A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Were the huge storms in Dubai caused by “climate change” or man made manipulation of the weather?
Convective instability is rare over the Persian Gulf. Normally dry northerly air prevents instability from occurring.
A couple of days ago the wind was from the south and enabled instability to form. You need the convective potential before convective instability. Cloud seeding is not going to create convective potential.
Atmospheric moisture is increasing across much of the globe but particularly north of the Equator. Arabian Sea is one of the regions where atmospheric water has a strong upward trend. Arabian Sea going up at about 1mm/decade:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNiABfAbM7HJZVJcnV?e=ASEySx
So convective instability over the Persian Gulf will be less rare. The Persian Gulf has not recorded a cyclone in human history but that could change with more atmospheric moisture at high altitude in the Persian Golf and the land to the north taking longer to warm up (or melt snow) so winds come in from the Arabian Sea.
Northern Africa will get more tropical depressions because the Med inow gets to 30C, which is sufficient to initiate self-sustaining convective storms.
The warming of the NH has been going on for about 500 years but the changes are now noticeable. When you consider that snowfall will overtake snow melt again across the Arctic coastline by 2200 and the sea level will be going down within 1000 years years, the changes should be noticeable by now.
Maybe not this time around for AR7 but I expect the climate bothers will realise CO2 does nothing by AR10. They are barking up the wrong tree thinking CO2 is the driver of climate change.
I recall a newspaper article circa 1920 I think where a guy copied Nikola Tesla’s work and caused a massive storm flooding a town, which they sued him for, so yes it’s easy to do and easy to eff up. đ
Climate catastrophism caused by billionaires?
Has this person been unpersonned?
I went looking for a series of videos on YouTube that were released a few years ago by someone whose name I believe was Foley.
He presented his hypothesis that the temperature of various planets and moons with atmospheres was entirely due to the adiabatic lapse rate.
I spent about an hour looking for his videos or any other reference to him and he seems to have been “disappeared”.
Does anyone know any links to his work?
This guy worked on Earth & Venus-
“But you might just as well say the lapse rate is maintained by the mass mean tropospheric temperature, instead of the surface temperature. I say this, because in my comparison of temperatures in the atmospheres of Venus and Earth, the Venus/Earth temperature ratio is obviously just that due to the ratio of the two planetsâ distances from the Sun, nothing else (and that means, there is No greenhouse effect, of increasing temperature with increasing carbon dioxide, at all). The explanation for this empirical and logical fact is that the two tropospheres must both be warmed by direct absorption of incident solar IR radiationâin fact, they both must directly absorb the same physical portion of that incident radiation (otherwise, the great difference in planetary albedo and physical surfaceâin addition to the great difference in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrationâwould not allow their temperature ratio to reflect only their distances from the Sun). Consensus theorists, if they would dispute this conclusion about the fundamental warming of the troposphere, must explain, within their theory, why the Venus/Earth temperature ratio does in fact depend only upon the ratio of their solar distances, according to the most basic physics understandingâand, to avoid misunderstanding, see my linked article, for the simple Stefan-Boltzmann equations governing the mass mean tropospheric temperatures in the two planets, if they absorb, and are warmed only by, the same fraction f of the incident solar.
From my Venus/Earth findings, it seems clear to me that the surface cannot warm the atmosphere, globally (only locally and transiently), and indeed, at night, it can and does COOL the near-surface atmosphere, so that many locations see a local temperature inversion around dawn.”
original paper here-
..and Harry Huffman saying Co2 has no global warming effect on Earth or Venus-
CO2 Cooling!
Hmm, I’ve just closed the page that said Venus has no CO2 atmosphere, the NASA scientists blamed a drop of sulphuric acid blocking the sensor on the way down so they didn’t detect it, and when the sensor on the lander detected a suitable molecular weight they called it CO2.
He reckons sulphur is jetted into the atmosphere and forms layers that trap heat leaving. I’ll probably never find it again!
“NASA Pioneer Venus Data
In Dec. 1978 the main NASA Pioneer Venus probe descended slowly through the planetâs atmosphere, its mass spectrometer measuring all of the compounds up to 208 amu (atomic mass units). Unfortunately, the most significant atmospheric data was thrown out, because it did not show what the project scientists âexpectedâ to see. When the data showed that the favored CO2 was virtually absent as the probe descended from 50 km (157,000 ft) down to 31 km, it was promptly declared that both inlet âleaksâ of the mass spectrometer had been occluded by droplets of sulfuric acid which subsequently evaporated at 31 km altitude, at which altitude, what was believed to be CO2 reappeared. Although other compounds were measured in that elevation range, they were attributed to âcontaminationâ of a cleaning solution that had been used on the probe prior to launch.”
“it becomes clear that the entire lower atmosphere of Venus is almost completely dominated by S8. Moreover, Figure 1 also suggests that what the project scientists âexpectedâ to be CO2 below 31 km is actually another high-temperature sulfur compound, CS (carbon sulfide), âmasqueradingâ as CO2. CS and CO2 have very similar masses â 44.0686 and 44.0096 amu, respectively. The evidence indicating CS in the lower atmosphere is present in the form of the red haze observed from 31 km up to the LCL. Again, a simple look-up of the temperature at which rising hot CS gas would form small red crystals (200 C) coincides exactly with the lower level of the red haze as annotated in Figure 1.”
Jonathan Foley did 2 talks via TED.
Same guy?
“Scotland to ditch key climate change target”
Is reality breaking in North of the Border?
Well, up to a point, Lord Copper.
“The final goal of reaching “net-zero” by 2045 will remain, but BBC Scotland News understands the government’s annual climate targets could also go.”
“A statement is expected at Holyrood on Thursday afternoon.”
Wind [and Solar] are still to be saviours, with rationing [‘demand adjustment’ or ‘demand management’ in the lingo].
The southern-most bits of Scotland are more than 54 degrees North.
In winter – 5 November to 5 February – the sun never gets more than 20 degrees above the horizon [on those two specific days] – at noon. Briefly.
And is below the horizon for 17 hours a day near the Solstice.
And this the The Greens in Coalition!
We should all ditch Climate Targets.
It is inconceivable to me that, starting with Al Gore, the UN and their IPCC, governments now have ‘Climate Targets’.
Are they serious? Governments individually and collectively control the weather? I would never have thought anyone could believe this stuff, but now it’s law?
King Cnut never needed to order the tide to stop. He only had to pass a law?
As for wind and solar being adequate for any country, where?
And the problem is CO2, not CO2 ’emissions’. There is no proven connection between the two. And there has been no sign of CO2 being altered in any way by human activity with the explosive growth of 3500% in CO2 ’emissions’. CO2 itself has only gone up 50% in 250 years. That’s nothing. And not our doing. Things go up and down.
This 2023 paper from Portugal explains it better. CO2 is involved in a gigantic rapid equilibrium exchange between atmosphere and sky. 98% of all CO2 is in the water and so 98% of all emissions go into the water. The ONLY question is how fast.
(1) The adjustment time is never larger than the residence time and is less than 5 years.
(2) The idea of the atmosphere being stable at 280 ppm in pre-industrial times is untenable.
(3) Nearly 90% of all anthropogenic carbon dioxide has already been removed from the atmosphere.
Who really believes this government controlled weather nonsense?
It’s gigantic hoax passing political power and cash to the UN, Brussels, Washington, Whitehall, Canberra and every opportunist on the planet, starting with China which now outputs more CO2 than the rest of G20 combined. And poses as Green, like the UN (boiling seas)?
It’s all madness and money. Vast amounts of money.
I’m not sure there’s a viable exit strategy at this point in time, apart from total economic collapse followed by civil unrest.
In Australia, all factions of the Uniparty support the anthropogenic global warming fraud, all the useful idiots of the Left support it, woke, virtue signaling corporations support it, subsidy harvesting billionaires support it, trade unions support it, just about everyone in academia supports it or they will be sacked/fired, government scientific organisations like CSIRO support it, the Chief Scientist supports it, indoctrinated youth support it etc..
WE could just stop grants to anybody for anything. No grants no stupid papers. Today the worlds most modern ethylene products company here in Australia is going into liquidation because of high energy costs and scarce and costly feedstock because the NSW and Vic governments have banned gas exploration. Climate will not kill us but governments battling climate will.
There may not be a viable exit strategy at this point in time, but strategies aside there will be an exit whether we like it or not.
It seems the strategies will result in an exit most of us will not like.
There’s not supposed to be!
In a world of unlimited clean green energy, how do they control anyone?
It was always a deliberately broken system for the PURPOSE of control.
Does anyone believe that mankind can control volcanic eruptions?
Does anyone believe that mankind can control earthquakes?
Does anyone believe that mankind can control large meteorite impacts that might wipe out much life on earth like that leading to the extinction of the dinosaurs?
The Chicxulub crater is an impact crater buried underneath the YucatĂĄn Peninsula in Mexico. Its center is offshore, but the crater is named after the onshore community of Chicxulub Pueblo. It was formed slightly over 66 million years ago when a large meteorite, about ten kilometers (six miles) in diameter, struck Earth. The crater is estimated to be 200 kilometers (120 miles) in diameter and 20 kilometers (12 miles) in depth.
At a basic level, humanityâs survival odds come down to one thing: the chances of a giant space rock slamming into the planet and sending us the way of the dinosaurs.
“Climate Change” should be the least of our worries!
We are the climate targets.
Forget Nyet Zero – we’re Ground Zero
ground [OE. grindan], reduced to powder by grinding
While I am prone to sarcasm and inadequate attempts at witty satire, I am serious here.
‘Climate Change’ is nothing but social engineering with an all they can eat buffet of wealth transfer.
The targets are literally our minds and wallets.
Maybe, we need to form a parliamentary party here like the Irish farmers.
Farmers Alliance
We need something that bridges the divide between farm and city and unites the very real prospect the anti-human green groups will rather us all die than feed ourselves. The inner city can be as woke as they wish but we need something in urban electorates to balance against the madness. The Libs have too many wets in parliaments both state and federal. The Nats just cannot cut through to be effective. We need something that even our new middle eastern brothers can understand. No farmers, no water, NO FOOD!
One might think that the Scots might look to Germany for encouragement to reach “net-zero” by 2045 to stop warming in Scotland
I would have thought most Scots would enjoy a warmer local climate?
My favorite quote from Billy Connoly is “there are only two seasons in Scotland, Winter and August”.
And the idea that SOLAR makes sense in all these cities at 60-70 North, which would be on the Antarctic peninsula. Glasgow, Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Talin, St. Petersburg. The street lights are on in the middle of the day.
And the big one, 320,000 people in Murmansk. It’s 6 months of night. What sort of batteries do the Greens recommend in Murmansk for that?
Billy Connolly on… The weather
âI hate all those weathermen, too, who tell you that rain is bad weather. Thereâs no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing, so get yourself a sexy raincoat and live a little.â
I like Connolly, now a little more. đ
It is important to dress for the heat as well but genuine summer weight cotton shirts are hard to find, China doesn’t make them and Nike are expensive.
Scotland can reduce its target to 0% emissions & it wonât make any difference to the earths Co2. China & India, collectively, will fill any gap within a month.
In any event Co2 is not a problem. Itâs free plant food!! If the west wishes to undertake self punishment thatâs our problem brought on by stupidity, gree & attempts to force one world government on the world in one grand communist dictatorship! This will end in disaster for the western world!
“Wind [and Solar] are still to be saviours, with rationing [âdemand adjustmentâ or âdemand managementâ in the lingo].”
Rationing of electricity is the most ridiculous concept imaginable in the 21st century. It should be cheap and plentiful, for everybody, everywhere.
History will place “climate targets” in the same category as flat Earth and Earth as the centre of the universe.
Again “mental health issues” are the real reason for the attempt to murder the Minister who “blasphemed the Prophet” -the time “undiagnosed autism”!
The terrorists parents are at a complete loss as to how their son was radicalised!
“Classical, as well as some modern, interpretations of Sharia regard the death penalty as the most appropriate punishment for apostates. Blasphemy connotes the insult of God or Prophet Mohammad and other revered figures in Islam, and can be committed by believers and non-believers alike.”
Given the situation in Gaza it is surprising that there have not been more “sudden jihadi” attacks in Australia.
But with Penny Wong importing 800 HAMAS terrorist this might change.
It is far more than that.
According to Sky News, from Oct 7th 2023 to Feb 6th 2024, it was 2273.
Presumably it is far more by now.
All future Labor Party voters.
Here is a very good statement as given to a court in Helsinki from Dr Assam Malhotra as an expert witness, introduced by Dr John Campbell.
He is talking about deaths due to the experimental nRNA gene therapy people were forced to take for supposed protection against c-19.
Now the matter is in court.
Don’t let any of the perpetrators or useful idiot supporters tell you they weren’t told. The dangers were documented on these web pages and safe treatments were also discussed.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
Don’t let any of the guilty get away with it.
Unlike a defensive war fought by Israel in Gaza where the terrorist enemy (beloved by the Left) deliberately secret themselves in schools, hospitals, UN headquarters etc. and every effort is made by Israel to warn and avoid civilian casualties, there is a genuine genocide going on in Armenia.
Strangely the Left and the world are silent about this genuine act of genocide.
If you Goolag “genocide in Armenia” without quotes, you will only get references to the first Armenian genocide by Ottomans, 1915 onward, not the present one.
Jeff Taylor discusses:
The politics behind it, basically America trying to screw Russia as usual & ferment trouble in the surrounding countries.
“The Armenians aren’t worth helping because there’s no geopolitical benefit to the West. We’re aiding Ukraine because it involves sticking it to the Russians. It’s not for altruistic reasons. Armenia is now an ally of the West but a very poor country and we have no desire to stick it the Azeris, an ally of Turkey despite being in the CIS. It’s worth noting that while Armenia was in the Russian camp, the Russians were able to keep the lid on this conflict, but as soon as Armenia started drifting west, Russia refused to help them and the West immediately let them down.”
The last Australian plastics manufacturer Qenos enters Administration (for US readers, the equivalent of US Chapter 7).
Part of the issue is a stated shortage of gas, most of which Australia seems to be exporting to China at world’s cheapest prices, thanks to John Howard*.
Of course, there is also the cost of energy, and the general undesirability of trying to conduct any form of business in Australia for a variety of reasons such as excessive regulations, feral unions, “green” policies, etc..
Video from Sky News Australia:
But don’t worry, Australia is going to become a “renewable energy superpower” LoL.
Twiggy happy to make money on fossil fuels at the same time as flogging his Green Energy Schemes/Scams to Chrissy Bowen for taxpayer handouts
Isn’t it kind of bizarre that Australia as the world’s largest liquefied natural gas exporter (2022, by value, see link) has a gas shortage and now also has to import gas?
Consider the transportation costs of shipping from the NW Shelf gas platforms to Victoria with the cost of shipping from the same origin to Japan?
You’ve missed the most crucial point here. So did the ABC report, although I expect that was quite deliberate.
Forest’s LNG import terminal is at Port Kembla (NSW), and reportedly nearing completion. Unanswered (and unasked) question: “From where will this imported LNG be bought ?”
Comparing transport costs from the NW Shelf to Port Kembla but ignoring those costs from (say) the UAE or Kuwait or Saudi or … is silly. The only reason the ABC refuse to canvass this is because it detracts from their glee at importing from some other place rather than mining our own resource. Politicians like it because it supplies east coast gas (at a high price) without all the greenie yelling and screaming over mining. The extra costs for this belong to the hoi polloi.
Lefties like to say that all the CO2 “pollution” from mining now belongs to some other country while simultaneously yelling about global climate change. Pointing this silliness out to them only results in the electronic plug being pulled.
Many people in the thinking community take quercertin as a readily available zinc ionophore and for general health.
I have noticed with several attempts to purchase it online recently, at least for quality brands, there are frequent shortages of it.
I have one tablet left and need a new bottle – will check with my local chemist
I have never had COVID and avoided the jab.
How many of the jabbed got COVID?
How many of the jabbed got COVID?
In a Family of 17 as the only one of 17 not Covid Jabbed, also only one in Family that did not get Covid.
Live with Wife, Youngest Daughter, Son-in-law, & 3 Youngest Grandkids (who always have something from school),
under one roof, plus over 90 Times at RNSH over 2 years of Covid, and with anti-virals, sailed through.
You could have covid and not noticed it. I doubt there are many people who truly avoid it.
I can’t help you with the supply issue, but I wonder if vitamin D itself, and even by itself*,may provide a similar function via the VDR (vitamin D receptor) which is present on most (all?) cells.
I’ve not found any paper which supports my idea, but zinc is described as being essential for vitamin D to be effective, so zinc has both a source and a pathway.
But I’ve not tried out the idea and use quercetin daily. I generally order my next bottle when I open my last one and haven’t run into problem so far.
Dave B
* But at high blood levels and with cofactors
Interesting …
I was thrilled with what I thought was vit. D’s amazing effect on my various inflammatory issues – psoriasis, arthritis, tendonitis. After some time taking 5000iu, the skin problem had more or less gone and the pain reduced by half or more.
Until around three months ago, when the pains started to come back. Now they are as bad as they ever were, despite me maintaining the vit. D. I am at a loss as to why. Then I read what you said about zinc. I took that for quite a while too, but then decided Covid wasn’t such a problem and stopped – not sure when exactly. Perhaps the D isn’t working so well without it?
Treat zinc as a cofactor of vitamin D, as well as its role in stopping a virus from replicating within a cell, i.e. essential.
has been that way for a number of years – I go to restock when I start on last supply,
try to get 240 Capsules of NOW Foods, Quercetin with Bromelain or whatever is avaiable
eg – NOW Foods, Quercetin With Bromelain, 60 Veg Capsules
Back on April 27 Notify me
And 4 bottles (of a leading quercetin brand) purchased on line is about the same as two from the local chemist.
There are limits to my support of local businesses.
I don’t take it every day but it does shorten symptoms “occasionally”
But I have and maintain good vitamin D levels
Try Piping Rock on line
FWIW – another covid reveal
“Confirmed: Researchers Reveal COVID mRNA Vaccines Contain Component that Suppresses Immune Response and Stimulates Cancer Growth”
Ges with that (IM)
“Greatest Evils”
“The greatet evils in world will not be carried out by men
with guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks.
âGreatest Evilsâ
“Mankind is capable of doing terrible things – but for the most evil acts – that takes religion.”
Such as Hitler? Stalin? Pol Pot? Any others CO2 lover?
“One in THREE people will be struck down with ‘silent killer’ amid huge surge in condition
Danish scientists found those with atrial fibrillation had an elevated stroke risk
Atrial fibrillation, dubbed a ‘silent killer’, was previously thought to affect around a quarter of adults by the time they die.
But Danish experts who analysed the health records of millions of adults found the risk has only increased.
Doctors remain baffled as to the exact cause of atrial fibrillation, which can lead to strokes. ”
More heart problems but gosh, we just can’t find what is causing them..
Little bits of EV reality seem to make it into the MSM these days
Recharging EVs in car parks under an apartment complex should be outlawed on safety grounds as a fire could bring down the whole complex.
Even just allowing EVs to park in car parks under an apartment complex is a safety issue.
How does the fire brigade get access to a burning EV producing a lot of toxic smoke that cannot be easily extinquished?
You can ask the same question of the operators of the Tasmanian car ferry. You wont get a straight answer that makes sense in the light of real world experience.
Like the inflammable building cladding issue that started in the UK and rippled around the world, people will have to die spectacularly and in numbers for this to be acknowledged.
“Like the inflammable building cladding issue that started in the UK and rippled around the world, people will have to die spectacularly and in numbers for this to be acknowledged.”
Indeed, yes, Yarpos, but in the UK the Grenfell Tower Inquiry is progressing … not quite as fast as an arthritic snail, but it IS progressing.
The lawyers tell us so.
Frankly, I do not expect a resolution of this – compensation, prosecution[s] and updated standards – in my lifetime.
But – hey-ho!
Somebody got a bonus or two, and I imagine the lawyers are eyeing Caribbean Nations they will be able to purchase, for cash, from their well-earned tax-payer-funded remuneration.
FWIW – Canada
“More Pavilions At Folkfest”
“All cultures are equal except yours: A special carve out for the Trudeau base in the vote rich rapey-beheader community.”
Tesla’s Cybertruck disaster: Insider reveals ‘serious safety issues’ behind scenes of EV rollout – as drone footage shows hundreds of unfinished trucks backed up at Texas factory
Saying the unsaid –
“Tucker Carlson Interviews Telegram CEO and Founder Pavel Durov
April 17, 2024 | Sundance | 131 Comments”
“BBCâs Coral Propaganda”
“The BBC is corrupt, and this report is fraudulent:”
Rand Paul Drops COVID Bombshell: “We Have 15,000 Samples In Wuhan … Could Do Full Genomes Of 700 CoVs”
A couple of commenters above mention power rationing above. There’s also something going around now of varying your power consumption, so, changing your power consumption across the day. Then there’s the power retailers (cynically) increasing power costs for ‘time of use’, and that’s during peak times.
Let me show you with just two images why ‘all the above’ just WILL NOT WORK, no matter what the ‘nodding head believers’ might try to tell you.
Since electrical power was ‘invented’ for the wider scale consumption on a grid, power consumption ….. has not changed.
One of the most ignored things in ALL of this is the daily Load Curve for power consumption. If this was ever shown to the public ….. and explained, it would ‘bl0w up’ the whole thing.
You need to look at both images in conjunction, one with the other, and here, I used two images because putting them on a single image would contain too much information.
Here’s the links to both images.
The Base Load
The Peak Load
Now, while the date across the top of the image says September 7th, what I had to do here was find one day across a whole 365 day year when all the parameters were as close as possible to the average for seven of the parameters I used.
Now, for the sake of this comment, the one thing I’m pointing out here is that black curved line across the top of each of these charts. THAT is the Load Curve, the average power consumption across the day ….. for the WHOLE of the Australian (AEMO) grid, from Midnight, across the day and back to Midnight.
The shape of that curve has NOT changed since the dawn of electrical power consumption, in either a town, a city, a State, or the whole of the grid ….. no matter how much solar power has been ‘plonked’ onto it.
From Midnight, it falls away to the low point for the day, the Base Load, at around 4AM, when everyone is neatly tucked up in bed sound asleep. It then rises to the morning, and the lower Peak, ‘fire up’ for the day ahead. It then falls a little, everyone at work and school. It then rises to the evening Peak, always that high ….. ALWAYS, you know, when everyone comes home from work and school, and consumes what they ….. always consume at home, evening meals etc, you know. Then in the late evening it drops away again to start the same cycle all over again.
First image – Note that early morning low point. That’s 18,000MW plus, and increasing year on year, little by little.
That’s THREE Quarters of the average power consumption on an average day for the grid, an average of 586GWH, translated to 24,000 MW per hour average.
That low point, 18,000MW is just to ….. keep Australia going.
Second image – The evening Peak average is 26450MW ….. the average peak, and I have seen it as high as 34,000MW.
Okay, just ignore the small and pitiful contributions of the coloured renewables at the bottom of each graph, as all I wanted to point out was the shape of the curve.
No matter what they do, that shape will NEVER change, and can I emphasise NEVER again.
The low point, the morning Peak, and the evening Peak will always be the same, no matter how much they try to do or to implement.
They would have to change the whole way things are done, school work, breakfast, evening meal, sleeping habits for the WHOLE of the population.
Life goes on as it has always gone on.
Imagine trying to change all of that or a whole of population basis, because people will always do what they have always done.
Can you now see the cynicism of time of day power costing for Peak times of day.
Individuals, those true believers might change their lifestyles, but that impact would not even be noticed, under a microscope.
Now see why ….. no one ever bothers looking at a Load Curve.
Sorry this was so long.
The link to the Post detailing minutely how all this came about is huge, but if any of you want to read it all this is the link to that Post at my home site.
Individuals are changing. The cost of grid power is forcing them to make the change.
You used to say that the minimum demand in the wholesale market would always be at 4am. It is now close to midday because the distributed solar is not counted in wholesale.
You used to say that rooftop solar did not go back up to transmission level. You now include in your demand profile.
With government of all shades apart from minor p[arties endorsing NutZero the only think that will shift the present trajectory is to remove subsidies. All States are increasing subsidies for the transition.
?? ..How do you conclude that ? All of the NEM data logs indicate the 4 am is still the minimum demand time. ( except for Tasmania , oddly ?)
No,.. that is a totally invalid conclusion.
RT solar use will obviously âaffectâ the grid demand, but that does not mean it can âgo back upâ to transmission level. ( it cannot )
.. It simply means there is less demand load on the grid . !
The demand is exactly the same, the supply has changed, as Tony continually points out and you actually refer to.
Your parasite power does not back feed to the grid, it prevents the grid from feeding you.
Let us add another layer of complexity to your sketch.
Demand Load. It is buried inside the average min and max loads.
These loads are the “spikes” that aren’t obvious, but have tremendous impact upon grid generation operations.
Let’s say a 1000 HP motor starts up. Across the line start. That’s a 4 to 6 MW instantaneous load. Quite common for an industrial setting or for a water chiller in a hotel. The user is charged for 4-6 MW for a 15 min interval, even though the spike lasted a minute or less, in addition to the actual sustained load. Let’s say 500 kW actual load + 4 MW instantaneous load for 15 mins. That’s 1.5 MWh average load for that one startup over a 1 hr window. But for that 1 minute period, it was a 4-5 MW load.
The point is this: The generation had to be available to supply this spike load. Solar and Wind cannot do that. It takes spinning reserve kinetic energy to absorb that spike. Thermal plants can accommodate that, but inverters cannot. If the spike load cannot be met in real time, then voltage decay or frequency decay ensue followed by grid collapse. This isn’t a theory. It is reality.
This event happens hundreds to thousands of times per day on an industrial grid. Residential load management has zero impact on industrial loads. There are 2 solutions. Keep the thermal grid or de-industrialize the national economy. Solar and Wind cannot stabilize or supply an industrial grid.
Residential demands, in aggregate, can be large, yes. But instantaneous demands must be met in real time or grid collapse follows.
I’ve been on pipeline startups with 4 each 3,000 HP pumps being engaged at each of some 100 pumping stations spaced 50 to 60 miles apart. That is a cumulative load of 12 GW continuous load and 50 GW instantaneous load. It required extensive planning and coordination with the grid operators to pull that off without crashing the grid, between 0200 and 0400 hrs. And this was with some 500 GW of available generation on 2 intercontinental transmission lines. A 24″ pipeline from Texas City TX to Shawnee OK and points north. Those loads only existed for a few seconds to minutes, but the spike loads could have easily collapsed the central US grid. And No, solar and wind would not have helped. But it appeared “on average” to be magnitudes less than actually required to accomplish.
Yes, changing lifestyles might ameliorate residential average loads, but only minutely in any practical sense, and only proposed for political purposes. Those measures have near zero benefit to an industrialized nation. Solar and wind advocates, politicians, and ideologues, have zero understanding of actual grid operations and what it takes to make it work in real time, reliably, repeatedly, 24/7/365. This is not a game where propaganda offsets reality. Reality always wins. Replacing “what works” with “what sounds good” satisfies only the ignorant, right up until the whole thing crashes and it is “Hello, 1850”.
What ever happened to âSoft startâ systems on bigger motors ?
..or run the pump/motor up before the valves are opened to apply the load progressively ?
Every large hotel has 2 or 3 each 1000 HP chillers and 500 HP in pumps to move the water. In Las Vegas, multiply that by 500.
Yes there are reduced voltage options (RV), but the costs are significant. Not very many 5 MW solid state drives out there.
Whatever option is chosen, the grid impact is reduced by 1/3 to 1/2 for the 10 second spin up time. That’s it.
A 1000 HP motor is not that big of a deal on a large grid. 300 units at 3000 HP is a big deal. The 1000 HP motor costs about AUD 1000 to start up. The 300 units on a transcontinental pipeline cost 1 Million AUD to start up and the demurrage fees for offloading supertankers can be 100,000 per hour. Add in refinery costs, storage, distribution, and sales, and you can be talking about several million dollars/day.
Nothing changes for the continuous load and none of the wind/solar alternatives can provide the necessary power for a 10 second multi gigawatt spike that appears as a near “dead short” on any transmission line or grid.
“or run the pump/motor up before the valves are opened to apply the load progressively” speaks to a single 1 Mw motor. The larger issue is a transcontinental petroleum pipeline. The booster station pumps are engaged when the inlet pressures are about 4 Bar to avoid cavitation in the pump impellers. There’s still a 6 Bar boost that happens in 10 seconds at some 20,000 liters/min. or more. You have to match the boost at the station to the incoming flow or else shut down a refinery or supertanker offload flow rate. It is a hugely dynamic system. Moving some 300 Kg/sec is not simple when the up and down stream station dynamics are involved. If you screw up one single thing, the whole startup fails and you get to “try again” at some 2 Million USD / hour losses.
Was the Gisborne Golf Club/RSL fire another one caused by golf cart battery charging:–c-14345257
So far the cause is unknown but there were at least two golf buggies destroyed in the blaze.
Parking BEVs in enclosed carparks will be viewed as high risk. Even if the new batteries are less prone to combust, BEV’s have established a poor record that will take decades to alter.
How many ICE cars are currently unroadworthy. As the BEV fleet ages (catches up) and owners find it hard to justify maintenance costs, how many in the fleet will cause serious fires. Did the previous owner drive through a flooded creek and the water that got in started the deterioration that results in fire.
Consumer products take generations to achieve maturity and associated reliability. EVs are a high risk option. Essentially a toy car not suited to much but adorning a driveway. But they are rapidly losing that appeal because they are viewed as a fire waiting to happen. The worst part is that the fire can occur when it is doing nothing other than getting charged.
An on topic joke – A Priest, a Doctor, and an Engineer are playing golf
An engineer, a priest, and a doctor are trying to enjoying a round of golf. Ahead of them is a group playing so slowly and inexpertly that in frustration the three ask the greenkeeper for an explanation. âThatâs a group of blind firefighters,â they are told. âThey lost their sight saving our clubhouse last year, so we let them play for free.â
The priest says, âI will say a prayer for them tonight.â
The doctor says, âLet me ask my ophthalmologist colleagues if anything can be done for them.â
And the engineer says, âWhy canât they play at night?â
How many ICE cars are currently unroadworthy.
And who sets the roadworthy standards?
How does one separate the essential safety issues from those of cosmetic?
Or the outdated / too hard to enforce like the light temperature of headlights being under 4000K (effectively outlawing LED headlights)
“Or the outdated / too hard to enforce like the light temperature of headlights being under 4000K (effectively outlawing LED headlights)”
Typical.. the one law that would make the roads a lot safer is ignored by the road safety N*ZIs! I drive home in the dark for the next 5months and the streams of cars going the other way always have some clowns with their headlights on full or fancy super-bright lights that bounce up into you eyes over a bump.
Completely blinding.
? Its pretty much always been the roads/traffic authority in you State. Its imperfect but a better idea has come forward and it does provide public sèrvice employment. The side effect of that is the rules are unlikely to be consistent, practical or up to date.
Another one to add to the list:
Xiaomi’s EV woes just get worse – brake pads disintegrate, airbags don’t work, shoddy design and fraud
Tech tutorial Thursday: why circuit breakers won’t (can’t) protect you and why 20A through a 10A breaker takes an hour to trip
No, fuses and breakers don’t blow when the rated current is only just exceeded!
A good CB tutorial.
My admiration for Putin – Leader of the Free World, grows every day.
Xi will welcome him so there will always be a stage for him to strut.
FWIW – More Pfizzer
“Pfizer Lied to Us Again”
Pro-Vaxxer Left Speechless as Dr. McCullough Drops the Disturbing Truth About the COVID Shots
⢠âThe prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of the vaccines never showed a reduction in severity.â
⢠âThey never showed a reduction in hospitalization and death.â
⢠âIn a recent paper by Norman Fenton from the UK, he shown that there was tremendous misclassification bias.â This misclassification bias led to the false claim that 90% of people dying in the hospital were unvaccinated.
⢠âIn countries that actually did have the vaccine status, like the UK, they found far more vaccinated in the hospital on ventilators and dying than the unvaccinated.â
⢠âWith every single injection, one is more and more likely to get COVID-19.â
⢠âOur safety system for vaccines records, on average, 150 deaths in a year on average. The COVID-19 vaccines roll out… 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine. 1150 die on the same day they take the shot! Some die in the vaccine center. 1200 die the next day.â
⢠18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine doesnât account for the underreporting factor of 30. âWeâre looking, as we sit here today, at 550,000 plus Americans who have died after the vaccine. The same pattern is seen worldwide.â
The Russian Metals Ban Backfired and Will Make Putin Richer & Chinaâs Economy Stronger
What does Russia do with all the yuan? Spending them buying Chinese goods will compete with their own manufacturing.
China and Russia can take in each others’ washing but there is a limit to that.
Russia would spend them with anyone buying Chinese goods, ie the whole world. They could buy Malaysian rubber and remit Yuan to Malaysia, who then buy toasters from China.
The “west” has trade embargoes on Russia, and the yuan is not freely exchanged anyway.
Yuan fall: Why is China’s currency getting weaker? – BBC
The yuan is not freely traded and the government limits its movement against the US dollar.
As in # 16 – BBC not above handing out “doses of truth serum”
Are you saying that the BBC is lying – that the yuan IS freely traded and is NOT a managed currency?
Admit it, this is a blatant case of shooting the messenger.
And the USD is? how are things there back in the 80s H? the world is changing
What I am saying is that your beloved communists are NOT doing well.
“The Top 10 Most Cost-Effective Countries To Get A High-Priced Higher Education”
“A new study by Online Gaming Groups has evaluated over 30 countries to determine the most cost-effective higher education systems, focusing on the percentage of average annual income spent on educational expenses.
This analysis included countries with the highest university fees, and additional costs such as living and rent were considered to accurately assess the full financial commitment needed for education.”
“Australia is ninth, requiring families and students to invest significantly in education, with 72.97% of the $60,840 average salary going toward educational and living expenses, indicative of the country’s high standards of living and educational quality.”
Skynet 2024: the infrastructure is complete
Rob Braxman lays it out for all…
Boston releases all electric Atlas
“I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle”đ
Sea Level Going Down? What’s Really Going On… By The Numbers.
“What’s really going on”?
if you take ‘Climate Change’ and it’s misbegotten godless spawn ‘Pandemic’ …
the lid of the Pandora’s box of all Pandora’s boxes has been lifted and very few have the courage to look.
We don’t even yet have the language to articulate what’s being seen.
Or a power structure with both the integrity and strength to tell the tale.
UK Insurers Refuse to Pay Nord Stream Because Blasts Were âGovernmentâ-Backed
The legal team representing high-powered insurers Lloydâs and Arch says that since the Nord Stream explosions were âmore likely than not to have been inflicted by⌠a government,â they have no responsibility to pay for damages to the pipelines. To succeed with that defense, the companies will presumably be compelled to prove, in court, who carried out those attacks.
British insurers are arguing that they have no obligation to honor their coverage of the Nord Stream pipelines, which were blown up in September 2022, because the unprecedented act of industrial sabotage was likely carried out by a national government.
The insurersâ filing contradicts reports the Washington Post and other legacy media publications asserting that a private Ukrainian team was responsible for the massive act of industrial sabotage.
Gotta laugh…
Try Piping Rock on line
Amazing footage shows Emperor penguin chicks jumping from 50′ ice cliff
There’s a definite yellow tinge at the edge.đđ
We have a real problem
“An Unthinkable Crash Is Coming” – Whitney Webb 2024 Prediction
Bret Weinstein: Warning On America’s Collapse, Don Lemon vs Elon Musk, Racism, Hitler & Rising War
Neil Oliver: A Madness Thatâs Growing!!!