
9.4 out of 10 based on 12 ratings

93 comments to Saturday

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    So Florence is stuck again.

    When I was a kid in the 1950s my mother kept the reading material.up to us. I remember there a 2 volume encyclopaedia with an article on tunnelling. There was a photo of a machine just like Florence. Have they not advanced their methods in that time?

    If I was designing a tunnekking machine today I would be trying to keep the length of the cutting mechanismm to no more than twice the diameter. And I would be wanting it to cut tunnls that were not circular, too


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      Just stop. And build a real power source with the $8bn in the latest budget. Cheaper and faster and actual power, not a 30% loss battery. It is a monument to the Malcolm Turnbull. Just build a statue of him and leave it in the hole.


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        And stand his monument on its head. A long list of puny, useless PM’s running this country into the abyss.


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        Leo G

        … build a real power source …

        Reality is not the issue.
        SH2 is a virtue signal. The higher the cost, the greater the righteousness.
        The local economy bears the debt, the political elites bath in globalist approbation.


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      CO2 Lover

      Insanity is doing th same thing over and over again while expecting a different outcome.

      Tunnels have been built without tunnel boring machines.

      In total, the Central Pacific building the US Transcontinental Railway had eleven tunnel projects (Nos. 3 through 13) under construction in the Sierra from 1865 to 1868, with seven tunnels located in a 2-mile (3.2 km) stretch on the east side of Donner Summit. The tunnels were usually built by drilling a series of holes in the tunnel face, filling them with black powder and detonating it to break the rock free.


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      When did The Boring Company last get a TBM stuck?? Does Elon do things differently?

      When did Aussie or NZ last get one stuck? I haven’t heard of it before and all those dams in NZ must have used them.


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      John Connor II

      A boring machine has a name?
      Maybe call it Brandon instead, as it’s always going nowhere fast and causes nothing but grief.
      Have they sprayed some WD40 down the sides? 😆


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    Russia seems to have its eye on moving into the Baltic states

    Sweden abandoned its long standing neutrality to join Nato fearing that Russia was in an expansionist mood.


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      The Russians are coming! The 15 year old war in Ukraine is a civil war. It’s the EU/France/Germany/UK/America who are trying to turn it into something more. The Crimean war was about the keys to Jerusalem. Any pretext is good. And hundreds of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians are dying at great expense. For what? Cui Bono?


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      “Russia seems to have its eye on moving into the Baltic states”

      Fear-mongering propaganda by the American vassals. The article is actually about Russia wanting to adjust the maritime boundaries in the Baltic sea, probably after NATO crammed it with warships recently to try and show they own it.

      Like this, makes just as much sense..

      ‘Lithuania Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis took to X to call it another hybrid operation by America to spread fear, insecurity, and doubt and called for a “reasonably determined” response from Russia. ‘


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      So Russia has its eye on (whatever that means) all the Baltic States because of hysterical politicians in Sweden. OK.


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      I thought they were going to invade India, like in the 1840’s. More likely a ruse for NATO to take Königsberg ( Kaliningrad). The more you poke the bear…


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        Custer Van Cleef

        I thought the Cold War ended in the nineties but–as we can see now–it came back at some point, secretly, but now it’s in the open.

        All the warmongers on Fox News are given free rein to raise the temperature so I guess ol’ man Murdoch has ‘signaled’ his support (however he does it). Don’t forget his part in instigating the Iraq war:

        • “Fox News, owned by Murdoch, shot up the ratings as they beat the drum for the Iraq war.”

        • “One analyst estimated that [Murdoch’s] 175 editors around the world all, happily, shared Murdoch’s enthusiasm for the invasion.”


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    This article shows those countries that eat or breathe in the most microplastics

    Brits are reckoned to “consume”791000 microplastic particles per day.

    Quite what this means is anyone’s guess. Will they be shown to be as harmful as breathing in tobacco smoke? Will we find the human body shrugs this all off?


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      A couple of things spring to mind-

      There will be a physical problem from the particles getting inside cells and interrupting the intra-cellular pathways used for moving components around.

      There will be chemical problems if some components of the plastic can be dissolved by bacteria in the gut and the products can bind to cellular proteins to stop a process.

      Just part of the accelerating aging process of modern life, they probably have a lot of small effects that overall will make it harder to stay alive, but no-one will give up plastics in the modern world. Imagine no wind turbine blades…


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        But life expectancy just keeps growing. Maybe the body has adapted so well that it is learning to replace our wornout cellular parts with artificial plastic ones. Maybe we’re on our way to simply becoming more flotsum and jetsum. Today, some are suggesting our corpses be recycled as fertiliser. Hard to know what their hurry is because that’s basically what happens when we’re buried or poured free of the ashes container.


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    ‘Many dead’ in landslide in Papua-NG.
    Reportedly hit ‘100 homes’ at about 0300 LT.

    Weather … or ‘Climate Change’ [TM]?


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    BREAKING: Iran Islamists ATTACK In Wembley, London

    Iran Islamists Attack in London


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    An extract from Dr Rob Campbells substack. The topic was around Ukraine but this reminded me Bowen and our energy situation. It probably fits whats her name, the e safety commisar also.

    “It is as if (many) human beings are now so childlike that they demand that reality fits their desires rather than accepting that they must adapt to the reality that embraces and engulfs them. I think this is one of the things that humanity in the West has forgotten. In the sense that it panders to peoples’ desires rather than what is possible for them, Wokeness is symptomatic of this error in thinking.”


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    Steve of Cornubia

    One of the top medical schools in the world, the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) David Geffen School of Medicine, appointed a new Dean of Admissions a few years ago. Whether this was planned or not I don’t know, but her focus seems to be on ‘diversity’ rather than merit. Concerned faculty members expressed reservations about her selection criteria but she overrode them.

    Within just three academic years, the school’s ranking fell from 6th to 18th.

    UCLA recently required first-year medical students to attend a lecture on “racial equity” where a guest speaker had attendees chant “Free Palestine,” according to a report.

    Go woke …


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    another ian


    “The Lithium-Ion Battery ‘Energy Storage’ Facility Blaze You Hadn’t Heard About…Is Still Burning”


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        As of this past Tuesday, CalFire was still pouring water on and into the building while coming to the realization that “water” around lithium-ion batteries was a double-edged sword.

        Like Ramius tells Ryan in Red October, “Most things in here don’t react too well to bullets.”

        In the batteries’ case, they don’t react well to water.

        But water’s all they’ve got, and, as of yesterday, they were well into multiple millions of gallons flowing without having put the fire to bed.

        One fire. In a perpetual drought state.

        …The fire has already consumed 5 million gallons of water, and firefighters estimate it will take an additional 7-10 days to control, using a total of 15-20 million gallons.

        LETHAL amounts of Hydrogen Cyanide were present in the air for 3 hours after the fire began…


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          Steve of Cornubia

          So what happened to those millions of gallons of now contaminated (possibly toxic) water? Don’t tell me – I bet it was just allowed to pour into storm drains to begin its journey into the rivers and then the oceans. But batteries are a ‘green’ product and a necessary part of the green revolution, right?


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      “18% of Australians (4.4 million people) are disabled, according to the most recent government data…Another 22% of the population have a long-term health condition.” So we’re a sick bunch who married our cousins and sisters..

      Even better, they have a good handle on Dutton-

      “So how did Opposition leader Peter Dutton, supposedly a right-wing populist hardline conservative, respond? (to calls for less immigration)

      In the weakest and most insipid way possible, by promising to bring permanent net migration down to 140,000 a year…Dutton, like all cuckservatives, is too weak to conserve anything, and is trying to play both sides. He has no backbone, and lacks the will to win. He participates in the same humiliation rituals as Anthony Albanese, dressing up in foreign costumes for photo ops, grovelling at synagogues, and celebrating every ethnic and cultural minority holiday he can.”


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    another ian


    “Scaremongers: The Mainstream Panic-Driven Media”

    Bees and everything else I guess.


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      another ian

      Cause and effect?

      “Washington Post Publisher: ‘We Are In a Hole, and We Have Been for Some Time’ ”


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      ” Modern chemicals and GMOs make our food cheaper and safer.”

      Cheaper yes, safer no.. What he means is ‘We haven’t discovered the problems these chemicals/GMOs are causing”.. Thalidomide anyone?

      I couldn’t store the spuds I grew through winter and into spring, there’s nowhere cold enough to stop them sprouting. The guy selling them at the farmers market said he left them in the ground, so I’ve tried that for a few years now. Sure, the ground freezes in the frosts, but after rain they sprout again and the big spuds become glassy and hard, even after cooking, as the starch gets taken out to make new leaves/shoots/more little spuds.

      After many searches on the net I found a chemicals page that explained how to grow spuds commercially. You sterilize the soil with poisons, plants spuds and grow them. Halfway through the season you spray them with a chemical that stops the cells dividing, a type of cancer chemotherapy. This stops them making more spuds and make the ones you have grow larger. At the end of the season you spray them all with Roundup and harvest them.

      Has it killed anyone? Who knows? Just another deleterious effect overall, like microplastics?


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    Simplicius on why the British hate Russia so much, and the end of the West as seen by the global south. Can we adopt and escape, or does Australia go down with the ship?

    “What we are witnessing is the agonizing death of a centuries’ old colonialist system of exploitation. It is the hegemonic European and Anglo-Empire’s corrupt extractive dominance of the global economy for the trickle-up benefit of a class of elite merchant and banking families whose power and influence spans centuries.
    The way this Western order has cartelized and gamified the global economy is of course through their control of the banking monopoly, which mediates the flow of world finance and commerce to which they can apply endless arbitrage and seigniorage via control of the money supply by way of issuance of the dominant reserve currencies. To this day these remain: the Dollar and Euro, which together have combined for nearly 90% of global exchange.”

    “And by the way, we hated the Soviet Union because it was Communist, but we hated Russia afterwards when it wasn’t communist. It doesn’t matter….The fascinating point is, Russia and Britain were on the same side in the Napoleonic Wars from 1812 to 1815, from the Battle of Moscow in Russia to Napoleon’s defeat in Waterloo.”


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    An interesting article
    on how our net nanny government agencies can’t seem to stop fraud as well as COVID “misinformation”


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      Brownstone Institute

      What Really Happened: Lockdown until Vaccination

      BY Jeffrey A. Tucker

      Four years later, many people are investigating how our lives were completely upended by a pandemic response. Over my time on the case, I’ve heard countless theories. It was Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Finance, the Green New Deal, the CCP, Depopulation, Get Trump, Mail-In Ballots, and so on.

      There is evidence to back them all.

      The problem with having so many pieces of evidence and so many theories is that people can too easily get thrown off track, going on wild goose chases. It’s too much to follow through consistently, and this allows the perpetrators to hide their deeds.

      For such situations, we can take recourse to Occam’s razor: the best explanation is the simplest one that explains the maximum number of facts. This is what I offer here.

      Those in the know will be shocked by nothing herein. Those not in the know will be amazed at the audaciousness of the entire scheme. If it is true, there are surely documents and people who can confirm this. At least this model of thinking will assist in guiding thinking and research.

      There are three parts to understanding what took place.


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    YYY Guy

    The NT has it’s own E-safety commish.

    “New racist material uncovered in NT Police’s TRG unit:
    More racist awards and offensive images of Aboriginal people created and distributed by NT Police officers have been uncovered as part of the joint investigation into widespread racism in the TRG, with the new material labelled by the ICAC as “so offensive that I do not consider it in the public interest [to] be circulated”.”


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      mmmm maybe ICAC could spend a couple of days on the front line with the TRG folks, just for context on why sometimes offensive views may proliferate. Maybe then they may offer support in regard to what they deal with , rather than punishment. No “gotcha” virtue points in that I suppose.


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        Or Mt Isa Police – Why UK nurse Kelly Wainwright took an Aussie health job in Mount Isa ‘nobody wanted’ but was forced to flee the country within months

        A British nurse who got a job in an Australian country town thought she would be living her dream, but it very soon turned into a nightmare.

        Kelly Wainwright had always dreamed of working in Australia, but at the age of 43 her visa options were limited – until she took a role ‘nobody else wanted’ in the Queensland town of Mount Isa.

        In a recent crackdown on youth violence in Mt Isa, more than 30 young people were arrested between April 26 and May 3, resulting in 84 charges.

        Before she arrived in the outback town, Ms Wainwright was not aware of its high levels of crime and violence.

        When she arrived, she thought it ‘just looked like any dusty old cowboy town in the middle of the outback’, but she soon found out the looks were deceiving.

        Ms Wainwright took a manager’s role in the sexual health unit of Mt Isa Hospital, a position that had been vacant for almost two years before she arrived.

        She told 9News that not ‘for one second’ did she think ‘the volatility of the area’ would soon see her flee the town and the country.

        Six weeks after she arrived, Ms Wainwright’s government-provided home was broken into.

        Not long after that, her home was targeted by teenagers, who allegedly brutally assaulted a 14-year-old relative staying with her.

        Footage of the alleged attack showed a vicious brawl with kicking, punching and slapping between at least three teenage girls at the house.

        Ms Wainwright reported the attack to police but said she was told: ‘You live in Mt Isa, I suggest you go and learn how to fight.’

        Her employers were so concerned for her safety they asked senior health officials to move her and her teenage cousin to a safer home.

        But the request was denied, she said.

        Emails obtained by Nine revealed the nurse’s manager writing: ‘I have fears for Kelly and her family’s immediate emotional wellbeing as a result of informing them that their request to move was not supported.’

        Ms Wainwright soon found she could not cope with the situation any longer, but as her visa was specifically tied to the Mt Isa Hospital job, she decided her only option was to go home to the UK.

        She left in such a hurry that she just packed her bags and got out of there.


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          YYY Guy

          Mt Isa, my old stomping ground, several happy years there, ’94, ’99 and 2005, married the best girl in town. I too, a nurse. It was as this nurse described in 2005 and could only get worse from a small cohort of aggrieved dusky types, illiterate, innumerate and unemployable, now parents themselves. Sad cos I had a ball there doing outback things.


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    YYY Guy

    “Proud” artist dies. A selection of her work snapped up by the Art Gallery of NSW
    I think we can all agree on the importance of this work.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      It’s petty of me, I know, but I refuse to go past any ‘traditional owners acknowledgement’ on any website, so I’ll take your word for it.


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      “..the Art Gallery of NSW”

      Another side of Govt expenses that shouldn’t exist, like subsidising companies and paying sports organisations, Govt should never put any money into arts. Art is an expression of a peoples’ culture, so any stolen money pollutes it as per ‘The Sewerage Laws’. Having The State put its filthy hands into artistic expression leads straight to the monstrosities of Communist architecture and ‘Mother Mary in a condom’.

      You can see why countries can run on 10% tax instead of 50%.


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    ‘China is run by engineers, US by political lawyers’: Tech pioneer’s warning

    “We had a lot of good times and we’re still friends,” the longtime senior American tech executive says of his time with the former Federal Reserve governor.

    The last person I dated seriously was Janet Yellen, who is the current Secretary of the Treasury,” says former tech executive William Raduchel about 40 minutes into our lunch. I’d asked about his family life, a topic of conspicuous absence in his autobiography, The Bleeding Edge: My Six Decades at the Forefront of the Tech Revolution. This wasn’t the answer I expected. It was “50 years ago and we were 20-something. We had a lot of good times and we’re still friends.”

    There are several reasons Raduchel, 78, gives for his bachelor status but the crux is work. From the 1980s to the early 2000s, he was in the C-suite at the companies that were the Nvidias and Facebooks of the day. He was on the chief executive’s staff at Xerox, chief strategy officer of Sun Microsystems, and finally chief technology officer at AOL around the turn of the millennium.

    Yet, he offers some praise for China’s much more controlling system of government. “China is run by engineers. The US is run by political lawyers,” Raduchel says, not entirely accurately, given many of China’s leaders are the children of communist revolutionaries.

    “If you’re on a rocket ship, you’d rather have the engineers running the rocket ship.”


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    another ian

    For your potential watching list –

    “Things I Like: Mentour Pilot”

    “The channel? It’s called Mentour Pilot, run by a swedish pilot named Petter Hörnfeldt.

    Petter is a 737 pilot who it is impossible not to love. He is a natural teacher–in fact, that has been part of his job as a pilot–and his goal is to educate you about the ins and outs of aviation, especially regarding what happens in the cockpit.

    He covers lots of topics, but the core of his content is aviation incidents and accidents–explaining cockpit procedures, how things work in aviation, and how things go wrong.

    His focus–it’s in the name of the channel–is to be a mentor to other pilots to help them be better at their jobs. His central message is that procedure is your friend in aviation.

    The videos are absolutely fascinating, and despite their being aimed at fellow pilots they appeal to everybody. You are getting a first-row seat into the world of aviation, and there is something comforting about that even when Petter is discussing a total cock up leading to disaster. ”


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    another ian

    Another “pipeline full of EV fuel”

    “Natural Gas is Behind the Nation’s Largest Heavy-Duty Electric Truck Charging Station”


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    another ian


    “If Women Ran The World”

    Links to

    “Barbara Kay: Radical Islam’s western fangirls”


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      “Women in Gaza also receive social status for producing warrior sons devoted to Hamas’s triumphalist vision — and for not much else. No wonder their fertility rate is among the world’s highest. Hamas’s western female fans are not surging to Gaza, of course. But they are cheering on the most toxic and misogynistic men in the world. ”

      Damm, for a moment there I thought we were going to solve the lack of fertility in the West. If enough protesting girls are keen to produce warrior sons without going to Gaza, it would be a win-win for everyone.


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    John Connor II

    I wonder if nurses in the US hospitals have started practising new dance routines for the bird flu plandemic yet?

    More empty hositals, claiming to be packed with bird flu cases.
    More mannequins in ICU beds hooked up to monitors.
    More empty car parks.
    Will we need to stand 6 feet apart, or maybe 7 this time?
    Arrows on supermarket aisle floors – one way only, stupid people!
    Better stock up on TP too. Maybe 2,000 rolls this time.
    Let the fun begin again!


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    another ian


    “So About Microsoft And ‘Recall’ ”

    “This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen a company do.

    Oh, they’ll try to justify it somehow and allegedly it uses local storage (just under 100 Gb, if what I’m reading is correct) and not transmission off the machine, but the capture of ephemeral data from the screen on a routine, all-the-time basis, no matter how you slice it, is wildly inappropriate and is going to get them sued unless it is made an “opt-in” and not “opt out” or even worse, not able to be turned off.

    Now if done only after you are clearly notified of it and given the clear option to consent in advance it is probably ok. But for anyone with business use of Windows forget about it — that’ll have to be able to be disabled via group policy so it can be pushed down to the user’ s machine and forced off, as is the case (forced on or off) for many other things in Windows already.”

    More at


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    another ian

    Sounds worth scrutenising – given Qld’s exemption of wind and solar projects from any veg management laws

    “Australia’s new Nature Positive laws”


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    John Connor II

    Newly discovered ransomware uses BitLocker to encrypt victim data

    A previously unknown piece of ransomware, dubbed ShrinkLocker, encrypts victim data using the BitLocker feature built into the Windows operating system.

    BitLocker is a full-volume encryptor that debuted in 2007 with the release of Windows Vista. Users employ it to encrypt entire hard drives to prevent people from reading or modifying data in the event they get physical access to the disk. Starting with the rollout of Windows 10, BitLocker by default has used the 128-bit and 256-bit XTS-AES encryption algorithm, giving the feature extra protection from attacks that rely on manipulating cipher text to cause predictable changes in plain text.

    Recently, researchers from security firm Kaspersky found a threat actor using BitLocker to encrypt data on systems located in Mexico, Indonesia, and Jordan. The researchers named the new ransomware ShrinkLocker, both for its use of BitLocker and because it shrinks the size of each non-boot partition by 100 MB and splits the newly unallocated space into new primary partitions of the same size.

    More Bitlocker fun!
    Note how M$ is enabling Bitlocker disk encryption by default now in W11.
    The average user knows nothing about Bitlocker, encryption or keys – a future disaster in the making for huge numbers of W11 users.
    It’s a strange course of action by M$ given the global push to end encryption so governments can see all.
    I could be cynical and say it’s a remotely controlled pc deactivation strategy, but I won’t. 😉


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    another ian


    “Velcro vs. Bacteria: A New Twist in Antibiotic Warfare”

    Via Instapundit


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    another ian

    Read it all!

    “Conservatives POUNCE on Viral Hashtag for ‘Pansexual/Panromatic Awareness Day’ and HILARITY Ensues”


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      CO2 Lover

      More evidence that Labor hates 95% of Australians – especially tradies who are not soy latte sipping beta males.


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      Gary S

      The logic is flawed, as a car which produces a high level of carbon dioxide, but which travels relatively few kilometres per year, is actually less of a ‘problem’ for the planet than a car which produces a lower level of carbon dioxide, but travels a much greater number of kilometres per year.
      Assuming, of course, that you believe that CO2 is bad juju, in which case you should not be driving anyway and need help urgently.


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      CO2 Lover

      Antarctica has been cooling since 1996 even though CO2 emissions from energy per annum have increased by over 50%.

      A “Climate Emergency” will only occur if the ice in Antarctica starts to melt in large volumes – this ain’t happening.

      Burn more coal for free plant food – A win-win situation.


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    CO2 Lover

    More Evidence that Labor hates 95% of Australians

    The Weekend Australian features a report on how soy boy Andrew Giles gave a Directon to the AAT to go easy on appeals by immigrant hardened criminals who have had their visa’s revoked if they had family connections in Australia.

    These woke Labor bastards must go at the next election.

    Who needs enemies when you have pollies like Giles and Bowen?


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    another ian


    “Johannes Leak nails Albanese’s abject amorality.”


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      CO2 Lover

      Albo the Commie will be having a nervous breakdown now Klaus Schwarb is no longer around to tell him what to do!
      Time to emigrate to Russia.


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    Latest motor industry EV news that Tesla have discounted their vehicles in Australia, adding another depreciation factor for trade-in valuation.


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      CO2 Lover

      Tesla could be giving away their EVs for free and I would still not want one.

      I have a moral compass – a bit wabbly at times – but I will never be a soy latte sipping beta male.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      EOFY or a permanent cut?

      It seems most current owners are miffed but of course the usual fanboys calim there’s nothing wrong with cuts, likening them to the way (i.e.) that VHS recorders were expensive at first. So paying $500 for your VHS only to see them at $400 a year later is exactly the same as your $70,000 car drop in value …



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      Warrantywise they’re the UK’s leading provider of aftermarket warranties and they have the data from thousands of breakdowns and car related problems

      they’ve analyzed this data to work out which cars are the most and the least reliable they recorded the age and mileage of each car and they know how much they cost to fix and how long the repairs took

      they discounted cars that had less than 100 warranty plans to ensure a fair sample size and they excluded certain types of vehicles such as Vans we’re only interested in cars

      all the models in warranty wise’s data were less than 10 years old and none had any of their manufacturers warranty left after all you’d only buy an aftermarket warranty once the manufacturer’s warranty has run out.

      so warrantywise factored in all this information into a reliability index and that gives each car a score out of 100 the lower the score the less reliable the car is!

      simple and now I’m going to reveal the cars that got the lowest scores I’m Matt Watson and you’re watching carwow

      hopefully your car isn’t in this

      list 10th place on this list goes the previous generation Range Rover Sport warranty wise gave it a reliability score of 34.6 out of 100 thanks to some fairly common suspension issues on average warranty wise paid £2,280 to fix these Range Rover sports but that’s nothing compared to what one repair cost one car had a much more serious engine fault that ended up costing £30,252 to put right – I bet the owner was glad they had an aftermarket warranty

      Tesla Model S

      survey next up in sixth place is the Tesla Model S I bet you were all waiting for a Tesla on this list right what might not surprise you is that these cars tend to suffer from yeah electrical issues on average the Model S cost £1,281 to be right but one major battery problem on a Tesla Model S actually ended up costing warranty wise £ 10,25 to fix.

      the overall reliability score warrantywise awarded the Tesla Model S just 25.9 points out of a possible 100 that means it’s the least reliable big saloon car on this list.

      Tesla Model X – In at Number 4

      Tesla according to warranty wise this is the least reliable electric car on this list it’s the model X can you guess what the most common issues were not electrical faultss this time and not those really really complex Falcon Wing doors

      the most common problem was actually with the car suspension and the average repair cost on a Tesla Model X came to £1,181 but one suspension issue was so severe that it cost warrantywise £4,704 to fix so how come warrantywise rank this Tesla as less reliable than the Maserati Levante even though the repair cost are less well it turns out there was just more chance of a Tesla going wrong, so more chance of a Tesla going wrong than a Maserati makes you think anyway this contributed to the Tesla Model X only scoring 24.6 out of a possible 100 points for reliability


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      CO2 Lover

      Never forget or forgive Andrews and Vic police,start from there and work down.

      I second this comment.


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    CO2 Lover

    The Obumer/Biden proxy war in the Ukraine is not going according to plan.

    After Napoleon and Herr Hitler underestimated the Russian people may the same fate await the Woke West.


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    another ian


    “Red States Ask Supreme Court to Stop Blue States from Forcing Climate Agenda on Rest of Country”


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    What a joke..!!!
    Big “Who Haa” on MSM… in regard to “Vivid”…tonight
    Check out the AEMO site…@ 6.45pm…66% energy supplied by Black and Brown Coal…Gas contribution 15% ..Total 82%..
    Why the hell is Sydney allowed to hold “Vivid” in the middle of Winter and with NSW ONLY keeping the lights on via the connector from QLD.
    … NSW 919 kW short….
    QLD crashes …and blackouts here we come!!!!


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