise I’ll post this reply in Thursday thread.


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      Thanks for the info Strop, I have been looking at what our next hotwater steps might be. Sanden have a good. name in automotive AC


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    John Connor II

    Africa CDC declares mpox a public health emergency

    The African Union’s health watchdog has declared a public health emergency over the growing mpox outbreak on the continent, saying the move is a “clarion call for action”.

    “I declare with a heavy heart but with an unyielding commitment to our people, to our African citizens, we declare mpox as public health emergency of continental security,” Jean Kaseya, head of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), said during an online media briefing on Tuesday.

    Close the borders to ’em.
    Take the vaxx.
    Wear a mask.
    Stay 6 feet apart.
    Catch it anyway, like Fauci.


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      Greg in NZ

      Can’t we say *monkey* anymore…

      Is it on the banned list? Oops, hang on, I’ll be back, someone’s knocking on the door –


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    John Connor II

    Wednesday entertainment: recreating historical figures using AI


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    John Connor II

    Wednesday wtf: building that house extension without street access below


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    The IDF’s Boot Is on Hamas’ Throat

    At this point, the only obstacle to an Israeli military victory in Gaza is Washington

    At the start of the war, Western analysts and government officials told us that none of this could be done. In less than 10 months, this is an impressive achievement by the IDF, given the remarkable built-in defensive capabilities of Hamas. Finishing the job will take longer still.

    What’s more, IDF combat operations in Gaza have led to an astonishing degree of operational freedom. The IDF’s 162nd Division, which led the charge in Gaza City and Rafah, has only lost four armored vehicles in nine months of fighting; 2,831 vehicles have been damaged by enemy action, but every single one has returned to the front lines. In the second Shifa hospital raid—a masterpiece of operational design—the IDF was on objective within 15 minutes of the start of the mission. It deployed Special Forces and killed 200 members of Hamas, and captured 600 more. Interestingly, the reason so many Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters were present in the first place is that the IDF applied both pressure and deception to encourage them back into the hospital, thinking it was safe.

    The impact of IDF operations on the behavior of Hamas’ leadership has also been noteworthy, because the destruction of the tunnels is beginning to force them above ground. At the start of the war, senior commanders stayed inside underground; as of this writing, the 162nd Division alone has destroyed 1,635 tunnel shafts and 90 kilometers of tunnel network. The tunnels’ dwindling viability forces Hamas commanders to hide in the humanitarian zones aboveground instead, presenting the IDF with opportunities for high-value targeting—this is how Deif was killed—despite the difficulties of operating against the human shield strategy. The IDF will continue to strike in these zones when circumstances require it.

    Hamas will fight for as long as its commanders remain in control. The IDF’s operational plan at this point is to force them to crack when they understand their own lives are in danger.

    The IDF has its boot on Hamas’ throat and will keep pressing until it quits.

    This, in turn, is why Washington’s unrelenting campaign to force a cease-fire is so pernicious:

    It attempts to ensure Hamas will survive and have a vote in the outcome of the war. So far, Netanyahu has resisted the pressure, allowing the IDF to continue tightening the vise until Hamas is forced to agree to Israel’s terms for a cease-fire. Israel does not accept the artificial Western separation of diplomacy from military force, as if they were opposite tools with conflicting objectives. It is leveraging both toward the same goal.

    The IDF is only midway through a gargantuan task.


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    John Connor II

    Why are cars honking at each other at 4am?

    Silicon Valley’s latest disruption? Your sleep schedule. On Saturday, NBC Bay Area reported that San Francisco’s South of Market residents are being awakened throughout the night by Waymo self-driving cars honking at each other in a parking lot. No one is inside the cars, and they appear to be automatically reacting to each other’s presence.

    Videos provided by residents to NBC show Waymo cars filing into the parking lot and attempting to back into spots, which seems to trigger honking from other Waymo vehicles. The automatic nature of these interactions—which seem to peak around 4 am every night—has left neighbors bewildered and sleep-deprived.

    Unoccupied cars honking at other unoccupied cars.
    The future is stupid.


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    Here it is!
    The full speech I gave at #CPACHungary that the establishment is losing its absolute mind about.

    I spoke the forbidden truth: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory – it’s reality. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever accelerating rate and it will mean the end of our civilization if we don’t turn things around.

    Eva Vlaardingerbroek

    🇳🇱 Commentator | Lawyer | “Shieldmaiden of the far right” (thanks Dutch Press) | As seen on Mark Steyn, Tucker Carlson & others


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    John Connor II

    Left Wing NGO Made-Up Story About 100 ‘Far Right’ Riots Being Planned and the Media Bought it

    Left Wing NGO Made-Up Story About 100 ‘Far Right’ Riots Being Planned and the Media Bought it

    It was all a HOAX, a lie made up by Hope Not Hate. The motherload of misinformation. An act of Terrorism designed to promote fear and panic, was a Hoax that ‘served its purpose well’ says charity founder.

    The founder of Hope not Hate has admitted that the list of 100 planned attacks by the ‘far right’ was a HOAX. Lowles boasted that he thought that it had served its purpose well by mobilising the ‘anti-racists’ who turned out on the streets in their hundreds on Wednesday.

    Nick Lowles hoax was picked up by the media and broadcast around the world. Without checking the validity of the story, the British media repeated it as if it were fact. The BBC even flashed up a map of the ‘planned locations’ and said that they had seen them being talked about of ‘far right’ forums, all that was lies too.

    The good old dinosaur lying MSM strikes again…


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    another ian


    ““Green” Hydrogen Subsidies Are 1,900x Larger Than What’s Given To Nuclear ”

    That “level playing field” again


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    CO2 Lover

    My Favourite Athlete

    Dancing with the Stars bosses are desperate to sign Australian break-dancer Raygun for the upcoming season after her spectacular flop at the 2024 Paris Olympics – with insiders claiming producers are prepared to make a big money offer.

    Raygun, real name Rachael Gunn, was catapulted to international stardom after she scored zero points at the Games, having lost all three of her round-robin battles by a combined score of 54-0.

    The exciting Dancing with the Stars development comes after a marketing expert predicted that Raygun is poised to earn millions from her newfound fame.

    Winning Gold Medals is so yesterday!


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    John Connor II

    Daily wisdom

    Psychologist Stanley Milgram (1933-1984) found that 80% of the population does not have the psychological or moral wherewithal to defy authority, no matter how illegitimate the orders and rules may be.
    They follow the herd.
    That leaves only 20% of us with critical thinking capabilities.


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    Loud speaker drones highly effective in getting the message across.


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      another ian

      “Loudspeaker drones”

      Aren’t they the ones that rebroadcast the YSM? –


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      Highly effective in attracting buckshot


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        There is a stunning video of a few Russian soldiers in the back of a ute when one sees a Ukie drone coming in. Two of them start yelling while the third guy, sitting back with a fag in his mouth, pulls his rifle up and shoots the drone drone down, complete with its grenade exploding..

        I reckon a pure luck shot, but either way he just sat back and drew on his ciggie.


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      “We guarantee good treatment.” Lol! You will be handcuffed, thrown to the ground and shot in the knees and left squirming to die.. While other Ukie soldiers film it..

      They won’t live that one down.


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    Sellafield worker Lee Joseph Dunn was given a prison sentence after appearing at Carlisle Magistrates’ Court—for sharing three Facebook posts.

    Prosecutor George Shelley explained that the posts showed groups of Asian men, with captions like “Coming to a town near you” after hopping off a small boat, and “When it’s on your turf, then what?” One image even depicted men wielding knives in front of the Palace of Westminster.

    Let’s be clear—none of these posts incite violence, which should be the only threshold for jailing someone over their speech. But here we are, tossing someone in prison for expressing a view, however controversial.

    Even if you disagree with what Dunn posted, you should be deeply concerned by this new totalitarianism. What will you do if, one day, your own speech is deemed hate speech by this ever-expanding definition?

    It’s not hyperbole to say that free speech in Britain is on life support.

    Source: Cumberland News & Star

    Who gave you the right to spout offensive nonsense in public?

    In other news, a knife wielding thug is given a suspended sentence for a crime that Labour once promised would carry a minimum 5 year custodial sentence.

    “…Nesbeth, now 20, of Bomers Lane in Rednal, admitted making threats with a knife and possession of a knife. But he was spared detention on Tuesday, August 6, as he was handed a 20-month suspended sentence instead.”


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      I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It

      That originated in England. Quaint.


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    British authorities have now arrested more than 1,000 people following days of rioting involving violence, arson and looting as well as racist attacks targeting Muslims and migrants, a national policing body said on Tuesday.

    British citizens who are prepared to physically protest against a treasonous government are being neutralised by incarceration for years.
    Those who dare to protest online are also being neutralised by incarceration.

    Freedom of communication between human beings in UK is now a relic of the past.

    Panopticon nightmare-socialist totalitarian dictatorship.

    We in Australia witness what’s happening in the UK, we can see our future, but how can we forestall it?


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    Fined for Climbing While White

    Marc Hendrickx: Australians with the wrong skin colour no longer have the right to access their own country. The proof arrived in the form of a stiff fine issued by NSW bureaucrats because I climbed Mt Warning, alleged to be the sole province of one particular Aboriginal group. Well I won’t stop climbing and call on Australians of all colours to join me when I defy the law again


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    More climate fear porn from the BBC [it still has a licence fee!]

    “Despair as the sea slowly swallows a Kenyan beauty spot”
    Wycliffe Muia [no, not the usual suspects …]
    BBC News, Kipini

    “The depletion of mangrove forests along the shoreline – the coast’s main line of defence against erosion – is to blame.
    “Mangrove forests are full of salt-tolerant trees and shrubs that prevent sea water from advancing into farmlands by stabilising soil that otherwise could be washed away.”

    So far, so good.
    Despite the emotive headline ‘Despair …’

    “The cause of their disappearance appears to be a combination of deforestation by locals wanting coveted hard wood – and rising sea water as a result of climate change, which scientists feel is the major factor. “The shoreline in Kipini is very exposed to the effects of strong winds that strengthen the ocean waves,” George Odera, a scientist with Fauna and Flora, a nature conservancy group, explained.”

    So scientists ‘feel’. Ahh – Fauna and Flora –
    No debate, no evidence.
    Sea rising – or land sinking, as well as mangroves vanishing?
    But a bright ‘donate’ button.
    And not a great deal of familiarity with winds and waves, it seems – especially on the shore.

    Is there hope?
    “But some locals say the geography of the coast has always changed – pointing to how the small fishing community of nearby Ungwana Bay was swept away years ago. Others say the Tana River could be changing its course. “Our forefathers showed us where the original waterway used to pass,” resident Rishadi Badi told the BBC, explaining that he was told the river used to pass through Kipini generations ago.”
    Ahhh …
    “But Mr Odera, who studies the calamity facing Kipini, puts the blame squarely on climate change. “What is happening in Kipini is not history, it is a recent occurrence and the bitter truth is, it is not getting better,” he said.”
    They want to build a sea wall.
    “”The seawater intrusion is a deeper problem affecting about 15 other villages and the county government alone cannot undertake to solve it,” she told the BBC. Although she said the UN Environment Programme and UN Habitat had expressed support for the wall project.

    [Other People’s Money, possibly?]

    “Similar walls have been built at the historical sites such as Fort Jesus in Mombasa and Vasco Da Gama Pillar in Malindi after the rise in seawater threatened these tourist attractions. But climate experts say building a wall in Kipini is a “mechanistic solution”, and there needs to be conservation initiatives, like the restoration of mangrove forests.”

    So adaptation & looking at the real cause … good!

    Auto – I sometimes monitor the BBC – so you don’t have to!


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      I spent my boyhood mucking around in the black mud mangroves. At the time I could not realise just how resilient they are.

      We had a big flood in 2019 and the fresh water killed of the small mangroves growing on the shifting mud banks beside a local bridge. They have regrown in a few years.

      I take the dog for a walk on a little used beach and there are always new mangrove seedlings growing. Those in the current and shifting mud banks die, those in the “momma bear” zone live if there is room.

      No way will rising sea levels [or sinking land] endanger mangroves, nothing will stop them colonising the intertidal land, and quickly.


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    another ian


    “Roger Pielke Jr. details ‘The Top Five Climate Science Scandals’: Study claiming no ‘climate crisis’ retracted ‘for not for being wrong…but instead for expressing views that are politically unhelpful’ ”


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    MeAgain “The Australian Government has injected a billion dollars into a foreign company that will forever compete with the Australian IT industry. It has engaged in a direct betrayal of Australian companies in the sector, tantamount to treason on our high-tech future.” – best thing for Australia would be to become ‘3rd World’ in the correct sense of the term ie. non-aligned to any particular superpower. Some times, it might be rough out there on our own, but overall still preferable for the average (non-oligarch) Aussie.


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      Typical! You might as well assume every dollar you pay the Govt will be pissed up against a wall by some elected scum and his mates in business. People should go to jail over this, but nothing will happen, just normal business in a country where people tell me there’s no Govt corruption, we’re not like Asia..

      Don’t ever expect anything in return and you won’t be disappointed.

      On that same page is some clown in the Navy saying the AWKUS submarines are “Nation-building..!” Instantly reminds me of the intro to Utopia Australia, fancy futuristic cities in 3D animation with a soundtrack of ‘Nation-building, nation-building..nation-building..’

      I think Rob Sitch has a much better idea of what that word means than the Navy, and he does a lot more of it than any Govt!


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    This story, dated January 2023, correctly predicted a spike in global warming from the Hunga Tonga Hunga eruption.


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    another ian

    More “environmental conservation”


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      All’s fair in love and war.

      Or another quote: If you ain’t cheating [at war] you ain’t serious.


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    Global cooling postponed due to extremely positive AMO.


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    CIA managing the propaganda..

    “The front line in the Kursk region has been stable for more than a day. There are small changes that can be ignored. At the same time, if you look at Ukrainian resources, you get the impression of an ongoing breakthrough. The network reports with glee about new occupied settlements. Today they announced control over Plekhovo. In fact, they did not enter Plekhovo yesterday or even the day before yesterday.

    The Armed Forces of Ukraine have built a system of psychological warfare. They have taken control of most information flows and operate them competently. It is clear that a tremendous amount of work has been done to centralize information coverage of the invasion. Units entered our settlements and made photo reports. However, these “canned goods” are released as needed. This was done in order to keep their society in euphoria and intimidate the Russian one. ”
