A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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+0.83K 12/23, Dr. Roy Spencer, UAH 6.0
Seems current heat may have peaked, but I wouldn’t bet my house on it just yet.
It will be interesting to see if the water vapour emitted by the volcano had a significant impact on temperatures
That’s what I’m wondering too.
China is in the grip of unprecedented freezing, I’ll bet my house on UAH temperatures falling.
-29C Greenland Summit
-25C Arctic / N Pole
-24C Antarctic / S Pole
Thursday 4 Jan 2024
Who, me worry?
Meanwhile NIWA released their 2023 PANIC Report: NZ had 5 ‘red alert’ warnings last year for rain/wind storms: meh, standard weather for these latitudes, who needs colour-coded hype nonsense – apart from crooks scamming MORE taxpayer funds to play computer games with fractions of degrees.
Friday 5 Jan 2024
Southern Alps: “Snow to 2200m”.
Crisis? Same as it ever was.
Been noticing a penchant in the MSM to plaster the colour coded maps in their articles. Their cut and paste never includes the legend so you are left to guess what they really mean. Looks sciencey though.
They also have taken to using the phrase “life threatening” quite liberally. The hype rolls on.
Probably best you stop gambling, your one down already with you temperature dropping bets.
100% failure rate to date, if I gambled I would take you up on that, as I am sure the ones controlling the narrative won’t allow that to occur.
Low Intensity?
Moderate Intensity?
High Intensity?
Around middle 1970s I travelled during a January in a very hot cabin International V8 petrol engine truck carting wheat for seeding purposes in South Western New South Wales, three trucks and two were Bedford diesels. It was a real heatwave period over 40C every day and not much cooler overnight.
Was that a climate emergency?
In the early 1970s Dennis, you would have been a very young chap.
So, it’s more likely you were suffering from a bank balance emergency.
“2023 Was the Warmest Year In the 45-Year Satellite Record”
Funny, it was one of the coldest on the surface.. None of the really hot weeks we expect in Aussie, a cold spring, although few of the freezing days of snow and ice I suppose. Fairly middling really..
The Hunga Tonga eruption was unprecedented.
JRA-55: 2023 was the warmest year on record and 1.45C above the pre-industrial average:
That could be good or bad news, take your pick, if they only they knew what the pre-industrial (revolution) global average temperature was.
Looking at two earlier super El Nino its possible to discern Hunga Tonga’s impact.
How do they get averages?
Hi MP,
Generally they use satellite data. Unfortunately, as outlined by NASA, satellite data can be considered useful but not accurate. “Satellites don’t directly measure temperature or the surface where people live. Instead, they measure the brightness of Earth’s atmosphere. Scientists then use computer models to convert this brightness data into temperature information. To make matters more challenging, scientists gather brightness data from more than 16 different satellites. Think of it like receiving a box of puzzle pieces without a picture to guide you on how to complete the puzzle. Experts face a similar puzzle-solving task as they work with data from satellites that were launched in different decades since 1978. They must figure out how all these pieces fit together to create a coherent picture of Earth’s temperature.” The all omnipotent Computer Models – again. “In summary, while satellites provide valuable information about Earth’s temperature, ground thermometers are considered more reliable because they directly measure the temperature where people reside. Satellite data require complex processing and modeling to convert brightness measurements into temperature readings, making ground thermometers a more direct and accurate source of temperature information for us.” So, in summary, if satellite data is put through the correct computer model, that will always give you the answer you are looking for.
Not quite what I meant, but thanks for the info.
The Weather lady told me I am suffering through a horrendous heat wave at the moment, with max day time temps 1.4 degrees above the average.
Terrified I ran and looked at the max temp recorded on my non certified thermometer, it was (hope your sitting) 31 degrees, they told me 32 so close enough, but they told me I was in danger of heat stroke and to keep my fluids up, they should of also advised me to take my flannelette shirt off, but because the experts did not advise me of this, I remained in grave danger.
If 32 is 1.4 above average, then the average is a non-terrifying 30.6, so my question is, do they use average Max temps for the month is the average what it should be as I appear to do averages different to the experts.
I am writing this in my flannel at 10am in a staggering 25 degrees, and it’s only the second day of this heat wave, what is the correct temperature to take my shirt off, and what temp will I die at?
With the now boiling point of the planet at 14.4 degrees, (up from 14.8 last year) what level of fear should I be at, the BOM has me on red level, but they like to water these things down to prevent panic.
Hi MP,
In the Northern Hemisphere summer last year, the main stream media published a temperature map of “Europe on fire” to support the hottest ever narrative. Turns out it wasn’t even unreliable satellite data. It was generated by – you guessed it – a computer model with absolutely no basis in fact. The real fact is that the UNIPCC and all their captive cronies, have complete blinkers on when it comes to climate. They will only recognize total solar irradiance as the sole energy input to the climate system. This is in spite of hundreds of scientific papers that have been researched, written, peer reviewed and published that show a much wider range of energy inputs including magnetic coupling, atmospheric electrical circuits and particle forcing. The IPCC even published deliberate lies about TSI from the PMOD labs to support their narrative. It begs the question, if man made climate change is real, why do they have to lie about it?
Did they use Stevenson Screens during pre-industrial times?
Did the use temperature probes?
Why are pre-industrial temperatures acceptable when pre-1910 temperatures are removed by BoM from its records?
They couldn’t have been using Australian data to calculate the pre-industrial times because in the official Australian climate record, everything before 1910 has been deleted.
Seems the Federation Drought simply vanished.
No, Tel,
It resides at Climate Data Online, a BOM web site.
Just today, I downloaded Melbourne daily temperatures starting in 1856.
Geoff S
“Pre industrial” another BS red flag
Simon, if you remember the History that was taught in schools wa-a-ay back, when I was at school, you’ll know that William the Great (‘Conqueror’), Norman King of England 1066 to 1087, instituted a national program of accurate weather observations, at stations exactly twelve miles apart, using Stevenson Screens that he, personally, presciently invented. And those years – obviously – were much, much cooler than present times – the ‘Global Boiling Nonsense Times’.
We just don’t have the records – accurate to three decimal places, in degrees C [also presciently invented, by the way!] – yet.
I imagine they’ll shortly be unearthed at an ‘educational establishment’ “somewhere in Pennsylvania”. Could they be found near a proxy in urgent need of splicing?
This, naturally (unnaturally?) proves that were all gonna die (TM).
The authorities have taken to naming storms, no longer can they just be unremarked spells of normal winter weather of strong winds and heavy rain.
They also increasingly highlight weather warnings for reasons that often elude me. Perhaps someone can suggest why our local forecast for Friday warrants a weather warning( the exclamation mark)
But Tonyb,
it is the duty of empathic government and media public servants to inform you and your fellow citizens that the sky is falling.
We are facing …
Polar Vortexes
Heat Domes
Atmospheric Rivers
and Negative or Positive Feedback Loops (Sorry, I’m unclear on which is catastrophic)
… such fearful unprecedented things not seen in millions of years.
Climate Change doesn’t matter here in the US because we are facing the frightening possible return of Trumpler.
He is using his Trumpler voodoo powers to convince deplorables to vote for him, which would end Democracy.
Of course as I like to point out, ending Democracy would make it a lot easier to achieve Net Zero, which is a lot more important than any silly Democracy.
You missed the “sweat bombs”
Came up on NT News 29th Dec 2023, now behind paywall
Only because in my part of the world, we’re getting snow that children can’t see.
I heard that DJT called one Stormy.
And here – temporarily – in the fjords, we’re experiencing Wet Forenoon Roanillo.
Definitely dampening.
Tho Sunny Intervals Mo’reen, Nigel and Octavia will be here before nightfall. It is forecast! Which is about the same as “It is whispered in the Bazaars, oh Hassan … “!
The other day I remarked on the apparently woke Fireworks in Sydney on New Years Eve with its political messaging.. Someone kindly sent me a link to the ABC coverage. I thought our New Years Eve programmes here in the UK were dire, but this was tedious beyond belief. As for the Rap group-dreadful
Did to you see the London Mayor’s show then?
I did. The Sydney ones were much worse as regards politics in what was a very long shows. Quite how Khan keeps in power I don’t know.
It is indeed one of life’s great mysteries.
Tonyb You might like this take on the ABC’s New Year’s eve presentation
This explosion at funeral of Terror chief in Iran is likely to have serious repercussions
Who did it? I think the Israelis are unlikely to be the culprits as they must realise this would give Iran the opportunity of getting involved. There are many enemies of the Iran regime from Kurds to other sects of the main religion. But this is mass murder and who will want to own up to killing many dozens of ordinary people as well as the terrorists also likely to be in attendance.
Well, lets wait and see who benefits.. Will the CIA be cheering if Iran attacks Israel and then the war spreads across the Middle East, negating the BRICS acquisition of control of the oil.
“But this is mass murder and who will want to own up to killing many dozens of ordinary people as well as the terrorists also likely to be in attendance.”
The Israelis kill many dozens of ordinary people every day in Gaza but no one seems to regard this as mass murder
That is a different theatre, the Sunni’s were most likely behind this explosion, they support ISIS.
Pick a conflict, any conflict, any era, dont let me force one on you. I doubt the are many countries that have not inflicted mass murder on others. Its the way we humans operate.
Since a member of IS had already been arrested in respect to a planned attack in Iran, it seems reasonable to assume that the arrest did not stop a planned attack. The activity of IS suggests that the mullahs of Iran may well have more to concern themselves with other than Israel and the USA.
In September, the Fars news agency reported that a key “operative” affiliated with the Islamic State group, in charge of carrying out “terrorist operations” in Iran, had been arrested in Kerman.
In July, Iran’s intelligence ministry said it had disbanded a network “linked to Israel’s spy organisation” that had been plotting “terrorist operations” across Iran, IRNA reported.
The alleged plots included “planning an explosion at the grave” of Soleimani, it said.
Soleimani, who ..
Read more at:
Toronto fire chief warns of lithium-ion batteries’ risks after e-bike fire on TTC subway
Plant-based sandwiches, salads and pizza are NOT healthier than meat options, study reveals
Good news for 2024 already!
El Niño’s changing patterns: Human influence on natural variability
Solar Forcing of ENSO on Century Timescales
The second study:
A Walker switch mechanism driving millennial-scale climate variability
From the second article Abstract (my capitals added)
A key goal of paleoclimate science is to identify the source of millennial-scale climate fluctuations, it is still incompletely understood what causes rapid sub-orbital changes in climate that were common during glacial periods. Here, we provide a continuous, precisely dated speleothem record from southeastern Alaska that spans the last 13.5 ka. Despite its location in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, this record shows an equatorial Pacific climate pattern during the end of the last deglaciation and Holocene, and is at odds with North Atlantic climate patterns, calling into question the bipolar seesaw mechanism for the Pacific realm. Because of this, we propose a new mechanism to account for sub-orbitally forced climate changes. The mechanism, termed the Walker switch, IS FORCED BY INSOLATION and results in rapid zonal sea-surface temperature changes in the equatorial Pacific. The climatic effects of the Walker switch are propagated across the globe, including the high northern latitudes.
It’s the sun what did it.
Solar Forcing of ENSO on Century Timescales- Spot the difference..
“This relationship dissolved after ∼1970 CE, with ENSO now being dominated by anthropogenic forcing. ”
“ENSO significantly changed properties at ∼1970 CE, likely due to anthropogenic forcing”
“the speleothems also show that humans have altered this natural variability, with ENSO entering a new mean state after ∼1970 CE.”
Sounds like he has no clue as to why it changed in 1970, has not investigated possible reasons and is quite happy to blame human CO2 to keep his grants coming! Its a shame he couldn’t use the same methodology to investigate what happened in the past when CO2 soared.
Wenjju Cai (CSIRO) crunched the numbers last July and correctly predicted that this El Nino wouldn’t be ‘super’. ENSO is not experiencing a new mean state.
‘Looking to history as a guide, this makes the likelihood of a so-called ‘super El Niño’ this year low. What scientists refer to as extreme El Niños such as the 1997 and 2015 events tend not to follow consecutive La Niña events.
‘Since 1950, there have been five three-year La Niña events — 2020-2022, 1998-2000, 1983-1985, 1973-1975 and 1954-1956.
None of them were followed by an extreme El Niño, and only one was followed by a strong El Niño in 1957.’
Given the water vapour injected into the atmosphere by Hunga-Tonga in 2022. Is there an opportunity to measure negative feedbacks to the rise in atmospheric water vapour?
“Collapsing Antarctic Scare Narrative…4 NEW Papers Find Antarctic Ice Is MORE STABLE Than Thought”
This will need to be quickly “Simonised”
One of the CNN trio. 😉
Does that include the under ice volcano scare being untrue?
Got a link for us, the scientists have grave concerns.
Researchers say that the recent discovery of 91 volcanoes, in addition to the 47 that were already known across west Antarctica, means that east Africa’s volcanic ridge no longer has the densest concentration of volcanoes.
However this new record may have dire consequences, scientists explained.
“If one of these volcanoes were to erupt it could further destabilise west Antarctica’s ice sheets,” said Robert Bingham, a glacier expert who co-authored the paper. “Anything that causes the melting of ice – which an eruption certainly would – is likely to speed up the flow of ice into the sea,” which would then result in sea-level rises.
It is now widely accepted that volcanoes play a pivotal role in Antarctic ice melt.
‘An intriguing paper by Loose et al. published in Nature Communications in 2018 provides additional evidence. The researchers measured the composition of isotopes of helium detected in glacial meltwater flowing from the Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf. They found evidence of a source of volcanic heat upstream of the ice shelf.
‘Located on the West Antarctic ice sheet, Pine Island Glacier is the fastest melting glacier in Antarctica, responsible for nearly a quarter of all Antarctic ice loss. By measuring the ratio between helium’s two naturally-occurring isotopes, scientists can tell whether the helium taps into Earth’s hot mantle or is a product of crust that is relatively passive tectonically.’ (NASA)
“Review Shows COVID-19 Vaccines “Significantly” More Deadly Than Flu Shots: Sen. Ron Johnson”‘
“Mr. Johnson cited the study as part of a request for internal studies, documents, and data surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines’ development and safety.
“When it comes to responding to my data requests on the adverse events associated with the COVID-19 vaccines, your arrogant lack of transparency has been unprecedented, irresponsible, and completely unacceptable,” chided the senator, who serves as the top Republican on the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.”
“Over the course of the last 32 months, I have raised questions, sent formal requests, and conducted oversight on the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines.”
“Instead of addressing my legitimate questions and requests for information, you and other public health officials continue to promote the COVID-19 vaccines as safe and effective and often use the number of vaccine doses administered as support for that misleading claim.”
“Florida Surgeon General Confirms Dark Secret About the mRNA COVID-19 “Vaccines” ”
Not even 1 full week into 2024 and look at all we’ve seen happen so far, and about to.
Watch the middle east especially Iran, for Japan pt 2, and major quakes 8+ at key points. That pressure has to be released.
The Donbas has Europe’s largest Lithium deposits?
That 500,000 tons forms part of Russia’s 1.5M tons reserve, making it a major player compared to China and their 2M tons.
Wouldn’t that help with the EU’s energy “transition”, stalling due to lack of resources.
How interesting.😎
Hopefully the start!
Pfizer faces legal action over ‘vaccine’ lies
I seem to remember that Pfizer didn’t entirely do it all on their own. It wasn’t anyone from Pfizer who locked cities down … nor did Pfizer say, “We want to be your only source of truth” and Pfizer certainly never said, “I am the science!”
There must be a few other guilty parties involved.
British police probe VIRTUAL rape in metaverse: Young girl’s digital persona ‘is sexually attacked by gang of adult men in immersive video game’ – sparking first investigation of its kind and questions about extent current laws apply in online world
Police are investigating the first case of rape in the metaverse after a child was ‘attacked’ in a virtual reality video game.
The girl under the age of 16 is said to have been left distraught after her avatar – her digital character – was gang raped by the online strangers.
The headset-wearing victim did not suffer any injuries as there was no physical attack.
But officers said she suffered the same psychological and emotional trauma as someone who has been raped in the real world as the ‘VR’ experience is designed to be completely immersive.
It is thought to be the first time in the UK that a virtual sexual offence has been investigated by police.
Led by Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, tech giants have bet billions of pounds on drawing people – young and old – towards the virtual realm of the ‘metaverse’, selling the chance to live a digitised, fantasy life. The victim was in an online ‘room’ with a large number of fellow users when the virtual assault by several adult men took place.
Police leaders are now calling for legislation to tackle a wave of sexual offending in such a sphere, saying officers’ tactics must evolve to stop perverts using new technology to exploit children.
But the landmark case has prompted questions about whether police should be pursuing virtual offences – given police and prosecutors are currently struggling with an enormous backlog of actual rape cases – and if such an attack should be prosecuted under current laws.
How typical of pommy police to waste time and resources over trivia.
Another juvenile snowflake living in a fantasy world gets upset.
The real world crime can wait, my computer game hurt me psychologically.
Try and hang on – the police are coming!😆
I dont begrudge them an investigatiob.
People who molest or torture and kill animals, graduate to children and then adult victims. Its a known progression.
Identifying people with the mindest to do this in VR may turn up some worthwhile connections. Its unlikely this is isolated behaviour.
GTA does not wean the kids into killers, they are virtual killers as soon as they sit their virtual ar$es behind the virtual wheel.
I do not see how any benefit comes from this type of investigation, do you want laws to prevent virtual rape, and does all thought crime require preventing and laws?
I think the fact a game allows a virtual rape to occur should be the direction of attack.
There is no logic in what you are saying, investigating an Avatar is a good idea?
It smells of BS that whole article, brought to you by the e safety officers. She was under the age of consent for what, that imaginary game would be R rated, should she be charged with false information, entering an age restricted area. That article is lacking in any detail
[Sorry Mp. Suspect your satirical line would be misinterpreted –jo]
Thursday music corner: Sixteen tons, low bass
TWO-THIRDS of CONGRESS cashed a cheque from vaccine manufacturers just months before rollout
72 Senators and 302 members of the House of Representatives cashed a cheque from the pharmaceutical industry in 2020 ahead of the Covid Vaccine rollout.
It was supposed to be the biggest plague since the Black Death, the entire world was shut down to ‘save lives’, our only hope of survival a miracle cure that big pharma was making for us. Then, and only then, might we all survive.
At least that was the narrative. So why were over two-thirds of politicians in Congress paid-off by those pharmaceutical companies? Surely, were people dying of a killer plague then the public would have willingly taken the cure, they’d have beaten down the door to those pharmaceutical companies. There would have been no need for any ‘extra incentives’, and definitely no need for bribery.
Bribery and Corruption
But bribe them they did. Politicians from both political parties took the money too. 198 Democrats and 214 Republicans split $13 million dollars between them in the months prior to the Vaccine launch. The same politicians then went on national television to tell the public to take the vaccine, and that it was definitely “safe and effective”.
Like most other complicit countries…
LockBit 3.0 Claims Attack on Australian Auto Dealer Eagers
Brisbane, Australia-based retail group Eagers Automotive is investigating a cyberattack that disrupted parts of its regional operations and compromised the personal information of some of its customers. Eagers said Tuesday it doesn’t know the full extent of the hack, but it has started notifying customers.
The automotive dealership group announced the cyber incident on Dec. 28, shortly after it had halted the trading of its shares at the Australian Securities Exchange. Eagers operates a wide range of motor vehicle dealerships across Australia and New Zealand and reported $4.8 billion in revenues in the first half of 2023.
Eagers said the cybersecurity incident affected IT systems at some locations in Australia and New Zealand, but a majority of its dealerships continue to operate. The company on Friday provided further details about the malicious cyberattack, stating that it disrupted the company’s ability to complete transactions for some vehicles that had been ordered but not delivered.
Why are people STILL so poorly protected?
I run Kaspersky Premium, Malwarebytes Pro and have ransomware-protected edit and delete-proof archives on top of that.
When an EV company went bust in China recently all of its EVs stopped working since they were networked back to a central computer in the company’s head office.
The no staff to operate the computer all the EVs that they had sold stopped working!!!!
The owners should have phoned the NRMA.
‘Leaksmas’ report calls digital ID ‘primary focus’ of hackers
A U.S. cybersecurity firm analyzing come-ons from dark web entities advertising free stolen personal data says digital ID information is a “primary focus” for criminals.
In what is being referred to so cleverly as “leaksmas,” dark web inhabitations began issuing large plumes of stolen personally identifiable data – 50 million records – much of it free for the taking, over the holidays.
The company, Resecurity, published a report last week saying that it’s clear that cybercriminals are most focused on stealing digital identity information. The motivation for the apparent clearance sale is the short expiration date on some purloined credit-account data.
Researchers for the firm found that a 22-million dataset stolen from a Peruvian telco included national IDs, referred to as DNIs.
According to Resecurity, the DNI is particularly central to citizens’ lives. It reportedly is the only ID document that the government recognizes for use in judicial, administrative, commercial and civil transactions.
The stupid governments and their moronic minion advisors are creating centralised hacker honeypots, not protecting citizens, not stopping tax evasion, not stopping terrorism, not stopping money laundering, not doing anything but making a gigantic digital disaster. But that’s what they do best.
“Why are people STILL so poorly protected?”
Maybe step out of the IT Ivory Tower a little and see how small medium businesses struggle with IT and getting good affordable,non rapacious, advice that they can implement in real life.
Peter Zeihan: Australia in a Post American World
Were are now in a world where Russia, China and India will be the global power brokers
I am suspicious that Russia and China will soon change leaders and direction with national economies declining despite the best efforts to cover up the cracks.
Ah, but I think you’ll find their decline is slower than the West’s. Europe is a basket-case, America ruined, Britain is hopeless and they will drag Aussie down with them. China will have to do without dipping into the honey-pot of the West and sell their goods to the BRICS instead, and as long as China and India need coal and oil Russia will do well.
Just think of the white’s declining birthrate and the sort of people we are importing to shore our populations up. Do you really think traditional Western family values will be around for your grandkids? I wonder what the next worldwide language will be..
You’r going to be bitterly disappointed then.
The US is the closest nation to being self sufficient in the world. They are the biggest consumer of fossil fuels but they are also the world’s largest producer. They have all the coal they will ever need.
The vast plains of fly-over country will prevent food shortages and give an excess with which to “ensure” delivery of rare earths from even hostile nations. Most of what they import they could produce at home or in Canada or Mexico.
Taiwan’s semiconductor industry will never fall into China’s hands. I’m sure a carrier group could rescue the critical equipment and technicians if all else failed.
Ya dreamin if you think BRICS matters, Russia, India and China distrust each other and with good cause. Who is going to call in America’s paper? The idea that China can is laughable, they owe more than the Yanks and they will never get the trillions lent out in BRI. They may end up with a 99 yr lease on a port, but you can’t eat/burn a port or airport lease, even if it is in Italy.
I suspect that all the money owed by virtually every nation is to the banking families, the Rothchilds for example, and how do they foreclose on the US of A? That would blow up the world economy and their paper would become worthless. besides Americe is very valuable to them, they keep the world’s trade routs open so the global economy can steam ahead and their wealth grows. Paying a policeman is money well spent.
Russia is stuffed for a couple of generations already because of this crazy war and China is about to have another revolution.
Hanrahan’s 2024 up for grabs
Nah, he forgot the Sarc tag.
Well Chiefio had a go –
“2024 Will Be?…”
‘China is about to have another revolution.’
True, the guest workers are returning to their villages and there is widespread discontent, however they won’t start a revolution.
The CCP can retain power only with harsh repression, but as the economy implodes there is bound to be a call for change from the middle class. A white paper movement of such extraordinary numbers that the black shirts, surrounded and terrified, will be forced to raise a white flag.
Spot on Hanrahan.
The chicken littles always seem to show their ignorance of the USA’s capacities.
It is an extremely competitive, responsive, innovative and creative economy. It only requires a minor shift in reducing some of the red and green tape to light a fire under tremendous economic expansion. It’s an economic power-house given the right policies.
Trump showed how.
China and Russia have demographic challenges that impact adversely on future growth. The USA, on the other hand, has no such problem. It has labour aplenty – all courtesy of the Mexican non-border.
The USA will be more than just fine. It’s an economic power-house. That’s why its enemies constantly try to diminish it.
And ever since that time, the USA has had four fifths of the “Leadership” class trying their level best to ensure it never happens again.
The USA is not importing “labour” because labour does not come in convenient pre-packaged, homogeneous freezer bags. They are importing people, who will do a wide range of things, some of which might be labour, some might be consumption, but along with that comes beliefs, attitudes, loyalty to various things, behaviour, religion, politics and a host of other non-labour activity.
It might all work out … but there have been many historic examples where mass migration didn’t work out. What happened to Rome in the 3rd Century AD? What happened to Russia when the Mongolians moved in?
Not even close anymore. USA consumed 21.6PWh of fossil fuels in 2022. China significantly higher at 36.1PWh. China alone consumes more than half the world’s coal output.
I expect China would produce as much fossil fuel internally as USA but still needs to import a lot because they use a lot.
Russia has done quite a good job of undermining the European economy. China needs to establish itself as the world bank before it can hurt the USA economically.
The CNY overtook the EUR as the second largest currency used for world trade in 2023:
It is only a matter of time before the CNY overtakes the USD to become the dominant world. currency. When that happens, no country will need or want to hold US debt and US will have to sell up the farm to get the NutZero stuff from China as the UK has been doing. Apparently China now sees UK as a bad bet and are already getting out. Will make it hard for UK to install more NutZero stuff supplied from China because there will be nothing to trade for it.
Entirely possible that the final outcome of BRICS is that they can’t think of anything better and end up deciding to simply use CNY for international trade.
It’s the general de-facto direction they are going, probably China might come up with some nominal Gold peg in order to satisfy the Indians and the Russians but it will be structured in a way they don’t get called out too often. Russia is wedged right now and can’t say no … while India wants ambiguity therefore having unofficial accounts in CNY gives more plausible deniability than signing onto a more formal BRICS agreement.
It will be the decision they come to without making a decision.
Man up MP, state your case or tap out. Remember hatium is no more a plan than hopium.
What are you ranting about this time.
“Remember hatium is no more a plan than hopium.”
No wonder your confused.
Unwilling to state a case other than “America is the Great Satan” it seems.
C’mon man. you have the education, I’m the tradesman.
Your beliefs are your beliefs, I don’t think Satan is a country. In a previous conversation you suggested I vote for one of two evils and evil was our only choice, if this is what you are referring to?
Satan is busy making car parks and controlling immigration across the US boarders at the moment, you should ask him his opinion when you jump into bed together tonight.
Anyway, peace in the Middle East
The UAH satellite temperatures just out for December 2023 show that the air over Australia seems to be ignorant about the recent extreme heat shown in some other places.
What is all the worry about?
Geoff S
If I interpreted Roy S’s anomaly map correctly, the (cough) warming was observed across Russia and far north Canada, ie. less cold but still below freezing, while Tibet and western USA and Antarctica were cooler… all in all, six of one and half-a-dozen of the other.
I can imagine the Canadians and Siberians wishing that December temperatures were like they used to be 30 years ago before all the “global warming” came along.
Probably wishing it was cooler while they shovel the snow!
Renewable Gloating
‘On the closing day of 2023, rooftop solar boomed in SA and Vic while record low energy demand was recorded in the two states.
‘Mild temperatures and sunny skies were behind the new record low energy demand in SA and Vic.’ (Weatherzone)
They dont realise they are descibing a problem not an accomplishment. They need a ” Then as dusk approached……” statement.
Its like the ever missing “…..because” statement when some are jailed frequently ot have children taken away
The most fundamental question that everyone asks is: “Why bother?”. The countries that provide positive answers to that move up. Those that don’t move down. The USA, UK, Europe are providing a lot of negative answers particularly the USA. Likewise China. Government needs to be small, low cost and unobtrusive as possible. That way people as as free (and creative) as possible and the economy and the country moves up.