A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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(Monash U) Scholars aim to tackle ‘toxic masculinity’ in high school, blame Jordan Peterson
“Toxic masculinity” is just the Left’s agenda to destroy traditional male virtues, behaviours and to feminise men and ultimately destroy the traditional family unit.
This time they’re blaming Peterson for imagined toxic masculinity. At least it’s a change from blaming Trump.
They are trying to deny innate differences between men and women.
Although, despite the Left saying men and women are the same, in the typical hypocritical manner of the Left, it doesn’t stop them heavily pushing the transgender agenda which has as its core belief the (correct) idea that men and women really are different, albeit with the appalling life-destroying lie that it’s possible to actually change genders.
Incidentally Jordan Peterson is opening an online school.
Something along the lines of a distinction without a difference? And never mind the chromosomes. Now move along. Nothing to see here.
I wonder if what passes for thinking among the bad guys goes something like men and women are the same, so it is of no consequence to change from one to the other, so shut up.
Would they complain about a fit young lady in a pink g-string bikini at a public waterpark in Oz as she represents toxic femininity?
The blue-haired shriekers, feminists and chonkies aren’t happy at the moment.😎
/complain if you’re inferior is their ethic
Militant feminists have an enormous influence on the political left and are responsible for many of the most extreme policies and demands. I can’t fathom why feminists have adopted the trans cause but there is no doubt that they are the reason trans people seem to have absurdly out of proportion power relative to their numbers. The hallmarks of extreme feminism is apparent in many of the left’s debating tactics too, such as exploding into emotional rage when asked to provide evidence for their insane opinions, rather than defend them with logic and reason.
Dead right Steve. Just take a look at the controversial ‘womens’ boxing match which took place in Paris yesterday. A trans(bloke) Algerian fighter, Imane Khelif, was pitted against Italy’s Angela Carini. This travesty ended after 47 seconds and a suspected broken nose when Carini tearfully threw in the towel, declaring she had never been hit so hard. We have shelters in this country to protect women from this very circumstance, and I cannot believe female athletes do not boycott these events en masse when faced with this absurd, woke ideology.
That incident along with the other Strong Woman incidents will doubtless provide much cognitive dissonance which in a rational mind would lead to learning. Other minds strongly resist learning because it challenges their power base.
It’s the same old thing that it is hard to make somebody understand something when his pay cheque depends on him not understanding.
Having spent some time in the ring in my youth, I have always been of the opinion that it is not an activity suited to women. I do not think their physical make up is robust enough to withstand such ferocious full contact combat. However, if they must participate, it should be on an equal basis with their opponents. We have weight divisions for a reason and I know how it feels to take on somebody larger and heavier whether inside the ring or outside. Apparently this person has XY chromosomes and high levels of testosterone, that seems to indicate that they are male.
I realise there are people born with rare conditions regarding gender, but if those people wish to compete, they should be aiming up, not down.
Having spent some time in the ring in my youth, I have always been of the opinion that it is not an activity suited to women. I do not think their physical make up is robust enough to withstand such ferocious full contact combat. However, if they must participate, it should be on an equal basis with their opponents. We have weight divisions for a reason and I know how it feels to take on somebody larger and heavier whether inside the ring or outside. Apparently this person has XY chromosomes and high levels of testosterone, that seems to indicate that they are male.
I realise there are people born with rare conditions regarding gender, but if those people wish to compete, they should be aiming up, not down.
Sorry, received a ‘unknown server error’ causing duplicate post.
What ? Has Tony Abbott got the day off?
Guess where electricity ranks in Australia’s inflation and cost of living crisis?
The Australian Government is lying about the inflation rate. It’s not 3.8% as claimed.
Everybody I know who actually pays their own bills and who does their own shopping realises the true rate is more like 25% to 30%.
You won’t find too many items, if any, that have only gone up by 3.8%.
People who actually work for a living notice, politicians and senior public serpents might not.
Was only saying this to husband yesterday. The astronomical increase in insurances & Council rates alone must affect the inflation figures, as well as groceries. Increases in so many areas are at least 7-10%, & many in double digit figures. We gasped at the 3.8%.
There’s a website here, which contains many grocery prices going back approx to 2018. Although some years are missing for some items, depending on what was available online. For example … basic sausage rolls.
Often groceries will oscillate in price, catching the people who are busy and don’t check closely on the higher price … scroll down there’s a graph of historical trends. Depending on how you want to judge that average, the price inflation for that item would be perhaps 6% per annum.
The same site has all sorts of products on there, so it makes a handy reference. Obviously not including electricity.
I’ve mentioned this before –
June last year the two fuel and one oil filter set for a diesel Landcruiser was about $82.
June this year the same brand set was $132
So funny seeing them scream about 5% interest rates.. they have no idea what life is like under 13%!
‘Neither a borrower nor a lender be’.
Banana Republic
‘The all-time record for high interest rates (23 per cent) goes to the “short sharp squeeze” under the Whitlam government, but Howard, as Treasurer, managed a creditable second place with 21.4 per cent in April 1982.
‘The peak for Hawke-Keating was 18 per cent under in 1989, but by 1993, interest rates had already fallen back to historically low levels.’ (John Quiggin)
Bit of an empty argument really. The amounts being borrowed (multiples of average salary) were much much less then. There is little to be smug about “surviving” those times.
The 13% was a relatively brief aberration but “neutral” rates have historically been of this order. I don’t think I was paying much under 10% for my mortgage in the ’60s. I remember when household appliances were expensive and everyone bought them on HP [including a car] on 10% flat ie 20% reducing.
I have no debt and have let all my insurances lapse and save about $200/w so I’m doin’ OK but if you are working, paying off the house and car you cannot make this choice.
Grocery prices have stabilised and petrol is still where it was a couple of years ago here but I think our market is super competitive with maybe 10 new servos opening lately.
My conclusion is that anywhere that gov. has an influence inflation is high but real competition is working elsewhere.
The Paris Woke Sh*t Show
Putin’s Russia is looking better every day.
An invasion of Europe may be required to save it.
Ever since the 2015/16 migrant crisis, Syrians have arrived in Germany in ever-increasing numbers, and now number at least 972,000 at the end of 2023, according to Statista. There are 22 million Syrians living in Syria itself, meaning those in Germany represent nearly 1 for every 20 in their native country.
Germany: Journalist for pro-migrant Spiegel Magazine complains on X after being punched in the face by 13-year-old Syrian.
Meanwhile in Australia, traitor Penny Wong has invited 800 HAMAS terrorists to ply their trade in Australia.
Men do not belong in women’s sports and certainly shouldn’t be actually enjoying punching women. Sad pathetic inferior men they are. They need professional help, not a trophy.
Russia banned McDonalds, social media, youtube, lgbtqp+-×÷
Soon they’ll be the healthiest, happiest, most well adjusted culture out there.😆
They have junk food equivalents of McDs.
Wouldn’t just cancelling the Olympics be better than starting a war?
Welcome the Warmth
“At dawn today (30th July) mid-winter in sunny Queensland, it was zero degrees on the lawn outside our kitchen and the small water tub for our chooks was iced over.
Every morning, as soon as it gets light, Judy puts a winter coat over her jamas, adds gloves, glasses, rubber boots, a beanie and a walking stick (icy grass is very slippery). She then trudges down the hill to check any new-born lambs and then lets the sheep out of their dingo-proof night-camp into their paddock for the day. As soon as they are let out, they dribble into a long line and, led by the wisest old ewe, they wend their way across the frosty flat and then make their way up the hill to the highest point facing the morning sun.
Unlike Green politicians, sheep are not stupid. They know that warm air rises so in winter they camp at the highest point they can find. And in cold mornings, they try to catch the early rising sun.”
Viv Forbes
I’d rather have a sheep working in Parliament than a Green, Labor or most Liberal politicians.
Nevertheless, I was once doing cardiac pacemaker implant trials in sheep. I went out to the group pen and found about eight sheep all walking in circles and following each other, stuck in an infinite loop.
Sheep were used in implant trials because of a similar body mass to humans, and similar heart structure although their hearts didn’t have as many (or any) trabeculae as human hearts have.
Circulus in probando.
As someone put it in a letter to The Spectator:
Sheep are very good at being sheep.
They can recognise individual human faces
And they can solve simple practical problems.
Only the last factor makes a political career unlikely.
I like that!
Plus, sheep don’t screw over their species for a margin…
Johnny, our cattle do the same thing – every frosty morning they can be found wherever the sun hits first.
Sheep, cattle and horses are definitely not stupid, though they can be silly at times. Silly is very different from stupid. I’ve noticed the same with chooks too.
All these animals will rest in the sun early in the day, especially in winter. In rainy weather they gather under the trees and likewise on a hot summer’s day.
Our son’s black labrador in Dubai used to go out in high summer (mid 40s) for 20 mins and then come in, having had his ration of sun!
Our resident roos are agile wallabies and the name is apt.
One drizzly night the birds on the roof sounded as if they were wearing boots. Curious, I walked up the back where the block rises and there was a wallaby there, out of the rain under an eave, and this is a double story house. Got there, I assume jumping from a block fence onto the neighbours garage onto his roof. The last jump would have been a big one. I cannot guess WHY.
My dog is a bit lazier, he just gets into bed with me, but we’ve only had a few mornings down to 10 deg.
The wrong side won the war.
Putin’s Russia is looking better every day.
An invasion of Europe may be required to save it.
You are one very sick puppy.
At the Olympic festival of debauchery, there is a biological male fighting (boxing) and winning against females.
Imane Khelif from Algeria has XY chromosomes and identifies as female but is not transgender. He suffers from a rare disorder of sexual development whereby he appears somewhat female, probably with feminine-like genitalia, but has typical male levels of testosterone thus has all the biological advantages that males have in sport.
He is not a deliberate cheat like typical M->F transgenders in sport but has a tragic abnormality.
There is also another athlete so afflicted, see below.
They are prohibited from international boxing competition but can compete in the Olympics.
It’s tragic but, since he really is a male and most importantly has typical male levels of testosterone, I think he should compete in male competitions. If the person was a female that had injected that level of testosterone they would be banned.
Back in the day, they had separate competitions for men and women. They should reinstate that.
In a running race, a woman can lose to a man. No harm done.
Jumping, throwing, swimming, archery, rhythmic gymnastics – the same. No harm done.
Boxing is a fight – the boxers aim to damage each other.
If one hits twice as hard, then significant, even fatal, damage can be done.
Does the IOC care about the athletes?
Looks not.
Once upon a time these people performed in a circus. Same today.
Incidentally, I have no real interest in the Olympics apart from concerns about the debauchery of the opening ceremony and the above issue.
As Juvenal said in about the year 100CE, panem et circenses.
I took Latin classes at High School mainly becuase the Latin teacher was young and attractive.
Always good to have the opportunity to confirm this was not a complete waste of time since Latin was much harder than maths and science which I found easy.
“Salus populi suprema lex esto” is another quote of Cicero which has been forgotten by today’s leftist politicians.
Oh dear! I’ve forgotten most of my Latin! 🙁
Wassat then?
I’m not as old as you lot? 😆
In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas – In wine there is truth, in water there is cleanliness.
“In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas – In wine there is truth, in water there is cleanliness.”
In the UK, after the privatised utilities got hold of the sewage works, I would seriously question the
“in water there is cleanliness” bit.
But I imagine the Beige Knight will nationalise them all, with no significant microbiological improvement [whatever the press releases say] – and much gold wasted.
Amjad Masad: The Cults of Silicon Valley, Woke AI, and Tech Billionaires Turning to Trump (video)
Slack knee fair weather friends , they know who butters their bread.
New Scenario: NW-ACCESS-Buildings/Alley-1/2-3/4 to address.
Something like this needs to be developed following Thursday #11:
‘Copenhaver’ video
‘Spa Guy Butler’ drone video
‘Daily Mail’ video – Crooks on roof, adjacent gutter
No ladder
Crooks accessed NW of Building 3/4 between 1/2 and 3/4 – Alley/Shed, somewhere near in ‘Spa Guy Butler’ drone video.
Crooks crossed Building 3/4 roof – ‘Copenhaver’ video up to @ 0:01.
Crooks crossed East-end Link Canopy – ‘Copenhaver’ video @ 0:01 – 0:07 (missing head).
Crooks at gutter of Building 5/6 adj. E-e Link, placed Bag – ‘Daily Mail’ video @ 0:08 – 0:14.
Crooks at ridge of Building 5/6 in shooting position – ‘Copenhaver’ video @ 0:07.
Building 1/2-3/4 Alley => Across 3/4 roof => Across E-e Link => Straight up to Ridge => Shooting position.
Trump rally gunman Thomas Crooks stopped firing after local officer shot at him
Washington Post
The shot from the local officer caused the would-be assassin to temporarily recoil from his perch on a rooftop, according to the two officials and a Washington Post analysis of video evidence. Crooks’ retreat coincided with a 10-second pause in shooting, according to audio experts who examined the gunshots, a critical period that ended when the Secret Service countersniper shot and killed him.
One of the people who spoke to the Post, a local law enforcement officer close to the investigation, did so on the condition of anonymity. The other, Richard Goldinger, the district attorney for Butler County, confirmed a member of the county’s Emergency Services Unit (ESU), similar to a Swat team, fired a shot at Crooks that prompted a reaction from the gunman.
“I don’t know if the officer actually hit Crooks and don’t believe he fired the neutralising shot,” Goldinger, who oversees the emergency services unit, said in a text message. But Goldinger said he believed the officer’s shot caused Crooks to stop firing his weapon, buying the Secret Service snipers time to kill the gunman.
A third person familiar with the investigation, also speaking on the condition of anonymity, confirmed the Butler officer shot at Crooks before the Secret Service countersniper fired. The person said investigators have not found evidence the local officer’s round struck the gunman, but witnesses said Crooks appeared to move after that shot was fired.
# # #
A bit more to consider – maybe – Washington Post.
Why has the autopsy report not been released?
Where in the body had Crookes been shot and by how many bullets and by what likely calibre?
A Secret Service shot to the head with a sniper bullet would have blow Crookes head to pieces.
“Investigators have not found evidence the local officer’s round struck the gunman, ”
Ah, so there is a coroner’s report that we’re not allowed to see…
A well-planned tried-and-tested plot, in my view, that strayed from the script.
How many rounds did Crooks fire, at what point was he shot and by whom?
How did Crooks have certain knowledge of the specific security weaknesses that allowed him to fire on the President from such a prominent position?
Why is there no drone video recordings of the roof after the shooting but before any police contaminated the crime scene?
Why no security camera coverage of the AGR building?
>Why is there no drone video recordings of the roof after the shooting but before any police contaminated the crime scene?
USSS had no drone surveillance at the rally. See #9.2.1 downthread.
>Why no security camera coverage of the AGR building?
I’ve looked at the ‘Spa Guy Butler’ drone video several times and I don’t see any security cameras. But I’ll keep an eye out because I’m sure I’ll be viewing that drone video over and over.
Have you seen this one Richard;
Adds a bit for the one shooter theory,
I watched the body cam where a G man counted 8 casings on the roof. The body had not been removed so this would have been before any stories had been decided upon. That would need to be shown as fake for any two shooter story to be valid.
I know nothing.
“Lead Secret Service Agent Called Off Security from Building Roof Before Sniper Shot President Trump – And She Is Still Deciding Security and Advance Teams at Rallies”
Secret Service Not Using Drones to Monitor Trump Rally Under Scrutiny
>Crooks accessed NW of Building 3/4 between 1/2 and 3/4 – Alley/Shed, somewhere near
I don’t think alley “between 1/2 and 3/4” for the following reasons [Y] but I do think “somewhere near” as detailed below [X].
[Y] I’m discounting Spa Guy’s climb and any access via the “between 1/2 and 3/4” alley. I don’t think Spa Guy’s crossover can be made (but maybe). Also discounting a running jump to get hands on Link roof and haul up because that Link roof slopes down West-East i.e. a higher jump on the West side than East side (but not impossible IMO).
Before going to [X] but referring to the ‘Spa Guy’ video, there’s a bike and bag @ 0:13. I think that belongs to “black gloves guy” in ‘Montage’ photo (left):
I think he spoke to a cop in one video too.
In other words – not Crooks bike/bag.
[X] There’s what I think is an easy climb “somewhere near” in the ‘Spa Guy Butler’ drone video @ 0:50-0:53 on the left of screen at a smaller ancillary building. Goes out of view @ 0:55.
There’s a small exterior unit (pump?) under an open sided shelter. Easy climb to top of shelter and then top of shelter to roof. The wall height is a lot less there than the Link in the “1/2 and 3/4” alley. That’s because the “1/2 and 3/4” alley is BELOW natural ground level (see @ 0.54-1.07). Note the low retaining wall on Nth end of 2nd story structure (same at other end where Crooks was photographed).
The ancillary building is at natural ground level on the other hand i.e. less height to scale than in the alley. And there’s an intermediate step on to the shelter roof anyway.
Once on top of the ancillary building it’s just a roof-top walk across Building roofs and Link Canopies to the roof of the 5/6 Building.
That route corresponds with Crooks head becoming visible 0:00-0.01 in the ‘Copenhaver’ video. He was on the 3/4 roof in that time space (IMO, Leo concurs).
Thanks for the time and effort you are putting into this. Your investigation of public knowledge will make it harder for the powers that be to hide.
Your efforts are highlighting that security services did none of that basic research before the event, though they were aware of multiple line-of-sight positions on AGR buildings to President Trump’s podium.
After multiple alerts about a particular suspect, there was no effective increase in surveillance of possible sniper positions in the near vicinity.
Counter-sniper teams were not alerted, even though they were the only observers in place who could detect a sniper moving into position.
Instead, the response to the first alert was to remove possible observers from the AGR building to aimlessly search for the suspect outside.
Crooks may well have been signalling that he was ready and only needed to wait for the further reduction in security to proceed.
Leo >Your efforts [Crooks head becoming visible]
It was you that first suggested that at that point he was on the next building. I just ran with it because it made sense.
We don’t know for sure but it does explain a lot.
Crooks was probably first seen by spectators when he crossed from one roof to the other.
He shuffled about to avoid having legs overhanging the roof as he removed his pack, took out the rifle, and extended the stock.
He then stood up and walked up the slope, lifted the rifle at a standing firing position, then the shooting began- 8 rounds in less than 6 seconds, an 11 second pause, and a final shot.
Did he really take the first three shots from that position without taking a reasonable time to evaluate Trump’s position?
Or, more plausibly, did he wait for someone else to take the first shots?
Crooks and President Trump went down at about the same time.
If there was another shooter, was Crooks role merely to aim at centre stage and fire into the audience?
Leo >they were aware of multiple line-of-sight positions on AGR buildings
Hard to miss that I would have thought.
I’ve been amazed by the number of people within the AGR property and grounds (including a horse!!?). It is not part of the showgrounds; it is private property (AGR probably leases).
Crooks is reported to have made 3 visits and flown a drone !!.
That whole property should have been out-of-bounds. Ok, great under the trees so maybe an area cordoned off but no-one should have been allowed to wander round the complex.
Going by the cars in the carpark there were people working the weekend. Ok, police used the carpark too (and admitted it in text by going off-shift guy) but most of the the cars looked like AGR employee cars. I’ve worked in complexes like that: the carparks are the worst place for petty theft (e.g. hospital carparks in NZ).
But then, what about the security of the AGR assets and staff? I would have thought AGR mgt would have been all over that too but no apparently.
There should have been security in the AGR property even over night – that’s what’s done at the sports ground along the road from where I live when there’s a major event going on like international cricket.
I just cannot get my head around the complete laxity at every level. Sure the grunts at the bottom of the pecking order probably didn’t have any say but up the order no excuse.
>great under the trees
Struck me as a nice place to work if you’re stuck inside all day in the work hours.
At least during breaks you could get out in the park-like grounds, have lunch, and go for a walk and get some sun. My kind of workplace in that respect.
And a carpark! There’s people around NZ that would walk over broken glass for a free work carpark.
>I would have thought AGR mgt would have been all over that [security] too but no apparently.
The mgt at just about any kiwifruit post-harvest complex in NZ similar to AGR would run rings around AGR.
Last place I worked – 400 per shift, 2 shifts a day. Shift going out passing shift coming in. That’s main season but still vigilant the rest of the year.
Security watching carpark and personal gear, prowling around the complex, at the gate checking incoming and outgoing.
Anyone could enter AGR, and still did even after, but mgt unconcerned – amazes me.
Indeed. That laxity was negligent at best.
Consider the political backdrop for this rally.
The media hate campaign portraying Trump as Hitler resurrected to destroy American democracy, Democrat anti-Trump dwarfing pro-Biden advertising, Biden calling on donors to “target” Trump, and his comment a couple of days before the Butler rally that “It’s time to put Trump in a bull’s-eye”.
Less than a week earlier, NY Post columnist Paul Sperry emphasised Biden’s veiled threat that Trump has not been challenged “in a way he’s about to be challenged.”
Thinking about the trading in of Biden for Harris: it is not just about keeping Trump out of the Whitehouse and clearing the way for a BO 4th term. It’s about saving their brand. The Dem’s agenda has failed so spectacularly during the last 3 1/2 years, just a crash and burn train wreck, that a Trump administration, without needing to worry about getting reelected, will likely do the opposite. That is; succeed in spectacular fashion in relative terms. The people who are not done with the Dems already, will see the contrast and the Dem’s brand will be finished.
Think about it, everything they touched turned to crap. Everything.
They are desperately trying to pin it all on biden as they dump him overboard, but don’t fall for it. The Democrat Party owns it, and Harris was, and is, a big part of the $&%! Show.
It doesn’t really matter. Kamala is a rent-a-crowd (literally) non-achieving lying puppet like Biden; a face for the deep state.
Trump won’t fix anything or be allowed to.
Doug Casey, always a good read, did a summary recently:
The fourth turning is here.
Casey is indeed a good read and what he says is more than plausible. It is however somewhat fatalistic.
Two things worth exploring are the changes in progress in Argentina, and the power of the individual to live their lives in the presence of opportunistic evil. After all, the renaissance happened and my bet is that Orwell’s vision of a jackboot on a face forever will inspire those who have the courage to resist.
I consider myself extremely lucky to have lived in better days and I’m confident better days are ahead. It is just unlikely to be in my lifetime.
No-one will have long to wait.
“There’s an old adage: “Whenever America catches a cold, the rest of the world comes down with pneumonia.” Which means that when The Fourth Turning hits the USA hard, as it will with the climax of the 2024 election cycle, the entire planetary civilization will also get busted upside the head with a four-by-four.”
“For the attainment of human immortality is nothing but a satanic desire to usurp the divine. ”
Nuts! Its the normal thing for any living being, everyone wants to live as long as possible.
“Those who are completely broke, busted and disgusted need to know that a strong connection with the divine is the ONLY solution. For when The Great Leveler cometh, those who are disconnected from the Supreme Being will have nothing to support them, and nothing to hang on to.”
Yeah, but Christians might be praying to the wrong God, there will be a lot of upset people when Krishna appears in the clouds, or Allah..
” America could enter a new golden age, triumphantly applying shared values to improve the human condition. ”
No irony there? Can anyone see anything in the USA right now that is good for the world?
” It is very likely that Barack Obama will lead the country into the next Crisis. He will not lead us out of the Crisis, as it is unlikely to subside until 2025.”
Well, yes, that’s still ongoing…
So, written over 10years ago, and we’re still waiting. Things have got worse but not yet collapsed.
Everything I read tells me that election law in America simply does not allow one candidate to step aside, then hand his/her campaign machine and donations to another candidate. There is a complex and lengthy process to follow if a person is to run for the presidency, not least because millions of dollars have to be collected, spent and accounted for. There is also the question of putting together a campaign team, including some very senior folks to actually run it. Each of those people have to follow a separate process before they can commence work. One candidate’s team can’t simply change the sign on the door from Biden to Harris, then go to work.
Which all means things are getting fishier and fishier over there. Rules and maybe even laws are being broken or ignored so that Harris can hit the ground running, so to speak. All those rules are in place to ensure a democratic and transparent outcome yet the Democrat party appears to be flouting those rules while accusing Trump of ‘destroying democracy’. Needless to say, AFAIK, the MSM are dutifully covering their eyes, holding their noses and sticking their fingers in their ears.
Vote for Freedom
Their choice to compete in hot humid conditions swathed in black clothing, hope it didn’t detract from their competitiveness.
The skimpy costumes were a deliberate choice when the sport was launched. Without them it is hard to imagine anybody taking an interest.
I just realised what I typed there. Without the costumes there might in fact be MORE interest. Volleyball was of course the main sport at nudist resorts back in the day (or so I’m told).
If they were without them I’d be taking MORE interest!😆
I have absolutely no problems with those bathers especially down the beach. They are perfectly decent. Maybe it’s a European thing where scantily clad and nudity are perfectly acceptable. And where nudity is not confused with sexualisation. America is where most of the porn industry comes from. Europe with its g-strings, its topless beaches, its nudity on TV – France, its naturisme (nude beaches) – France, Spain, Portugal, Croatia etc, its nudity along rivers – Germany & Austria, its nudity in water parks – Germany, and in saunas – Germany + other Germanic countries – are not the places where the human body is sexualised and where there is massive porn. Europeans get used to it from a young age and that is healthy. America with its sexualisation of the human body and its porn industry is not.
Exactly the same with alcohol… Americans are kept retarded in growing up and as a nation its the same- just a rowdy teenager.
The whole American sex thing is weird- they shave their women to look prepubescent, then moan about pedophiles. They teach single-digit age girls how to be as sexy as possible then make 18 the age of consent.
I blame their puritanism.
Shaved (waxed) pussy is for g-strings etc – no pubes showing – aka Brazilians because they pioneered the look. It’s very common in Europe and in Oz.
Just heard about the Paris blackout. Tried reading about it and google search just gives me religious groups taking about it, and one sports website that described it as “rumoured blackout”.
Surely a bigger news story?
520-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Larva Found With Preserved Brain And Guts
Hailing from the Cambrian period some 520 million years ago, the larva represents a whole new genus and species of euarthropod called Youti yuanshi.
The three-dimensional fossil was found in a shale rock known to be particularly rich in fossils called the Yu’anshan Formation. It was carefully extracted using acetic acid, and then subjected to high-resolution scanning to image it throughout – and maybe catch a glimpse of whatever lurked within.
Although no bigger than just a few millimeters in size, the fossil itself is spectacularly detailed. Its exterior has a textured skin, head, and legs. And, on the inside, X-ray computed tomography revealed its intact internal anatomy. That includes the larva’s brain, digestive glands, circulatory system, and nervous system.
That’s impressive!
Just a tad older than that garden with that talking snake too.
I can only hope that a certain monk will face an eternity of something awful for his calculations using genealogy.
Would having Adam and Eve be the first rational intelligent humans rather than the first biological humans upset a few people?
In terms of history of the world, why don’t greens understand that over the last 2 million years, glaciation has been the standard climate for around 85 percent of the time? Interglacials such as we are now in are rare and rapidly coming to an end. I knew this when I was in primary (US = elementary school). It was common knowledge among educated people (including children) in the 60′s an 70′s. How did this idea that climate was unchanging come about?
“why don’t greens understand “?
1 Outside their experience – some are under 40 years old!
2 They wish it not to be true – that’s better than any old sciencey stuff! [See Dr. Greta “How DARE You” T.]
3 They have a [well-paid?] job in government, media or the Met Office [other national weather propaganda organisations are, unhappily, available] – and they don’t want to lose the salary, the status, the perks – and the index-linked and often tax-payer-funded pension.
4 They do – but won’t admit it,especially when at dinner parties with others of similar age.
5 Not understanding means they can be selfish and not have kids [expense, broken sleep, taxi-service etc.].
I imagine other ‘reasons’ could be adduced.
It’s interesting how the Left call people like Trump “fascist” and yet they are the ones both calling for more censorship as well as practicing it at present, such as on their social(ist) media. And in Australia we have the e Safety Kommissar.
Ok – leaves my guess of Laser from outside targeting window for Missile Wrong.
Hamas leader killed by remote controlled bomb in his room smuggling a bomb into ismail haniyeh’s room and detonating it by remote shows israel’s intelligence and operational capability within iran and represents a major failure of iranian security.
Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, was killed by a remote-controlled bomb in his room at a guesthouse in Tehran, Iran. The bomb was smuggled into the room approximately two months prior to the assassination and detonated remotely, indicating Israel’s sophisticated intelligence and operational capabilities within Iran.
Israel’s Involvement
Multiple sources, including The New York Times, The Jerusalem Post, and ABC News, have attributed the assassination to Israel, citing the use of advanced remote-controlled technology similar to that employed in the 2020 killing of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Israel has not publicly claimed responsibility, but its intelligence agencies briefed Western governments on the operation.
Iranian Security Failure
The successful smuggling and detonation of the bomb in a heavily guarded complex underscores a significant failure of Iranian security. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and other security agencies were unable to detect or prevent the placement of the explosive device, allowing Israel to carry out the operation undetected.
The assassination of Haniyeh, a key figure in ceasefire talks between Hamas and Israel, has significant implications for the region. It may have removed an obstacle to a potential hostage deal and could lead to a shift in Hamas’s negotiating position. The incident also highlights Israel’s willingness to operate within Iran’s borders, demonstrating its intelligence capabilities and willingness to take bold action to achieve its strategic goals.
. The bomb was smuggled into the guesthouse approximately two months prior to the assassination.
. Haniyeh was killed by the remote-controlled bomb in his room at the guesthouse in Tehran, Iran.
. Israel briefed Western governments on the operation, and multiple sources have attributed the assassination to Israel.
Key Entities
. Ismail Haniyeh: Hamas political leader
. Israel: Suspected perpetrator of the assassination
. Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC): Iranian security agency responsible for protecting Haniyeh
. Hamas: Palestinian Islamist organization
Notable Quotes
“The fact that it happened not in Qatar where Haniyeh lived surrounded by security, but inside Iran – Hamas’s most important backer – sends a signal that nowhere is off-limits if it is indeed confirmed that Israel carried out the strike, and that it is capable and willing of acting right under the nose of its most mortal foe.” (BBC News)
“Sources told the ‘Post’ Haniyeh has often been more of an obstacle to a final hostage deal, such that his removal could even make a deal more likely.” (The Jerusalem Post)
Israel-Gaza live updates: Hamas leader killed by explosive device stashed in room – ABC News
Planted bomb, remote control, and AI: how the Mossad killed Hamas leader in Iran – Shafaq News
Bomb planted months in advance to kill Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran: NYT | The Express Tribune
+ 6 more
AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts. Learn more
Israeli hacker group takes responsibility for reported collapse of Wi-Fi in Iran
WeRedEvils has been operating in a non-official capacity since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war.
Wish they would do it here.
Imagine a world without Wi-Fi.
Dont have to, I lived in it for most of my life
Lol! Seriously, planted two months before? What, no-one cleaned the room? No-one noticed a large suitcase with “Danger” written on it? He never looked under the bed for a Mossad agent? Security never checked the apartment?
How big would the bomb have to be to destroy the corner apartments of a three-storey building? The Russians are dropping 1/2 ton and 1ton bombs on buildings, and they have the energy of an SU34 behind them.
That sounds an unlikely story.
Not being particularly interested in AFL I have not taken any interest in the racism BS at Collingwood but elsewhere the complainant has been named, Mark Cleaver. He’s an indigenous chap and one of the things he was offended by was the head honcho
Remember he got the job telling big, strong athletes they were doing it all wrong on DEI grounds. Proud chap
Looks like a white ‘Boy George’ clone.
Secretary Statements & Remarks
Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at the Goeldi Museum in Belém, Brazil
Put simply, neglecting to address climate change and the loss of nature and biodiversity is not just bad environmental policy. It is bad economic policy.
But being so close to the magnificent Amazon is also a reminder that the transition to a lower-carbon global economy is also the single greatest economic opportunity of the twenty-first century.
The transition will require no less than $3 trillion in new capital from many sources each year between now and 2050, Totalling $78 Trillion.
This can be leveraged to support pathways to sustainable and inclusive growth, including for countries that have historically received less investment.
So the Biden-Harris Administration has made supporting the transition to net zero a top priority, and the Treasury Department is playing a key role. At home, we are implementing the Inflation Reduction Act, the most significant climate legislation in our nation’s history.
It is driving hundreds of billions of dollars of investments in the clean energy technologies and industries that will propel us toward our climate goals and fuel our economic growth.
We launched the Net-Zero Principles for Financing and Investment to provide guidance to U.S. financial institutions pursuing net-zero commitments. And we and other federal agencies together put forward Principles for Responsible Participation in Voluntary Carbon Markets.
Our ambitions at home are matched by our ambitions abroad.
We know that we can only achieve our climate and economic goals—from reducing global emissions to adapting and building resilience, from strengthening markets to bolstering supply chains—if we also lead efforts far beyond our borders.
So let me talk about the tools we’re using to achieve these goals, starting with strengthening relationships with our allies and partners.
Gain-of-Function Bird Flu Lab Leak (video)
“Unconventional Sign Conventions”
More on that “Multiplied by -1”
Not an Inside Hit Job?
Moreover, not a single agent responsible for threat assessments was present in Butler to protect Trump, and some of these agents knew about the problems for months.
In other words, Rowe is mainly responsible for Trump nearly getting gunned down because he was too cheap to invest in actual Secret Service priorities. Rowe replacing Cheatle is nothing more than rearranging chairs on the Titanic.
The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee
New Video Shows Trump Shooter On Roof Holding Huge Sign Saying ‘I’m Going To Shoot Trump’
More on the Albanese Government’s contempt for ordinary Australians and their safety
There was public outrage when it was revealed Wilmot would receive taxpayer-funded support through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) when he got out of jail in June.
That support included a total of 24 hours’ assistance each week to improve his ‘daily life’ as well as ‘social, economic and community participation’.
Hottest July eva!
Eva? Since the formation of the Earth then?
/CNN bad, m’kay.
An Amazing Piece of Australian Design & Ingenuity!
IBIS® Wheelchair to Car Access – Assisted Living Mobility Equipment
Take control and enjoy greater independence, health and well-being.
The IBIS® Wheelchair to Car Access has been designed and manufactured in Australia by Para Mobility. This is a transformative device that allows a person with a disability (PWD) and mobility limitations the option of getting in a car, wagon, SUV and 4WD.
The IBIS is designed to attach to the hinges of the vehicle door fully eliminating the need for any permanent modifications and giving users the freedom to travel in multiple vehicles.
Our system is conveniently powered by the car’s 12 volt auxiliary outlet and can be operated by the carer via the hand control. A simple press button action allows transfer from a wheelchair into the vehicle without any manual lifting.
By simplifying vehicle access, the IBIS allows users to travel more freely, whether for daily errands, social outings, or medical appointments. This increased mobility enhances overall quality of life.
Model shown – SWL 100Kg. [15 stone 10 lb]
Matters to me!
FWIW – an Olympics update
“Spot on from The Bee.”
Oooh, savage but true. 🤭
In breaking news, a biological cheetah who identifies as a man takes gold at the pervlympics 100m event.😆😆
In other news, Jaws was disqualified from the 100 metre breast stroke, for eating the other competitors – but is appealing, citing a precedent from boxing; and Skippy – a famous bush kangaroo – is reported to be in training for the Long Jump, and the High Jump.
Sums Up The AlboSleezy & Blackout Bowen Australian Labor Party Perfectly in One Image!
The Last Reshuffle
The Spectator Australia
Sad but true!
Astrophysicists have discovered the potent X-class CME of May 10 has created a new temporary ring of charged, high-energy particles encircling the Earth.
The new belt discovered by NASA’s Colorado Inner Radiation Belt Experiment (CIRBE) CubeSat, could last months to years.
Warming did it!😆
Is the new ring bad?
If so – it was Trump!
Intel to layoff more than 15% of workforce — 15,000 or more employees
Intel plans to lay off more than 15% of its workforce by the end of the year, the company announced today, meaning roughly 15,000 employees or more (potentially up to 17,475 based on recent Intel headcount numbers of 116,500) — a vast restructuring that comes amid troubling financial results this quarter. The layoffs rank among the most severe in Intel’s 56-year history.
The news came during an earnings call for the semiconductor giant, which also announced that it has encountered yield issues with its Meteor Lake processors, problems that negatively impacted the bottom line. The company lost $1.6 billion in the quarter. Intel said it will cancel some ‘underperforming’ products in a bid to save costs and plans to suspend its seemingly sacred dividend in the fourth quarter. At the time of publication, Intel’s stock had dropped 19% in after-hours trading.
AI will replace ’em…
“Prompts are still going to be making errors, they may hallucinate. They’re still not going to be perfect, but they are trying to predict what your intent is, and then the BCI (brain computer interface) has to remain the guardian of your free will, of your choice,” Dr Oxley said. “You can see where it’s going. The way I think about it is it becomes an extension of your brain, basically, eyes and ears, you know, doing complicated analysis of your environment and then presenting. It reminds me of how the brain works.”
Apple does not fall far from the Tree
Julie Kelly 🇺🇸@julie_kelly2
This is Loren Merchan’s business partner at Authentic Campaigns.
He is heading up White Dudes for Kamala Harris.
Here he claims Trump is “scared” of his operation and warns he won’t “quit” going after Trump.
He and his partner, Judge Merchan’s daughter, banked $13 million so far this year as Trump’s trial proceeded in Merchan’s courtroom.
The ID of the Leader of ‘White Dudes for Harris’ Proves You’re Not Cynical Enough
It wasn’t long ago that we read multiple daily updates of Donald Trump’s New York bookkeeping trial (and thank you).
The reckless judge in that case, Juan Merchan, allowed a trial to proceed against a former president of the United States that no one else would ever have brought this side of Fani Willis.
It was a case that had already run its misdemeanor statute of limitations. Those phony misdys were ziptied to a mysterious, unnamed, amorphous federal or state felony charge that was way above the pay grade of the “acting” Judge Merchan. Merchan was selected by the Soros DA under orders to “Get Trump” and did his job. The Team served it up to a jury and “Got Trump.”
But, I’m sorry, this is supposed to be a story about the guy who put together the White Dudes for Harris Zoom meeting as we promised in the title. Don’t fret, though, you’re in the right place.
That’s the shorthand of what happened. They are the undisputed facts because they were mapped out and ratified by the Democrats well in advance of the trial. It was the plan.
And here’s something more. Merchan’s daughter worked for and indeed was president of a political firm, Authentic Campaigns, that raised money for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Adam Schiff, and Chuck Schumer. Merchan’s daughter fundraised on the trial her father was overseeing.
In the meantime, Jim Jordan’s House Judiciary Committee has issued orders to Loren Merchan to preserve documents because, as one wag put it, there seems to be the stench of Fusion GPS on that outfit.
At some point, the Republicans are going to have to stop with the committees and investigations into felonious Democrats, because they don’t seem to be landing a single knockout punch, so far. Sure there have been embarrassing questions and the odd individual has copped a grilling, but there are never any consequences and nothing ever changes. If anything, the Democrats’ devious doings have only got worse. As a consequence, I feel the Republicans are losing credibility, on top of which they’re wasting time they could/should be spending on the campaign to take the White House.
Or maybe it’s just more smoke and mirrors.
Do they have power to do more than “committees and investigations”? The judiciary is completely out of their control.
Southern Annular Mode is seriously negative.
The LIA was dominated by La Nina like conditions and a negative SAM.
Which means … ?
Do I keep the winter woollies out or get the shorts and sandals ready?
Woolies methinks, after looking at the linked article
“Tariq Nasheed Weighs in on Trump at the NABJ Conference and You’ll Be Surprised”
“Nasheed, surprisingly, thought Trump did really well.”
5 odd events foretelling Xi Jinping might have decided to “lie flat.” (video)
I’ve been following Lei for a while now. She seems very knowledgeable and claims to have many very useful contacts, plus of course she sees things through Chinese eyes. I have no idea how reliable she and other commenters on Chinese current affairs are though, not least because it’s so hard to get accurate info out of China. I must say though that there seems to be a big chunk of wishful thinking behind so much of the negative stories about China, much like the propaganda we hear continuously about Russia’s economy and Putin’s situation.
Best utube channels for Chinese truth:
China fact chasers
China uncensored
Best, how? More credible? If so, how do you know?
Add Lei’s real talk
Edit: I started from the bottom so missed Kim’s post.
Mike Benz: The Uncovered Truth About The Deep State (video)
FWIW – A different look at trade unions –
“William Harold Hutt (1899-1988) spent most of his career out of the mainstream of economics in two ways. He lived in relative isolation in South Africa from the 1920s to the 1960s and he adhered to “classical” free trade principles through the period from 1936 to the 1970s when the profession was in the grip of the Keynesian revolution. He did not attend the initial meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society but he joined immediately and remained an enthusiastic contributor to the proceedings of the Society, even in the last years of his life when he was confined to a wheelchair.
Three of the chief pillars of socialist thinking are (1) the mythology of exploitation of the workers in the Industrial Revolution, (2) the view that the workers needed to engage in a bitter struggle with capital to improve their pay and conditions, and (3) the idea that the Great Depression of the 1930s was caused by the failure of free markets. Hutt provided a telling rejoinder to (1) in his essay on the factory system. In his book on the strike-threat system he wrote a critical appraisal of (2). Refutations of (3) can be found at these addresses.”
Links at
This has probably been bought up, but isn’t it strange that the fully grown people, who are yelling, “JD Vance, weird weird weird”, just can’t seem to figure out what a man or woman is? That’s really weird!
Prepare for incoming –
“How Fast Are Countries Burning Through Natural Resources?”
Just Stop Oil’s poster girl Phoebe Plummer is held in custody after inflicting ‘£50,000’ damage in Heathrow Airport stunt – after being told she faces jail for throwing soup over Van Gogh Sunflowers painting