
10 out of 10 based on 12 ratings

159 comments to Tuesday

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    CO2 Lover

    London police say man arrested after girl and woman stabbed in Leicester Square

    How woke 9 Network reports the stabbing

    “The stabbing occurred as Britain is on edge after violence for the past week as crowds spouting anti-immigrant and Islamophobic slogans clashed with police.
    The disturbances have been fuelled by right-wing activists who used social media to spread misinformation about a knife attack that killed three girls during a Taylor Swift-themed dance event.
    It was not immediately clear whether the stabbing had any link to the unrest.”

    So protesting against knife attacks – causes more knife attacks!

    If only only the common people would suffer in silence.


    Who will be spreading “misinformation” about this latest attack – and the next one?


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    CO2 Lover

    More than 700 migrants arrived in Britain on Sunday after crossing the Channel – as two people died attempting the journey

    The graph looks similar to what happened in Australia during the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd years



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    CO2 Lover

    This is old news but worth repeating – no connection at all.

    A 50-year-old man has been charged with the attempted murder of three children in a stabbing attack outside a primary school in Dublin last month.

    Riad Bouchaker, of no fixed abode, appeared before Dublin District Court on Thursday afternoon.
    Four people were injured – three children and a school care worker – in the attack at Parnell Square East on 23 November.

    The accused appeared before Dublin District Court wearing a green jacket, black top, green trousers and slippers.
    He spoke only to the Arabic interpreter during the short hearing.



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    There was some comment on yesterdays thread about the temperatures in the UK. There has been surprise amongst our media that in August- high summer here-temperatures often get quite warm. The BBC has just announced it’s the hottest day of the year. Around 33C in the East of England. Here on the Devon coast its about 26C and expected to cool down to around 21C for the rest of the week but remaining in the mid to high 20’s in the East of England.

    Whilst Aussies may rightfully scoff at the notion that these are headline worthy temperatures, there is probably a fundamental difference between our countries.

    In the UK our sun is limited, here in Devon we get an average of 1800 hours per year which puts us right towards the top of the sunshine league. Therefore, to make the most of the sunshine, a good proportion of Brits will be deliberately lying in the sun in parks or on the Beach. Of the 12 occupied seats in our local pub only 3 people had chosen to sit in the shade, the remainder were in the sun.

    The 26C here in my garden at noon translated to a staggering 58.6 C in the sun. The sun is very intense and it is these “in the sun” temperatures that the sceptical need to look at when the media go on about scorching temperatures, that in the shade are often very modest by Oz standards.


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    In Mondays thread there were a number of people commenting on the power being derived from my 60W solar panel in England. This is a folding good quality unit intended for use with caravans etc that I bought as an experiment and the hope they might help top up my solar battery if grown up electricity sources were out of action. For those that asked, it is a folding 2 panel Topsolar 60w that comes with a host of attachments and can be connected to a second panel of the same size that I have. Open circuit voltage is 25.9V 19v/3A with a USB outlet at 5V3A 9v/5A 12V/2A. It weighs 2.25Kg comes in its own sturdy bag and is intended for charging caravans and boats etc. I attach it to a Jackery Solar battery which enables me to see the power being generated. I relayed the feeble outputs yesterday when we had very foggy conditions.

    Today it has been mostly sunny with some fair weather cloud blowing across the sun.

    At 8AM directly facing the sun I got 14w. When fixed almost due south (the recommended position in the UK to maximise sun) I got 12w
    9am 20w facing the sun 23w fixed south 10am 33w in original morning position and 32w facing south. At 11am facing south and now directly facing the sun 36w

    12 noon directly facing sun 39w; cloud came over as I was taking the reading immediately lowering input to 19w then sun came out again very strongly and 50w. At 1pm in its fixed south position full sun 35w cloud came over and 8w 2pm in its fixed south position 28w cloud caused a drop to 11w then 6w when reoriented directly to face the sun 34w 3pm fixed south 19w directly facing sun 31w 4pm fixed south 12w directly facing sun and oriented towards it 36w.

    I don’t think I’m telling anyone anything they don’t know. Any sort of cloud, haze, pollution, dust on the panel etc will severely reduce the input. To maximise power, panels really need to directly track the sun-fixed panels (on houses for example) are fine for a few hours either side of noon but will quickly loose capacity once the sun appears to move across the sky as can be seen by the 3pm and 4PM readings .

    A country such as the UK with only 1800 hours of sun and low light levels from October to March and accompanying long nights is not really the place for fixed panel solar generation, although it has its place as a “top up” or to serve places off the grid. That we subsidise these things is mad and the ethical dimension should be concerning for all, especially Greens.

    Until we can store the energy and track the sun we should be rather more sceptical of solar and the extravagant claims made by the promoters of solar farms but this is still a ludicrous latitude in the first place for wide spread solar farms of course, with an expectation they can be base load power.

    Since Labour got in to power Energy Minister Ed Miliband has given the go ahead to 3 major solar farms covering some 6000 acres of precious farmland to the joy of the subsidy farmers. Hands up those who believe the UK has got the land area of Oz? Ah! Mr Miliband, you seem to have your hand up. (Oz is some 32 times larger than the UK!)


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      CO2 Lover

      Will Stalin Starmer be spending a billion quid of taxpayer’s money on a solar panel factory in the UK?

      Our Commie Government commited to beating the Chinese at there own game and build one on the site of a decommissioned coal fired power station! Oh the symbolism!

      But 4 months after the announcement – reality set in and the SunDrive CEO was sacked along with most of the workforce.

      Now SunDrive will be spending taxpayer dollars on “focusing on inventing better solar panels – not manufacturing them”!



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        I think panels are a dead end. China has cornered the market in the materials, uses cheap labour and coal for the energy and state of the art manufacturing, which is why they command 80% of the global market

        The west can’t compete with that. See my link below about another possible emerging solar technology, but we have heard all that before.


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        Should have gone for a high Tech Chip making facility. Along with High Tech Fish we could soon be making High Tech Fish and Chips.

        Tennis Elbow just give me a Billion South Pacific Pesos and I’m your Man.


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        Sounds to me like this money has been taken to The Laundry.

        A bit like The Ghost’s Reef Money.


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        Should have kept the power station online and co-located some Bitcoin mining and Data Centre operations (OK and a Hydrogen Plant if it makes them feel warm and fuzzy)


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      tony – thanks.
      Possibly worth reminding readers that Great Britain [the main island of the UK – the vast bulk of England, Scotland, and Wales] – lies wholly north of Winnipeg, Canada.
      Parts of Scotland are nearer the latitude of the Arctic Circle than the latitude of Winnipeg.

      But virtue signalling, especially with Other People’s Money, appears to know no geography – or geometry!



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      London is around 52 deg N while our southernmost city Hobart is 42 S, Uk will fit inside our state of Victoria.


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      David Maddison

      The following doesn’t seem to be the case for Tony who appears to be getting close to the rated power of his panel but note that it is not uncommon for solar panels sold on places like Ebay to be over rated.

      I once purchased a panel off Ebay and discovered by measurement that it was in fact 100W instead of the claimed 200W and I also worked this out knowing the surface area of the panel and the typical watts per square meter.

      I wrote a letter to Silicon Chip (electronics magazine) to advise others of my experience, as follows:

      Be wary of falsely-rated solar panels.

      I bought a solar panel off Ebay from a top rated seller. The panel was rated at 200W but I quickly became suspicious that it was anything but that.

      The panel was unusually cheap for 200W, an immediate warning sign I should have paid more attention to.

      I made a calculation:

      -The panel size was 820 x 710mm = 0.58sqm. In retrospect this would be smaller than physically possible for a 200W panel.

      -I was told a general figure for solar irradiance at the surface around Australia is about 1100W per square metre on average for calculation purposes (compared to a figure of 1370W per square meter at the edge of space according to NASA).

      -The quoted panel efficiency was 17%.

      Therefore 0.58sqm x 1100W x 0.17 is 108W.

      Allowing for empty space this is probably a 100W panel being incorrectly sold as a 200W panel.

      Apart from size issues I did an electrical measurement:

      I measured the short circuit current at 5.84A in peak sunlight. According to the label on the panel, peak power is at 18V. This meant the panel was generating no more than 105W but in reality it would have been less than that. Open circuit voltage was 21.7V.

      The sticker on the panel does not show the power rating or short circuit current, which is most unusual. This was NOT a 200W panel. It was a 100W panel falsely sold as 200W.

      The situation was somewhat resolved by the seller refunding half the purchase cost. The panel itself was worth keeping as it seemed to be of good quality for a no-name panel.

      Many purchasers of solar panels would not be aware they are getting much less than they paid for.

      I wonder how common such fraud is, including in domestic solar installations?


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        Same with Lithium Batteries for power tools. I noticed the battery though twice the storage had half the life of a previous battery with the same brand. I weighed the new one and it weighed less.

        The Ebay store did not understand that I was happy with my battery, it worked and was not that expensive, I just wanted them to change their product details so they did not lie to anyone else. They offered discounts, money back anything to make me give them a positive review after they had admitted there was probably an error in the manufacture. They could not grasp that all I wanted was honesty. Clearly I have a problem.


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        John Connor II

        #1 rule: Don’t buy cheap panels from chinese sellers, with amazing specs at bargain prices!
        You’ll get half the power and a fraction of the lifespan.
        How many times have I seen this now…

        I think I posted a while back about the chinesium cheapy panel that lasted one year and died from…SUN EXPOSURE!!!

        Buy reputable brands like Renogy. Yes the price will hurt but you’ll get quality.


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        I once purchased a panel off Ebay and discovered by measurement that it was in fact 100W instead of the claimed 200W a

        There is a lot of magical labelling on stuff sourced from China that is sold on Ebay.

        The classic is the rating of portable car starter kits. Like this one:

        Car Jump Starter 99800mAh 12V Pack Booster Charger Battery Power Bank


        So there you have 1.2kWh of battery capacity for $60 and weighs less the 1kg. They all use the same nonsense rating formula that has no meaning.

        I have found Renogy flexible panels to perform above their rated output.

        The 4WD Supercentre panels perform to their rating and appear durable as well as being suited to Australian conditions:

        I have one of their earlier 110W panels on my boat. They have replaced that with 160W:

        Perfect for 4WDers and campers who use their rigs rain, hail or shine or even in salt-spray, beating sun and snow with an operating range of -40°C to +85°C and an IP67 dust and waterproof rating.

        The 85C rating is important for Australian conditions. On a warm summer’s day, it is possible to leave skin on panels that are not well ventilated.


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      sun came out again very strongly and 50w.

      The output will be a function of the battery charge controller. I test panels with an electric motor directly connected; measuring output current and voltage. This method provides immediate response because I can load the motor by hand to find the peak output. I have been able to get 120W output in conditions with high level cloud with a lot of light scatter with a Renogy 100W panel. Using a good maximum power point tracking charge controller I have been able to get 110W in similar conditions with the panel flat. This is at 37S in summer and nice clear sky other than the high level cloud causing a lot of light scatter but not directly blocking the sun.

      I agree that the UK is not well placed for solar. Some years ago, I worked out that the UK did not have enough land to get all its energy needs from solar.

      The fruit cakes in academia in the UK are going to make it a very tough place to live. They have become the propaganda arm of the UN and are setting the agenda. At least they are gradually making the UK a less attractive destination for immigrants.

      UK has historically been the main source of Australian immigrants. It is currently in third place behind China and India. But Australian academia is as fried as the UK. The main difference is that Australia does not need to make anything. It just needs to mine iron ore and coal for China’s needs to trade for all the stuff made in China – let China burn the coal. And solar is a viable energy option for Australian householders.


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      A country such as the UK with only 1800 hours of sun

      Don’t know how accurate these figures are, but by Aus Capital City the average number of hours of “bright sunshine” a year are:
      Perth 3212
      Darwin 3103
      Canberra 2847
      Adelaide 2774
      Sydney 2628
      Melbourne 2373

      No figure for Hobart. Must’ve been too dark too often to read the gauge.

      Melbourne is the most southern. But obviously Latitude is not the factor with Perth having the most, and 25% more than Sydney at a similar-ish latitude.



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        And yet, even in sunny Perth, my home solar only averaged 9% efficiency for July. Lucky that I don’t feel the cold…


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      Not sure how truly “welcome” we (the non-aboriginals) are when we get given a Welcome To Country because we are also regularly told Jan 26 is a day of mourning, we are on stolen land, and we’re racist.
      It seems like the “welcome” is just there to try instill an inference of our place, rather than truly welcome us.


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      You will know in ten years if it is a breakthrough. Within 20 years you will know if it is a game changer and within 30years it will be ubiquitous if it makes the 10 and 20 year tests.

      The basic problem remains – UK is sunlight challenged. Solar does not offer a serious source of energy for the UK. A significant source of the heat that the UK enjoys comes up via the Gulf Stream. The UK goes as far north as 58N. Greenland is permanent ice at this latitude because it does not get the full benefit of the Gulf Stream.

      The water in the English Channel at 52N now is 19C same as off NSW east coast at 34S. Bass Strait at 38S will hit 19C at its maximum. UK would be much colder without the Gulf Stream.

      The numbers on the cost of solar quoted in the link are just academic BS as if the rating of a solar panel has any bearing on the cost of electricity. They are confusing a rating label with something real.


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        John Connor II

        The basic problem remains – UK is sunlight challenged.

        Yes, it’s a lot darker in the UK now by a few metrics. 😎


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        Yes , I live a few hundred yards from the Channel and can confirm it is around 19C, much helped by lots of strong sunshine. The swimmers are there all year round with temp around 11C in March.

        Much of Oz seems an ideal place for solar generation if decreed by your powers that be. I haven’t really read anything on this blog though that suggests it is taking off in the same manner as in the UK. Looking at the city figures shown above I am surprised at the relatively low sun hours for Melbourne


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          Looking at the city figures shown above I am surprised at the relatively low sun hours for Melbourne

          The annual figure does not matter much. With solar/batteryt combination, the lowest sunshine over 4 consecutive days will usually set your system requirement. The solar capacity factors being achieved are all distorted by leaning on the rest of the system.

          If I can get 4 hours of full sunshine equivalent over 4 days on my off-grid system, the battery will not go flat. So just a little over 4% capacity factor for the panels.

          I haven’t really read anything on this blog though that suggests it is taking off

          There has been plenty on this blog about rooftops flooding the lunchtime market. South Australia has days when it is producing more than 100% of their needs with rooftop solar. They can do that by exporting to Victoria. But Victoria is now facing the same lunchtime issues.

          South Australia and Victoria had negative prices from 9am to 2pm today and it is still winter. (a chilly 21C outside today but good sunlight). I may not need the heater tonight if it does not cool down fast.

          My son is on a retail tariff in Victoria where he gets free energy from 11am to 2pm every day. The grid stability is being challenged by the over supply of solar during lunchtime.

          Over the past year, rooftops have served 11.4% of the demand. Rooftops could surpass wind generation this year. Total solar at 19% of the demand is already well ahead of the 12% from wind.

          Australia is leading the world toward NetZero. There is no other isolated grid that is serving 31% of its demand from WDGs. It goes up to 38% if you count hydro as weather dependent generation, which it tends to be in Australia.

          WDG penetration simply cannot get much above the present level without substantial increase in storage. Academics do not understand that you cannot push on a piece of string and get motion. If they could grasp that then they would realise that you cannot get WDG penetration much above the untethered capacity factor of your intermittent sources unless you you can store energy for use in the lulls. Snowy 2 might finish before 2050 but that is the projection of the rate so far achieved with Florence. It was locked in squeezing rock for 2 months but has been going again since July 19.

          Each additional rooftop system takes demand away from the grid scale WDGs. Wind was way down during Q2. Low wind but also rooftops eating away demand.


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      Doesn’t appear to be a viable proposition. Coating everyday objects and expecting them to achieve a reasonable solar efficiency is never going to happen. And I’m guessing that the flexible interconnections between the solar elements wouldn’t last that long either.


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    I haven’t seen this posted here yet, so:

    Dr. Willie Soon’s keynote presentation for the Clintel 5th anniversary (2024)


    CERES co-team leader, Dr. Willie Soon was the keynote-speaker at the Clintel 5th Anniversary Congress on 18 June 2024.

    We discovered that the IPCC’s analysis was scientifically flawed because of major problems in (a) the thermometer record and (b) the total solar irradiance databases…

    This result directly challenges IPCC’s iconic statement that the warming observed since the 1950s were mainly human-caused.

    This is the recording of his speech… a summary of his presentation… details on the peer-reviewed papers he referred to in the talk…The slides can be downloaded…


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    Lesbian bishop wants to remove church crosses so Muslims ‘won’t be offended’


    The world’s first lesbian bishop of a major Christian denomination, Eva Brunne of the Lutheran Church of Sweden is calling for the removal of the crosses and other Christian symbols at the Seamen’s Church in Freeport so that visiting foreign sailors practicing other religions like Islam “would not be offended.”

    According to the Stockholm-based news outlet SVT.se, Brunne not only intends to remove the Christian symbols but also set up a prayer room inside the church that would cater to people of other religions, particularly Muslim visitors. She explained that by doing so, Muslim refugees entering Sweden will be more at ease.


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    Happening in Germany too:

    Hundreds of Germans protest Pride parade in their town.

    The crowd could also be heard chanting “ausländer raus” or “foreigners out.”



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    London will have a car-free-day.


    Apparently linked with Mayor Khan’s buddies in the 100 Cities Closest to Communism organisation … but NOT linked to any consultation or popular movement for using buses only, oddly.

    “Residents are also encouraged to apply to their local council to temporarily close their streets to through traffic for three days in September“

    Good luck getting a cab to go on holiday those days, then – let alone for an urgent hospital appointment.

    More –

    “To mark the official launch of the new London Overground line names – which is due to happen in the autumn – Transport for London (TfL) is encouraging residents in the nine boroughs through which the Windrush Line passes to hold carnival-inspired street parties to celebrate.”

    That is not exceptionalism or anything – just the ‘Windrush line’. I imagine that we will have to pay for these centrally mandated parties ourselves, but we will get a warm feeling being so woke – rather as if our bladder control becomes faulty.

    Auto – saving up for a [mandated] bottle of cheap fizz for the occasion!

    PS – Drive-your-cars-all-over-London Day is 22 September 2024.
    Also at Not a lot of People Know That.


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    CO2 Lover


    European Union Tyrants Send Letter to Elon Musk – DEMAND X Owner Elon Musk CENSOR President Donald Trump During Upcoming Interview Tonight


    The fascists in the European Union are preparing to shut down opposition speech.

    Ursula von der Leyen, Pres of the EU Commission, describes how they plan to establish control over social media platforms, the last form of media outside of their control.


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    David Maddison

    Dr Todde Grande analyses Dr Rachael Gunnn’s breakdancing performance at the Woke Olympics and also one of her academic papers on the subject.

    It hardly appears to be something appropriate for an Olympic sport.


    You can see her academic papers on the subject by searching her name on Google Scholar.

    I think the one referred to by Todd Grande is:

    Don’t worry, it’s just a girl!”: Negotiating and challenging gendered assumptions in Sydney’s breakdancing scene

    It is downloadable via Google Scholar.


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      But, somehow, the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris did include a white girl named Rachel Gunn from Australia — that’s the one with kangaroos, koala bears and kiwis.

      According to Wikipedia, Ms. Gunn boasts a Bachelor of Arts degree (with honors) in “contemporary music” and has a Ph.D in “cultural studies.”

      Her college thesis was titled: “Deterritorializing gender in Sydney’s breakdancing scene: a B-girl’s experience of B-boying.”

      I’m not sure if my spell-check is on the fritz, or maybe those are not real words. Either way, there is a whole lot of faking going on.

      But she dances by the street name “Raygun!”

      Unfortunately for Ms. Raygun, the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris was not quite the shining moment she had hoped. It was more like her Waterloo.

      On the big mat, wearing a green and yellow tracksuit, Ms. Raygun performed a routine that became instantly famous for its ridiculousness and earned her a World Record ZERO points.

      One observer noted she looked like a dog who had just discovered a pile of fox manure and leaned into it for a good, long, leg-shaking back roll.

      Who knew a Ph.D in “cultural studies” isn’t the best preparation for an Olympic gold medal in break-dancing?

      Surely, Ms. Raygun is less than enthused by the global mockery she has endured. But she could still have a bright future on the world stage, though probably not as a break dancer or in the Olympics.

      She could run for president of the United States on the Democratic ticket if the Democratic Party gets tired of the current duo they have settled on for the moment.

      In fact, Ms. Raygun would be quite the improvement over Vice President Kamala Harris, who similarly earned a historic ZERO points in the 2020 Democrat primary.

      And Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who is an accomplished Olympic liar.

      At least Ms. Raygun — as far as we know — actually earned her degree in “cultural studies.”


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        CO2 Lover

        RayGunn was – Doing a Bradbury

        I met Steven Bradbury in 2003 at the Foster’s Formula One in Melbourne and he signed my cap.

        However, in the quarter-finals in the 2022 winter Olymics, Bradbury was allocated to the same race as Apolo Anton Ohno, the favourite from the host nation, and Marc Gagnon of Canada, the defending world champion. Only the top two finishers from each race would proceed to the semifinals. Bradbury finished third in his race and thought himself to be eliminated, but Gagnon was disqualified for obstructing another racer, allowing the Australian to advance to the semi-finals.

        After consulting his national coach Ann Zhang, Bradbury’s strategy from the semi-final onwards was to cruise behind his opponents and hope that they crashed, as he could not match their pace. His reasoning was that risk-taking by the favourites could cause a collision due to a racing incident, and, if two or more skaters fell, the remaining three would all get medals; additionally, as he was slower than his opponents, trying to challenge them directly would only increase his own chances of becoming part of a crash entanglement. Bradbury said that he was satisfied with his result, and he felt that, as the second-oldest competitor in the field, he was not able to match his opponents in four races on the same night.

        Worth watching again



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    David Maddison

    The Canadian Supreme Court ruled that Dr Jordan Peterson must submit to “re-education” as ordered by his professional society.

    Here he is interviewed about the ruling by his daughter.


    Truly Orwellian.


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    David Maddison

    I was only being SARCASTIC when I said in the last thread about auroras that “climate change” will be blamed.

    Now I discover this:


    The Impact of Climate Change on Northern Lights

    Does Climate Change Impact Auroras?

    Climate change can impact the Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis. While the connection between climate change and the Northern Lights is not as direct as some other climate-related phenomena, there are several ways in which changes in the earth’s climate can affect this natural wonder.

    Ways in Which the Climate Affects Northern Lights

    Magnetic Field Changes

    The northern lights are primarily caused by charged particles from the sun interacting with the earth’s magnetic field. Changes in the earth’s magnetic field due to climate change can alter the auroras’ patterns and intensity.

    Atmospheric Changes

    Climate change can lead to shifts in atmospheric conditions, including changes in humidity, temperature, and air composition. These changes may indirectly affect the behaviour and visibility of the Aurora Borealis. For instance, increased cloud cover or altered atmospheric conditions could obstruct the view of the auroras.



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      Graeme No.3

      Climate change changes the
      Earth’s magnetic field AND causes more clouds.
      I would suggest that the last is in the author’s brain.


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        Greg in NZ

        Notice that these graspers-at-straws [GAS-lighters] mention only the Aurora Borealis: down here in our southern hemisphere sink, the Aurora Australis will continue to amaze and fascinate even the dullest of dullards.


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    @ Peter C – I have left a reply to both your comments made yesterday evening (late night in NZ). I appreciate responses to my contributions and try to not leave them unanswered.


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    CO2 Lover

    Do you remember who won medals at the Tokyo Olympics?

    You will remember who scored zero at the Paris Olympics.



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      Greg in NZ

      Surely there’s medication, or therapy, for that twitchy disease… unless, that’s yet another side-effect from the you-know-what-shot.

      Carbon Zero – it ain’t pretty.


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      You have to ask, does she really think she’s breakdancing?

      I mean, once you’ve seen the kids doing what has always been presented as breakdancing, you have to think that what she’s doing is just scrabbling around on the floor and doing a few jerky (possibly) hip hop moves. And this is a woman in her thirties, doing what teenagers do best. Who does she think she’s kidding – apart from herself? Surely, someone at some time during her “career” would have told her she’s just not cutting it, and spared her the embarrassment.

      The value of university degrees and doctorates has just been confirmed as having no value, certainly not in what now passes for the “humanities”. Whatever government – taxpayer – money has subsidised this debacle of “study” and Olympic appearance should be paid back. When families are sleeping in cars and tents due to housing being unaffordable or even unavailable, no taxpayer money should be supporting this pathetic outcome.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      I’m curious. Given that – as far as I know – all the ‘athletes’ sent to Paris to represent Australia were there on taxpayers’ money it seems that the very least they could do is send our very best, and only those who had a chance of bringing home a medal. Otherwise they’re just having an overseas holiday. So exactly WHO authorised this woman’s trip and participation? on which grounds was she chosen? Is she the best, or at least among the best, that we have?

      Reading about her since I saw an Aussie team spokeswoman defend her performance rather vigorously, I suspect her connections and maybe DEI score got her there. There was never a chance that she would even finish well, let alone get a medal. She is quite extraordinarily bad.

      There can truly be no more perfect example of how taxpayers are being milked by government-funded sport, arts and science.


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      It just really shows that there should be no Govt money in sport! None at all, zip, nada.. Sport is something that people do themselves, like a country’s culture, and once the Govt interferes its like a cancer that spreads until it kills the whole idea behind competing.

      Let each sport’s organisation raise its own money from the private sector and do what it can with what it gets. Otherwise they’re just criminals enjoying stolen money..


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    YYY Guy

    And the Crown’ next witness will be a soothsayer, followed by the Witchfinder General.
    He’s a gun for hire
    So this didn’t happen?

    “His view about COVID is that it was a method for people to then become mass-vaccinated, and that is then married up with a concept of neurological bio-weapons, changing people’s DNA,” Dr Aboud said.

    All very ex-Soviet.

    “Quite frankly, they were morally insane. They did not know that what they were doing was wrong,” he said.

    Ah yes, moral insanity. The old name for being a psychopath.


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    YYY Guy

    Clickbait for the day –

    Over the moon: Indigenous STEM students heading to NASA

    So I thought I’d have a peep at their, um, skin colour, because
    But I couldn’t find

    Palawa woman, Lucy Barr, University of Tasmania

    Closest AI Brave could get me was the next Olympics breaking star
    Higher learning? Diversity hire learning.


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      Greg in NZ

      Here’s a little Looney Tune™️ –

      The kangaroo jumped o’er the moon.

      Do I win a free ticket to NASA soon?

      What’s that ‘pop!’ – oh, my, balloon.


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      SpaceX Ties Another World Record Set by… Yeah, SpaceX

      A dear friend of mine was a rocket scientist who got his start with Marietta and ended his career with United Launch Alliance almost 30 years later. Ed only ever had one job interview.

      That was with Marietta, straight out of CalPoly. A series of mergers and acquisitions and a spinoff landed him at ULA when Boeing and Lockheed-Martin merged their launch divisions in 2006.

      Ed could practically assemble an Atlas III rocket blindfolded. He knew his stuff and assured me at the time Musk was promising reusable rockets that it just wasn’t feasible.

      “We’re not dummies,” he said of he and his fellow rocket scientists — and please understand I’m paraphrasing a decade-old conversation. “We looked at reusability for years. It’s technically possible but it just doesn’t make economic sense.”

      “Old Space” — NASA, ULA, Ariane, Roscosmos, et al.— didn’t imagine enough market demand to make reusable rockets worth bothering with.

      What was the point of a rocket that could launch 1,000 times when ULA has only had about 165 launches during its entire existence?

      SpaceX will launch almost as many times in 2024 alone as ULA has since its founding almost 20 years ago.

      “New Space” firms like SpaceX and a slew of other startups reckoned they’d create their own demand by driving down prices.

      SpaceX took the idea one step further by creating Starlink, the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite internet service. Putting 6,000 Starlink satellites (out of a planned 34,400) into orbit — currently about 23 at a time — helps generate the cash flow and launch demand that keeps the company ahead of the competition.

      It’s about as nifty a business model as we’re liable to see in our lifetimes.

      SpaceX is currently working on the first fully reusable spaceship. Starship has had four test flights so far, each with increasing success. A fifth is tentatively scheduled for later this month. Falcon 9’s reusability has reduced launch costs by 40%. The goal with Starship is to bring that figure down by 90%, or even 99%.

      From seemingly impossible to reusing two Falcons 22 times each, my money is on SpaceX making Starship work.


      • #

        NASA watchdog finds quality control problems with Boeing SLS work

        WASHINGTON — NASA’s internal watchdog sharply criticized the work Boeing is doing on the next version of the Space Launch System, finding serious lapses in quality control.

        In a report released Aug. 8, NASA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) said there were significant issues with Boeing’s work on the Block 1B version of SLS being done at the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans,

        which it attributed to a lack of an acceptable quality management system and trained workforce.

        NASA used the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) to monitor Boeing’s work on the SLS core and upper stages at Michoud. “According to DCMA officials, Boeing’s process for addressing contractual noncompliance has been ineffective, and the company has generally been nonresponsive in taking corrective actions when the same quality control issues reoccur,” the OIG report states.

        The report found that there were 71 corrective action requests, or CARs, issued by DCMA from September 2021 to September 2023 regarding Boeing’s SLS work at Michoud. A CAR identifies a specific contract nonconformity about the work. Of the 71, 24 were Level 2 CARs, a more serious version used for issues that cannot be corrected immediately or involve critical safety hardware.

        That number of CARs, the DCMA said, is unusually high for a spaceflight program at this stage in development. There were enough CARs of one kind — inspections of work called “stamp warranty” — that NASA recommended that DCMA draft a Level 3 CAR, reserved for severe nonconformities. That CAR was never issued as NASA elected to use what the report called “alternate corrective action methods” that included additional reviews.

        The report linked the high number of quality problems to a lack of a trained workforce.

        “Michoud officials stated that it has been difficult to attract and retain a contractor workforce with aerospace manufacturing experience in part due to Michoud’s geographical location in New Orleans, Louisiana, and lower employee compensation relative to other aerospace competitors,” it stated.

        OIG noted in the report it had first-hand evidence of problem caused by an inadequately trained workforce. During an April 2023 site visit, OIG staff saw a liquid oxygen tank section intended for use on the SLS core stage for Artemis 3 that was “segregated and pending disposition” because of welds that did not meet specifications. NASA officials told OIG that “the welding issues arose due to Boeing’s inexperienced technicians and inadequate work order planning and supervision.”


    • #

      @YYY Guy:

      It’s nice to see disadvantaged tribespeople getting a bit of a boost.

      The link which you said you couldn’t find.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    It appears that the Kackala Harris election team are copying Biden’s campaign strategy, i.e. keep her hidden unless she is allowed to simply speak from a prepared script. This is obviously to hide her deficiencies and avoid the possibility of face-to-face scrutiny.

    This should mean that she has no campaign, but the American, Democrat-controlled media has taken over that role. Having spent the past couple of weeks reinventing both Harris and her running mate, they have now become the de-facto campaign and it is the media who are making all the announcements AND selling them to voters. Fake ‘debates’ are held on TV between pro and anti Harris talking heads, albeit of course choosing the debaters very carefully. Essentially, the Harris election campaign IS the nightly TV news along with the big social media outlets (except so far for X).

    This represents a subtle yet very significant change in the media’s ongoing shift away from actual news and into the realm of propagandists. Whereas previously they mainly just amplified and repeated leftist talking points, and attacked the opposition, they now actually and openly do the work for the Democrats, so that their awful candidate can hide away until elected.


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      Gee Aye

      She has attended more rallies in the last week than Trump.


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            Why Trump Voters Fear Speaking Out

            Sticker Mule’s Anthony Constantino endorsed the GOP nominee. Boycotts and death threats followed.

            Donald Trump likes to say that his opponents are “coming after you” and he’s simply “standing in their way.” That often appears true, which could help explain why his supporters are so steadfast.

            Consider the viciousness Anthony Constantino faced after he publicly supported Mr. Trump last month.

            Mr. Constantino, 41, owns Sticker Mule, a custom printing company in Amsterdam, N.Y. After the failed assassination attempt on July 13, he wrote on social media: “I don’t care what your political views are but the hate for Trump and his supporters has gone too far. People are terrified to admit they support Trump. I’ve been scared myself. Americans shouldn’t live in fear. I support Trump. Many at Sticker Mule do. Many at Sticker Mule also support Biden. The political hate needs to stop.”

            A barrage of invective and death threats followed.

            “I don’t really want to defend Trump himself,” he says in an interview. “I think I was more so concerned about the villainization and dehumanization of his supporters.” Mr. Constantino voted for Mr. Trump in 2016 and 2020 but “stayed quiet while people were getting bullied and slandered.” That wasn’t unusual. Many Trump voters keep their views to themselves because “they do the risk-reward evaluation,” he says. Smart people are “going to say, the upside’s not there, right?”

            Mr. Constantino’s ordeal may prove the point.


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              As an American it makes me mad that the US media refuse to do their job in this election

              They dislike Trump so much they won’t do their job

              Lee Cohen

              If Kamala Harris, deemed unelectable by her own party just a month ago, were to win the 2024 presidential election, it would represent a grim moment for the USA and an increasingly perilous world. China and Iran are likely licking their lips in anticipation.

              A Harris victory would not reflect her leadership abilities or policy vision but rather highlight the media’s efforts to obscure her significant failings.

              The media’s recent campaign to shield Harris from scrutiny, driven by their disdain for Donald Trump, demonstrates a disgraceful commitment to replace her historically unviable image with a fabricated, glowing narrative.

              The 2024 presidential race has unfolded unusually, with Harris emerging as the Democratic Party’s final option following Joe Biden’s abrupt withdrawal.

              Despite her glaring inadequacies, such as poor performance in office and dismal favorability ratings, polling even behind Joe Biden, Harris has become the party’s standard-bearer in its desperate bid to avoid another Trump presidency. Her campaign strategy mirrors that used for Biden in 2020: keeping her out of the limelight to avoid exposing her substantial rhetorical deficiencies.

              Harris’s tenure as Vice President has been marked by a series of failures. Her role as “border czar” was particularly disastrous, with her handling of the immigration crisis proving ineffective.

              Her misguided attempt to deter migrants from traveling to the U.S. failed to address the crisis, resulting in record levels of illegal border crossings. Her inability to make any meaningful impact on this crucial issue has only fueled public dissatisfaction.

              The media’s role in Harris’s recent surge is deeply troubling. Instead of holding her accountable, many media outlets have engaged in a deliberate misleading distortion of her public image.


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                From the Comments

                You don’t know much about the country, its history or its politics if you don’t know how bad KP would be.

                Her handlers had to deal with Joe’s senile dementia, dealing with Kamala would be so much easier in Obama’s fourth term.


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                Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) had a humbling interaction with one of his constituents on Sunday that he would rather forget.

                During the annual Dominican Day Parade in New York City, a grinning Schumer was sauntering along until he was called over by one of his constituents. Schumer probably expected to be patted on the back for showing up to ‘support’ the Dominican community.

                But Schumer was in for a nasty surprise. The voter dropped some choice words and a series of truth bombs right in front of his face.

                Collin Rugg@CollinRugg

                NEW: Chuck Schumer gets called a ‘scumbag’ at the Dominican Day Parade in New York City.

                “Hey, Chuck. You know Dominicans actually hate your guts, because you’re a scumbag. You know that right?”

                “You ruined New York. You’re a loser. You’re a loser buddy.”

                The parade took place in Manhattan on Sunday.


              • #

                Kama Kameleon

                Kamala Harris is being recast as a centrist Dem — but the radical truth is plain to see

                By Post Editorial Board

                In 2019, the watchdog site GovTrack rated Kamala Harris “the most liberal” member of the Senate.

                She was the senator least likely to sign onto bipartisan legislation.

                Look for that write-up now, however, and you find a “Page not found.” GovTrack deleted it.

                It’s just one example of how Kamala Harris, once a hero of progressives, has been, along with helpful media, hiding all her far-left positions from voters.

                A centrist Democrat has a better chance of winning the election, so a centrist she shall be.

                But it doesn’t take much searching to find the real politician, not the Kameleon she presents.

                Here are some of Harris’ beliefs that most Americans disagree with, and the press is so desperate to hide:

                Kameleon: “She would not ban fracking,” Harris’ campaign told Politico. “Trump’s false claims about fracking bans are an obvious attempt to distract from his own plans.”

                The truth: Donald Trump’s claims were not false. During the 2020 presidential campaign, Harris said repeatedly she wanted to ban the gas and oil extraction method, which has become an economic lifeblood of Pennsylvania and other states.

                “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” she said during a CNN discussion.

                Not only that: Asked if she also was in favor of banning offshore drilling, she said, “Yes.”

                In 2016, Harris, as California attorney general, even sued the Obama administration over fracking approvals off the West Coast.

                Kameleon: “We know that our immigration system is broken, and we know what it takes to fix it,” Harris said in Las Vegas this past weekend.

                The truth: Harris has never wanted to fix it before, she wanted to throw the whole thing out. She favored getting rid of ICE, and even said that crossing the border illegally was no crime. “We’re not going to treat people who are undocumented who cross the border as criminals,” she said.

                It’s not even fair to call this one a flip-flop, it’s a straight-up lie. Harris’ one clarification on what was “broken” was that we needed an “earned pathway to citizenship” — which will reward the people who came here illegally.

                Made the “border czar,” Harris did nothing to either strengthen the border or tackle the “root causes” she spoke so much about.

                Kameleon: As far back as 2020, Harris’ press secretary brazenly claimed, “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris do not support defunding the police, and it is a lie to suggest otherwise.”

                The truth: Except she absolutely did. In the summer of 2020, Harris said that “we have to take a look at these budgets,” suggesting police were overfunded. She “applauded” Eric Garcetti, the mayor of Los Angeles, for defunding the LAPD.



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                “If Kamala Harris, deemed unelectable by her own party just a month ago, were to win the 2024 presidential election, it would represent a grim moment for the USA and an increasingly perilous world. China and Iran are likely licking their lips in anticipation.”

                I suggest that the ‘spooks’ in China, Iran [and Russia, and …] would actually be derelict in their duties if they were not seeking plausible, deniable [untraceable?] ways of either
                * Boosting Kamala
                * Denigrating Trump.
                Dereliction of duty in either of those nations is, understandably, not the key to a long and happy life.



              • #

                “You don’t know much about the country, its history or its politics if you don’t know how bad KP would be. ”

                Awww… I’m not THAT bad..


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          Gee Aye

          umm righto


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        John Connor II

        She has attended more rallies in the last week than Trump.

        Phew! The USA is saved then.
        Fake rallies, photoshopped, with plebs paid to attend is more important than having actual worthwhile policies like Trump has.

        /honestly…shakes head..


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          Steve of Cornubia

          Rallies attended by the faithful are the easy bit. Real campaigning is aimed at securing votes from those who aren’t already welded-on and should include debating and being quizzed by hostile – or at least fair – interviewers. I expect both, when Kackala gets around to them, will be tightly controlled and weighted heavily against Trump again. Even when she fails the dabates we will be told to deny our lying eyes and applaud her exceptional performance.

          It’s all in the script, including the ending.


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        Gosh does she get an elephant stamp for attendance?


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          John Connor II

          Maybe GA needs the Monty Python version:

          King Arthur: I am your king.
          Peasant Woman: Well, I didn’t vote for you.
          King Arthur: You don’t vote for kings.
          Peasant Woman: Well, how’d you become king, then?
          King Arthur: The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. That is why I am your king.
          Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
          Arthur: Be quiet!
          Dennis the Peasant: You can’t expect to wield supreme power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you.

          Substitute names and titles as needed…


          • #

            >Substitute names and titles as needed…

            Only this time the sword was distributed to the tart


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    YYY Guy

    Five naughty words
    I know, let’s ask men with lived experience.


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    another ian


    “SITREP 8/11/24: Desperate for Escalation, Zelensky Bombs Zaporozhye Nuke Plant in Frustration”



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      Dear one more Ian,

      What do you think can burn for hours inside a mega-huge concrete cooling tower ?

      A schoolmate reports from across the Dnepr river “horrible smell of burning tires”.


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      The Russians lit the fire as a diversionary tactic so that they can grizzle to the Security Council about these Ukraine terrorist drones.


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        Ask the International Atomic Energy Commission, they have observers on site, they are the ones walking around with white canes.

        Then again if the pumps and their fuel tanks were catching fire, who would want to go under a water cooling tower to fight the fire?


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          The plant has been closed down for quite awhile, so there was no real danger.

          The AEC said they didn’t smell burning tyres and its highly unlikely to be a Ukranian drone, lack of motive.


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    A Cheat Sheet for the Da Vinci Code-ification of Mideast Reporting.

    So what’s the updated number of casualties? Hamas says 40.

    After the strike, Israel released a detailed photo dossier of the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists killed in the strike—19 of them.

    That leaves 21 possible civilians and proves that, yes, it was a command center after all and without any doubt a legitimate military target. (Israel also used smaller, more targeted bombs for the strike so it could hit the command center directly.)

    Then Israel released another dossier with an additional 12 Hamas officials identified among the deceased. That brings our total number of terrorists killed in the strike to 31. (There is another report claiming that number can be raised all the way to 38, but it’s unclear at the time of writing if the level of detail available can definitively back up that number.)

    There are, at most, nine possible civilians among the dead.

    So let’s review. We went from 93 killed (“all” of them civilians, according to a source quoted by CNN) in a school and shelter to 31 Hamas officials killed in a targeted strike on a confirmed command center, with anywhere from two to nine possible civilians killed.

    Those civilians should be mourned. Any innocent life lost is a tragedy. And now that we know it was a command center, we also know Hamas is to blame for their deaths.

    Obviously, it would be much better if the media would report accurate information. But once you understand how these pieces of propaganda are put together, you can disassemble them yourself and construct the reality.

    Read the whole thing, it’s an excellent guide to the division of Pallywood that cranks out their equivalent of “based on the upcoming motion picture” novelizations to accompany their videos.


    • #

      We all are smart after the fact.
      So many times, following a specific story on their ABC, I was awed by mastery of deceiving. Unless you take screenshots at the top of every hour, and maybe in-between, you prove nothing even to yourself.
      The ME war and global warming are the most obvious topics, nowadays they become interested in nuclear power…
      This is what I feel only, after lifetime of ABC-watching I know nothing for sure.


      • #
        John Connor II

        So many times, following a specific story on their ABC, I was awed by mastery of deceiving

        Welcome to Australian media reporting.😁

        /other ABC’s too


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    Richard Hanania@RichardHanania

    Graphic showing how Trump, Vance, Harris, and Tim Walz have spend their adult lives.

    Striking that the Democratic ticket has literally no private sector experience.


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    YYY Guy

    Raygun has a husband. He’s a breaker too.
    At least he was until

    However an ACL injury all-but wrecked Samuel’s own competitive ambitions and soon it became apparent that Gunn was the more likely of the two to achieve their Olympic dream.

    Be careful kids. Breaking is dangerous.
    Please, please, please get these jokers on Dancing With The Wannabes, I mean, Stars


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      CO2 Lover

      Ami from Japan wins female break dancing medal



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      I can’t vouch for the veracity of this, but FWIW:

      “If you don’t know who her husband is, look him up. His name is Samuel Free. He was the judge in the qualifying contests she ‘won’. Also the coach of the national team and the team selector. She didn’t get a run on merit, she got a taxpayer funded holiday through pure entitlement at the expense of other athletes who would have had a much better ‘crack’.”


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    John Connor II

    Remember this for the next plandemic and lockdown BS



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    John Connor II

    Tuesday sarcasm: how Biden got so many votes


    KumAllah’s turn!


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    Dissension, ‘Toxicity’ Plagued Trump’s Secret Service Detail Before Assassination Attempt

    By Susan Crabtree – RCP Staff

    Rancor, recriminations, and serious formal misconduct complaints have plagued all levels of the Secret Service detail assigned to protect former President Donald Trump over the last year, distracting the team from its core mission of securing Trump from physical harm and preventing an assassination.

    Trump’s regular detail team, a force of 60 employees – special agents and support staff – has been beset by internal division, long workdays and weeks, and constant stress. Last year, the team lost one of its members to suicide.

    Among the allegations are accusations of improper s@xual relationships or fraternization within the team, debilitating mental health issues, non-merit-based promotions, conflict of interest issues, unfair retaliation and the creation of inappropriate memes and social media posts.

    On May 15, the top two leaders of Trump’s detail sternly dressed down the entire 60-member staff in a virtual meeting, announcing formal investigations into what they argued were serious misconduct violations, several sources in the Secret Service with direct knowledge of the online meeting tell RealClearPolitics.


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      CO2 Lover

      non-merit-based promotions

      DEI in practice.


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      “Among the allegations are accusations of improper s@xual relationships or fraternization within the team, debilitating mental health issues, non-merit-based promotions, conflict of interest issues, unfair retaliation and the creation of inappropriate memes and social media posts.”

      Pfft… hardly a job is it? Travel around after Trump hoping like hell nothing happens on your shift and 90% of the time laze around & talk crap with your workmates.

      Its only now we are seeing how bad they are, a typical Govt Dept.


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    One of my Favourite Albums from Intro to the Rock Follies 1976

    Rock Follies

    Album • 13 SONGS • 40 MINUTES • JAN 01 2000


    Rock Follies Blueberry Hill – Julie Covington – Rula Lenska – Charlotte Cornwell

    Julie Covington best known for

    Julie Covington – Don’t Cry For Me Argentina

    Video shown courtesy of the audio content owners UMG – Great song from 1977 off the sound track album of the musical Evita and sung by Julie Covington.

    Her vocal performance in this song gives me chills,it’s stunning and beautiful.


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    CO2 Lover

    Australia’s campaign at the Paris 2024 Olympics involved over 450 Australian athletes competing in 329 events across 42 sports.

    Australia won 53 medals, 18 gold, 19 silver and 16 bronze

    Starting with Raygun – Rachael Gunn – how many athletes can you name?


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    David Maddison

    When did the scary term “rain bomb” become an authentic meteorological term?


    Weather: Rain bomb strikes Australia – here’s how long it will last and what you need to know

    By Brett Lackey For Daily Mail Australia
    01:55 13 Aug 2024, updated 02:09 13 Aug 2024

    Heavy rain, thunderstorms and flash flooding could impact large swathes of Australia this weekend with more rain expected after a week of wet weather.

    A high pressure system centred just south of the country is drawing in moisture from the atmosphere which will turn to rain as it meets a pool of upper-level cold air over the next few days.



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    We have been battling with our (now ex) car insurance company after my wife had the misfortune to hit a kangaroo.

    Relatively minor damage to our workhorse light truck (which she ironically took as it has large spotlights to better see wildlife with) front grill, skirt, bonnet and a bent nudge bar. Still totally driveable, all lights working , no damage to any structure or the radiator. The insurance company then proceeds to write the car off (?) Never having been around the write off loop it has been quite a learning experience.

    The insurance company was uncommunicative and resistant to anything other than “our policy” After escalating up through their management and then their parent company’s complaints department we finally won the ability to keep our truck and not have it flogged off at the auctions (high values for “wrecks” are driving preference to write off cars)

    Now the long road back to repair, re roadworthy and get taken of the write off register. What fun.


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      Gee Aye

      You never know what they are going to decide. Had the misfortune to properly write off a car plus a kangaroo. The money received was used to buy a similar car 5 years newer with 50,000km less on the clock.

      Not sure what the moral there is not just external factors that are driving up levies.


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    I usually get a couple of emails from X (Twitter) a day with links to conservatives commentators. However there hasn’t been any for a couple of days. E Karen at work? Asking for a friend 🙂


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      David Maddison

      The Left love the Taliban.

      You’ll never see that reported in the Lamestream media.


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      Feminist that she is – could have used the platform she was given through her ridiculous performance to call attention to Manizha’s message, but instead she just spewed mush.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    This gave me a giggle. Harry and Meghan, the couple who wouldn’t visit the UK unless granted a huge security team to keep them safe, are about to tour Columbia.

    Current travel advice: “Reconsider travel due to crime and terrorism. Exercise increased caution due to civil unrest and kidnapping.”

    I’ll just pop that into my, “You couldn’t make this stuff up.” file.


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    Questions are only asked that can be solved. (more $ for mental health – easy answer)
    The question of how did this guy get promoted to be a State School Principal will not be asked – if they don’t take ones that are a bit ‘touched’, they won’t have enough rural school principals…


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    Ukraine is short of combat troops so they are recruiting prisoners.

    ‘More than 3,000 prisoners already have been released on parole and assigned to military units after such recruitment was approved by parliament in a controversial mobilization bill last month, Ukrainian Deputy Justice Minister Olena Vysotska told The Associated Press.’

    A man may have killed somebody in a moment of drunken rage and has shown great remorse ever since. He would be perfect for the frontline.

    Serial killers probably won’t be given the same opportunity.


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    Meanwhile, breakfast TV advising people to ‘just send their passport off somewhere’ if they face trouble accessing a dating app. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/rylan-passport-hinge-this-morning-114511236.html



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    BBC –
    “Electric ‘superhighway’ approved between Scotland and England”

    “A multi-billion pound subsea cable that can shift vast amounts of renewable electricity between Scotland and England has been given the go-ahead by regulators.”

    Lots of undersea cables.

    Doubtless Ruritania will note this, and – were relations to plummet to a low – take appropriate sub-sea actions.
    Other actors, less-well disposed than Ruritania, may also be able to find out about this, perhaps by reading the BBC –
    “Energy analyst Sepi Golzari-Munro says the links are vital to modernise the transmission network. She added: “We’re obviously trying to have cleaner electricity from renewable sources but what this also does, crucially, is improve our energy security and will ultimately bring down bills.” ”
    Not sure about the bringing down bills bit – already the cost has risen from £3,400 million to £4,300 million – so an EXTRA £13 per head.
    And there hasn’t been even one spade in the ground yet.
    Prognosis – rising costs.
    Of course!
    But we tax-payers [perhaps wearing our other cash-cow hat, marked ‘bill-payer’] will blithely be stuck for these hugely unnecessary billions, not all of which will be siphoned off to friends of the Central Climate Control Committee.
    There is no ‘Climate crisis’.
    [There is a ‘Climate Policy crisis’!]
    CO2 is plant food – not pollution.

    And, as for energy security … tell me again about ‘when the wind doesn’t blow’?
    And winter sunshine in the UK?

    Note also the emphasis in the BBC report about ‘renewable energy’ being transmitted [if the link isn’t broken by foreign ‘fisherfolk’].
    No suggestion that a bright idea might be to have power stations somewhere near London [Barking, Battersea, Didcot, Ipswich, Isle of Grain (“Kingsnorth”), Littlebrook etc.] rather than send the jolly green electrons hundreds of miles …

    And no mention that China burns 12,000,000 tonnes of coal a day, every day.



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    John Connor II

    Australian digital ID before xmas

    NDIS Minister Bill Shorten officially announces a new government Digital ID scheme called “Trust Exchange.”

    It is a collaborative effort with Finance Minister, Katy Gallagher — which promises to give Australians the ability to verify their identity and credentials based on official information already held by the government.



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      David Maddison

      It’s only a matter of time before it becomes compulsory. Without it you won’t be able to work, travel or trade, just like during covid but infinitely worse.


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      And their buddies in other Governments might get told about this.

      Possibly a small fee – at first, whilst voluntary.
      Then compulsory, with no fees for the poor [including migrants, perchance?] and only a modest one [say £10] for all others.
      But, only a few years down the line, the fee for a compulsory Digital ID might increase to perhaps, 1% of your income [and 1% of your wealth over some threshold].
      And their buddies might see this as a useful income stream ….

      Like anything run by humans, it’ll be fallible.



    • #

      And it was mentioned that Google may be involved. That’s all we need…


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      Illegal tying of products.
      If you want something from the government you must have a smart mobile phone.
      When will they start providing a basic smart phone for everyone for free?
      Yes I am paying a monthly charge for one.
      But I only use it for 2 factor identification when doing something requiring it on the computer. My desktop computer is a lot less likely to be lost or stolen.


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    another ian

    FWIW – a tale of two worlds

    The Morning Briefing: X Rated — Trump Triggers All the Right People In Interview With Musk”


    Versus a current headline in the on-line Courier Mail

    “Trump’s ‘lisp’ stuns as he calls for Iron Dome, blasts Biden’s IQ after horror start with Musk”

    which doesn’t seem to be mentioned by the US news aggregators I’ve looked at


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    The Chief Censor in the EU had conniptions about Musk and Trump getting together for a chat on Twitter-

    ““My services and I will be extremely vigilant to any evidence that points to breaches of the DSA (their propaganda laws) and will not hesitate to use the full use of our toolbox, including by adopting interim measures, if it be warranted to protect EU citizens from serious harm,” he said. “With great audience comes greater responsibility,” Breton wrote on X.

    Talk about beta males… Musk should have banned his account immediately!

    Just how stupid are the Europeans to be harmed by what is written on Twitter? Nobody believes anyone would be harmed by something written on the web, or every book would have been banned all over the world. …and everybody knows this is rank censorship of anything the EU doesn’t like, such as people thinking for themselves.

    I’m amazed our local equivalent in the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment hasn’t jumped on the bandwagon and had a go at Elon as well, maybe she’s still smarting from her last try.
