A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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66% of Republicans believe that there was divine intervention in saving Donald’s Trump life.
34% of Democrats believe that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was fake despite the whole thing being televised and captured on thousands of cell phones.
and there is your divide in 2024 America.
Trump is the most lied about man on earth.
“Trump is most the lied about man on earth.
Perhaps that is because he tells more lies than anyone else on earth
Yes, but conversely the inverse is frequently true which leads to distorted public misconceptions of situations.
That, of course, is the biggest lie of all.
Just because a CNN analist disagrees with something he says doesn’t mean it’s a lie. I’ll accept some hyperbole but list all his lies in THE debate.
Well, whatever the split on that. It seems we now nearly have 100% of Democrats finally acknowledging that Biden has a few roos loose in the top paddock. Doesn’t seem to be much divide on that. Agreeing what to do about it is the problem.
There was huge divide on it until recently. The Dems were more than prepared to go with Weekend at Bernie’s Joe, knowing the deep state run the show anyway.
The dems are stuck between a rock and a hard place, the DNC convention should be good to watch.
I would say that is a poll result not a fact. Whose poll?
Here’s hoping the Dem Pres candidate gets just 34% of the votes.
that was enough labour to form government in UK!
And 32% here. Different system in the US though, as it all depends on the Electoral College votes.
I guess 34% of Democrats are senile and the rest of them not very far behind Joe in the dementia stakes. Reality escapes them!!
Trump’s denunciation of green energy ‘scams’ a major headache for Trudeau
I thought his language in that speech, calling out “green scams” “from one to the next” was fantastic. You would never see an Australian politician using such plain speak.
_____Oh, yes we will, and do.
_____Those that do, just get no air.
Pauline and Mal Roberts and Matt Canavan. Others? This group has no power. You won’t find anyone else to even question the sacred science.
>In 2000, Dr. David Viner of University of East Anglia’s disgraced Climatic Research Unit advised, “Within a few years winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event.” “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
Australia in July
I had a progressive Geography teacher in 1986 who told us by 2000 there would be little snow. Remember when 2000 was a far off futuristic place?
He was an excellent teacher other than his falling for global warming. I wonder if he still does.
(Canada) Who’s tracking taxpayer millions spent on EV incentives?
Does Hillary Clinton really want to be publicly humiliated again by President Trump? (X)
She must have a short memory, or perhaps none at all, I still remember her being dragged off by the men in black, heels dragging.
I notice that since the Trump incident, I have not heard a of heightened concern about current POTUS and VPOTUS security.
In that failures with Trump safety could raise questions of procedural problems within Secret Service.
Nor I have heard of additional protection immediately after the Trump incident, just in case there be a wider conspiracy against US National leadership.
You know, just until DHS was able to find out what transpired.
Like, how could they know?
I guess we learned during Pandemic that conspiracies are just theories invented by Alex Jones.
Leaks don’t come from labs.
Just a recreational observation.
I see nothing.
How about those boiling oceans?
Is the hottest year ever, or what?
Of course there’s no heightened concern. The ahooter acted alone. That was announced 1.3 seconds after he was shot dead.
True. The narrative is carefully crafted.
As you said:
>…failures with Trump safety could raise questions of procedural problems within Secret Service.
There are though, a lot of mass-media reports of increased security in the lead-up to the Sat 13 rally citing fears of an Iran-backed assassination attempt. That has prompted speculation that the tragedy and horror of a successful assassination would generate public support for an invasion of Iran, since Iran hasn’t yet taken the bait in Gaza, and the Pentagon war hawks need the focus to shift from Ukraine.
Strange we didn’t see any evidence of increased security for Trump Sat 13 though, everywhere else maybe?
For example FOX reports: the Whitehouse has increased security post Sat 13.
And this from CBS:
The New York City Police Department has increased security at Trump Tower in Manhattan and at other New York City landmarks after shots were fired at former President Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday.
There wouldn’t be heightened concern for the current POTUS. His brain is already shot.
‘A huge shock’: Polar bear Baffin dies in pool at Calgary Zoo
That’s what happens when you don’t put the bear on a vegan diet, and Calgary has quite a lot of vegans they could have been feeding to the bears.
They didn’t blame “climate change” but nearly did…
Online, this picture is described in a way to obscure where in the complex the sniper team was at. Some sources refer to them as “Beaver County Emergency Services” team or a “local SWAT team” from Beaver County.
But Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe has said the only thing his team and local law enforcement was doing on Saturday July 13, 2024 was coordinating traffic.
The New York Times says that no security force was responsible for security outside of the Secret Service’s perimeter.
So who is this team of snipers? Who was in the second floor of the AGR building? Who was in this building during the shooting, what were they doing, and were they legitimately with law enforcement?
A couple of work experience Lads. One with long pants and one with shorts.
Given a crash course in online Sniper XR and put on roof with a couple of guns. Forgot to tell the other teams.
We call that education in Australia. Should see what happens to plumbers and electricians and their clients when they find they can’t add up.
Wetmore – “building where a counter-sniper team was operating inside”
Wetmore – “The lack of clarity about where the counter-sniper team was in the building”
Wetmore – “That position would give that sniper team access to Thomas Crooks”
Wetmore – “The team of snipers on the second floor”
Wetmore – “These pictures are taken by the sniper team that was on the second story of the AGR Complex.
Wetmore – “This is the sniper team that was observed by MAGA patriot Greg Smith”
Wetmore – “Online, this picture is described in a way to obscure where in the complex the sniper team was at”
Wetmore – “Some sources refer to them as “Beaver County Emergency Services” team or a “local SWAT team” from Beaver County”
Wetmore – “But Butler County Sheriff Michael Slupe has said the only thing his team and local law enforcement was doing on Saturday July 13, 2024 was coordinating traffic”
Wetmore – “So who is this team of snipers?”
Where has anyone in officialdom said there was a “team of snipers” in the building?
None have said that.
Local Beaver County Sheriff Michael Slupe didn’t. Yes it was their personnel but he never said anything about them being a “sniper team”.
I thought Benjamin Wetmore’s Second Shooter Theory [#1] from a couple of days ago was very good but his subsequent articles not so much
>Benjamin Wetmore’s Second Shooter Theory [#1] from a couple of days ago
Second Shooter Theory [#1] was Matt Riley, not Wetmore.
Trump Second-Shooter Theory Emerges [1]
The author of the piece Matt Riley, has 10 plus years military intelligence experience.
Wetmore’s was [#2]:
3D Model Posits what Trump Assassination Attempt at Butler PA Rally Looked Like [2]
by Benjamin Wetmore
Have not had #1 coffee yet – explains the faux pas
>Trump Second-Shooter Theory Emerges [1 – Riley]
Sen. Johnson: “I’ve Seen Evidence that “There May Have Been TWO SHOOTERS” – “We Can’t Trust the FBI and Secret Service to Do an Honest and Open Investigation” (VIDEO)
Maria Bartiromo: I got to get to this. After the shooter was taken down by Secret Service, the local law enforcement, and I know this from some of your preliminary comments, your preliminary findings, started taking pictures of the dead body, right? Can you tell us what happened then?
Senator Ron Johnson: Correct. So that’s a sniper team that was in the AGR building, they’re the first ones that went up on the roof. They were the first to encounter the dead assassin at that point in time. Later on, other people joined them, and somebody told them to send the pictures they had taken to an ATF agent, which I think is very strange. We called up that ATF agent. That individual said that he was with the ATF, and now he’s gone dark.
Maria Bartiromo: Are you questioning whether or not there was a second shooting shooter? Is that what you’re questioning, or if the shooter had a different gun?
Senator Johnson: I saw an extremely convincing video online. I know it’s all over the place. There were three distinct shots early on, followed by another five in more staccato, more rapidly fired, and then the final one, which we believe took the shooter out. How do you explain that? I don’t know. I’m not an expert. But the individual putting that video out says it clearly shows that there were at least three different weapons fired that day.
If there was a second shooter why were shots not landing on the SS B team huddle while they held him up for the world to see instead of accelarating him away to safety? If exists, the 2nd shooter was ineffective as the first one in terms of the target. Death and injury to others who just happened to be there.
Trump saved his own life by ducking down about 1 second after the first shot!
Incredibly and possibly because he had been expecting something for a long time he reacted very quickly.
Crooks stuffed up on shots one and two. Subsequent shooters had nothing to aim at until Trump was shuffled off and by then the target was moving.
By then Crooks was dead. Game over!
The victims in the audience were on the bleacher in Crooks lower line of fire at Trump.
Shots one and two missed when President Trump turned his head to the right and looked up at the same time as a wind gust.
>Johnson – We called up that ATF agent. That individual said that he was with the ATF, and now he’s gone dark.
Maria Bartiromo: Mysterious Man in Grey Suit Climbed Ladder, Directed Police While They Took Photos of Crook’s Body — Not Secret Service as Initially Believed
>Local Beaver County Sheriff Michael Slupe didn’t
The only “confirmation” I’ve seen of what Slupe said was this:
Ok, not referring to the team in the building but Slupe has never said anything about him having a “team of snipers” inside the building to my knowledge. If he has I’d like to see evidence of it.
Slupe quote above from this article:
Police Are Lying about Rooftop Confrontation of Alleged Sniper – “The Guys on the Second Floor Were Watching – But They Didn’t Do Anything!”
Just police “guys” – not snipers.
>Where has anyone in officialdom said there was a “team of snipers” in the building?
Coming out now:
Sen. Ron Johnson Drops Bombshell Preliminary Findings in Investigation into Attempted Assassination of President Trump — Here are the Details
Below are the key findings, according to the investigation:
Secret Service did not attend a security briefing provided to local special weapons and tactics (SWAT) and sniper teams the morning of July 13, 2024.
Ok, but where EXACTLY were said personnel positioned and in particular, the “snipers”?
Clues next.
>where EXACTLY were said personnel positioned and in particular, the “snipers”?
Clues here:
So 2 “local snipers” – “AGR-sniper-1” and, by implication, AGR-sniper-2 positioned inside 2 story building.
But what position EXACTLY and which WINDOWS ?
At least there is now specific confirmation of AGR-sniper-1 and AGR-sniper-2 “inside” the building.
At 5:14pm AGR sniper 1 took at least two pictures of Crooks (one of the pictures appears to show Crooks on his phone).
Crooks photos – AGR-sniper-1
At 5:28pm, AGR sniper 1 took a picture of a bicycle and backpack near the AGR building (it is unclear whether these items are associated with Crooks).
Bicycle/Backpack photos – AGR-sniper-1
Report – (it is unclear whether these items are associated with Crooks).
At 5:32pm, AGR sniper 1 saw Crooks again near the AGR building apparently looking at news feeds on his phone and holding a range finder, according to information reported to Senator Johnson’s office.
Shortly after, AGR sniper 1 reported the suspect to a group text of other law enforcement snipers on site and was instructed to report the suspect to command.
At 5:41pm AGR sniper 1 called into command to report the suspect and described the suspect’s appearance and notes that he has a range finder.
At 5:45pm AGR sniper 1 texted the Beaver ESU Group Command about the suspect and instructed them to relay the message to command.
At 5:59pm, a Beaver County law enforcement operator received confirmation from a Butler County SWAT commander that command, which included Secret Service, was made aware of the messages and requested more information about the suspect’s location.
# # #
AGR-sniper-1 appears to have been VERY busy and onto it – higher ups not so much.
>AGR-sniper-1 appears to have been VERY busy and onto it – higher ups not so much.
To state the obvious – AGR-sniper-1 is, supposedly, a sniper i.e. a shooter set up like the USSS snipers at the rally site (Team 1/Team 2) with all their gear, rifles trained, ready to shoot.
So why is AGR-sniper-1 taking photos?
Was he a photographer or a shooter?
A counter-snipers role/function is to eliminate a threat – pronto/ASAP. Not wait while busy taking snaps and texting.
The USSS snipers were not taking photos, they carried out their function. Team 2 100% but Team 1 got the dithers.
>Secret Service did not attend a security briefing provided to local special weapons and tactics (SWAT) and sniper teams the morning of July 13, 2024.
Sen. Johnson: Secret Service Blew Off Meeting with Local Law Enforcement the Morning of the Attempted Assassination – Secret Service Took Photos of Crooks One Hour Before Shooting (VIDEO)
The sound of the first three shots and those that followed is definitely different
Two Shooters? More
An interview with Kirk Phinney and Sam Andrews, the latter is a ballistic expert who has worked with and trained sniper teams. Start listening at 21 minutes in, just before the interview begins.
This is worth a listen.
Just in – Joe Biden to step down from running again for the position of POTUS at the November 2024 Election.
Hopefully in time to allow people to see the character of Kamala Harris in time for thr election.
If it hasn’t already dawned on them, they might be the zombies Michael Nehls talks about in his book, The Indoctrinated Brain.
After all, Kamala Harris’s horrifying smile and laughter, and her unique brand of stupidity have been abundantly and painfully clear for four years now.
On the rare occasions when my life is getting me down or everything going wrong I console myself with the the thought it could be worse, I could be married to Kamala Harris.
The average Democrat would vote for a rabid Racoon so long as it was a Democrat, so I expect they will strongly endorse her as the best presidential candidate EVAH. And bang on cue, a poll of Democrat voters shows 60% will vote for her, say they 28% won’t. That’s before she’s even been annointed, so I expect that support will actually increase once she’s been nominated.
All the Democrat party needs is for Harris to close the gap with Trump so as to get within the margin of fraud. Then they can get cracking on those postal ballots.
All hail President Harris!
Indeed, a woke woman up against a robust alpha male. Its no contest, where is the white knight to save the party.
Give me President Trump any day rather than one of the Witches of Washington.
Barack Obama doesn’t endorse Kamala Harris, says Dems will pick ‘outstanding nominee’
WASHINGTON — Former President Barack Obama didn’t endorse Kamala Harris — saying Democrats would pick an unnamed “outstanding nominee” in his first statement on President Biden stepping aside from the party’s ticket.
Obama, 62, was joined by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in not immediately backing the 59-year-old vice president — following reports last week that both favored an “open” process to replace Biden.
“We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead,” Obama said.
“I believe that Joe Biden’s vision of a generous, prosperous, and united America that provides opportunity for everyone will be on full display at the Democratic Convention in August,” Obama said.
“And I expect that every single one of us are prepared to carry that message of hope and progress forward into November and beyond.”
America’s first black president added: “For now, Michelle and I just want to express our love and gratitude to Joe and Jill for leading us so ably and courageously during these perilous times — and for their commitment to the ideals of freedom and equality that this country was founded on.”
Obama remains one of the most respected leaders among Democrats and his lack of an endorsement of Harris could damage her candidacy and implicitly encourage new candidates to emerge.
Top congressional Dems praise Biden for stepping aside — but also decline to endorse Kamala Harris
President Biden dropping out could force an open convention at the DNC — here’s what that means
But time is running out for any candidate not named Kamala Harris — whom Biden endorsed shortly after making the announcement Sunday.
If Democrats want to get a nominee on the ballot in all 50 states, they have to start putting forward names by Aug. 7 — the deadline in Ohio, the earliest in the country.
The Democratic National Convention doesn’t begin until Aug. 19 — 12 days after the Ohio deadline. But, Biden’s decision could still revive a decades-lost practice of delegates choosing their candidate on the convention floor.
How would an open convention be triggered?
The current DNC rule states: “Delegates elected to the national convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them.”
Biden, 81, has 3,896 “pledged” delegates won in primaries and caucuses where he faced effectively no opposition — among to more than 90% of the regular delegate pool.
However, with Biden out of the race, the delegates would be free to vote for whoever tossed their hat in the ring.
Biden’s exit allows other Democratic candidates to enter the race and attempt to lobby the delegates before voting day.
At present, the DNC is expected to hold a virtual roll call to choose the nominee between Aug. 1 and Aug. 7. That vote was expected to be Biden’s formal coronation as the nominee.
However, that vote could be postponed to give prospective nominees more time for electioneering.
The ‘loop hole’
Biden has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him on top of the Democratic ticket, but DNC rules do not have any enforcement mechanism to make Biden’s choice binding.
The president said last week — in the midst of open rebellion against his candidacy — that delegates are “obviously free to do whatever they want,” but predicted an open convention against him was “not going to happen.”
All bets are off now that he’s out of the race.
Well, I guess now we know why dems tell their voters to vote in Republican primaries—those are the only ones where their votes actually count.
Biden Endorses Kamala to Ride the Bomb Down Instead of Him
Jill Biden Drops Out Of Presidential Race
I really thought she might nominate. She appears on love with the trappings of power.
Is Joe Biden Alive? Fox News Hosts Ask For Proof of Life – Biden Hasn’t Been Seen Publicly in Four Days Since ‘Covid Diagnosis’ (VIDEO)
(4) Later in the day, Frank Biden, Joe’s younger brother, indicates to CBS that Joe Bidens health is deteriorating quickly. This is the first admission that Joe Biden’s “health” was a major consideration.
When talking about Joe, Frank’s specific phrase, “to enjoy whatever time we have left” speaks volumes. Video Below:
Even if the DNC professionals viewed the November election as a likely defeat, they would still want to advance their party on an ideological basis and keep their left-wing pumped up.
There’s a possibility that can be created by Joe Biden resigning from office and Kamala Harris becoming the first woman president.
All of this political achievement would then turn the DNC Convention in Chicago into a pre-inauguration celebration, that would position the President Kamala Harris inauguration as part of the campaign.
President Trump is then still campaigning against an incumbent president.
The strongest position to run for the office of the presidency, is from the office of the president. Under this scenario Kamala Harris, and by extension the base of the Democrat apparatus, has this emotional lift.
The pop culture/Hollywood aspect of Madame President opens a world of dreams for the Democrats. Big celebrations everywhere, Taylor Swift participating, etc etc.
As the process unfolds, Joe Biden is welcomed into Chicago as the Titan of Democrats, and the music plays for the adoring crowds. Heck, the timing of the abdication or resignation from office may even coincide with the convention as previously predicted. Without disunity, and with legacy unity providing fuel for the delegates, the optics and narrative of the Democrat position literally changes overnight.
At the conclusion of the convention, Madame President then begins running against the horrible Orange Man as Hollywood and media executives begin replacing traditional campaign promotion with USA Madame President engaged with congratulatory world leaders. Hollywood has been selling this DEI POTUS script in various forms for multiple years now.
If Kamala sucks or fails, who really cares, the legacy part is achieved. “You’ve come a long way baby,” with pussy hats back in fashion.
Just as Joe was disposable as a one term POTUS, so too can Kamala be considered disposable as a five-month POTUS.
What makes this scenario all the more likely is how the right-wing of the UniParty bird is flapping the same message, Joe must resign.
If we look at it without pretending, it doesn’t matter much if Joe Biden resigns, and Kamala Harris takes over. Joe wasn’t running things, and neither would Kamala.
We keep watching.
It’s being reported here in the US, that Joe Biden is dropping out of the POTUS election.
It is not true.
He’s running as an independs candidate.
Biden dropped out.
US President Joe Biden endorses Kamala Harris after ending re-election campaign
I’m not sure if having Harris run as President is a good thing for Trump or not.
It comes down to whether she is more electable than Biden.
She was generally thought to be unelectable as a President.
But she will certainly appeal to DEI voters who will vote for her solely on the basis of her skin colour and gender although not merit which she lacks in its entirety.
It’s possible that the DEI voters may bring the election result back within “the margin of fraud”.
And who will be pulling Harris’ strings? Will it still be Obama as with Sleepy Joe?
The Republicans just need to play ads of Harris trying to answer simple questions. She is as incoherent as Biden on a bad day.
Republicans should also be highlighting that, if a democratically nominated candidate who is the sitting President andwho on many occasions stated he wanted to run again could be bullied out of it by the power brokers, imagine what they’ll do to Harris.
Harris would be an even more perfect ‘patsy’ President than Biden for the deep state.
Harris is not even the Democratic nominee for Vice President let alone President. Biden’s endorsement is worthless and he knows it. It is an admission that at the DNC he will be ejected as the nominee, regardless of tradition. And it is tradition, not law, DNC rules which make him the nominee. Tradition can be overturned. Courts have no say. But the pot of gold goes too. The new nominee has no fighting fund. Zero. Zilch. The pledges are worthless.
But it is a dangerous path to tacitly admit the President is senile or just too old to function for another term after years of saying he is ‘sharp as a tack’. So they have to keep up the pretence for another five months.
The front runner will be Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama. But Clinton will lose as she did before. She has had her two terms in teh White House and another as Secretary of State. She is done. And Michelle has no intention of being her husband’s puppet. She saw first hand what happened with Biden, a total deceit by her husband who ran the place while Biden was at the beach. She has had enough of this dishonesty, now exposed.
There is also the very public stench in the implied admission that Biden is now admitted incompetent to run again. And the DNC has hidden this. Why then should the people trust the DNC again? Who is running the White House today? It’s not the President.
In forcing Biden to resign the implications are enormous for both funding and credibility. Will the donors recommit the same funds to another person? Or will they walk away or worse, switch sides? No one wants to throw money away. They have pride as well as cash. And to start the next four years as predictable losers and perhaps enemies of the President, the Senate and the Congress for the next four or even eight years is not a smart move.
And the single platform of ‘Trump is Hitler’ is not going to work with a new candidate without policies. What are the policies? Why aren’t there any policies?
The DNC has left their run so late, it is all over. There is only election rigging as before. And that might work as before with the support of the media and the courts. But it has to be credible and that is unlikely. Except for Michelle Obama, but can her husband convince her to be a puppet like Biden in a Fascist shadow state? If she is half the person people think she is, she will say no to this poisoned chalice. Then there is all the hard work and the real prospect of total humiliation. She has her pride, her family, her house at the beach. I believe she will say no. Women are not driven by the same demons as men and Barack has had twelve years at the top, four of which are shameful.
And it’s a question of trust. ‘Sharp as a tack’ Biden is an angry senile old man who has not been at work for years. Who is going to trust the Democrats after they admit they have been lying for so long?
Plus the fact that they have to pretend he is still ‘sharp as a tack’ until the election. Good luck with that. Even the late night hosts have no credibilty left. How could these people not have seen this coming? The emperor never had any clothes. A nappy maybe.
Their last hope was an assassination which was talked up endlessly if indirectly. And now they have to deal JD Vance who would walk into the job if they succeeded.
And how much did they pay old Joe’s and his family to go away? What promises were made to protect Hunter Biden? Expect a presidential pardon perhaps? And what promises to Lady McBiden? And their vicious dog Commander. Out damned Spot.
Remember, we are talking about the USA !…
..Their political allegiance’s are as rusted on as their religous beliefs !
They are political Lemmings !
Accidental red, sorry TdeF.
The media spouting the “sharp as a tack” catchphrase after the debacle- l mean the debate, was laughable.
As seen in another incisive video by Orf…
Harris will be a popular DEI vote in a number of states. But Trump was never going to win those states anyway.
It’s likely that Harris won’t be popular in the states that will decide the election. If the Democrats can organise another candidate then they still have a chance.
The last thing the people of the USA need is more DEI, the past week has been full of their lack of ability.
As Ronald Reagan once said, there you go again.
Forget voters David. It’s not even about ballot harvesting. It’s all about ballot manufacture and delivery.
The only question is whether the powers that be will completely reveal themselves by stealing the unstealable.
Forrest – it’s about having a candidate they can pretend has credibly got 81 million votes. Joe and Kamal are not them. Enter the beast, the Hildebeest. C’mon, man, it’s her turn.
A. She’s on par with Biden. ie not popular at all, even within the demonrat party.
But the swamp is deep, the “family ties” a giant octopus, and the neocon agenda at risk.
There won’t be a legitimate election, not that voter figures matter in the slightest now the Captain Sniff is gone at this point in time.
Let the
show begincircus continue.Let’s go Brandon had become Let Brandon go.
Going, going, gone!
The Obama camp has not given their endorsement for Harris because Michelle is running, but the Clintons support Harris so that Hilary can become VP.
Biden has had a huge impact on the United States.
All of it disastrous, of course, but it was a huge impact.
Biden was possibly the most destructive President the US ever had, even more so than Obama, although it was Obama who was Biden’s master and it was in fact Obama’s third term.
And there I respectfully pick a nit. In my estimation Biden has had NO impact on anything more complex than his choice of pudding and maybe not even there. The damage was all done by an unelected cabal of zealots and scammers.
Peter Sellers in Being There is a reasonable approximation.
If the DemonRATs’ attempted assassination of Trump had been successful, they wouldn’t have been replacing Biden.
The slowdown in solar and wind “investment” can be blamed on the Liberal Party.
Who’d have guessed?
At least the Liberal Party is good for something
If subsidies were eliminated, the investment would stop.
If wind and solar farms had to produce power on demand, investment would stop.
I still think sanity is 10 years off.
If Trump gets elected and starts paying for climate research directed at understanding climate then sanity might prevail sooner.
Harris certainly qualifies in the clueless stakes.
Here she is trying to recharge an electric vehicle and trying to hold the charge cable as though it was a petrol/gas pump hose.
She is possibly just as clueless as the Australian PM who thinks you can use solar panels to charge your EV at night for free.
See also:
Pseudo “people” surrounded by “pseudo-events”, Daniel Boorstyn style.
“Life”? imitating “art”.
A US friend of mine said that the DEI elements of the DemonRAT party had already said that it will be war if they pick anybody but Hyena Harris.
Killary would have been the other strong contender.
“Big Mike” Obama said they weren’t interested and apparently that was genuinely true even though they would have been an absolutely perfect DEI hire.
They will not pick Harris. Even Harris for VP wasn’t going to happen. Harris has no say. But replacing her with a white person would be a death knell for the 13% black vote especially against an all white Trump/Vance team. So a black woman governor? No one really cares about the VP, not even the party. But it’s the look of dumping a cackling, useless, black DEI choice just so you could win the election.
Her mother is Tamal Indian. Her father is Jamaican.
Her only tenuous claim to black ancestry is that many Jamaicans have ancestors from Africa.
And Barry Hussein’s mama was a ‘white’ woman. Whoever his daddy was, he was the USA’s first brown president – or as some newsbots pronounce: precedent.
Mama may have been either Stanley Ann Dunham or Jo Ann Newman.
Daddy may have been Barack Obama Snr. (Kenyan and a British Citizen), or Malcolm X, (American Citizen).
Harris has every attribute the Left are looking for.
She will be a 100% DEI hire as she is female and “a person of colour” and most importantly is utterly clueless so she will not be able to be accused of being a merit placement.
And in the finest DemonRAT tradition, she is a descendent of slave owners. Her father wrote:
except a prostate perhaps?
Salad sandwiches?
The prequel to “Idiocracy”?
Barry Soetero is NOT running things- he is a puppet too!
There has been no mention of the little legal problem of whether she meets “naturally born” as required to qualify for running for president.
They claim she was born in the United States, but even if she wasn’t, they would just alter the official records to show that she was.
Yep, they got away with that for Obama, they know how to do it now.
I wonder what they will do for policies? You know, the reason people are elected.
So far Biden has refused to run on his record, which is appalling. His only pitch has been “Trump is Hitler”. And that of Pelosi, Whoppi Goldberg, Pencil Neck Schiff and even some Republicans like Christie and Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and tacitly by Mitch McConnell.
How will then nominee go to an election standing on Biden’s record?
How many hundreds of people did the Democrats and Liz Cheney jail over the fake insurrection? How many lawsuits did they bring like Ms Carroll who cannot even remember what year it was or what she was wearing? And all the skeletons in the closet. Who ordered the army to run away overnight in Afghanistan? Who decided to give Iran $6Billion for 6 hostages? Why are they undermining Israel?
So policies? The Democrats are bust. You cannot select an arbitrary person from a list and ask them to be President and invent some policies. Or can you?
Would they run on the current President’s agenda? What is it?
And if they didn’t, they have to distance themselves from the current President with criticism which can only help Trump, four months out from an election.
And if you think back to 8 years ago when Hillary was dragged near comatose to her car. How would she survive a campaign. She is more old boiler than spring chicken and her husband hasn’t been seen for years. Credibility as the next president, zero. The electorate thought so 8 years ago.
Meanwhile Trump has stood up to the worst imaginable attacks at every level, even being shot for standing up in public.
Plus he is likely a hero to the black community. Despised, set up on fake criminal charges, fake business charges, and now shot in public for no reason. Everything possible has been done to tarnish his name and reputation simply because of who he is. And he has come back fighting and winning. Fight. Fight.Fight. In every sense he qualifies as a black person. And they are all against the flood of illegal immigrants taking their jobs. I would not be surprised if 13% of the voting public switched sides. That would be a landslide.
Policy? She’s not Trump. That’s all you need. Worked in 2020. And she can rattle off her cultural marxism broadscale rhetoric pretty good. Detail isn’t the strongpoint, but she’s not Trump.
“I wonder what they will do for policies? You know, the reason people are elected.”
It is becoming clear that the Dems don’t need no stinking policies, they just want their ‘team’ to win.
I know I’m being repetitive but not only do they not need any stinkin policies they don’t even need no stinkin voters.
Yup, they just need to get the polls back into the margin of fraud.
As a conservative I am unconcerned about a person’s race, just the content of their character.
But Leftists are utterly obsessed with race.
So it should be noted that even though Harris is marketed as “African American” she is mostly racially Indian.
Indians are Caucasian by race but with brown skin, an adaption to the climate of the subcontinent. They are basically white people with darker skins than typical Caucasians.
So, her woke credentials for the race-obsessed Left are highly questionable because she is really a brown-skinned “white” person.
It’s the reverse. All Europeans are from India. Even Hitler thought so as the Aryans are a light skinned Indian people.
In the creation of the US state the new idea of phrenology took hold, identifying people by skull shape. So they decided only Caucasians (the people between the Black sea and the Caspian Sea) had the ideal skull shape. Unfortunately Indians had the same shape. So the law was for White Caucasians to be citizens. This was only removed around 1965.
And historically everyone has been obsessed by race, not colour. Take the Hutus and the Tutsis in Rwanda, a million slaughtered based on head shape. And all the wars in China and India. Colour has only been relevant as it indicates race. Who is Black American is a funny question when there are so many races in Africa. Arabs, Egyptians, Ethiopians, Moroccans, Nigerians,…
But the new focus on race is not about race, it is Post Modernist Marxism where the oppressed are no longer the workers who do very well under capitalism. Everyone is oppressed. Racial groups, gender groups, social groups, geographical groups and then all women. Then you add intersectionality by mixing these.
Victims the lot rising up against the oppressor. Rich white males, the patriachy.
The left always want revolution. So the scum can rise to the top. Lenin led a merciless murderous military coup against a democratically elected government and began a time of mass slaughter of Russian citizens. Men, women, children. Notably the entire population of sailors on Kronstadt who had helped him to power. Stalin was killing his own people, especially his military, faster than Hitler could dream. And he died while plotting to kill all the Jewish doctors that week. Which was a perfect time for Beria to strike.
TdeF >All Europeans are from India. Even Hitler thought so as the Aryans are a light skinned Indian people
The Nazis were and are not the only dupes. DNA studies have proved that now.
Controversial topic and may not pass moderation (I’m Ok with that) but here goes.
Modern Israel, the Jews, are not Jews by birth. They are/were Jews by choice. Goes back to the Khazarian Kingdom north of the Caucasus between the Black and Caspian seas. Because they were a real problem to surrounding nations due to highway robbery, kidnapping, raiding etc they were forced to get religion – either Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. The King chose Judaism of the Babylonian kind i.e. not Torah based but Babylonian Talmud.
DNA studies of origin only tested the Rhineland Hypothesis, then along came a DNA study that tested the Rhineland Hypothesis vs the Khazarian Hypothesis. The results were incendiary – less than 5% of modern Israel are Jews by birth. More surrounding Bedouin and Yeminis had original ancient Israel DNA than do modern Israelis.
This DNA study corroborates a previous one (2001 – see next), the recent study was this:
The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses
Eran Elhaik (2013)
Results next.
Results – Eran Elhaik (2013)
[From elsewhere] In 2001, genetics research by Dr. Ariella Oppenheim of Hebrew University in Tel Aviv, produced basically the same results as Dr. Elhaik. Oppenheim’s study also found that the Jews origins are in Khazaria, and that they are of Turkic bloodline. She also reported that some Palestinians have the chromosome in their blood indicating they are Cohanim and Israelite.
That study was this (I think):
The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East
Almut Nebel, Dvora Filon, Bernd Brinkmann, Partha P. Majumder, Marina Faerman, and Ariella Oppenheim (2001)
>The results were incendiary
Reason being they destroy the basis of Zionism. Elhaik was pilloried by Zionists but as far as I know his results have not been refuted. He has since been a part of a team extending his first study cited.
Also destroys the notion that modern Israel is comprised of Jews-by-birth returning to their homeland from the Diaspora.
The hypothesis that European Jews originate from Khazar converts has been discredited by most scholars, numerous times. It is usually propagated by those seeking to deny Jews any right to their ancestral homeland in Israel (but the same people don’t want them living anywhere else either).
Also, the evidence that a vast majority of modern Jews do not come from Khazarian ancestory is evidenced by genetic markers for the “Kohen modal haplotype”. The priestly class of male Jews known as Kohanim (who today bear surnames such as Cohen etc.) are descended from a limited number of paternal lineages via the biblical Aaron. It is impossible for a convert to be part of this lineage and yet Ashkenazi Jews of European origin and Sephardic Jews of Middle East origin both bear this genetic marker. If European Jews were of convert origin, this marker would not be present.
Citation >Hum Genet. 2009;
Genet didn’t test competing hypotheses – Elhaik did.
Elhaik post dates Genet:
Oppenheim (2001)
Genet (2009)
Elhaik (2013)
>Wiki – Khazar hypothesis of Ashkenazi ancestry
Criticism of the Elhaik studies
>Marcus Feldman, Harry Ostrer, Doron Behar, and Michael Hammer
Not one of those hotlinked references is a peer-reviewed citeable scientific paper.
Further down there’s published criticisms but NONE address the competing hypotheses – Rhineland vs Khazarian.
That’s the conumdrum that Elhaik presents. Even Elhaik et al in subsequent work (see Wiki), although diverging here and there, don’t retract (contrary to Wiki impressions).
>It is impossible for a convert to be part of this lineage and yet Ashkenazi Jews of European origin and Sephardic Jews of Middle East origin both bear this genetic marker
Y-chromosomal Aaron
Y-chromosomal Levi next.
Y-chromosomal Levi
Those markers are all over the Middle East and world-wide including, as previous, “no apparent connection to the Jewish priesthood”. Therefore those markers, like J-P58 (“Y-STR variation associated with this haplogroup is older in the non-Ashkenazi community – Genet 2009) also widespread, are not a sole determinant.
>It is impossible for a convert to be part of this lineage and yet Ashkenazi Jews of European origin and Sephardic Jews of Middle East origin both bear this genetic marker
No, not impossible.
Apart from the case against impossibility upthread, here’s the time context from Britannica:
Aaron (flourished 14th century bc)
Khazar, member of a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes that in the late 6th century ce
Khazars adopted Judaism in the 8th century [ce]
1400 + 600 = 2000
1400 + 800 = 2200
So 2000+ years for Y-chromosomal Aaron to propagate to converts. That’s ample time.
Genet states:
Given all that, the Kohen modal haplotype is not the sole determinate as I said upthread. There’s just no clear distinction by 6th century ce after 2000+ years from Aaron. That haplotype is widespread by then.
Yes, very familiar with the Khazarian story, buried by Stalin. And I have been to Astrakhan at the delta of the Volga where they are excavating the ancient site of Itil, the original Khazarian capital. The river too was the Itil, not the Volga and the key to trade from Norway to Iran and Turkey and Egypt and East to the Oxus and China. It’s a fascinating story where the Jews of Israel dispersed around Europe, often to Spain and these are the Sephardic Jews. The conversion Jews are Azkhenazi, often blue eyed or golden eyed and second class Jews in the eyes of the Sephardic Jews. And Jews have had and still have so many sects that it is almost beyond documentation, something which is also true for Christians (a Jewish Sect) and Muslims.
But the UN in 1948 decided to create a Jewish homeland somewhere valueless, except for tradition. And that should have been the end of it. But now Haifa/Tel Aviv are some of the most expensive and desirable places on the coast, the Arabs want it ‘back’.
So the story continues. It was all going well, even the incredible Trump created Abraham accords to bring Saudi into the fold. And Iran on the outside, the other major Muslim sect. Until Biden and his minder, Blinken. I believe Bliken is the driver of all this conflict from Kabul to Tehran. And he is determined to smash the Abraham accords and help Iran. Why is the only puzzle. All those lives in Afghanistan. For what?
> something which is also true for Christians (a Jewish Sect)
Like Druze.
Coptics in Egypt. And the early Syrian Christians, well established in Mumbai since the first days of Christianity, which was a bit of a surprise.
And to understand the politics of Ukraine, you have to separate the (Polish) Catholics from the Orthodox from the Russian Orthodox which have been banned by Zelesky as they are administered from Moscow. You cannot understand the problems, as in Rwanda, just by looking at the people. Possibly the worst was the old Yugoslavia, site of hundreds of conflicts on race, religion, politics, history for two thousand years. Each valley hated the people in the next valley for something which happened a thousand years ago.
Even Trump, the billionaire who also owns 17 golf courses including one at his home at Mar El Lago. Few people know his mother was Scottish. Of course he’s golf mad. He could just shake his head when Biden said he played off a handicap of 6, better than 95% of all golfers. One of these men is a blatant liar even on National television.
It has come out recently on American media that the Trump rally shooter had three encrypted accounts and virtually no social media profile. He was very computer savvy according to those who knew him. I know little to nothing about ‘encrypted accounts.’ I believe they are set-up to keep correspondence secret. It was also revealed yesterday that the three accounts were all offshore, one in Belgium, one in New Zealand & I forget where the third one was. Now that we know this much about the shooter, do you think that the MSM here in NZ would mention it? Not last night that is for sure!
It was also revealed, just some of the crumbs of knowledge getting out from the investigators, that the shooter appeared in a Black Rock commercial just a few years ago. As for his being a ‘registered’ Republican, that info needs to be fleshed out. In states like Pennsylvania, which is strongly for the Dem’s normally, they allow anyone to register for any party in the primary voting phase. The idea is that you can vote for the opposition candidate you deem most likely to be either sympathetic to your cause (see Nikki Hayley) or more beatable by your side in the actual election, where you go back to voting for your side.
An interesting thing happened to me the day after the shooting. I was going through as many sources as I could find to see what they knew about the shooter in the early stages of the investigation. I spotted something interesting in Fox online. It was a bit bizarre in the way it was presented. I forget what the initial story was, but it looked like someone (at a lower level perhaps) had inserted a brief, edited video of the shooter talking to a computer camera. First, he introduces himself by his full name. This is immediately followed by a statement where he says, “I hate Republicans, and I hate Trump!” He says this with some conviction, bordering on nastiness. This is followed by a few images captured by attendees to the rally that we are now all familiar with.
my initial thoughts were that this will be plastered all over the media due to the powerful impression it leaves when you see it. Man was I wrong? When I came back to look at it again a few hours later it was gone. No sign of it anywhere! I checked on many other outlets that might allude to it, but nothing. Not only had it disappeared, but it was like it had been swallowed by a black hole! I am absolutely kicking myself for not recording it straight away. What was so bad about the world seeing the footage that it needed to be hidden by supposedly the hierarchy at Fox News? From the little that I have seen so far, there is nothing simple about the shooter and his history. Hopefully it will all be revealed. On a final note, I watched a bit on the History channel last night about Lee Harvey Oswald. One description of him was remarkably similar to how the Trump shooter has been described by those who knew him. Oswald was bullied when he joined the Marines and was influenced by overseas interests, in his case the U.S.S.R. It intrigues me as to who he was talking to here in New Zealand, and of course why?
That was likely a deep fake. It’s getting common. But he was talking to someone and it needed encryption. The FBI will find everything and destroy it all before Trump gets in. Operation Blackbriar.
The “Save Page as” function is your friend.
And it’s going to be fun watching how the Democrats spin the dumping of Harris. Especially when Harris refuses to go. It might get nasty unless they can also do a deal with Harris. And Joe drops his bundle anyway, now he is paid off. I am waiting for the Presidential Pardon of Hunter.
… and how they justify the transfer of all the campaign funds.
I think legally they have to give the money back first. A lot of donors will be burned by the assurances that Joe Biden was ‘sharp as a tack’.
Remember that book Camel Ride Across A Desert by Major Bumsore
“Ships of the desert”!
You wouldn’t want an ugly one.
So, weren’t we talking about how the Democrats couldn’t change their nomination in some States already, and that Kamala wouldn’t have access to Biden’s war chest?
“Harris has a head start over several of the most discussed Democratic alternatives like California Governor Gavin Newsom and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. She’s already been on a winning presidential ticket with Biden…and would most likely control a huge fund amassed by the Biden re-election campaign.
The vice president, as his official running mate, can access the $US91 million cash on hand the president’s campaign has raised — which grows to $US240 million when including allied Democratic organisations — in ways Democratic alternatives likely can’t.”
SMH reckons she just steps up and takes over everything. She’ll win easily ‘because she’s black’, and that’s their answer to any problem with her.
Ah, democracy…
“About 39 per cent of US adults have a very or somewhat favourable opinion of the vice president, which is in line with Biden’s 40 per cent favorability.”
The DNC rules have to be broken. But there is a legal problem with donations made for one purpose and used for another, even if related. That is tantamount to theft. And I do not know if these amounts are in the bank or pledges. And then the committed delegates for Joe Biden, 4000 of them. None are for Kamala Harris. It will be a unique event this DNC convention. In an election where voting is optional having cash for advertising and to buy votes (illegal) is critical.
A big problem is the last minute switch. Everyone lied about Joe’s mental state. But the story is that he has lost the will to live with his terrible illness. Talk about taking a sickie! He is presumably at home in July August at the beach with Dr. Jill. Feeling sick. And the story will be no more geriatrics. Biden has conceded he is too old to run again and Trump should drop out too.
And there is no Democrat candidate ready to go. Maybe an opportunity for another geriatric like Pelosi, the wicked witch of the West? Who is even older.
Or Gavin Newsom. Probably more unpopular at home than nationally. Another Trudeau, elected on image, not reality. He may not carry California.
Maybe a compromise candidate like RINO Liz Cheney? Who switched parties long ago in all but name.
Perhaps a complete outside, a young energetic competitor with zero baggage but who can be controlled? There are many of those.
Any way you look at it, the Democrats have left their run too late. And lost all credibility. You can be sure most have lost faith in stopping Donald Trump.
It’s now only about saving Senate and Congress seats in a big half election with a lot of seats ready to swap.
I’m a broken record I know, but manufacturing votes is the cheat du jour.
And NOTHING is unplanned. There is most certainly a democrat candidate ready to go. Well hidden in plain sight perhaps but most certainly ready to go.
All will be revealed and it will be blindingly obvious in retrospect.
Announcing an entirely new candidate at the Convention perhaps? They were all behind Biden. Now they are all behind Kamala. Then they have to get behind someone else? It’s a bit late to be playing those games. The Convention is 19th August 2024 in Chicago. Four weeks away. 9 weeks from the election.
>39 per cent of US adults
We’ve just discovered the exact percentage of the adult US population who are so stupid they wouldn’t even know what day it is.
Judging from the the results of the last federal and state elections, that percentage is almost the same here.
Come summer and I reckon I will be “blacker”, despite being from British. German / Slavic stock.
Nature of “character” trumps, so to speak, the colour of the hide.
Sorry Jo- mis-spelled the email address
As expected, Biden has decided he will end his reelection campaign. This is really no surprise; this 81-year-old’s fitness for office and ability to defeat former president Donald Trump has obviously been a failed quest. He simply said: “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President,” adding, “And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”
The WOKE Democrats are salivating, for they have a black woman presidential candidate
They can check two boxes!
In a separate social media post, Biden endorsed his vice president, Kamala D. Harris, to replace him as his party’s standard-bearer ahead of its national convention on August 19-22 convention (2024.632).
“Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year,” Biden said in a post shared on X. “Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”
Well, let’s see what happens at the Democrat Convention.
Yes, except Biden is on the record as intending to be a one term transitional president.
Those who manufacture the lies can’t even lie straight in bed.
The concerning this about the US political scene at the moment will be the extreme case of Lame Duck president. Even Obama was a lame duck for most of his last year ( or even term ). Lameduckness ( new word ) was previously due to having an incumbent President but without any house majorities, running out his term. But ol’ Sleepy is decrepit, not sound of mind which means his minders are running the ship. Even if he makes public appearances or attends events, who is going to take the guy seriously? Previously, maybe even the most rusted on Democrat voters possibly listened to him – now, I wouldn’t think so.
“Visualizing The Cost Of Hosting The Olympics”
When exactly did the media lose control of the narrative and running protection for Captain Senile and his cackling cohort, was it before the shooting or after.
The 8 bullets ended Biden’s campaign. The extraordinary RNC put a lid on Biden’s coffin. He will be in a home next year while Trump paraded his whole large impressive family. His granddaughter was a hit. Biden doesn’t acknowledge his.
But the selection of JD Vance had RINOs angry and Democrats in despair because the Trump legacy is now place. Say a popular Vance gets two terms after a very successful Trump Presidency. The unthinkable has arrived. A Republican John Kennedy. Same age as President. A Republican Camelot.
And Elon Musk saw it coming. As always. He wants protection against China.
And what about a Republican Robert Kennedy Jr?
Trump has offered Robert a seat in his cabinet if he endorsess Trump and drops out of the race!
Now that’s smart. Trump is a deal maker. It’s his life story. And the Republicans hate him because he is not part of the swamp. RFK is exactly the same, at best conservative with left leanings, like JFK.
It’s what’s missing in the current political discourse, anywhere for the reasonable people in the middle which in my opinion is the bulk of the population. There is the extreme left, people who actually hate America, like the ‘squad’. And anyone who is not with them completely is labelled, the ‘far right’. A coalition of the reasonable and fair would be very attractive to the voters. It used to be called conservative, but that is now a term never used.
And conservatives do not want to go to war, unlike the extremes. Trump wants to end the wars. And that sets the Military Industrial complex on his tail, as Eisenhower warned. The entire Bourne series was credibly based on this.
The Channel 7 correspondent in the US at the Republican convection was trying to downplay Trump’s impressive reception by stating it must be difficult for Melania to be on stage with Trump after his conviction for bribing a prostitute.
Channel 7 is fast becoming as unbearable as their ABC.
Well before the shooting. And I don’t think control of the narrative was lost. Merely changed.
I say that because nobody wanting to assist Biden would have allowed him anywhere near the debate. And you’d have to be very brave to try to play chicken with Trump hoping he would turn it down.
I can only think Biden has reached a point where he is an irrational angry old man. Frustrated. And still President, so he always gets what he wants.
At the debate, the shooting just finished things off, but not in the way they wanted
Hey Biden dropped out!
Wow, really?
Thanks for that detailed analytical informative post.
Don’t know where we’d be without you.
And in breaking GA news: “Harris”
Wow. Where did you hear that?
Of course, it’s not Biden’s fault he has dementia, but it’s his party’s fault and the Lamestream media for hiding the fact that the most powerful (visible) person on earth, the President of the United States, was medically unfit for office.
Hopefully if anything good comes out of this, it will be to raise awareness of its existence and possible prevention and treatment.
This is not medical device but some say deficiency of Vit D has an adverse effect on brain health while others have called Alzheimer’s “type 3 diabetes”. These are some of the areas that need to be explored by real scientists, not those working for Big Pharma.
New Scientist has gone Woke and cannot bet trusted, but this is what they have to say.
Or the brain-gut axis and microbiomes as I’ve covered…
Biden initially refused to endorse Harris, but he caved in under pressure.
For a few dollars more.
It’s always been about the money for the Biden Crime family. And a get out of jail free card.
Copy of 13 page findings here:
This conflicts with other reports that the local police only provided personnel for traffic control and did not provide any snipers or other security personnel.
Why were the so called “snippers” inside the double story building and not on the roof like the Secret Service snipers behind Trump?
The windows would restrict their field of view.
Why the nonsensical reason (slightly sloping roof) given by Kimberly Cheat-le if these were not Secret Service personnel but personnel of some local authority?
The cover-up continues.
Secret Service also lies about requests for additional protection
The biggest question inside the investigation of the Trump assassination attempt, is the thing no one has mentioned. Why have there been no daily press briefings?
Where are the official 10:00am press briefing updates every day on the investigation?
Where are the official press conferences from the Secret Service, FBI and law enforcement answering questions and providing information from the prior days investigative results?
Where are the organized and official updates to let the American people know what has been found out about the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump?
>Where are the organized and official updates to let the American people
American people don’t rate if Senators don’t:
Senator Hawley – FBI said, ‘Get out of here. You shouldn’t be on this site. We don’t want you here.’
Senator Johnson – getting the “runaround”. From upthread #
Local law Ok, Feds in coverup mode.
>Bartiromo – Johnson interview
I have a string of comments on that upthread beginning here. But re snipers specifically at # (see below)
>Why were the so called “snippers” inside the double story building and not on the roof like the Secret Service snipers behind Trump?
Exactly. 3 guys, 2 of those “snipers”: AGR-sniper-1 and AGR-sniper-2. My comment from #
What was Guy-3 function? Spotter? Surely it would be a Spotter function to take photos – not a sniper function.
>The windows would restrict their field of view.
Except AGR-sniper-1 was snapping photos no problem. From #
Seems to more a photographer, less so a sniper.
Perhaps the higher AGR building was originally chosen for the communication hub but the security plan was curtailed.
It appears that the stage and bleachers were arranged so that observers in the buildings had an unobstructed view of the stage. An “unintended” consequence was that most of the roof of the lower adjacent building also had a line of sight to centre stage.
The video of Crooks on the roof show him shifting laterally shortly before firing. The bleacher at stage right would be an obstruction. When he did fire, his line-of-fire was still partially obstructed by members of the audience at the edge of that bleacher.
“First Traces” Of Solar Cycle 26 Detected On Sun
“We’re likely seeing the first traces of Cycle 26, which won’t officially start until about 2030.”
The Approaching New Grand Solar Minimum and Little Ice Age Climate Conditions
Nils-Axel Mörner (2015)
Warming? – Static? – Cooling?
We have not yet reached the peak of the current solar optimum.
The dominant solar cycle has a period of 1680 years but the gravitational power goes positive and negative around the average so actual peaks in energy transfer are around 840 years apart.. In terms of the cycle, we are currently equivalent to about 400AD. About 100 years later, the Roman Empire collapsed and by 800AD the Tibetan Empire collapsed. That was the minimum gravitational activity before the medieval warm period then the LIA beginning around 1650AD. WE are now close to the peak of the current optimum but .I have not looked at solar data beyond 2200 however it looks like the peak is past by then. It should be past given the 1680 year period.
So take 800AD and add 1680 and you get 2480. That is the minimum.
But the sun is more a weather maker than climate maker. The precession cycle makes climate. My solar and precession data places 2100 around the end of the optimum and solar insolation will decline gradually over the 200 years. The precession cycle will continue to warm the oceans of the NH. I expect that by 2300, snowfall will be overtaking snow melt and permafrost across the northern hemisphere will be migrating south.
It is worth noting that even the 1680 year major cycle is not repeating. But any longer term cycles would be buried in Earth’s axial precession.
Rick >But the sun is more a weather maker than climate maker
What is your explanation for the LIA in terms of energy ingress, or lack of, to the planetary system?
>What is your explanation for the LIA in terms of energy ingress, or lack of, to the planetary system?
What I mean by this is power in Watts (Joules per second).
Two papers, both ignored by the IPCC:
A new approach to the long-term reconstruction of the solar irradiance leads to large historical solar forcing
A. I. Shapiro, W. Schmutz, E. Rozanov, M. Schoell, M. Haberreiter, A. V. Shapiro and S. Nyeki (2011)
4. Results and discussion
I corresponded with the IPCC’s solar specialist Mike Lockwood re this. This was his reason for rejecting Shapiro (2011):
Next paper:
Revised historical solar irradiance forcing
T. Egorova, W. Schmutz, E. Rozanov, A. I. Shapiro, I. Usoskin, J. Beer, R. V. Tagirov and T. Peter (2018)
IPCC preference next.
The IPCC, including Mike Lockwood, studiously avoids these estimates. They go for least least-case scenarios. Like this AR citation:
What influence will future solar activity changes over the 21st century have on projected global near-surface temperature changes?
Gareth S. Jones, Mike Lockwood, Peter A. Stott (2012)
Figure 1
Total solar irradiance (TSI) reconstructions and projections used in this study. In each of the three TSI historic reconstructions used (L00, K07, and L09)
The values adjacent to the arrow are the increase from the Maunder Minimum to present day, with TSI in black and an estimate of the radiative forcing in red.
LOO: 2.55 W.m2
KO7: 1.26 W.m2
LO9: 0.98 W.m2
These are then converted to “forcings” for climate modeling, thus diminishing the actual power.
I linked to a similar reconstruction below.
There is more than just the power output. The gravitational forces that drive the solar activity also produce higher frequency EMR that has influences in the atmosphere beyond just the power.
There is now actual TSI measurement over daily periods for this century. The daily values range from 1357W/m^2 to 1362.28W/m^2. A realistic range for monthly averages is 2W/m^2, which becomes 0.25W/m^2 on area average over Earth.
The point about the TSI is that it is global and real. Any forcing from CO2 is imaginary. It only happens in climate models.
The accumulated difference in TSI from 1714AD is 737ZJ. That is a lot of additional heat input and has melted a lot of snow.
As I noted, The LIA was at the transition from negative to positive gravitational energy in the sun. It was a period of quiet sun with reconstruction indicating an average output at 1AU of 1360.1W/m^2 compared with 1362W/m^2 now.
Although only a small change from then till now, much of it is accumulative through net melt in snow and it works globally. The precession cycle has more influence on climate but it is a shift in peak solar from SH to NH beginning in 1535AD for global land . The warming in the NH now being experienced is a double whammy of precession and solar insolation.
Precession cycle causes glaciation. Humans with the the capacity to record it are yet to experience glaciation . It will be far more significant than anything happening now.
>1360.1W/m^2 compared with 1362W/m^2
2 W.m2 Diff.
That’s the thing about solar attribution: the wide range and disagreement of the power difference LIA to Present.
Just in this little corner we have exactly that:
0.98 W.m2 – LO9 Jones et al (2012) IPCC
1.26 W.m2 – KO7 Jones et al (2012) IPCC
2.00 W.m2 – Dudoc de Wit et al (2017)/Wu et al (2o18)
2.55 W.m2 – LOO Jones et al (2012) IPCC
3.70 W.m2 – Egorova et al (2018)
4.50 W.m2 – Egorova et al (2018)
>The accumulated difference in TSI from 1714AD is 737ZJ.
Based on which of the above?
Assuming Dudoc de Wit/Wu 2 W.m2 that will be in excess of 0.98 W.m2 LO9 Jones et al and well short of Egorova et al (2018) 4.50 W.m2.
But it gets much worse after IPCC “forcing” conversion mutilation:
LOO: 2.55 W.m2 => 0.17 W.m2
KO7: 1.26 W.m2 => 0.22 W.m2
LO9: 0.98 W.m2 => 0.44 W.m2
So whatever power difference you pick from above or anywhere else, it will not be what the IPCC adopts as a representative “forcing.
>IPCC “forcing” conversion
Got that upside down. Should be:
LOO: 2.55 W.m2 => 0.44 W.m2
KO7: 1.26 W.m2 => 0.22 W.m2
LO9: 0.98 W.m2 => 0.17 W.m2
Extrapolating for Dudoc de Wit/Wu (W.W):
Ego: 4.50 W.m2 => ?
Ego: 3.70 W.m2 => ?
LOO: 2.55 W.m2 => 0.44 W.m2
W.W: 2.00 W.m2 => 0.35 W.m2
KO7: 1.26 W.m2 => 0.22 W.m2
LO9: 0.98 W.m2 => 0.17 W.m2
I am in the process of writing my article on cycles Part 2. It gets into detail on shorter term weather cycles of the order of decades to hundreds of years to follow on from my analysis of glaciation:
Part two will get into a lot of detail on the sun. I have analysed its motion from 2000BC to 2200AD and have discovered some new insights. Even over that long period, there is no repetition in the gravitational forces but there is a basic 1680 year cycle.
It explains much of the observed shorter term climate observations.
The IPCC are religious zealots. Their objective is to demonise CO2 and gain permanent funding for the UN. They want authority and wealth without accountability. It is a hive of would be dictators where Kevin Rudd was ensconced for a while.
The 2W/m^2 at 1AU translates to 0.25W/m^2 on an area average basis. The accumulation from 1800 gives good correlation with rising ocean temperature. The reegreession coefficient is 82% based on 1360.7W/m^2 as the baseline and integrating from 1714AD. It even captures the rise through the 1800 and then the dip at the start of the 1900s.
I have been able to identify a number of weather cycles that are driven by the sun.. I can recreate solar output reasonably well based on the gravitational forces acting on the sun.
Jordan Peterson Noticed Something Everyone Missed In The Trump vs Biden Debate (video)
Brilliant mind and vast experience with analysing people. Plus a degree in politics.
And the first to point out that Trump’s aggressive stance and unpredictability unsettles enemies, something very valuable in world politics. I remember Teddy Roosevelt’s “speak softly and carry a big stick”.
I have listened to most of his podcasts. Amazing man. I don’t know why he doesn’t explode with tension. Or perhaps he did.
I have had interesting experience with one of my grandsons who has a tendency to bully. If he is losing at a game he will wreck the game. So if you want to play with him you have to let him win. I think that was the point Peterson was trying to make.
Most people want to play the game and do not mind losing to the point of blowing up the game. A bully will blow up the game rather than lose. So people soon realise that they have to let the bully win or at least appear to win for the game to continue.
With my grandson, I know that if he is losing, it is game over. Most people would be concerned about what Trump is capable of if he is losing. The swamp dwellers in DC are already looking for the exits.
I consider Trump a mature bully though with empathy and kindness as solid endowments from accounts of people who have met him. But he wants to play the game his way.
Accommodating or appeasing them only makes them worse.
It reinforces the undesirable behaviour.
The behaviour must be confronted.
We learn from the logical consequences of our behaviour.
Trump 330 Electoral College Votes vs 202 for Harris
Kamala Harris “We have 107 days until Election Day. Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.”
Only 107 days! Three and a half months!
I think she is making the point that springing a new candidate on the American public would be a travesty.
Why do I get the impression of the Democratic Party as a headless chicken?
>Why do I get the impression of the Democratic Party as a headless chicken?
It just keeps getting better and better:
FEC Chairman: Biden Donations ‘Shall Be Either Returned or Refunded’ After Drop Out
George Clooney’s going to be busy.
Remember Clooney re Trump first time – “Not gonna happen”.
That’s absolutely essential. It’s not DNC rules, keeping the money would be criminal theft.
Harris vows to “finish the job”.
My ever reliable crystal ball says prepping and doomsday bunker sales are about to go vertical.😆
What is the tag on Trump’s latest ear dressing/bandage?×480.jpeg
Trump on Leftists Calling Him a ‘Threat to Democracy’: ‘I Took a Bullet for Democracy’
Did the world’s largest car company just make the world’s biggest blunder?
Stellantis, the world’s largest carmaker, operating under 14 brands, including Fiat, Peugeot, and Jeep, is investing a whopping $6 billion into South America to develop engines that can run on both gasoline and ethanol.
And may be a saving grace if the EU continues wth its dual fuel policies, assuming the the EU continues.
Since the covid vaccine disaster I have little faith in the safety or efficacy of vaccines.
However, in a few months I am going to do about a 200km walk in the Himalayas and much of it will be in very remote areas.
I do need to get various vaccinations such as rabies, Japanese Encephalitis, Hepatitis etc..
Last time I was there, about 8 years ago, I got shingles very badly but I had to keep trekking because there was no emergency medical assistance and the nearest place a helicopter could land to pick me up was about 24hrs walk away. Unless you can get antiviral treatment with a few days there is nothing that can be done anyway. And I doubt any was available in any case.
There is a shingles vaccination available which costs about A$600 for two injections. My doctor doesn’t think it is very effective or particularly necessary as you do get some immunity from prior infections.
I am interested to know others’ thoughts on this.
Don’t forget your mask!
Rabies – no real risk, a very slow burner.
Shingles – so you’ve had Chickenpox then? Dodgy immune system?
The vaxx beforehand is a good idea.
Hepatitus (of any type)? If you’re at risk, stay home. Honestly!
Japanese Encephalitis – the vaxx or don’t go in the wet season (or dry season 😁)
Just take your Ivermectin & zinc with you… Pack some Povidone Iodine & some alternative antiseptic liquid and go!
And always take TravelLan. Cheap. Simple. Australian patented invention. The most common problem is not any of the above but Montezuma’s revenge. And 99% of that is e-coli. Travelan over the counter. Brilliant. Chelates e-coli. I was able to travel around the Middle East and Egypt and India without a worry when busloads of tourists were sick. Places where every surface is deadly because it doesn’t rain. No one washes their hands. I don’t know how they make money because one tablet is often an instant cure. You were very unlucky with shingles. It can be a disaster when it recurs, more when than if. Encephalitis is deadly in Russia/Eastern Europe but I have never heard of anyone getting it. Still people avoid long grass as it is carried by tiny ticks. It is in parks in Russia/Siberia. People pull their socks over their trousers. Bites are very low.
>Bites are very low.
Low in elevation or frequency?
Feet, ankles. No place for shorts. Nasty little things. Like ground based mosquitoes.
There are several antivirals available to take the edge of shingles. Also Herpes! Your GP is correct about the poor efficacy of the Jab for shingles. Personally, I would take some valtrex tablets in my medical kit.
My adventure with the shingles vaxxine,
Yes, I am/ was stupid to think that the only dangerous vaxxines were of the CV 19 variety.
And I used to think that the “antivaxxers” in that enclave up near Byron Bay were misguided.
Strange how ABC radio just announced casually this morning that Biden had just stepped down.
No big deal. But it is isn’t it ?
EVs: Had a conversation over the weekend with a fervent apostle \ fan \ owner \ driver of EVs and came to the conclusion that the only approach I needed to have is to state that I had no need for an EV and I don’t. From angles that they try to justify getting an EV (all the BS) I don’t have any need for one. Maybe towards the end of the century things will change but there needs to be a massive change in the technology and the economics and only then it will be a matter of petroleum running out and being replaced with a viable alternative.
CrowdStrike also broke Debian and Rocky Linux earlier this year – hackers are taking advantage of Friday’s chaos
A glitch with CrowdStrike’s Falcon Sensor agent caused havoc across the globe last week, and the chaos continues as malicious actors rush to take advantage. Amid the turmoil, it is instructive to consider a little-noticed event earlier this year when a CrowdStrike update caused all Debian Linux servers to crash simultaneously and refuse to boot. It took the cybersecurity provider weeks to provide a root cause analysis, revealing that the update was incompatible with the latest stable version of Debian.
These issues occurred over several months, indicating ongoing compatibility problems between the security software and certain Linux distributions. For instance, similar issues were reported by CrowdStrike users after upgrading to Rocky Linux 9.4, with servers crashing due to a kernel issue.
CrowdStrike’s response to the Debian issue was slow. It took them weeks to provide a root cause analysis, which revealed that the Debian Linux configuration was not included in their test matrix.
Or the DNC’s secret Crowdstrike server in Ukraine…sssshhhh…
You would think a slower roll out schedule would have been advisable.
Don’t do business with DEI companies.
It’s NOT a DEI issue!
It’s a long running QC issue.
Look, here’s the problem:
1. Companies want protection against cyberthreats.
2. The existence of 0-days (threats so new that security vendor definitions haven’t been updated, but may be detected by behavioural traits) requires immediate counter measure deployment.
3. Crowdstrike drivers run in Ring-0 kernel in order to obtain an unaltered unfiltered view of what’s happening in the system, with privileges not available in Ring-1, the typical user software level.
4. Typically, ANYTHING that requires Ring-0 privileges should have Microsoft WHQL quality assurance testing and approval certification.
5. #4 takes time – days to weeks.
6. Crowdstrike DOESN’T HAVE that certification and that arrogant impatience was their mistake.
7. Anything that goes off the rails in Ring-0 takes the whole system down. BSOD’s are a DESIGN FEATURE for protection of data, it’s not “just a crash”.
8. The biggest companies on Earth just found out the hard way that their “safe and effective” supplier is a shonk, by demonstrable lack of quality control, testing and approvals.
Sorry, CIA/SS your 1963 compatriots were a lot smarter! They got their man and covered all the bases! Your story is string vest material!
The front page Australian is the laugh of the century!
“Kamala Harris firms as nominee, wins endorsement of Newsom, Buttigieg after Biden withdraws from race”
Vaxxed 18yo athlete now has the heart of a 60yo
Journalist: “I literally just came from a meeting with a mother whose 18 year-old son has just been diagnosed with pericarditis and myocarditis and his cardiologist has told he now has the heart of a 60 year-old. And of course he had to get the shots to go to university and participate in his sport. Just last week I was at my local golf club and I was chatting with one of the staff that work there. She was telling me that she routinely now has to go for cardiac exams because no fewer than 4 girls that she knows, that she plays hockey with at the university level have all been diagnosed with myocarditis following the shots and I’m told they can no longer play collegiate level sports. All of them were forced to take these shots to go to school.
So I’m wondering is are we sitting on top of a bubble of potential future deaths from all of these young people who are now being diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis and vasculitis as a result of these shots.”
No one is wondering about this … if you have been paying attention to Dr McCollough … then there’s nothing to wonder about, you already know it’s true.
For those not interested in taking on any new information … they are incapable of curiosity and never seem to doubt themselves.
At this stage there aren’t many fence sitters left.
It is truly terrifying. The only good news is that the adverse effects appear to proceed from mostly “hot batches” of the vaccine. It is estimated that such batches – containing various contaminants and/or incorrect manufacturing of the vaccine components represent possibly 6% of the vaccinations. That is hardly “good news” but at least it perhaps minimises the harm.
Some commentators also suggest that failure to maintain the vaccine supplies at the correct temperature and conditions may have rendered many batches as “ineffective”. Given the relatively non-medical and poorly administered vaccination venues, this is highly probable. Many many recipients of these genetic products were luckier than they know.
An important consideration?
Same on the 5th November 2024.
A penny for the guy?
Hadn’t thought of that. No, National Ice Cream day and the US election. Word play. But I suppose they will be burning effigies of Joe Biden this year.
Quote of the Day
“The Democrats are now rigging their own elections”
I wonder, as Trump did, whether Barack Obama was an American citizen or whether his mother faked the birth certificate in Hawaii. We may never know but even Trump gave up in the end.
>I wonder…
The birth certificate which was produced, whether fake or not shows his father as Barack Obama Snr, a British citizen at the time of President Obama’s birth.
Therefore he is not eligible for the presidency, no matter where geographically Barack Jnr was actually or ostensibly born.
The U.S. Constitution states that the president must be a natural-born citizen of the United States.
Emer de Vattel, The Law of Nations, Or, Principles of the Law of Nature (London 1797) (1st ed. Neuchatel 1758) (“The native, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens;); Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. (21 Wall.) 162, 167-68 (1875) (“At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also.
These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners”).
“The Democrats are now rigging their own elections”
Do they know any other way.
Will Kamala now nominate Killary as her VP?
Space-X has won the contract to bring the ISS down.
“NASA plans for space station’s demise with new SpaceX ‘Deorbit Vehicle’
Last year, NASA sought industry proposals and two companies responded: SpaceX and Northrop Grumman… In late June, NASA awarded SpaceX a contract valued at up to $843 million to build the deorbit vehicle, which will be owned and operated by the space agency.
To achieve a precisely targeted entry, “the deorbit vehicle will need six times the usable propellant and three to four times the power generation and storage of today’s Dragon spacecraft,” ”
Sound like a job for Starship! By 2030 they should be going up every week, like Falcons are now, and often daily.
They could crane it out of the pool I guess!
I often wonder when they do the extravehecular work, why they don’t blow up like the Michelin man because they are in a near perfect vacuum.
I don’t wonder that as I understand physics.
Hmmmm it’s a shame then you choose snark over education on fundamentals.
You are right. The entire suit has to be pressurised to 1 atmosphere, not just the fishbowl on the top. It’s not a high pressure.
At the top of Mt Everest the pressure is about 235mm of hg as against sea level at 760mg Hg. So 30% of normal sea level air.
Business aircraft were pressurised to 20,000′
Passenger aircraft were pressurised to 10,000′ but these days around 3800′.
I had to adjust over a week when moving to Colorado where the whole state is a mile high, 6000′ and 70% of normal air pressure. Australian swimmers train there on 30% less oxygen. These days they have plastic tents in gyms to reduce air pressure for training.
But I imagine the effect of zero pressure would be michelin man. The most devastating part is when nerves swell up confined inside the backbone. This can be crippling. And of course the eyeballs.
It’s odd that it would be so hard to bring a space station down accurately and that it would need so much power. I wonder why just slowing it down doesn’t work? With a lot of care.
I expect a lot of the power needed is the same as the power to get it up to the speed its going. Some lifting energy goes to fight gravity, some goes to accelerate it to orbital velocity.
You’re quite right, they are going to put a modified Crew Dragon capsule in its place at the ‘front’ and fire the motors to kill the speed, so it falls. But every module up there had a rocket the size of Falcon to get it there, and there’s more than 400tons to de-orbit. It took 40 flights to get it all up there.
“why they don’t blow up like the Michelin man because they are in a near perfect vacuum.”
Suits are designed for that, but they would be hard to work in when there is atmosphere. I see Musk’s suits are a lot more modern-looking than the old NASA ones, he must have employed a stylist.
A lot less. Most of the energy is required to lift a huge weight against gravity and air resistance. Only a fraction of this translates to orbital velocity especially once clear of the atmosphere. So it should not take much energy to slow it down and manage reentry, falling. I assume the trick is to guide it down in one piece as long as possible. They certainly cannot bring it down in one piece. It was not designed for that. But they do not want masses of space debris or a huge impact area or to hit populated areas.
It’s probably more comparable to bringing down a multistorey building. The trick is to not have it fall on anyone or anything. But it will fall.
And the destruction of the World Trade Centre Twin Towers was an entirely novel way to bring down two of the world’s tallest buildings in their own yard by starting at the top. It was always a puzzle how to bring down such structures. Osama Bin Laden’s father made his billions in building construction. His son perfected demolition. Accidentally.
Invoking the 25th
If President Joe Biden cannot seek reelection due to cognitive issues, he cannot finish his term, according to Republican Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina, who is proposing a resolution demanding for Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment and become acting president
The resolution, which notes that “for years it has been clear to the American people that [Biden] was experiencing severe cognitive decline and was mentally unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” is to be introduced as early as Monday.
My understanding is that if Harris replaces Biden before the November election her VP has to be approved by the House which is now controlled by the Republicans – can this be confirmed?
This just gets better every day.
Interesting just who has not endorsed Harris. To me, endorsing her would make the national convention just a formality. If there is no other contender, it is hard to see why they haven’t endorsed her.
Obama and Clinton and Pelosi and Jeffries and Schumer are thick as thieves, as they have been the whole time. You can guarantee they have their own plan. After all, they have been running the White House in Obama’s third term. It’s a cabal which dominates the Democrats.
The only question is why they haven’t made their move already? Why are they waiting? Maybe Michelle is keeping them waiting? And Obama is asking for time to get her onboard. After all, she can stay home at Martha’s Vineyard while Obama commutes to the White House for his part time job helping with pesky tasks like the economy or international relations. Michelle can attend the parties.
Imagine it. Two black women running America. So woke!
Pelosi is older than Biden but no one is tipping her out of her wheelchair.
Acknowledging Biden is a single topic statement made out of respect without injecting other issues. Endorsement statements will follow in that order.
Tdef – whaaa?
Acknowledgement of tribe will be followed by a traditional Biden family cocaine snorting ceremony hosted by Hunter.
Ashley Biden doesn’t attend family gatherings, just in case her father asks if she’s showered today.
If it wasn’t for the Don, the US would only have O’Biden to vote for.
The insanity of net zero has been exposed – and by the Greens, no less
Marring our countryside to enable poor-return forms of energy creation is a foolish idea
When your whole shtick and passionate belief system is about sacrificing all for net zero, you look rather silly when you turn out to care about the things you mocked others for caring about. Like convenience, efficiency, and beauty.
Yet silliness it is for the Green party, whose co-leader Adrian Ramsay said last week that he will oppose a 100 mile corridor of pylons in his East Anglian constituency of Waveney Valley, required for connecting offshore wind farms to the grid and deemed “vital infrastructure” by the National Grid.
As a Green, Ramsay has now lost all credibility. But as a sensible MP and human, he sounds more sane than many, claiming to be a “constituency MP” and thus keen on honouring locals’ aversion to the corridor.
That aversion ought not to be dismissed but rather viewed as an opportunity to modify the obsession with net zero. As for the big picture, we all know that the UK reaching net zero will make the slightest bit of difference when America’s industrial heartlands, India, South America and China are still puffing away.
On a more focused level, marring our countryside to enable relatively poor-return forms of energy creation, such as wind farms, is not a good idea and it is not right either. One of the major plus points to living in Britain is that we have some absolutely unique, wonderful countryside – in part thanks to intricate planning systems and Nimbyism.
Net zero fanatics in the Greens and in Labour don’t seem to understand why making the country ugly, with onshore wind farms, pylons, hideous housing developments on protected land, isn’t the silver bullet it seems, not least because nuclear is the option that makes sense.
But also: if people here are already depressed by failing systems, depriving them of what they have grown up taking for granted as “the countryside” will only make them more depressed. There is a profound tension between net zero fanaticism and prosperity, growth, and happiness. Labour and the Greens are as far as ever from recognising it.
I still don’t understand nett zero. Take a company which makes concrete or steel or plastic or aluminium, if they are making the same quantity as in 2005, why do they have to change? Now they are subject to 35% tax (5% a year just started) on their CO2 output, a punitive carbon tax. How does that achieve Nett Zero?
Does anyone know?
Or say the Tasmanian Ferry line. Unless they introduce rubber band driven propellers, how can they reduce CO2? And how does it relate to 2005?
Or the MMBW with sewage processing and methane/CO2. More people means more sewage. How do they reduce that to 2005?
Is it just about creating a huge money flow and forcing people like QUENOS to shut shop and leave the country, which is what has happened, at the cost of 800 jobs? And stopping the only company which can recycle plastics from operating?
I cannot believe polticians have crafted a 35% carbon tax on the top 250 companies in Australia. That’s everyone. But not on the public. And who gets the cash? Agricultural Carbon Credits? Who is growing the trees? So we are paying people not to grow food but to grow trees? Why?
“I still don’t understand net(t) zero.”
It can’t be understood as a policy.
It did not originate amongst a group of people attempting to solve and engineering problem.
It was birthed in the agitprop hatchery.
It is somewhat entertaining to me that folk, particularly those with problem solving engineering type inclinations, pour over the calculations as if they were supposed to add up.
Take windmills.
They are obvious political props.
(The go to visual for energy corporate ads.)
Like the temple of Athena, Cathedrals or Aztec temple pyramids, designed to symbolize priestly power.
Be thankful you have a job building them thus avoiding being sacrifice fodder.
The Age of Science died as a infant.
We have returned to the historical homeostasis of barely controlled superstitious hysteria.
We did advance from piling rocks to painting circuit boards … with the exact same result.
It’s worth repeating :
“It is somewhat entertaining to me that folk, particularly those with problem solving engineering type inclinations, pour over the calculations as if they were supposed to add up”.
Exactly, poring over detail/minutiae that is only nominally associated with the problem shows that people are not very smart or are deliberately trying to mislead.
Make no mistake about it: You cannot make solar panels, nor wind turbines, without fossil fuels. You can’t make steel without fossil fuels. No one has even remotely attempted to make any of these without fossil fuels.
Net Zero is an absolutely insane unachievable goal completely incompatible with modern human civilization. It will never be achieved unless the human spieces was wiped off the face of the earth.
The only reason ‘net zero’ programs exist in the modern west like Australia is like most other regulation: Rent Seeking. Groups gain presteige and spending money if they can tag the other group as evil.
No one has ever cared about what it has meant to achieve. We have known this since Gillards carbon tax. Under her insane policy – brick and tile kilns in Australia (which use gas) had to pay carbon tax. This made it cheaper to import forign bricks and tiles… made using coal/gas, then transport over seasons with diesel. CO2 output went up.
The same will happen in Australia if these green programs tax off. Power costs will rise and people will revert back to burning wood, petrol, and diesel generators. Just wait and see. It only takes energy prices to reach 60c/kwhour before it starts to become cheaper to run a modern high efficiency diesel generator.
Indeed Tdef so true, no one understands it. It just one of those catch phrases they use to fool the masses into conformity. Like climate change. And since it is a meaningless term then how can it be debated. But I live in hope that the mass’s will one day retrieve their heads from the sand or wherever else, and see the light . .
The Most Overlooked Aspect of the Trump Shooting explained! (video)
No surprises here either-
“Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown today released a new report that found temporary traffic management(TTM) contractors had little incentive to work cheaper or faster. The Ernst & Young Global Ltd (EY) report found existing rules and regulations incentivised contractors to cause maximum disruption to maximise profits. It also showed legislative change was needed to change this behaviour and minimise disruption and that virtually every other comparable jurisdiction charges more, enforces more vigorously, and charges for time and disruption.
“Excessive use of road cones and temporary speed limit reductions – sometimes left in place when work is complete – simply increases cost, forces people to slow down, and frustrates drivers,” Brown said.
“Study Challenges ‘Bad Cholesterol’ Label For LDL”
From 2015
May 31, 2015 at 7:22 am
This post is good because it illustrates two important things for us; the first is that in studying the history of how the cholesterol myth was started and propagated we see a template for action that sent us down the wrong path for a long time.
Second is that, as some have stated here, cholesterol levels in themselves do not determine health.
Many years ago I read a book called “The Queen of Fats” which detailed the experiences of the Eskimos when moving from purely “in the wild” lifestyles to the urban environments of Scandinavia.
Health issues were related to cholesterol but the most important factor seemed to relate to the RATIO of the components of “cholesterol”.
Change in the ratio of HDL to LDL was seen as the issue. HDL at the time was seen as the demon component by the community (CO2?) but the book suggested that too little HDL could be a problem because it was needed to keep the body going.
Fish oil was recommended to help normalise the ratio and return levels back to what they were in the native style of life.
In both cases, Cholesterol and Carbon Dioxide , the story has always been there but just needed to be cleared of all the hype and hysteria.
The Most Evil Company That Took Over The USA (video)
Careful what you spread and eat!
“WHAT? – Bill Gates FAKE lab made “butter” ”
Simplicious has a bit on the Australian mercenary, Brock Greenwood, who was killed recently in Ukraine. He was on Reddit and gave a far more accurate account of how the war is going on a day to day basis.
Things are far worse for Ukraine that what the New York Times or the ABC tell us.