
8.8 out of 10 based on 15 ratings

198 comments to Tuesday

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    Pyramids built by hydraulic lift system


    Possible if you bear in mind that rivers once flowed round the Pyramids. I read years ago that some of the very heavy temple doors were opened by steam driven devices


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    cO2 doesn’t cause warming


    Trouble is that no one who actually has power to do anything won’t even read reports such as this, let alone take any notice of the findings.


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      Richard C in NZ

      Net Isotopic Signature of Atmospheric CO2 Sources and Sinks: No Change since the Little Ice Age
      Koutsoyiannis (2024)

      On Hens, Eggs, Temperatures and CO2: Causal Links in Earth’s Atmosphere
      Demetris Koutsoyiannis, Christian Onof, Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz, and Antonis Christofides (2023)

      Revisiting the greenhouse effect – a hydrological perspective
      Koutsoyiannis and Vournas (2023)


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        From C13 based on slightly preferred absorption in photosynthesis of lighter C12 producing a difference in C13/C12 betweeen atmosphere, ocean and plants.

        1 From modern instrumental carbon isotopic data of the last 40 years, no signs of human (fossil fuel) CO2 emissions can be discerned;

        2 Proxy data since the Little Ice Age suggest that the modern period of instrumental data does not differ, in terms of the net isotopic signature of atmospheric CO2 sources and sinks, from earlier centuries.

        In fact you can show that the only source for the decrease in C13 is from the ocean. If it was from fossil fuel, the decrease would be much greater.


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          And I have stated for years that C14 is an absolute measure of fossil fuel CO2 as all CO2 has C14 except fossil fuel. The dilution is only 3.0%. In 1958 it was 2.03%. There is no fossil fuel CO2 in the air and what is there is in rapid transit to the vast oceans. Made CO2 driven Global Warming falls at the first statement, as shown conclusively 66 years ago.

          CO2 levels are just vapour pressure of a dissolved gas. Heat the ocean slightly and CO2 goes up. Everyone knows that. Only Al Gore could argue that increased CO2 is heating the oceans and dangerously. But Al Gore needed a scare in 1988 when he ran for President the first time. All candidates need a problem only they can fix. And the UN loved it. Of course the UN was an American creation and they still pay for it.


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      It is still promoting some nonsense of a “greenhouse effect”. That is the fundamental belief of the climate religion and the authors play along.

      A belief in the “greenhouse effect” is like the belief in a god. It can be whatever you want it to be because it has no physical meaning.

      Earth’s open ocean surface temperature is regulated to 30C. No open ocean surface can sustain a temperature above that level. Right now, cyclone Debby is clear proof of what happens when the temperature reaches that level. Convective instability ensues to limit further rise. In the case of Debby, the convective potential produced a self-sustaining convective storm that will rip at least 3C out of the surface temperature of the ocean it passes over.

      Oceans warm land because of their ability to retain heat so the ocean temperature limit limits the temperature of the land but not by the same precise mechanism unless the land has lots of retained moisture like the Amazon.


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        Richard C in NZ

        Rick >It is still promoting some nonsense of a “greenhouse effect”.

        How much did you read?

        Revisiting the greenhouse effect – a hydrological perspective
        Koutsoyiannis and Vournas (2023)



        Quantification of the greenhouse effect is a routine procedure in the framework of hydrological calculations of evaporation. According to the standard practice, this is made considering the water vapour in the atmosphere, without any reference to the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2), which, however, in the last century has increased from 300 to about 420 ppm. As the formulae used for the greenhouse effect quantification were introduced 50–90 years ago, we examine whether these are still representative or not, based on eight sets of observations, distributed across a century. We conclude that the observed increase of the atmospheric CO2 concentration has not altered, in a discernible manner, the greenhouse effect, which remains dominated by the quantity of water vapour in the atmosphere, and that the original formulae used in hydrological practice remain valid. Hence, there is no need for adaptation of the original formulae due to increased CO2 concentration.

        In other words, the greenhouse effect is actually a water vapour effect.

        Zero water vapour, or close to it like the Sahara Desert or Antarctica – minimal greenhouse effect.

        Sunday comment from Ronin – next


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          Richard C in NZ

          Not just me. From Sunday:

          Ronin August 4, 2024 at 9:24 am

          To me, it’s all about water vapour, if it is not counted then they are just playing with themselves.


          Also, from downthread #7.1.1 (see link trail for background):

          DLR components of the Standard Atmosphere and typical DLR.

          315 W.m2 total DLR estimate (typical)
          277 W.m2 WV component (implied)
          7 W.m2 CO2 component (Std Atm)
          31 W.m2 Residual (ozone, cloud water, cloud ice, aerosols, fog)

          WV does the heavy lifting, CO2 is a bit player.


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          David of Cooyal in Oz

          Have you by any chance found a formal scientific definition of “greenhouse effect” or of “greenhouse gas”. When I looked some time back the nearest I found seemed circular.


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            Richard C in NZ

            David >Have you by any chance found a formal scientific definition of “greenhouse effect” or of “greenhouse gas”

            Which do you want?

            NOAA, NASA, Britannica, National Geographic, Wikipedia?

            All within easy reach on the internet.

            IPCC aligned CO2-Centric scientific paper?

            I can give you that but only the Abstract (paywalled):

            Greenhouse effect and climate change: scientific basis and overview
            P.C. Jain (1993)

            Climate change due to ‘enhanced greenhouse effect’, [Snip]

            The natural greenhouse effect arises due to some of the trace gases, called the greenhouse gases, which are nearly transparent to solar radiation but strongly absorb the infra-red radiation emitted by the Earth. This results in a warming of the Earth by about 30°C and makes it habitable.

            Alternate Gravito-Thermal greenhouse effect?

            See next.


            • #
              Richard C in NZ

              Gravito-Thermal greenhouse effect

              The Greenhouse Equation

              See links to:

              # Derivation of the entire 33°C greenhouse effect without radiative forcing from greenhouse gases

              # Derivation of the effective radiating height & entire 33°C greenhouse effect without radiative forcing from greenhouse gases

              # Why greenhouse gas radiative forcing doesn’t explain Earth’s energy budget

              See Equation


              T = temperature at height (s) meters above the surface, thus at the surface s = 0
              s = height in meters above the surface to calculate the temperature T, thus at the surface s=0
              S = the solar constant = 1367 W/m2, derivation here
              ε = emissivity = 1 assuming Sun and Earth are blackbodies
              σ = the Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 5.6704 x 10-8 W m-2 K-4
              g = gravitational acceleration = 9.8 m/s^2
              m = average molar mass of the atmosphere = 29g/mole = 0.029kg/mole
              α = albedo = 0.3 for earth
              C = Cp = the heat capacity of the atmosphere at constant pressure, ~ 1.5077 average for Earth
              P = surface pressure in the unit atmospheres, defined as = 1 atmosphere for latitude of Paris
              R = universal gas constant = 8.3145 J/mol K
              e = the base of the natural logarithm, approximately equal to 2.71828

              More next:


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                Richard C in NZ

                Debunking Myths & Strawmen about the Gravito-Thermal Greenhouse Effect & Radiative Greenhouse Effect

                This is in lieu of constantly repeating information in responses to new comments here & elsewhere, to link to the numbered list below referring to a specific post which addresses the argument in question for or against the two competing 33C greenhouse effect theories (because one and only one of these greenhouse theories can be correct, otherwise Earth would be at least 33C warmer than present):

                1) The Arrhenius radiative greenhouse effect theory (the catastrophic man-made CO2 global warming theory)


                2) The Maxwell gravito-thermal greenhouse effect theory

                Selected items next.


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                Richard C in NZ

                Selected items from index:

                Debunking Myths & Strawmen about the Gravito-Thermal Greenhouse Effect & Radiative Greenhouse Effect

                2] How Gravity continuously does Thermodynamic Work on the atmosphere to control pressure & temperature

                3] Why Greenhouse Gases Don’t Affect the Greenhouse Equation or Lapse Rate (debunks claim that greenhouse gases are necessary for convection or a lapse rate to occur or that greenhouse gas radiative forcing can affect the lapse rate)

                6] Why the atmosphere is in horizontal thermodynamic equilibrium but not vertical equilibrium (debunks claims that the gravito-thermal greenhouse effect assumes thermodynamic equilibrium in all three x, y, and z planes).

                7] The Greenhouse Equation predicts temperatures within 0.02°C throughout entire troposphere without radiative forcing from greenhouse gases

                7] The Greenhouse Equation predicts temperatures within 0.02°C throughout entire troposphere without radiative forcing from greenhouse gases

                8] Why increased water vapor decreases the lapse rate by half to cause surface cooling of up to 25.5C

                9] Derivation of the effective radiating height & entire 33°C greenhouse effect without radiative forcing from greenhouse gases

                10] Derivation of the entire 33°C greenhouse effect without radiative forcing from greenhouse gases


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                Richard C in NZ

                2 comments hung up in moderation but from THS ‘Debunking Myths & Strawmen about the Gravito-Thermal Greenhouse Effect & Radiative Greenhouse Effect’ in respect to this:

                1) The Arrhenius radiative greenhouse effect theory (the catastrophic man-made CO2 global warming theory)
                2) The Maxwell gravito-thermal greenhouse effect theory

                Astute readers will note:

                1) Only “explains” the surface temperature.

                2) Reproduces the temperature from surface right up through the troposphere.

                Replication is the essence of science.


                1) Is NOT science.

                2) Is science.


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                Richard C in NZ

                Missing link @ #

                The Greenhouse Equation


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        David Cooke

        A belief in the “greenhouse effect” is like the belief in a god. It can be whatever you want it to be because it has no physical meaning.

        Exactly. That’s the mechanism behind every hoax that has ever been dressed up in superficially scientific language. Impressive terms like phlogiston, infinity, fiat currency or artificial intelligence that are meant to be accepted as axiomatic. They can’t be disproved because there’s nothing there to see or touch.


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          Its unfalsifiable and they can’t measure how much CO2 is going into the oceans.

          ‘A new study reveals the limit of the greenhouse gas-induced longwave radiative impact extends only to the ~10 μm (0.01 mm) skin layer – the ocean-air interface – and no deeper.

          ‘Determining the sea surface temperature (SST) variation at this skin depth is critical to any attempt to quantify or calculate the impact of greenhouse gases like CO2 on ocean temperatures. Yet scientists admit such temperature variations are “impossible” to measure at this depth.’ (Notrickszone)


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            Richard C in NZ

            >‘A new study reveals the limit of the greenhouse gas-induced longwave radiative impact extends only to the ~10 μm (0.01 mm) skin layer

            Been known for yonks:

            Cool-skin and warm-layer effects on sea surface temperature
            Fairall et al (1996)

            2.1. Cool Skin Background

            “the longwave penetration depth is about 10 μm”


            Optical Absorption of Water Compendium

            The data is surprisingly consistent. Plot a couple for yourself, or you can just look at (Segelstein) or (Hale and Querry) or (Wieliczka)

            Optical constants of water in the 200 nm to 200 µm wavelength region
            Hale & Querry (1973) [Figure]


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            Richard C in NZ

            >New Study: CO2 Effects On Ocean Temps ‘Impossible’ To Measure…Must Be ‘Schemed’ With Models

            Skin sea surface temperature schemes in coupled ocean–atmosphere modelling: the impact of chlorophyll-interactive e-folding depth
            Vincenzo de Toma et al. (2024)


            Fairall, C., Bradley, E. F., Godfrey, J., Wick, G., Edson, J. B., and Young, G.: Cool-skin and warm-layer effects on Sea Surface Temperature, J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 101, 1295–1308, 1996.


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            Richard C in NZ

            New Study: CO2 Effects On Ocean Temps ‘Impossible’ To Measure…Must Be ‘Schemed’ With Models

            By Kenneth Richard on 6. August 2024


            Dr. Peter Minnett reported the results of a 2004 experiment using cloud-induced DLWR changes as a proxy for CO2-induced DLWR changes [Snip]

            The results of the experiment revealed the thermal gradient change was merely 0.002°C (two one-thousandths of a degree) for a ~100 W/m² DLWR change in cloudiness. [Snip]

            Obviously this specified quantification marks how ridiculous it is to believe that CO2 can be a causal mechanism – much less a driving mechanism – for global ocean temperature changes.

            Downthread #7, Me:

            CO2 Radiation vs.Work, Power and Energy

            Work – Emitted radiation does no useful work: it does not heat water; does not energize photovoltaic cells (PVs); and it does not heat materials on the surface of the earth.

            I rest my case.


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    I am sure we can all agree with this


    Whilst the chiselers are working on new images perhaps they could add Michael Mann and Al Gore. Anyone think of other very worthy people that could be immortalised? Developers of Covid vaccines. The entire cast of the IPCC? So very many worthy people.


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    Storage has nothing to do with approving nuclear power.

    Is the future of nuclear power in the wilds of Wyoming?
    By David Wojick

    The beginning: “It is early days, but the nuclear future looms large for Wyoming and the world. To nuke or not to nuke; that is the question.

    Many of my readers will have heard of Small Modular Reactors (SMR), which are the hoped-for future of nuclear power. The very first U.S. application for an SMR has been filed with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), and it is in western Wyoming, about as far away from everybody as you can get and still be in America. It is called the Natrium Plant near Kemmerer, Wyoming. By a wonderful coincidence, Kemmerer is named after a Pennsylvania coal baron and 70 years ago, was the world’s biggest open-pit coal mine. Maybe they can do for nuclear what they did for coal.

    At 345 MW, the proposed plant is a normal SMR. Unfortunately, they have thrown in storage capacity which makes it complicated. In fact, there seems to be an important bit of confusion here. The applicant is Terrapower, and they say the nuke plus storage runs 500 MW. But NRC says it is an 850 MW project. In either case, NRC seems to be going “outside the fence,” as they say. They are asking for comments on the scope of the coming environmental impact assessment.
    See https://www.regulations.gov/document/NRC-2024-0078-0006

    It looks like the NRC are including the storage facility in their EIS. According to Terrapower: “The project features a 345 MW sodium-cooled fast reactor with a molten salt-based energy storage system.” I have no idea what a molten salt-based energy storage system is, but neither does the NRC. The point is that this is none of their business. It should not be part of their environmental assessment, as I am sure it would take them ten years or more to get up to speed on this storage technology. If Terrapower wanted to fill the surrounding rangeland area with truckload-sized Tesla battery packs to store the power for when the wind does not blow or the sun shine, that has nothing to do with the approval of this small nuke.”

    Lots more in the article. Please share it.


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      Dave in the States

      However, that is a Bill Gates project and the whole thing is about replacing coal power. It’s a project designed to prevent replacing the old coal facility with a modern high efficiency clean coal facility.


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      Dave in the States

      If Terrapower wanted to fill the surrounding rangeland area with truckload-sized Tesla battery packs to store the power for when the wind does not blow or the sun shine, that has nothing to do with the approval of this small nuke.”

      Yeah, there’s a great number of wind farms close to there. Most of the turbines are 15 to 20 years old. Last I knew they have never been hooked up to the grid. Just chopping birds. It’s mostly Federal Gov land and they have never been able to get the permits and EIS’s through to build the transmission infrastructure across the Fed controlled lands. So that might be what this is really about.

      Net Zero Jobs in all those years. Maintenance workers fly in from Europe. Well, the local concrete company has made a mint.


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        Do these great number not sell their power?


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          Dave in the States

          Last I heard, no. The problem as I understand it is the transmission lines for all these scattered about wind farms. I don’t think they have some kind of a Tesla wireless power transmission system up and working. But maybe I haven’t got the latest scuttlebutt. Buried cable might be in partial use, but it would be rather diffuse and there’s no central station with access to the grid that I’m aware of. If they fast tracked an extensive buried cable network, though the mountains of paper work, it makes it more difficult to justify bogging down pipelines in red tape. So maybe a big battery park close by, using the old power plant’s infrastructure to the grid, might be what they are really trying to push through, by attaching it to the nuke’s red tape?


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    Gerard Basten

    Re Saturday’s: “Wholesale Electricity prices hit $17,000 in five states in Australia –Renewable fans blame a lack of coal power”

    People should understand that almost noone pays these type of prices. It is only the poor saps that have decided to go “naked” into the market and who would cut themselves off if this happened at all. Most retailers, and hence customers, are protected by “contracts for differenes” and although they may pay the pool price, they are reimbursed the difference between this and their contracted price. So why have these ridiculously prices at all? you may ask.

    Well they are a signal to the market that there is a severe lack of generating capacity and that the lights going out is imminent. Prospective generators may take this to mean that it is time to invest in generating capacity. And in a free and fair maket this would be correct. The reality is the AEMO has allowed the market to be corrupted by giving in to the demands for market rule changes of many players seeking their own advantage, least of all governments. For them subsidies of all types are paid for by AEMO rather than from government budget, which is how it should work.

    How long can such a corrupt system last? …..Until the lights do go out. This is where Minister Bowen is taking us and most people are oblivios to it!


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    Gerard Basten

    I am someone who has taken Z-Stack religously for 4 years. No sniffle or sneezes at all during that time and no vaccinations. Yet over the last few days I have contracted a severe case of Influenza. Slowly getting over it. What’s going on? I live in Melbourne.


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      Pete of Perth

      Only a few hours to go before we are blessed with the wisdom of airbus Albo and dim Charmer’s take on the current world stock market shenanigans. Further thoughts, think I’ll sleep in.


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      Another Delcon

      The Department of Health has identified an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease (also known as Legionellosis) with significant increase in the numbers of cases across multiple locations in metropolitan Melbourne since 26 July 2024.
      Can have symptoms similar to the flu but can be fatal . If not improving see your Dr .
      Mostly comes from poorly maintained cooling towers .


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        It’s estimated we catch a real influenza once every five or ten years. Then there is metapnumovirus which hospitalizes nearly as many people as influenza.

        Luckily for us some of the antiviral nature of Ivm may also be useful against influenza. While viruses are different, some of them use common pathways and enzymes of ours, so some anti-virals are useful against more than one virus.

        As always Vitamin D, A and Zn are good for acute infections.

        As Another Delcon says, Legionnaires is ghastly, so if you are in Melbourne, I’d read a few news stories just to make sure you were not visiting the same outlets as those poor sods.


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          David of Cooyal in Oz

          I read a story earlier, but didn’t keep the link, sorry, that they’ve identified the contaminated building which has already been decontaminated in their preliminary precautionary activities.
          Dave B


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          I caught Legionnaires in 2013 and ended up in Isolation Ward in St Vincents Hospital

          2 Potential places, Novotel Strasbourg where we were visiting French Friends, or Gardaland Resort Largo Del Garda North Italy with Grandkids

          I believe Gardaland Resort, as 40C, I walked through a Misting Unit spraying walkway to cool down

          Either one, Legionnaires not nice.


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      John Hultquist

      I am under the impression that Z-Stack is/was {questionably} marketed to protect from Covid, not influenza. Further, while the commercial Zelenko product may help your body’s immune system, you can get the same stuff in food or over the counter, at less cost.
      And a second further, there are shots for influenza. I suggest you talk to a medical doctor about the difference. The more elderly you are, the stronger that suggestion is.


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        John are you saying a medical doctor might be more likely to recommend flu shots if the patient is more elderly? And if so, is there a point of aging beyond which that recommendation tails off?


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          ” And if so, is there a point of aging beyond which that recommendation tails off?”

          Why would there be? Every shot is a profit for all involved except the taxpayer.

          Besides, when money gets tight for those in power you can adjust the shot’s formula and shorten the lives of the elderly to save money. Personally, I can’t see the point of hammering your immune system with a pile of poisons injected straight into the blood stream rather then catching a virus in the way we evolved to.


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            Kalm Keith

            Right on target there.

            Evolution brought us here, by and large it did a good job.

            We should allow our immune system to keep working and adapting to most challenges: only very unusual, heavy duty, dangerous new threats might justify a vaccine and then only after thorough testing and assessment.


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          John Hultquist

          There are recommendations on the web that say, with some exceptions, “Get a flu shot.” I read some of them and then ask my doctor. She says: “Your old – get a flu shot.” She is a bit blunt and no sense of humor — I’m only 80.
          In the US, two are approved only for adults 65 years and older. At my pharmacy they recommend Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent.
          My advice – ask your doctor.


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            >My advice – ask your doctor
            I know my previous doctor would recommend vaccination in all cases at all times no exceptions, she was very enthusiastic. I’ll ask my new doctor.
            Before I retired, my workplace provided flu shots gratis.
            I asked the administering nurse why I should get a flu shot and he rattled off all the benefits so I semi-reluctantly agreed to take it. As he was pushing the needle into my shoulder, I said to him, “so I guess with all those benefits, naturally you take the flu shot yourself?” “Oh no, he replied, I don’t take it”.
            I felt betrayed.


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              Flu shots? Natural immunity against influenza is strong, so if you feel healthy and fit you may be better off not getting the flu vax, because assuming you survive, you will develop a longer lasting immunity to the real thing which you will carry for years.

              But there will come a point eventually as we age when the flu vax might be useful. Bear in mind, once you start taking it, you probably want to get an annual shot. The protection it gives is short, unlike the real flu, so people who have used the vax for a few years may be more vulnerable the following year because they didn’t get a natural booster.

              Each year the flu vax team tries to guess which strains are prevalent, and some years are better than others.

              I would ask if it is an mRNA vax or a DNA vax before every shot (I don’t think it is). I would avoid all forms of those.


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      Gee Aye

      Gerard. Sounds like you caught the flu. Get well soon.


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      Gerard , yours is the perfect example for why Ivermectin should be an OTC product. That if preferred people should have a pack of IVM pills ready to go in the medicine cabinet. Tox profile of IVM equivalent or better than most other OTC products. There’s other comments about the ZPack , flu shots and doctors in general that I could make, but it would border on medical advice. Not good on a blog like this.


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      John Connor II

      Z-stack and everything else are immune system boosters, NOT disease prophylactics or miracle pills of any form.
      It’s the pill form of “prayers and hope”.


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    Richard C in NZ

    CO2 Radiation vs.Work, Power and Energy

    Work – Emitted radiation does no useful work: it does not heat water; does not energize photovoltaic cells (PVs); and it does not heat materials on the surface of the earth.

    Power – The measured radiation is Apparent power only; it is not Real heating power.

    Energy – The energetics of IR-C are negligible compared to solar IR-A/B. The energy-per-photon is in units of milli electron Volts (meV) compared to electron Volts (eV).

    # # #

    Prove me wrong.

    Specifically. No bluff, hand-waving, or IPCC assessment reports.


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      Kalm Keith

      Hi Richard,
      in your heading you use the term
      ” CO2 Radiation ” which is interesting.
      What is that?

      Just curious about the origin of that term?

      The other items in that heading, ” Work, Power and Energy ” are well known and much used in true science, but in the definitions assigned here they seem to be part of the UNIPCCCs highjacking of original science to try and create a false legitimacy for their claims.

      Possibly, in discussing them, we are giving them the legitimacy they crave.

      The whole drama of atmospheric heating from CO2 is a scientific nonsense.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ


        >in your heading you use the term ” CO2 Radiation ” which is interesting. What is that?
        >Just curious about the origin of that term?

        The CO2 molecule is a radiative absorber/emitter. Nothing contentious about that (I hope).

        DLR is measured at surface all over the planet by 2 networks BSRN and SURFRAD.

        CO2 radiation is a small component of total (and typical) DLR. From Sunday #7.1:

        My analysis [based on Wang & Liang 2009 and Cheng et al 2017]:

        DLR components of the Standard Atmosphere and typical DLR.

        315 W.m2 total DLR estimate (typical)
        277 W.m2 WV component (implied)
        7 W.m2 CO2 component (Std Atm)
        31 W.m2 Residual (ozone, cloud water, cloud ice, aerosols, fog)

        >The other items in that heading, ” Work, Power and Energy ” are well known and much used in true science, but in the definitions assigned here they seem to be part of the UNIPCCCs highjacking of original science to try and create a false legitimacy for their claims.

        No, I didn’t post any definitions.

        It is simply an itemizing of how CO2 Radiation performs in respect to the SI Units – CO2 Radiation vs. Work, Power and Energy (SI)

        I contend that there’s negligible performance of CO2 radiation vs Work, Power, and Energy as per my first post.

        Nothing whatsoever to do with the UN IPCC.


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          Hi Richard,

          No, there’s nothing contentious there,
          “The CO2 molecule is a radiative absorber/emitter. Nothing contentious about that (I hope).”

          As I said, they are well known and loved terms but in the context of global Warming they are used in a devious manner to give the impression of science.

          Certainly incoming solar UV is able to energize water so that it becomes a gas which, with further solar energy may expand and float upwards. That work done can be measured and quantified.

          The UNIPCCCS determination that CO2 is a ” radiative gas ” is theatrical. Yes, atomic physics clearly acknowledges that CO2 will absorb and eject very specific quantities of energy under specific conditions and there’s also the energy shared in conduction in the atmosphere.

          None of this allows that CO2 can “heat the atmosphere” as claimed by the UNIPCCC and the wobal glorming concept is total trash in terms of the atmospherics and thermodynamics of the system under discussion.

          Certainly at ground level CO2 may absorb ground origin energy by radiation and conduction but all that adjustment is over and done with after about 30 metres agl and our “debil gas CO2” becomes a very compliant member of the atmosphere and equilibrates gently with its neighbors.
          At an altitude of about 11,000 meters it gets to the temperature that triggers it to release energy to cold space.

          That’s Global Cooling in my book.



          • #
            Gee Aye

            Oh dear


            • #
              Kalm Keith

              I thought that Global Cooling would have been a common experience in KanBorrow.



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                Gee Aye

                At an altitude of about 11,000 meters it gets to the temperature that triggers it to release energy to cold space.

                can you explain the scientific experiments tha show this and how can this be true if CO2 is observed to do this, routinely every day in thousands of independent labs, at sea level at room temperature?


              • #
                Richard C in NZ

                GA >can you explain the scientific experiments that show this? [11,000 effective emission to space]

                Not addressed to me and I don’t know where 11,000 metres comes from but Effective Emission Height is what you’re after:

                Greenhouse Effect: The Relative Contributions of Emission Height and Total Absorption
                Jean-Louis Dufresne, Vincent Eymet, Cyril Crevoisier, and Jean-Yves Grandpeix (2020)

                Physics Forum:

                Effective Emission Height Calculation?

                Two other blog articles next (1st one Clive Best)


              • #
                Richard C in NZ

                Effective Emission Height

                Posted on December 31, 2012 by Clive Best


                Visualizing Atmospheric Radiation – Part Three – Average Height of Emission

                January 8, 2013 by scienceofdoom



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                Gee Aye

                RC- effective emission height is a cumulative number not what an individual molecule does. CO2 emits at every height and can be measured by simple instruments. KK claims otherwise.


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                Richard C in NZ

                GA >can you explain the scientific experiments that show this [effective emission height]
                Derivation of the effective radiating height & entire 33°C greenhouse effect without radiative forcing from greenhouse gases

                3. Determine the atmospheric pressures from gravitational forcing, and the height of the effective equilibrium temperature (ERL)

                We will now determine the height (h) at the ERL where the temperature = the effective equilibrium temperature = 255K, and without use of radiative forcing from greenhouse gases. [Snip]

                Plugging in numbers of M = 29 grams/mole (0.029 kg/mole) as average molar mass for atmosphere, g = 9.8 m/s^2, Pressure = 0.50 atmospheres at the approximate center of mass of the atmosphere, R=8.31, and T=Te=255K effective equilibrium temperature we obtain:

                [See calc]

                So the height of the ERL set by gravity forcing is located at 5100 meters and is where T=Te=255K and pressure = 0.5 atmospheres, right at the center of mass of the atmosphere as we predicted from our gravity forcing hypothesis.

                4. Determine the temperatures at any location in the troposphere, and the magnitude of the mass/pressure greenhouse effect

                Plugging the average 6.5C/km lapse rate and 5100 meter or 5.1 km height of the ERL we determine above into our derived lapse rate equation (#6 from prior post) gives

                T = -18C – (6.5C/km × (h – 5.1km))

                Using this equation we can perfectly reproduce the temperature at any height in the troposphere as shown in Fig 1. At the surface, h = 0, thus temperature at the surface Ts is calculated as

                Ts = -18 – (6.5 × (0 – 5.1))

                Ts = -18 + 33.15C (gravity forced greenhouse effect)

                Ts = 15.15°C or 288.3°K at the surface

                which is exactly the same as determined by satellite observations and is 33.15C above the equilibrium temperature -18C or 255K with the Sun as expected.

                Thus, we have determined the entire 33.15C greenhouse effect, the surface temperature, and the temperature of the troposphere at any height, and the height at which the equilibrium temperature with the Sun occurs at the ERL entirely on the basis of the Newton’s 2nd law of motion, the 1st law of thermodynamics, and the ideal gas law, without use of radiative forcing from greenhouse gases, nor the concentrations of greenhouse gases, nor the emission/absorption spectra of greenhouse gases at any point in this derivation, demonstrating that the entire 33C greenhouse effect is dependent upon atmospheric mass/pressure/gravity, rather than radiative forcing from greenhouse gases.


              • #
                Kalm Keith

                Gee ,

                All I said was that there was no “spitting of photons ” by CO2 until the temperature is , from memory, 243K. This is about minus 30°C or roughly the altitude of modern jet flight.

                As a component of the atmosphere, CO2 is forced to equilibrate constantly by conduction, bumping other gases.

                At the higher, colder altitude I understand that the orbital configuration of the CO2 molecule is triggered.


              • #
                Gee Aye

                You believe incorrectly. WHat you believe does not determine how CO2 orbitals work


              • #
                Gee Aye

                RC- what is your question. You sort of wrote a question then followed with a huge amount of stuff.

                CO2 emits where ever it is. The “effective” in effective height is not related to whether CO2 emits or not but about the effect of CO2 in the conditions it finds itself.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >Work – [CO2] Emitted radiation does no useful work: it does not heat water

      The implication of this being that the IPCC cannot make a human attribution to observed ocean heat rise (but they do).

      And if they cannot make that attribution (they do) they cannot then reconcile the excess TOA energy that their theory generates with observations (but they do because false OHC attribution).

      Given the observed OHC rise since 1950 is about 300 ZJ 0-2000m, the IPCC’s theory is a complete bust:

      Global Ocean Heat 0-2000m

      That 300 ZJ is a major part of the IPCC’s Theory-Observations reconciliation:

      TFE.4, Figure 1
      The Earth’s energy budget from 1970 through 2011

      (a) The cumulative energy inflow into the Earth system from changes in well-mixed and short- lived greenhouse gases, solar forcing, tropospheric aerosol forcing, volcanic forcing and changes in surface albedo due to land use change (all relative to 1860–1879) are shown by the coloured lines; these contributions are added to give the total energy inflow (black); [Snip].

      (b) The cumulative total energy inflow from (a, black) is balanced by the sum of the energy uptake of the Earth system (blue; energy absorbed in warming the ocean, the atmosphere and the land, as well as in the melting of ice) and an increase in outgoing radiation inferred from changes in the global mean surface temperature. [Snip]

      From AR5 Technical Summary

      “TFE.4, Figure 1 b) The cumulative total energy inflow from (a, black) is balanced by the sum of the energy uptake of the Earth system (blue; energy absorbed in warming the ocean”

      This means the IPCC claim OHC to reconcile their theory with observations.

      But they have ZERO physical proof for that Human-OHC attribution.

      Also, they explicitly discarded the concept of ‘surface forcing’ in AR6 but here they are invoking it again.


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    Abrupt Disconnection: Human Emissions from Atm. CO2

    [1] Global Atm. CO2 compared to annual emissions (1751-2022)

    Tenuous correlation until 2010 then abrupt disconnection.

    Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (NOAA)

    [2]Greenhouse gas emissions (OWID)

    Interactive Settings: Display relative changes

    % Change
    +33.2%/decade – 1950-2010
    +7.47%/decade – 2010-2022

    The abrupt change in human emissions at 2010 [1] made no difference to the steady rise in Atm. CO2 [2].


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Probably should be the other way around:

      The abrupt change in human emissions at 2010 [2] made no difference to the steady rise in Atm. CO2 [1].

      At 4:01am blog time (6am here) I had had neither breakfast nor coffee.


    • #

      The first graph, CO2 concentrations vs emissions is absolute rubbish. I cannot believe any scientist created this lying graph.

      I use it of an example of what is done by non scientists and propagandists.

      And I have redrawn the graph correctly but cannot post it here. The allegation is that CO2 and emissions are highly correlated. As they are both measuring tons of CO2, they should be on the same scale and both with zero. You could correlate an elephant and a meercat with this appalling display and argue they are siblings.


      • #

        Ditto the second graph. The X axis is missing! Drawn correctly the CO2 graph is closer to a near horizontal straight line. More NOAA non science rubbish.


        • #

          And the third graph should be compared to rapid gaseous exchange with the oceans which are 10x the size. WIth a residence time of 10 years, all CO2 in the atmosphere is exchanged every 10 years for ocean CO2. Our tiny output is of no consequence in this massive process of equilibrium exchange, evaporation and condensation as with the other gas, H2O. And between them responsible for all life on earth.

          So called (toxic) “emissions’ are nothing more than old leaves. And the CO2 total from the old leaves is a tiny fraction of the continuous equilibrium exchange of CO2, H2O. Otherwise CO2 above China/USA/Europe/Russia would be vastly greater than above Australia and the South Pole. In fact they are all within 1%.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          TdeF >Ditto the second graph. The X axis is missing! Drawn correctly the CO2 graph is closer to a near horizontal straight line. More NOAA non science rubbish.

          Not sure which graph you’re referring to here.

          Second graph [2] is OWID, not NOAA.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ


        >they should be …. both with zero

        Agreed. Normalization.

        First thing I looked for was normalization but wasn’t there so I carried on anyway.

        >they should be on the same scale

        If the respective data series are normalized (set to initial Y = zero, or zero change) then I think it is Ok to compare apples with oranges.

        But that graph is NOT normalized.

        Evenso, still demonstrates my point (2010 disconnection).


        • #

          In the first graph the CO2 is measured in ppm. Total CO2 is measured in GT. Why not both in GT?
          And why not both starting at zero.
          Otherwise how can slopes/amounts be compared?
          This is a child’s idea of science. You have to compare like with like on an absolute scale.
          Otherwise any two graphs can be made to overlap for a distance of completely unrelated things.


          • #
            Richard C in NZ


            >In the first graph the CO2 is measured in ppm. Total CO2 is measured in GT. Why not both in GT? And why not both starting at zero.

            Agreed. That certainly could have been done.

            For my purposes didn’t matter though.

            >You have to compare like with like on an absolute scale.

            Disagree. Long discussion with John in NZ on Sunday thread. I described how I had normalized CO2 (MLO) vs. Temp (HadCRUT) years ago to reveal Lead vs. Lag last century. Normalization began at Y = 0 at the same Date for each series.

            There is no way to convert either CO2 or Temp into the same terms as the other in that comparison.

            Temp was Leading CO2 by about 20 yrs middle of last century (from memory), but crossed over later after turn of century (from memory).


            • #
              Richard C in NZ

              >I described how I had normalized CO2 (MLO) vs. Temp (HadCRUT) years ago to reveal Lead vs. Lag last century. Normalization began at Y = 0 at the same Date for each series.

              Searched my flash drives – can’t find it.

              Think it was an Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) analysis.

              Lost in the mists of time and can’t remember the EMD details of how I did that anyway except it would have been a comparison of residuals. From Wiki (Hilbert–Huang transform):

              The sifting process finally stops when the residue, rn, becomes a monotonic function from which no more IMF can be extracted.


              • #
                Richard C in NZ

                >a monotonic function from which no more IMF can be extracted

                So for HadCRUT that’s the residual secular trend (ST) i.e. all oceanic oscillation IMF has been sifted out.

                For CO2 there’s no insignificant/significant IMFs i.e. the series is basically the secular trend (nearly).


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    “Hottest Days” Source – Antarctic SSW

    10-hPa Zonal Mean Temperature 2023-2024 65S-95S (NOAA)

    Spectacular spike July 2024 (red line).


    Record 50C temperature increase over Antarctica to shift Australia’s weather patterns


    • #
      a happy little debunker

      Thanks for this … I read it last week, but lost track of the article.

      Glad to say their forecast has already been proven wrong – with light winds and warmer weather expected in Tassie through to the middle of August.

      At this point … after their long hot summer prediction, their above average winter forecast, and now this failure … it would be safe to assume any long range forecast by the BOM is going to be 100% wrong.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Missing URL to graph,

      10-hPa Zonal Mean Temperature 2023-2024 65S-95S (NOAA)


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    President Trump shared:


    Of course there is a massive market downturn. Kamala is even worse than Crooked Joe. Markets will NEVER accept the Radical Left Lunatic that DESTROYED San Francisco and California, as a whole. Next move, THE GREAT DEPRESSION OF 2024! You can’t play games with MARKETS. KAMALA CRASH!!!



  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    Nine UNRWA staff may have been involved in Oct. 7 attack, UN investigation reveals


    The investigation was carried out by the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) in allegations that 19 UNRWA members of UNRWA staff were involved in the October 7 attacks in Israel.The report is confidential and will not be made public, according to the Office of the Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

    Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan called the investigation a “disgrace” and “too little too late,” in response to the outcome of the investigation.

    “The investigation ignored the thousands of agency employees involved in Hamas terrorism and the extent of their involvement. Israel has provided the UN with precise details of over a hundred UNRWA employees who are members of the terrorist organization Hamas,” Erdan said in a statement.

    “And as if that weren’t enough—the Secretary-General recently chose to award UNRWA-Gaza the UN Secretary-General’s Award for 2023,” he stated.


    UNRWA Commissioner-General issues a statement

    UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini wrote in a statement issued Monday, “The allegations were brought to the Agency’s attention in January. In close consultation with the United Nations Secretary-General (SG), I immediately terminated the contracts of the staff in question, in the interest of the Agency, while the SG tasked OIOS to launch an investigation. Additional allegations were brought to our attention in March and April and the concerned staff were added to the OIOS investigation,”

    So, “the interest of the Agency” was top priority – Got that.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      The Australian Government will provide an estimated $32.2 million to the Occupied Palestinian Territories in 2024-25 (including $20.0 million to UNRWA). Australia’s development cooperation and humanitarian assistance is a practical demonstration of our genuine commitment to the Palestinian people.



    • #
      David Maddison

      UN staff cooperation with Hamas terrorists was recognised and reported from the very beginning of the terrorist atrocities but not widely reported by Lamestream media or the Hamas-loving Left. I am somewhat pleasantly surprised that the UN is now partially admitting to this. Now the UN needs to follow up with over hundred other UNWRA terrorists Israel supplied the names of.

      I object to the $20 million of Australian taxpayer money given to UNWRA, funded by my taxes and used for terrorism.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        David >I object to the $20 million of Australian taxpayer money given to UNWRA

        $32.2 million @ #11.1 above.



        • #
          David Maddison

          $20 million is given to UNWRA, other Aussie taxpayer monies go to other terrorists or directly into the pockets of the likes of Yahya Ibrahim Hassan Sinwar and his other billionaire comrade terrorist leadership, at least the ones that haven’t yet been “deactivated”.


          • #
            David Maddison

            Yes, billionaires.


            Hamas leaders worth staggering $11B revel in luxury — while Gaza’s people suffer

            Isabel Vincent and Benjamin Weinthal

            While their people languish in poverty and are treated as human shields, the leaders of Hamas live billionaire lifestyles.

            The terror group’s three top leaders alone are worth a staggering total of $11 billion and enjoy a life of luxury in the sanctuary of the emirate of Qatar.

            Published Nov. 7, 2023

            SEE LINK FOR REST


      • #
        David Maddison

        And the UN is only sacking/firing the terrorists. Surely they should be charged with and prosecuted for the extremely serious crimes against humanity they were involved with?


        • #

          The whole of Gaza is a money pit. As the most heavily subsidized city on earth, donations are the lifeblood of the place. It should be a new Monaco. As Beirut was before Islamic extremists took over.

          Where is an Middle Eastern Islamic city not a complete financial wreck?

          The deadly attack on Israel was planned to restart the donations business. With hostages and the population of Gaza as human shields against the utterly predictable response.

          All this death and tragedy is the business of Hamas. It is not about religion or freedom. Mass civilians deaths and hostage taking are extremely profitable and very traditional. And have been for 1200 years.

          It is not about freedom or religion or culture. It is about the money. Like all wars. Only 20th century consumerism has ended war.


          • #

            ‘Dismantling Hamas from within’: IDF uncovers trove of Hamas secrets

            IDF and Shin Bet uncover extensive Hamas intelligence, revealing lists of suspected LGBTQ+ individuals, brutal tactics, global operations, and systematic terror tactics.

            The intelligence included Excel tables showing the readiness levels of special units, companies, battalions, and brigades, including the scope of training, weapons, and ammunition.

            It also included documentation of orders in the various units and the review of equipment lists for each fighter, protocols of meetings, discussions, and the decision-making process at senior and junior levels.

            Security officials stated that the level of order and organization was a significant surprise for the intelligence community.

            “Hundreds and thousands of interrogations of terrorists and senior leaders would not have yielded such intimate intelligence on their methods of order and organization in such a short period,” said a military official exposed to the intelligence material.

            “After consolidating all Hamas infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, based on what we saw in maps and documents and what was actually discovered, it is clear that Gaza was constructed as one large military base, including the use of kindergartens, schools, clinics, hospitals, and m0sques,” said a source who reviewed Hamas documents. The source added, “They intended to infiltrate a large number of IDF bases, including Air Force bases.”

            In the clothing of the commander of the raid on Sderot, a handwritten note was found in which he stated that according to the Q0ran, their souls would ascend to heaven and, in exchange for their s@distic actions against soldiers and civilians, including torture, they would be welcomed into paradise.

            From The Comments

            – Very detailed account of Hamas military organization.

            This highlights how dangerous they are. Israel made a huge mistake with the withdrawal from Gaza and the disengagement. This let Israel dependent on its intelligence services to assess about the threat posed by Hamas. Sadly, nobody could imagine the extent and the sophistication of their preparations for war and to attack Israel as they did in Oct. 7th.

            Now that Israel knows, it would be completely reckless to leave Gaza again under the control of Hamas.


      • #

        ALL decision makers in this conflict have significant financial interest in its continuance: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46344

        and then, there are the people, just dying, being maimed and running away as best they can


  • #
    Richard C in NZ



    KAMALA CRASH: Harris’s Words Come Back to Haunt Her as Stock Market COLLAPSES Monday Following Disastrous Jobs Report – President Trump Responds
    Joe Biden Six Days Before Global Market Crash That Wiped Out $2 Trillion: “I Cured the Economy” (VIDEO)
    Nearly $2 Trillion Wiped Out from Stock Market as Fears of Global Recession Spark Panic Among Investors — Warren Buffett Dumped Nearly Half of Apple Stake and Holds $277 Billion in Cash Reserve
    Financial Experts Provide Dire Description of Markets and the “KAMALA CRASH”
    JUST IN: Biden’s Senior Economic Advisor Resigns After Market Crash — Will Work for Harris Campaign

    # # #

    Joe cured the economy, Kamala crashed it.



    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      1st item at TGP above.

      Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump (TRUTH)


      Also, check out:

      I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 @ImMeme0


    • #

      In case you were wondering how we got the Bidenomics Kamala Crash:

      This is the Biden-Harris Administration’s handpicked Economic Advisors Chair, Jared Bernstein, struggling to understand basic economics and the consequences of uncontrolled money printing

      Painfully incompetent leaders.


      (3 minute video)


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        X thread in utter amazement.

        Although, quibbling over Govt vs Private Bank debt in respect to:

        “The U.S. government can’t go bankrupt because we can print our own money.”

        “Actually, correct. The U.S. government cannot go bankrupt. It is quite literally impossible. Since you have no idea what’s going on, here’s a clue: private banks “print” about 90% of the money in circulation. Only about 10% comes from the gov’t/Fed.”


        Understanding How the Federal Reserve Creates Money

        Key Takeaways

        The Federal Reserve, as America’s central bank, is responsible for controlling the supply of U.S. dollars.
        The Fed creates money by purchasing securities on the open market and adding the corresponding funds to the bank reserves of commercial banks.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        >Understanding How the Federal Reserve Creates Money
        >The Fed uses the federal funds rate to affect other interest rates and adjust the money supply.

        From Biden To Bonds: Unmasking A Template Of Lies


        The Bankers…

        Anyone, and I mean anyone, who hails from Wall Street’s big banks, for example, knows that bears are fired and bulls are promoted.


        Because banks are in the business of levering depositor money for year-end bonuses and an endless stream of risky (rather than fiduciary) “products” that have nothing to do with long-term value but everything to do with short-term fee collecting.

        Any honest banker who questions the financial weapons of mass destruction developed in those banks (from MBS derivative schemes to current “private credit pools” and non-performing CRE loans) is shown the door.

        The Fed – next.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          The Fed…

          Such financial vanity is equally true of our central bankers.

          Near-term power at the expense of longer-term prosperity is the name of their distorted game and the surest path to a Nobel Prize in economics (Bernanke) or a prestigious post at the US Treasury Department (Yellen)

          But as Thomas Hoenig, one of the very few FOMC players (and Kansas City Fed Presidents) with actual integrity, reminds: The Fed, if run properly, “should make policy for the long-term and let the near-term work itself out.”

          But the Fed’s actual practice, as Hoenig himself confesses, has been the precise (and sickening) opposite.

          As Hoenig (and the few of us who speak what we think rather than what are told) have been warning for years, the Fed (from Greenspan to Powell) is more worried about bailing out the next bank or bond crisis than preventing the next generation from suffering permanent inflation/currency ruin in the endless wake of their repulsive “spend and print” policies.

          See graph,
          Feds Total Assets $ Trillion
          From Crisis to Crisis to Raging Inflation


          NZ not much different – next.


          • #
            Richard C in NZ

            Over successive Govts, Left and Right, NZs Reserve Bank Governor along with Finance Ministers helped create a housing bubble.

            Said bubble is now bursting.

            Now, Res. Bank Gov. and Fin. Min. are up the creek without a paddle.

            The official [NZ] cash rate (OCR)

            What is the OCR?

            Our Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) reviews the OCR 7 times a year.

            We use the OCR to achieve and maintain price stability. To keep prices stable, the Government has set us an inflation target between 1% and 3% over the medium term with a focus on the 2% midpoint.

            Increasing the OCR increases interest rates and helps bring inflation down.

            Except now, NZ is in Technical Recession.

            Price stability is a myth.

            Housing is an exercise for the wealthy.

            Construction is just clinging on to is left of the boom-time work.

            Hospitality has tanked.

            People that can have or are bailing out to somewhere else (OZ).

            Replacements are either low-skilled or quals not recognized.

            Businesses are going bust and the survivors are struggling to pay rents.

            Other than that, everything’s fine.


            • #

              As was coined last century:

              “Would the last person to leave (NZ) please turn the lights out…”

              It was even pre Robert Muldoon’s answer to a reporter’s question as to whether he was worried by the exodus of Kiwi’s to Australia which was:

              “No, it improves the IQ of both countries”.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Nvidia Reportedly Delays Next AI Chip As Shares Tank On Global Selloff


      AI bubble pop?


    • #
  • #
    David Maddison

    We keep getting told that wind and solar are the cheapest form of electricity generation, an obvious lie from government and so-called “experts” like morally-corrupt scientists from CSIRO (who get paid by the government for the requested opinions).

    So isn’t it time to create a free market for electricity and let the marketplace decide which is truly cheapest?

    Stop forced preferential purchase arrangements and subsidies of fundamentally defective wind and solar products.

    And if anyone in “opposition” parties of Government, real scientists and engineers and their professional bodies, and the Lamestream media were actually doing their jobs, they would be questioning the obvious fact that the more wind, solar and Big Battery plantations we get, the more expensive electricity becomes.


  • #
    John Hultquist

    UNRWA –> The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    Today is January 6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang’s 1300th Day in Prison WITHOUT A TRIAL

    From TGP.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      JUST IN: New Details Emerge About Biden White House Cocaine Scandal – There Was a “Partial DNA Hit” – And Cheatle Tried to Make It Disappear!


      RealClearPolitics reported:

      Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and others in top agency leadership positions wanted to destroy the cocaine discovered in the White House last summer, but the Secret Service Forensics Services Division and the Uniformed Division stood firm and rejected the push to dispose of the evidence, according to three sources in the Secret Service community.

      Multiple heated confrontations and disagreements over how best to handle the cocaine ensued after a Secret Services Uniformed Division officer found the bag on July 2, 2023, a quiet Sunday while President Biden and his family were at Camp David in Maryland, the sources said.

      At least one Uniformed Division officer was initially assigned to investigate the cocaine incident. But after he told his supervisors, including Cheatle and Acting Secret Service Director Ron Rowe, who was deputy director at the time, that he wanted to follow a certain crime-scene investigative protocol, he was taken off the case, according to a source within the Secret Service community familiar with the circumstances of his removal.


      • #

        Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle ”

        Yep, now she’s gone and under a cloud we can quickly rush out all the bad news we have been hiding for a couple of years and blame it all on her…


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    “There’s a Revolution Brewing in Britain” – Tommy Robinson Doxxed by Daily Mail as Asylum Hotels Set on Fire and “Muslim Defence League” Chases Englishmen with Two-by-Fours


    Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 @TRobinsonNewEra

    @sammywoodhouse1 [Rotherham Rape Surviver]

    11:55 PM · Aug 4, 2024


    [Sammy] speaks to the organisers of this demonstration today to understand why they thought a demonstration is needed outside this migrant hotel.

    Apparently some staff members of the hotel have been sexually assaulted by men staying there.

    12:46 AM · Aug 5, 2024


    [Sammy] reporting from the Holiday Inn migrant hotel in Rochdale. Hotel windows have been smashed.

    While people are forgotten, scared, ignored and frustrated at the real life consequences of having fighting military aged men on their doorsteps, concerned for the safety of their women and children<, frustration inevitably gives way to anger.

    2:16 AM · Aug 5, 2024


    [Sammy] concludes her reporting for today in Rotherham. It’s not very safe there, tensions are still high.

    The organisers of the demonstration are extremely disappointed as they wanted a peaceful protest today, however emotions and tensions got the better of people today.

    Some locals even saying Keir Starmer labelled them ‘far-right thugs’ so they may as well behave like far-right thugs.

    What an absolute mess.


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    Michigan city of Hamtramck: LGBTQ sanctuary vs. all-Muslim leadership

    HUGE! Breaking Project Veritas VIDEO… Top Dems Reveal How They Steal Elections in Muslim-Majority MI City — Former Mayor Claims AG Nessel Has Been Investigating— Ballots Allegedly Being Filled Out in Dining Rooms!

    “You need these people’s votes, right? So, who’s going to say brown-skinned people are doing election fraud?” – Karen Majewski, ex-Hamtramck Major
    Hamtramck City Council candidate Lynn Blasey told the undercover reporter, “They hire black people to go to black people’s houses. They hire Bangladeshi people to go to Bangladeshi homes.” She explained, “The black people—they pay them for their ballots.
    Ms. Blasey then explained how, after the ballots are harvested, they are offered to the candidates and then auctioned off to the highest bidder. She refers to the criminal operation as “The Midnight Meeting.”
    “These guys go door to door and take people’s ballots. They bully them… intimidate.”- August Gitschlag, Certified Michigan Elections Official

    # # #

    Saving Our Democracy.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Progressive Dems In Michigan Tell Undercover Journo They Were ‘Ballot Harvested’ Out Of Office By Muslim Voter Fraud Network


      Hamtramck’s Democrat officials admitted to Project Veritas that ethnic minorities have been using absentee ballot fraud to win city elections for over twenty years. But it was the election of Conservative Yemeni Muslims to the mayorship and council in 2021 which put an end to 100 years of continuous Polish political power. Locals expressed to our journalists that life under Muslim leadership isn’t the Democrat unity that many had hoped. The growing influx of Arab immigrants means that burqas, animal sacrifice, and the Muslim call to prayer blasting through city loudspeakers five times a day is now common.

      Progressives who once eagerly welcomed Middle Eastern immigrants now express a feeling of betrayal and fear that their progressive LGBTQ sanctuary may be lost forever as Muslim politicians appear to perfect the use of voter fraud.

      It was time when strangers were welcome here
      Music would play
      They tell me the days were sweet and clear
      It was a sweeter tune, and there was so much room
      That people could come from everywhere

      – Neil Sedaka


      • #

        The European on most levels progressed to an individualistic society with only sporadic group-think clusters which still exist for a specific purpose/application ie the Irish Protestant V Catholic, the Scots V the rest of England, All Blacks V the Wannabes etc.

        The globalists have fostered the re-introduction of tribal societies over that dynamic and now the outcomes begin to bear fruit including the renaissance of the tribal Aboriginal and Maori history with underlying claims that each were(are) the better models (land management etc) that the modern day should grasp with both hands.


    • #

      How has the Mr Wong of the Australian Labor Party vetted Palestinian Gazans given this Article?

      Something for the Palestinian Protest Idiots in Australia!

      ‘Dismantling Hamas from within’: IDF uncovers trove of Hamas secrets

      IDF and Shin Bet uncover extensive Hamas intelligence, revealing lists of suspected LGBTQ+ individuals, brutal tactics, global operations, and systematic terror tactics.

      The intelligence included Excel tables showing the readiness levels of special units, companies, battalions, and brigades, including the scope of training, weapons, and ammunition.

      It also included documentation of orders in the various units and the review of equipment lists for each fighter, protocols of meetings, discussions, and the decision-making process at senior and junior levels.

      Security officials stated that the level of order and organization was a significant surprise for the intelligence community.

      “Hundreds and thousands of interrogations of terrorists and senior leaders would not have yielded such intimate intelligence on their methods of order and organization in such a short period,” said a military official exposed to the intelligence material.

      For example, during the ground maneuver, official documents of the terrorist organization were found, including procedures and investigations of those suspected of being part of the LGBTQ community.

      Procedures of Hamas for those in the LGBTQ community

      The official documents of Hamas’s “rulebook” reveal brutal behavior against anyone suspected of belonging to the LGBTQ community.

      Additionally, documentation of interrogations and testimonies about aggressive questioning focused solely on s@xual preferences and orientations was found, indicating that those suspected of being part of the LGBTQ community faced a single fate – death.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Word of the day: notorious.

    Back in the day it used to mean “well known” and was used like that in British law, but now it has another meaning.


    … Although notorious (which comes from Latin noscere, “to come to know”) can be a synonym of famous, it’s more often a synonym of infamous, having long ago developed the additional implication of someone or something disreputable. …


  • #
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  • #
    Graham Richards

    So the main anti-Semitic organisation on the planet is investigating itself. It’s time the USA pulled out of the UN. Others will follow and I’m very sure their remaining, staunch ant Semetic members will scream “ racism “ as 80% of the UN funds dry up! 😂👏👏👍

    UN is long past its use by date. Probable cause is boiling oceans 😂😂😂😂


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      An interesting idea.. what if all the Western bloc pulled out of the UN and just used NATO as a supra-national organisation.

      That would leave the UN to the global South and Asia/Russia, and they wouldn’t take the crap from the bureaurats when they have to pay the whole budget.


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    another ian

    FWIW – on the financial scene

    “And Suddenly Things Change”



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      Wow! I wasn’t familiar with the work of James Kunstler. He is amazing. I have been reading his predictions of a year ago – almost everything developing as he predicted. Most people haven’t got a clue of what is happening….& would just laugh if they read Kunstler. I suspect they won’t be laughing as 2024 progresses…..


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    YYY Guy

    The second article says no Aboriginal ancestry at all. The first, a promotion, of course.
    With this little teller –

    Professor Carlson’s academic profile on the Macquarie University website on 14 July 2024 clearly indicated that she was “an Aboriginal woman” (Figure 1).

    However, somewhat mysteriously and with no explanation, by 2 August 2024 it appears that the Professor has subsequently renounced her Aboriginality – she no longer claims to be “an Aboriginal woman.” She has also dropped her association with her seminal textbook, The Politics of Identity: Who counts as Aboriginal?, based on a manuscript for which she won the 2013 AIATSIS Stanner Prize (Figure 2).

    Could the changes to Macquarie’s website be due to some journalistic probing in recent days (late July 2024) by Andrew Bolt?

    Truth telling?


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    When Democrats Say “Our Democracy”

    August 5, 2024 – Sundance

    This is a good video (1 Min 15 Secs) to put context to his familiar linguistic jingle that we keep hearing from Democrats, “our democracy.” [Citation]


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    WTF?: Am following – https://www.flightradar24.com/GAF760/367f6666 – heading for Darwin.

    Germany – Air Force – Airbus A321-251NX – that’s a troop carrier very likely, or cargo.


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    Firefox V128.0.3 seems to be playing up – iMac 27in Retina 5k 2019 – MacOs – Sonoma 14.5

    No b i link quote in leave a reply, and when you go to do Thumbs up flips back to top of Page

    Was occurring before I did update to latest V128.0.3, and first link under new version seemed OK but then regressed

    Posting under Brave Browser now with no problems on same iMac


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    Kamala speak as a Mathematical exercise

    Does anyone know what networks, vertex, edge and degree means in this exercise.

    Appears to a year twelve mathematics taught as a new language to achieve something, I just cannot work out what?


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    John Connor II

    The REAL origins of artificial intelligence?- self assembling code soup


    Just as biological life evolved from a primordial soup of enzymes and chemicals, maybe AI can mimic it, albeit a few million times faster.


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    John Connor II

    Google loses massive antitrust lawsuit over its search dominance

    Google has violated US antitrust law with its search business, a federal judge ruled Monday, handing the tech giant a staggering court defeat with the potential to reshape how millions of Americans get information online and to upend decades of dominance.

    “After having carefully considered and weighed the witness testimony and evidence, the court reaches the following conclusion: Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly,” US District Judge Amit Mehta wrote in Monday’s opinion. “It has violated Section 2 of the Sherman Act.”

    The decision by the US District Court for the District of Columbia is a stunning rebuke of Google’s oldest and most important business. The company has spent tens of billions of dollars on exclusive contracts to secure a dominant position as the world’s default search provider on smartphones and web browsers.
    Those contracts have given it the scale to block out would-be rivals such as Microsoft’s Bing and DuckDuckGo, the US government alleged in a historic antitrust lawsuit filed during the Trump administration.

    Now, said Mehta, that powerful position has led to anticompetitive behavior that must be stopped.


    Use Yandex.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    Dear God, what a bloody palaver.

    I couldn’t find where I’d written it down so had to call St George Bank just now, to ask which bank address I should use to receive international payments. My local branch closed some time ago. I had already tried asking the Chatbot online, with predictable lack of success. Having dialled, I then proceeded to follow the familiar maze of “Select 1”, “Select 4″ etc. This was of course after I had been told not to abuse staff and to note the call will be recorded, blah, blah, blah. I went round in circles for quite some time, even getting cut off when I couldn’t answer some question about an app. Wut?

    Eventually I got to speak with a human but my question threw him. I can’t be the first person to make this simple query, surely? Anyway, off he went to ask somebody more knowledgeable before Hurrah! I got what I needed. It only took twenty minutes.

    But the most irritating thing was having to listen, while on hold, to the Aboriginal version of Farnham’s ‘You’re The Voice”. Geddit?

    Is it possible to interact with any Australian institution without getting THEIR politics rammed down my throat?


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      David Maddison

      Is it possible to interact with any Australian institution without getting THEIR politics rammed down my throat?

      Back in the day, it was considered important for companies to be politically neutral because adopting one position or another would scare away half your customers. This was the position until some time in about the 1980’s I guess, then companies saw that if they adopted the desired positions of the Government of the day, they could secure special favours such as favourable legislation. And the rest is history.


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        Steve of Cornubia

        Perhaps in future, whenever I interact with a large organisation or public service department, I should begin by letting their representative know where i stand on various matters, such as climate change, trans issues and Aboriginal land rights. It would only take a few minutes and I’m sure they would want to hear it. Wouldn’t they?


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      John Connor II

      Thankfully, my “bank” is years ahead of the security-joke others, with real service with real humans, and no politics. 😎
      Tip: ditch the big banks and go smaller.


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      its is everywhere!

      – just rang Dyson 1-800, as I wanted to purchase a Dyson Airstrait™ straightener (Prussian Blue / Rich Copper) as a surprise Birthday present for my Wife, but there was nowhere where you could ship as a Gift

      The Dyson Call was answered, after selecting 2 for “I want to buy”, by an Indian speaking lady, I assume a Work From Home here in Australia, as there were sounds coming from outside, I said I would like to have it Gift Wrapped and enclose a Message to my Wife with the Gift, and could I do so by purchasing over the Phone.


      Ok, the Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer (Ceramic pink/Rose gold, I had previously purchased for my wife, came with its own case for Travelling, did the Dyson Airstrait™ come with a Case?

      The Lady did not know, and had to put me on hold for a couple of minutes, whilst she went away, presumably to ask someone else, as She seemed not to have a clue re Dyson Products

      End Result, total waste of time, so I went and purchased online – will need to hide when it arrives.


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      Tarquin Wombat-Carruthers

      I refer to this as foot-shooting-with-howitzers. Fire again, Moriarty, there are vestiges of toes remaining!


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    Weird: Dems Use 16 Year Old Photo Of Kamala Surrounded By ‘Michelle’ Signs To Promote DNC

    In a strange move, the official X account of the Democratic Party chose to upload an image of Kamala Harris that is 16 years old, surrounded by signs that say ‘Michelle’ as a way of promoting the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

    This is the image:


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      From the Comments

      – Joan Rivers…’We all know’


      Then amazingly she’s dead months later.

      – Mike would beat the living snot out of any of those Olympic boxer chicks, including the two dude chicks.

      – The IOC says she a woman….

      – Big Mike could never be an Olympic pole vaulter.


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        David Maddison

        Big Mike ticks more DEI boxes than Harris. I think that would have been Barack Hussein’s choice.


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      Probably to counter the photo that Billie Brown threatens to release – the one taken with Mr Trump on his plane, no less, where’s she’s getting a free flight. Haha, karma is a bitch. (I said Karma, not Kamala).


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      Report Finds Biden-Harris Released 99 Illegal Aliens On FBI Terror Watchlist Into American Communities

      A new interim staff report from the House Judiciary Committee and Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement, published on Monday, highlights how the Biden administration, with ‘Border Czar’ VP Kamala Harris, facilitated the greatest illegal alien invasion ever on the United States.

      The report titled “Terror At Our Door: How The Biden-Harris Administration’s Open-Borders Policies Undermine National Security And Endanger Americans” revealed that the failed southern border policies of President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris have flooded the nation with more than 5.4 million illegal aliens. Additionally, at least 1.9 million known “gotaways” also entered, bringing the total to 7.3 million illegal entries.

      This aged well.


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      >photo of Kamala surrounded by Michelle signs

      I hope that’s not a foretaste to soften us up for what’s waiting in the wings.


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      Kamala: electric school bus bust

      The electric vehicle (EV) doom loop is accelerating. Even in its fading days, surrounded by the stench of EV demise, the Harris/Biden Administration continues to cheerlead for EVs.

      The head cheerleader: Kamala Harris:

      One of Kamala Harris’s highest profile responsibilities as vice president has been spearheading the federal government’s billion-dollar efforts to deploy thousands of electric buses across hundreds of school districts nationwide. But years into the program, only a small fraction of those projects have been completed while dozens of school districts have withdrawn from the program altogether.

      As part of the first tranche of Clean School Bus program funding two years ago, Harris and EPA administrator Michael Regan unleashed nearly $1 billion in federal rebates for 389 school districts across all 50 states to help deliver a total 2,463 electric school buses.

      And how many of those EV buses are actually in service? That’s hard to know since 27 districts report 60 buses, but that includes EV buses and propane-propelled buses. Every other district has wisely backed out.

      “Wisely” because the buses don’t live up to the hype. They cost about three times as much as a conventionally powered bus, have so little range in winter—they can’t run heaters because that drains the batteries too fast—government grants don’t pay the total cost of buses, and the charging infrastructure costs are simply too great. Jackson, WY, as blue a town as can be found, had similar problems

      And, of course, there is corruption:


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    CO2 Lover

    Stalin (I take the knee) Starmer to release 500 criminals from British Prisions to make room for Englishmen protesting the killing of children by the usual suspects

    All the making of a “Oh What a Lovely War”.



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    another ian


    “COVID Roundup: New Zealand Codifies Forced Injections in Martial Law ‘Pandemic Plan’ ”



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    another ian

    Translated –

    “When Democrats Say “Our Democracy”
    August 5, 2024 | Sundance | 171 Comments”

    Links to video



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    John Connor II

    Britain goes full NWO

    Welcome to 2024 Britain where The Police arrive at your home to arrest you for comments made on Facebook.

    As Britain descends into lawless chaos – the Governments priority clearly isn’t fixing it, but is to go after those that voice their opinion about it online.


    And forget the actual cause, like knife and machette wielding malcontent immo’ bludgers from crime ridden countries like Africa.


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    John Connor II

    Tuesday ejuksyshun: how stuff is made


    I miss playing with lasers. 😉


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      Richard C in NZ

      JC >Great vid.

      Used to work in packaging.

      Carton making machine @ 1:15

      Similar are in every kiwifruit packhouse in NZ.

      Some lines fully automated i.e. box/carton/tray machine – conveyor – filler – closer – conveyor – former – robot stacker – auto pallet strapper. Those either in purposed auto sheds or parallel to old-school manual.

      It’s relentless and a real mission to keep at optimum speed.

      Fine when it all works, panic stations when it doesn’t.

      Either: auto shed stops; 100s of people paid to stand around doing nothing at great expense; or do it old-school manually.


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      >how stuff is made

      Marvellous how millions of drudge slave labour jobs have been eliminated by this clever robot machinery mass production.
      Liberating us all from drudgery, and cheaper more efficient productivity, was supposed to give us all wealth and leisure time, but instead it created enormous wealth and power disparities. ‘All power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely’ (Acton)
      And here we now find ourselves at the crux of the problem.


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    John Connor II

    A NEW Covid variant is here


    I’ve been seeing anecdotal reports from hospitals for a week now, saying they’re getting swamped.
    The inescapable immune escape pandemic perhaps?
    No doubt lots more to come.

    /unvaxxed and safe


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      David Maddison

      Oh good.

      We haven’t had a new variant for a while. It was getting boring.

      Is this the expected US Election Variant?


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        John Connor II

        Oh good.

        We haven’t had a new variant for a while. It was getting boring.

        Is this the expected US Election Variant?

        Should be in full swing by the time you get back from Nepal.
        Don’t forget your Cholera shot.


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      Again, all the more reason to have IVM as a more widespread OTC product. Or even HCQ at least, for administration in hospitals. Not that Remdesivir poison or the ineffective Paxlovid. Stop all those poor people having to attend hospital /ED. But, then I suppose the hospitals wont get paid, will they? Because we all know it’s about successful health outcomes (sic). One outcome being profit.


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      /unvaxxed and safe

      Geert Van Den Bossche is not so sure about that. The tidal wave of a dangerous new variant (created by immune escape) will affect us unvaccinated as well – though hopefully not as severely .


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        John Connor II

        Well, he predicted his “evolved” virus to hit around now, but timeframes, severity and spread are difficult to map in advance unless you have very good sources.

        The unvaxxed will be way way better off than the vaxxed regardless.

        /eat more fresh pineapple 😉


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    John Connor II

    Tuesday wisdom

    “Amongst all the able, none are so powerless as those who will not act.”

    -AL-MUTANABBI, 10th-century Arab poet


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    Stick up a QR code – you collect the parking fees until the driver’s get fines in the post and someone figures out what has been going on.


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      Also in there- People are catching on to Vit D and zinc for immune health against Covid.

      “High street healthcare retailer Superdrug has reported a 319% spike in sales of its Covid lateral flow tests, alongside a 297% increase in cold and flu relief sachets, suggesting a surge of illness across the UK this Summer. The high street retailer also reported a surge in sales of vitamins that can help support immunity and help combat such illnesses, specifically Vitamin D increasing by 116% and Zinc increasing by 58%. “


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    Negative SAM is becoming immoderate.

    ‘Recently the Southern Annular Mode has trended to moderate negativity, and in a classic response there has been frequent frontal activity across southwest Victoria. A negative SAM in winter can push southern ocean frontal systems closer to Victoria.’ (Agriculture Vic)


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      And the jet stream is decelerating.

      ‘The current systems’ central pressure has soared well above your typical high due to lingering polar air over southern Australia and a decelerating jet stream which is enhancing the amount of air pushing towards the ground from high altitude.

      “Two of the main factors are the subsidence associated with the jet stream across central/eastern Australia and the broad pool of cold and dense air across the country and waters to the south,” a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) spokesperson said.


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    John Connor II

    Deadly fever ‘heading to Britain’ warns leaked government report

    A leaked government report has issued a warning that a deadly African swine fever – which poses a serious threat to British farming – is on its way to the UK.

    The document reveals concerns from officials who admit they are ‘barely scratching the surface’ of illegal pork meat smuggling through Dover. The stark warning comes in the wake of Brexit, with the Cabinet Office’s emergency COBR Unit raising the alert following admissions by port health officials in January about the scale of illicit pork entering at Dover.

    Lucy Manzano, head of port health and public protection at Dover District Council, highlighted the dire implications of the disease reaching British shores: “If it lands here it will result in UK culling programmes and export bans. It will absolutely have devastating consequences for our pig farmers, wild pig community and reputation.”


    A leaked report? You need better sources like mine which have been showing the spread in the EU for weeks.
    Which is why I’m way ahead of the game. 😎
    /heh heh


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    another ian

    FWIW – two sets of scales

    “Weighing N.Y.’s Climate Statute”



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    Another great launch by Mr Musk, Falcon 9 took Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus supply space craft up into orbit to take extra supplies for the astronauts marooned by Boeing’s problems with their Starliner crewed rocket. Boeing and Northrop Grumman are part of Launch Alliance, the semi-Govt official team competing with SpaceX for Govt launches.

    ..and Cygnus was no better than Starliner, failing to fire motors to get it up into the ISS orbit. Luckily they could re-burn a few hours later and docked with the ISS this morning.

    Describing it as “Private Cygnus freighter..” is rubbish, if the American Govt weren’t behind Northrop and Boeing they’d both be broke! They’re the ‘Official NASA Team’.



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    Major Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy After California Strips Subsidies


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    another ian


    “Shock Revelation: Starliner Can’t Undock From Space Station Safely”



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      At the rate they’re going Musk can rescue them with Starship later on..

      Some fascinating information in those Ars articles, some of the commentators must be involved in the space industry.


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    another ian


    “RFK DESTROYS New Yorker Hit Piece on Him, and I Haven’t Laughed This Hard in Years”



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    A tip to all you aussi pet shop owners — invest in ducks!


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    Died suddenly… I suppose it used to happen, just not as frequently. Young, slim, fit..

    “Three-time Maribyrnong mayor and rising star of the Australian Labor Party Sarah Carter has been found dead at her home at the age of 45…The death is not being treated as suspicious.”



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      Not being treated as suspicious is usually media codespeak for a suicide.

      A person that age being found dead at home with no obvious cause would normally trigger the coroners involvement and no definitive statements.

      I doubt this has anything to do with what you are linking it to.


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        “Not being treated as suspicious is usually media codespeak for a suicide.”

        About to become a shining light in the Labor Party.. hmm.. that would explain it…


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