A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Well worth looking at, this 10 minute video is about the best place to put a storage battery if you are generating power from solar
The UK has just brought in new guidelines that severely restrict the places a storage battery can be placed .Amongst the dubious places is the loft, which beggars the question, if you have a semi detached house and the neighbour has a battery in the loft should you be insuring in case they have a fire?
These guidelines for domestic dwellings presumably means someone is looking at the wisdom of putting batteries in underground car parks and -dare we hope- that the idea of lots of batteries-albeit as part of an EV- travelling on the Channel tunnel shuttle or on a ferry is not a good idea.
As the energy supply is systematically shut down in the more woke countries like Australia and Once Great Britain, the true agenda will be revealed.
There will be few people with suitable safe installation locations for large lithium-based storage batteries so increasingly your electricity supply will be dependent on the weather.
I expect though, that to keep the Proles from rebelling, they will allow very small batteries, probably safe lead acid ones of perhaps 50-100Ah that will be sufficient for one or two night-time lights, a small Internet connected appliance like a tablet to receive Government propaganda and to spy on you (Orwell’s telescreen) and just enough power to heat your daily ration of insects and gruel.
Naturally, these rules will only apply to non-Elites (Proles).
There are still television advertisements warning people about a couple of Lithium ion battery brands that could be a fire hazard and providing contact details for people who have various serial number batteries.
Who is Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel? Priest at Wakeley’s Christ The Good Shepherd Church attacked in second Sydney stabbing is a known anti-vaxxer with huge online following
Bishop Emmanuel rose to prominence during the Covid pandemic by criticising harsh lockdown measures which he branded ‘mass slavery’.
Here’s his sermon 2 days ago
The Bishop, even if he was a super athlete, wouldn’t get a guernsey in the Australian Rugby team.
AS we now know, Iran unleased a torrent of drones and missiles against Israel who now appear to be deciding what retaliation to take.
If I were the Israelis, I would think I had won this round. The retaliation was to avenge the attack on Iranian soil by way of bombing of their Embassy in Syria during which 7 top generals were killed.
In contrast, between Israel and its allies, the retaliation seems to have been repulsed with little injury or damage to property. So a bit of a failure on Iran’s part. Israel’s allies are unlikely to want to be involved in helping them out again if Israel launches an over the top response and that country can ill afford to lose friends at the moment.
So Let it Be Israel and let the rest of the World contemplate how ineffective Iran has been.
It wasnt repulsed at all. Only the decoys got shot down, the ballistic missiles got through:
The whole Israel provocation was to get the US and Iran to go to war with each other, but neither country wanted that, so a gentlemans agreement was made – the ballistics weren’t meant to do any major damage.
Anyway the lesson for Israel is that Iran could have done some damage if it wanted to. And there’s nothing Israel can do to stop it. That may not stop them doubling down with more provocations though…Let it Be as you say.
30 years ago my wife met an Iranian girl who had fled Iran while studying.
Her opinion was that the whole of Iran should be nuked
Many years ago I went to Iran and met the shah and his son who would have become the ruler.
As we saw from the riots last year very many of the pulation, the young ones especially, detest the aged theocracy that rules them.
My guess would be that Iran is anxious not to create a situation whereby the population might see the opportunity to mount a more widespread revolution.
It is a lovely and ancient country but one that was always causing trouble, whether it be the Greeks, Romans, Byzantiums or later peoples.
Extraordinarily, Persia seems to be viewed by many of its people as an occupied country. I have heard this from expatriate or even refugee Persians. It has been for a very long time, 1400 years but the ancient people are still ruled by a minority of Arab origin Islamic extremists.
Iranians, Egyptians, Turks are not Arabs at all just because they are largely muslim. Any more than South Americans are Italians just because they are Catholic.
And worse, just as Protestants and Catholics fought over Europe, Iranians, Iraq, Azerbaijan, and Bahrain
are Shiites against the Sunnis of Saudi Arabia, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Persians still remember when the Shah was the ruler and life was a lot better and Tehran was a showplace of relative modernity in the Middle East. Most Iranians now admit the Revolution was a terrible mistake, replacing a relatively benign system for extremist Islamic oppression. Most Iranians are far worse off which is really important because it is one of the countries richest in oil in the world.
A bit like Venezuela which has gone from a first world oil rich country to a third world country under Socialism which is no more than absolute dictatorship.
And the problem with absolute military dictatorships is that they are always threatened by popular revolution and react brutally to any dissent, civil or religious. Plus Leninist and Trotsky Communism as accepted in China and Australia (Bandt and Albanese) is about exporting world revolution just as Iran has a mission to conquer not just Israel but other moderate Muslim countries are threatened by ISIS and HAMAS and Hezbollah and the Houthis, all children of Iran.
I spent some time in Tehran a few months before the Shah departed. Met some lovely people, saw emerging brutality but seemed not to meet anyone who did not like the Shah. I had thought the Mullah mob would have worn out their welcome by this. Geoff S
This has got to be resolved immediately. Iran must be stopped in its tracks. Believe me, if Israel falls the next target will be Rome. The Ayatollah’s would love to turn St Peter’s into the world’s biggest mosque. Israel to them is just a stumbling block.
The west walking away from Israel is the beginning of the end of Europe for the foreseeable future. That’ll just leave what’s left of the USA & other smaller western democracies to be
done over!
Currently the USA appears to be “ a partner “ of Iran with all the assistance the Jobama
Democrats are handing them!
Absolutely Graham. Well said.
I think Iran was probing Israel’s anti-ballistic missile defences and other defences and response by Israel and the weak West.
And Iran was emboldened under Obama who gave them pallet loads of cash (literally) and other concessions.
Obama wanted to have a second Islamic atomic bomb to compliment Pakistan’s to “even things up” against the West.
Israel is the canary in the coal mine for the West.
You are quite right. if Israel falls that is the beginning of the end for the rest of the West. Next stop after Jerusalem would be St Peter’s and Westminster Abbey which would be turned into mosques just as was the site of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount; the Hagia Sophia in Instanbul, etc.. (E.g. see )
As the Mohammedans say “first the Saturday people, then the Sunday people”. This agenda was quite clear before the plandemic but then it went out of of the consciousness of the thinking community of the West.
I highly recommend the book by Australian Harry Richardson, The Story of Mohammed….
(See an overview of the book at the link.)
I find it disturbing and tragic that so few people understand the situation and are hostile to Israel although it has revealed the innate antisemitism of many, disguised as anti-Israelism.
One wonders if the Biden Crime Family has an association with Iran just as they are known to have with China and Ukraine.
Saudi Official: Iran ‘Engineered a War in Gaza’ to Ruin Saudi-Israel Relationship
Israel’s public broadcasting corporation, known colloquially as “Kan,” interviewed an unnamed Saudi royal official on Sunday who said Iran “engineered the war in Gaza to destroy the progress in relations” between Saudi Arabia and Israel.
“Iran’s behavior is irresponsible. We all know that Iran is a country that sponsors terrorism, and it should have been stopped a long time ago,” the Saudi official said.
Several other sources have made the same allegation, including U.S. President Joe Biden, who said two weeks after the October 7 atrocities that Hamas “moved on Israel” because “the Saudis wanted to recognize Israel.” Others have suggested Hamas also wanted to wreck Israel’s improving relations with other major Muslim countries, such as Indonesia.
Hamas’s bloody gambit seemed to work, at least temporarily, as Saudi Arabia froze relations with Israel on October 13 after Israel’s response to the atrocities commenced. Saudi sources said they would press for Israel to make more concessions to Palestinian statehood when and if normalization talks resumed, another indication that Hamas’s alleged terrorism strategy was successful.
The Saudi official who spoke to Kan on Sunday did not deny reports that Saudi Arabia assisted with intercepting the drones and missiles launched by Iran against Israel on Saturday night.
“Every suspicious object that enters Saudi airspace is intercepted. It is a sovereign matter,” he said.
An excellent report. I have seen it suggested from good sources that October 7 was launched to avert the imminent agreements of the Saudis and Emiratis on oil supplies and other economic ties with the US. Blocs are certainly tightening around the world and it was concerning to Hamas’ Qatari supporters that their ME neighbours were about to form firmer economic ties with their arch enemy Israel.
Having a second go
The Arab raid against Rome took place in 846. Muslim raiders plundered the outskirts of the city of Rome, sacking the basilicas of Old St Peter’s and St Paul’s-Outside-the-Walls, but were prevented from entering the city itself by the Aurelian Walls.
The Islamic State devotes its attention to Italy mostly because it refers to “Rome” as a symbol for the West and Christianity. Most references, in fact, take their cue from secondary Islamic sources, in particular, a passage from Sahih Muslim (one of the two most trusted collections of hadith) that states that the Day of Judgment will come only when Muslims will fight the “Romans” and that predict the conquest of “Rome”.
Consider the following quote from Churchill’s 1899 book, The River War: An Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan (vol.1):
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.
Islam will never succeed as China and India will not allow it. As for the West and Islam, well the Jury is still out.
Nope, jury decision is in, Islam wins as the West has a solid below-replacement-level birth rate amongst the non-immigrants. The whites will be bred out in their ‘own’ countries.
Politics, religion or race, it all comes down to the same, oral contraception, economies where mothers must work and wokeness has killed our civilisation, we will be replaced without a war. The Indonesians can build a bridge to come and organise the country when there are not enough of us to work the mines. Maybe they can get the immigrants to do something useful.
Lets see how China handles its population problem, a purely political cause there. I figure they can afford to lose a hundred million or two, but Aussie, Germany, Sweden, the UK.. all will be unrecognisable. Even America will be struggling with the latest influx.
There are none so blind as those that refuse to see.
‘ … if Israel falls …’
That cannot happen with the Alliance in control.
Beijing has told the Iranians to stop mucking about and desist from escalating this religious war, its bad for trade.
And that Iran normally chooses to use terrorist groups located in other countries to carry out attacks against Israel.
If I were the Israelis, I would think I had won this round.
I always like to read thoughts from both sides and Iran Breaches Anglo-Z@onist Defenses in Historic Attack: A Breakdown – SIMPLICIUS APR 14, 2024
Yes, extremely biased against Israel, but his asessment is interesting.
Now, let’s get down to the nuts and bolts.
This strike was unprecedented for several important reasons. Firstly, it was of course the first Iranian strike on Israeli soil directly from Iranian soil itself, rather than utilizing proxies from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, etc. This alone was a big watershed milestone that has opened up all sorts of potentials for escalation.
Secondly, it was one of the most advanced and longest range peer-to-peer style exchanges in history. Even in Russia, where I have noted we’ve seen the first ever truly modern near-peer conflict, with unprecedented scenes never before witnessed like when highly advanced NATO Storm Shadow missiles flew to Crimea while literally in the same moments, advanced Russian Kalibrs flew past them in the opposite direction—such an exchange has never been witnessed before, as we’ve become accustomed to watching NATO pound on weaker, unarmed opponents over the last few decades.
Who came out the winner?
There are now two chief competing ‘takes’ on the situation.
Thirdly, this was Iran’s very first foray into such a direct strike. It can be argued that they gained critical data and metrics from the entire Western alliance’s defensive capabilities as well as Israeli defensive vulnerabilities. This means that there is an implied threat that any future attack of this scale could be far more effective, as Iran may now ‘calibrate’ said attack to maximize what it saw were any failings or weaknesses on its part last night. Russia has had two years of launching such strikes, and it has only been semi-recently that they’ve calibrated and finetuned the precise timings of the sophisticated multi-layered drone-ALCM-ballistic triple threat attack. Iran can improve with each iteration as well and maximize/streamline the effectiveness with each attempt.
Fourthly, there is the now-confirmed mass discrepancy of operational costs:
One unconfirmed source claimed Iran’s attack cost as little as $30M, while the number floated for the West’s interceptions is around $1B to $1.3B.
The point is that, just as we’re in the midst of the Houthis having proven the West’s total inability to sustain defense against mass persistent drone swarms, here too Iran may have just proven an absolutely lethal inability of Israel and the West to sustain against a potential long drawn-out Iranian strike campaign; i.e. one prosecuted over the course of days or weeks, with consistent daily mass-barrages. Such a campaign would likely critically deplete the West’s ability to shoot down even the lowest scale Shahed drone threat. Just look at Ukraine—it is going through the same lesson as we speak.
Lastly, what does this mean?
All the points seem to think that Iran would not be having to deal with incoming. Israel is learning too, and Ukraine is having to survive without air superiority.
Iranian TV Joins X Users in News Face-Plant
But wait, there’s more.
According to the Post, IRINN also claimed to have images of the Nevatim Airbase in the Negev desert in flames from the assault. The images were actually of a Chilean forest fire in February. As if that were not enough, IRINN showed footage purported to be of Palestinians celebrating the attack at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.
It was later discovered that the revelers were celebrating the end of Ramadan.
So, three sets of footage, all of them wrong, and two of them not even taking place in Israel. Either the people at IRINN were not smart enough to check their sources on X, or they just didn’t care.
It is at least cold comfort to know that wherever you live and whatever regime you are living under, you can still count on the media to lie to you or screw things up.
In a twisted way, it kind of brings us all together.
We should never back down from Iranian aggression. Us Aussies are 100% pro-Israel. Until we get the scalp of every Iranian man, woman and child, this war will not end. Remember, if we don’t wipe out Iran, they will invade Australia and we’ll be speaking Persian in 2 years time. Israel is literally the only thing stopping this from happening now.
Surely you exaggerate.
Joe told Israel to take it on the chin, quid pro quo after the embassy attack.
There is no need for retaliation.
I speak for all Aussies when I say I’d happily wipe out every single Iranian on this planet if it saved one Israeli life. We’re sick and tired of Iran’s provocations and fighting for Israel is our God-given duty. Israel has literally done nothing but extend olive branches to the Palestinians and Iranians. The Western nations have enough nuclear weapons to turn the entirety of Iran into glass.
“God-given duty”?
Egads boy: another reason we cut the ties from NSW in the 1800s.
‘I speak for all Aussies …’
No you don’t, we are a multicultural broad church.
Do you want your children to be speaking Persian in 2 years time? Because that is what’ll happen when Iran invades Australia to turn it into an Iranian vassal. This will 100% be our future if we do not support Israel.
Have you figured out how they are going to get here?
And you dom’t speak for all Aussies.
Your kids won’t need to speak Persian, they will be dying defending your hate in the holly land.
Careful AM, people like MP who don’t get what you are saying. It is a bridge too farsi
Don’t know what planet you are living on, but down here on earth its a different story.
Let the Iranians widen the war, they are outgunned by the Alliance. Have no fear, its an election year in the US so avoiding WW3 should earn the Democrats some kudos.
A torrent of slow moving drones so Iran could see who responded and how, and now we know.
The VERY rapidly real problem is the middle east supply chains and shipping routes. Full blown war is looming large massively impacting bad old oil. (How will alarmists drive their Prado’s to protests then?). Prices and supply could drive hoarding and massive supply logistics shutdowns, so as warned before, you’d better be well stocked.
Don’t wait until you see it on the nightly news. The shelves will be stripped bare the next day. Except for the fake meat.
We’re safe, America’s holding a giant strategic reserve for Aussie in its mines full of oil… Oh wait, Biden used it all up to keep the price down didn’t he, and he’s not re-stocking it either!
The anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.
Our local area has some interesting connections to the Arctic and this particular event. In a local church are two plaques.
The First is to Scoresby who is cited as being the First Scientific Arctic explorer. He was sent by the Royal Society to investigate the substantial melting of the Arctic first noticed by local whaling ships around 1810. He investigated thoroughly and his detailed reports can be found online.
The second plaque is for a local member of the gentry who died on the Titanic in 1912. The Arctic was seen to be melting from around 1906 and the Titanic hit part of the icebergs resulting from glacier melting. At that time an Arctic patrol was set up to look for icebergs which exists to this day, although much of its work is now done remotely.
We are aware of the Milder weather that enabled the Vikings to colonise Greenland and we know the Greeks and Romans sailed far into the arctic and did much work on tides.
So the Arctic is not some always deep frozen area, but periodically thaws out considerably
Forgotten – the Lost Crew of the Titanic
The iceberg broke off from a glacier. The glacier did not melt .
As Peter suggests the statement is scientifically misleading.
“the Titanic hit part of the icebergs resulting from glacier melting.”
Now, the facts are that sea levels have been falling for the last seven thousand years, and more specifically have fallen by four foot, or 1.2 metres in the last two thousand years: ref the harbour at Ephesus.
That missing water, I would suggest is now sitting on the poles and adjacent spots.
This suggests that the ice is not melting, but accumulating.
Growing depth of ice pushes down on the ice trapped by the base of land beneath and voila.
The trapped ice can’t go any further down and can only relieve the pressure by moving sideways, horizontally.
The ice is , in effect, plastic and moves sideways without melting.
When it reaches the end of the land base it is torn of the ice field and falls into the sea.
It wasn’t “melted” off, it was pushed.
If the poles were actually melting it may be that there would be fewer icebergs and more water runoff that lifts sea levels.
Ice bergs are not evidence of Klimate Change heating and fact confirm the reverse: it’s cooling.
22 reasons to be skeptical of man-made global warming:
I put this article together a few years ago and have added stuff to it as time goes on. It seems to me that the the whole CAGW-hypothesis is based on false science, even simple things like the Keeling Curve, the predicted warming of 1C for a doubling of CO2 alone, and the ice-core data can’t be trusted.
Very well done Richard.
Another “Sudden Jihadi Knife Attack” in Sydney
Let us see how the Prime Minister and Premier go at covering-up ths one
The Joys of Multiculturalism
Bishop Emmanuel rose to prominence during the Covid pandemic by criticising harsh lockdown measures which he branded ‘mass slavery’.
Should have a much larger following now – many cowardly preachers blindly endorsed corrupt public health officials and politician
Surely this now the time to import another half million or so Jihadis. Gotta keep the pot boiling. Maybe we’ll offer to send troops, navy etcetera to assist in the new Palestinian state
get rid of Israel!. Isn’t it great to be “ progressive “
Penny Wong is importing 800 from Gaza Strip which is ironic given how Islam deals with homosexuals.
It appears to be a copycat crime.
An unstable muslim youth, excited by the events at Bondi Junction, attacks priests during a service at an Assyrian Orthodox Church.
The service was livestreamed and members of the local Orthodox community whio watched the livestream until it abruptly stopped contacted others and rushed to the site.
The crowd was confused, angry and excited, the police and paramedics felt threatened, and then capsicum spray was used.
Result … mayhem.
Australia has the best Legal System Money can Buy
Proved again with the Channel 10 verdict
“Why hire a lawyer when you can buy a judge?”
The learned judge found a Bloke wanted to get into a Sheila’s pants, therefore must have been rape.
When I was young we would advise our mates to bring plenty of bottles of “Legopener” to the upcoming party!
It would seem to me, and no doubt many others, that by going into that government building late at night, after a party and a few drinks, SHE had given consent to whatever was going to happen.
What work did they do?
I’m not defending big Bruce but in the real world that existed fifty years ago they would have both been reprimanded at least: instead there’s a shower of taxpayers money to soothe the hurt.
Brittany deleted material from her phone – was there a dare of “lets do it in the Minister’s Office” and Brittany had taken a selfie as proof of the challenge?
This would be the Canberra equivalent of joining the “Mile High Club”.
Brittany only claimed “rape” after she thought she might lose her “dream job” and only went to the police two year’s later after signing a $300,000 book deal.
The Judge started his decision by observing that only 2 people knew if rape had happened – then proceeded to opine that it did.
What legal logic is that? It horrifies me. There could be untold numbers of copycats who connive for dollars. Objective measurements are needed, not judicial beliefs about the balance of evidence.
Geoff S
China’s processed graphite monopoly could control lithium-ion battery production.
China’s dangerous battery monopoly
By David Wojick
The beginning: “China has acquired dangerous monopoly power over battery production worldwide. CFACT has published my brief study report on this new threat — “CHINA’S GRAPHITE MONOPOLY.” To begin with, here is the Executive Summary:
“China is positioned to adversely influence lithium-ion battery production worldwide. China has monopoly control over processed graphite, an essential component of almost all lithium-ion batteries. Virtually all processed graphite, natural and synthetic, is made in China then exported to the battery makers worldwide. These batteries are used universally in electric and electronic devices, from cell phones and watches to EVs and huge grid-scale backup batteries; there are numerous essential military uses, as well.
China is just now beginning to implement an export control program for processed graphite. By controlling exports, China could, to a significant degree, adversely influence much lithium-ion battery production, such as by raising prices to selected producers or even blacklisting entire countries. Thus, the potential adverse impact of Chinese monopoly power is enormous. What they will actually do remains to be seen, but the threat is very real.”
A lot has been written about China’s market power in other crucial materials like cobalt and rare earths. But, these cases are weak compared to its monopoly in processed graphite. In both cases, China is a major player, coincidentally producing about 70% of processed cobalt and 70% of rare earths. Numbers like this are nothing like monopoly control, as there are a lot of other suppliers. In fact, China consumes most of its production because it makes a lot of lithium-ion batteries. It is actually a net importer of rare earths.
In contrast, the policy world seems oblivious to China’s far more dangerous processed graphite monopoly. The only place I have seen it mentioned is by start-ups looking for funding to build domestic production capacity. There is no lack of raw graphite, as China only produces about 16% of the global total. So, there would be no problem supplying domestic producers with processed graphite. The problem is that the monopoly threat does not stimulate financing because nobody knows about it.
The destructive power of unconstrained monopoly is standard text, i.e., economics. We should be having a large, loud discussion of this threat.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
This is a very serious threat. Life as we know it is battery dependent.
Surely for China to get the West addicted to their batteries as well as their windmills and solar panels is in the interests of China?
These are the very weapons China is getting the West addicted to in order to deindustrialise and weaken it, helped along by traitorous Sinophile politicians and the useful idiots of the Left.
Why would a drug pusher withhold the supply of a drug from their addicts?
They might selectively withhold supply to enslave the addict. I discuss this in the report.
String and superstring theory is essentially dead and not falsifiable in any case.
So what now?
We have the Standard Model but that doesn’t explain gravity which is explained by General Relativity, nor does it explain various particle quantum numbers and it also contains 19 different arbitrary parameters.
We still need a “theory of everything”.
Gravity is the repulsive force between space time – the ‘ether’ – and mass. Electromagnetic waves are ripples in space time – ie essentially variations in gravitational strength, size of space and rate of change of time. EM waves go left & right \ up & down. Light goes in & out. The closer space time is together the slower time goes and the smaller the spatial dimensions are – ie the speed of light remains constant. A gradient in space time produces a gravitational force. Mass displaces space time thus creating a gradient that produces gravity. The density of space time is not constant. The rate of change of time is the common variable – controllable factor.
There are various evidences for the existence of the Ether. It has an impedance. It bends electromagnetic waves – look at Einstein’s gravitational lensing, gravitational wells, even mirages etc. If you are designing for radio transmission your circuitry through to the antenna is designed on the basis of there being a medium – ie on the basis of a classical spring. So treat it as a medium. When an electron moves it excites the Ether medium. The Ether propagates the wave and then, via gravity, moves an electron at the other end. The Ether is between atoms so the spacing of the atoms effects the propagation of EM waves through mass. If you are going to bend light \ EM waves with gravity that would imply that they have mass. If so that mass has to come from somewhere. It has to be created and be depleted at its source. However if you have an Ether that is bent by mass that easily explains the bending of light \ EM waves whilst at the same time explaining gravity. Impedance and inertia are basically the same and they give rise to EM waves \ light having mass like properties whilst this is in fact an effect in space time. Looking at physics on this basis these explain a lot of things in a simple manner. Ether has a lot of properties and characteristics which we are only just starting to discover.
EM waves – ether waves – going through an ether that is not constant is that the speed of time will have a different effect in each direction thus the reverse direction cancelling out the forward direction. That’s why the Michelson Morely experiment said that there was no ether when if fact there is.
If you move an object into water it’s inertia will increase. If you move it back into air its inertia will decrease. If you move it into ‘free space’ its inertia will decrease but will not be zero.
If you are submersed in a submarine in water and you create a tunnel in front of you what will happen? – You will be propelled forward. If you do the same in the Ether the same thing will happen. If you are going through empty space – ie no Ether – you will not have inertia in the general frame of reference. You will be moving your local frame of reference with you so everything will be relative to that including gravity and your inertial state. Your movement will be a result of the gradient that you have created in the Ether. Likewise the force of gravity on you.
Run with that.
Sounds like something that Brian Cox might write.
I gave up on Brian Cox when he started singing. 😁
Ooohhh Kim.. a fizzycyst…physicist?
But the speed of light isn’t constant.
One of the great misconceptions of science.
Etheric wave propagation doesn’t explain multi light year quantum entanglement.
How did Nikola Tesla harness the power of the “Ether” with primitive equipment?
Unlimited 24/7 free power from cosmic particle harnessing exists but you’re not allowed to have it.
Run with that!😁
Sorry. Fat finger, see green.
Einstein, Albert Einstein. 😎️
It’s good to explore and postulate, but that stuff is too far out to relate to anything concrete.
I like Bohrs concept of the atom because it has been very useful in developing new and useful stuff.
You might make sense of this Kim-
A R Klein- Posits a universe where fundamental particles are created in pairs, a twist different to each other, and builds up from there. He’s a mathematician-
“40 years ago I took an honors degree in applied mathematics from the University of Waterloo. My interest was Relativity and my last year there saw me complete a 900 level course under Hanno Rund on his work in Relativity. I continued researching new ideas and knowledge since that time and I have prepared a book for publication titled Paradigms Shift.”
“An fp pair is created by the twisting of space to form two bounded and adjacent fp’s. Each fp follows a step wise path in which it’s direction is determined principally by the curvature wave previously generated by it’s partner. The only stable configuration possible is the tetrahedron….
..If instead we imagine two fps in close proximity, we can readily imagine a roughly synchronized dance in which the fps switches direction every dt cycle. The direction change is determined by the other fp’s curvature signal. The general shape of the configuration is tetrahedral and should converge to a fully synchronized dance in the absence of any external curvature change. In this thought experiment the fp pair traces a path around the tetrahedron, hitting each apex in turn while separated by one apex.”
He explores the maths of the fundamental particle and expands it up to explain mass, time & gravity.
What about “Dark Energy” and “Dark Matter”?
Is there only one Universe? Or do we live in a Multiverse each with their own laws of physics?
Are there only two sexes or are the number of sexes unlimited?
These are the challenging questions of our time.
There is also the Dark Budget from which the CIA is funded 🙂
‘We still need a “theory of everything”
We can’t handle the truth, clearly the fifth dimension is involved and dark matter. Space travel would be practically instantaneous.
ET characters already have the knowledge, the speed of their flying machines is greater than just some kind of antigravity devise.
Of course, it slipped my mind.
I have posted this link before but for those who haven’t seen it, this article looks at the physical impossibility of running the United States off a system of unreliable wind and solar combined with hydroelectric storage.
I can’t wait to hear the standard “mental health issues” excuse.
A rerun of Charlie Hebdo.
The young lad was seeking his 72 virgins in Paradise
Some thoughts on the cowardice of America’s leadership
Some reading –
“Victor Davis Hanson: “This will be the end of us” ”
“Murders down 20%” versus “The Collapse in Law Enforcement”. Who’s right?”
Outstanding video by Victor Davis Hanson.
An absolute MUST WATCH.
Thanks for posting.
Another VDH
” Appease or subsidize enemies like Iran and China. Demonize allies like Israel. ”
What?? Since when was Israel an ally of America?? I didn’t hear of Israel’s troops in Korea, or Viet Nam, or Iraq, or Afganistan or… Just how have the Jews been an ally of the USA? ..or do we have to crack the CIA files to find that out?
FWIW – more covid questions
“Naomi Wolf on the COVID Cult: “I Asked Myself, What is this Evil? I Was Seeing All of the Heads of State Around the World Walking in Lockstep In this Anti-Human Assault” (VIDEO)”
And more –
“The FDA’s Paxlovid Pandemonium”
“Even worse: Its not the first time the FDA has forsaken science under Biden (I warned this would be a repeating theme in early 2021). Paxlovid was a failure, but the White House had foolishly already paid Pfizer $5.3 Billion in advance. Rather than admit failure and epic waste, the FDA then stepped in and with zero transparency, altered the established clinical trial parameters mid-trial to make Paxlovid’s findings seem better than they were. Pfizer then completed the trial, declared Paxlovid a success and the White House doubled-down on its $5.3 Billion investment, spending a sickening total of $10.6 Billion on Paxlovid. ”
More at
FWIW – or “More Attention Necessary”?
“Our Ford Maverick Hybrid Has Been Recalled Five Times
Only one is serious—but that’s the one that doesn’t have a fix yet.”
When it comes to hybrids – stick with Toyota.
Shame , I liked the small truck format
People under estimate the complexity of the hybrid package. Toyota have been at it a long time now. At this stage I would go Toyota or want a very long warranty from a company that would deliver on it.
“MAYBE FOOD ISN’T ACTUALLY MEDICINE: “Food-As-Medicine” Trial Fails to Improve Health. Maybe it’s just, you know, food. Or maybe they’re using the wrong food as medicine (they’re following U.S. government dietary guidelins, after all, which suck.)
Either way, nobody’s paying attention to a big study that undermines the whole, uh, feedlot: “Despite a couple of stories on medical sites and an article on the study in JAMA just this week, the “null results” have had little noticeable effect so far on the Food-As-Medicine juggernaut. In February, the Department of Health and Human Services hosted its first ‘Food As Medicine’ summit, with three public-private partnerships already in place, while a dozen projects are underway at the new, partially industry-funded Food Is Medicine Institute at Tufts University.”
Follow The Science! Er, unless it threatens you self esteem, or especially your funding.”
An apple a day keeps the Doctor away. Medicine or food?
“The fk heads that created a generation of diabetics now wants to tell you that their food will cure it.”
America food can’t even be called ‘good for you’, never mind medicine!
“The Forgotten Side of Medicine- How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society?”
Tesla cuts 10% of its workforce…
..and several top exec’s leave Tesla also.?
Thanks Chad – I always love a good news story.
Elon has been a genius at “mining the stock exchange” and playing useful idiot politicians like our Minister for Energy.
“We’re going to do our own thing, thank you”
“The proposed federal Clean Electricity Regulations say in 10 years, seven months and 15 days we won’t be able to use natural gas-fired power generation without carbon capture except for very short periods of time over a whole year.
Or in Saskatchewan, we just say to hell with that and turn sod on our newest big natural gas-fired power station.”
Ryan Cole on DarkHorse: Covid Through a Pathologists Eye
Help with keeping up with what passes for news –
“Crib Notes for the Trial of the Century”*-nation/crib-notes-for-the-trial-of-the-century/
For Linux users –
“On The ‘xz’ Fiasco“
“You’d be right except for a practice that has gotten disturbingly common: The building of such utility functions into libraries, and then the linking of said libraries into all manner of other things including those running with privilege.
In this case that “thing” is called systemd on Linux machines and the target of it is sshd, which is the system utility that accepts secure, encrypted connections at a character terminal level — and enables encrypted file copies as well. It appears the intent of the code is to steal the private key on the server side which would enable someone to break into the machine quite possibly, depending on how it is configured, with “root” (administrative) access giving them full, unfettered access to everyone and everything on that system.
It really doesn’t get any worse than that when it comes to security problems, by the way.”
More at
“It doesn’t get any worse…”
Hold my beer. Won’t be long.
Linux (Unix/xenix) users have gloated for years, and Mac users too, how safe they are compared to Windows users, and they were, mainly as their operating systems were very unpopular in comparison, so no bad actors targetted them.
Nowadays the picture is different. Nothing is safe no matter how much you think it is.
If CBDC’s replace all currencies then how will the great reset (of all pleb accounts to $0) occur? 😎
Think on that.
Never going to happen. Lot’s of people in the Third World love cash and US dollars in particular let alone the rest of the World.
Read the comments there too – beyond my pay grade
Shots Fired at Greta Thunberg & Woke Australia
Ooohhh…I’ve gotta watch DOA again! 😉😉
EVs junked because of mechanic shortage.
Well known in the USA, but it’s spreading fast.
EV mechanic shortage could worsen under New Vehicle Efficiency Standard, half of motoring jobs already unfilled
A Deloitte and Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) report found just 41 per cent of advertised roles in the emerging “EV technician” occupation were filled last year, amid an acute shortage of workers in the sector.
Across 2,000 jobs advertised by businesses consulted by Deloitte, fewer than 800 were filled — translating to a sector-wide vacancy fill rate of 39 per cent, well below the government’s 67 per cent threshold to declare a job in shortage.
Physical and mental stress and fatigue, coupled with ridiculously complex tech even real pro’s struggle with, is creating a servicing dead zone.
Modern techs don’t have experience with retro (ie carby era) vehicles and can’t understand or accurately diagnose modern cars either. Back to horses and carts?
Horses and carts is about right.
All Guv’ments get the cart before the horse and have NFI.
Put the cart before the horse, I should have typed.
In the naming od washing powders –
What comes after “OMO Ultimate”?
Is that a reference to the trans movement?
Maybe a “binary plus” type of product?😁
“OMO Catastrophic”
Apparently, in certain country towns (particularly towns dominated by defense personnel), when the husbands/partners are away on duty of sorts, the women put a box of OMO on the front window sill. When he is back, they replace it with a box of FAB
OMO = “Old Man Out”
If you’ve got a long memory:
Omo said to Persil, come in for a Rinso, the Surf’s Fab.
Sixty odd years ago it was the Tobacco Romance wherein Peter Stuyvesant met Miss Du Maurier on the State Express to Albany; denouement had her on the Turf for a conjunction of the ready rubbed and the fine cut.
A perfunctory internet search did not procure the full blown version but there’ll be some old buffer reading this who has it word perfect still and may flesh out my failing recollection.
And back during WWII when soldiers correspondence was heavily censored including advice when they were getting some R&R it was the single word Burma that got the home front ready.
“Be Upstairs Ready My Angel”. Incoming!!!
A challenge for “ElBowen”
““I think this is likely to be the worst budget since the [then-finance minister Allan] MacEachen budget of 1982, in the sense of pointing us in the wrong direction as to how we go about raising the incomes of Canadians and actually making Canadians feel better over the medium term,” Dodge said in an interview on CTV News Channel’s Power Play with Vassy Kapelos.”
“Seen somewhere: Why do they tax cigarettes? “To disincentivize smoking.” So why do they tax income?
More at
Having watched a couple of hours with my Wife, of Justice Lee eviscerate the proponents,
The Lehrmann imbroglio’: The wry observations of Justice Michael Lee
It was an “omnishambles” with a highly unsatisfactory witness at its heart, the Federal Court judge said.
332 pages of light reading!
Antarctica is cooling.
-52C and snowing down there today – can you feeeeel the heat?
-34C on Greenland’s summit today – where are the Vikings when you need them!
Praise be 1.5 degrees of extra warmth, though I dream of 4 or 5 or more…
Has the snow got to a Beer Tanker’s Depth Yet?
Supreme Court rules Idaho CAN outlaw puberty blockers and sex change surgery for transgender children under age of 18
The Supreme Court has ruled that Idaho can enforce its ban on puberty blockers and sex change surgery for transgender youth while lawsuits over the law proceed, reversing lower courts.
The justices’ order Monday allows the state to put in place a 2023 law that subjects physicians to up to 10 years in prison if they provide hormones, puberty blockers or other gender-affirming care to people under age 18.
Under the court´s order, the two transgender teens who sued to challenge the law still will be able to obtain care.
The court’s three liberal justices would have kept the law on hold. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote that it would have been better to let the case proceed ‘unfettered by our intervention.’
Justice Neil Gorsuch of the conservative majority wrote that it is ‘a welcome development’ that the court is reining in an overly broad lower court order.
10 years in jail. Woo hoo!😆😆
Squatters Seize Gordon Ramsay’s Pub
A swarm of squatters have shacked up inside the celebrity chef’s $16.1 million pub — using Ramsay’s own kitchen appliances to barricade themselves inside, according to a report.
Shocking photographs taken by The Sun show the “professional squatters” holed up inside York & Albany pub, which the “Hell’s Kitchen” host was about to sign over to new partners in a multi-million dollar deal.
One person was seen barefoot and sprawled across on a black leather sofa inside the restaurant, with their personal belongings and debris, including empty wine bottles, strewn across the floor.
Popcorn time!
“Heading For Supply Shock? Four Maritime Chokepoints Flash Red As Escalating Conflict Looms”
More “Media Truthful”
“Iranian TV Joins X Users in News Face-Plant”
“It is at least cold comfort to know that wherever you live and whatever regime you are living under, you can still count on the media to lie to you or screw things up. In a twisted way, it kind of brings us all together. You just want to gather all those journalists in one place for a big hug and say, “Don’t push, everyone! Wait your turn. We have plenty of rakes, and you all can step on one!” ”
Are there still vaxx mandates flying to USA and back?
Via a blog. A Kiwi was aiming to be at a machinery show in USA about now and had to cancel because he wasn’t jabbed. It seemed there was what appeared to be and what there was in effect.
It was suggested that he could fly to Mexico and walk over and he’d be OK.
We have now entered ENSO neutral conditions and they do a retrospect.
‘The return of wet weather in summer and Autumn was caused by the waning influence of El Niño, a positive phase of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and record-breaking warm sea surface temperatures off the east coast of Australia.’ (Weatherzone)
Sorry, I missed the memo.. What effect did El Nino have to give us a cool wet summer?? Did it slide past in a fortnight after La Nina?
“DR. MCCULLOUGH ON BIRD FLU AS DISEASE X: “Fear Mongering, Food Supply Threat, Virus with a Deadly Past, mRNA Vaccines – A Perfect Storm is Brewing””
” ‘Transgender Archeology’ PhDs And Degrees In ‘Magic’ Being Funded With UK Taxpayer Money”
Depressing news for the CCP.
‘China’s home prices in the primary market fell for a 10th consecutive month in March, showing the government’s measures to support the nation’s struggling developers and lift consumer confidence are not sufficient to arrest the slump.’ (SCMP)
“Massive cancer deaths study vindicates my warnings over covid boosters”
“On bridge blocking and other terribly radical acts:”
Extraordinary by any measure.
EU jackboots on the march.