
8.2 out of 10 based on 20 ratings

176 comments to Thursday

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    It may be a trick.

    Maine’s mysterious floating wind research
    By David Wojick

    The beginning: “The State of Maine just got a very strange offshore wind lease from the Feds. They call it a research lease as opposed to a commercial development lease. It has some mysterious features that are worth pondering. There may even be a many billion-dollar trick here. We consider that at the end, after briefly explaining the mysteries.

    To begin with, the lease is for a 144 MW “research array” of turbines, as it is called. Well, 144 MW is huge for research. The South Fork Wind site (fixed, not floating) that is already running is a 12-turbine, 132 MW commercial facility, so this array will be bigger than commercial. It could cost $3 billion-plus the cost of the factory to make the dozen or so floaters. Different websites suggest different turbine sizes from 10 to 12 MW. Of course, if this is really research, they might use a variety of sizes, but the total is still huge.

    Why so big is the first mystery, and the official explanations are far too vague to justify it. They mostly talk about research into things like efficiency, supply chain, and even jobs.

    They also say the research results will feed into the commercial floating wind developments, which are pegged at 15,000 MW in the Gulf of Maine. But this seems unlikely because research takes time. The commercial leases for the Gulf are due to be sold in the next few months (The Biden-Harris folks want to get as much leased before the election as possible, lest Trump win.) the research array has to go through the same permitting processes as the commercial sites.

    The commercial site developments and the research array development are starting at the same time and going through the same steps. So it is hard to see how the commercial sites might benefit from the research, especially since the research is likely to slow down the array development. Research done after the array is running will be even later after the commercial facilities are up and running. Thus, who would benefit from this multi-billion dollar research is the second mystery.”

    Lots more in the article. Please share it.

    They may just be pushing their patented technology.


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      It’s incredible that the greatest threat to the whales, dolphins, forests, state parks, landscape and vistas are the Greens and their endless solar farms, wind farms on land and sea, transmission lines. All short term, thoughtless, wasteful and about profits. What happened to Green and saving the whales? The Greens are the enemies of the environment.


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        As for banning a Gold mine because some aborigines killed other aborigines maybe nearby, when and where wasn’t that true? It was the only real sport in a really brutal stone age society, as Homer Simpson says without beer or television.


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      Greg in NZ

      Talking of ‘eat yer greens’, the NZ Greens are eating themselves, all them/they/it whatever they are.

      One of their flock was fired recently due to her husband’s shady deals with immigrants; she then announced she’d remain in parliament as an independent, and that she was to be referred to now as a them/they (the what?).

      The Greens two female co-leaders – one Maori, one mannish, ie. Chloe – are now engaging lawyers to rid themselves of this albatross around their necks: she too (the them/they independent albatross) has also employed lawyers, and on and on we go, on the taxpayers’ dime. No wonder half the population doesn’t even vote anymore: clowns, monkeys, peanuts. They’re only interested in saving land whales – themselves.


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        It’s not compulsory voting in NZ?


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        …And at the same time as all that, RNZ news (maybe others too) are pushing the false narratives of a false “expert” from our nearest neighbouring country that clearly must be an example of how easy and cheap and reliable greener energy is on the power grid, and how much it will keep industry running and lower electricity prices and avoid outages.
        Mark Ogge, a “climate and energy expert” at the Australia Institute: “I would tell him to only import liquified natural gas if you like your energy very, very expensive, and if you want it to be very emissions intensive. Otherwise go for renewable energy, with storage, which is cheaper and virtually zero emissions.” – Yeah, right! How do we stop these lies that the media love so much?


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          Greg in NZ

          We’ve long passed through (that children’s fairytale) The Looking Glass.

          RNZ recently quoted NIWA’s Principal Scientist: “Humans are responsible for 33 percent [sic] of the carbon dioxide that is in the atmosphere now.”

          This was in response to Winston Peters accurately stating we contribute 3% of the 0.04% of that wonderful life-giving trace gas, to which Labour/Greens labelled him a “climate den!er” for “spreading misleading [incorrect] climate information”, launching a “climate attack” against him and the coalition.

          Hilarious how ‘coalition’ begins with coal.


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        The firing was in addition to the January resignation of Golriz Ghahraman who went due to forgetting to pay for some clothing and mental health concerns?

        Your mannish one states on her profile that her areas of interest include “improving conditions for those with mental health issues.” I’m assuming she therefore fought hard to keep Golriz in the party so she could help and fight for her more conveniently?

        But then again according to wiki Golriz used to be a United Nations lawyer. Maybe part of her defence is as per the UN culture you don’t pay for anything with your own money hence leaving the clothing shop that way. Case dismissed.


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    I know how much everyone on this blog likes Dan Andrews so I am sure they will be hoping he will retain his credibility and retrieve the States diminishing money


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      Exactly as Andrews and his Chinese Communist friends intended.


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        David Maddison

        Yes. Exactly.

        As reported by Sky News:

        Calls for transparency have been renewed as Daniel Andrews’ controversial China trip is once again under the magnifying glass following the launch of a new company with his former China advisor, Marty Mei.

        Documents have been filed revealing that former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews has established two companies in the past week.

        Despite the former premier maintaining a relatively low profile since leaving office in September 2023, sources close to him have now confirmed he is focused on building investment-oriented businesses.

        The Glencairn Street Proprietary Company was registered Wednesday and holds nine out of the ten shares in Andrews’ other company, Wedgetail Partners – registered Thursday.

        The sole other share is held by Mr Andrew’s former multicultural affairs adviser, Zheng Mei, more commonly known as Marty Mei.

        The Herald Sun reports that Mr Zheng accompanied the then-premier during his controversial visits to China and that Mr Zheng was essential to the government’s policy on China, having once described his role as “providing true information about the Chinese community to the Premier”.

        At the time of the controversial trip to China in March 2023, opposition leader John Pesutto condemned the then-premier’s lack of transparency and dismissive attitude towards Australian journalists after Mr Andrews defended his actions, claiming the trip was not “picture-friendly.”

        “Mr Andrews has gone to China at short notice, refused to take journalists with him and is giving no meaningful answers about the purpose of his trip and the benefits to Victorians,” Mr Pesutto said.



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        ‘Twas ever the plan!

        Is this connected to the shortage of IV fluids and other medications?

        The cynic in me says that the last shipment is still awaiting payment, and that this has been waiting awhile.

        After all, the ALP and Greens believe Health is a charity, and charities don’t have to pay.

        So, where and who is the next domino to fall?


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    Aussies will of course be aware of Gibraltar, the British possession that has guarded the gates of the Mediterranean against many fearsome invaders for hundreds of years. It has been British and Moorish for longer than it has been Spanish, but enormous pressure has been placed on Britain to “return” it (to the Moors?) Less well know is that Spain exhibits breathtaking hypocrisy as it has 2 enclaves on the North African shore. It means that if migrants reach it then they are effectively in the EU. This link shows how Moroccans are swimming to these enclaves.

    I think its about time that we insisted that The Southern Part of Spain and Portugal were returned to the Arabs who claim it. Once a land has been islami* they believe it should always remain so. That would give the hypocritical Spaniards something to think about when they are not protesting about too many tourists cluttering up their beaches.


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      David Maddison

      I think the present UK Labour Government will give away Gibraltar to the Moors. Why not? They have already given the UK itself to the Moors.

      Charles Martel, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, Charlemagne and Vlad Dracula would be appalled.


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      But the 51 most senior intelligence officials in the US government make no apology about lying in writing about the Hunter laptop, even though they knew perfectly well it was not a lie. There should be some punishment for treasonous behaviour and there are laws about interfering with elections. Like the ones they are throwing against Trump. How difficult is it for the Congress to indict the lot?


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      So when the next ‘thing’ happens, he will resist the censorship pressure? No chance.


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      David Maddison

      Never, ever believe a Leftist.

      His “apology” is disingenuous and his company continues to engage in massive censorship and promotion of misinformation in support of the Official Narrative. See my other post today how Farcebook just censored me.

      Farcebook is essentially an arm of the Democrat Party, Big Brother, the US “three letter agencies” and Leftist Governments everywhere and promotes their propaganda.

      Farcebook will continue to promote lies about “climate change”, covid, transgendering children and anything else that benefits the subsidy harvesters, totalitarians and morality and family destroyers of the Left.

      Farcebook will do the same with the next plandemic as with the last. Support the Official Narrative.

      And as the US Presidential election approaches, it will continue to promote lies about Trump, suppress conservative voices and suppress truths about Harris as well as US election fraud, past, present or future.


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        Apparently facebook has been censoring Will Shackel from Nuclear for Australia. I wonder on whose orders that was?!


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      David Maddison

      How many people were injured or died from the “vaccines” and how many lives and businesses were destroyed because of Farcebook censorship?

      I will never accept it as a genuine apology. They knew exactly what they were doing. And they were told the truth on numerous occasions, this very blog being one such source of truth.

      And here is some excellent commentary by Dr John Campbell about the “apology”.


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      David Maddison

      Partly as a result of Facebook’s covid censorship, in countries with a fanatical following of WEF and UN lies and propaganda, such as Australia, people are still dying.

      In Australia, you cannot get TO THIS VERY DAY, an organ transplant unless you take the experimental mRNA substance. Tragically, some die because they will not be given the transplant due to refusal of the “vaccine”.


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        How can you ever understand the medical profession when you are denied a life saving heart transplant unless you receive a life threatening jab which will likely cause further damage or even kill you from the effects of myocarditis or pericarditis? Also, our federal pollies recently voted to allow babies to be left for dead after birth. What sort of twisted country are we living in?


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      David Maddison

      How do you tell a Leftist is lying?

      They are “apologising”.

      If it were a genuine apology he would be unbanning all the people he banned, uncensoring all the posts he censored, and paying compensation to all the people and families who suffered because of his misinformation.


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      David Maddison

      The real reason for the “apology”?

      Perhaps he is terrified that Trump will win.

      Trump will hopefully remove Section 230 protections of social(ist) media companies. (Communications Decency Act of 1996)

      Section 230 protections are based on internet companies being like telephone companies i.e. a common carrier and not responsible for crimes or other actions committed with its infrastructure.

      But clearly Farcebook and other media companies like Goolag act as publishers as they control the narrative via extensive censorship policies. Therefore they are NOT like a telephone service and are in fact a publisher and need to be held accountable for the misinformation and lies they publish.


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      David Maddison

      It’s hilarious that one of the major platforms of the Left responsible for promoting vast amounts of Leftist lies and misinformation (either by commission or ommission) has now “admitted” to it.

      I wonder if the Left will now disown Zuck?


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        Trying to cover his tracks?

        The only good I see in this is that maybe he feels a need to. Does he fear what he sees coming?


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          David Maddison

          Does he fear what he sees coming?

          I hope all Leftists do.

          Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. PROSECUTE.


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          ‘Does he fear what he sees coming?’. Absolutely. That’s what the entire anti-Trump messaging, lawfare, censorship and lies of the last 9years have been all about. Trump is seen as Conan the Destroyer of the leftist gains of the last 50 years. The altering and degrading of US values, degrading of law enforcement, Climate to redistribute wealth and destroy the middle classes, the takeover of raising kids, and all the rest of it; the Democrats fear the loss of it all. Their defensive moves have the USA looking like some two-bit dictatorship already, and Harris is the facade for whoever is controlling POTUS to finish the job. There are probably thousands more than just Zuckerberg that have to be confronted and have their reputations utterly destroyed if nothing else.


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      The Biden crime family should not escape free.

      The Supreme Court did NOT permit criminal activity, only that the proper execution of the job is exempt. The President cannot commit crimes.

      And doing deals with foreign powers for vast cash incomes is not the job of a President. It is treason and the death sentence applies.

      If Joe Biden and the recipients of the tens of millions in bribes to betray America want to plead insanity or senility, let them do so. And include the people who helped them and shielded their criminal activity and Joe Biden’s senility from public view.

      A thousand people were jailed after the alleged armed insurrection of Jan 6th. The committee destroyed the evidence, but many are still in jail. And not a single person was armed. They were let into the building. The charges used were invalid in law as they did not interfere with the proper operation of government. And Nancy Pelosi decided not to involve the National Guard because it was not as serious as she later claimed. These people must be freed immediately. And all those jailed on fake charges. The role of the CIA/FBI as agents provocateurs must be exposed too.

      And the near assassination of Donald Trump. If you tried to shoot someone in the ear only, that would be an incredible shot at even close distance. He is extraordinarily luck to be alive. And the FBI shot the assassin dead only after he fired 8 shots at Trump and was already disarmed by a local SWAT shooter.

      The entire Jan 6th committee needs to be investigated and their own part in theit own wrongful activities before, during and following Jan 6th for political gain and their criminal activity in disobeying congress, hiding and destroying all records. Especially Nancy Pelosi who created the whole situation as the person tasked with protecting Congress who did the exact opposite for political gain.


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        Given the activities, observed and hidden, of the Obamas, Clintons, Jan 6th committee, Harris and all their lawyers directed from the White House itself to try to jail their political opponents and succeeding in many cases, there needs to be a time of accounting. What went on in jailing so many people, now obviously illegally and prosecuting political opponents like Trump simply because they were political opponents, there must be an accounting in a fair democratic society. Jacob Chansley for example was jailed for years for the way he was dressed as a US patriot, not for what he did. Video showed he did nothing wrong. How many more people are still in jail? Steve Bannon in jail. Others who have done jail time for being friends of Donald Trump.

        And Trump is only not bankrupt, disgraced and in jail as he has the cash and determination and calm and skill to employ armies of lawyers to fight every step of the way. And how many corrupt Democrat judges and prosecutors have been used, directed by the White House and whoever is really running the place because it’s not Joe Biden. Prosecutors even visited the White House for private instructions, clearly as they could not be put in writing. So much for the principle of separation of powers in a democracy. Not when you are a Democrat.


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        And now Pelosi has admitted being responsible, as she must, for the lack of protection of congress. She personally stopped any protection. And Trump is saying what everyone suspects, that it was all her creation.

        Pelosi turned a predictable, fully expected mass peaceful and unarmed protest into chaos for political purposes and proceeded to exploit it, in many cases illegally. She must answer for her actions.

        And who compensates the thousand people jailed for peaceful protest simply for entering the Capitol building on her invitation? Jacob Chansley was only one of them. The Wicked Witch of the West must answer for her crimes. With great power as Speaker comes great responsibility and liability.

        Meanwhile Democrats called riots around the country with real deaths, murder, rape and billions in damages ‘mostly peaceful’. Especially Governor Tim Walz.


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        There’s a lot to be said for the new incoming President and political party firing every bureaucrat they don’t like and jailing anyone they wish, and generally cleaning out the public service to put in their buddies!

        This recent idea that politicians must have no control over the public service simply means those people can do what they like and know there will be no repercussions, so the public servants run the country as they wish.

        A couple of dozen in jail and a hundred fired every election would slow them down, they might get back to being politically neutral again.


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      A great article. Recommended reading.


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      A very useful summary of events so far. Well worth the time to read it.


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    And in the US the loss of 100,000 young men a year to Chinese Fentanyl poison must have consequences for the failure of the Border Czar to do anything about it. It is unbelievable that the buck stops with Kamala Harris very publicly but she denies it does and simultaneously promises the fix a problem she says does not exist. The disconnect between action and words is criminal and the loss of life is incredible. But the mainstream press largely ignores the problem as if it is just a point of view, not a real problem. How great is the Chinese Government control of the US media?


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      Kalm Keith

      Great insight in those comments TdeF.


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      Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

      Vietnam War – Golden Triangle
      Afghanistan occupation- Golden Crescent
      Now the opioid of choice has switched to synthetic oxycontin and fentanyl.
      Suddenly Afghanistan becomes irrelevant and Women say bye bye to being seen, heard or
      educated due to religious observance.

      It is always about enriching arms manufacturers and Drug King Pins.
      Speaking of Drug KingPins the ABC is yet to report on their Producer
      who admitted to dealing a smorgasbord of large quantities of illicit drugs.

      Kamala Harris was a paid up member of the USSR Communist youth party- and
      Russia has produced her membership card. Oh but that is truly “Election Interference?”.

      Given the Hunter Biden laptop content would effectively Jail most of his immediate family
      it is understandable that the Democrats are not happy fot Trump to return.


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        The Communist Party of Russian has not been in power for a while. It is Putin’s interest to call out Kamala as a paid up member of the USSR Communist Youth Party. 🙂


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      John Connor II

      Average # of deaths per day in US:

      Abortion: 2,408
      Heart disease: 1,773
      Cancer: 1,641
      Medical error: 685
      Accidents: 401
      Stroke: 401
      Alzheimer’s: 332
      Diabetes: 228
      Flu: 150
      Suicide: 128
      Opioids: 115
      Drunk driving: 28
      Underage drinking: 11
      Teen texting-and-driving: 8
      All Rifles: 1


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      Did not know that the Fentanyl death tally only impacts young men


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    A lot of Democrats must be shaking in their shoes at the prospect of the reelection of Donald Trump and a review of their behaviour over the last four years and during the last election. Not least the Biden Crime family. But also the Democrats leaders and many of the Republicans. The Jan 6th committee showed how far they will go to punish supporters of Donald Trump like Steve Bannon. Many abandoned Trump to save themselves, as happens in Communist purges. The big question is not whether to clean out the swamp, but how.

    Surely DEI is a clue. There are almost no Republicans in positions of power. And in universities and the media, conservatives do not get employed, as in the Anglophone world including the BBC, CBC, ABC. I have read that 60% of US universities do not have a conservative on staff. How they know that is a question but if true, it is an indictment of Diversity which clearly has nothing to do with politics and why DEI has been so successful at wrecking so many US insitutions like Ivy League colleges and even companies like Disney and Annhauser Busch and the DOJ, FBI, CIA which act as branches of the Democrat party.

    Climate Change is a communist Chinese/UN/EU hoax, but fully supported by the same groups, all of Washington, Canberra and Whitehall. As are the UN and EU.

    We can only hope that a Trump administration allows some balance back into these institutions, plus a real look at how much damage the UN has done to counties with the Wuhan Flu and Climate Change and absolutely ludicrous statements like Boiling Seas or that the Wuhan Flu was NOT infectious person to person.

    And in France, Macron is fighting the fact that to stop conservatives being elected to power, he would rather have a Communist government. He has not thought through his strategy to frustrate democratic elections and France is running without an elected government. While the Dutch bureaucracy do their best to prevent a truly conservative government working. And the Hungarians are expelling muslim invaders to prevent civil war.

    In Ukraine, tensions are very high as everyone is positioning themselves for the end of the war if Trump is elected.

    The world is on the brink.


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      Kalm Keith

      ” Climate Change is a communist Chinese/UN/EU hoax”,

      And, for some reason the core issue of the Climate Change “hoax” is never confronted.

      Many years ago I attended a small meeting at a local club where Lord Christopher Monkton spoke. I shook his hand and had a photograph taken with him. An impressive figure who did great work.
      Over the years that followed it became apparent that he and numerous others were taking a specific path when confronting the claims of CAGW, namely, that they would pick apart the UNIPCCC papers and documents.
      While this was at least a start there was rarely a mention of the basic science that was supposed to underlying and support CAGW.
      An examination of the atmospheric science and thermodynamics carefully, would show that there is no mechanism which supports Catastrophic Global Warming by co2.

      Even Lord Christopher took the base, claimed mechanism of “heating” used by the IPCCC as real and focused on mathematical flaws in their claims.


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        >”An examination of the atmospheric science and thermodynamics carefully, would show that there is no mechanism which supports Catastrophic Global Warming by co2.”

        I wonder if there’s a paper or booklet simply outlining or even detailing such an examination, published or otherwise available for circulation among receptive friends relatives colleagues and acquaintances?


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          Kalm Keith

          A thorough understanding of P.V = N.R.T covers a lot of the issues but the giveaway is the Climate Catastrophists deliberate drawing of focus to nit picking details such as the several vibrational modes of the CO2 molecule.

          In concentrating attention on non issues, the average person is led to believe that there is nothing else to consider.

          Then there’s the thermodynamics.
          The UNIPCCCS description of the CO2 warming process is incredible and indicates complete disregard for the atmospheric environment under consideration.

          The most obvious point is that human origin CO2 is physically Irrelevant because it is only about 12 ppm of the atmosphere : it is quantitatively Irrelevant.

          Just imagine how much an elephant would be injured by one lonely raindrop hitting its backside?
          We have been taken for a ride.


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        I introduced him to Dorothea McKellar’s poem, My Country. It made clear that droughts and flooding rains were the climate, known by all who lived in Australia. It’s a great poem by a young woman who lived through it on her brother’s farm.

        Telling people droughts and flooding rains are UN defined Climate Change and a consequence of slowly and slightly increased CO2 has been the single mission of the BOM since then. They would serve us better by digitizing the state records with which they were entrusted in 1909. The fear though it that the past will appear hotter than the present.


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        The Australian Spooner Cartoon Today sums up Australia & China


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        Was it all that many years ago? Bedad, I think it might have been more than 15. I was there, taking the long way home from Sydney.

        I thought Monkton’s style should have been effective. As I remember it he didn’t offer conclusions, he pointed out the evidence.

        It seems that a lot of people know so little that they don’t understand the evidence. They just run after the bloke they think is in front.


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      ‘ …. everyone is positioning themselves for the end of the war if Trump is elected.’

      That is irrational, Ukraine is happy to continue the fight with the support of Europe. Donald has every right to withdraw from NATO to avoid being dragged into a nuclear holocaust.


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      Climate change hysteria is not a Chinese hoax, but its fair to say they took full advantage of Western madness.


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        I should have given that a red tick not a green.

        A few generations back in our area, maybe 30 miles away, there was a scrub commune. Nice people, some of them severely stoned.

        30 years ago I was told by a neighbour whose judgement I trust and who lived closer to the action that the leader of the pack was a professional demonstrater and that she collected her pay from a Chinese restaurant.


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      Boeing Aircraft Company had introduced DEI and are now having trouble with planes falling out of the sky and space ships stuck at the International Space Station


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    David Maddison

    Gosh, the fake “fact checkers” of Farcebook must be getting desperate.

    I just got “fact checked” for a meme I posted a few days ago but the “fact check” doesn’t actually include the meme but just states generalities that scientists “didn’t announce impending environmental catastrophes every decade since the 1970s”. It also questions the timeline stated for these catastrophes as ten years. (I did not author the meme.)

    All of the things mentioned in the meme were major headlines of the time and repeatedly announced by various “experts” and certain scientists. Most people on this group would have witnessed that. Whether or not an exact timeline of ten years was given does not invalidate the general claims. The fact check is FALSE.

    What the fact checkers are doing is getting very close to rewriting history.

    Most people no longer believe most of what fact checkers have to say on the topics of science and medicine (and many other areas). This just makes them even less believable.

    The words of the meme state:

    1960’s Oil gone in 10 years.
    1970’s Another Ice Age in 10 years.
    1980’s Acid Rain will destroy all crops in 10 years.
    1990’s The Ozone layer will be gone in 10 years
    2000 Ice caps will be gone in 10 years.

    NONE HAPPENED: but all resulted in MORE TAXES.

    You can see the fact check at:

    “Fact Checkers” of the Left are becoming much more desperate as the US Presidential Election approaches.


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      Kalm Keith

      Fact checking? It’s everywhere.


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      CO2 Lover

      Today’s “fact” is tomorrow’s “fiction”.

      Nothing is set in stone.


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        John Connor II

        Nothing is set in stone.

        Except for Excalibur. 😉

        Or the Ten Commandments.

        Or the Demonrats “winning” in Nov.


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      I refuse to join social media. Except for Quora where there appears to be little fact checking. And people get quite abusive, to put it mildly. You however have the option of deleting, locking or even reporting abuse.

      However I admit the reach of Facebook and X-witter is far higher. As likely is the amount of abuse. And political fact checking.

      As for scientific papers, all you need to prove man made CO2 driven Global Warming is a crock was published as far back as 1956. There is no point writing more papers.

      What I find amazing as people abuse with the usual memes about oil companies, is that it is one sided. There is no Big Wind. Promoters of man made Climate Change are not shills for Big Batteries or Carbon Credits or China who both profits from and pushes Climate Change and Boiling Oceans.

      The puzzle for me is that there is no reason for big oil, big gas, big coal to push back. They are selling all they can mine. And oil and gas do not care what happens to coal. Gas would like oil out of the picture. And big batteries want much more lithium and especially copper. The Climate Business is a gift to miners. Why would they pay people to discredit man made boiling oceans?

      Especially boiling hot summers in Saudi Arabia and Iran, Syria, Iraq, Libya. The rich just buy desalination plants, air conditioners and the most expensive cars in the world. Dubai and Qatar are the richest cities in the modern world and utterly unsustainable. And no one cares. Perfect for COP meetings. The hypocrisy is obvious.

      There is no money in debunking fake science. It is a huge industry.

      Lord Monckton has tried many times. But he gets no traction because really, no one cares until the lights go off.


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      Murray Shaw

      Ah David, the question is “where do fact-checkers get their facts?”


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        Graeme No.3

        A bare minimum of failed predictions.
        How about “1923 Montana Glacier could disappear by 1948
        Says Professor Waterman. North-western University Medford Mail Tribune (Oregon) Dec. 29
        1924 Montana Glacier could disappear in a few years
        Says Dr. Elrod (University of Montana)
        1924 Montana Glacier could disappear in 25 years
        Says Dr, Matthes US Geological Survey
        1952 Montana’s Glacier Park may need new name
        The giant glaciers are melting away and could be gone in 50 years
        say naturalists The Post-Standard (Syracuse New York) Mar 05, 1952
        2009 No more Glaciers in Montana by 2020?
        National Geographic News March 2 2009
        2010 Signs installed about glaciers being gone by 2020
        2014 No more Glaciers in Montana by 2034?
        What will they call Glacier National Park (Montana) in 30 years when all the glaciers are gone? New York Times Nov. 22, 2014
        2019/20 Signs removed (all 29 of them)
        2021 All of the glaciers in Glacier National Park are expected to be gone by 2030,” said Noah Greenwald, director of endangered species for the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD)


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      How does this “fact checking” work? Where is the manpower to operate it?

      The Oz has a “Report” tag on comments. Is that the primary filter for this? Can anybody raise objections?

      I haven’t used FB much. ave I missed it altogether?


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    Kalm Keith

    Even here


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    another ian


    When the word salad gets out of control –

    “When you consider what a badge of liberal honor weirdness has become, it almost sounds like they are complimenting Trump, Robert, and JD.”

    “Maybe calling Trump weird works in the heartlands, but what’s a good, weird Austinite to do? Shall we now keep Trump weird? Or should Austin, Portland, Asheville, and Vermont change their slogans? Who’s in charge of this rhetorical catastrophe? Oprah? How weird is this oratorical flip-flopping?”


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      another ian

      And further down

      “Is Kamala lying for votes? Or does she really mean it? Is she evolving, revolving, or is she oscillating like an electric fan?”


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      another ian

      In that Coffee and Covid issue there is a clip of an interview with Robert Kennedy on his views on climate. Summarised there

      “I’m no climate guy, but Kennedy was persuasive. Carbon mania only benefits big corporations and billionaires, not critters, whales, or birds.”


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Australia v Kiwiland

    Australia has fake “Smoking Ceremonies” (Recommended fee $700-$1500) and fake “Welcome to Country” (Recommended fee $300 t0 $750)

    New Zealnd has the Haka.

    No contest.


    • #
      David Maddison

      I am sick of going to Australian Government or Government sponsored web sites which force you to click on a box or scroll down to “acknowledge country” or something similar before being allowed in.

      E.g. see


      • #

        We get a tedious screen of ‘recognising stuff’ statements at the start of every recent Australian TV program shown in the UK.


      • #
        CO2 Lover

        “paying our respects to Elders” is some form of ancestor worship which is alien to 99% of Australians..

        I would not normally pay my respects to the Poms (Irish heritage), but they did establish civilisation in Australia so they deserve some respect on that score.

        Of those aboard the First Fleet, convicts, crew, Military officers and guards, were 141 persons known to be Irish born.


    • #

      The Haka is to invoke evil spirits and sent them against their enemies. The problem with the Eagles is said to be too many smoking ceremonies with the attended sorcery


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    David Maddison

    I wish Australia had an effective opposition party, federally or states.

    If we did, they might draw attention to the obvious lie that the official inflation rate of 3.8% has no resemblance to reality.

    Most people I ask consider the true price inflation in Australia to be 25%-30%, perhaps more. Anyone who does their own shopping would know this.


    • #

      The same is true in two party states, USA, UK. Europe has many party states and endless minority governments. I cannot say it has helped France or Nederlands. But you have a lot of choice. The new Farage party in the UK has a lot of votes and no power. But you could say the same of the Green party in Australia with a high vote and little representation. Their only influence is in a minority government, something we will see soon.

      The reform of the conservative parties is the only hope and while Donald Trump is not a young man, he has the skill, drive, passion, wealth and influence and hardness needed. The next four years could see a revival of true conservatism in the US and an inspiration for young people to become politicians and fight for more than personal wealth.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Over the last five years the price of a Big Mac has increased by 7% per annum

      That is a more trustworthy indicator of inflation than any data produced by corrupt Public Serpents!

      Therer is a current Senate Inquiry into how the corrupt Public Serpents determine CPI but do not hope for any change.


    • #
      CO2 Lover


      You know something’s very wrong when Waitrose is accused of pulling a fast one. But earlier this month the middle class favourite was caught stealthily reducing the size of its toilet rolls. Waitrose own brand pack of nine has dropped in price from £5 to £4, but the size of each roll has plummeted from 240 sheets to 190 and shrunk in weight by 40 per cent.

      Bet the same thing is happening here in Australia.

      Someone needs to kick up a stink about this!


      • #
        John Connor II

        You know something’s very wrong when Waitrose is accused of pulling a fast one. But earlier this month the middle class favourite was caught stealthily reducing the size of its toilet rolls. Waitrose own brand pack of nine has dropped in price from £5 to £4, but the size of each roll has plummeted from 240 sheets to 190 and shrunk in weight by 40 per cent.

        There’ll be less to wipe away when we switch to the bug diet.
        Worse though is this switch to double length paper, meaning it’s thinner and weak as p#ss.
        Anyone noticed?


    • #
      Steve of Cornubia

      I would agree with that. As a retiree living off my accumulated super and savings, the recent years of hyper-inflation have been traumatic, blowing holes in what I thought was a prudent and low risk retirement plan. The media steadfastly refuse to cover the plight of self-funded retirees who, unlike those still working, cannot rely on wage increases to keep up with inflation.

      Even the simple strategy of using interest earned to offset inflation no longer works, with the gap between savings interest and price increases widening enormously. Once upon a time, periods of high inflation would coincide with high interest rates for savers, but not any more. Despite prices soaring by, as you say, 25-30%, savings interest is till languishing around 4-5%, a huge gap.

      Consider also the fact that, when approaching or in retirement, it necessary to ‘de-risk’ your investments, because there simply isn’t time to rebuild losses arising from a major economic crash. This means that returns are usually lower, effectively reducing your ‘income’ still further.

      And yet governments in the west have their beady eyes locked onto retirees’ super balances and property, devising more and more new ways to ‘milk’ us of our wealth, accumulated through a lifetime of graft and prudence. Demonising ‘Boomers’ is part of their strategy, because voters won’t care if those horrible oldies who wrecked the planet, block all the hospital beds and prevent young people from buying property are punished.


      • #
        Bill Burrows

        Spot on Steve. Got me to a ‘T’.


      • #

        Yes, that’s where I’m at now as well.

        The point at issue now is the advent of accumulated super being strategically budgetted during prudent late life, with the balance intended for transfer to children on falling off the twig.

        The confected outrage of various ALP Ministers directed at this strategy is loud and palpable – using tax-effective super for inheritance is a NO-NO, irrespective of who’s money it actually is. ENVY again used to justify grabbing private property.

        Two tactics are being deployed to claw those super savings back. The most effective at the moment is the humungous increase planned for old age care for those “who can afford to pay” (ie. mostly prudent super savers). I have several answers for that, which I am not prepared to delineate here. The second tactic under active development is to outright ban what is known as “lump sum withdrawal” from super accounts when eligible. Instead, an “annuity” will be doled out to you, with the balance belonging to the State if you fall off the twig before the super account is exhausted.

        Fifteen years ago when discussing retirement strategies with my accountant, I pointed out that when people realised that with 40-50 years of depositing into a super account, one could retire with a good cash balance as well as having paid out a mortgage, this would incite ENVY. And so it has come to pass. The very point of superannuation is now under active trash canning, using envy as the weapon. So predictable in such a mid-wit country.


        • #

          The return of “death duties” is also under active consideration. I should have mentioned that in my initial comment.

          But very few votes are lost in trashing the “oldies”, while quite a few votes are won aboard the envy train.


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    David Maddison

    As Western Civilisation is systematically destroyed, we see more examples of psychopathic, anti-social behaviour.

    This happened in Brisbane, Australia.

    Detectives have shared more images of a man suspected of allegedly pouring a hot coffee on a nine-month-old baby in a Brisbane park this week.

    The infant was with his family at Hanlon Park, in Stones Corner, on Tuesday when an unknown man allegedly dumped the hot liquid over the child about midday.

    Paramedics were called to the scene and treated the baby for facial and arm burns before he was rushed to hospital for surgery on the non-life threatening injuries.



    • #
      CO2 Lover

      We used to have “Funny Farms” to keep people safe from people with serious mental health issues.

      Now they are free to wander our streets.


      • #
        David Maddison

        It would be much safer and cheaper to re-establish mental institutions than have dangerous people on the streets.

        The rationale for removing them was that anti-psychotic and other medications would render such places unnecessary. Clearly, it didn’t work.

        Of course, the fact that (in Australia) such institutions were usually built on some very large, valuable and beautiful sweeping landscapes of substantial real estate value had nothing to do with their closure.


        • #
          Robert Swan

          It was a bad thing that the institutions were closed, but it might not be a good thing if they were reintroduced. Current thinking might leave lunatics scalding babies on the streets, while people who reject vaccines or protest lockdowns get locked away “for their own good, and to protect society”. Perhaps they could call it the Ministry of Love.


          • #
            David Maddison

            Yes. Point noted Robert.

            There would have to be strict protections against the admission of political prisoners such as those who might not believe in anthropogenic climate change, that covid “vaccines” are safe and effective, or that it’s possible to change genders.


            • #

              We would all get to meet each other and have these conversations in person… along with free food and board, and as a hospital we would have hot showers and electric lights while the grid collapses for the public outside.


      • #
        Graeme No.3

        CO2 lover:

        Not all wander our streets – our politicians are driven in Commonwealth Cars.


      • #
        John Connor II

        Not as bad as the UK fortunately.
        Wheelchair bound man killed by machette wielding men.

        Shock – the police are investigating!
        Not immigrants then?

        New knife laws are about to be introduced in the UK effectively banning a wide range of knives.


        • #

          They ban speeding, too.
          Enforcement – by automatic camera.
          Revenue raising, not stopping actively dangerous drivers.

          Another ‘oddity’, oddly.



  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Today it is ‘White Replacement” – Tomorrow it will be “Human Replacement”

    2,000 Workers Gone: Klarna Is First Major Company To Unleash Mass Layoffs Thanks To AI

    Extrapolating our estimates globally suggests that generative AI could expose the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs to automation” as up to “two thirds of occupations could be partially automated by AI.”

    Translation: one-third of a billion layoffs (at least) in the US and Europe, or as we put it, “Think of it as the robotization of the service sector.”


    • #

      Indeed, AI is going after the “avenue of last resort” i.e. don’t have qualifications you can always get a job at a local grocery store. AI enables the scenario for shoppers to swipe in with their mobile phone (sets up link with shopping cart). Shopping cart sensors list the product you put in and at check-out you either put the product in your bag (charged) or place on “surrender” tray and not charged.

      Meantime the shelf sensors have signalled to the dock the product taken and store computer collates the replacement stock to be put (by robot but maybe initially a human) on section specific trolley ie frozen goods, breakfast cereals, confectionary area restocking etc and the trolley delivers itself to the relevant area of the store for packing onto shelf (another robot but maybe initially a human).

      Hey, Canberra, what is going to be the tax rate on the robot’s wagers? For that matter hey unions what are going to be the hourly pay scales for the robots? How else will funds be found to cover the explosion in welfare costs since unemployed still need to eat and still get sick. Some even drive cars.

      Probably best to not ask questions and just roll up your sleeve for the good of your community.


      • #

        And right on cue the reaction to grocery shopping smart trolleys. Just think with the digital identity (government sponsored/developed) “convenient option” coming at the end of the year the future may mean that as you put your chocolate into the trolley it will check your medical records and ask whether, as a diabetic, you really want to put that in. If you say no and put it back (i.e. you don’t have a friend to buy it for) the grocery store details will be captured by the system and the government will pay them a bounty not only as compensation for the lost sale but also for stalling a potential pressure on the health system. Win-win for all involved where is the problem?


    • #
      John Connor II

      AI will be all that’s left after Fakevax ™ has done its work…


  • #
    another ian


    “UPDATE: Tucker Carlson Responds After Kamala Harris Posts Letter Allegedly from ‘Tucker’ Promoting Gun Control”

    And then

    “Tucker Carlson Wins the Internet — Trolls Kamala Harris with a Savage Fake Letter After She Pretended ‘Tucker’ Wrote Her”


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Londonistan has fallen.

    Man in a wheelchair in his 30s is stabbed to death in a London street in broad daylight, as air ambulance crews battle in vain to save him and police arrest two people


    • #
      David Maddison

      Well, it obviously wasn’t an indigenous Briton who did it. The headlines would loudly state that if it was.


    • #
      John Connor II

      UK Knife & Sex Offenders Escaping Prosecution If They “Say Sorry”

      A shocking article published by the Telegraph on Monday describes how UK criminals accused of knife and sex offenses are avoiding criminal prosecution if they say they’re “sorry” to the victims.

      Mocking the absurd notion that apologizing is allowing violent individuals to avoid criminal sentences, UK activist Tommy Robinson joked that Brits recently prosecuted for their social media posts should “just say sorry.”

      Should we let pollies and sundry “experts” off the hook for their Covid and vaxx crimes the same way?


  • #

    Facebook should be front page. Where is it? I missed it even in The Australian. There are many, including senior Democrats who should be prosecuted. Lives have been lost due to vaccine mandates. Biden and Co should face jail time for criminal activities.
    Instead all we hear is “get Trump”.
    We enter dangerous times.


  • #

    If you are one of the millions who believe the mainstream media’s Govt press releases over your own eyes, this is for you-

    “Electricity and petrol prices drive down inflation- The biggest drop was for electricity prices which had climbed in the year to June by 7.5 per cent. In June, power prices fell by 6.4 per cent, taking the annual rate down to minus 5.1 per cent.” …

    Of course they borrowed money to subsidise electricity prices, so that ADDS to inflation.

    The rest of the article was just BS about how low inflation is at 3.5%, although they did include tobacco’s 14%. Naturally holidays are less than their average, along with ‘recreation and culture’ (pfft!!) so they pull the numbers down compared to fruits and veges, health, and education. If NATO keeps missiling Russian fuel refineries the price of petrol will be above their average too.


    • #

      Petrol Down – Bull – I follow U98 and current our area 232.9c per litre – used to be 180.9c per litre


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        Jim gets the numbers he wants – but at what cost?

        The political debate now hinges around whether by helping people in the short term through handouts to alleviate one factor in the cost-of-living crisis, the Treasurer is hurting them more in the long run.

        Simon Benson The Australian Political Editor


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        • #

          Chalmers’ speech charts grim road back to the Whitlam years

          With inflation too high, productivity going backwards and economic growth reduced to a crawl, you’d think Jim Chalmers would focus on the here and now.

          But no, he prefers escapism to realism.

          David Pearl


          • #

            ‘Australia’s energy system is in shambles’: Chris Kenny

            Sky News host Chris Kenny warned Australia has “destroyed” its energy advantage because of the decision to get rid of coal power.

            “Because of climate alarmism, the electricity and energy systems in this country are a shambles,” Mr Kenny said.

            “Our national energy self-harm has turned one of the world’s most energy-rich nations into an energy basket case.

            “We’ve destroyed our energy advantage because we have decided to get rid of coal power, subsidising renewables to force coal out before we’ve got enough secure generation to replace it.”


            • #

              ‘What is this? The Wizard of Oz’: Joyce erupts at Kean in fiery energy debate

              Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce has erupted during a fiery debate with former New South Wales deputy Liberal leader turned Chair of the Climate Change Authority Matt Kean over the future of Australia’s energy.

              Barnaby Joyce erupts during fiery row with ex-NSW Liberal treasurer Matt Kean during Bush Summit panel appearance

              “The reality is today the cheapest way of delivering reliable energy is firmed renewables. That’s not me saying that, that’s the CSIRO – one of our most trusted institutions – and AEMO (Australian Energy Market Operator) the engineers who run our energy system,” Mr Kean said.

              Mr Joyce was enraged by Mr Kean’s point with the Nationals MP throwing back a blistering rebuttal to his panel opponent.

              “What is this? The Wizard of Oz,” Mr Joyce blurted out.

              “Honestly, I’ll tell you where the truth lies. Ladies and gentlemen, when you get that little thing in the mail with a … power bill, there lies the truth.

              “Now I’m gonna pose one question to you, forget that AEMO … quoting all that fantasia or ‘what might happen in the future’, has that power bill been going up or down?”

              “Name me the country in the world … where intermittent power – this intermittent swindle – has worked?” he said.

              Mr Kean acknowledged the rising cost of power bills and pointed to global issues impacting Aussies amid the cost-of-living crisis.

              “Power bills are going up for two very clear reasons,” Mr Kean said.

              “One: there’s a war in the Ukraine that has pushed the wholesale price of coal up,” he said to a moan from a disgruntled Mr Joyce who proceeded to interject.

              “But we’re not using coal,” the Nationals MP sarcastically replied.

              When Mr Kean began listing countries and highlighting that their power systems are different in a bid to put the question to rest, Mr Joyce kept interjecting with “why?”.

              The Nationals MP later highlighted countries that benefited from nuclear energy before he was asked what the solution is to soaring energy bills.

              “You have to get baseload power onto the system,” Mr Joyce said only for his panel opponent to immediately start interrupting him.


        • #

          Young families big losers by high rates, cost of living woes: CBA CEO

          Commonwealth Bank chief executive Matt Comyn made the comments at the start of a three-hour appearance before the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics.


        • #

          Chalmers doubles down on Dutton visa attack

          Jim Chalmers has backed ASIO chief Mike Burgess’s policy of not ruling out granting visas to people fleeing Gaza to come to Australia just because they had expressed rhetorical support for Hamas.

          Jack Quail


      • #

        Our petrol honeymoon finished over night but as far as U98 goes you are still ahead. One station in the area currently offering U98 at 198.9 while others have it at 242.9.

        Meantime U91 cheapest (same station as the U98 offer) 174.9 and dearest 219.9.

        Before today we were enjoy U91 at 1.67 (incl shopping discount) for seemed like nearly 2 weeks. My 3 x 20ltr jerry cans downstairs therefore represent a $31.20 saving till the next cycle drop to 1.67. Roll on the black market when the balloon goes up I’ll be a rich oil tsar lol.


  • #

    I was reading extracts of a report on the status of Americas nuclear deterrent. It contained this rather chilling paragraph.

    “Demographic challenges within the nuclear weapons labs also affect the ability of the U.S. to modernize its warhead stockpile. Because most scientists and engineers with practical hands-on experience in nuclear weapons design and testing are retired, the certification of weapons that were designed and tested as far back as the 1960s depends on the scientific judgment of designers and engineers who have never been involved in either the testing or the design and development of nuclear weapons.”

    But the good news is those old Minuteman tubes were built by Boeing. If they start working on them again, it will be fine.


  • #
    Peter C

    Trump Shooter – Here We Go Again

    The rifle seems to be similar to the one on the roof but I do not see any evidence of damage. Rep Clay Higgins claimed that a policeman fired the 9th shot which disabled the rifle and sent some fragments into Crooks shoulder or neck.

    Rifle barrel does not fit into the backpack.


  • #

    ..and here is the next assault in the war against online independent media-

    “The nation was stunned by a July 29 stabbing attack that killed three children at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport, England. Online misinformation about the assailant – wrongly identifying him as an illegal immigrant with an Arabic name – spurred a week of riots across the country…. Prosecutors have also pursued cases against what one judge called “keyboard warriors” alleged to have stirred up rage with social media posts, many of them false.”

    At least he is recognising the mess the UK is in, and of course, as a politician, its all the fault of the previous Govt.

    ““There’s a budget coming in October, and it’s going to be painful,” he said. “He blamed the current state of “rubble and ruin” on 14 years of Conservative Party rule, saying that the previous government had racked up £22 billion ($39 billion) in debt, and had hidden it from the Office for Budget Responsibility, an independent and authoritative overseer of public finances, funded by the Treasury.”


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    David Maddison

    This morning I am feeling confident.

    I think Farcebook’s admission of promoting misinformation and lies had a lot to do with it.

    If Trump is allowed to win and has numbers greater than the “margin of fraud”, it will be the beginning of the end of Leftism and wokeism.

    The trend will propagate throughout the West.

    At least until the Left regroup and start their next campaign of destruction against the West.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    next campaign of destruction against the West.

    If Labor are forced into a minority government with the crazy Greens and the new “Muslim Party of Australia” at the next election it might be time to consider Putin’s offer:

    Putin Signs Decree Granting Residency to Foreigners Who Share ‘Traditional’ Russian Values


  • #

    So are sea surface temps starting to drop and perhaps the AMO is starting a new cool phase? Who knows, but I’m happy that Aussies still have plenty more Coal, Gas and Uranium to export overseas.


  • #
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      Steve of Cornubia

      Sounds very much like the Moscow and St Petersburg I visited back in 2002-2004, just with fewer Ladas.

      I particularly enjoyed those weird ‘delicatessens’, which were some kind of high-end food shop. They displayed old-world opulence, decorated with garish ceramics and marble while everything else was gilded, combined with modern-day foods and luxuries. Service was terrible though, and pretty much everywhere I went I encountered grumpy and unfriendly people, even though I had a Russian guide/minder. I felt like a warm-blooded ATM.

      On one trip, the head of the science institute I was visiting palmed me off on his daughter, who took me to visit the Hermitage (St Pete). She was absolutely gorgeous, and elegant too, like the Russian beauties in the old James Bond movies. She was a lovely girl and spoke excellent English, but I can’t remember much about the Hermitage itself …


    • #

      Same Impression I had when visiting Moscow in September 2018. with my wife and ex-UK Chairman & His wife, staying at The Marriott Royal Aurora near Bolshoi & Red Square for Volga Dreams River Cruise to St Petersburg staying there in Kempinski Hotel Moika 22

      Wife gets seasick, so we chose Volga Dreams as you stay in Hotels in Mosxow & St Petersburg, rather than on the Cruise Boat – excellent lectures and stops

      As Speedbox says, which we also found

      With a population of well over 20 million, fascinating history, brilliant public transport, near endless places of interest and modern facilities, Moscow is one of the world’s great cities.

      Moscow never seems to sleep with any number of stores, clubs, shows and restaurants/cafes open 24 hours. Roads are also in good condition with ten lane divided motorways criss-crossing the city. And boy, do people use them! Cars galore.

      Vibrant and intoxicating, but it never slows down to take a breath.

      Very Mono Ethnic, could have been in the Northern Beaches of Sydney, except for the Vibrancy!


      • #

        Speaking about Moscow – Forrest still has big green dreams

        Every picture tells a story, they say, and these ones suggest it’s been quite the rollercoaster for Andrew Forrest’s green energy aspirations, and mostly downhill at that.


      • #

        Certainly different to when I was there in the Glasnost/ Perestroika period! But I thought Red Square/ Kremlin was pretty impressive then – as well as the beautifully preserved churches & palaces of the pre- Communist eras. Was a thrill to see Swan Lake at the Bolshoi. Would love to see Moscow now.


  • #

    I put a question to Perplexity AI yesterday. (My Chat GPT now wants money)

    I asked it to determine the amount of solar panels and battery to supply 10kWh per day at 37S in May with 4 consecutive overcast days.

    It suggested 7kW of panels facing north and tilted to 47 degrees combined with a 50kWh battery. That looked good. I estimate I could do it with a smaller battery because there is some useful sunlight even when it is overcast.

    I then asked it to determine how much coal would be required to maker the panels, battery and mounting gear assuming all raw materials shipped from Australia to China and then finished panel, battery and mounting gear returned. It came up with 12.6t.

    I then asked how long would the coal last if I burnt it in an efficient coal fired steam plant to produce 10kWh per day. It arrived at 9.5 years.

    So if the panel and batteries last 9.5 years, I can save coal. My advantage over the grid is that there are no transmission costs, metering and billing involved.

    This is a more reassuring answer than just paying say $30k for a system that would buy around 30t of coal. Storing 30t of coal would be messy and burning it in a suburban back yard might not go down well with neighbours. Lets say the panels and batteries are more neighbour friendly unless the battery catches fire of course.

    Rooftops peaked at 40.4% of NEM demand yesterday and heading for a similar proportion today. Late winter and all mainland regions have negative prices hovering around the current value of LGCs since 1030.


    • #
      Peter C

      Did you ask about the cost of a 50kWh battery? Or do you already know?


      • #

        Never pay it off with any energy cost savings during its short lifetime.


      • #

        I have estimated that I can supply my demand with 20kWh battery because I will be able too boost with a generator if needed. I already have 6kW of solar panels but only 1kW was optimised for may. I woiuld add at least 2kW more optimised for May.

        Perplexity did not optimise the system. It just accepted 4 days of no sun and sized the battery on that basis.

        I did the exercise to see if it would actually save coal.

        I have not paid for energy in 7 years and like that idea. That was mainly due to the 66c/kWh FIT that ends this year. I have reduced the gas demand using the wood burner but am planning to climate the gas and use efficient electric appliances.

        Getting rid of gas hot water and cooktop will save about $3/day. So say $1000/yr. Getting rid of the electricity service fee saves $620/yr and the saving in electricity around $750/year. So making own electricity saves $1370/year.

        A 20kWh battery costs $14k without any subsidy. A bigger inverter around $5k. Additional 2kW of solar panels $2k. So payback is under 10 years at current electricity pricers. I am, confident electricity prices will continue to increase. I doubt the rebate will be sustained. I will maintain my current 5kWh battery and inverter as a a system back-up and also buy a small generator for topping up the 20kWh battery.

        The probability of grid collapse is mounting as the lunatics take charge. A few thousand households going off-grid will really question the “renewables” grid antasy. Households are not burdened with the cost of transmission, metering and billing. Plus they have the capacity to manage their demand.

        The current grid plan is for solar and wind farms in outback NSW, Victoria sand SA to transmit power all the way to snowy 2 to pump water up hull at losses around 20% through the daytime then use that water to produce electricity during the morning and evening peaks in the capital cities again losing around 20% of the available energy in the water. So huge transmission and pump/turbine losses plus all the capital tied up in keeping the system stable. I am confident households with the space and capital can make their own at lower cost.


    • #

      It’s all about reliability. I average 12kWh/day in winter, but for reliability, I would hope to have a minimum of 15kWh/day available from my home solar. Unfortunately, my 5200 watt system would only achieve 12kWh on five days in June, 5 days in July. Doing a little better this month. But based on the figures I’m seeing, any practical amount of storage wouldn’t help, so I have to be connected to a reliable grid to ensure I have a 24/7 supply.
      The whole point of battery storage is that it won’t help unless you have a massive amount of home solar, and are located somewhere that has a reasonable amount of sunlight throughout the year. For most residences, they simply don’t have the roof space available. And also, if they were able to add much more solar, most likely they wouldn’t pay it off during its lifetime – law of diminishing returns.


      • #

        What latitude and what angle are your panels?


        • #

          Perth metro area Rick, mounted flat onto my steeply-angled roof, facing west and east. As it’s a townhouse, virtually no northern roof space. They work very well in summer, generating up to 4kW peak and 35kWh daily.


  • #
    another ian


    “Dems force RFK Jr. to stay on the ballot
    -Dems remove Cornel West off the ballot
    -DOJ files an upgraded Trump indictment
    -Facebook admits they censored posts in compliance with Biden-Harris requests.

    Saving democracy by ending it.”

    A question via Chiefio

    “Some states are not letting RFK drop off the ballot because of some type of legacy rules, but how does Biden drop off then?

    Somebody help me out here>>”


  • #
    another ian


    “COVID Propaganda: Peter Hotez Gets His Knickers in a Twist”


  • #
    John Connor II

    More UK “government” insanity

    Insane exchange where it transpires The Government are always paying for 5,000 empty hotel beds “just in case” they need them for illegal immigrants.

    The meeting delegates can’t quite believe what they’re hearing.


    • #
      Steve of Cornubia

      Meanwhile, thousands of young, vulnerable Brits are homeless, sleeping on the streets, and the government couldn’t care less.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Black soldier fly larvae breeding centers going Australia wide, in hotels and shopping centres

    I know where this is going.😉


  • #
    another ian


    “More trouble at the mill’

    “Renewable Notes: Blade Failures Continue and Don’t Go Missing in an Offshore Wind Farm”


  • #
  • #
    Ireneusz Palmowski

    Observations indicate that the global sea surface temperature is stable and increases during El Niño and decreases during La Niña.


  • #
    another ian


    There is something odd going on with weather predicted for S W Qld for the next week.

    Burning permits are being pulled due to expected wind gusts of up to 80 km/h.

    Yet Weathezone and BOM don’t list anything approaching such emergency conditions, with occasional gusts up to about 25 km/h over the time.

    BOM do list severe wind conditions for NSW, Vic, SA and Tas though –

    Questions asked, no answers yet


  • #
    another ian


    “As Rod Dreher’s “Law of Merited Impossibility” states: “‘It will never happen, and when it does, you bigots will deserve it.’” ”


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – a vivid imagination required

    “Kurt Schlichter

    He didn’t have a role in it

    The Hill

    Former President Trump sidesteps his role in Afghanistan exit in trying to link Vice President Harris to chaos


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    Honk R Smith

    The modern workplace.
    I’m sure it’s better in government bureaucracy.

    ‘Worker dead at Wells Fargo desk for 4 days’

    I blame Climate Change.

    (And don’t get mad the next time you’re on interminable hold for the ‘the next available associate’.)


  • #
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  • #

    Sydney Morning Herald poll results- “Do you think Anthony Albanese has been doing a good job as prime minister?”

    Yes 63%
    No 24%
    Unsure 13%

    ..and that’s why Aussie is in the mess it is in!


    • #

      Surely that poll must be complete fiction!
      After the Voice referendum my confidence in public commonsense warmed a little.
      But if that SMH poll is accurate, if Australia’s population could really be that dumb, it would be beyond depressing it would be scary. Are we as a nation seriously that brainwashed?
