
9.2 out of 10 based on 13 ratings

123 comments to Wednesday

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    People cutting off Tesla supercharger cables to sell the copper


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    John Hultquist

    In the State of Oregon, most gasoline stations have an attendent that pumps the gas. The customer has to stand and watch. Seems a bit odd for visitors from other states. {An unrelated comment, I know.}
    Most EV charging sites I have seen appear isolated with no one around, more like porta-potties than service plaza facilities.
    Folks have been chopping copper cables from lighted road signs, parks, and any other place not monitored 24/7. Replacement costs are many times the value of the stolen copper.


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      Back in the 70’s when we still had attendants to “pump the gas”, wash the windows, and check the oil and radiator levels, the pump nozzles had the thingy that locked the trigger on so they didn’t have to keep holding it. Freed the attendant up to wash the window etc while the car filled.

      I’ve have found one station in country Victoria (Aus) that still has the trigger lock function …. against regulations. (They do click off automatically.) The bowsers are also right on the edge of the road pavement without any protective bollards. (I assume also against regulations). It’s quite a novelty being able to lock the nozzle open again, and a bit of a trip down memory lane.

      One of the other stores nearby still has an old horse water trough out the front.

      My kind of town actually.


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        NZ still has the locking-on catch on the bowser trigger, it always amuses me that Aussies can’t even be trusted with a petrol pump, never mind a real gun. Luckily my key fob is a perfect fit to jam in there…

        Unless South Africa has changed direction drastically, they will still have attendants fueling up cars and collecting money there too. Of course if you don’t get out to do it, you won’t go inside to pay and you won’t shop, which is where the gas station’s money really comes from.


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        Gee Aye

        Fuel cap is a nice size to keep the pump running though staff might object.


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          John Connor II

          Is this you, GA? 😁

          Don’t lock the nozzle on!!!
          When you’re holding the trigger, it and you are earthed.
          If you lock the trigger, go back in your car, then get out later you can build a static charge which can ignite fuel vapour at the filler neck.


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            Curious that the person in the car surrounded by a flood or fuel thought it was funny enough to laugh so much.

            I was browsing maps on my phone while filling recently, with the phone resting upright on roof rack for one hand screen scrolling. Over the loud speaker the cashier told me to stop using my phone. So I found out later when I was paying, given the instruction over the speaker was practically inaudible.

            I would have thought that a phone in my pocket right next to the petrol cap would be worse. If there is a risk of ignition from a phone. But hasn’t that been shown to be not a real risk?


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              Yes, I recall reading a study by – IIRC – the Australian Transportation Safety Board, that said there was negligible fire/explosion risk from mobile phones.
              I believe it was in the late 1990s or early 2000s, when mobile phones were bigger, and more power hungry.

              There is, of course, a risk that you get carried away texting or streaming, and get a spillage!



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        I ran a couple of servos in that era and the nozzles never needed service and never failed if inserted correctly.

        Our quick checks saved many motorists some expensive repairs, especially top hoses on grey model holdens and buggered fan belts. They last forever today. I would never want an old car as my daily drive.


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        I just fit the fuel cap under the trigger handle, works a treat when cleaning the glass etc, keep expecting the console dude to cut the power.


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      David Maddison

      Folks have been chopping copper cables

      It’s what typically happens in Third World countries like South Africa. There is still some infrastructure from the previous regime that is yet to be dismantled and sold as scrap, just destroyed for the fun of it or just because people want to return to their hunter-gatherer roots.

      Tragically, under the DemocRATs, the United States is becoming a Third World nation just like that. There are also early signs of this happening in Australia.

      TRUMP is the only hope that the US and indeed the Western World has.


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        It’s what typically happens in Third World countries like South Africa.

        S Africa has a huge problem with thieves pulling down street lights and traffic lights to steal the copper cables from them.
        Then the “secondary” thieves come along and carry away the stripped poles for scrap metal !
        ..Geven the suggestion , they would likely steal the road surface too,… but much of it is not worth having !


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        John Connor II

        TRUMP is the only hope that the US and indeed the Western World has.

        LOL…Trump won’t be ALLOWED to win again.
        Better buy that farm in the boondocks sooner rather than later.


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        Trump is 4 years, and its back to normal.


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      CO2 Lover

      Oregon and New Jersey are the only states that still require drivers to have their fuel pumped by an attendant. The rule in Oregon goes back to 1951, and has roots in concerns about fire safety and job creation, among other things.

      In March 2023 the Oregon House overwhelmingly approved a bill to allow self-service options at every gas station in Oregon, raising a real possibility the state will cast off its place as one of just two states still forbidding many drivers from touching the pump.

      Stations in Oregon’s most populous counties would still be required to employ at least one attendant, and to charge the same amount for gas from full-service pumps as they do at self-serve.


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      But Minister Bowen (Blackout Bowen) recharges holding the cable at the EV charge point as if he was filling a fossil fuel vehicle tank


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    Debionne on the Current RKI FOIA Trial

    The German gov’t argues that the public has no right to know the grounds for public (sic) policy decisions, revealing at-once the charade of ‘democracy’


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      another ian

      Sefton Delmer in “Trail Sinister” and “Black Boomerang” gives some examples of some legal hold-overs from the Nazi era in this area that were not removed from the constitution of the “Redesigned Germany” after WW2.


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      Our government wants new powers to censor us and intrude on our privacy, yet like Germany, they themselves are increasingly secretive, clandestine, and unrevealed. Mr Andrews’ mystery trip to China to meet Xi which no Australian press was allowed to cover, the ALP compromised by the Aldi plastic shopping bag full of cash in the Chinese Restaurant, ASIO’s reluctance to name the retired parliamentarian, (and their party), who was cultivated by spies and tried to introduce a PM’s family to his foreign handlers, Albo & his ALP kicking ASIO out of national security meetings.
      It is not us that need to be insulated from bad influences, it is the government and politicians who need to be insulated from bad influences.
      It is not us that is vulnerable to misinformation disinformation and malinformation it is the government and politicians who are vulnerable to misinformation disinformation and malinformation.
      It is not us who need to be transparent and have our every word thought or deed visible to and recorded by government and big brother in the globalist panopticon.
      It is the government and politicians who need to be rigorously transparent and accountable to us, the people. We are the only safe custodians of freedom, government accountability, and the means to prevent government consolidating into tyranny.


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    David Maddison


    This guy made his own partial artificial hand.

    Brilliant work. Still under development.


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      Surprised that bulky chain drives are used for the finger controls.


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      John Connor II

      Crude compared to current tech though.
      A muscle’s best analogy would be electrically controlled velcro which is why they’re so hard to copy…


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    David Maddison

    Not a “far right tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theory” any more.

    Even Far Left oriented SNOPES changes status of Biden daughter diary detailing some creepy stuff with Joe from “unproven” to “true”.

    This true information was censored by social(ist) and other media before the last US Presidential Election.

    Talk about election interference!


    See Snopes:

    See Daily Wire:


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    Neuro-Weapons and the victims of Neuro-Weapons.

    U.S. National Security is now admitting Brain Control tech exists, it’s being used on Americans, and the #CIA is covering it up!

    May 8th, 2024: Intelligence Hearing

    See also Havana Syndrome, and The Havana Act.


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    David Maddison

    Real life coyote chases real life road runner.


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    David Maddison

    Not woke to say it but there are huge problems with multi-generational consanguinity (inbreeding) in the UK Pakistani community leading to many physical and mental abnormalities.



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    David Maddison

    The US Cackler in Chief, Harris, said the F Word in a speech to young people then couldn’t stop cackling.


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      CO2 Lover

      Hard to pick who is dumber – Biden or Harris.

      And people still claim that the last US presidential election was not rigged!


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        I vote Harris. Before dementia set in Biden should large amounts of rat cunning building a fortune on a Senators salary. Harris brings nothing the table apart from ticking POC and gender boxes. They both seem incompetent but Harris wins the stupid stakes for me.


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    The Scottish Covid inquiry


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    CO2 Lover

    Whistleblowers make Australia a better place, ensuring accountability and justice by exposing government wrongdoing and corporate misdeeds. They are vital to our democracy.

    This is why the Human Rights Law Centre advocates for an end to the unjust treatment of whistleblowers and launched the Whistleblower Project, Australia’s only dedicated legal service for whistleblowers.

    But on 14 May 2024, military whistleblower David McBride was sentenced to almost six years’ imprisonment by the ACT Supreme Court. It is a dark day for truth and justice in Australia.

    David leaked documents to the ABC, which led to the Afghan Files reporting – which showed credible evidence of war crimes committed by Australian forces in Afghanistan. It was public interest journalism at its finest. And yet on Tuesday, the first person imprisoned in relation to Australia’s war crimes was not a war criminal, but the whistleblower.

    More evidence that Australia is one of the most corrupt countries on this planet – especially politicians and their public serpent partners in crime.


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      CO2 Lover

      Corruption at work

      Australian Government’s Overreach Slammed: Conservative Social Media ‘Gab’ Defies Censorship Demands, Faces $500,000 Fine for Upholding Free Speech

      The conservative social media platform Gab has openly defied the Australian government’s demand to remove or censor a video depicting a tragic attack at the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church in western Sydney.

      While tech giants like Meta acquiesced to similar requests, Gab has told the Australian government to pound sand, potentially incurring a hefty fine of $500,000 USD.

      The controversial video, which includes a poignant message from Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, who was wounded during the assault, became a flashpoint for a clash between censorship and the right to free speech.


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    Back in time and the Aurora Australis is found even further north.
    Captain James Cook September 16 or 17 1770.

    Endeavour sailed on passing through Rote Strait, which separates Timor from the smaller Rote Island.
    “That evening, Banks noted “About 10 O’Clock a Phænomenon appeard in the heavens in many things resembling the Aurora Borealis but differing materialy in others: it consisted of a dull reddish light reaching in hight about 20 degrees above the Horizon… Through and out of this passd rays of a brighter colourd light tending directly upwards… it lasted as bright as ever till near 12 when I went down to sleep”. It was the Aurora Australis.”

    Captain Cook Society

    To find the northern hemisphere part of this we go to Japan.

    A drawing of the aurora observed from Nagoya, Japan, on September 17, 1770. The written description also notes its intensity: “as bright as a night with a full moon.”

    Smithsonian Mag

    Although it was perhaps seen closer to the equator in 1871.

    Nothing particular occurred during the voyage except the appearance of a brilliant Aurora Australis, some few -degrees this side of the Equator. It was a magnificent sight, and for brilliancy and distinctness far excelled the one that recently appeared here.

    “here” could be Geralton 1909.
    Trove The Geraldton Express WA Mon 29 Nov 1909 Page 1 Looking Backward.


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      CO2 Lover

      The frequency of solar flares coincides with the Sun’s 11-year cycle. When the solar cycle is at a minimum, active regions are small and rare and few solar flares are detected. These increase in number as the Sun approaches the maximum part of its cycle.

      Astrology is a method of predicting mundane events based upon the assumption that the celestial bodies—particularly the planets and the stars considered in their arbitrary combinations or configurations (called constellations)—in some way either determine or indicate changes in the sublunar world.

      The Sun’s 11 -Year cycle is thought to be governed by the movement of the planets around the Sun.


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        There are some very clever people who use the planets and moon and their relationship to the sun to forecast the weather with great accuracy.


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      More from 1871


      THAT beautiful phenomenon, the Aurora Australis, was
      visible for several hours on the evening of Thursday last.

      The Herald Fremantle W.A. Sat 28 Jan 1871 Page 2 TOPICS OF THE WEEK.

      ROMA queensland

      Last evening there was a bright light in the sky
      directly south ; it was similar to the light produced
      upon a cloud by the moon’s rays ; it varied in inten-
      sity. Many people thought it was the reflection of a
      fire ; it wanted, however, the lurid tint of the bush
      fire ; besides, I have noticed it once or twice lately.
      After remaining about an hour it disappeared from the
      south, and in the course of about half-an-hour re-
      appeared in the west. I suppose it must be the
      Aurora Australis.

      February 17, 1871.
      Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser Thu 23 Feb 1871 Page 2

      1871 Ballarat Victoria with a lot about the frequent 1870 events. Also that it was not noticed in Melbourne. A hint that the plasma ring of aurora was north of the norm.
      Bendigo Advertiser Sat 25 Mar 1871 Page 2 THE REAPPEARANCE OF THE AURORA.


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    David Maddison

    Reminder to Jo.

    The edit box on Android phones still doesn’t work well. It used to be OK until a few weeks ago.


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      John Connor II

      It was bad but now seems ok for me on 4 browsers.
      Mind you, they’ve all had updates too.
      No-one else seems to be having this problem and if anything the exact opposite – slow scrolling in general.
      It’s a question for the XDA forums, if you’re a member.
      One solution though would be to add scroll bars to the text box…


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        I’m sorry, I wish I had a good answer. I’ll ask the guru helper if he has any ideas.

        As far as I know nothing changed on the site in the last two months.


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        Kalm Keith

        I’ve had troubles with the phone, but it’s something to put up with.


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    CO2 Lover

    How much is Twiggy Forrest getting for his Hydrogen Schemes (Scams)?

    Supercharging Australian renewable hydrogen with:
    $6.7 billion over the decade for a new production tax incentive of $2 per kilogram starting from 2027-28; and
    $2 billion for a new round of the successful Hydrogen Headstart program to give long-term certainty for the large-scale renewable hydrogen industry, critical for future green iron and steel opportunities.

    This has increased considerablly from last years budget when the amount was only $2 billion.

    Newspeak at its finest

    “It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”

    – George Orwell


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      CO2 Lover

      large-scale renewable hydrogen industry

      In the real world where corrupt and clueless politicians are not involved, Chemical Engineers construct a pilot plant to test new production processes before attempting to contruct large-scale production facilities at a much larger cost.

      The cost of a pilot scale plant for “green iron and steel opportunities” should only cost in the tens of millions and not in the $ Billions.

      “The problem with socialism is that evenually you run out of other people’s money” – Margaret Thatcher


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    CO2 Lover

    Australia’s potential to produce abundant renewable energy is a powerful source of comparative advantage and we are continuing to invest in making this country a renewable energy superpower.

    – Chris Bowen

    Meanwhile in the USA

    America’s offshore wind industry is collapsing, both figuratively and literally. Offshore turbines have grown in capacity and size to the point where they simply collapse into the ocean. As do the financial prospects of those seeking to profit from them.

    One of the key players offshore – GE’s renewables division – backed up a solid $2.24 billion loss in 2022, with a $1.44 billion write off last year. Much of it due to the insane cost of trying to generate occasional electricity miles offshore, in a highly corrosive marine environment.

    a powerful source of comparative advantage


    New York regulators recently struck agreements with offshore developers at prices of around $150 per megawatt hour, more than a third higher than those in 2019. For comparison, the wholesale price for natural gas power is around $30 a megawatt hour.


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      I believe that the offshore wind suppliers also want to be able to increase the wholesale delivery price annually for up to 20 years. Would have been cheaper for New York to use SMR nuclear power offered at US$90/MW.


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      And if the “Ruinables” (Wind and Solar) are now providing the cheapest form of electricity, why then the need for these Electricity Rebates?

      A local Eatery/Coffee shop Owner near me tells me that his electricity bill has gone up over $1,000 a month in the past year. Last night’s Feral Budget will give him/them a $325 rebate for 12 months from 1/7/2024.

      That in simple Economics is going backwards.

      Blackout Bonehead Bowen, Please Explain……………..If you can with logic prease (Chinese please).

      Sounds like “Electrickery” to me.


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        Mmmmm that’s some powerful comparative advantage right there

        Bowen is cripling the grid and then spouting enegy based comparative advantage, heaven help us


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    Honk R Smith

    I was just pondering the relationship between vaccine compliance, and belief in Climate Change.

    Seems to me the next round of vaccine mandates may run into big brick wall of ‘hesitancy’ (harr).

    Wondering if climate alarmism is falling on a way bigger population of vaccine deafened ears?

    ‘Specially since the former ‘conspiracy theories’ about Pandemic aren’t quite as theoretical as they were six months ago. And the larvae of more conspiracy theories are turning in big flying mature accepted realities at a quickening pace.


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      David of Cooyal in Oz

      Hope you’re right.
      For me, my climate scepticism alerted me to the similarities between the propaganda campaigns and my resulting rejection of the jab lies.
      (It took me a long time to recognise the extent of the problem with AGW and its subsequent names.)
      Dave B


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    another ian

    FWIW – more medical mysteries

    ” Fortune confirmed a tragic trend in a woefully unsurprising article headlined, “Why have colorectal cancers tripled in teens and jumped by 500% in kids?” Haha, of course the article never answers that headline question.”

    More at


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      another ian

      Also in there

      “Remember, the jabs were definitely not gene therapies; that’s misinformation. But another new study poking a hole in that exhausted refrain appeared this month in the journal Methods and Protocols, titled “Methodological Considerations Regarding the Quantification of DNA Impurities in the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Comirnaty®.”

      “According to the researchers, it turns out that Pfizer may have slightly under-reported the amounts of DNA contamination in its magic spike protein elixirs. Behold my shocked face: 😑. And by slightly under-reported, I mean by orders of magnitude. ”

      More there


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    another ian

    “That’s a lot of wind beneath their wings…”

    “After an extraordinary career spanning more than 80 years of service, and plenty of operational missions, the South African Air Force (SAAF) is preparing to retire its last C-47 Dakotas. Remarkably, the SAAF is moving to discard its C-47s while, at the same time, elsewhere around the globe, turboprop versions of the venerable transport continue to win orders.”


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      Great aircraft, hopefully that’s where those airframes end up , into the conversion market or flying elsewhere.


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      CO2 Lover

      turboprop versions of the venerable transport continue to win orders

      More here:

      For flights into and within the interior of Antarctica the smaller more specialised Ilyushin, Twin Otter and Basler are utilised.


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      another ian

      From comments there

      “Way back in BC one of our instructors at a sailplane maintenance school run by Gliding Federation Australia was an aeronautical stress engineer. One of his jobs had been the turbine section of PT 6 turboprops.

      A discussion migrated to the service life of DC3’s – IIRC from here on –

      “The people who designed them knew what they were doing. There are 3 wing spars, any one of which will keep the wings on. They knew there would be fatigue problems so there is a schedule of replacement and, if you do that, there is no reason that they can’t keep flying”.


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    “Weight-loss drugs ‘gold rush’”

    Surely the very definition of insanity? Still, there’s money to be made from people’s inability to exercise self-control over what they eat.


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    another ian


    “The truth about Labor’s inflationary, increased spending and debt.”


    “Therapeutic Albanese trots out the old energy-bill-rebate routine one more time!!!!!!”


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      CO2 Lover

      It is on the cards for average power bills to increase by $600 per annum over the year before the next election so $300 is chicken feed.


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    another ian


    “Of course it does – the ALP’s ABC gets a funding boost”


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    another ian


    “Demonized as Contributing to Climate Change, Cattle May Actually Decrease Emissions, Research Shows”


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      But … hold on!
      Aren’t we told, repeatedly, that ‘The Science is Settled’?

      How is it possible that there is any scintilla of doubt about cattle’s place in the emissions universe?

      Weren’t we told by the Demented Pixie Victim, DD, that ‘meat is murder’ or some-such.
      Or was it the Mann behind Mann-Made Global Boiling Oceans Scam and Lie?
      Or, of course, the ever-so-slightly left-of-Centre apparatchik [and insect-chef] from the Nominally United Nations?
      Or Attenbore, who probably remembers the Little Ice Age, being experientially-gifted?

      I am left utterly bewildered and flummoxed [can I still say ‘flummoxed’? Or is it triggering to the flummox community??].



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    another ian


    “Fake Science Leads to Massive Cull of Science Journals”

    Paywalled original site


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    On Sunday ,Kim posted a link to titled “Hydrogen Bombed”
    It is quite revealing, and for those of you who do not like opening links , i have editited the following from it..

    Minister Chris Bowen gave a speech in 2023 in Japan titled ‘Australia as a Renewable Energy Superpower’. He noted Japan’s ‘Hydrogen-Based Society’ commitment and said that Australia has a ‘$300 billion pipeline of proposed hydrogen projects in Australia—the biggest pipeline in the world.’

    Australia has shipped liquified hydrogen to Japan. Angus Taylor, then Coalition minister, proudly announced in 2022 that Australia was sending the world’s first shipment of liquified hydrogen to Japan…..
    ….. The Taylor shipment was partly brown coal from Loy Yang, which is not greenhouse-friendly—brown hydrogen. Neither is blue hydrogen, which uses natural gas to produce hydrogen. The goal is to generate hydrogen from renewable sources such as wind and solar—green hydrogen.…
    ….. The inimitable economist and engineer Stephen Wilson explains why the green hydrogen scheme is going to bomb: because its customers can do it themselves.
    ‘The production and supply chain to turn land, capital, labour, sunshine, breezes, and seawater into electricity, hydrogen, ammonia for export, reconversion to hydrogen, and back to electricity does not make sense.’ The same economics and engineering analyses will hold for the export of liquified hydrogen.
    Wilson explains the primary problem: ‘green’ hydrogen will have to compete with other carbon-free hydrogen production, especially so-called ‘pink’ hydrogen made from nuclear energy.
    Australia’s likely customers for hydrogen exports, such as Japan, can make the hydrogen they need where they need it from nuclear energy—methanol or no methanol for transport.
    When the Japanese realise that they can make hydrogen from nuclear energy more cheaply than they can import green hydrogen from Australia, they may also realise that if they have electricity from a nuclear power plant, they will not need to turn it into hydrogen, store it, move it, and then turn it back into electricity again.
    ….So a $300bn plan which seems to have a few holes in it.. not the least being the fact that the fundamental economics of “Green Hydrogen” has frequently been shown as impossible !


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      CO2 Lover

      Hydrogen is abysmally inefficient. Consider EVs, for example. Even when factoring in the 5 per cent lost in transport and 10 per cent as batteries charge and discharge, EVs can be up to 80 per cent efficient {assuming they are recharged from hydro electricity such as in Norway}. In hydrogen vehicles, between 30 and 40 per cent of the starting renewable electricity is lost in making the fuel and a further 40 per cent in the fuel cell.

      “Hydrogen’s poor efficiency means that it holds a compelling case as a decarbonisation solution only where direct electrification is not feasible — in industrial processes that require a chemical reaction, for instance,” says Mark Meldrum, of climate consultancy Systemiq.


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    another ian

    For contemplation –

    “Joe Biden Announces Tariffs on Non-Existent Products from Non-Existent Origination Country – Here’s Why

    May 14, 2024 | Sundance | 110 Comments”


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    another ian

    FWIW – another on the medical scene

    “Ten years from now there are going to be an utterly-huge number of people who are permanently screwed or dead:

    The latest KFF Health Tracking Poll finds that about one in eight adults (12%) say they have ever taken a GLP-1 agonist – an increasingly popular class of prescription drugs used for weight loss and to treat diabetes or prevent heart attacks or strokes for adults with heart disease – including 6% who say they are currently taking such a drug.

    Six percent of the adult population is currently using this crap?”

    More at


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      John Hultquist

      Anyone that is over weight, has diabetes, heart issues, or high blood pressure already has a greater than average probability of reaching ambient temperature in ten years. Taking these drugs may help them, or they might just degrade differently.


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      It won’t pay to get sick enough to need hospital for the next decade, the over-crowding from these drugs/vaccines will cripple the system.


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    Tony DIQUE

    hi everyone, what is the latest/greatest/cleanest coal fired generator? Hele vs USC? TIA


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    John Connor II

    Wednesday sarcasm

    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
    Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
    Promise a man someone else’s fish for a lifetime and you create a politician.


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      And a captured voter.


      • #

        It’s all very well voting for free stuff.

        But, eventually, even the pollies run out of it – when they run into reality.

        Scotland has a ‘Housing Emergency’ [declared today!]. Yikes! [Officially ‘Yikes and Crivens’ I believe].
        They also have rent controls [so far less available rented property], and an insane planning system – even worse than England’s, for crying out loud – so less property built.
        But there are – predictably – calls for ‘more support’ for renters …



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    • #

      It would be an interesting exercise to go through past budgets that promised spending long into the future to see how many of those sums were actually used.

      For me, I wonder if the energy “rebate” will apply to my electricity account when it is a payment to me.


  • #

    Mac keyboards are pretty hungry on batteries so I use Eneloop rechargables but they are only 1.2V nom. and are a pain.

    Looking in eBay Ni/Zn batteries are available with 1.6V nom. so they sound much better. Anyone had any experience with them?


    • #

      There is an online review which may give an indication..

      I think the clearest indication of now useful Ni-Zn cells are is the fact that, after just under a year, all of my cells have hit the bin for one reason or another. Some of the blue AAA Ni-Zn decided to swell slightly on the negative pole, but all of them developed extremely high internal resistance and extremely high rates of self discharge. They would become pretty uselessly flat after only five days of rest, and wouldn’t handle any significant draw. This was only after 3-5 cycles.

      Their internal resistance got so bad that charging took excessively long – and the phase where the charger alternates between charge-and-stopped continued for many hours. Some of the cells never lit the charger green, which implies they may have developed dendrites and internal shorts (which was, incidentally, a shortcoming of the Ni-Cd days).

      The AA’s fared slightly better, but not much so. Barely 15 cycles in, all of them had such high internal resistance that the runtimes got quite low. Much lower than the equivalent Ni-MHs.


      • #

        Sounds like they were being charged on a charger not designed for them.


        • #

          The Charger
          The charger supplied was a bundled charger. It is quite cheaply constructed, and features a single bi-colour LED for charge level indication.


      • #

        Okay!! I won’t rubbish my Eneloops again. I have only tossed a few as stuffed [a technical term meaning “stuffed”] after a lot of cycles and probable misuse recharging.

        eBay has Li-ion available at a similar price but I have a hesitancy about leaving them charging on my ‘puter desk, fire risk and all.


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    another ian

    For variety check out the “Bumtreecartoon series” at


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    another ian


    “World Bank Launches First Global Framework for Agri-Food Emissions”

    “The recent report from the World Bank, “Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System,” touts the possibility of making significant cuts to global agrifood emissions through a variety of prescriptive measures. The historical record of such centralized initiatives suggests a high probability of resulting in unintended and often detrimental consequences.”


    • #
      another ian

      That concludes

      “At the very least the pursuit of such grandiose plans should be viewed with skepticism and caution, as history has repeatedly shown that the road to disaster is often paved with well-intentioned global initiatives.”


      • #

        ‘World Bank’.

        Is that not almost the text-book definition of ‘Cognitive Dissonance’?

        Just asking.



  • #

    Now the BOM(b) is forecasting a possible la nina. In otherwords more rain. But this bit on the News site puzzled me :

    “The country experienced three consecutive La Niña events between 2020 and 2022, before going through an El Niño event last summer, which ended in April.

    If a La Nina does re-emerge it could cause problems as the ground of eastern Australia is still moisture laden from the last La Nina, exacerbating any flooding.”

    Since last summer to April I have seen no let up in rain. Slightly less than the previous 2 years
    Was the 6 months to April really an El Nino??


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      El Nino or not, the last horrible 4+ months have seen slow moving High Pressure systems parked in the Bight or thereabouts. The resultant easterlies and occasional trough systems coming from the west have meant constant rain for the extreme eastern coast. For much of Australia though it has been very different. Adelaide is bone dry, also Perth.


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      Thanks. The rain has been relentless on the MNC for years now. Out in my little 5 acres near Wauchope we had 2.2 metres in 21, then2.7 metres in 2022, last year backed off to 1.1 metres, and to April this year we have had 0.7 metres.
      The ground is saturated. Ground water is extremely high. Only takes 10mm to refresh. So another La Nina not welcome unless its mild!!


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      ‘Was the 6 months to April really an El Nino?’

      It was a moderate El Nino and in Australia fairly wet.

      If it becomes a strong La Nina then we’ll be in strife.


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    another ian

    No doubt the budget has this covered?

    “The Green Energy Wall Can’t Arrive Quickly Enough”


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    another ian

    FWIW – More things to watch

    “The W.H.O. “Pandemic Treaty” WILL be Negotiated in Secret! Our Sovereignty is Under Attack, as a Loophole is Uncovered (VIDEO)”

    “The power-hungry global elites are telling the world they have “watered down” the Pandemic Treaty that will hand over pandemic response to The World Health Organization.

    Do NOT believe them.

    WHO globalists are in the process of duping the 194 member nations into a sense of security before they quietly pounce.”

    More at


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    Steve of Cornubia

    Who will bet against that $300 energy ‘handout’ simply resulting in $300 increases in bills?



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      The ridiculous levels of regulatory oversight of ALL levels of the Electricity and Gas markets these days would make such an attempt extremely stupid.

      The Governments, both State and Federal have purposely set this in motion through an ideological policy fascination with “net zero” . They have all subsidized and given regulatory benefits to renewables. Kicked coal and gas in the teeth. And then wondered why bills were rising. The stupidity is mind boggling. And now they find themselves politically squeezed to the extent they have decided to give us all $300 to offset THEIR policy mandated price increases.
      Reagan once said that the most terrifying 9 words you will ever hear are “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help”


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      Paul Siebert

      ____Along similar lines as the old homebuyers’ grants?


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    another ian

    FWIW – read it all

    “Ryan Maue on “Global Temperature Shocks” ”


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    Rewatched the “Downfall” documentary on the 737 Max fiasco the other night. It makes interesting viewing in light of recent events with the 737 Max9 and 787.

    Boeing management’s behaviour leading to and during the MAX saga was disgraceful, and then they mouthed all the expected words regarding improvements and safeguards. Here we are in real life a couple of years later and really they appear to just have gone back to business as usual.

    The CEO during the original Max issues left with a $62 million package. They could have given an extra $150,000 per person compensation to the victims families with that, but that’s not the way the world works.


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    John Cadogan is launching a regular non car missive. Todays was ‘The war on men is total govt misinformation’. There is no domestic violence crisis (apart from the section of society that we wont mention). According to govt stats, over the last 3 decades adult female homicide deaths are down 75%, with a 60% rise in population. Domestic violence, apart from terminal cases, is rather difficult to quantify. 20mins he does hammer – society is not in crisis.
