A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Anat Ashkenazi, the new chief financial officer for Google/Alphabet is slated to receive a signing bonus of $9.9 million and an annual base salary of $1 million.
I blame my HS and College counselors for poor advice. I was encouraged toward a degree that paid only a few [<6] thousand per year (1960s); today's money, add a zero.
ACC halts construction of two European gigafactories
Limited access to the article, so couldn’t go back and check. But I believe that ACC already has two factories up and running – one in Germany and one in France.
The plans for the German and Italian battery facilities – that would have spurred on the localisation of the European battery supply chain – have been paused as ACC weighs up shifting to lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries, rather than the previously planned lithium-ion battery cells and modules. While LFP batteries are less powerful, they are cheaper to produce.
The move to pause construction comes as the industry is seeing a dip in expected demand.
The third of the gigafactories was opened in Billy-Berclau, France in June last year, with 13GWh capacity to produce 56,000 battery cells per day, or more than 2.4m modules per year.
The facility was built in 17 months at a cost of €800m ($865m). Following the success of the first production block at the facility, ACC announced in March this year that it would extend its partnership with energy and services provider Equans France to build a new unit to double production capacity by 2026.
Following the opening of the French gigafactory, logistics solutions company PSA BDP opened a 22,000sq.m warehouse in Dunkirk, France to provide specialist services for electric vehicle (EV) battery logistics, including for ACC.
France is running, that’s all.
For me it’s now limited too….
“two of three”
It seems one* was already operating, so that should be two of two.
*Billy-Berclau, France in June last year, with 13GWh capacity to produce 56,000 battery cells per day
Whichwould be just about enough batteries for 20,000 EVs per year !
Biden to be Replaced come August
Republican party operators in all 50 states, many that have disdain for Trump, having been holding primary votes (known as democracy in some circles), that are resulting in the nomination of Trump.
Obscure ‘Democrat’ power brokers will decide behind closed doors who will be the candidate that will run against Trump to save ‘Our Democracy’.
It was a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.
I never forced anyone to get a vaccine.
I am an English Literature major and words really matter to me.
Oh, and the oceans are boiling.
That’s classic!
Also in Ukraine the US ‘Democratic’ Party’s machinations to ‘preserve democracy’ in the one party dictatorship they created.
Martial law cemented their position and with a restriction on the MSM they have it sown up.
When this decade long war finally comes to an end the EU and NATO will demand Ukraine reinstate democracy or they won’t rebuild the shattered country.
“When this decade long war finally comes to an end the EU and NATO will demand Ukraine reinstate democracy ‘as they are told to’ or they won’t rebuild the shattered country.”
Like the democracy involved in the Maidan coup…
The Russians call Ukraine ‘404’, the country that no longer exists, and it will stay that way unless Putin takes the whole lot and rebuilds it as part of Russia. America and Europe would rather see it as a no-mans-land where they can practice their machinations against Russia, it will never be another Austria or France or Sweden.
With sanctions in place Russia cannot afford to rebuild Ukraine, so it’ll look like no man’s land.
How about we’ll give you back Crimea if we regain what you stole more recently.
Crimea was Russian since 1783 and the Russo Turkish war. It was the Khanate of Crimea from a time when the mongols ran everything.
But it was handed for no known reason to Ukraine by Kruschev in 1954. And the people of Crimea never stopped being Russian. They speak Russian, not Ukranian. Even Zelensky speaks Russian. When the French and British and Germans last invaded in 1855 and 1942 Crimea was Russian, the heart of Russia directly under Moscow. The last time German tanks were in Kiev, it was the Russians who threw them out at huge cost. History is being rewritten to make out the Russians were always the bad guys and there is no way Britain, France or Germany could be violent invaders. But who needs history when you can make out the Russians are always the bad guys?
And why did France and Britain start the Crimean war? Would you believe over the ‘keys to (the gates of) Jerusalem’? Does that even make sense? And on behalf of Turkey, the next enemy in 1918. All the wounded were treated in hospital in Constantinople , the same hospital run by Florence Nightingale. And 60 years later an Australian submarine was sunk in the same area in the war with our former ally and my great uncles fought at Gallipoli. I dare anyone to find right and wrong, good guys and bad guys in that mess.
Cities are being cleaned up, repaired/rebuilt as they are made safe. Its been going on for a while. Less clear what happens with the non ethnic Russian areas.
Ukraine is a fascist military dictatorship, not some struggling democracy. Like 75% of the world’s countries. Socialist is what totalitarians call themselves. And Fascism and communism are both branches of socialism. And racist, totally oppressive and militaristic. The fantasy of happy sharing kumbaya central is pure deceit and not practical socialism at all.
We have two fascist dictatorships tussling, Donald will probably run on a platform of withdrawing US support.
The Edith Wilson Bat-Signal
Jill Biden, Edith Wilson, and the Changing American State
Biden’s unusually intense reliance on his wife as a cognitive enhancement and an image protector is as inarguable as it is provocative.
Much has been made over the last couple of days about President Biden’s behavior and demeanor at the ceremony honoring World War II veterans at Normandy on June 6, the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Biden looked…old—in large part because he is old. He shuffled like an old man. He got confused like an old man. He was hurried out of an event that was causing him consternation like an old man. Joe Biden is 81 years old and he looks every day of it—and more.
Some commentators, including the Republican Party’s Twitter/X account, suggested that President Biden’s deportment is embarrassing. “This is the most powerful man on the planet? This is the leader of the free world?” some wondered. How pathetic. How dispiriting. How truly and painfully excruciating!
Other observers insisted that the whole thing was just sad. After a lifetime of public service for Biden to be subjected to that kind of profound public humiliation is discomfiting, to say the least. No one deserves such a fate, regardless of political predisposition or partisan affiliation.
Still others said that the president’s condition is dangerous. That it encourages the nation’s friends and especially its enemies to think of the United States as weak and enfeebled. And with Russian warships steaming toward Cuba, apparently unconcerned about American reprisals, one takes their point.
Indeed, one takes all these points. President Biden is, quite simply, physically and mentally unfit for office.
He should be sitting on the porch at his beach house in Rehoboth seven days a week, not sitting in the Oval Office. His presence there—not to mention his entreaty to be returned there for a second four-year term—is “all of the above.” It is embarrassing, sad, and dangerous. More than anything, however, it is telling.
Many of the loudest and most resonant comments about President Biden’s circumstances note that he is forced to rely quite heavily on his wife, First Lady Jill Biden, to keep his embarrassment to a bare minimum.
When he tried to sit down in an imaginary chair at the Normandy observance, she was the person who told him to remain standing. When he had to be ushered out of the ceremony quickly and conspicuously, she was the usher. Whatever Biden does, wherever he goes, whomever he sees, Jill is right there by his side, in large part to ensure that he does what he’s supposed to do, so as to spare him more serious embarrassment and, just as importantly, to try to ensure that he does not give his political rivals any fodder for the campaign.
Biden’s unusually intense reliance on his wife as a cognitive enhancement and an image protector is as inarguable as it is provocative. According to an NBC News profile, she is known in the White House as “the Decider,” and she wields “unparalleled influence.” “She is,” the profile continues, “her husband’s foremost defender.
She guards his interests and dignity….Her input is essential in some of the weightiest political and personnel decisions the 46th president confronts.” She is to Biden what the left used to claim Dick Cheney was to George W. Bush, i.e., the power behind the throne.
All of this has drawn comparisons between Jill Biden and another uniquely powerful First Lady, Edith Wilson.
It simply confirms yet again what we have suspected from day one; Joe was a stooge, a puppet for Obama. Obama wanted a third term so what better way of achieving it than to have a mental cripple “win” an election so he could pull the strings. Having installed the machinery during his eight years he could still run the show without it being obvious. Obama is the threat to democracy but worse he is the threat to the United States of America and, by extension, the free world.
“She guards his interests and dignity”
Dont believe that for one minute. If she cared about those things she would have him retired long ago. There is only one person’s interest being served and it isnt Joe’s.
Joe Biden – deemed mentally unfit to stand trial, but fine to be in charge of a nuclear arsenal.
What a time to be alive!
I will be 83 on June 16. At that age, I am not fit in any major way to consider taking public office. For those younger folk who wonder what the 80s are like, in my case they are full of frustration because the experience gained with years leads to preferences about which way future policies should go to correct poor past policies – but few people listen to what I prefer. And there are many painful health problems.
It is impossible for me to say what others can or should do in their 80s. People vary hugely in their progress through life. I see people aged 50 who should head for assisted living homes, with little hope of helping others.
President Trump seems to have retained key facilities far better than me. President Biden appears worse. People vary. There are procedures in place to chart their futures.
However, there is a complication. I study science a fair bit and follow global warming and Covid topics. Since 2020, my performance and my health complications have been compromised and I now longer have much confidence in being correct, let alone to offer any new observations of inferences of good quality. A sudden fog has come over my brain. It slows my comprehension. It often prevents me from carrying a written article to its end, asking why I started it. This coincides with others describing Covid effects (but Covid missed me) and vaccination effects. I am left with a personal impression from a failing brain that vaccine damaged me badly and swiftly. (Two AZ, one Pfizer booster). This has become a large worry, troublesome daily because my love of science has been destroyed by the actions of others whose scientific ability now seems far below the standards required for meddling with the genetic material of people globally and then doing bad things like the silence of cancel culture to cover their gross illegalities.
IMO, we should worry less about age in public office to concentrate on promotion by ability, with better filters for advancement towards the top than we have now.
(Sorry for the details. It is complicated without some of them). Geoff S
I am 80 in Feb next year and Happy to be alive – Kneees are Lousy and regards to Health, a testament to St Vincents and Royal North Shore Hospital – as my kids say “the only person who would survive a nuclear blast”
I was lucky that due to blogs like this, I did loads of reading & research on Covid, and had been on anti-virals for a number of years anyway, was able to give Covid vaccines a miss, only once having to defer Cancer Immunotherapy and that only lasted 3 days
I am lucky to have 3 kids & 9 Grandkids. and more importantly, my youngest daugher & her husband and grandkids 7/8/9 – 7/10/12 years living with my wife & myself under 1 roof with 1 neurotic fmeale beagle
I love reading and absorbing knowledge and enjoy Jo’s Blog
I could never be a Politician, as I would be too blunt
I have been following US Politics since Eisenhower 1953, and have always followed politics around the world – with work, I worked around the world and have been to the US over 60 times in 40 out of the 50 states
Clintons were corrupt through the Clinton Foundation and Obama hated America, and is probably the person pulling the strings on the Biden Puppet, but the Biden Crime Family is the most corrupt enterprise I have seen in years of following American Politics
I don’t know how President Trump has been able to absorb the non-stop lawfare attacks by the Elite on Americ and come back smiling
– yes he is brash but he was and is a breath of fresh air with respect to politicians – if President Trump does not win in November 2024, America is Finished
Last night my 12 year old came in to show me the book he was reading on the long weekend – Animal Farm, and our discussion turned to North Korea (I was watching Netflix Korean) and Dictators – I mentioned in my time I had seen only one successful Dictator – Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore – more techincally a one party rule
He said Putin was a Dictator and had started the war in Ukraine, I suggested that he read up on 2014 and Naidan, and look at Victoria Nuland, Rober Kagan, Samantha Powers & Joe Biden and Burisma – It was the American MIC and those people who have been expanding Nato towards Russia who started the war in Russia & are pushing the Wolrd to WW 111 & Nuclear
He aksed me would I prefer to live in Russia or America, I said having been to Russia, I believe vs the wokeness in Western Society, I would prefer to live in Russia, Sochi, Moscow or St Petersburg
Geoff, Stay well & Enjoy Life – All the Best – OldOzzie
Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, you realise it could.
Survey: 69% of Americans support U.S. and Ukraine ending the war with Russia
What sort of democracy is this where the will of the vast majority of the population is ignored?
(Clue: a similar sort of democracy which installed ex-flatmates, the communists Albo & Andrews with only 30-odd percent of the vote)
This refusal to pursue diplomatic negotiations to end the war in Ukraine. “raises troubling questions about the administration’s true motivations and whether it is more interested in weakening Russia than resolving the conflict through compromise as most Americans want.”
You have only to look at the Russian redlines US and EU are crossing all the time, than you know what’s behind.
Most democracies don’t respect populations will. Just the contrast is fact, Covid, climate, net-zero, E-cars, windmills where ever, gender, vocabulary…. to be continued ad infinitum.
That was in March 2022. How much death, destruction, and misery since then?
BJ was sent by Biden/Blinken/Marcon to scuttle any chance of peace.
The Dems in their Hubris, and desperate to keep the world from finding out the truth of their corrupt dealings in Ukraine going back years, thought they could get rid of Putin while making Russia an ongoing grift colony in their planned new world order without borders.
But Clausewitz once said in effect: ‘In war things do not go as planned.’
State Department-Tied Ukraine Site Includes Trump, Vance, Vivek, Breitbart and More on ‘Enemies List’
A U.S. State Department-tied Ukrainian online outlet has published an “enemies list” of American activists, media personalities, news outlets, and politicians who oppose providing more taxpayer money for the war, listing among them former President Donald Trump and Breitbart News.
A report published by the Ukraine-based DATA Journalism Agency (TEXTY), titled: “Roller Coaster: From Trumpists to Communists.
The forces in the U.S. impeding aid to Ukraine and how they do it” has accused numerous figures on the populist right and anti-war left in the United States of echoing “key messages of Russian propaganda aimed at depriving Ukrainians of the ability to defend themselves with Western weapons and funds.”
The website claims to be “independent” and that its project into supposed anti-Ukrainian sentiment in America was funded “exclusively by the readers”.
However, TEXTY is listed as a partner of the Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services (TAPAS) Project in Ukraine, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and UK International Development (UK Dev).
While the report admits that most mentioned in the study “do not have direct, proven ties to the Russian government or propagandists” it continues to paint a conspiratorial and supposedly interconnected web of 390 individuals and 76 organisations, with a heavy focus on those “affiliated with the Trump wing of the Republican Party.”
Prominent American conservative political figures mentioned by the report as having demonstrated an alleged anti-Ukraine bias include former President Donald Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Senators Eric Schmitt (R-MO), J.D. Vance (R-OH), Josh Hawley (R-MO), Rand Paul (R-KY), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Congressmen Bob Good (R-VA), Jim Banks (R-IN), Jim Jordan (R-OH), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and more.
The TEXTY paper also highlights some Republicans who initially supported funding Ukraine but later opposed more taxpayer cash flowing to Kyiv, such as Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) and Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY).
Commenting on his inclusion in the report, Congressman Jim Banks wrote: “I’ve just been notified that I am listed on an ‘enemies list’ compiled by the Ukrainian government, alongside other U.S. congress members and a select few Americans.
“To make matters worse, this list was published on a database that received funding from the US government. My office will be reaching out to the other Americans who are being targeted by the Ukrainian government.”
From The Comments
– The biggest money laundering and weapons trafficking operation in history, with 10% to the Big Guy & His Family
‘Dems Must Really Be Worried’! Politico Looks at the Biden Family Business (and Guess What)
Politico has a piece out about how the “Biden Crime Syndicate” might have a lot more associates that previously thought.
First off is the usual Joe Biden denial about having no involvement in his family’s business dealings, but oddly enough it seems that some of his aides and staffers have had roles in the operation to some degree:
The report indicates that Biden might be lying, which would be as shocking as the sun rising in the east tomorrow morning:
Since 2019, Joe Biden has repeatedly distanced himself from his family’s business dealings, saying that he has never so much as discussed them with his relatives or with anyone else. But House impeachment inquiry interviews, public records and emails reviewed by POLITICO show that members of his inner circle were regularly enmeshed in those dealings: Many of the president’s closest staffers and advisers have doubled as his relatives’ business associates, both during and after their stints working for the man at the center of the Biden family orbit.
It sounds like you didn’t need to be a member of the Biden family to have a part to play in the family business. The Big Guy was inclusive that way.
Miranda Devine@mirandadevine
Joe Biden has repeatedly distanced himself from his family’s business dealings. But “many of the president’s closest staffers and advisers have doubled as his relatives’ business associates, both during and after their stints working for the man at the center of the Biden family orbit.”
Joe Biden insists he’s not involved in his family’s business dealings. His aides are a different story.
Many of Biden’s closest staffers and advisers have doubled as his relatives’ business associates — both during and after their time working for him.
AP’s Breakdown of Biden Chair Video for Debunking Purposes Reeks of Dem/Media Desperation
OldOzzie your link is a blank.
Is this the AP “debunk” you meant?
You’re right, it is a pathetic attempt to justify a demented performance by the “most powerful man on the planet”, the ostensible leader of the free world.
Jill Biden’s role in helping manage the sock puppet.
Everyone has forgotten the Afghanistan debacle . Ukraine will get the same treatment . If blackrock and the hedge funds can’t own it , it will be abandoned . It will soon be Europe’s problem and they can’t afford it .Its usefulness as a money laundry is diminishing .
Science of Heat Waves Reveals Blaming CO2 is a Scam!
When we look at the true science, there’s no way that CO2 can heat the atmosphere. There’s no mechanism.
Even IF there was a heating mechanism, the scam can’t work because atmospheric CO2 is such a small contributor and human origin such a small part of that.
Atmospheric CO2 is a thermodynamic irrelevance but is a vital part of the living biome; plants, worms and things that breathe.
To Humans, CO2 is a waste product, but our bodies have been designed to cope with it.
The central nervous systems of oxygen dependent animals are designed to monitor the Co2 levels in our bloodstream and if it gets too low our brain switches our breathing OFF!
Removing all CO2 from our bodies is dangerous to us, it may be a waste product, but we need some to keep going.
Fourier, Foote, Tyndall, and Arrhenius proved otherwise in the 1800’s.
It’s time to move on….
Right, noone will stop you 😀
Does CNN have a blog for climate alarmists?
If not, why not!
Front up.
Show where these names proved that “CO2 heats the atmosphere”.
Alternatively , learn to read.
Better still , just shut up.
He quoted muh Wikipedia, I mean what more could you want
Do you think that he’s capable of upshutting?
Do you think he’s capable of understanding that he used the word “otherwise” in its adverbial sense, where it means “by another means”.
Was that the experiment where they put CO2 in one sealed tube and air in the other, left them in the sun and noted a temp rise in the one with just CO2.
As far as I’m aware, our atmosphere isn’t sealed in a glass container.
But there is a sheet of glass up there that causes the “Greenhouse Effect”!
That sheet of glass is in fact John Kerry’s heavier than air carbon dioxide blanket…wise men say etc.
Was going to say the same. It’s amazing what folks attribute to Arrhenius’ original paper that wasn’t said there. It’s easy to obtain a translated version and check for oneself before making these absurd statements.
Arrhenius’s popular Hot-House Theory was based on the early version of the Maxwell/Boltzmann Kinetic Theory of gases, which even Maxwell conceded was disproven by his own experiments.
The physicist Richard Feynmann famously generalised Maxwell’s concession
Maxwell conceded that observations proved his theory was wrong. He further predicted that the error was due to something fundamental about physics at the atomic level.
The something fundamental was later elaborated with the development of quantum mechanics.
Please explain the Roman Warm Period and the Medieval Warm Period that occurred before the Industrial Revolution and the widespread use of fossil fuels.
What explanation do Fourier, Foote, Tyndall, and Arrhenius have for global temperatures being hotter than what they are today?
Simon simply sez;
“Fourier, Foote, Tyndall, and Arrhenius proved otherwise”.
I didn’t bother with the wikid link about “stuff” in the eighteen hundreds, most likely written by someone using pier review.
Some years ago I read a statement that Arrhi had also seen the light and moved on.
One example of how the Warmanistas operate was when they got caught out on the CO2 is dangerous thing.
They said: “oh yes, we knew that, but the CO2 amplifies the water in the atmosphere “.
As King Charles once said; “whatever that means”.
CAGW IS BASICALLY ALL ADVERTISING, and misdirection, as you show.
And the crowning glory of all this junk is that the original “heating” of CO2 is supposed to come from the ground origin PWIR that is left over after the virulent incoming UV has done its work.
PWIR would mainly operate in the cool of the night and could rightfully be called the Midnight Gas.
I know that some might see methane as the midnight gas, but after we dispose of all the cows it won’t be a problem.
Please enlighten me on PWIR; nothing apropos is produced at duckduckgo.
Simon, you and your commie comrades are destroying the world with your nonsense.
And you have no clue that you’re just part of the “slave army of useful idiots” of the Elites who are getting you to propagate their propaganda for their own nefarious purposes.
Greta Thunberg is Arrhenius great grand daughter. So, getting stuff completely wrong on Climate Science runs in the family.
There is a mechanism by which CO2 retains heat on earth longer. Joanne has written about it at length.
There are good reasons to be sceptical of the feedback amplification claimed by alarmists.
There are good reasons to be sceptical of the models used by alarmists.
There are good reasons to be sceptical of the integrity of alarmists.
But there is no good reason to be sceptical of the existence of CO2 forcing as one of the influences on the world’s climate.
LOL. CO2 has a specific gravity of 1.62 and sinks in the Atmosphere. It cannot be rising.
Now that’s silly science. But no sillier than the whole story of man made CO2.
As I point out all the time, you can measure how much CO2 has risen from burning fossil fuel and it is a tiny 3.0%. And thanks to CO2 being heavier, it is in rapid transit and highly soluble and 72% of the world is covered in deep oceans, a sudden excess vanishes completely in about 6 months. We see this all the time from bushfires.
Actual scientific and experimental facts are just ignored. Politicians now define science, not scientists. Scientists work for politicians. China is waging war on the West through fifth column of politicians. They have completely captured the UN and major scientific bodies at the top. Communists are masters of the committee.
Neither the head of the UN, Gutteres nor the Pope mention the terrible fate of the Uighurs. But both attack Western democracies on their use of fossil fuels, not China’s terrible war on the Uighurs. Only Turkey speaks out and likely because the Uighurs are fellow muslims.
So we have fake science and a resurgence of wars of religion and on religion. It all seems so planned, so Sun Tzu.
The percentage is still dependent on the IPCC claims that natural CO2 emissions have not changed significantly since the start of the Industrial Age, and therefore remains at 280 ppm. This is ridiculous, because it would mean that the oceans have not out-gassed significantly over the last 150 years as they have warmed. And no the natural CO2 source has contributed significantly, such as volcanoes.
Volcanoes are an interesting conjecture. Presumably such CO2 is from sources untouched by the atmosphere in millions of years and as such have no cosmic ray produced C14. The 3.0% C14 free component is the total of non radioactive CO2. Either way with a half life of 5-6 years, all CO2 is absorbed over every 20 years. There is only 6% CO2 in the air which was in the air in 2000. 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16. So that would have to be a very recent volcano.
And with a 50:1 ratio between CO2 in the air and that in the ocean, it is a long wait to return. Which is why radio carbon dating fish or Co2 in the ocean comes up with a figure around 500 years. A ‘residence’ time of 10 years multiplied by a 1 in 50 chance of returning to the atmosphere.
Thanks for repeating the CO2 lifetime data – that’s useful info. I know that it’s been said by some that volcanoes don’t have a significant effect on the atmosphere, but I must go back and check a recent WUWT article that included a graph that I believe clearly showed atmospheric CO2 spiking at the same time as major volcano eruptions.
Also I believe that nowhere in any recent IPCC document does it clearly say that the anthropogenic component is 3%. Instead there are reams of information about the Gt of CO2 emitted by different sources, so you have to work through all these sources to determine the presumed percentage, which I think adds up to 5.6% rather than 3%.
And I thought the ratio of CO2 in air to ocean was 5% air, 95% ocean?
The ratio is 2% air, 98% ocean.
Atmospheric CO2 can spike with bushfires. With volcanoes. But it reverts to the 0.042 so fast it is incredible. In fact within 1% CO2 levels are maintained from pole to pole with very high speed, far faster than CO2 can travel which is about 2 years from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern. We learned this with C14 after nuclear blasts.
So CO2 is quickly restored far faster than it can mix. Which tells us that the exchange with the oceans is very fast and set by the same parameters as Henry’s Law. Temperature. Air pressure. Concentration. Henry’s Constant is from a laboratory static situation. The rate of transfer goes as the 4th power of the wind speed. And then you get waves and droplets. The process is extremely fast, which is how fish breathe. All living things breathe.
Yes, over 250 years the equilibrium point has moved up very slowly by 0.2% a year (50% in 250 years) which means slight warming overall. And perhaps the transition of liquid CO2 into gaseous CO2 in the ocean as technically most CO2 in the ocean should be in a liquid phase with pressures up to 700 atmospheres.
And you are right. Nowhere in the IPCC document is this said, the 3%, because that would destroy man made Global Warming in a heartbeat. It is my conclusion and that of scientists going back 60 years, starting with New Zealander G.J.Fergusson who published 2.03+/-0.15% in the Royal Society journal of 1958 using the new technology of Radio(active) carbon Dating. If the IPCC admitted this, they would all have to go home.
It is my particular expertise and my contribution. You see it does not matter if CO2 produces warming or if it is beneficial. What matters is whether we humans can control CO2 at all. And the answer is categorically no.
I started contributing here because I know about such stuff. And the one thing I know for certain is that fossil fuel Co2 does not accumulate in the air. After more than a decade, I know much more. But there is zero truth in man made CO2. The ultra rapid exchange of CO2 and O2 with the ocean is amazing. We are creatures of the ocean and carry our breathing apparatus with us, lungs of 200 m2 surface area where we exchange O2 and CO2 with amazing speed. CO2 coming in is 0.042% and going out 7% to 14%. O2 coming in is 21% and going out is 14%. In a single breath!
The system uses saline solution on one side of the ultra thin membranes in the alveoli. So we are living, breathing proof of the potential speed of CO2 and O2 exchange. We are powered by CO2. We are made entirely from CO2. And our brains and muscles and cells are powered from sugars derived from hydrated CO2, carbohydrate.
And how many people know this stuff?
Doesn’t work like that, N2 is heavier than all of them and it seems evenly mixed, we’d all be in heaps of trouble if it wasn’t.
CO2 = 1 Carbon and 2 Oxygen or 12 +32 = 44amu 0.042%
O2 = 2 Oxygen or 32 amu 21%
N2 = 2 Nitrogen = 28 amu 78%
Argon is monatomic so 40 amu, second heaviest. 1%
And H2O = 2 Hydrogen 1 Oxygen = 18amu, the lightest after nitrogen and 1%-4% of the atmosphere.
Plus it is all mixed by turbulence otherwise you do get settling. But luckily the only dangerous one CO2 is in tiny proportion of 1/2400th. And the reason we get so much mixing is that air heats quickly with very low density and specific heat and so expands rapidly unlike water. It has as much lift as hydrogen, which is why hot air balloons work well.
And of that 1/2400 part of the atmosphere, only 3% (or 5.6% -take your pick) could be claimed as anthropogenic, and even that claim is dubious. So that makes the human-caused part of the atmosphere to be around one part in 79,000, or one spectator at a footy grand final. If anybody would claim that this one spectator would the control an entire final crowd you would laugh at them. Yet this is what the climate alarmists are claiming.
And it is more extreme than that. The increase is only 50%. So the one spectator has a little brother and the little brother is changing the course of the game?
Poor analogy !….
What if that one spectator was someone like D Trump ..or Xi Jinping !?
It’s sarcasm…………………
Always understood, a play on words. It cannot be rising if it’s sinking. But it also just happens to be scientifically true because CO2 is so soluble and the world is covered in water.
An alarming video about living in today’s Australia and why people are leaving.
At the moment its mainly the young people who are leaving in droves because of better employment opportunities.
Heard a whisper that the government is thinking of encouraging baby boomers to go and live overseas, renting out their homes in Australia to take the heat out of the property market.
Apparently they will be aloud to keep their pension without any requirement to return home.
In Japan, the govt is pushing dating services to increase the population.
As we all know, reproduction rates are at critical levels in most countries, but not an issue for those “migrants”.
It’s heading into the realms of scifi fantasy now, where people don’t want to form relationships with other people, and choose AI and virtual “mates”. 225 MILLION downloads on Playstore says it all.
But the AI “women” look AI, beautiful but artificial, and the creators have trouble with body profiling.
But at least you keep the house when the relationship with AI goes south, and there won’t be any loony left offspring.
Perhaps the “what is a woman?” question has a different answer?😎
/more trouble than it’s worth these days
I believe that Japan has very tight restrictions on who can migrate there.
Renowned for their racism yer Nipponese.
I only want the real thing. Thank you.
The land tax and rates penalties applied to rental properties may cause Labor some difficjlty in selling this fantasy.
Didn’t regard the video as alarming, although the figure of 220,000 Aussies leaving to live elsewhere seems high. The video didn’t say where most of them are going. The fact that Sydney and Melbourne are expensive places to live is not new.
Australia’s transport future.
Here is a video about chukudus in Congo.
As Australia de-energises and deindustrialises, we will be using them soon too.
Tricky 😀
Fred Flintstone would be impressed, love the rear brake.
Needs outriggers.
Here is a video about reviewing what “celebrities” (sic), politicians and other professional propagandists said about the covid “vaccine”. Now that more and more thinking people understand what a disaster it was, and some of the mRNA substances have been withdrawn, some are removing their old Tweets and other social media promotions of the juice.
‘Safe and Effective’? Yeah, right.
Why is the contract ScumMo signed with the criminal organisation Pfizer still being kept secret?
As I posted yesterday:
Australian DNA CONTAMINATION Confirmed .. in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna .. NOT safe for Humans
A part of the GMO proceedings is the allegation the Pfizer and Moderna products contain excessive synthetic DNA contamination, which contamination forms another much more insidious form of GMO.
After many Australian labs refused to conduct testing, we organised for Australian vials to be tested in Canada, by David Speicher PhD, the first author on the paper confirming excessive DNA contamination of Canadian vials (509 x above limits).
Dr Speicher has provided an initial report to us which is attachment 6 for your consideration. Dr Speicher has confirmed excessive synthetic DNA contamination in Pfizer was over 350 times above per dose limits set by the TGA (34,900% above), and over 200 times above per dose limits for Moderna (19,900% above).
We distinguish old TGA limits because the TGA limits for DNA did not contemplate synthetic DNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) which is the vehicle that efficiently delivers the synthetic DNA within cells for transit to the nucleus, to in turn affect natural human DNA.
A lot of sudden resignations on the horizon?
“What I am predicting is a massive, massive tsunami” of illness and death among highly-vaccinated populations with compromised immune systems, Bossche said.
“We will have to build a completely new world…” Bossche added.
“It is very very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse.
“And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society — financial, economic, social, you name it — will be complete.”
“This will be something that will be reported in history for many many generations to come.
That’s the plan (apart from the experimental bit 😎)
I still shake my head at those that were/are vaxxed saying that they don’t want any contact with the unvaxxed because they might catch the virus.
100% safe and effective???
Dr Miriam Grossman in the US talks about “trans” madness.
She works in the area of advocating against transgendering children who have mental health issues, not being born into the “wrong” body.
Her advocacy about counselling children or others against lifelong sterilisation and mutilation procedures would be illegal in much of Australia where you are not allowed to tell people that there is nothing wrong with the body they were born into.
How it is illegal to “suppress” these procedures in Victoria. Look at this Orwellian advertisement from the Stormtroopers:
But ever so strangely, we see government tv ads telling us to look out for and report instances of child abuse to protect the kiddies from bad people.
Well now, where do we start?
Pope Francis Urges Pride Organizers To Be Inclusive of “Pedosexuals”
Pride festival organizers must get over their prejudices and include pedophiles in the LGBTQI+ rainbow community, according to Pope Francis who claims that we must not judge so-called “pedosexuals” who are sexually attracted to children until we have walked a mile in their shoes.
Francis argues that we must retire the word “pedophile” because it stigmatizes those who are sexually attracted to children, and claims that their behavior can be “moral.”
Francis is said to be encouraging Pride organizers to follow Old Dominion University professor of sociology Allyn Walker whose book “A Long Dark Shadow: Minor Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity” was written to promote pedophile acceptance.
They’re not even hiding their objectives any more…
Pursuit of dignity FFS
Lets start with leaving the kids alone, and THEN we can talk about dignity
Ask your doctor if their twisted beliefs are right for you.😎
What’s wrong with so many modern women and why they can’t find a man.
Lots of men?? here -Anyone Spot a Woman kissing the Ground?
Diversity Dividend
Saturday, 08 June 2024
The sweet sights and sounds of downtown Isl@mabad.
Oh wait, my bad …it’s Haldon Street in Lakemba, Sydney Australia 🙄
— Mark Rowley (@MarkWRowley) June 7, 2024
One of the links in there discusses how wait times in hospital emergency rooms have ballooned recently.
The mainstream findings blamed-
“From neglected health conditions during the pandemic to an ageing and rapidly expanding population, the nation’s hospital emergency departments face an uphill battle to keep up with the growing demand placed on them by the public.”
The graphs all headed upwards from 2019, but nothing to do with covid or vaccines… Don’t have an emergency in Tassie, WA or SA!
How can we have a population problem when millions of Australians died from Covid?
We can waste billions on the stupid push towards the unobtainable Net Zero, yet not fix the many problems in our health systems.
In a word, narcissism.
There are a few such videos out there.
Men are sick of modern women and all their fakery.
The tv series “Snog, marry, avoid” was great.
It exposed the reality. Women who thought they were beautiful and hot (trashy clothes and worse makeup) but the men wanted to run a mile from. 😆
And in fairness modern men are increasingly weak and effeminate. Think metrosexual fakery.
Reference it against my post 7.1.1 above.
Make men masculine again.
Make women feminine again.
Make children innocent again.
Or reap a collapse in birthrates and relationships.
Oh, we are…
Concerning “Judge” Juan Merchan’s revelation of inappropriate juror behaviour on the Trump case, my thoughts about what’s behind this are:
1) It may be a ploy to declare a mistrial and then have a retrial wasting another five weeks of Trump’s campaign time.
2) A senior judge may have had a quiet word to him to say if he doesn’t find a way to invalidate the trial result he will be prosecuted for judicial misconduct.
3) He may be doing it to pretend he had some care about due process and was not just engaging in a political persecution of Trump.
4) I doubt he feels in guilt about this disgraceful and illegal behaviour in the case.
He refused to sequester the jury. To pretend that celebrity jurors did not talk, watch TV, listen to debates and generally enjoy their position and the opinions of others is to live on a different planet.
This was the only felony trial in history of a President and the nominated Republican candidate. And Merchan, Bragg and the jurors themselves remain heroes in NY. Who cares about justice? Certainly not Merchan. If a juror spoke to his cousin, this was implicitly permitted by Merchan.
If there is to be a mistrial, Merchan is wholly responsible. He cannot run another. It gives him the option of an encore! encore!
Prosecutor Bragg received a standing ovation at his local church. Mob justice.
It seems like every day there is “news” about the Trump trial and after, but there is little in the news about the other trial that’s happening. On Skynews a couple of days ago there was mention of the Hunter Biden trial
That looks like you might be implying that the US justice system has more tricks than “The Russians”?
Until and unless the court finds that the Jury has actually been tampered with – the the findings of ‘guilt’ will remain.
A proclamation by some internet rando does not constitute jury tampering.
The fact it was posted via the New York Court Facebook portal is suggestive that this is a false claim, designed to de-rail the verdict.
These eggs may not result in chickens…
Here is an excellent video explaining the absurdity and illegality of the charges.
The letter from the “judge” is at:
To me, the question is surely you would check first if the person making the facebook comment was related to a Juror before releasing such a Letter
My thoughts are Merchan wants to do a retrial to keep President Trump chained to the Courtroom in New York and unable to campaign!
Merchan called out for warning about ‘troll’ comment suggesting Trump jury was compromised
Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law attorney, said the claim made in the social media comment has a ‘relatively small’ chance of being genuine
The judge presiding over former President Trump’s New York criminal trial is facing scrutiny for risking the credibility of his own jury after he sent a letter to the defense team about a comment posted to the court’s public Facebook page. It implied one of the jurors discussed the guilty verdict with family prior to the trial’s conclusion.
The comment was made by a user who described himself as a “professional s— poster,”
leading some to wonder why Merchan alerted Trump’s counsel without investigating the matter more thoroughly.
“As I said when this story first broke, I remain skeptical.
Accordingly, I was surprised by the court’s response before even the most rudimentary inquiry on the posting,” Turley, a constitutional law attorney, told Fox News Digital.
“All of our sites, from Facebook to blogs, are subject to a constant deluge of trolls, bots and certifiably insane posters.
Judge Merchan Gets Exclusive Invite to Trump’s Potential Inauguration Day
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) explains why he invited the corrupt Manhattan judge who oversaw former President Donald Trump’s criminal trial which ended in 12 jurors finding him guilty go 34 counts of felony charges which should have otherwise been misdemeanors.
The Republican is so confident that Trump will beat President Joe Biden in November and continue his legacy in the White House that he invited Judge Juan Merchan to take a front row seat at the historical event.
“My view of inviting him to the inauguration is to show my recognition that what Merchan is doing unintentionally is re-electing… Donald Trump,” Wilson told Fox News Digital. “In fact, I’ve got one of my grandson’s, Houston Wilson, ready to be with him and to make sure he has proper seating.”
After last week’s unprecedented court ruling against Trump, Wilson criticized the verdict, calling it “irresponsible and unethical.”
The former president himself revealed his conviction as “rigged,” “sham,” and the “weaponization” of justice.
Wilson’s son, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, hand-deliver a note to New York State Supreme Court Justice Merchan’s bailiff, extending an invitation to Trump’s potential monumental day on January 25, 2025.
“It should be concerning to every American, because if you can convict a former President of the United States on such bogus charges…every American of either party is at risk, whether they be a public official or not,” Wilson continued, claiming Trump would not have ever faced politically motivated charges if he were not running for reelection.
Yale law professor says Trump isn’t a convicted felon despite guilty verdict: here’s why
In a newly-created podcast, titled Straight Down the Middle, Yale Law Professor Jed Rubenfeld took a look at what legal options Trump’s defense team have been left with following the jury’s verdict, as well as the appeal process that is slated to soon take place.
The most obvious path for Trump’s legal team to take in an effort to challenge the conviction is that of an appeal through the New York Appeals Court system in hopes of ending up at the Supreme Court – a process that Rubenfeld argued will take years to complete and could result in “irreparable harm.”
“Of course that would take years, and that’s a problem here. Why is it a problem? It’s a problem because the election will have taken place and if this conviction is unlawful and unconstitutional, it could have an effect on that election,” Rubenfeld, a Constitutional law professor, said on his podcast.
Despite media reports, Rubenfeld insisted that it’s “not true” that Trump is already a “convicted felon,” arguing that one is “not a convicted felon because of a jury verdict.”
“You are not convicted until the judge enters that judgment of guilt. Now, in New York, it’s very likely that Judge Merchan will enter that judgment of guilt against Trump on the same day that he issues sentencing. That’d be July 11th.”
Rubenfeld insisted there’s “one other avenue” Trump’s attorneys could take in combating the conviction — to sue in federal court and “ask for an emergency, temporary restraining order.”
Outlining what that effort would look like, Rubenfeld said: “In this federal action, Trump would sue District Attorney Bragg and other state actors and ask the judge, the federal judge, for an emergency temporary restraining order halting Judge Merchan from entering that judgment of guilt until the federal courts have had an opportunity to review and rule out the serious constitutional arguments that exist here.”
Rubenfeld, expressing concern over how it’s a “bad look for this country” to criminally target former presidents for “unclear” crimes, also outlined what he believed to be problems with the case surrounding Trump.
That’s all valid legal argument but in the blue states the Left have so corrupted the legal system that it’s operating at the level you would expect of a Third World banana republic.
It’s all post modernism of the Left.
Truth and reality mean nothing.
Tom Stiglich Cartoons – Sat, Jun 08 – Convicted Felons
Convicted Felons All
Leaders who have had their political opponents arrested
Elon Musk’s Supreme Court petition is a window into how a leftist ‘justice’ system works
Just when you thought the “swamp” judicial system could sink no lower, an Elon Musk-X petition to the Supreme Court reminds us about Jack Smith’s and a leftist judge’s complete disrespect for Americans’ constitutional freedom from intrusive government searches.
The information emerges in X Corp.’s petition for a writ of certiorari relating to a court order arising from a search warrant that special counsel, Mr. Jack Smith (yes, that one), served on X demanding data and records from former President Donald Trump’s Twitter account.
The problem from X’s viewpoint was an unusual attachment included with the warrant: A nondisclosure order blocking Twitter/X from disclosing to former President Trump the fact that the government had seized his records.
Imagine this scenario: You’re planning a trip, and because of several burglaries in your neighborhood, you ask your neighbor to store your important personal documents in his locked filing cabinet. While you’re gone, a court official armed with a search warrant goes to your neighbor to demand that he hand over copies of your documents.
The twist is that the official also demands, through a non-disclosure order that carries with it the threat of prosecution, that your neighbor may not reveal to you that the court has seized copies of all your documents. Sometime later, that same official indicts you. Only then do you learn that the documents you entrusted to your neighbor were seized and are being used as evidence against you.
Are you OK with this?
Well, neither is the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
I pick #2
Evolution of the car diesel engine in modern Europe and how it pretended to fight “climate change”.
No One Wants a New Car Now. Here’s Why.
It’s not just the political class. America’s fleet of cars and trucks is also getting long in the tooth. Last month a study by S&P Global Mobility reported the average age of vehicles in the U.S. was 12.6 years, up more than 14 months since 2014. Singling out passenger cars, the number jumps to a geriatric 14 years.
Many buyers are now surfing on waves of vehicle depreciation, picking up used and off-lease cars and trucks still under warranty for thousands less than new. That’s smart. Your Dutch uncle approves. But lately another, stranger element is showing up in the numbers: a motivated belief among consumers that automakers’ latest and greatest offerings—whether powered by gasoline, batteries or a hybrid system—are inferior to the products they are replacing.
That’s different. Americans have been trained from a young age that the New is better than Old, especially coming from the car industry, the people who brought you tail fins, planned obsolescence and generous trade-in allowances.
Who are these wild-eyed dissidents?
In fact, new-car deniers form a broad coalition of the unpersuaded. Some fear that new, digitally connected vehicles could expose their personal information to the Chinese—or worse, to their insurance agencies. Other modern marvels people seem eager to avoid include stop/start cycling systems, which shut off engines to save fuel when vehicles are stationary, now all but mandatory in new vehicles; continuously variable transmissions (CVTs), commonly found in compact vehicles with small-displacement engines; and diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), a post-combustion exhaust treatment that modern turbo diesel engines can’t live without.
Others are just trying to hang on to the good things they’ve got, like three-pedal stick-shifted manual transmissions, virtually extinct in new cars. Or built-in CD players. What unites them is the conviction that older cars are not just cheaper, but better—and that touch screens suck. We’ll circle back to that.
I cast a wide net on social media last month, posing this question: Name a new car/truck/SUV that is not as desirable as the design it replaces? I got back a long and distinguished list, a roll call of the compromised: Toyota Land Cruiser; Mini Cooper; Ford Mustang; Toyota Crown (née Avalon); Ford F-150; just about any make or model of BMW you can think of.
Ouch. As an industry watcher, I recognize this trend as something of an afterparty hangover. Whether the car-buying public has been aware of it, the past 30 years have been the best of times for automobiles and those who love them, an era when engineers had all the advantages of computer-assisted design and precision manufacturing while still wielding the primal force of combustion.
Those carefree, underregulated days are over.
DEF freezes at 0 degrees C. That’s makes these modern diesel engines more or less useless except in tropical climates. Doh!
But there are heavy fines for disabling it. Despite that everybody does it.
Added to that could be the story of how the U.S.EPA pushed for pm2.5 based on very dubious and eventually proven dishonest “scientific “ papers. And they have never admitted that this very low emissions level is built on lies, nor rescinded the requirement.
Taking the mickey on climate alarmists
“Saturday Snippet: Seventy-five years ago today…
… one of the classic novels of the 20th century was published.”
“‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ received critical acclaim from its first publication. It’s never been out of print, and in 2019 was named by the BBC as one of its ‘100 Most Inspiring Novels’. It was also its author’s swan song, so to speak: Orwell died (of tuberculosis) eight months after its publication.
In honor of the anniversary of publication, I could find no better memorial than to bring you the opening chapter of the book.”
In the 1970s in Victoria this book was compulsory reading for year 12s. Maybe it should be introduced so that they can see what kind of world they’ll soon be living in.
Actually, Orwell is banned in some high school libraries today.
“A World-Historical Transformation Is Taking Place in Britain, Yet Few Have Noticed”
“A world-historical societal transformation is taking place before our very eyes, and yet few have taken notice. Britain, the erstwhile leader of the Western world and the foundation and source of English-speaking civilization, is in its last days as a free society, and will soon become an Islamic state. Yet despite the mountains of evidence that this transformation is taking place, many will still deny that it is happening at all. They may not even admit it when it overtakes them personally.”
The English actor-turned-political-activist Lawrence Fox recently noted what was happening:
– “The Mayor of London is a M@slim.
– The mayor of Birmingham is a M@slim.
– The Mayor of Leeds is M@slim.
– Mayor of Blackburn – M@slim.
– The mayor of Sheffield is a M@slim.
– The mayor of Oxford is a M@slim.
– The mayor of Luton is a M@slim.
– The mayor of Oldham is M@slim.
– The mayor of Rochdale is M@slim.
All this was achieved by only 4 million M@slims out of 66 million people in England.”
Historian Richard Southern observed that “no country in Europe, between the rise of the barbarian kingdoms and the 20th century, has undergone so radical a change in so short a time as England experienced after 1066.”
Until now.
Lawrence Fox continued:
“Today there are over 3,000 m@sques in England. There are over 130 sharia courts. There are more than 50 Sharia Councils. 78 percent of M@slim women do not work, receive state support + free accommodation.
63 percent of M@slims do not work, receive state support + free housing.
State-supported M@slim families with an average of 6 to 8 children receive free accommodation.
Now every school in the UK is required to teach lessons about Isl@m. Has anyone ever been given an opportunity to vote for this?”
All this has already transformed Britain, and much more is to come.
JNS recently reported that “honor-based abuse cases in England rose by more than 60% in two years, with 2,594 cases in 2022 vs. 1,599 in 2020.”
The native authorities, meanwhile, are cowed and submissive, afraid of offending their new masters.
“63 percent of M@slims do not work, receive state support + free housing.”
Au contraire. They are on benefits and welfare, but many of them ARE working, it’s just that they work in their uncle’s taxi firm or restaurant and are paid cash.
I recall a number of examples of this on the UK’s ‘Border Security’ TV program, where Middle Eastern/Pakistani/Afghan men were stopped at the airport en route back to the country they claimed was too dangerous to live in, for a holiday. They had wads of cash with them yet no known employment.
Timely to revisit the “Rivers of Blood” speech by Enoch Powell
Fifty years on: Read Enoch Powell divisive Rivers of Blood speech
For many, it was a speech designed to shock and appal; for others, the politician spoke a certain truth no one else dared speak.
Sky News revisits the notorious address.
And timely to revisit Muammar Gaddafi 2006 (2006) speech to the masses of how islam will conquer Europe without firing a shot!
Islam teaches, and its followers (the fanatics) believe and act upon while the rest (timid followers who fear the apostasy death sentence) stay silent about, that islam is the only religion and everything else must be abandoned. That the koran like the religion itself is perfect and the true word of God so it must be followed to the letter and needs no change or interpretation given sharia law is the perfect instruction manual.
The fanatics expect the mahdi’s return to commence in 2027 (ie born or starts to gain public profile through acceptance/preaching) and their efforts to make the world as islamic as possible to mark the return will become more public and regular. As Lawrence’s list shows 9 cities have muslim mayors and once the labour party get into power the first local step will be the public broadcasting of the 5 x a day call to prayer.
As per the Old Ozzie link in comment 11.1 above re Sydney NSW diversity dividend a most public outpouring that residents have no option but to accept.
“As per the Old Ozzie link in comment 11.1 above re Sydney NSW diversity dividend ”
I’ll bet that doesn’t happen in Canberra…
Simple. Pick a side.
I wonder what effect that will have British Rock-n-Roll?
Probably worth a lot?
“BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions”
Remember the US FDA changed the definition of a “vaccine” since COVID “Vaccines” were not vaccines!
The term “vaccine” also got a makeover. The CDC’s definition changed from “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease” to the current “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.””
Some discussion on that in here –
Additional information on the 9th Circuit Court decision. This opens the door for lawsuits aplenty.
“The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that mRNA COVID-19 injections do not meet traditional definitions of vaccines in a case against the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).
LAUSD’s vaccine mandate required employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19, which plaintiffs argued infringed on their right to refuse medical treatment.
The court noted that mRNA injections do not prevent COVID-19 transmission but only mitigate symptoms, challenging the basis of vaccine mandates.
The decision referenced a century-old Supreme Court case, highlighting that unlike smallpox vaccines, mRNA shots don’t provide similar public health benefits.
The ruling raises questions about the constitutionality of compulsory health treatments and the redefinition of “vaccine” by health authorities.”
See link for more:
Their ABC has a TV show called Art Works. I wouldn’t recommend watching it because, if you click on the pics you can see next year’ budding Archibald prizers. Astonishingly some of the “art” is sold.
“Why is Modern Art so Bad? 5 Minute Video”
‘Incredibly stupid’: Fauci slammed after shocking confession (video)
Elon Musk Doubles Down Attacks on Serial Liar Fauci: “You’re All Beagles to me Anyway… Crimes Against Humanity”
Musk shared a tweet on Saturday featuring an image of Fauci likened to a mugshot with the caption, “You’re All Beagles to Me Anyway… Crimes Against Humanity.”
The reference to ‘beagles’ traces back to a report was based on findings by The White Coat Waste Project, a taxpayer watchdog group that advocates for reducing wasteful government spending on animal testing.
According to documents uncovered by the organization, the NIAID, under Dr. Fauci’s leadership, had allocated part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia for experimentation on beagles. The grant money was used to infest beagles with parasites as part of a study published last month.
The details of the experiment are disturbing. The beagles were subjected to torturous conditions, including having their heads locked in mesh cages filled with infected sandflies.
These parasite-carrying insects were allowed to feast on the dogs alive.
There was a photo of the test, which is sure to haunt anyone with a conscience.- Except for Fauci
HORRIFYING CONFESSION Fauci’s NIH admits to cutting beagle puppies’ vocal cords to shut them up ‘as they were slowly eaten alive by sandflies’
VINDICATED: After Years of Covering For Fauci, Washington Post Acknowledges Beagle Torture
$50 to anyone who can beat this headline
I did get a giggle from that article when I saw it.
And a reminder to “new women” to book your annual prostate check.😆
I totally get the comparisons being made between the Biden regime and banana republics of old,
especially since this is an insult to several former banana republics that are arguably better governed than the United States right now (El Salvador, Argentina—I’m looking at you!).
And besides, the person who seems to be “slipping” (as the Wall Street Journal put it) on one banana peel after another is Joe Biden.
Has Trump Already Won? Deep State Scared of Going to Jail! Far Right Storms EU Elections!!! (video)
QLD 08:00, (coal)power, $48.33, SA renewables, $237.02. LOL
No renewables here – it’s been cloudy and still for many days.
Luckily you have your siphon hose flung over the boarder to Victoria sucking that 10%. (let’s call it GST)
Can you do anything yourselves, Vics power, QLD’s water, you boarder every state in Australia bar Tassie, fingers in every pocket, pick pockets paradise. You even got Tassies Gensets.
Can you tell me what you produce beside, alcohol, Meth and keeping your mud flats flooded (with QLD’s water) so you can call them lakes.
I guess the Shark feeding is a plus, in the Eastern states it’s called surfing.
You are a failed state, the NDIS of politics.
That seemed rather uncalled for
I for one enjoy the ocassional McLaren Vale, Coonawarra, Barossa etc red wine
Who is the poor boarder, and what did he/she board…?
The US southern border solution –
“No One Wants a New Car Now. Here’s Why.
Why are so many Americans forgoing new vehicles? Used cars are not just a better bargain, they retain designs and features more coveted than their high-tech replacements.”
Paywalled but more here
Those new ‘safety systems’ are the Achilles heel of most Chinese cars, in my experience. In many cases they are implemented very poorly, full of glitches and frequently unreliable. My new Honda has many of them and they work OK up to a point, but one of the reasons I chose the Honda was its reputation for reliable bells and whistles, most of which are easy to turn off.
I was given an MG SUV by a rental company last year and it was an eye opener. NONE of the driver aids worked properly and the traction control was downright dangerous on slippery or gravel roads. I soon learnt to pull over, switch the damn thing off, then fire it up again in order to clear the bugs. Absolutely dreadful car.
For my Technically adverse Wife – looking to replace 2006 Honda Jazz with Suzuki Ignis GL Auto
Manual Key entry, has reverse Camera over Jazz plus 2 extra Airbags – no other technical Wizardry and most importantly
“Made in Japan” – as my Japanese Friends always say – “99.8% Homogenously Pure” – i.e the workers on the production line can speak to each other
Similarly Korea – China – No Business Morals or Ethics.
Mrs Wife traded her beloved Kia Cerato (great car) for a Honda Jazz in 2020, just before they stopped importing the Jazz into Australia. It is an utterly brilliant little thing – a real tardis. Despite being tiny on the outside, it’s pretty roomy and, combined with being a very practical hatchback, it has Honda’s famous ‘magic seats’. It also runs on just a sniff of petrol. Importantly, it also predates the introduction (on base models at least) of the latest safety gimmicks.
When I bought my own Honda a couple of weeks ago, the dealer told her she could probably sell her Jazz today for more than she paid for it.
The Real Truth About Ukrainian F-16 Pilot Training (video)
Putin Calls ‘Bulls**t’ On ‘Plans’ To Attack NATO, Says He’s Not Brandishing Nuclear Arms (article)
A look at “THE SCIENCE” here –
And other things
Last Tuesday another ian posted a link, details below, pointing to an article which is quite negative towards vitamin D, and there was only one response ( from KP ) to him when I looked yesterday, with which I agree.
But I think it’s got all the hallmarks of a big pharma anti-D propaganda push, and have started an analysis to verify my suspicions.
eg: the article talks about need by age, but I’ve never seen any paper covering that;
There’s no mention of the role of modulation of the immune system that D plays;
There’s no mention of the Indonesian findings in relation to Covid progression;
There’s no mention of cofactors;
They’re probably correct in saying healthy people needn’t be tested, but should go on to say that anyone who is sick should be, should be, automatically and early; and
They forgot to mention that some doctors claim success with massive doses intravenously.
And I haven’t even suggested there might be some incentive to write such a biased article.
Dave B
PS Note the date, Jun 7, on the basic link v the date of ian’s comment, Jun 3. Link has been updated to remove a recommended age level calculator, which I didn’t get to test. I guess someone else identified it as unsupported garbage.
… My notes:
Vitamin D for the Prevention of Disease: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline ”
Jun 3 , 2024
My source, linked to from:
dated Jun 7, 2024, from another ian at #38:
I looked at Government disinformation about the supposed ineffectiveness of correcting Vit D deficiency in relation to covid.
This is my submission about the censorship bill.
SEE page 8.
Something else introduced on Government websites and Their ABC, is to warn about “Vitamin D toxicity”. It is almost impossible to overdose on Vitamin D except by taking obviously ridiculous excessive amounts.
Another thing is Government warning doctors about over-ordering Vitamin D tests.
And remember how the ‘University” of Sydney said that Vitamin D testing causes global warming?
The war against Vitamin D has Big Government control, the Elites and Big Pharma written all over it.
I wonder when we’ll see Leftists out in the street having riots against Vitamin D?
Re “I wonder when we’ll see Leftists out in the street having riots against Vitamin D?”
Think of USA if there had been an essential “Vitamin T”?
Wait – there is a list –
Conjures up a slogan it does!
Maybe because everybody is beginning to realise that it is an unobtainable goal?
Everybody not including Bonehead Blackout Bowen and many others of his ilk.
Not just unobtainable but unaffordable and unnecessary.
Also, I don’t believe him.
Its a clever move and he is keeping it simple.
With the election just a year away his timing is perfect.
He’s got a little list!
“The bird flu virus has adapted to sea mammals. Scientists are puzzled
..the new study is the first to pull together different streams of evidence that substantiate transmission from mammal to mammal.
Bird flu virus taken from the sea animals contained 18 mutations that enabled it to infect and spread among mammals more easily, and enhanced the severity of the disease, the researchers found… In lab experiments, the virus has been shown to be transmissible through air and via direct contact among ferrets.
“The sheer number of mutations” is cause for concern, said Dr Malik Peiris, a virus researcher and bird flu expert at the University of Hong Kong, who was not involved in the work.
Among the mutations found in virus from sea mammals are two, D701N and Q591K, that alter an enzyme the virus needs to replicate. Both mutations are thought to be alternatives to another mutation called E627K, which is believed to be a key change needed for the virus to infect mammals.”
I’m sure ‘scientists’ are working flatout on bird flu these days, but maybe not trying to protect us from it!
Arch criminal of the day.
I shakes me head.
..and Govts have far more use of AI than their subjects do-
“In 2022, for example, with the help of AI scanning large data sets, the ATO … prevented around $2.5 billion in fraudulent GST returns being paid. That same year, the ATO saw uncollected and undisputed tax debt hit $44.8 billion, rising from $26.5 billion in 2019.
In 2023, the same AI tools successfully identified over $530 million of unpaid tax bills.
Using the 11.5 million files from the leaked Panama Papers in 2016, the ATO’s AI tools were able to analyse the documents and find liabilities and owed debts from Australians who had been using the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca to avoid tax.
As of the end of last year, the ATO had collected more than $60 million of owed taxes, completed more than 535 audits relating solely to Mossack Fonseca clients, and raised more than $242 million in liabilities ”
I wonder who was in the Panama Papers that they DIDN’T go after? They must be smarting from the ‘Robodebt scandal’ to say-
““In the ATO, we would only use AI where it is legal and ethical to do so, and where humans are ultimately responsible for the decision-making that impacts clients,” Rucinski says.”
but I’m sure the ‘humans ultimately responsible’ to decide which big name gets taken down are in Cabinet.
Does anyone else read “The Tax Reaper”?
(ATO article in the SMH.)
“Science of Heat Waves Reveals Blaming CO2 is a Scam! ”
Ummm, already up-thread at #6…
Related to those wind droughts that the wind industry runs into?
Anybody notice that the Emirati foreign minister called the Palestinian authorities ‘Ali Baba and the 40 thieves’ in a shouting match?
In a most welcome display of candor, the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates, which is a very credible well-run Arabic state with modern amenities, let the Palestinian authorities know that to them, they were “Ali Baba and the 40 thieves.” He said that in an actual shouting match with
According to Axios:
A meeting between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and a group of Arab officials about a month ago flew off the rails after an unusual shouting match between the UAE foreign minister and a senior adviser to the Palestinian president, according to five sources with knowledge of the incident.
Why it matters: The heated spat reflects skepticism over the Palestinian Authority’s planned reforms and disputes among Arab leaders, both of which could challenge the Biden administration’s efforts to forge a post-war strategy for Gaza.
Driving the news: The April 29 meeting took place in Riyadh on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum meeting.
That’s the boring stuff, here’s the juicy stuff:
Behind the scenes: According to the sources, during the meeting al-Sheikh said the Palestinian Authority is conducting reforms and created a new government as the U.S. and Arab countries asked, but it isn’t getting enough political and financial support.
Toward the end of the meeting the Emirati Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed pushed back and said he hasn’t seen any significant reform inside the Palestinian Authority, the sources said.
According to two sources, the Emirati foreign minister then called the Palestinian leadership “Ali Baba and the forty thieves” and claimed senior officials in the Palestinian Authority are “useless” and therefore “replacing them with one another will only lead to the same result.”
“Why would the UAE give assistance to the Palestinian Authority without real reforms?” he asked.
Al-Sheikh shouted back at the Emirati foreign minister and said nobody will dictate to the Palestinian Authority how to conduct its reforms, the sources said.
Canada’s new and proposed totalitarian laws ought to be a concern for Australians because the Australian Government seeks out the worst laws of other countries and adopts then here. These laws are about “pre-crime“, hereto a dystopian science fiction concept.
Ordered to stay home? Under the online harms bill?
Where exactly do the advocates of this bill think perpetrating online harm is most likely to occur?
Some days I am just so grateful that I have lived most of my life in better times.
The Clooney Shakedown of Biden gets worse: Biden caves to Clooney on the ICC
It’s bad enough that actor George Clooney had the temerity to call the White House to complain about the U.S. foreign policy stance on the International Criminal Court’s planned arrest warrant of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, a U.S. ally.
The guy, after all, is an actor. He did it to make his wife happy, the wife apparently dispatching him to do it since she helped write the plans for the warrant, and faced sanctions. Perhaps the loudly liberated woman was too cowardly to call them up on her own.
But now we learn that Biden actually caved to Clooney, changing U.S. foreign policy to suit Herodias, or rather, Amal Clooney.
The GOP says there was a causal relationship.
And yes, fundraising was involved. The Mercury News, or, Bay Area News Group, reports that yes, Clooney’s still coming to that fundraiser for Joe Biden
That raises the possibility that the act a quid pro quo, or something resembling a bribe.
If true, it would be consistent with Biden’s other behavior, around, for example, Hunter Biden, where acts were exchanged for cash with foreign characters and phone calls were made. And yes, Amal is foreign, a U.K. citizen.
This article from Al-Monitor, dated June 4, noted that Biden was vehemently opposed to sanctions on the ICC and is willing to defy 42 congressional Democrats in order to take that extremist position.
If Clooney made his phone call on or before that date, then the possibility of quid pro quo is even stronger.
Right now, we don’t have the timeline, but the GOP, for what it’s worth, is arguing that there was a policy shift after the Clooney intervention
That’s just the Dem’s business model. Always has been. They see nothing wrong with it. That’s why they impeached Trump the first time for calling it wrong.
A new variant called “waking up” is spreading all around the world.
I hope that Tennis Elbow and Bonehead Blackout Bowen catch this variant as they both need waking up.
The Collapse of the Wokie Mind: This is a phenomena that I’m seeing creeping in locally. My question (part rhetorical, part realistical) is what will it lead to?(!)
A new beginning.
Very sad news.
“How Far Have Medical Journals Fallen? This Far”
Looks like The Lancet is “working on its reputation”
Summing up “The end of the world”×600.jpg
No anger lines!
And in yesterday’s news, Microsoft (aka Microshaft 😆)has now made the Windows “Recall” feature opt-in after major public backlash.
Oh, all that collected data wasn’t encrypted for safety at all?
It was store in a plain SQL database in the user directory?
It can be accessed by the “TotalRecall” Python script, now freely available?
So much for security, implemented ludicrously badly, paired with the looming disaster of enabled by default Bitlocker.
John C II
Isn’t that the reputation that Microsoft made all by themselves?
Louisiana Outlaws People With Penises From Women’s Restrooms: ‘Enough is Enough’
Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry (R) signed a bill on Wednesday outlawing biological males from using women’s restrooms and public facilities, which will take effect on August 1.
HB608, authored by Rep. Roger Wilder, R-Denham Springs, will segregate all bathrooms, changing and locker rooms, as well as sleeping quarters by sex in public schools, domestic violence shelters and correctional facilities. This would prohibit transgender people from using facilities that align with their gender identity.
Landry said he was proud to sign the bill, which he said “protects women’s safety and reinforces the very identity of what it means to be a woman.”
During its final passage, Wilder said, “We must defend the dignity, safety, and welfare of all women. I’m standing for the basic understanding that there are biological differences between females and males that create the need for separate privacy spaces for said females and males.”
2 men enter, 1 man leaves. 😎😎😎
/best not say any more
Sunday ejukayshun: the wonders of anomalous precision
Achim Leistner is an Australian optician of German origin. During his retirement, he was asked to join the Avogadro project to craft a silicon sphere with high smoothness.
Leistner studied optics at Optik Carl Zeiss in Jena, Germany, and in 1953 qualified as a precision optical craftsman. He moved to Australia in 1957, and worked in CSIRO on optical fabrication methods.[3]
In addition to precision instruments, Leistner uses his hands to feel for irregularities in the roundness of the sphere. The research team has called his extraordinary sense of touch “atomic feeling”. As a result the sphere is the roundest man-made object ever. If it were scaled to the size of the Earth, it would have a high point of only 2.4 m (7’10”) above “sea level”.
State of the art tech and AI doesn’t come close. 😁
The SI unit of kilogram was redefined in 2018 due to Achim.
Achieved at a time when our CSIRO was a respected scientific organisation. It’s unbelievable how far they have moved away from the worthy aim of being a trusted scientific body.
Because, since then, the Long Slow March arrived at their doorstep.
“Since 1889 the kilogram has been defined as the mass of an object known as the International Kilogram Prototype (IKP), a cylinder of platinum-iridium alloy, stored in a vault in France. …. Comparisons of the IKP to its copies show that the masses are slowly diverging from one another, meaning the IKP is either gaining or losing weight.”
Fascinating- Surely someone can work out why..
Well first you have to very carefully look at how and with what their respective weights are measured. Perhaps that’s where the loss/gain in weights is occurring.
My Hero
A Car that has a CO2 button that ejects more CO2 into the atmosphere – I love it as do the plants of this planet
FYI: How Spies Communicate Using Shortwave Numbers Stations – it’s something that I am only too aware of but is also of general interest. (video)
“Huge Study Reveals How Often Cannabis Triggers Psychotic Episodes”
Why Aussies are furious over this ordinary photo of Anthony Albanese and his dog Toto
Anthony Albanese pictured with dog Toto
Pair were visiting Parliament House
ACT Government rules state that the area around Parliament House is prohibited for dogs – whether they are on the lead or not – and the fine for a breach is $150.
Social media users accused Mr Albanese of flouting the rules.
‘Apparently the law doesn’t apply to Albo and his dog,’ wrote one .
‘Dogs are prohibited anywhere in or around Parliament House. Rules for thee but not for me.’
Another directly addressed the ACT government-run Transport Canberra and City Services’
‘Are you going to issue a fine for Albo for walking his dog and having it off leash in a prohibited area?’ they asked.
Others simply stuck the boot in, accusing the Prime Minister of being out of touch.
‘For one day – just one day – can you not demonstrate how entirely disconnected you are from reality or entitled you are?’ one asked.
From the Comments
– I’d rather Toto was the PM and Albo was on the leash.
– Albo visiting Parliament House. Sounds about right. He certainly doesn’t work there.
– Just wanted to see where it was … and what it looked like.
Owners who do not microchip cats face £500 fines – UK;
Some benefits, but if cats, independent creatures, see Kipling’s ‘The Cat that Walked by Himself’ [and dogs since 2016], how long before this comes for migrants … tourists [from certain nations, first!], and then citizens?
All for ‘Our Own Good’, I guess!
Just askin’
Wow!! Australian party vows to Leave Paris Agreement!