A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Greens in Shock at Australia’s “Rally Against Reckless Renewables”
Australians real enemies are not Russia or China but they are our own political class
Look below at my post about Matthew Goodwins new book and you will see that our new elite are not concerned by others less worthy than they are, think.
When a majority of protestors acknowledge climate change they are in bed with their enemy. NIMBY’s I reckon a lot of them.
This from Matthew Goodwin’s excellent new book “ Values, Voice and Virtue!
“Routinely, ever since Brexit, we have been told that these voters (traditionalist Leavers) are irrational and did not know what they were voting for. Instead of holding clear and coherent motives they were motivated by blind rage, lashing out incoherently against the ruling class, immigrants and minorities. But the evidence that has emerged since the Brexit referendum tells a different and far more nuanced story-they knew exactly what they wanted. It is just not what the New Elite want.”
We see this New Elite everywhere trying to subvert policy to their often radical way of thinking and the way they try to thwart the proles and plebs in such actions as the following;
Trying to thwart Brexit. Undermining the Australian referendum. Trump being kept off the ballot papers whilst Biden introduces many left leaning policies he had no mandate for. The Canadian Truckers
Just how deeply infiltrated our Institutions are by those who seek to change the West in general to a far different entity to the one that has evolved over thousands of years, can be seen in this article from today-the headline explains the content;
It reads “racist colonial legacies continue to frame nature in the U.K. as a ‘white space’”, and claims that “the perception that green spaces are dominated by white people can prevent people from ethnic minority backgrounds from using green spaces”. “Froglife, an amphibian conservation body, and the Bat Conservation Trust have also supported the report.”
As part of the exasperated comment on this stupidity, which nicely illustrates the new elites thinking is this;
“This is such a classic example of Western self-hatred. Can you imagine Indian charities worrying that the Indian countryside was too Indian, or Chinese charities fussing that the Chinese countryside was too Chinese? Yet here are major British charities effectively declaring the British countryside to be too British.”
The new Elite who are firmly in control will subtly change direction but have the same destination when it concerns their core interests, whether it involves the EU Farmers, EV’s or Renewables and much else..
I had always thought of Australia as a huge country with plenty of land, which resulted in sprawling suburbs typified by large houses in biggish plots of land. Is that no longer true?
See my post at #5 on who benfits from this “record immigration surge”
Never get between a politican and a bucket of money.
“Chinese interest in Australian real estate is now so strong that prospective buyers have to make an appointment to be shown properties in large groups, an agent has revealed.”
I wonder whose ‘money’ they’re spending? Is it borrowed locally from commercial banks? — in which case Aussie banks are creating NEW money (from NOTHING) for foreigners so they can bid up housing prices and shaft Aussie young buyers trying to enter the market. . . That stinks.
100 percent Reserve Banking can’t come fast enough for me.
Our biggish plots of land for housing are no longer.
Many years ago suburban lots were 800m2 – 1000m2 and kids could play ball games in their backyard. Houses for families were 16 squares (150m2)
Then 600m2 became typical in 80’s-90’s and houses became 20 squares (185m2).
Then 450m2 in 2000’s and houses were larger again with families being smaller.
Now the new development sprawl on the outer fringes are averaging 330m2 and the houses are 25 squares (230m2)
Kids can’t play in non-existent backyards. I guess they’re on iPads anyway.
(house sizes might be a bit off but you get the gist. Lot sizes are right for Melb growth areas.)
Backyards seem to have gone out of style?
I think that Australia’s sprawling suburbs of the capital cities have now “sprawled” so far that many folks want to return to inner-suburb living, so are seeking villas, townhouses and apartments closer in where there are good services and public transport. I for one have made the move, although only half kilometre from my former house, but I’m in a position where I can walk to the train, and have shopping and medical services only a few minutes away.
As folks age, I believe that they will be looking to do the same.
Couldnt think of anything worse than crowded inner suburban living in my latter years.
Hear hear!
That would only be in three large cities on the East coast,
Perth is >2m people and Adelaide about 1.5m. You sound like a typical easterner.
Yes, but as an EastCoaster I always saw Perth as “Western Australia ” and Adelaide as Sud Australia.
If that’s what you want there is a big choice in the regional towns and cities.
I have a big 5 bedroom house on a qtr. acre, the bus drives past the door, the choice of two nearby shopping centres, less than ten minutes to the hospital and not much more than a qtr hour to the city. Half the median in Syd.
Looks like the new elite are managing to distance Geert Wilders from forming a government in Holland
It’s a safe bet that if the AFD ever got to a position of power in Germany thy would be denied office and I daresay the same applies to Marie Le pen in France.
Who benefits from Australia’s massive immigration rate?
With property prices still increasing and rental rates going through the roof if you can find a rental property?
Anthony Albanese makes extra $115,000 a year from investment rental properties
Anthony Albanese owns $4million of property
The investment rentals make him $115,000 a year
Mr Albanese does not need to worry about “Schleeper Electrishity”
Peter Dutton’s net worth in 2021 is estimated by some sources as up to $300 million.
I don’t like Dutton, but:
Says only that he’s worth less than $300m. I fit that and I expect you do too. This is a climate sceptic blog and aren’t we constantly hearing about sea levels rising up to so many metres, and temperatures going up by up to so many degrees? How about an “at least” figure? Something that doesn’t include zero.
He is worth at least less than $299 million.
Sea levels have risen that high they have formed rivers in our atmosphere.
I love Dutton. (what is it with this keyboard, I press M and D appears, happens with Hunt as well, press C and H appears)
Paul’s boys don’t gossip about actual worth.
Your kids have been at it. ?
Off topic.
Comrade Hanrahan, this is an open thread.
I won’t allow any bagging of my supreme leader (peace be upon him) to go unchallenged.
“Who benefits from Australia’s massive immigration rate?”
I imagine the owners of ‘commercial property’ benefit. Property values in Central Business Districts go up because of the expected rise in GDP.
Also, employers benefit from the cheaper cost of labour. And commercial banks look forward to more customers seeking loans.
Don’t be fooled by the headline number for “GDP”. It must be considered in the context of population growth. So ‘GDP per capita’ or ‘GDP per hour worked’ will give you a truer picture of how economic growth is affecting your fellow citizens. I know of a couple of places where headline GDP is up because of mass immigration inflicted on the locals, but ‘GDP per Capita’ is getting worse.
Of course, the Uniparty and the holders of their purse strings (commercial property owners, employers & banks) don’t want you to think that deeply.
And it all started from “14 days to flatten the curve”.
According to recent data from SQM Research, the national average rent for a two-bedroom unit has jumped from $365 per week in March 2020 to $526 per week in January 2024.
Lithium battery from hybrid catches fire and destroys wrecker’s yard in New Zimbabwe.
Always park EVs and hybrids at least 10m away from other vehicles or structures, even hybrids in wrecking yards.
Lithium battery from e scooter catches fire and destroys my niece’s house.
An investment article in today’s The Australian is saying that LiP batteries are now becoming popular. Surely using two dangerous chemicals, Lithium and Phosphate, is not good for fire safety?
Lithium Phosphate (LFP/ LFPO4 ), is a much safer chemistry and is less prone to thermal runaway,.. but has a lower energy density (kWh/kg) than Lithium Cobalt, which makes it less than ideal for EVs…even though it is cheaper to produce !
Thanks for the excellent reply Chad.
I saw that on another channel.
When wreckers yards are full of pink unicorn EV’s, will they be declared too dangerous to work in?
A mega EV fire like those tyre dump fires would be a sight.
“New Zimbabwe”?
Our sheep loving friends won’t like that. 😁
How long before wrecking yards need a special license to accept and/or store and “process” vehicles with lithium batteries?
Lithium battery fires on passenger planes
Battery fires are not limited to EVs
“Lithium smoke is toxic”
Some History
1976: Stanley Whittingham and his colleagues at Exxon demonstrated what can be considered the first rechargeable “lithium-ion battery”, although not a single component in this design was used in commercial lithium-ion batteries later.
1991: Sony and Asahi Kasei started commercial sale of the first rechargeable lithium-ion battery
2008: The launch of Tesla Roadster- the first highway legal, serial production, all-electric car to use lithium-ion battery cells, and the first production all-electric car to travel more than 244 miles (393 km) per charge
2019: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was given to John Goodenough, Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino “for the development of lithium ion batteries”
Learning curve of lithium-ion batteries: the price of batteries declined by 97% in three decades
And surely now the price is floating along the bottom of the classical technology bathtub curve. I cannot see the battery price dropping much further.
Prices only drop when they are “technology”. Once they become a “commodity” normal costing applies.
Lead acid batteries have been with us for over a century and are made by the millions. They just get dearer with inflation.
Boing 787s suffered more than a few fires in their lithium batteries, an all electric aircraft, no hydraulics.
A kiwi glider pilot died when his Li battery burnt his self launching glider.
300 years of sclerosponge thermometry shows global warming has exceeded 1.5 °C
There are concerns about the methodology by Marotzke and Latif, I can’t find links to their comments as I started from German news.
where the study was linked.
It is just a proxy for measurable global warming.
(Remember that there are no reliable methods for measuring sea temperature before the deployment of the Argo buoy network. Which is still underway, but 3000+ points of data since 2007 … 16 years or about 1/2 the period claimed needed to even establish a baseline – let alone any trends.)
There are probably many untold factors that may impact these sponges and global warming is just one factor.
Marotzke and Latif are not sure that the sclerosponge carbonate skeletons out of one region are representative enough for these conclusions.
Please use little words. There are lefties here.
Why use 5 cent words when 20 cent ones are much more impressive.
I just found the complete German statement Marotzke gave:
Translated with (free version)
Meanwhile I found some other comments here:
The Latif comment is only Paris agreement blah blah
A point on CO2, what NASA call ‘fertilization’ which is utterly misleading. CO2+H2O = most life on earth.
Anyway, ignoring basic chemistry, this was a multinational effort. And showed ‘greening’ twice the size of the continental US.
Or two Brazils.
The period was 1988 to 2014, 26 years. And it amounted to 14% of the land surface now green! So I checked, CO2 went up 14% in the same period. And no one thought to notice?
All this is old news makes a point also made by Prof William Happer in his talks as he talks of the ‘Gas of Life’. It is staggeringly important.
Most of the laws, like Australia’s incredibly punitive Safeguard Mechanism 2023 (1st July) demand a 5% drop in CO2 output per year for 7 years affecting almost all big companies means they either shut down or buy Carbon Farming Credits, something legislated in 2013. You cannot make steel or concrete or glass or any metal without making CO2! Or transport food or operate mines or transport people by air, sea or land. (Apart from electric cars which run on coal).
So you grow trees to absorb the CO2 you produce. This in the UK has meant hundreds of tree farms where farmers stop growing food and start growing trees for profit. Because trees are made of CO2. (not fertilizer)
But in the world’s biggest CO2 experiment increased CO2 was directly responsible for growing two Brazilian rain forests and CO2 DID NOT GO DOWN!
By the way, captured by the Safeguard Mechanism are the 250 ‘biggest polluters’ which includes all steel, all transport (trucks,miners), all concrete, all sewage (MMBW), all shipping (Tasmanian Ferry), all glass makers, all aircraft operators.
So who seriously believes the Trans Tasman Ferry should reduce operations by 35% by 2030 or grow and equivalent number of trees?
Or that Melbourne’s Sewage should drop by 35%?
It’s insane, like all Carbon logic. Billions of trees grew and CO2 went up, because CO2 went up. So trees do NOT reduce CO2, but how is that possible because trees do absorb/sequester/capture huge amounts of CO2? And the answer is simple. CO2 is infinite and any CO2 used is just replaced by the ocean which controls CO2 as 98% of all CO2 is in the ocean in equilibrium with a fixed vapour pressure. Use it and it is replaced.
Which is Prof Happer’s second point, that CO2 is constant across the world. A huge bushfire in Australia but the extra CO2 is quickly gone. It’s not the ‘fertilizer’. It’s the extra CO2 producing rapid growth in phytoplankton which can have a life of a few days, like a vast forest which grows immediately with extra CO2. (it has plenty of water and sunshine)
Even in the bottom third of the planet where we and only 2% of all people live. And in the Shanghai/Los Angeles belt where 60% live. CO2 levels are not affected in the slightest by humans or trees.
Is this logic simple enough to destroy carbon credits? It’s so obviously nuts. And the reason CO2 has gone up at all and completely independently of human activity is simple slight steady warming, not UN President Gutteres’ age of ‘Ocean Boiling’.
This one 2016 NASA report from 32 researchers representing many countries makes it clear that trees do not control CO2, CO2 controls trees. The reverse of the carbon credits logic is true. If the water warms, trees go up and CO2 goes up simultaneously. A world based on farming carbon credits is completely nuts. As is the idea of a city like Melbourne reducing sewage by 35% on the command of the Federal government.
But maybe if they reduce the food supply by 35%, the reduction in sewage will work? Because the other objective of the so called Greens is to reduce the food supply and starve the world into submission, unless there is another explanation for the attack in Australia and the EU on all farming? I am staggered that the media ignore the 35% tax on turnover of the 250 biggest companies in Australia as the ‘biggest polluters’. That’s our entire source of income blown away.
And the farmers across Europe are saying the same thing. No farmers, no food. And this is about nitrates and methane, which are 1% of CO2 in volume and that is 1% of water vapour, the biggest greenhouse gas by far. So why are governments across the world attacking farmers? Have the WEF and the Club of Rome convinced career politicians or public servants to destroy whole populations by mad science free legislation?
Man made CO2, man made Global Warming, man made Climate Change are lies, self evidently wrong as proven by NASA.
I am not a denier of truth. You cannot deny something which is not true. And real science, NASA, evidence and incredibly simple logic says it’s all wrong. But the attack on Western Democracies and only Western Democracies (including Sri Lanka) is in full swing, from mad migration to killing fossil fuels, to stopping essential fertilizer and the growing of food and even rezoning the most productive farmland for cities and windmills and power lines.. And I ask myself why? Cui Bono? And I get only one answer.
Good to see you back TdeF
Trees and CO2:
Trees are a dubious example. While the sunlight is falling on the chlorophyll, photosynthesis processes the CO2 and Water, (remember THAT “greenhouse gas”?).
HOWEVER when the trees go to the “dark-side” as they do EVERY night, the process partially “reverses.”Mature forests are NOT “growing forests except after old treed fall over and clear a space for something new, or a decent fire does something similar on a larger scale. The floor of a deep, “mature” forest may be a great habitat for cockroaches and lichen, but not so much for anything on a higher order of type.
This is why MOST of the “activity” in serious forests takes place up in the canopy, ; birds, monkeys, bats, critters that can jump or fly from tree to tree, which is also where the flowering takes place. Flowering that is mostly consumed as food by the local wildlife.
It is, literally, a jungle out there.
“Mature” forests are almost “carbon neutral”, Serious forests with a deep litter layer in the floor and most likely to be active producers of CO2 and METHANE.
Young, fast-growing plants, like edible crops, especially grains, are the big “terrestrial” absorbers.
BUT, the absolute bulk of this process takes place courtesy of the phytoplankton in the top couple of feet of the world’s OCEANS, again on a cyclic basis as the planet revolves.
And, if the planet did NOT revolve as it does, the side facing the big Nuke in the sky, would be baked to a crisp and the other side a frigid wasteland
“trees do absorb/sequester/capture huge amounts of CO2”
But trees cannot go out and capture the CO2, they must wait for the CO2 to come to them, whether it’s blown by wind or falls from higher levels in the atmosphere. How long does it take for CO2 emissions from a jet plane a few klms up in the atmosphere to fall to the levels at which they can by captured by the trees? I expect it would be a lot longer than it would take for the CO2 emitted by a coal burning generator at ground level.
Tree Line?
The elevation higher than which trees and general plant types are unable to flourish.
1. Too cold.
2. Insufficient CO2.
Co2 is a fairly dense gas; it SINKS in the atmosphere. Like all other atmospheric gases, it gets churned about with the others, but in an atmosphere that contains 79 point something NITROGEN, it is a “trace” gas, anyway.
It is also a handy thing that the body produces CO2 as an “exhaust gas. Its presence is what stimulates the lungs to tell the brain to tell the diaphragm to move and expel the CO2 and than drag in a lungful or two of “air” (at almost 80% Nitrogen) to get at the Oxygen that is essential to keeping the cycle running. The “Carbon Dioxide reflex is a KEY part of living. And just for giggles, pure Oxygen at two or more Atmospheres pressure is seriously TOXIC,
Tucker Carlson has been placed on the Ukrainian Government’s Myrotvorets KILL LIST.
I find it a amazing that the West is sending hundreds of billions of dollars to one of the most corrupt governments on the planet and not even asking for audited accounts of how the money is being spent.
I don’t … the grift, the corruption runs deep.
And here is Biden saying that.
One of the most corrupt dictatorships.
Presidential elections were scheduled to be held in Ukraine on 31 March 2024 according to the constitution, which mandates elections be held on the last Sunday of March of the fifth year of the incumbent president’s term of office. However, in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, since 24 February 2022 the Ukrainian government has enacted martial law, and Ukrainian law does not allow elections to be held when martial law is in effect.
Russia plans presidential vote in annexed Ukrainian regions. The presidential election in Russia will be held on 15–17 March 2024.
Ukraine has had to take extraordinary measures to fight Russia’s invasion. Among them, the government has consolidated the country’s television outlets and dissolved rival political parties. It says it needs to do this to maintain a united front in fighting Russia. NPR’s Emily Feng reports from Kyiv.
EMILY FENG, BYLINE: Before the war, Ukraine had a dizzying array of television news stations. But in March, President Zelenskyy decided to consolidate them into one 24-hour channel. But not all stations were included.
I’m sure it’s like the millions we Australians pay each year on ‘indigenous programs’, most of which never gets to the alleged cause. Sticky fingers ensure that 90% (I’m guessing) never leaves the city limits but instead enriches the senior people running the programs and providing the ‘services’, with some form of kickback to government officers. A huge slice of the Ukraine funding is actually disbursed in America.
Look at the audit of the Pentagon. Trillions disappeared (or channeled to black budget projects).
A lot, probably 50% +, sent to Ukraine in money and weapons gets appropriated (look at the Zelensky family acquisitions) or resold to foreign countries for their own wars.
Same again for Palestine – vast amounts of money and weapons gone.
Pick a US-initiated/supported war. Same deal.
If Ukraine is selling all their gifts on the black market, how have they resisted the world’s second military power for two years, inflicting 400,000 casualties?
Without MASSIVE amounts of western money, weapons and manpower, they’d have been toast in the first week.
CNN bad, m’kay.
Anyone who did not know the Ukraine government was a fascist kleptocracy has not been there. But Joe Biden as VP wanted to control it and Barack Obama handed him the country. Why?
The biggest country in Europe in size and population, most Russian speakers including Zelenasky and the biggest exporter of wheat after Russia is also the poorest with neighbour tiny Moldavia. And the money has always gone somewhere else and not to the people who are incredibly poor and ravaged by that disease of the poor, tuberculosis.
But Joe Biden’s totally unqualified son who has never been there, does not speak, read or write Russian/Ukraninan, the son of the US VP was appointed to the board of Burisma?
And no one questioned Joe Biden’s insistence that the President of Ukraine fire the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma? That is exactly what Donald Trump was impeached for allegedly suggesting when Joe Biden openly admitted it on the record and on National television? But no one said anything?
The whole war is a terrible tragedy on a massive scale. The Russian speaking Donbas wanted its independence and a war with Ukraine had been running for a decade. It was a live war zone, as we knew. The last time the US interfered, it was for Muslim Kosovo against Russian speaking Serbia. This picturing Russia as the great Satan of the US does conveniently ignore the real enemy, China.
It is an unbelievable tragedy that 500,000 young men have died. Like Afghanistan. For what? The good guys/bad guys story is completely wrong. China is playing both sides, as are Turkey and Iran, two more cunning neighbours of Russia who are playing the US/EU like a fiddle. And our press feeds the chooks with the US Democrat line. Iran, Russia and North Korea, the axis of evil. Never China. And all four are eyeing the biggest piece of real estate on the planet. Plus the UK, Germany, France and the US, no friends of Russia as proven in 1812, 1855, 1918, 1939 and the cold war.
Interesting that 1939 is included in the list for Russian enemies. Didn’t Russia sign a pact with Hitler around then, and then take over half of Poland? I suppose those Murmansk convoys were sailed into the Arctic waters, because the Allies had too many ships, and needed to lose some?
I am a huge supporter of President Trump but I think he’s wrong in his comments about conservatives forgiving Anheuser-Busch for their insult to the views of their biggest customers. They went woke and got a man pretending to be a women to be the new face of Bud Light (for which he got paid US$185,000).
It was the first and only boycott ever made by conservatives and fellow rational thinkers and a huge success.
Do not end the boycott unless they make a sincere apology. Even then, the brand, especially Bud Light, is permanently damaged. Only a rabid Leftist weenie would be seen drinking it.
Get woke, go broke.
Matt Walsh has some excellent comments:
Bill Gates’ foundation buys Anheuser-Busch stock worth $95 million after Bud Light financial fallout
You thinking that Trump is doing Gates a favour?
You should be able to tell by now, thinking is not something I spend alot of time thinking about.
The maker of Bud Light is no longer an American company. InBev is a Belgium Brewer.
In July 2008 Anheuser-Busch agreed to be purchased by InBev for approximately $52 billion. After the takeover was finalized in November, the newly formed Anheuser-Busch InBev became the world’s largest brewer.
A Rivian EV SUV is tested on the US and just passes through safety guard rails as though they weren’t there.
As much as I despise EVs, that crash test doesn’t mean much because most trucks and vans would also demolish those guard rails. It does serve to emphasise just how heavy they are though.
I noticed that the now fully-woke Nature magazine is paying for ads on Farcebook to promote this scary story.
It seems quite odd that a supposed science journal would promote its articles on Farcebook.
Today’s word of the day is Laputa.
Does that make dreamers like Chris Bowen, Laputans?
Laputa – where renewables, bearded women, lefties and Trump haters can go and live out their fantasies together.
I’ll lock and weld the gate once they’re all inside. 😎
Try this Australian Outback route in an EV.
Here, I am converting a picture of a sign to text.
Just one large pot hole that would cause an EV to bottom out and hit the battery pack would required a complete battery pack replacement.!
Road? Since when was it a road??
It has a slight resemblance to a track, maybe.
“Spinifex & Sand”is a good read.
Be prepared to evacuate on your governments command.
At this very moment your east coast is being attacked by a large gathering of far right, antivaxxer, terrorist CO2’s. This CO2 is disguised as a CAT 5 Atmospheric River. This river is believed to have formed on January 6th.
If these terrorists intensify their attacks further, they will form a CAT 1 Atmospheric Tsunami, if this event occurs all hope for Comiefornia is lost. (or did that happen last election?) Please gather tarpaulins and cover up the valuable street art (that the rest of the world call excrement) that dots your cities, save these little piles of history so that future generations can learn.
Of course if Carbon has a foot print in that, there is no telling the furry that may, might, possibly, could be unleashed.
Advice #1, the most important thing you can do in the event of an atmospheric river is…get vaxxinated.
Advice #2, heed advice #1.
I watched this video of a Category 5 Atmospheric River, devastating Comiefornia, I thought they are now stretching the fear porn, but no they made this up in 2021.
Jimmy Dore, on EU farmers.
The attack on Aussie farmers, comes from a different angle.
Apparently it’s been hot in W.A. – perhaps Jo could tell us how she’s surviving that Cat 5 – or is it a Cat 6? – three day warm spell, or as their BoM call it, heatwave. The rest of Australia, ie. 97%, looks fairly average considering it’s high summer.
Our Bunch Of Muppets, MetService, are warning of “snow to 1,200m” tomorrow, then to around 2,000m for the following two days down south. Must be that mythical 1.5 degrees what done it.
It’s also been snowing across parts of the UK, Scandinavia & the Alps, central China, western USA, and even at the South Pole today, ‘melting’ at 30-something below freezing.
Today’s DOG award (Delusions Of Grandeur) goes to Berkeley Earth’s Zeke Howsyerfather with regard to ‘climate action’, whatever that is, via BBC:
“That means we can ultimately control how much warming the world experiences”.
Two weeks of Perth temps in the high 30s, around 38-41C. Finally, a genuine heatwave. Will be glad to escape it soon and invade the shaky isles for a while.
John Heywood wrote this in 1546:
Mr Bean has been blamed for the fall in sales of EVs in the UK!
This is the opening heading on the Steyn on-line trial:
I can only assume it is accurate. Nothing yet on the awarded damages.
To say it is disappointing is an understatement.
Was never going to win, its a 7 trillion dollar a year industry based on thin air.
Nothing will ever get in the way of a Banker and his money.
If true, this could mean the end of Mark – literally. I hope he’ll be OK.
Mann will be $1M richer if Steyn and Simberg are not bankrupt.
It pays to be on the side of the ruling class rather than working class.
It is a strange award that the Judge may reduce a lot. Steyn foolishly represented himself and the jury did not like him. But sadly Mann still won. Truth be damned.
Steyn misjudged the jury. In his closing he constantly used the phrase – no case to answer. As true as that may be, the jury proved him wrong. They showed him they held the upper hand.
The closing remarks from Mann’s lawyer was that this case was about Trump and climate deniers. He knew who he was talking to. I thought that 90% of DC voted Democrat but it was actually 95% voted for Biden. Trump is enemy #1 in DC. He threatens the livelihood of so many ensconced there.
I am looking forward to Judith Curry’s blog on the trial.
It is my hope that neither of the last two US presidents win office again.
So “Michelle” Obummer then?
Oprah Winfrey maybe?
YOU tell us a good choice AND why.
Hilarious how you twist names!
the 2024 USA Presidential election there will be NO good choices.
Yes that can be read two ways and both seem appropriate.
$5 says neither Trump nor Biden will be a valid vote.
The FULL 2 hour Tucker Carlson Putin interview
Oh look – a real journalist doing a real interview!
Take note dying legacy corrupt MSM – that is what YOU should be doing.
TUCKER Let’s touch on climate change. It’s still being pushed in the United States and Europe. What’s your position?
PUTIN: Humanity is not even a Type 1 civilization on the Kardashev scale. If we can’t harness the energy potential of the planet how can we control the climate?
TUCKER: Are you at least concerned?
PUTIN: I’m more concerned with real issues. Climate change is not one of them. The Earth does a fairly good job of regulating itself. And if Siberia gets a little warmer all the better. More farmland for Russia.
TUCKER: But what would you tell the true believers who’re convinced we’re headed for disaster?
PUTIN: I’d tell them worrying about climate change is like complaining about the weather. If you don’t like the climate, move. If you are worried about the weather, get an umbrella.
I like his response.
That transcript is fake. Watch the video.
Putin was actually very generous in saying ‘We have an agreement already (March 2022) lets stick by that’.
Tucker Putin Interview – Rapid React
A bit of advice to Joe Biden and company: Always check who’s holding your balls.
Putin was awesome. Even Tucker was a passenger in this interview. If people do not understand Ukraine after this explanation, then they are simply irrational or being paid to hold contrarian opinions, like the government’s climate scientists.
Ukraine to draft 500k citizens. Refusing means your assets will be frozen
More meat for the neocon grinder.
Kiev’s parliament, which now outlaws opposition parties, will soon allow for bank account seizures as a punishment for noncompliance. Ukrainians abroad will have their assets frozen.
All tied to the government issued smartphone app…
Project looking glass. See your own futures.
Aussie BONDS wants to go bust now too
Yes, it’s a bearded bikini model, formerly known as a man.
Let them go bust. Who cares. We have bigger things to worry about.
How Project Fear and the Vaccine Rewrote the Software of the Brain
Michael Nehls’s fascinating book The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom charts the extent to which our mental capacities and sense of self have been in long-term decline owing to the pervasiveness of technology, modern lifestyle choices and media-transmitted fear and anxiety.
He speculates that the vaccination programme has been used to impair cognition more directly, targeting the hippocampus (the part of the brain which oversees the consolidation of short-to-long-term memory and spatial memory) and autobiographical memory.
He suggests that the manipulation of human behaviour has now gone beyond an understanding of psychology, sociology or through ‘nudging’, and into the realms of ‘environmental engineering.
The hippocampus, he points out, facilitates autobiographical memory, where our sense of self and individuality originates. Nehls conjectures that lockdowns, isolation and social distancing, relentless government propaganda and a fearmongering media have trained this part of the brain into more permanent states of fear, anxiety (fight, flight, or freeze) and depression for a great many people.
He points out many studies which show that, over time, these states can overwrite the software of the brain – specifically autobiographical memory – promoting changes in behaviour that begin to reflect an indoctrinated version of reality, comprising new beliefs around a person’s identity and their environment, and subsequent changes in behaviour and outlook.
You vill obey ze rules. Your mind iz too weak to rezist.
Dream on, suckers. 😉
Friday WTF. Samsung tech knifes tv to avoid repair
Not the first time Samsung eh.
That’s pretty low.
No doubt he was sacked and should face charges as well.
Neil Oliver: ‘…a steel fist in a velvet glove…’
The farms won’t be profitable if the farmers are out of business.
some one will still need to pay the rates/real estate taxes.
Or possibly some good friend of the local council can buy cheap land at an auction??
Uber rich elites know that, if/when the financial faeces hits the fan and FIAT currencies become worthless, land will define wealth and power. I have no doubt well-heeled buyers have their beady eyes on all the sonn-to-be-redundant farmland.
Joe Biden won’t stand trial for keeping classified documents at his home. The investigator has decided Biden is too old, and has too bad a memory, that the chance of a beyond reasonable doubt conviction is unlikely.
So, we have a guy who is too old and incompetent to stand trial. But is allowed to run the USA.
Maybe he’s not actually running things. Just a Weekend at Bernie’s human prop while others behind the scenes run things.
The ABC version:
SMH has also produced a story, paywalled.
Dave B
Friday WTF: Mercedes introduce “jumping mode” to escape from sand and mud
3-prong strikes again…
This is my latest look at the performance of the GISS E2.1 climate models with regard spatial and temporal prediction of surface temperature:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhzmb0Mdpfz-rFBvI?e=gdSCek
Mann wins.
A deplorable outcome
The Science was not on trial
It was comparing Mann to a rapist
Another covid FWIW –
“Get ready for another 2024 mind-blower. Diligent independent researcher Sasha Latypova, most well-known for heroically combing through seemingly billions of pages of public records to help uncover and expose the U.S. military’s early involvement in the pandemic response, published a remarkable Substack this week titled, “Audio Leaked from AstraZeneca: Covid was classified as a National Security Threat by the US Government/DOD on February 4, 2020.” Assuming Sasha’s audio is legit and her dating is correct — she’s been reliable so far — this is the biggest covid story in years, tucked away in a quiet little Substack post.”
More at
It’s interesting we never see the two words, pandemic, and election in close proximity?
Geoff Buys Cars.
New EU regs for ICE
In this video we’re talking about the EU’s plans to ban the repair of older vehicles.
Cars over 15 years old are in the firing line – they really do want us out of our affordable old cars, and they’re coming for the classic car industry next.
I have watched a few of his now since someone here posted a link, (who I now suspect was Geoff himself) I have never seen him buy a car.
WEF Davos 2024: Here’s What The Elites Are Planning For You!
36 mins
Read an interesting piece about a guy (well, a pair of guys really)who drove a Tesla around Australia in 10 days. The fanboys in the comments were punching the air, saying that will show all the doubter/deniers and musing how they would have to look elswhere to sow FUD (fear,uncertainty and doubt)
To summarise, they think its an acheivement to:
– do what you could do in any ICE car half the price;
– celebrate doing in 2023 what ICE cars have been doing since the middle of last century;
– do a trip that literally nobody would want to do;
– do a trip that deliberately avoids any significant load our towing;
– do a trip that never deviates off major highways.
It seems all they demonstrated was the presence of charging points. They have an app for that.
here is the site
There is another interesting article on the site about a couple who towed a modified caravan around the lap in an EV. The modifications included a hefty battery in the caravan. Once again a short duration trip (30 something days from memory) with a van more kitted out for energy supply than staying on the road. A bit like an ICE owner punching the air because they drove 3000klm with going to a service station because they were towing a fuel tank on a trailer.
“Rooftop solar panels: warning lights are flashing”
“Make Your Mind Up! Now British Government Wants to Arrest People For Wearing a Mask”