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179 comments to Saturday

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    Friends of Science Newsletter #413


    Topics include:

    Economic Impact and GHG Effects of the Canada Federal Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan through 2030
    IPCC’s AR6 Spouts Urban Heat Island Effect Nonsense
    Hunga Tonga Volcano: Impact on Record Warming
    An Unusually Warm Year or Two Cannot be Blamed on Climate Change
    Climate Activists Are Wrong About Which Energy Source Reduces Air Pollution
    New York City Local Law; Electric Heat Mandate – Don’t Do It


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      More like Friends of Nonsense. Links to peer reviewed scientific literature please.


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        Richard C in NZ

        Simon >Links to peer reviewed scientific literature please

        Peer reviewed by pals?

        Or actual science?

        Like this:

        The Diurnal Cycle of the Boundary Layer, Convection, Clouds, and Surface Radiation in a Coastal Monsoon Environment (Darwin, Australia)
        Peter T. May, Charles N. Long, and Alain Protat (2012)

        440 W.m2 DLR 24/7 but does’nt energize PVs.

        Doesn’t heat water at night, or day.

        Doesn’t heat the earth’s surface.

        Does kill your theory stone dead.

        Is that the “peer reviewed scientific literature” you’re pleading for?


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          Richard C in NZ

          800 W.m2 solar power at noon.

          If DLR was an effective surface heating agent the noon heating power would be:

          800 + 440 = 1240 W.m2

          But it isn’t – why not?


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        Paul Siebert

        ____Izzat you?


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        CO2 Lover

        Friends of Nonsense

        This aptly describes Climate Cultists and their belief that carbon dioxide is the root of all evil, when it is esential for life on planet earth.

        Climate Cultists might enjoy self-flagellation in order to appease the Climate Gods – but the rest of us do not buy this nonsense.


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        It’s OK Simon. They covered the IPCC’S urban heat island effect “nonsense”. They’re not actually friends of it though. You seem to be.


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        ‘Hunga Tonga Volcano: Impact on Record Warming’

        Would you care to have a real scientific debate on this unprecedented natural variable?


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          Wouldn’t Hunga Tonga carry a great deal more heat into the atmosphere as it was blasting hot sea water and steam out? Not only the later effects of the extra water vapour in the air, but immediately it would have spread the heat from the lava through the atmosphere.

          Hawaii or Iceland just heat the ground and that very poor conductor, dry air, by radiation & convection.


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            The water vapour would have cooled by the time it reached the stratosphere.

            ‘Because the Tonga eruption is unprecedented, there is much about its effects that we do not understand. But we do know that the planetary greenhouse effect is very sensitive to changes in stratospheric water vapor because, unlike the troposphere, the stratosphere is very dry and far from greenhouse saturation.

            ‘As a group of scientists showed in 2010, the effect of changes in stratospheric water vapor is so important that the warming between 2000 and 2009 was reduced by 25% because it decreased by 10%.’ (Javier/Climate Etc)


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            Also, the energy released was no greater than a large hydrogen bomb.

            People on a nearby island heard a huge explosion and they ran out into the streets, but saw nothing. A little while later all hell broke loose when two different lava flows came into contact and set off the eruption.

            If the volcano was deeper or shallower it wouldn’t have had the impact, however its highly unlikely that it was human induced.


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        mmmm all hail peer review. Safe and effective


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    “Anthony Albanese has put his climate and industry policies at the heart of a revamped Indigenous affairs agenda that Labor will take to the next election,
    declaring the net-zero transformation is the nation’s best opportunity to deliver jobs and tackle disadvantage in remote communities.:

    So if we can reduce CO2 output by Australians, the increase in jobs will fix all social and economic problems including those in in remote aboriginal communities.


    It’s a wonder we needed to change the Constitution when all we had to do was shut down Australian industry, agriculture, manufacture and cheap, reliable and adequate coal energy.

    This is some sort of Green religion, not economics or science or sense.


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      And I would ask the Prime Minister to explain exactly how reducing our National CO2 output to that of 2005 will “deliver jobs and tackle disadvantage in remote communities”?


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        David Maddison

        And I would ask the Prime Minister to explain exactly how reducing our National CO2 output to that of 2005 will “deliver jobs and tackle disadvantage in remote communities”?

        If our useless Lamestream media were actually doing their jobs rather than being full time communist propagandists, and also the Liberal/National faction of the Uniparty, that’s exactly the question they woukd and shoukd be asking.


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        Graham Richards

        I would remind this brain dead PM that if he persuaded every Aboriginal to vote for him because of his “new” ideas, the ALP will still be voted out at the next election in a landslide!

        Next thing he’ll be chasing is Kamala Harris for deputy PM!!!


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      CO2 Lover

      nation’s best opportunity to deliver jobs

      To the Chinese who will be providing more solar panels, wind turbines and batteries.


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        Not just any jobs. Jobs for remote aboriginal communities. That takes real imagination.


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        China will have no way of competing with Australian made taxpayer subsidised solar panels manufactured on the now closed down Liddell Power Station location NSW.



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          According to our Prime Minister, China will have no way of competing with Australian made taxpayer subsidized solar panels manufactured by remote aboriginal communities either.


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        Cleaning solar farms in a red desert should keep them off the streets at night, but it won’t stop the increasing numbers entering the custodial system.


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    Peter C

    New video on Trump Shooting.
    First responders, ladders and shell casings!


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      It have moved on a lot since then 7 days old
      just a snap shot of what id going on


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        Where the referenced video stops is where the kid on the roof dies! Trump is still speaking and all the crap about Crooke’s on the roof with an AR 15 taking 8 shots at Trump can be put in the bin. So can the bike story, the ladder story, the USSS sniper taking out Crooke’s story.

        Happy to see any evidence that can have any of theses narratives retrieved from the bin.


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        Again HB,

        At 12:10 Martensen has possible routes going past window on the second floor. The most likely path for the bloke seen sitting on the ground to his death on the roof was in through door 12 up the stairs, out the window / door (I can’t tell as it is white coloured in some shots) and then a leisurely trot to his spot on the ridge. We need an internal layout of these buildings! Forget all the other roof bollocks.

        This confusing construction is a deflection!

        The dead kid on the roof did not shoot Trump by this very video.


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          Peter C

          The most likely path for the bloke seen sitting on the ground to his death on the roof was in through door 12 up the stairs, out the window

          Indeed Broadie. Your idea is not popular but it would explain why Crooks was not seen climbing onto the roof and making his long journey to his shooting position. It also explains why he was seen in the brief video.

          The corollary of that scenario is that he was aided and abetted somehow by the security services who would have let him in the door, then out the window and then closed the window again for him.

          Greg Nichols of the Beaver SWAT team may have been ordered away to make it happen. Will he explain why he left his post.


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        Richard C in NZ

        >Dr. Chris Martenson video

        @ 3:09 – 12:12 conforms to scenario laid out yesterday Friday #9:

        Scenario: NW-ACCESS-Buildings/Alley-1/2-3/4

        @ 13:56 conforms to alternate routes in NW-ACCESS scenario above.


        No ladder
        Crooks accessed NW of Building 3/4 between 1/2 and 3/4 – Alley/Shed, [or] somewhere near in ‘Spa Guy Butler’ drone video.

        @ 15:28 Martenson’s ‘Most Likely’ access is Alley/Shed above.

        I don’t think so. From yesterday Friday #9.3:

        I don’t think alley “between 1/2 and 3/4” for the following reasons [Y] but I do think “somewhere near” as detailed below [X].

        [Y] I’m discounting Spa Guy’s climb and any access via the “between 1/2 and 3/4” alley. I don’t think Spa Guy’s crossover can be made (but maybe). Also discounting a running jump to get hands on Link roof and haul up because that Link roof slopes down West-East i.e. a higher jump on the West side than East side (but not impossible IMO) [Don’t forget carrying Bag/Rifle].

        [X] There’s what I think is an easy climb “somewhere near” in the ‘Spa Guy Butler’ drone video @ 0:50-0:53 on the left of screen at a smaller ancillary building. Goes out of view @ 0:55.

        ‘Spa Guy Butler’ drone video

        There’s a small exterior unit (pump?) under an open sided shelter. Easy climb to top of shelter and then top of shelter to roof. The wall height is a lot less there than the Link in the “1/2 and 3/4” alley. That’s because the “1/2 and 3/4” alley is BELOW natural ground level (see @ 0.54-1.07). Note the low retaining wall on Nth end of 2nd story structure (same at other end where Crooks was photographed).

        The ancillary building is at natural ground level on the other hand i.e. less height to scale than in the alley. And there’s an intermediate step on to the shelter roof anyway.

        Once on top of the ancillary building it’s just a roof-top walk across Building roofs and Link Canopies to the roof of the 5/6 Building.

        That route corresponds with Crooks head becoming visible 0:00-0.01 in the ‘Copenhaver’ video. He was on the 3/4 roof in that time space (IMO, Leo concurs)

        Martenson has missed the “small exterior unit (pump?) under an open sided shelter.” He points to another close by (to East) but not to the unit I identify.


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          Richard C in NZ

          >There’s a small exterior unit (pump?) under an open sided shelter [‘Spa Guy Butler’ drone video @ 0:50-0:53]

          PUMP?/SHELTER ACCESS, to give it an ID.


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          Richard C in NZ

          >Also discounting a running jump to get hands on Link roof and haul up because that Link roof slopes down West-East i.e. a higher jump on the West side than East side (but not impossible IMO) [Don’t forget carrying Bag/Rifle].

          Crooks was young and tallish and with arms extended up would have the necessary reach.

          But he didn’t look like he worked out at all and probably never done a chin-up in his life. So that to my mind rules out him taking a running jump at that wall while carrying a Bag/Rifle.

          But for a fit, trained, strong, individual very possible IMO. I’m alluding to the final wall in say ‘American Ninja Warrior’ competitions (also OZ).

          How Tall is the Mega Wall on American Ninja Warrior? What Are the Mega Wall Rules?

          Warped wall

          Ok, warped wall, not vertical all the way but the strength, technique, and agility required is much the same.

          I don’t think Crooks had any of that.

          Which also rules out Spa Guy Butler and Martenson’s ‘Most Likely’ Alley/Shed access IMO.


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      Boy is the guy who produced that scenario having a lot of trouble with the facts!

      Even pulled the equivalent to covid with conspiracy theorists accusations and climate with ‘denier’ labels.

      Desperate disinformation acknowledging contradictory facts and then dismissing them.


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      Richard C in NZ

      Secret Service Director [Ronald Rowe Jr.] Reveals What Exactly Happened on the Day Trump Was Shot — Crooks Was Neutralized 15 Seconds After First Shot — Agents Unaware of Crooks’ Firearm Until Shots Were Fired

      At 6:00 PM, former President Trump took the stage to begin remarks. And based on what I know right now, neither the Secret Service counter-sniper teams nor members of the former President’s Security Detail had any knowledge that there was a man on the roof of the AGR building with a firearm. It is my understanding that personnel were not aware the assailant had a firearms until they heard gunshots,”

      At 6:11 PM ET, Thomas Crooks fired three shots at Trump from a distance. Rowe stated that it took just 15.5 seconds for a countersniper to neutralize Crooks after he fired. [According to Rowe]

      At 6:11 PM, the assailant’s first volley of three shots was fired, and within three seconds, the former President’s detail rushed the stage and covered former President Trump, shielding him with their own bodies. The fourth through eighth shots took place over the next several seconds. Fifteen and a half seconds after the assailant’s first shot, a Secret Service counter-sniper fired a single round that neutralized the assailant.”

      # # #

      Any questions?


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        Forrest Gardener

        I’m uncertain of the official timeline.

        From above three shots were fired at Trump, then the secret service covered Trump’s person even though he ducked of his own volition before they covered him, and in the next 12.5 seconds there were 5 shots before a single shot took out the assailant?

        Is that right? Who shot the 5 shots after Trump’s person was covered? And was Trump’s person still in the line of sight of the supposed single assailant? And was the assailant such a bad shot that he couldn’t even hit the larger target of Trump + covering agents?

        It is most unsatisfactory that the official story has so many gaps. It doesn’t even say who fired each of the 8 or 9 shots.


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          Whoever they were, they are poor markspersons. The didnt hit Trump nor any of the enveloping secret service people.


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            Leo G

            Whoever they were, they are poor markspersons. The didn’t hit Trump nor any of the enveloping secret service people.

            Not necessarily poor markspersons.

            The line of sight to Trump from the roof of the AGR building is not as straight-forward as that on a rifle range.

            Present Trump’s head from that distance is a 4 arcminute-sized target (4MoA). Crook’s relatively old rifle would have an accuracy no better than 1 MoA.

            The rifle sight calibration error would be greater.

            Then there uncertainties associated with the trajectory under the prevailing conditions (distance, wind gust variation, etc) and the stability of Crook’s firing stance.

            Then consider that the target setting is very cluttered with fixed and moving obstructions.

            The first shots were consistently far more accurate than what should be expected even from an excellent “marksperson” under those conditions. The next five were closer to expectations.


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        Richard C in NZ

        >Secret Service Director [Ronald Rowe Jr.]

        What a piece works this guy is (Cheatle’s replacement) – same ol’, same ol’.

        Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe Admits Failure: ‘That Roofline Should Have Been Covered’

        Rowe reiterated his claim at a Senate hearing from earlier this week that Secret Service counter-snipers never saw Crooks on the roof with a gun, but did not address whether the counter-snipers saw him on the roof without a gun.

        However, when asked specifically by Sen. John Kennedy whether the counter-snipers saw Crooks on the rooftop at all, Rowe claimed they did not see him at all until he fired.

        “Oh what a web….”

        And, leaving aside the rifle with a collapsible stock, Crooks had a Bag with the rifle in it.

        Guy with a good sized black Bag is the Invisible Man?


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        Leo G

        Agents Unaware of Crooks’ Firearm Until Shots Were Fired

        They only suspected he was on a roof with a golfing range finder and backpack.


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          Leo G

          At 6:11 PM ET, Thomas Crooks fired three shots at Trump from a distance.

          Now we know three snipers were assigned to the 2 level building, but none were in the building at the time leading up the first shots.

          Two had left their posts without authorisation, leaving multiple open windows on the higher level, each with line of sight to the main stage where President Trump was speaking.

          How can we be assured that the first rounds fired at the president were not from one of these positions?

          Not reassuring are the inconsistencies in the narratives about the security postings in the building between the Secret Service and local law enforcement.


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      Richard C in NZ

      >jeffostroff video

      Good close-up crop view of rifle @0:33.

      From Thursday #, best I can ascertain:

      DPMS DR-15 16″ M4 5.56 NATO 13.5″ M-Lok Handguard MOE Rifle w/ MBUS Sights, Black (3 photos)

      Hands-On: Magpul MBUS Review

      Is It Good? Why?

      The Magpul MBUS pair of sights are great if you don’t need to shoot at long ranges. Even though a pro could hit targets out as far as 200 yards with iron sights, the rest of us probably aren’t comfortable shooting beyond 50 yards or maybe 100 yards without an optic that provides magnification.

      Remember, Crooks was under duress from the 2 cops behind him.


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        Forrest Gardener

        And there’s another gap in the official story.

        Somebody tried to approach the assailant who pointed his gun at said somebody causing him to retreat. The assailant then turned to face another direction and the somebody didn’t take advantage of that fact even to the extent of having another look when the assailant was not looking?

        I’d like to hear a bit more from the said somebody as to this apparent cowardice. Like weather he was narmed and why was his retreat so total? Did he have a radio on his person?


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          Forrest Gardener

          Oops. “weather he was narmed” should of course be “whether he was armed”.


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          Richard C in NZ

          Forrest >I’d like to hear a bit more from the said somebody as to this apparent cowardice

          Yeah, me too.

          Except he’s a “hero” apparently:

          Local cop who interrupted Thomas Crooks but failed to stop him is a hero who saved Trump’s life, sheriff says

          Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe doubled down on his defense of the Butler Township police officer who confronted Crooks at the Saturday rally and assailed online critics as “[expletive]” in an interview with The Post.

          Slupe argued that the officer — whose department was enlisted by the Secret Service to help during the rally — merely coming face to face with the shooter delayed what could have been a worse outcome for Trump.

          Not how I see it.

          This was problematic right from the start. The cop had “both hands on the roof” [from elsewhere].

          Continues next.


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            Richard C in NZ

            NY Post again:

            The local cop, hoisted up by a fellow officer, was hanging off the edge of the roof when he was spotted by Crooks, who pointed his AR-style semi-automatic assault rifle at him.

            “Right now, (the shooter is) training on the president. These guys breach the roof,” the sheriff said of the two cops. “So he [Crooks] turns around and potentially eliminates that threat.

            “The officer is like ‘I’m dead or I drop. I drop.’ He turns back around,” he said of the shooter.

            The cop ducked his head, lost his grip and fell eight feet to the ground, Butler Township Manager Tom Knights told NBC News Tuesday.

            “When someone points a gun at you and you can’t get to your weapon, you tell them [expletive] online that they are Superman,” Slupe said. “Like ‘I’ll just pull a gun out and they can shoot at me. I don’t give a [expletive].’ Yeah. Mm-hm. Right, right.”

            >”and you can’t get to your weapon”

            Not the best confrontation tactic I would have thought.


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              Richard C in NZ

              >The local cop, hoisted up by a fellow officer, was hanging off the edge of the roof
              >The cop ducked his head, lost his grip and fell eight feet to the ground

              “Edge of the roof” must mean edge of the Link Canopy roof (surely?).

              If it wasn’t, the 2 cops were against the North wall of Building 5/6 which is about 2 ft higher than the Link.

              If they tried that they were dumb as rocks given the easier hoist to the Link roof right next to them.


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    Good article on that strange boxing fight at the Olympics between a woman and someone whose gender is rather more blurred


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      There is no point having any women’s competition if sex is not the sole criterion. There are only two sexes. It cannot be changed. No one disagrees. It’s scientific fact. No amount of surgery or drugs changes sex.

      Gender is a phychological construct.

      And there is nothing to stop men who identify as women competing against men who identify as men or anything else. Anyone is welcome in the men’s competition. But biological males do not qualify for the exclusive women’s competition.

      It’s more fantasy science from the Post Modernists where facts don’t exist.


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        Forrest Gardener

        There are of course people who for example have a mismatch between chromosomes and genitalia. But it is more than a little surprising how many of them are ending up at the top levels of female sport.

        It’s a bit like the number of people in show business who have transitioning children.

        Is that the kind of thing you do when you are afflicted by an unfortunate error in your genetics?


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      The Babylon Bee called it a new Olympic event, Freestyle Domestic Violence. The fools that run contact sports wont be happy until a woman gets killed or has life changeing injuries.


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    Another UK council bans meat and dairy

    Its a shame they don’t concentrate on their soaring carbon footprint as their IT departments balloon and take ever more amounts of energy. Digital is quite bad news for the planet and AI has an even larger footprint.


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      “have introduced meat and dairy bans or signed so-called plant-based treaties in a bid to be more environmentally friendly.”

      These meaningless statements just frustrate the hell out of me.
      What does this mean. There is NOTHING more sterile than a broad acre wheat field. All life forms, from microbes to elephants are the enemy of the plant based farmer.
      On the other hand animal based farms are far more diverse in wildlife, while still competing for resources, the cockies that I know are all tolerant of the “other” critters that cohabit with the livestock.
      So in an attempt to save the planet from the carbon cycle these ill informed environmentalists are prepared to destroy any competition in the form of other life forms to somehow prove a point.
      A planet wide plant based diet means broad acre farming, habitat destruction to make way for more fields and paddocks, a total lack of tolerence for any crop eating life form and well, no advantage other than a nice fuzzy “feeling”


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    Europe’s largest wind farm loses 320 million Euros.

    Intriguingly it is Chinese owned. How’s that for energy security?


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      CO2 Lover

      Foreign-owned wind farm operators are earning up to $200m a year in subsidies in Victoria, which are mostly collected as hidden charges on household bills. Spanish GPG Naturgy group’s 69-turbine Berrybank wind farm receives about $40 million in large-scale generation ceriticate subsidies each year.

      Today’s report estimates that between domestic and foreign wind turbine & solar panel generators, Victorians already pay $620 million in large-scale generation certificates (LGCs) annually to subsidise their energy factories. Australians collectively pay an estimated $1.6 billion in issued LGCs for wind, solar, hydro-electricity and biomass projects.


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    Paying reparation for colonialism is only one of the Australian Green party ideas

    Presumably they have no chance of getting into a position of power whereby they could enact their agenda?


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      Reparations is just one of hundreds of crazy allegedly Green ideas. Like banning Chlorine. And Carbon.

      Dairy, meat, coal, gas, oil, manufacturing, transport, agriculture, reparations for slavery, cultural appropriation. Slavery was a big issue in Australia but seems to have faded as it has become clear there was no slavery. Now it’s colonialism, a fantasy that stone age people were better off and happier once with nothing at all. Not even much language. None could count to ten.

      It’s as if there is a political activist group just intent on the destruction of Western democracies. Soon children will be suing their parents for being born and wanting compensation for having to exist or for not having their preferred sex.

      Cities are being renamed with fake aboriginal names. And the airlines are obliging. There were no cities. And there is no way any aboriginal could recognize the names given 350 geographically specific dialects. It’s all destructive fantasy.

      I am struck by the number of brainless people like Kamala Harris who immediately and without question embrace every new idea of why they are disadvantaged and need compensation and privilege. It’s amazing for Kamala to be against racism with her Indian ancestry. Racism is foundational in her Hindu ancestry but somehow slavery in Africa is far worse than the untouchables or Brahmins and the many other castes. And her Jamaican father with his PhD in Economics was another downtrodden black slave.


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        And hidden in the Indian/African story is the name of Harris’ other grandmother, Finnegan. Or that Kamala is descended from the Irish slave owner Brown as much as anyone. So is she to be despised as a slave owner or pitied as a slave?


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          Should she pay herself reparations? After all her Irish ancestor was paid millions for his slaves. The debt she owes herself is enormous. Why is why she really needs the job as President.


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      a happy little debunker

      I am not opposed to the paying of reparations, as a result of colonisation.
      Britain colonized the Australian Continent.
      Australia (the Nation) did not exist until 113 years after colonisation.
      Even the individual Australian states did not gain partial self government until 68 years after colonisation.

      No living Australian, Federal or State institution played any role in the colonisation of Australia.
      Therefore any attempts to gain such reparations must be wholly targeted at Britain – rather than Australians.
      I wish the Green’s luck in their attempts to hold Britain to account.
      However, if the Greens think we should pay (out of some sense of guilt) then they should voluntarily put up their own funds, first … as an example to us all.
      Of course, if such payments should be required to be made, by Australians – first, we must deduct all payments and expenditures made (by all the states and the federation) to, or on behalf of any Aboriginal group since 1856, factoring in any interest forgone on those accumulated monies.


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        Richard C in NZ

        >Therefore any attempts to gain such reparations must be wholly targeted at Britain – rather than Australians.

        Reparations paid in NZ for the Crown reneging on the Treaty of Waitangi 1840.

        NZ Govt, and therefore NZ taxpayers, including Maori, paid the reparations in cash and return of land.

        British Crown did not pay one cent.

        Just a limp apology from the Queen.


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          Richard C in NZ

          >reparations in cash and return of land.

          As a result, the Ngai Tahu tribe (all of Sth Island) and Tainui (Waikato, Nth Island) are now large corporations

          * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

          Ngāi Tahu Holdings

          Ngāi Tahu Investments
          NTI’s portfolio includes a range of direct investments, private equity funds and listed equities.

          Ngāi Tahu Farming
          Our farming operation includes the management of more than 100,000 hectares of beef farms, dairy farms, forestry operations, and high country stations.

          Ngāi Tahu Property

          Ngāi Tahu Seafood (Fisheries, Ships)

          Ngāi Tahu Tourism

          * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

          Tainui Group Holdings

          Ruakura Superhub

          Ruakura Inland Port

          Commercial Property
          Ruakura Superhub


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      David Maddison

      Presumably they have no chance of getting into a position of power whereby they could enact their agenda?

      They can hold the balance of power and then the Government needs them to get legislation through. Currently, the Federal Government in the Senate relies on Green votes (see numbers below). So deals are done to get Green policies through which are even more insane than Labor’s.

      Government – 25 senators
      Australian Labor Party

      Opposition – 31 senators
      Liberal Party of Australia
      The Nationals
      Liberal National Party of Queensland
      Country Liberal Party

      Minor parties – 15 senators
      Australian Greens (11)
      Pauline Hanson’s One Nation (2)
      Jacqui Lambie Network (1)
      United Australia Party (1)

      Independents – 5 senators


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      Tony, unfortunately the Greens have enough seats in our Senate that our Labor government (that has Greens sympathies) needs them to get most legislation through the senate. (Legislation needs to pass through the Senate after being passed through the House of Representatives).
      So while the Greens will never have enough members in the House of Reps to form Govt. The one Member of that house might need to join with Labor to form Government given the chance of a hung parliament is very real. Plus use its many numbers in the Senate as the real bargaining tool.

      They can’t do anything in their own right. But they have enough power in the right circumstance to dictate some outcomes. Subject to the govt yielding in a deal.

      It’s actually why we have a ban on nuclear power in this country. Our “Conservative” government yielded to the idea of banning it (for wider use) as part of approval for a medical nuclear reactor. I guess in 1998 they really didn’t foresee Coal being phased out. The Greens had smaller numbers back then.


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    My choice of the most wonderful moment of the Paris Olympics for Australia.

    For those who wish to divide their are many who celebrate what unites. Saya Sakakibara presents that image here!


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    another ian


    “Selco makes a valid point” He teaches and writes about survival skills in extreme situations.”

    “He had these thoughts about the assassination attempt on President Trump.”

    More at


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    David Maddison

    Australia’s Government propaganda unit, Their ABC wrote an article to suggest washing and drying clothes uses too much energy and maybe we wash clothes too much anyway?

    “We discourage using a dryer because it uses so much energy, and drying is bad for your clothes; it wears them down,” says Lish Fejer, a science communicator and ABC reporter in Ngambri/Canberra.

    Lish says many of us are washing our clothes too often, so it’s worth considering if an item needs washing at all.

    “Will airing it do instead? Will a spot wash do? Can I get another day out of it?

    For small items, Lish lays them on a towel in the back of her car and parks it in the sun while at work.

    I do agree that using a clothes tumble dryer wears out clothes unnecessarily, drying them by hanging is better. Back in the day they had clothes dryers that didn’t have a tumbling motion which were much better.

    Articles like this are all about lowering expectations of having a high standard of living as the anti-energy and woke globalist agendas continue to destroy our Civilisation.

    Note also the woke use of the Aboriginal name for Canberra.


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      Graeme No.3

      “the woke use of the name for Canberra” – well you couldn’t expect us to say what their name for Canberra, nor that it would be published.


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        >The woke use of the Aboriginal name for Canberra

        Canberra is already the Aboriginal name for Canberra

        According to the ANU
        >Canberra’s name … is derived from the language of the Ngunnawal people, the original custodians of the land who called it home for more than 21,000 years, and is thought to mean “meeting place”.

        When you spell it Ngambri to try and make it look more authentic you’re just being pretentious.
        They had no written language so whether you write Canberra or Ngambri we’re just approximating what we think the word sounds like, by trying to express it in our own written symbols.

        Similar to how we approximated the Aboriginal bird name into Cockatoo, whereas the Germans wrote it as Kakadu.


        • #
          CO2 Lover

          Wagga Wagga – Will be next

          The name ‘Wagga’ is derived from the local Wiradjuri Aboriginal language on whose land the City of Wagga Wagga now grows. It is widely accepted that ‘Wagga’ means ‘crow’ and to create the plural, the Wiradjuri people repeat the word. Thus Wagga Wagga translates as ‘the place of many crows’.

          What is Aboriginal for “the place of Blood Sucking Parasites” – this would be a better name for Canberra


      • #
        Steve of Cornubia

        Historians will soon miraculously discover that there was always a single tribe that reigned over Australia, as more and more of the land is handed over. This megatribe also had a name: the Allbelongamee.


    • #

      Preferably Greens should hanging out to dry.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      It is well knowm that the Poms get by with taking a bath/shower once a week – so Australians will be told to follow their example in order to “save the planet”!


      • #

        Not true CO2, another modern Aussie urban myth. The majority shower too much.


        • #
          John Connor II

          The majority shower too much.

          How much is too much?
          Once a day?
          Once every 2 days?
          Given the number of wrinklies (the dehydrated skin types) out there, every alternate day is fine.


        • #

          A quick rinse is not “too much”. What we have now is a through cleansing of the skin with antibiotic soap killing the biome and then a strange need to use deodorant to control the fungus thriving because there is no bacteria controlling it.

          I read of a doctor who’s wife had to give birth via CS but he then inoculated the babe with the fluids from the birth canal. This biome is precious, care for it.


    • #

      Try having washing for a few children in the middle of Melbourne’s winter. Nappies, towels, endless clothes. And what? A washing line? Washing machines, dryers, dishwashers alone removed a full time cleaning job. Then vacuum cleaners, stoves, hot water service, central heating/gas, reverse cycle air conditioning. Life was a lot harder and people had many more children in less space. It was hell. Then the endless sicknesses. Hot showers? Forget it.

      Now people want to go back to the good old days? The air was filthy with briquette or wood smoke, as were the houses. People died of asphyxiation with fireplaces. And the endless house fires.

      Or go back to the wonderful world of aborigines with absolutely nothing and fearing for your life every night. There was no nobility in the savage life.

      And little in 1950s Australia. It was just endless hard work. Which is now presented as some sort of ideal?


      • #

        Very much so. I grew up in the 1950s, in a house on the outskirts of London; a modern house, built about 1951 IIRC. We had a coal boiler [also used for heating hot water for baths etc.]. Washing hung inside in winter – to dry, but also to keep clear of the smuts that still fell, sometimes.
        I remember Mum being presented with a washing machine – a [then new] Hoover ‘Keymatic’.
        Final spin did get much moisture out of the clothes.
        Most clothes would do two or three days [not undies or sock!], with ordinary care.
        Bath about three times a week IIRC – certainly not every night; Dad [usually] had to refuel the coal boiler …
        A different world.
        And the watermelons want us [them, not so much, it seems] to go back to the 50s – the 1750s?




  • #
  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    Watch What Happens When Kamala Harris Goes Off Script for the First Time as Presumptive Democrat Nominee While Biden Looks Like a Total Zombie

    RNC Research @RNCResearch


    “This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy.”


    Chief Nerd @TheChiefNerd

    But does the power of diplomacy understand the significance of time to be unburdened by what has been?


    • #
      Forrest Gardener

      Circular gibberish seems to run deep in that one.

      It can only be a matter of time before a loud popping sound signifies her disappearance up her own fundamental orifice.


    • #

      Lukashenko Says Biden Had ‘Nothing to Do With’ Historic Prisoner Exchange

      Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko said Friday that U.S. President Joe Biden had “nothing to do with” the biggest prisoner exchange between Russia and the West since the Cold War.

      Washington and Moscow carried out a historic prisoner swap on Thursday, with Russian authorities releasing American journalists Evan Gershkovich and Alsu Kurmasheva, former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan and German citizen Rico Krieger, as well as several Russian political prisoners. In total, both sides released 24 people.

      “You saw it happen, the [prisoners] were released. We were asked [to participate] and we got involved, helped in what ways we could,” Lukashenko was quoted as saying by Belarusian state media. “People who were sentenced for life in the West were freed.”
      Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked Lukahsenko on Thursday for his “gesture of goodwill and the pardon of a German citizen sentenced to death, R.Krieger.” Earlier this week, the Belarusian leader granted the pardon for Krieger, who was convicted on six criminal counts including terrorism in a secret trial held in late June.

      “Of course, someone like the U.S. President will boost his authority with this, even though he had nothing to do with it,” Lukashenko said, referring to Thursday’s exchange.

      “Special services carried out negotiations, not even diplomats were involved,” he said. “We had agreed to do this quietly [and diplomats] started yelling to the entire world. This should be done quietly, it’s people’s lives.”


      • #
        Steve of Cornubia

        All of that, when processed through the leftist media’s political translator, comes out as:

        “Strong leader Joe Biden forces Putin to free Americans jailed by Russia because of Donald Trump.”


        • #
          Forrest Gardener

          Reminds me of the joke about Bob Hawke walking across Lake Burley Griffin. Twist that he said. So the headline the next day read “Bob Hawke can’t swim”.


      • #

        Absolute propaganda OA! The Socialist Morning Herald would never lie, and THEY say with was all Kamala Harris and Jo Biden, the world’s best leaders who could lean on their ‘friends’ in Germany, Slovenia and Turkey to get these fine Americans home after being held by an evil dictator on trumped-up charges while we had to sadly allow some terrible criminals to go home…

        “Eleven days after his remarkable decision to drop out of the US election, America’s now lame-duck president had one of the most important breakthroughs of his time in office – thanks in large part to the global alliances he’s worked so hard to foster….(the prisoners) arrived on American soil shortly before midnight on Thursday for a joyful reunion with their families. President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris also greeted them…countless hours of delicate diplomacy by Biden and vice president Kamala Harris.”

        The world of politics is just so childish, yet amusing at the same time. Like watching 6-yr-old nephews tell lies to each other.


        • #

          >The world of politics is just so childish, yet amusing at the same time. Like watching 6-yr-old nephews tell lies to each other.

          Thank you, I’m stealing that wry observation, verbatim.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        Unburdened By Vocabulary: Kamala Harris Dishes Fresh Word Salad During Prisoner Swap

        Ever since Democrats coup’d Joe Biden into stepping aside, they’ve done their best to shield frontrunner Kamala Harris from opening her mouth (a difficult ask), lest she remind everyone that she’s actually an idiot whose vocabulary relies on a very limited random word generator.

        Point in case – Harris was caught on camera in the wild – where she gave an unscripted answer while she and President Joe Biden greeted three American citizens and one permanent resident who arrived home after a prisoner exchange with Russia on Thursday.

        “This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy,” said Harris, using so many words to say so little.

        “Vocabulary relies on a very limited random word generator.”



    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Into the Weird!

      “What we are witnessing is nothing less than the failure of the greatest propaganda apparatus in history.” — Mattias Desmet

      Have you noticed yet? — the weird thing about Veep Kamala Harris is how weirdly brisk her transfiguration was from a sit-com character to Wonder Woman, overnight in the reality-optional news media. In a party burdened with complex ideology, she was known only for tautology: “The significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time,” she repeated solemnly on a tour of a Louisiana library in 2022. “So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time.” Yes, ma’am. You nailed that ol’ coonskin to the wall, all righty!

      Kamala Harris – Wonder Woman

      Suddenly her time has come! Everything is Kamala Kamala Kamala. Lights! Camera! Action!


    • #

      Repeating socialist mantras is a substitute for being able to think. I am beginning to think Harris is not just a DEI hire. She is an uneducated dill. A sort of black Marilyn Munroe, unburdened by any intelligence.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        >She [Kamala] is an uneducated dill.

        On the other hand you could say she was very successfully educated:

        Flashback: Kamala Harris Launched Her Political Career in the Bedroom as Married Mayor Willie Brown’s Mistress


        • #

          I didn’t say she wasn’t skilled.


          • #

            Like Biden himself, according to his own account in the top half of his law class, when in fact he was 73 out of 77. Kamala was likely also in the half of the class which made the top half possible. Neither managed to get a job outside the public service. Hired for their total incompetence and compliance, both Biden and Harris have achieved amazing feats comparable only to Stephen Bradbury in ice skating, although to be fair to Bradbury, he was incredibly good just to get in the competition.


            • #

              And you have to ask how people(China, Ukraine mainly) can be paying millions of unexplained cash into Joe’s family accounts, even his granddaughter, when he was never on more than $140,000 a year as a lifelong backbench senator.


              • #

                But isn’t there a great artist in the family.
                One whose works fetch – uhhh – a bit less now Daddy is a lame duck?!



    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Kamala Harris’s Radical Islamic Terrorists Deal Revoked in Friday Night Surprise

      The Biden-Harris administration revoked a plea deal with the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks after bipartisan blowback against the agreement.

      The administration announced the original deal, which would have taken the death penalty off the table for the terrorists, only two days before its revocation. The deal immediately met overwhelming bipartisan blowback.

      # # #

      What, no spin?


  • #
    David Maddison

    I don’t know how this story slipped through Their ABC censors.

    It’s the first thing I have ever seen from Their ABC that isn’t viciously anti-gun, anti-hunting, anti-meat and anti-self-sufficiency. Amazing!

    Maybe it’s because it features a female hunter?


  • #

    You heard it on Jo’s blog first

    As I said yesterday, the bloke in the video may just have easily come out onto the roof from the door on the two storey building behind and is seen running left to right before turning crossing the interconnecting passageway roof to move towards the camera and Trump to take up a position on the roof. So the eye witness account may be correct as may, ‘they shot the guy on the water tower’. We have wait until the original files of video and photos leaks through as clearly there is a war of information between the security forces.

    I am beginning to think he was shot from behind from a weapon low and to the west end of that building if he was in fact the person in this video perched at the ridge of the roof. I base that on a entry wound below the right ear and a mess I have yet to fully understand on his left temple. That is assuming the compression caused the damage to his teeth. The other piece of evidence is a mass flying west to east (DJStew video see John Cullen previously referenced) and apparently rising in a straight trajectory with the water tower in the back ground. If the person died there on the roof. Thank God it would have been quick. That may explain why the gun? he was aiming? was thrown towards the east.

    Cullen has some evidence of the shot

    As always it is what is missing from the deluge of information that is the clue.

    The big black hole is the internal layout of the AGR building. Where are the stairs to the second floor access from which you should be able to access the roof.

    The place was a gun deck from which multiple shooters could shoot silenced rounds.


  • #
    another ian


    Moderna stock falls 20 %

    “Look out below! Yesterday, CNBC ran a financial story headlined, “Moderna stock falls 20% as it slashes guidance on low EU sales, tough U.S. vaccine market.” Haha, a tough vaccine market. Good one. Anyway, the single-product vaccine company’s share price plunged -20% in one day yesterday following a disappointing earnings report.”

    “In September, 2021, Moderna (ticker MRNA) traded at its peak of $464 dollars a share. Yesterday it closed at $92.”

    “You really don’t hate the media nearly enough. According to the Herald, the CDC recommends the hastily-approved, untested mRNA-RSV shot for pregnant women:”

    “No thanks. I say good luck to them. You couldn’t get me near an RSV shot even if you offered me a free ticket to Fauci’s sentencing hearing. Tempting, but hard pass.”

    More at


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    CO2 Lover

    About time the Poms manned up to save their country


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW –

    “PERFECT! Daily Mail Has the Most Accurate Headline About Kamala Harris Becoming the Dem Nominee”

    “Nobody who has been “crowned” needs to be bothered with “democracy.” “


  • #
    another ian


    “Dan Bongino: Whistleblowers Confirm Secret Service Is Hiding a Big Secret (VIDEO)”


    • #


      Worth nothing! Simply there to reinforce the narrative, with a sad personal confession.

      In bold are the points in the message they are seeking to reinforce without evidence or for which the current images I have seen contradict.

      Thomas Crooks was able to do the following on July 13:

      Flew a drone over the Pennsylvania fairgrounds and got aerial footage of the rally layout on the day of the event – including 2 hours before Trump took the stage.
      Got a range finder through security.
      Evaded law enforcement officers from several different state, local and federal agencies.
      Somehow ‘climbed’ up on a roof with his rifle 450 feet away from Trump, bear crawled to the perfect vantage point as bystanders alerted police and was still able to take 8 shots at Trump.
      Parked a vehicle full of explosives near the Trump rally

      Crooks was able to walk around the premises after Snipers took a photo of him looking suspicious.
      A sniper located in the second story window was only 40 feet away from Crooks and didn’t neutralize him.
      Trump was still able to take the stage after Crooks was pegged as suspicious by Secret Service.


  • #
    YYY Guy

    What you get for $101,000
    It’s first class –

    Zoe graduated with First Class Honours from the University of Tasmania, School of Arts and Media in 2018.

    Lots more where that came from


    • #
      David Maddison

      Did a five year old do that?

      At least the prize appears to be privately funded and not from the taxpayer.

      Why is Modern Art so Bad?


    • #
      David Maddison

      And they make up such BS.

      “I’m interested in exploring personal relationships to place and how we engage with the environment around us.”

      “This painting, ‘The Shape of Rock’, is inspired by my evolving relationship with the landscape of my home, Marrawah.”


      • #

        Impress your friends and neighbours: –

        “Artist statements are difficult things to write. Maybe you hate writing them. Hate no more. Generate your own artist statement for free at the click of a button. If you don’t like it, generate another one. Use the statement for funding applications, exhibitions, curriculum vitae, websites, whatever your needs. We give you permission to do so.

        “If you need something shorter, we have you covered too. A strap line, a succinct mission statement, an elevator pitch, a Twitter bio, … one click and you’re sorted. More time for you to make your art. After all, that is what matters the most.”

        Presented as a public service.
        Other arty bollocks-style sites are available: – for one ….



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    • #
      Forrest Gardener

      Orwell’s 1984 instruction manual has inspired many.

      History has stopped. All that remains is a constant present where the party is always right.


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – latest Kunstler

    “Into the Weird!”

    “Have you noticed yet? — the weird thing about Veep Kamala Harris is how weirdly brisk her transfiguration was from a sit-com character to Wonder Woman, overnight in the reality-optional news media. In a party burdened with complex ideology, she was known only for tautology: “The significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time,” she repeated solemnly on a tour of a Louisiana library in 2022. “So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time.” Yes, ma’am. You nailed that ol’ coonskin to the wall, all righty!

    More at*-nation/into-the-weird/


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    Richard C in NZ

    It Turns Out Hillary Clinton Is The Biggest Donor To Extremist Climate Protesters In The UK

    Hillary’s ‘Onward Together’ leftist think tank show it donated over half a million dollars in the past three years…

    Backward Together.


    • #

      I remember Alexander Downer donating millions of dollars of Australian Tax payers to the Clintons.

      So the statement could be ‘Australian taxpayers are the biggest donors’

      As a general rule people like the Clinton’s do not give ‘their’ money to anybody.

      You generally do not find socialists in a service organization unless there is an excess of funds that can be frittered away to promote woke causes, they are seeking to promote themselves for upcoming elections or they are on a Gramski like mission to destroy a conservative institution.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        >I remember Alexander Downer donating millions of dollars of Australian Tax payers to the Clintons.

        NZ too. 23 or 28 mill I think.

        Down the black hole that went.


        • #

          >donating millions of taxpayer dollars to the Clintons.

          Also Ju-Liar Gillard. On more than one occasion. And after she was dumped, she’s been employed by the Clintons ever since AFAIK.


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    Microsoft’s Electricity Use Has Doubled Between 2020–2023

    Big Tech’s AI arms race has a significant energy cost…

    For what?


    • #

      I’ve just had tea with an elderly neighbour who was telling me about the amazing young guy her daughter has found for IT problems.

      Both daughter & IT specialist are in disabled housing, and we chatted about how some people may not have empathy or humanity or social skills but are outstanding in programming/tech fields.

      The corollary is that those amazing tech billionaires who started the modern internet & are now rich and powerful, are quietly nuts!


  • #
    David Maddison

    At the Woke Olympics, there is a focus on vegan food.

    But athletes want and need meat and are complaining about not enough of it.

    Athletes have complained that the large quantity of vegan food being served in the Olympic Village has left them without enough meat.

    Olympians in Paris said that they did not have enough protein-rich food, with some claiming that organisers had limited the amount they were allowed.

    In response, the organisers have ordered an extra 700kg of eggs and tonnes of meat to “meet the needs of the athletes”.

    The Paris 2024 Woke Olympics might be the worst Olympics of all time.

    Get woke, go broke.


    • #
      John Connor II

      It was a golden opportunity to serve the athletes nothing but bugs for food.
      That would be an event worth watching.🤭


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    David Maddison

    From Chris Kenny: –

    The Left: Don’t ban drugs. Also ban plastic bags.

    The Left: Gimme free stuff. Also don’t gimme free plastic bags.

    The Left: Take care of the poor. Also increase their power prices.

    The Left: Leave our borders open for all who arrive. Also stop foreign workers taking jobs.


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    Richard C in NZ

    How climate scientists are unraveling the mysteries of the Southern Ocean

    A new paper, “Closing the loops on Southern Ocean dynamics: From the circumpolar current to ice shelves and from bottom mixing to surface waves,” published in Reviews of Geophysics, reveals how a community of multidisciplinary climate scientists has integrated previously isolated research areas.

    Co-authored by more than 30 Australian and New Zealand climate science experts, the paper explores the Southern Ocean’s climate dynamics, emphasizing the crucial role of sea ice and ice shelves in large-scale ocean circulation and global mixing.

    The review covers the Southern Ocean from the seafloor to the surface and from its northernmost reaches to Antarctica’s icy boundaries. It also outlines trends and future climate projections and identifies critical research priorities, demonstrating the interconnectedness of Southern Ocean processes and their implications for our global climate.

    The ARC Center of Excellence for Climate Extremes spoke with several of the paper’s co-authors about their involvement in the review, the challenges they aim to address, and why it’s important to inspire a new generation of multidisciplinary scientists to link previously unrelated research to help address climate change.

    “We are all driving towards the common goal of understanding the changes occurring in the Southern Ocean and projecting future scenarios. The goal revolves around coupled numerical models, and we will only make the major advances needed if the experts in each community collaborate in developing these models and interpreting their outputs,” he [A/Prof. Bennetts] says.

    # # #

    “The ARC Center of Excellence for Climate Extremes” – TARCCECE.

    Best ever function description, if nothing else.

    “developing these models and interpreting their outputs”

    Much like looking into chicken entrails.


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    John Connor II

    Tasmanian first wave indigenous demand their land back or else

    Torres Strait first wavers too?
    (First wave = moved here from Asia originally, but here before Australian born white fellas)
    Let them have their land back but with absolutely ZERO white fella benefits. Return to their traditional ways if they value their culture so much. No? I didn’t think so. Just supposedly-oppressed, entitled, and discriminated against white-skinned descendants and whiners, like the gender confused, BLM, and all the others.


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    John Connor II

    New York Commercial Real Estate Plunges 97.5% at Great Depression Levels

    With 135 West 50th Street in Midtown Manhattan that was originally sold for $332 million in 2006 and now sold at auction for $8.5 million, reality has struck with a vengeance.

    Yesterday, the New York Times ran a sobering real-estate story headlined, “This 23-Floor Manhattan Office Building Just Sold at a 97.5% Discount.” Apparently, inflation hit everything else but missed big-city commercial real estate. The building in the story, which used to headquarter Sports Illustrated, last sold in 2006 —admittedly at peak market— for $332 million dollars. On Wednesday, it sold at auction for only $8 million, a stunning 98% discount.

    With its political vendetta against Trump, New York has only made New York City the leader in the decline, and we have NOT seen the bottom yet. This will send panic among the smart people, and this will cause further contagion to spread to residential property, which has been propped up because of jobs in New York City, which we still show are in crash mode into 2028/2029.

    No surprises there for the informed.
    2028 is getting mentioned a lot lately.😎


  • #

    Just came across a paragraph when re reading ‘They all love Jack’, a ripping book on Jack the Ripper. Back in 1888 it seems the establishment was floundering, when trying to dodge being nailed to Jack. No, not the PO Wales, someone a lot brighter than him was ripping into the Masonic establishment, with Masonic ritual murders, and that could not come out. An early forerunner to our present zeitgeist!?
    “After the ritualistic murder of Annie Chapman on 8 September 1888, Charles Warren took two strategic decisions relating to the Metropolitan Police’s investigation. The first was a suffocating ban to prevent any information getting out; and the second, draconian control of all information within. Other than as a conduit for misinformation- the search for ‘lairs’, promoting the idea of a Jew etc – the press was to be kept at the end of a very long arm. ‘Under pain of dismissal,’ recorded a contemporary pressman, ‘ the detectives refused information, even to accredited members of the London papers’.
    At Scotland Yard things were no different. By a process later known as compartmentalisation, information was to be channelled upwards, as the exclusive property of the elite.”


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    John Connor II

    Bill Gates and WHO Call For Military To Round Up mRNA Vaccine Refusers During Bird Flu Pandemic

    Bill Gates has joined forces with the World Health Organization in calling for vaccine refusers to be rounded up by the military and force-jabbed with mRNA during the next pandemic.

    Gates and the WHO have ordered governments to lay the groundwork to mobilize the military because they claim that vaccine skepticism is “morally reprehensible” and vaccine refusal is an “act of aggression” that must be met with force.

    Drag me off at gunpoint? Go on, I dare you!


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    John Connor II

    Saturday ejukayshun: the history of pencil sharpeners

    Control your excitement people!

    It should be an exam question – design a pencil sharpener – for the DEI/woke engineering sciences, where Pi=5 and maths is racist.
    For a laugh. 😎


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      Richard C in NZ

      At first I thought the first one had been put together as a present-day demo of design.

      Then I saw the date – 1896.

      1921 version was ubiquitous decades later, used them myself.


    • #

      Certainly up there with the development of the can opener:

      1795: Napoleon offers a prize for a method to preserve food for his army.
      1810: Peter Durand patents the idea of preserving food in cans.
      1820s: British explorer William Parry uses canned food on Arctic expeditions.
      1858: Ezra Warner patents the first can opener.
      Late 1850s: Manufacturers begin producing thinner steel cans.
      1870: William Lyman patents a rotary cutter can opener design.
      1920s: The classic toothed-wheel crank design emerges.
      1959: Ermal Fraze invents the pop-top can (or easy-open can).

      Apparently early cans were made of heavy-gauge wrought iron and were difficult to open. Soldiers during the early 19th century used bayonets to pierce the lid, while hungry troops during the American Civil War resorted to rifle fire to open them.


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    John Connor II

    Saturday funny: how to clean your gas bbq

    They walk among us.


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    CO2 Lover

    Fun Olympic Facts:

    Live Pigeon Shooting was held only once in Olympic history, in 1900. The object of this event was to shoot and kill as many birds as possible. The official report of the Games described this sport as “très aristocratique” (very aristocratic).

    Pigeon Pie might be more popular them the vegan meals being served up in the Paris Olympic Village!


  • #

    All subscriptions, history, and saved videos, have just been disappeared from my main You Tube channel. Most of the channels I watch, I look at regularly, so it will be pretty easy to get them back. But….


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      Richard C in NZ

      >A Great Story

      Partly ensured my day was not wasted.

      Learned stuff about bowling I never knew.

      Don’t know how or if I’ll put my newly acquired knowledge to use however.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Italian Scientists Warn: New ‘Neurological Emergency’ Spreading Among Covid-Vaccinated

    A group of prominent Italian scientists is raising the alarm after discovering a new “neurological emergency” that is emerging among those who have been “vaccinated” with Covid mRNA shots.

    The warning was issued by scientists at the University of Chieti-Pescara in Chieti, Italy.

    They report that two cases of deadly Status Epilepticus (SE) have now been confirmed to have been caused by Covid mRNA injections.

    In a peer-reviewed study, published in the European Journal of Epilepsy, the scientists revealed that SE, a dangerous condition in which epileptic fits follow one another without recovery of consciousness between them, has a mortality rate of 20 percent.

    They note that cases of SE have surged since February 2021, when the worldwide vaccination campaign was launched to supposedly tackle the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The Italian authors of this study have identified several possible vaccine-related adverse events, including neurological manifestations.

    Moreover, SE emerges in the literature as an emergent condition in COVID-19-vaccinated individuals.

    Unsafe & defective.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Saturday wtf: I’m a little trans girl song

    Voting for Harris/Obama/Hillary no doubt.


  • #
    another ian


    “CDC Uses “Bird Flu” Fears to Push Seasonal Flu Vaccines Onto Nation’s Farm Workers”

    Don’t drop your guard – they might be feeding this to the TGA too


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – public outrage gets results!

    “Defense Sec. Austin Revokes Plea Deal for 9/11 Masterminds”


  • #
    another ian


    “AEP’s Carbon Capture Fantasy”

    Quoted by “ElBowen” in 3, 2, 1?


  • #
    another ian

    FWIW – more comes out

    “Secret Service Prep Before Trump Shooting Shows It Was a Clown Show”


  • #
  • #
  • #

    “America launches the first battle-robots, independent soldiers that are far ahead of humans”

    “Russian hackers subvert American battle-robots, sell code to anyone on the dark web”

    Just waiting for it…


  • #
  • #

    Top manufacturing countries, in order- China, USA, Japan, Germany, India, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, Italy, France, Taiwan, UK, Indonesia, Brazil, Canada, Ireland.

    So, watch Germany & UK drop off the bottom, Italy and France might hang on longer, but the Asian nations are on the upward march. Nice to see Indonesia doing well, we can buy cheap stuff close to home!

    The rest is about the Russian purge of corruption in the military supplies sector, a massive clean-out by Belousov, the economist Putin put in as head of the armed forces. Many top military names are in jail or awaiting, a preferable end to not being alive.

    That will have to be done in every Western country as they stagger into war and suffer disastrously.


  • #
    Gerard Basten

    Re yesterday’s: “Wholesale Electricity prices hit $17,000 in five states in Australia –Renewable fans blame a lack of coal power”
    People should understad that almost noone pays these type of prices. It is only the poor saps that have decided to go “naked” into the market and who would cut themselves off if this happened at all. Most retailers, and hence customers, are protected by “contracts for differenes” and although they may pay the pool price, they are reimbursed the difference between this and their contracted price. So why have these ridiculously prices at all? you may ask. Well they are a signal to the market that there is a severe lack of generating capacity and that the lights going out is imminent. Prospective generators may take this to mean that it is time to invest in generating capacity. And in a free and fair maket this would be correct. The reality is the AEMO has allowed the market to be corrupted by giving in to the demands for market rule changes of many players seeking their own advantage, least of all governments. For them subsidies of all types are paid for by AEMO rather than from budget, which is how it should work.

    How long can such a corrupt system last? …..Until the lights do go out. This is where Bowen is taking us and most people are oblivios to it!
