A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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According to this poll, which you in Oz and me in Britain appeared to have voted for, we are desperate for much stronger climate action to be taken
It is accompanied by a terrible and old photo of the worlds most famous school truant
Anyone know if she has now actually got a job or is she still truanting, this time from proper paid work?
Cranky brat!
“people . . . were selected by dialling mobile phone numbers at random”
That’s hilarious. I would not have answered a random call, and many others seem similarly inclined. A friend, with a business, answers but hangs up quickly if the call is not relevant.
Perhaps lonely people that want to talk to anyone will answer and respond to a UN shill.
And no matter what your answer was to their poll, they would put you down as a ‘yes’.
How do you take Climate Action if you cannot change CO2?
Good Question TdeF.
If you cannot change CO2 what other action can resolve the recent, nebulous “Climate Action Now” demands. Apart from useless arm waving I can’t think of one.
TdeF, NIWA have been gifted another super-dooper computer (NZ$20 million), their 4th upgrade in 25 years. Via your same source (RNZ) it’s housed in 2 data centres “with the highest security and sustainability credentials”. Say what?
The cAGW NIWA numpties plan to use it to detect “global emissions of methane [before they’re] blown away”. Did not Donovan pen a tune about trying to catch the wind?
The CSIRO as well. So expensive that it is a state secret. Presumably so they can try weather predictions from CO2. A total waste of time. And when they tried guessing from El Nino, which is unpredictable, they predicted the hottest dryest summer in Australian history for 23/24. Of course it rained incessantly.
Why is there this belief that computers can solve problems when the data is the wrong data? All weather is due to the sun and the oceans and nothing else. Certainly not near constant CO2.
Winter was predicted to be warm and dry, so what has it been, wet and cold of course.
No,no,no they will be able to torture the numbers until they can show some consolidated and adjusted national weather representaion (something nobody can see, feel or experience) is exactly what they said it would be.
They get mileage from predictions, not from facts. If the headlines predict “terrible” weather that sticks in people’s minds, and by the time the facts exist to show they were wrong, no-one’s interested because they are already reading the next set of headlines.
“despirate for much stronger action on climate change” – provided it does not cost them more than one pound a week!
So a question springs to mind. If an international poll is conducted by dialling mobile phone numbers what language is used to ask the questions? Australia has a huge number of ethnic groups and something like 150 different languages are spoken at home. This doesn’t even touch the 600 hundred odd aboriginal languages and dialects.
Using English in Australia would leave a HUGE gap in any survey conducted and I am certain this would be repeated in any and every country with a diverse population.
To draw a conclusion that any poll would represent any group just doesn’t pass the “believeability test”
Duh. They have that covered. The person (or bot) doing the survey says “if you care about climate change, just hang up”.
An astonishing 14000 Brits are suing for covid vaccine damage
They are the people who are disabled. What about the people who are dead?
They vote, but not too active otherwise.
Astonishing that it’s only 14,000 ?
The other
infectedmRNA code-injected didn’t make it this far./sarc
Tbat’s not a sarc.
That’s only some of the survivors.
Hama* plans to hold the bodies of 3000 long dead British soldiers to ransom
Only because the dead can’t fight back. 3000 live British soldiers would scare them almost as much 3000 Israeli soldiers!
“3000 live British soldiers would scare them almost as much 3000 Israeli soldiers!’
Probably in the past GR. Send in the Black Watch aka the ladies from hell. Now its just the “ladies”
The “ ladies “. Surely you’d best send in the “ laddies “. Unless of course the UK defence is now DEI!
Don’t forget the Ghurkhas, never underestimate them.
““The tactic depicted in this document is intended to quite literally terrorize the people of the UK as a whole in order to influence political decisions.””
What? Terrorize the UK?… now a semi-Muslim country, why would they worry about what happened to bodies of their enemies from 1917?
A new study (until the next one) shows the central altar stone at Stonehenge came not from Wales as first thought, but from Northern Scotland 600 miles away
The sophistication of the ancients is far greater than we give them credit for. 6000 years ago the inhabitants of Britain traded all over the country and throughout Europe. The ancient Phoenicians used to call in at St Michaels Mount in Cornwall to collect tin and it was thought that tin was one of the reasons the Romans decided to invade. However this is a very heavy altar stone and how (and why ) our ancestors managed to transport it 600 miles is a mystery
Large obelisks in Rome and elsewhere were from Africa. The Obelisk of Theodosius, Istanbul, is of red granite from Aswan. The quarrying, movement, and history of the large objects is available. About 10 years ago I read some of it.
The ancient folks knew how to do this.
We will be talking about electricity generation like this in a few years.
There was a Baghdad Battery, maybe they can expand on that.
Could well have been transported south during an Ice Age as the glacial ice moved south and was left behind as the ice receded.
That was my initial thought when I heard this last week Murray: erratic boulders are left stranded all over the place here in NZ, either from earlier glaciations or mega-floods.
From an old gold miner’s hand-drawn geological map of the Whakatipua Basin (think Queenstown to Arrowtown, now billionaires’ retreats) I located a number of quirky, odd slabs of foreign rock, ie. granite from Fiordland over the range, resting atop the local schist, some down in the valley and some halfway up mountain peaks.
Thee ice giveth and thee ice taketh away.
I wondered about that possibility; ice-shifted large rock?
That was also my initial thought but there are no other boulders of that nature anywhere within hundreds of miles.
that’s probably why they chose that stone?
A more likely story, hewn in place then moved 150 yards.
“Could well have been transported south during an Ice Age as the glacial ice moved south and was left behind as the ice receded.”
Per the press and online articles I have read, that is unlikely.
It seems the glaciers from the Scottish Highlands went through the ‘announced’ origin [far North of Scotland], but heading North.
That is, away from Wiltshire.
That leaves two ideas [dismissing space aliens etc. for now!]:
AAA Overland
BBB By boat [by sea, mainly]
* Via the West Coast of Great Britain
* Via the East coast of Great Britain.
Neither easy, but probably both within the technological capability of the then Brits of 4,500 years or so ago.
I make no comment on such a thing being done today!
Various commentators have various reasons for espousing their favoured option.
Because of a lifetime in shipping, I rather favour BBB – By boat, and, counter-intuitively, via the East Coast of Great Britain, and finally up the Thames.
But that’s a preference – not even a guess.
Space aliens with anti-gravity and stone cutting technology.
You know it makes sense!
I’ll pay that.
Just a note to point out that Google’s basic search engine is now clearly using a question answering AI system. For simple factual questions it takes me to the exact text answering it. It also posts closely related questions with answers and links. I love it!
I don’t use any of the AI drones. They are hugely profligate on energy taking up to 100 times more than standard google.
We haven’t enough energy in the world to support AI now, let alone the energy monster it will become, regardless of whether AI is good for humanity or not. As we have far too much dependance anyway on computers/internet/the digital world, I suspect we would overall be better off without it
Standard Google is what I am talking about.
Re energy I am reminded of when air conditioning came in at large scale. It took so much juice that almost every US utility went from winter to summer peaking. We have lots if coal.
Can I buy a ticket to the event when you try to persuade Kamala Harris that we need to use coal?
I think reality will trump ideology when the time comes. We will not run out of electricity and gas has limits. Environmentalism is destroying itself. Works for me.
Sounds like fun to be had with AI for people who know how.
I’d better see if my primary school grandsons can teach me how code works.
I never even learned Morse Code. I just marvelled how my mates at the Post office could rattle that knocker for the telegrams.
How long ago was that?
In my ignorance I imagine the SD card in the camera to be like a two dimensional tree, with the leaves as switches. How they are connected I haven’t been able to imagine. I imagine “code” as a lot of empty space dependent on lots of good luck to work.
“I imagine ‘code’ as a lot of empty space dependent on lots of good luck to work.”
That sounds like a good description of a lot of the code I saw in the 40 years I worked as a programmer.
Daughter #1 used to work as site accountant for a small (65 staff) factory, part of a big corporation.
She complained to me that she was doing in Excel what they were paying IT firms a motza for, but they gave her no credit for it. It was just a matter of knowing how vs not knowing how.
Oh those memories. When I started in Telegraph Branch the great advance to gentex was still a fairly new development. We had point-to-point ie 2 major post offices permanently connected by landline and telegrams were typed up to produce a 5-hole paper tape that was fed through a transmitter and printed out onto tape at the far end to be gummed onto the telegram form for delivery.
Gentex brought telephone style flexibility which meant you could dial up the gentex number of the post office that would deliver the telegram and type it straight to them no tape involved.
At the end of the operating room was the comms board which stretched the width of the room and had a morse key for communication with our 2 radio stations that provided the links (one send and one receive) to the pacific islands. Our branch manager was an old radio operator and at least once a week he would leave his office and sit using the morse key for 30-40 minutes to keep his hand in before going home. So much humanity passed through those 4 walls with news of babies, departed, send money or I’m coming home it was very humbling.
Thanks for the memory jog.
More mysteries.
I don’t know why, but the weather site I have been using for about 25 years now shows a slab of US weather slanting from NW to SE across the US. So I can inform those who would like to know that at 3:10 am AEST time the temp is 10.6 C here at Mudgee, (spring is coming) and there seems to be some rugged weather bearing down on Jacksonville, Fla..
Just looked at Jacksonville on the BBC weather app and there are thunderstorms for 11 of the next 12 days
I would borrow seaweed before using BBC Weather.
FWIW, here inside the M25, I use . . . and Neither perfect, but, together, give a good idea.
Here is an excellent video by Dr Scott Atlas about why we were forced to jab and mask during the scamdemic and the extensive censorship which not only stopped people from speaking, more importantly it stopped people from hearing.
Even though the Left love censorship and making experimental “vaccine” substances compulsory, I would live them, and everyone else, to listen to this.
Watch it before YouTube … censors it.
If it’s censored on YouTube you can see it on free speech platforms at:
Watching this gave me such a growing certainty(!) that the pandemic was a conspiracy. Their determination that the powers that be would not listen to experts, and their disregard for everything that had been long planned, for dealing with a pandemic, showed they were desperately pushing an ideological/political barrow. Maybe big pharma was along for the ride, as they knew there was no vaccine for covid virus’, due to their mutability, and suppressing any alternatives made shutting the economy down easier; waiting for the medical saviour. And shutting the economy down was the goal. Without that T would have breezed in.
Fewer deplorables. Who cares?
The COVID 19 “prevention against discrimination” Bill that was introduced by Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, was voted down in the Australian Senate. The Liberal/National Coalition and UAP Senator Ralph Babet supported the legislation while Labor, Greens, and Independents included Senator Fatima Payman voted against it.
Damages from the jab paid out already are $23 million AUD with 8% of claims successful.
Those that refused the jab can still be legally discriminated against, refused employment and have their lives destroyed.
Report: California’s Plastic Bag Ban Produced More Plastic Bag Waste
by Joel B. Pollak – 18 Aug 2024289
At a press conference on August 12th, 1986, US President Ronald Reagan said,
And the scariest phrase in braille, is “Danger, do not touch”
And the sexiest phrase used by married couples during foreplay “You awake?”.
That woman who banned our multi-use plastic bags – Klaus’s protégé, Dame Dracula – has been ‘invited’ to give a speech at The Kackler’s DNC gathering in Chicago this week. Do hyenas smell blood?
The subject material: “Global Progress Action”, part of “an equity agenda”. WTF?! Sumpfink to do with ‘wellbeing’. Somebody get me a bucket…
Australia’s favourite ex-, Juliar Gi!!ard, has been working in cahoots with Ardern as of late, no doubt under the steady hand of the WEF’s financial and shoshill guidance. Can you feel the wellbeing?
It was the greens paper bag ban that gave us the plastic bags in the first place.
So we started out paying 15c for a “multi-use” plastic bag and now Coles and Woolies are doing single use paper bags for 25c. Yet we were told this isn’t about supermarkets using it as an earner.
I bought something in K-mart the other day and they put my purchase in a plastic carry bag for free. (No bag fee on the docket).
Robby the Robot Mk2
Given that humans have been stranded on the International Space Station due to Boeing’s focus on DEI policies, why not focus on sending autonomous humanoid robots to the ISS in preparat for a one-way trip to Mars?
The lowest energy transfer to Mars is a Hohmann transfer orbit, which would involve a roughly 9-month travel time from Earth to Mars, about 500 days (16 mo) at Mars to wait for the transfer window to Earth, and a travel time of about 9 months to return to Earth. This would be a 34-month trip fo a human visit to Mars.
Robots could be used to build a base station on Mars in any event for future human visits.
The idea of robots in space has been around since at least 1956 (Forbidden Planet).
Actually, it goes back much further than that. The first robot-in-space story I remember reading was a short story by Isaac Asimov called “Runaround” originally published in March 1940 in Astounding Science Fiction. It was later republished as part of the book I, Robot in 1950 which is where I read it many years when I purchased a paperback copy of I, Robot (I still have that book). Interesting, the first story in the book is called “Robbie” and is about a little girl named Gloria and her robotic playmate Robbie.
Meanwhile, back on planet Earth
Lost in Space
“why not focus on sending autonomous humanoid robots to the ISS in preparat for a one-way trip to Mars?”
Why not send the ISS to Mars instead of de-orbiting it to burn up and crash on Earth? You would have the skeleton of a space station in orbit before people arrive in a decade or two.
Great idea!
Fire it towards the sun to charge up the batteries on the way to a slingshot towards Mars.
I trust they use a slide rule and not AI to select the trajectory and firing sequence. AI’s deviations to the left could spell trouble.
Given the amount of effort it took to get humanoid robots working to today’s standard with uniform gravity, it would interestimg to see what the step to zero gravity and 3D movement would take.
It looks like NASA doesn’t want to admit failure of Boeing’s DEI policies.
Get woke. Get lost in space.
I can think of plenty of people who we could reidentify as humanoid robots for deployment to Mars, but one-way only!
Love it, can we name a few.
There are people in Parliament dumber than Chris Bowen.
Perhaps Steggall might inform us how to vet people who support Hamas and its terrorism?
Trump has placed a blanket ban on all Gaza citizens coming to the USA if elected.
People dumber than Chris Bowen?????
Or are you talking about negative IQs?
And who can say that those won’t be enough.
Did chicken legs say it outside parliament, sue the idiot,.
Who came up with the ‘Welcome to Country” BS anyway – completely offensive at every level.
Take it to court. Let’s see how competent our two tier justice system is!!
Let’s see if they uphold our Freedom Of Association, or is that reserved for indigenous only.
Shall we take indigenous activists & others to court for refusing to recognise Australia Fair, or the Australian flag!
Freedom of Association works both ways!
Watch the main stream media start backing off as soon as we scream “ Freedom of Association “!
It is welcome to country, not Australia. Just to set the record – welcome to country is only done by indigenous people. The minister refused to include one, not “do” one.
>welcome to country is only done by indigenous people
Excuse me??!! With all due respect Madame/Sir, what gives you the right to determine what race or ethnicity is permitted to indulge in whatever ritual at all?
I don’t have to be an indigine to welcome my city friends to country when they come up to visit. The fact that I am indigenous has absolutely nothing to do with my welcome. And if my Greek or Nepalese friends want to welcome me to country whenever they feel like it I will appreciate it with the spirit in which it was offered.
I have seen a Chinese leprechaun in the Saint Patrick’s Day parade and if the Irish can welcome a Chinaman as a Leprechaun then my Nepalese and Greek friends can perform welcome to country whenever they feel like it and if you are offended then please by all means make it illegal. Everything else is.
We are each indigenous in as many ways as we self identify.
Ernie Dingo, Perth, 1976. !🙄
The dumbing down of science
“Science” is whatever you want science to be!
I wish people wouldn’t say “sex” when they mean “gender”.
>I wish people wouldn’t say “sex” when they mean “gender”
I know, it’s confusing and I fell into that trap (no pun intended) just the other day when talking to a provocatively dressed person of indeterminate classification.
I asked her/him/zim/zer/xer/xim/whatever, if you don’t mind me asking, what is your sex? They answered, “anal”.
Wish I’d never asked.
But you did!
Sex is a biological concept … related to reproduction. It might seem icky at times, but a lot of other biological operations are also icky. All humans have the same basic reproductive process, requiring one male and one female to male a baby.
Gender is a linguistic concept only very loosely based on biology … with established traditions varying between cultures.
Yup! Most humans, animals, fishes, insects, trees, grasses, and whatever else. Now, there’s a leap I have never imagined, from animals to vegetation. But still you use that male and female system to reproduce.
Elon Musk has closed down the Brazilian operation of X due to censorship demands he was unwilling to comply with.
I can see him doing the same thing in other censorius regimes such as Australia and the unacceptable demands of the e Safety Kommissar.
Elon Musk is an outstanding African American.
X Global Government Affairs wrote this:
I can see the same thing happening in Australia, they can recycle this statement just by changing a few words.
I hope Brazilians and in future, Australians, will be able to access X via a VPN or direct satellite connection via Starlink. It’s possible for Governments or ISPs to block VPNs however. Starlink, not so much.
DM – you’ve no doubt seen by now Rob Braxman’s vid of smartphone numbers being identifiers for any and all internet activities.
You can’t hide, not any more.
VPN’s, proxies, Tor, and any tunneling technique is traceable.
Satellite? You have to sign up…
Those watching the laughable “Hunted” season 3 where the hunted clearly don’t have a clue, just like seasons 1 & 2, making the same basic mistakes over and over, just shows what a death sentence mobile phones and social media are.
Without those stupid mistakes, the self-aggrandising hunters would be helpless.
So, what is the pro-freedom and thinking communities meant to do?
Comply 😉
I repeat my link from yesterday
Spain was a warning (but no-one noticed).
Individual States ran up so much debt that Spain went into stagnation.
Obviously the Australian author can see the same situation here.
I recall reading that Spain, who had spent of lot on subsidising renewables, eventually pulled the pin on most of these subsidies. As far as relating their problems to Australia, I’m not sure that our banks are the same as theirs were, as I believe that our first-time lenders find it very difficult to establish a housing loan.
Early National Press Club rant. I almost missed these two –
Audrey Tang: From student protestor to the world’s first non-binary minister to global advocate for democracy and shaper of the future of TikTok, Audrey is a world-respected technologist and thinker.
E. Glen Weyl is a political economist, social innovator and founder of RadicalxChange Foundation, the Plurality Institute, and Microsoft Research’s Plural Technology Collaboratory.
Yep, bloke in a dress.
Following links to RadicalX and Quadratic Voting for example you can quickly see your vote will become several votes if you strongly believe in something. It’s called electoral fraud. The other links are equally revealing.
And the Plurality Institute? Ah, censoring the internet if the elites don’t approve.
It’s quite an interesting watch so far in that I don’t understand a word they say, which is concerning in itself. Naturally the journos present are right on board – “how do we tackle disinformation on the internet?”
Right in your face predictive programming going right over the heads of journos.
“tackle disinformation”
It’s not dissimilar to ‘tackling’ violence on women, or my favourite, ‘tackling climate change’.
Whoosh! There goes another phantom 💨
Tang: “the world’s first non-binary minister”
Rejects that gender can have any sense of “twoness”
Wehl: “founder of Microsofy Research’s Plural Technology”
Would have thought cultural pluralism to be incompatible with exclusion of binary perception
Rather binary thinking to decide that one thing is incompatible with anything else.
True plurality should be comfortable with utter contradiction.
Excess deaths going unnoticed in New Zealand.
Nothing to see here, it’s only 24%. And the Left think there are too many non-Elites on the planet anyway.
Link page gone
and that takes you to a working link.
For heavens sake when will this “ Raygun” BS stop. It not newsworthy & the whole episode more than absurd.
It’s almost as bad the USA’s Democrat presidential nomination.
It’s significant because the performance and her “academic” study and teaching of the topic is taxpayer funded.
And it has brought to public attention some of the nonsense taught in Australian “universities.
It’s not newsworthy but is cringeworthy and “The project” worthy.
ie worthless.
Her “breakdancing” sorta reminds me of that joke about throwing your washing into the bathtub when the occupant is having an epileptic fit.
…or winning the breakdance competition when just heading to the toilet
“For heavens sake when will this “ Raygun” BS stop. ”
When the crisis they don’t want us to notice has passed.. The Labor Parties are loving it, no-one noticing things going wrong on their watch, cost of living through the roof, electric car values crashing, new house starts in the dunny… & its a relief to all Ministers as they don’t have to scratch around making up sh1t to announce some new initiative to Make Australia Great Again, and the bureaurats are busy crafting rules to make sure we do as we’re told, with no-one watching them.
Crikey, one of the NPC journos asked a hard question along the lines of “I haven’t understood a word you’ve said, can you explain…?”
Of course they couldn’t and went off on another unintelligible reply about “raising the dignity of the person”. It’s must watch if you’re a masochist.
Who,where,what was the topic?
“Brilliant new documentary on The Taliban & The Biden Catastrophe. Lest We Forget.”
FWIW – a sermon on carbohydrates
“This IS How They Kill You”
An Amazing Detailed Summary
Why Did Barack Obama and Eric Holder Select Kamala?
August 18, 2024 – Sundance
The DNC Convention starts tomorrow.
I have been requested to repost “THE BIG WHY” explanation.
When we understand just how much corruption was needed in the weaponization of the modern IC, we start to understand why the effort to hide it will continue.
President Barack Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder did not create a weaponized DOJ and FBI; instead, what they did was take the preexisting system and retool it, so the weapons only targeted one side of the political continuum. This point is where many people understandably get confused.
Crime-filled Chicago displays all that’s wrong with Democrats in one failing city
By Miranda Devine
After nearly 100 years of Democratic rule, the Windy City is a basket case. Soaring crime, high taxes, crippling debt, crumbling infrastructure, and a declining population are just some of the miseries inflicted on its citizens.
Chicago is the murder capital of America — with someone shot every two hours and someone killed every 17 hours. So far this year, 353 victims, most of them black, have been murdered in Chicago. The homicide rate is five times higher than New York’s.
“Democrats wanted to hold the convention somewhere safer, but Beirut wasn’t available,” quipped one wag.
The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee
Kamala Harris Unveils New Economic Platform: ‘We Must Seize The Means Of Production And Execute The Bourgeoisie’
Gen Z voter flips from Sanders to Trump: Hard to vote for the party putting ‘tampons in boys’ bathrooms’
University of Illinois student Eann Tang said Democratic policies are just a ‘blanket promise for votes’
Ah. . . Hiding their platform under a policy of moderation. . . .
A reference site for Chicago mayhem.
Just a thought bubble. Chicago, a very strong democrat city where Obama started his political life as an organiser/activist. This is the same strong democrat city where a couple of “brave” maga hat wearing republicans felt safe enough to be on the street and beat up on poor Jussie Smollet. Of course the democrat law and legal system jumped right behind Smollet. Maybe those maga hat wearing racist republican bullies who were never caught (sarc) have learnt how to shoot… the left don’t hesitate to eat their own if necessary. For the good of the nation of (main) course.
Alzheimer’s May Not Actually Be a Brain Disease, Expert Reveals
In July 2022, Science magazine reported that a key 2006 research paper, published in the prestigious journal Nature, which identified a subtype of brain protein called beta-amyloid as the cause of Alzheimer’s, may have been based on fabricated data.
One year earlier, in June 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration had approved aducanumab, an antibody-targeting beta-amyloid, as a treatment for Alzheimer’s, even though the data supporting its use were incomplete and contradictory.
Based on our past 30 years of research, we no longer think of Alzheimer’s as primarily a disease of the brain. Rather, we believe that Alzheimer’s is principally a disorder of the immune system within the brain.
The immune system, found in every organ in the body, is a collection of cells and molecules that work in harmony to help repair injuries and protect from foreign invaders.
We believe that beta-amyloid is not an abnormally produced protein, but rather is a normally occurring molecule that is part of the brain’s immune system. It is supposed to be there.
When brain trauma occurs or when bacteria are present in the brain, beta-amyloid is a key contributor to the brain’s comprehensive immune response. And this is where the problem begins.
Which is what I said ages ago…
The brain has its own microbiome like the gut and they’re good buddies too!
That is interesting since the Covid vax’s are associated with an increase in Alzheimers.
A likely link is that the vax damages the immune system and crosses the blood brain barrier.
We all have to feel sorry for the purveyors of weather dependent subsidy farms. This is the sad tale of the obstacles they face:
Approval time frames:
3488 days for wind projects (9.5 years)
705 days for solar projects (2.5 years)
530 days for battery projects (1.5 years)
Imagine if they were dealing with aboriginal communities to build these things.
It does not matter because very little will change, no matter the installed WDG capacity, until Florence has done 17,000m of tunnel. After 3.5 years progress is a whopping 850m. Extrapolating the achieved rate gives 70 years. It is getting worse rather than better.. So Snowy 2 could be up and running by 2090. Until then, getting renewable penetration is no different to pushing on string. New capacity just reduces CF of existing units.
Meanwhile rooftops should surpass wind as the most productive source of weather dependent energy in Q4 2024.
The lunatics pushing this fantasy must come to a realisation in the near future that it is a fantasy.
Meanwhile us plebs have to endure the boiling oceans until the the collective governments can fix the weather.
I can guarantee that Australia will not have 82% of its electricity coming from weather dependent sources by 2030.
It could, but it wouldn’t be available 24/7.
That looks like a rash guarantee to me, based on a false premise. I suggest that better wording would be “I can guarantee that Australia will not have 82% of its electricity needs coming from weather dependent sources by 2030.”. They have already blown up some reliable power stations, they can easily get above 82% by blowing up the others.
We are heading for having electricity only when it happens to be available, not when it is needed.
Can and plastic bottle recycling in Sweden
That’s about $27 AUD!!
Here in Oz its a great system too. Manual collection points where you place your bottles in trays and hand over at a counter where the refund is manually worked out and they hand you the cash. Then there is the automated (exactly as in the video) where you dump (like he did) or feed into a conveyor belt bottle by bottle and get the refund voucher which (where I go) you can convert to cash at any woolies grocery store or use toward your purchases.
With late teen/early 20s cost of living victim children at home it is amazing how quick the stock of used bottles/cans build up at 10c refund each = $$$. Back when cans were paid for by weight you would often see people collecting from street bins but haven’t seen this now so clearly a lot of households are recycling themselves and not worth the scavenge.
I remember a friend whose eldest boy (about 8) wanted to collect discarded alumium cans, which permission was granted (on the basis that the boy would learn that hard work meant rewards).
When he checked on the spot behind the garage he was gob-smacked. As he said after carting said cans to the recycling point (in his station wagon) “have you any idea how much 5 tons of cans are?”
The eldest boy had corralled his brothers and local boys as collectors on the promise that they could ride his new bike (from the proceeds).
The eldest boy was a multimillionaire by 32.
Hit the nail on the head Earl. ‘Not worth the scavenge’
The truth is the cost to collect and transport the containers to a depot, wait in line and then sort and collect payment is like renewable energy, costs more than you save. Say for a hours work, the cost of transport etc, you would feed in 150 containers and receive $15.00.
The whole setup is nothing to do with recycling. Every package sold is taxed 10 (?) cents by a Not for Profit. Most of the containers were already sorted and collected at the refuse stations or by councils at any rate
Queensland appears to churn containers for little value using a ‘Not for Profit’
Nice profit!
Note 3. Income
Container refund Scheme income
2023 425,740,087
2022 380,636,259
Sale of recycled goods
2023 26,331,059
2022 33,222,810
Other revenue
2023 –
2022 9,599
Other income
2023 1,200,000
2022 –
Interest revenue
2023 3,479,902
2022 237,116
Gain/loss on disposal – plant and equipment
2023 9,275
2022 –
Total Income
2023 456,760,323
2022 414,105,784
Note more containers sold to public for less revenue for the collected recycled product.
So $456 million dollars taken from Queenslander’s pockets to pay for $26 million dollars of recycled material. Year on year and extra $45 Million taken for $7 million less recycled product.
The aim would be to get the amount recycled down to zero.
As I said the Queenslanders would already have been recycling their rubbish or paying councils to recycle at refuse stations before this new revenue stream was instigated.
We give ours to a nearby CFA. I guess they do much better now than alooominum by weight.
Today is recycle bin collection in our area. Today was the first time I have seen kids scavenging the bins for recyclable items.
They were going from bin-to-bin on small electric bikes carrying huge plastic bags on their backs. They did not even dismount to check the bins. If it looked good pickings, they would dismount and start digging through the bin.
I got pocket money in preteen years collecting bottles from the Nerang River near Southport when the islands behind Surfers Paradise were still mangroves.
Unresponsive patients show signs of consciousness
New research from Mass General Brigham found that brain scans can detect consciousness in some unresponsive brain injury patients. The study tested 241 patients using fMRI and EEG while giving them instructions like “imagine opening and closing your hand.”
Results showed that 25% of participants followed these instructions in their brains, even if they didn’t show outward signs of awareness. This condition, called cognitive motor dissociation, means these patients can think and remember, even if their motor skills seem absent.
Researchers studied 241 patients who didn’t respond to instructions and 112 who did. Surprisingly, 62% of the responsive group didn’t show brain activity, suggesting they followed instructions and highlighting the complexity of these tests.
What a nightmare such an existence would be, no motor control but conscious.
Reminiscent of late Robin Williams 1990 film Awakenings.
We still have a lot to learn….
Death – Departing Earth And Turning Homeward.
Indeed. I developed a temporary motor paralysis associated with appendicitis as a six-year old. A nightmare I haven’t forgotten.
Victoriastan public serpents to get $5600 one-off payment for “cost of living”.
If the true inflation rate was only 3.8% according to the Official Narrative they wouldn’t need this payment would they?
But I think the real purpose is to continue to purchase their loyalty so they continue to be quiet about massive government graft and corruption.
It’s amazing that the Government knows it can get away with this without much scrutiny from the media or “opposition”.
<he real purpose is to continue to purchase their loyalty so they continue to be quiet about massive government graft and corruption
$5600 would make a big difference to the most disadvantaged in our communities.
It’s not going to make a big difference to those already on middle incomes.
The old-age pensioners are forgotten again.
Sadly, not enough people understand or appreciate the concept of Western Civilisation for it to have a great chance of survival.
It has obviously had its day, the same as any business. Those who worked to introduce it gained from it as it grew, their children and grandchildren expanded it and drove it forward, then it peaked and now the nephews and nieces who grew up in the wealth are pissing it up against a wall with no idea of how it works.
It seems that no matter how good a civilisation may be, it still peaks and rots from within like a fruit. No doubt we have gone forward and then gone backwards many times in the human history. Our descendants may look at a lot of old broken machinery and wonder what it did.
You could accelerate this by paying the stupid to breed while enticing the intelligent not to, and importing large number of immigrants from cultures so different they have no idea how a civilisation works, or what is expected of them.
There is no logic to Leftist “thinking” but if there were, I would be wondering why they revere that instrument of female oppression, the burkha.
I have long been puzzled by some of the Left’s chosen issues and beliefs which, in many cases, seem contradictory or incompatible. Now I just believe that they pretty much automatically take the opposite stance to conservatives. It’s that simple. If conservatives support it, leftists will oppose it. If conservatives oppose something, leftists will support it. This is what leads them into such ludicrous movements as ‘Gays for Palestine’.
Think of it as a variation on the old, ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend.’
The Logies – like who cares!
Perhaps combine with “cheaper” energy sources?
Or simply produce fertilizer closer to where it needs to be used….
What’s Really Happening with Mpox (Moneypock$)
The World Health Organization (WHO) acted as expected this week and declared Mpox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). So, a problem in a small number of African countries that has killed about the same number of people this year as die every four hours from tuberculosis has come to dominate international headlines. This is raising a lot of angst from some circles against the WHO.
The current PHEIC was mainly precipitated by the ongoing outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), though there are known outbreaks in nearby countries covering a number of clades. About 500 people have died from Mpox in DRC this year, over 80% of them under 15 years of age. In that same period, about 40,000 people in DRC, mostly children under 5 years, died from malaria. The malaria deaths were mainly due to lack of access to very basic commodities like diagnostic tests, antimalarial drugs, and insecticidal bed nets, as malaria control is chronically underfunded globally. Malaria is nearly always preventable or treatable if sufficiently resourced.
During this same period in which 500 people died from Mpox in DRC, hundreds of thousands also died in DRC and surrounding African countries from tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and the impacts of malnutrition and unsafe water. Tuberculosis alone kills about 1.3 million people globally each year, which is a rate about 1,500 times higher than Mpox in 2024.
Of particular note too is that most patients in S. Africa have made a full recovery.
Nope, MP isn’t the next big one, that’s still an unknown for now but 2025 will be its birth year.
Weapons of Mass Delusion
White Millionaires of Davos
While Malaria Destroys…
won’t somebody think of the children’s children
Dr W H O ?
The WHO has an agenda The agenda is about power for the WHO, not about people’s health.
I refuse to call monkeypox by its rebranded name of mpox. Apparently it was rebranded because the old name was supposedly “racist” according to the World Homicide Organisation but I think that’s BS.
It’s called monkeypox because it was first identified in laboratory monkeys.
Are they going to rebrand chickenpox and cowpox now?
It seems only Leftists think it’s racist and they are the ones projecting their own racist views.
Ironically, the ones who renamed it caused the masses to form the connection between monkeys and Africans.
Presumably Orangutanpox isn’t much better.
“Presumably Orangutanpox isn’t much better.”
I wonder what monkeys and Orangutans call it when they catch it from humans?
If it were Orangutanpox it would have had to originate somewhere other than Africa?
“It’s called monkeypox because it was first identified in laboratory monkeys.”
Was it ever found in wild monkeys?
Or were the laboratory monkeys given/exposed to something concocted in the laboratory, hence it being “first identified in laboratory monkeys”? Were these monkeys the first ever incidence of the pox? Did it originate in Africa, or did it take a trip back there?
Strangely, the bird flu outbreak in Victoria was close to a laboratory messing with this stuff, similarly the supposed source of the Wu flu being close to a laboratory that messes with this stuff.
Maybe these “scientists” should not be messing with this stuff in the first place.
Rabbit hole stuff maybe, but I have absolutely no trust whatsoever in any pronouncements from the WHO or government “health” folks any more. I just take the stance that they’re all lying until I can see proof to the contrary. Their past conduct kind of leads one to doubt …
Ivermectin Is One Of The Most Violent Fertility Toxins I’ve Ever Come Across
And I didn’t know this because, like you, you probably didn’t think to do the deep research. And I didn’t.
It’s like if you don’t get jabbed and avoid impacts on your fertility, a good chunk of you will take ivermectin instead.
Many of the supplements, including most of the really famous ones, hamper the elimination from your body of ivermectin. So if you are a person that thinks, well, I’m going to take care of my health and not have the jabs, I’ve got this ivermectin that will protect me, and I’ve got all these other supplements. And those supplements stop your body eliminating ivermectin.
I shall ask my colleague Ivor Mektin…
I don’t know about the fertility aspects, but I do know this:
During the coronavirus panic, Ivermectin was, according to our government, one of the most dangerous and ineffective substances on the planet. Just saying that name was enough to get doctors struck off. But later on, when the medical profession prescribed it for me to treat something else, suddenly Ivermectin was completely harmless and had no side effects. I have now finished my course of Ivermectin (4 pills a week for 4 weeks) and I can indeed testify to having suffered no harm and experienced no side effects.
I find I cannot forgive the authoritarian ignoramuses that ruled us through the pandemic. I want prosecutions. I want them to lose their jobs, just like the people they were supposed to help lost their jobs. And some of those people died.
The young people were not really seriously at risk from COVID in the first place … and taking a basic multivitamin is generally a good idea for both the immune system and fertility. There’s your easiest, cheapest and safest option.
The older people who were genuinely at risk from COVID mostly want to stay alive and fertility is not their main concern. They might as well take whatever works.
Finally … provided that the ivermectin does gradually clear through the body, any fertility setbacks will be short term, and you can always keep trying and the baby will come along when the time is right. Other types of damage to fertility can be permanent.
Did he write anything about it, or is it just for the illiterates who need videos?
A quick search indicates that the infertility claim is probably a crock.
There’s been a lot of studies on side effects of ivermectin, in a wide range of situations and the only effect related to fertility was low sperm count in men … and that was temporary.
A lot of ivermectin has been used in sheep and cattle industries and I
ve never heard of any effects on fertility in either
If Japan and China Go To War, Who Loses (video)
“Reality Is An Inherent Problem”
VIDEO: What are the impacts of Australia’s rising EV use on the grid?
At timecode 1:42 a spokesperson for the Western Power network was talking up the possibility of EVs being used as a source of grid power in times of high demand.
I do hope that is not an attempt to handball responsibility for grid stability over to the average car buyer, because that is what it sounded like.
DON’T buy an EV, unless you are happy for the government to discharge its battery into the grid just when you thought you had it all charged up and ready to drive.