A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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2023 was not the warmest year on record let alone for 250,000 years
Interesting article:
What Is Climate?–Richard Lindzen
By Paul Homewood
Nice summary by Richard Lindzen:
We are generally told that the following defines ‘climate’…
[Figure 1 Global average temperature anomaly]
Actually, we are not looking at ‘average temperature’. Averaging Mt. Everest and the Dead Sea makes no sense. Instead, we average what is called the temperature anomaly. We average the deviations from a 30-year mean. The figure shows an increase of a bit more than 1°C over 175 years. We are told by international bureaucrats that when this reaches 1.5°C, we are doomed. In all fairness, even the science report of the UN’s IPCC (i.e. the WG1 report) and the US National Assessments never make this claim. The political claims are simply meant to frighten the public into compliance with absurd policies. It remains a puzzle to me why the public should be frightened of a warming that is smaller than the temperature change we normally experience between breakfast and lunch.
Fear is an essential element if you want to take control.
Covid, AGW, China, Trump, take your pick. The PTB first scare you, then they take control of you. Resist the fear.
Steve. Hardly anyone believes the various scare stories….
On my pre-dawn strolls I see about three fossil-fueled vehicles per house (this before the inhabitants drive some away to work). I see the planes, trains and cruise ships packed with holiday makers etc. I see NO SIGN WHATSOEVER that the general population is fearful of Global Boiling, or it’s near relatives.
During the Wuhan Flu dramas I read that mRNA Vax Hesitancy would be overcome by the Novavax non-mRNA concoction, and that Oz had ordered 51 million doses of it. That’s enough for 17-25 million people. Hmmm. A lot more hesistancy than the govt was letting on about.
Then there was / is the “threat of nuclear war”, especially in Europe, whilst about a dozen travel companies flood my inbox with “great trips to Europe” offers. Like…what about the threat?
I could go on, but IF anyone’s genuinely IN FEAR about anything, what is it….and how do we recognize the fear?
How do we recognise the fear ?
Queues snaking around the block to get the vax;
Flying the Ukrainian flag;
Fitting smart meters, buying EVs, having heat pumps.
All results of psychological conditioning to ‘protect granny’, ‘fight evil Russia’, ‘save the planet’.
Yeah, they didn’t believe it but they complied and did it anyway. Fear doesn’t have to be explicit, it’s the idea that changes your behaviour.
He Steve – not merely fear -first they make sure to prove only expert authority can know anything, as it is all too confusing, then they make sure all are ignorant, then they make them afraid of Hell fire.. It’s old … very old .. ancient old..
Christ in condemning his opposition said:
“Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.”(Luke 11:52)
When we get to the fear of hell fire stage they already won stage one – “make them ignorant”.. Read the Bible.. only document on earth that prevent that first stage. Only document on earth fully guaranteed to produce social revolution based on enquiry and the search for truth. Best if we can also take on Christ’s idea of arguing with rather than killing those we disagree with.
Fear – true fear for our lives is where it is going. First for not being one of the mob and second for our freedom and third our life…if we dare ask questions. When people seek the truth and will stand for their lives they can defeat all coercion by fear.
The principles you cite Jan are those of the Judeo-Christian nations. Most probably never read the Bible, Old or New Testaments. The fact is, those principles are supposedly what we traditionally learned from our families and the education system prior to recent generations.
Now our value system is being torn asunder at school as our kids are taught a new ‘values’ system, almost, it seems, involving no logically reasoned, social values at all. The total learning of the long social history of mankind is ignored as though all these new values are original; those enforcing them know that is untrue but to force change past history must be censored and disobedience punished.
Tolerance is a huge part of any value system. It allows learning of what works and what doesn’t. Unfortunately humans are humans and the powerful will tolerate nothing that weakens their power over the people. Truth is defied and hidden and cancellation and personal economic destruction is the enforcement tool.
Biblical principles were once automatically learned as part of our education regardless of religiosity or not. Religious learning is falling from our system – probably to reappear when armageddon strikes next. It is the Judeo-Christian principles that activists must destroy before they can turn us into their desired form of society, governed by them. Learning by anyone independently and involving their censored-out knowledge is anathema and is not tolerated.
I wonder how many of the people understand 1C has happened already, with just 0.5C to go. Nobody in their right mind, having suffered the ‘tragedy’ of that 1C rise, would be at all concerned with another 0.5C rise.
All the benefits that have come from that 1C rise including having the bulk of 8B people well fed, along with a huge falloff in the frequency and magnitude of natural disasters should be broadcast extensively. Done thoroughly I could see this turning the reaction to rising global temperatures into a desperate plea for more CO2.
How does one get the message out along with suggesting those <40yo take some history classes to show what they missed at school. Who knows if the disaster story is related to CO2 or temperature history or is a coincidental phenomenon? But its fact so take on another good story. The history of climate change and the world over the last 70years is pretty good, so how do governments and their lapdogs get away with claiming the opposite?
Who needs high quality steel anyway?
Port Talbot steel works goes green
China dominates steel production at over 1,000 million metric tons with India second at 154 million metric tons
The UK only produces 6.1 just ahead of Australia at 5.7
Game over really
Australia is the world’s largest iron ore exporter with a 56% share followed by Brazil at 18%
Australia is the world’s second-biggest exporter of thermal coal behind Indonesia, and is the top exporter of coking coal, which is mainly used to make steel.
But Green Hydrogen will enable Australia to become a steel making powerhouse!
Well , maybe Australia can be a steel recycling residential generator. I dont think much actual making of quality steel will happen with hydrogen of any colour. Perhaps none given the propensity of these fantastic schemes to collapse , usually without all the fanfare of the initial hype.
Yea, ..nah !..
Commercial green steel is a myth !
Commercially viable green hydrogen is also just a dream !
Even if the hydrogen substutiojn for coal in blast furnaces worked, ..all it does is replace (some of) the CO2 emissions with H2O emissions…..!
…which we all know is still a “green house gas”,…..if you happen to subscribe to that theory.
Steel, like electricity and water, is a basic requirement for a modern society, and should be under National control, rather than private profit corporations.
“Steel, like electricity and water, is a basic requirement for a modern society, and should be under National control, rather than private profit corporations.”
Never!! A Govt Dept is the best way to destroy any industry, from trains to airlines to roading. The incentives are entirely wrong for the bureaurats working in there, it instantly becomes a game of ‘how to guarantee my job and grow my empire”, instead of ‘how to produce the best quality steel at the cheapest price’…
Politics has given us global warming and green steel, so the answer is not to give more power to the politicians, it is to get them out of commerce completely.
On a historial note on “Steel being under National control”.
Reichswerke Hermann Göring was an industrial conglomerate in Nazi Germany from 1937 until 1945. It was established to extract and process domestic iron ores from Salzgitter that were deemed uneconomical by the privately held steel mills. The state-owned Reichswerke was seen as a vehicle of hastening growth in ore mining and steel output regardless of private capitalists’ plans and opinions, which ran in alignment to Adolf Hitler’s strategic and economic vision. In November 1937, Reichsminister of Aviation Hermann Göring obtained unchecked access to state financing and launched a chain of mergers, diversifying into military industries with the absorption of Rheinmetall. Göring himself supervised the Reichswerke but did not own it in any sense and did not make personal profit from it directly, although at times he withdrew cash for personal expenses.
I dont trust GOVnmt any more than you…but i do believe we ( the consumers) have more controlover them than we do a private organisation.
It just needs the right methods of controls, monitoring and reporting together with targets and penalties.
Oh, and i think the days of private industry striving to produce the best quality products at the lowest cost ,..are well behind us
These days it is all about the lowest cost for the biggest profit and quality is way off the radar. !
That’s because the beancounters who used to sit in a back office and only spoke when they were spoken to, now run the show, everything that costs an extra cent is deleted even if it makes the company look bad, a good example is the US Ford Pinto, they knew the fuel tanks would split and explode in a rear ender but the beancounters did the sums and said it was cheaper to pay out the lawsuits and continue on regardless.
Neal Kinnock will be spinning in his grave!
He’d be spinning wildly given he’s still alive.
Did someone mistake copper for steel? Anything is believable in the West right now.
BYD owner complaining about steel quality.
As well as Fires.
There is a suggestion in this weekends newspapers that the West will be at war with Russia in 5 to 20 years
The belief is that Russia will make a grab for the Baltic states and drive a corridor to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad through Poland.
If I were Russia or another enemy power I would merely wait another 5 or so years. But that time our young will be co9mpletely infantilised through tik tok and dependence on mobile phones for every facet of their lives for many people will be even greater, cash will be rarer and fossil fuel generation largely replaced by renewables, making our dependence on electricity even greater. The woke will continue their poisonous attack on the Wests values and institutions.
A hacking attack by Russia or other hostile powers of mobile phones, banks and the Electricity infrastructure would render the West largely helpless. Combine this with ensuring the attack takes place during one of the extended spells of cold, sunless windless weather we often get in the Northern Hemisphere when renewables fail, and any other electricity sources that had survived the hacking attack would be rendered helpless.
Move in with your diesel powered tanks and systems not totally reliant on the digital world and there would be little NATO could do to protect its eastern flank.
So why waste human resources and lots of money on an attack soon, when by playing the long game the West will be ready to pluck like ripe fruit?
Might be a good book in there! I have been rereading 1984 and we seem to have forgotten our history or are changing it, just like Winston Smith did.
The “Russian World” (Russkiy mir) is Putin’s (and others) belief that the rightful span of the Russian nation stretch far beyond the borders of current Russia.
Similarly, Taiwan – China and S. Korea – N. Korea.
Putin is 72 and can wait 5 years, but likely not 20. Xi is a year younger.
What happens in 5 years if, simultaneously, Russia moves on Europe, China on Taiwan, North Korea on South Korea, and Iran on Iraq/UAE/Kuwait?
Place your bet.
They are all making their moves now before Donald Trump is re-elected because they won’t do it it during his presidency.
That is, assuming that there is an honest election abd/or they don’t JFK him
Never make assumption based on scanty information.
Auto – quoting the Collision Rules [International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea].
I agree. What more encouragement would one need with the hapless Biden representing the most powerful nation on Earth and the weakening of the USA since Obama, his ‘let’s all be friends’ and inferring the USA is just an ignorant, racist nation as he knew from his upbringing? The weakening of the US Defence forces and industries is showing in the drop in military personnel, depletion of its armaments by the three major problems the West faces now in the military field, and the social weakening and division of the US population. It won’t look so easy if Trump wins the next Presidential election, but Haley and DeSantis would be nation strengthening for the USA as well, and its problems reversed quickly.
The other worry for the USA is, who are these people strolling in mass migration into the USA? One would be inclined not to wait much longer to strike -imo 3-5years is too long -if one was China, Russia and probably with the help of Iran.
The fix is in – Trump to be JAILED.
This might mean that Putin wants to include Kaliningrad directly to Russia, but it seems at odds with his offer to cede it to Lithuania which was rejected as it would introduce Russian speakers into that country.
It was also offered to Germany in 1990 (as exchange for russian debts but was rejected) before Putin.
And no-one, even the Poles, did anything against Kaliningrad since the start of the current conflict.
Pretty sure that blockading a city counts as a hostile act. The sort of thing that might encourage the other side to punch through the blockade.
The native peoples of Taiwan are not ethnically Han Chinese. They are Austronesian. The Qing occupied Taiwan in 1683. When Taiwan was made a legal protectorate of Japan in 1895 they viewed the Japanese as liberators. During WW2 the Taiwan natives fought with the Japanese against the Chinese. The Island of Formosa, as the West called it then, made a handy refuge for Chiang Kai-shek and the KMT when they lost the civil war on the main land.
Korea has historically not been united very often. Historically, there were three different Koreas. A Kingdom in the north and two Kingdoms in the south, one of which spoke Japanese until about 500AD. In 1894 the Qing invaded Korea. The Japanese intervened and defeated the Chinese. Korea became a protectorate of Japan. In 1900 Russia invaded and occupied Manchuria. In 1904 Russia was preparing to occupy Korea. Japan struck preemptively.
These dictators don’t really have the historical precedent to back up their ambitions.
I always was brought up to believe that China played a very long game.
Although if they will ‘run out of infantry’ in fifteen years, due to birthrate shortfalls, maybe they can – only – play the long game now.
Certainly the UK looks not to be a nation able to defend itself – against Russia, the US, the French, even the Belgians, with their famous chocolate tanks, let alone the few billion remaining Chinese – in a generation’s time.
And will the – widely expected – elevation of ‘Keir’ Charisma Bypass, from a sycophant of J. Corbyn Esq. [was he Moscow’s favourite British Politician?], to Prime Minister, make a blind bit of difference? … well, I do have my doubts [being polite].
We will, I imagine, get a Diverse, Inclusive, and – likely – Equitable Cabinet.
Competent?? – ahhh!?
We’ll see!
But that’s not the way I would bet.
China has a population of 1.4 billion . It can lose a few million and function . The dragon will still have teeth . Its economy is being restructured to avoid exposure to the nutters in the west who rely on their products , but are threatening them . History is educational regarding past culture but the reality is that they are a racially and culturally diverse country . As you pointed out the west will self destruct if we stay on our current trajectory .
India is rapidly overtaking the population of China and not far away from economic growth dominance as well.
Quad Defence involves partners – India, United States of America, Japan and Australia and together a formidable defence force.
AUKUS Defence involves partners – Australia, United Kingdom, United States and by adding the UK the combined forces are multiplied again.
Then consider the other friends and allies of the above partners.
In the event of a total war all bets are off . Nations will only fight if they have to . India needs resources and won’t sacrifice their supply partners . They are currently “on the fence” and playing both sides along with China . The US and UK are dangerous friends .
Our enemy is not Russia or China – it is our own political class who hate us and seek to take away all our freedoms.
The conduct of our political class during the COVID plandemic is just a taste of what is to come.
You are a little over-dramatic CO2 Lover….
Sure, most pollies are arrogant dipsticks, but to claim they hate us etc is a bit of a stretch….
See the Right Honourable PM Allahbanese calling the entire Leftist cabal together to try to come up with something (cost of living wise) to save their bacon from we the whining people.
Looks a lot like (even if it’s all BS) an attempt to stop the little people tossing them out at the next election, rather than THEM wanting to deprive us of our freedoms.
What ARE they worried about, since they are all Doctor Evils, eh?
It doesn’t require ‘hate’. Power is the political aphrodisiac and current global politics out of the UN promises the possibility of power for the political classes beyond their imagination. The Coalition with its move left is as possessed as the Parties of the left. Look at Julie Bishop’s few hundred million bucks as a present to the UN just before the Morrison government’s demise. The Global Warming theory with its social impoverishment of the middle class in the West to increased government dependency is all in a day’s play of the universal government movement in the Western nations towards that desired end. Isn’t there a vote to come this year where nations have the chance to sign up to a contemptuous UN WHO paper where the UN takes total control of future epidemics ‘and other emergent situations’ from any country that is stupid enough to sign up ie almost any woke Western nation one can think of?
‘ … it is our own political class who hate us and seek to take away all our freedoms.’
In a democracy that would be political suicide and in a totalitarian state its always 1984.
Are you an anarchist?
“In a democracy that would be political suicide and in a totalitarian state its always 1984.”
You watch, they’ll do it!
How do you know how many websites they already censor so you don’t see them? They have just vanished from your search results… Add in the digital ID to even get on the net, something that can easily be taken away, like a driving licence. They will feed you an individual set of results for any search you do, so you get steered away from what they don’t want you to find out, and punishment for expressing certain opinions they disfavour.
It won’t be political suicide, they tested that with lockdowns and masks, and everyone thought it was great!
Its always slightly odd to see people from countries with historic empires, with current military bases around the world, who have been fighting wars continously for decades and who form the global 5 eyes spying and info sharing (up to a point)alliance turn around and accuse others of expansionism.
How big is our empire compared to Russia and do we have any intention of recreating it, as Putin does?
“How big is our empire compared to Russia ”
Much bigger, but shrinking… America controls the European Union, Africa, used to control the Middle East, has India sort-of under its thumb, keeps most of SE Asia in control, owns Japan and thinks it owns all of South America.
Actually, you could say the whole world minus the axis of evil (Iran, China, North Korea & Russia) and the BRICS are leaving the empire slowly. Those 800+ military bases around the world are not for fun.
Afica is a mixed bag, however its fair to say China’s belt and road strategy has come to an end.
‘Geopolitical competition in Africa has intensified in 2022, particularly among great powers such as China, Russia, the US, and the EU but also by middle powers such as Turkey, Japan, and the Gulf states.’ (Chatham House)
Does he really? You know that? I dont think you do, but you probably beleive it. If Russia was they Baba Yaga it wouls already be over. In general terms the best way to avoid being attacked by a bear is to stop poking it. If some protagonists had done that a decade ago they would not be where they are today.
Some of us learn from history.
I’ve said before that there is one thing that we learn from history and that is that we don’t learn from history. ToM
So military expansionism is OK then, our great grandfathers did it.
“So military expansionism is OK then, our great grandfathers did it.”
Grandfathers?? You could just look at NATO’s expansion since the 1990s.. Putin isn’t looking for expansion and an empire, he wants to make sure Russia survives as a nation without NATO and American nukes 10minutes from Moscow.
NATO is NOT a country or a government, it is a defence pact.
What have you got against Europe defending itself?
a defense pact???
explain that to the Serbians and Libyans nd Iraqis snd Syrians.
How many countries has the US and NATO “influenced” compared to Putin?
And don’t dare call me a Putin supporter, I’m merely a realist.
Russia was double-crossed by NATO and the West.
The Warsaw Pact was a collective defence treaty established by the Soviet Union and seven other Soviet satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe: Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania.
With the break up of the Soviet Union and the independence of countries like the Ukraine there was supposed to be a buffer of non-aligned countries between NATO and Russia with the ending of the Warsaw Pact.
However NATO pushed towards Russia – hence the war in the Ukraine to reclaim the Russian speaking part of the Ukraine which has voted to become part of Russia.
How can a non-government, non-country “push to the west”?
Individual countries must have felt threatened by Russia because defence spending is the least popular budget item. WHY did they do it? And don’t say because they wanted war, that’s stoopid.
America rules all Europe, NATO is their manager… Why do you think our newly-elected PMs all head for Washington, its to get their orders for the next few years.
The usual carrots and sticks have been deployed by the Yanks printing money, bribes for politicians and bureaucrats, revolutions against those who don’t want to join the European Union… and as a last resort they will just bomb people who get in the way. Ask the Serbians.
Europeans don’t want war, but its not their choice. The Yanks want Russia broken up and are happy to fight to the last European to do it!
The two World Wars taught the victors that it was essential to keep eyes on the globe and have sites available that allowed quick reaction to what are dangerous moves against their interests around the globe. WW2 in particular caught the then British Empire with its pants down and the USA was isolationist. That cataclysm lasted 1939-45 with ongoing reconstruction and paying off debts for many years. It is no wonder the world powers all have their detection and protection sites kept in order.
With satellites and a fast, general free movement of people around the globe, most of those offshore sites are becoming redundant. With ballistic missiles now spanning continents, one would expect increasing numbers of those sites to disappear. Defence of the nation with missiles makes them redundant. Even Iran and the Houtis (via Iran) are into missiles.If Japan gets really going in its own defence, the USA may be asked to leave Guam; Japan could defend itself.
The next complaint would come from local establishments and small nations that fund themselves from the presence of such foreign military sites. China isn’t invited to expand into Papua NG and the South Sea Islands for anything but the cash!
Coincidentally I have just seen this which graphically outlines the possible sequence of events in the event of an attack
The use of AI tanks and troops is an interesting development as would be swarms of drones. However, as I outlined in my earlier post I think the west is the engineer of its own destruction especially if it insists on going further down the all electric route
I’ve never seen the propaganda so thick in my lifetime… NATO is determined to go to war with Russia, they are softening the stupid up for some false flag attack that they can blame Russia for, invade and take Kaliningrad and Belarus, then destroy Russia with missiles as per Iraq.
We’re at this stage now, but its NATO & Russia instead of Germany and Poland..
“On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. To justify the action, Nazi propagandists accused Poland of persecuting ethnic Germans living in Poland. They also falsely claimed that Poland was planning, with its allies Great Britain and France, to encircle and dismember Germany. The SS, in collusion with the German military, staged a phony attack on a German radio station. The Germans falsely accused the Poles of this attack. Hitler then used the action to launch a “retaliatory” campaign against Poland. ”
Luckily the world will be a very different place by 2044, we will have all died in the boiling oceans for a start!
Were you a member of the Young Socialists at uni and never grown out of it? The Europeans have no stomach for war.
They may have no stomach for having their own troops killed, but they are more than willing to fund a dictatorship in the Ukraine that is unwilling to accept the vote of Russian Speaking people living in the Ukraine to become part of Russia.
My understanding is that when Ukraine and Russia signed the Budapest Memorandum, Ukraine agreed to give Russia the Soviet nuclear weapons still in Ukraine (which they did) and Russia agreed never to attack Ukraine. It isn’t difficult to believe that Russia has reneged on the agreement.
Mike precisely. Russia guaranteed Ukraines sovereignty, borders and territorial integrity. The Uk and the US signed the same agreement. Russia reneged on it and in Putins own words and writings intends to re-establish the old Russian empire.
The very same agreement stipulated that UK and USA would not interfere with Ukrainian sovereignty … which is what Victoria Nuland got caught red-handed doing in 2014. That’s when the agreement was first reneged.
In case people are wondering who Victoria Nuland was-a side note in history-the supposed leak is here-the most interesting part being references to Vice President Biden.
What is more significant? A leaked conversation or an actual invasion of Crimea by Russia In February 2014 and planned many months before. Crimea was part of Ukraine sovereign territory and integral to the agreement Mike references that Russia severed through force of arms and killings and annexation of Crimea.
Why would a anarcho-capitalist like me have anything to do with Socialists Hanrahan?? I’d burn all politicians, Left and Right..
Simplicious wrote of the beating of the war drums by NATO a day or two back. The Europeans are in no condition to take on Russia, which makes the propaganda all to more amusing. The military mouths seem quite deluded.
You quack like one.
Peaceniks have never prevented a war and have never permanently resolved one ref The Great War which erupted 20 years later and Korea which still bubbles today. Every ceasefire in the middle east is broken in short order.
Russia has never attempted to live in peace with its neighbours. Fact.
Financial elites running the world, it won’t work.
‘Anarcho-capitalism (colloquially: ancap or an-cap) is an anti-statist, libertarian political philosophy and economic theory that seeks to abolish democratic states in favor of privately-controlled states with systems of private property enforced by private agencies, the aggression principle, free markets and ownership, which extends the concept to include control of the self as part of private property.’ (wiki)
You need to make a distinction between the people and the governments…
So is it the US government or its people who are war mongers? You have never made a distinction and I have the distinct impression you hate all Yanks.
I feel that way about Russians BTW but I didn’t make the above quote.
You have been told “Governments not the people” numerous times.
Why do you hate Russian people, what did the pensioner in unit 978 of the Marx towers ever do to you?
I have to admit, Moscow would make a great Car Park.
Because Russians have the government they want/deserve.
That “pensioner in unit 978 of the Marx towers” probably hates me, and you. Have you asked?
I have worked, lived and shared meals with them.
They do not hate the west, unlike your hate for them. They do not want wars, they just want to live and provide for their families.
You assume much, do you hate everyone you don’t know.
Your wars are comming, hope your grand kids are ready to die in your war, because you won’t.
The Red Sea, the new Gulf of Tonkin.
Assured mutual destruction. That’s crazy!
Russia requires a decent government and freedoms. The USA is approaching the Russian model from a distance with its intolerance, abuse of its Constitution, politicisation of its justice system, censorship by cancellation and covert spying on its own people using the definition of ‘traitor’ to get around Constitutional niceties.
Europe, the USA and Russia have problems generated by the elites who simply look after themselves and retention of power. The Europeans simply want to control the West with their elites holding all the power over the rest. ‘You will own nothing and be happy.’ The fact is the Democracies are signing their own death warrants by the calibre of the people they choose to elect. Russia has no problem; Putin (and Xi) simply state they will remain leaders for so many years or for life
and simply ensure that’s the way the system works. A pointed umbrella is stronger than all the words, pistols and armies.
Nobody wants nor needs nuclear war unless they have a death wish ensuring if they go then so does everyone else.
Wikipeadia – a trusted news source?
CNN is more trust worthy.
Hi Tony – Russia nearly has all of Europe and South to Syria. NATO needed to go all out and to win in Ukraine, what they did was show weakness and that was a fatal mistake. It was fatal for Turkey (how can people think NATO is even functioning when Turkey is now a virtual ally of Russia?). It was fatal for Germany (industrially weakened by “green” ideas and deprived of Russian gas). When the Ukraine war is over nobody will think the US or NATO could defend them so ‘the border’ with Russia moves to – some defensible place – the English channel? – though seeing as the UK are hopeless in the Suez I doubt they will do much better defending the Motherland, but at least UK may feel they can have the luxury of hating Russia, that Germany won’t have.
Due to Bible prophecy since before 1880 I have access to various writings owned by 5 generations of my family expecting Russia triumphant and Europe chained to them – after which they will invade Israel having power over Egypt. Never thought it would play out like it has. When the US loses Ukraine, the US will lose all of Europe, and then the world prepares for the much talked of Armageddon.
If Electric Cars Were Honest – Honest Ads (Tesla EV Parody, 4 min video)
“Don’t Think. Just Drive”.
EVs are for beta males – real men aspire to own a V8
“Lentil munching soy boys” as it says in the ad.
And on the subject of soy boys:
I can no longer find it on Paul Joseph Watson’s channel, YouTube must have censored or shadow banned it on his channel.
An interesting historical video on Alexander Zass, an early powerlifter, later a circus performer called Samson after the biblical figure.
His horse got shot in WW1 so he picked it up and carried it out of no man’s land.
Goes to show that incredible strength does not require bulk.
You can be bulging muscles yet relatively weak.
Anatoly shows this well in his gym pranking.
It’s a mind game more than anything.
I can relate to him oh so well, unassuming but could make powerlifters look like girls, to shocked onlookers. They were fun days.😎
CO2 Lover,
My dad managed a part of GMH in Nth Qld from when I was about 12 to 17 when I left home to work elsewhere. So I got to drive a new Holden every 3 months from when my legs could reach the pedals. Power hungry for more than the straight 6, my brother bought an old Buick with a 7 litre straight 8 that took us easily over 100 mph.
Then about 1970 I had a company Chrysler V8 then a succession of about 10 Holden V8s of the 5 litre 308 cu in style. Lately I have a supercharged V6 Statesman of 3.8 litres and some 225 HP that is more fun than the V8 given widespread 110 km limits.
Once did 256 km Jabiru to Darwin in 2 hours neat. It takes a V8 to do that. Kalgoorlie to Perth in just under5 hours, even tougher.
How I miss unrestricted speed limits. The do-gooders have taken a lot of fun out of the art and thrill of demanding driving.
Geoff S
You meet a roo doing 128+ clicks- what happens?
Yep the 110 kph, safe as houses, but that extra 18, devastating.
Nobody has ever survived an 18k prang. As for the Roo, Qantas comes to mind.
I think there is a square rule in the somewhere , so yep the damage at 128k+ will be significantly more than 110k. I dont anyone said you would be good at 110 either. Maybe just less damaged.
You think, well that resolves it.
The Elites of the world are building bunkers to survive the societal collapse they themselves are engineering, but how long do they think they can stay underground before angry proles dig them out or they run out of supplies?
Meglamaniacs have a thing for bunkers.
Hitler took up residence in the Führerbunker on 16 January 1945, and it became the centre of the Nazi regime until the last week of World War II in Europe.
I was just thinking in the old castle days, a baron held his stronghold by developing group of loyal warriors around him.
That loyalty was often earned by military prowess and leadership ability.
What qualities will Zuckerberg display to build a loyal group of skill capable castle defenders around him?
“Go to the gates and stop that hungry mob which threatens the sanctity of my 100 million dollar lair. I will give you money.”
Hmm, money might be less an incentive if a societal collapse has forced you to your post apocalypse lair.
Money’s no good now, your hired protectors might just decide it’s their lair.
Plus, Hawaii’s not particularly easy to get to in an emergency.
Observing Davos, I’m not really seeing people displaying apocalypse survival attributes.
These Neo Feudal Lord wannabes may be a bit naive about Feudal cultural organization and what owning everything entails in practice.
“Plus, Hawaii’s not particularly easy to get to in an emergency.”
But, in a total societal collapse, I am sure US Mail will fly in diesel for the generators, one envelope-full at a time. Though delivery might be a bit slow if the locals think there’s something useful in the post.
But, anyway, Mr. Zoockerberg has, I assume, a handy food-taster in Nick Clegg, former Deputy Prime Minister of the UK.
For Western prols a Davos-devised Dark Ages.
They’ve been building bunkers worldwide since the Cold War era.
It’s getting a tad frenetic now though.
Given the money , I’d be looking at a nice island up north for about $20M instead, away from the action and fallout.
Remember the promise of “Shleaper Electrishity”?
Will Labor now reconsider its “Green” energy policy that only benefits China and not Australians?
Do not hold your breath.
The “Lucky Country” has a wealth of natural resourses that we dig up and ship to others.
We are not so lucky when it comes to those who govern us.
Would the average Australian do better under Chinese or Russian rule?
Define “Better”?
What happens to people who criticize Xi or Putin. Remind me…
Probably no worse than what the West has done to the Australian julian Assange for highlighting the corruption and evil of the West. They’re bad are we any better ? Glasshouse comes to mind …
What happens to people who criticize Biden or most western leaders ? – dissent is not good for their well being either . The lucky ones get cancelled . Its going to get worse when they have us in a digital cage. Beware.
In response to your last line, obviously we would not be better off, but it was a good thought provoker and seems to have done its job.
I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords ! As for Putin he has enough trouble on his hands so only one dictator in the running really .
I don’t. We emigrated to be Australian, not Chinese.
It’s another matter being perfectly happy with fellow Aussies from whatever background who integrate properly.
One thing I admire about the Chinese is the way they deal with corrupt public servants – a bullet to the back of the head and their organs are harvested to help the ill.
As a victim of corrupt public servants (ASIC) in Australia I can see the positive aspects of Australia becoming Hong Kong MK2 which is Australia’s longer term destiny in any event, with politicians such as Commrade Andrews signing up for the Belt and Road being the advanced guard.
I think you just left out the word “no“.
Would the average Australian do no better under Chinese or Russian rule?
Cost of living crisis for non pollies anyway…
What fanciful lies and excuses can we expect?
MOAR solar and wind?
The only crisis is the proliferation of taxpayer-bleeding dry bungling buffoons doing anything Schwab and his army of evil says to do.
Sack ’em all and elect a dog to run the country.
It could only get better.
Remember, for the government, Albo’s best asset is talk. When the government acts it mostly brings on the next Australian disaster, but his powerful union movement loves him. Perhaps, on balance, we should all recognise Albo’s ‘talk’ as his answer to everything is our saving grace!
Perhaps Australians should be more worried about India than China and Russia.
Australia could be already being invaded by one 7-11 store at a time!
Look at the leaders of the mother land.
I’m so releived that Albo is on top of this. I’m sure the average Aussie will feel the positive impact of the meeting and its flow on committes and enquiries. Crisis averted.
The Chinese work 12 hour days, with one day off each week, we can’t go back to that.
Britain’s world class navy in action.
Fibreglass hull, ouch.
That’s about 10% of the non-aircraft carriers in dock.
For repairs.
Quite a prang.
Merchant – about 5-7 days to repair and get certified by class.
Royal – dunno.
Wonder if they’ll be home for Easter? Or Christmas …?
It seems no one was killed in this collission unlike the 82 killled in the Melbourne–Voyager collision between two warships of the Royal Australian Navy the aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne and the destroyer HMAS Voyager in 1964.
If China did decide to invade Australia for Lebensraum how long would the Australian navy (and army and airforce) last?
I would not be voluteering to fight for the corrupt ruling class in Australia.
We would throw long range ballistic ‘talk’ missiles. Guaranteed to win a war, being Albo’s secret weapon. Has the advantage of doing no damage and no physical pollution but
the thought of having endless ‘talk’ from Albo, handsome boy, would be enough to defeat any enemy. Well that seems to be Albo’s and Marles’ opinions anyway. It costs nothing and that’s the real potency of it all. I’m becoming defeated by Albo’s talk fest and I’m just a simple aussie. I would warn President Xi, if he hasn’t learned already by so much close contact with our PM, think twice before you attack us.
‘The country’s in the very best of hands, the best of hands…’
THE Country is in the very best of hands
from the show
There is no truth whatsoever in the rumour I am spreading that it was a female captain that reversed into the other boat. 😉
“WEF woes explainer”
One of a couple of items in this Covid and Coffee
‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ to be remade into NZ horror slapstick comedy, ‘The Expert Who Shouted Scorching’.
This summer we’ve been endlessly threatened with “very hot 28C” (82F) and “sweltering 30C” (86F), with some spots reaching a “scorching 33C” (91F)… lovely! Despite temperatures remaining 2-3 degrees below the stated figure(s) for most of the day, with a brief spike thanks to a gust of wind or a lack thereof, whammo! claim the highest number and shout it from the rooftops.
The West Coast (South Island) was threatened with a “deluge” c/- the rain system which nailed NSW/VIC a few days prior: heavy “red rain” warnings and Civil Defence emergency powers were enacted… 36 hours later, Mayor Lash (yes, that’s her name) cancelled all alerts as the Coast “didn’t receive the rainfall amounts initially forecast”.
Rain on the West Coast means snow on Mt Cook means hot dry winds in the east – thus it ever was and shall be – yet MetService meteorologist Mmathapelo Makgabutlane (yes, that’s her name) believes we should be ‘vigilant’ in these [wartime?] scenarios. No wonder farmers get frustrated.
This is the same weather bureau forecasting SNOW for Fiordland & the Alps this Monday, Tuesday, and down to 900m (3,000ft) Wednesday. It would appear in 2024 the word ‘hot’ really means ‘not’.
Here in Adelaide last night’s TV News lady told us in sombre tones about the terrible heat we are having/will soon experience. Yes, Saturday got to a bit over 35, today 27, then 32, 39 and 35 before yet another southerly change. She omitted Thursday/Friday and their 23/24 forecasts. Those who lived through Adelaide’s past heatwaves – such as January 1939 with its pre-homogenised fortnight of days around or above 100 degrees F culminating with 47.6 on the 19th of Jan that year (since Winston Smithed to 46 point something) would be laughing in their graves.
I would omit any forecasts from BOM that were 5 or more days ahead. Indeed I don’t think that anything more than 2 days is likely. I used to track their 7 day forecasts and it was “interesting” how they changed about 2-3 days to go.
As for the 1939 temperature it had to go as the new record (with new equipment) eclipsed it after climbing 1.6℃ in 6 minutes and then falling back in 4 minutes, after 2-3 days of forecasts that a new record was likely. Curiously there was no jump in the South, the North nor the Airport (4 km. west). As in the Sydney record NO SOLAR PANELS were injured.
In Brisbane last night we were informed that the whole of SE Qld was experiencing a heatwave, even though the sun barely showed its face yesterday (it was about 31-33 degrees where I am, slightly west of the city).
It was on the notnews last night, truly terrifying. They showed it was that hot people ran screaming into the boiling oceans, than lay on the beach. Blanching before frying, have we invented a cooking method to add to our list of achievements, after Pavlova and Ugg boots?
Good luck, the best advise I have to offer is, get vaxxinated!
ooh no, it’s already been invented. I’m claimimg it anyway.
Fits in even better with the Pav and Ugg’s.
Apparently you blanch your potato’s before laying them out on the beach.
‘Mayor Lash’, should be Madam Lash.
Her autobiography would have to be titled “I Lash” even though it might seem a bit lowbrow.
National Security Experts Raise Alarm Over Biden’s EV Push
Warren Buffett has placed his bets on who will be the winner in the long run.
“Two handed economics”
“Teals cushy in cloud-cuckoo land, disappointing about those poor sods out of work in Kwinana”
Ms Tink and her fellow Teals are just playing to their electorates where most Teslas in private ownership are to be found. The same electorates that voted “Yes”.
The Teals are one-trick ponies.
How would these electorates fare in a Chinese invasion? Just asking.
‘How would these electorates fare in a Chinese invasion?’
They are not going to invade, put that idea out of your head. The Teals can be wiped out after a few elections as green woke loses its lustre.
CO2 Lover
Did you ever meet the children’s book series “Bottersnikes and Gumbles”?
Either way I draw your attention to the fact that a “TINK” was when Tinky Gumble had a brilliant idea.
This might be adaptable
Tucker Carlson: 3 Things I Learned About the Left
Feds Caught Spying On Trump Supporters, Tracking Bible Sales Towards Trump & MAGA, GOP
This IS a big deal but the leftists applaud it.
And the rightists allow it.
What power do the rightists have to stop it?
You are blaming the victims, the non-liberals, tarring all Americans with the same brush while saying the “pensioner in unit 978 of the Marx towers” is a nice person, when you have NFI.
Admit it, you ARE a socialist.
Doing nothing is a choice, a choice you have spent your life achieving.
So you’re a victim now, and as has been explained, numerous times, it’s the war monger Government of the USA, the majority of the US civilians are also antigovernment and by your metric, Red.
Independent thought has avoided you, you have two buckets and the entire population of the world goes into either.
Is it El Nino or El Beeno?
They’re coming for Simplicius.. No-one can stand against the Empire unnoticed… First there were claims of Substack being full of Nazis and suddenly the banking company threatened Simplicius for not toeing the line. Seeing he writes about Ukraine and Russia, not following the propaganda can be dangerous to your wealth.
I find the confusion of the Left amusing.. These days they try to smear the country that invented Communism with the colour of their arch-enemies, the fascists. Have they no idea of history at all??
Things on the horizon –
“First Drive: Toyota’s $10,000 Pickup Truck Is Perfect. So, Why Are We Sad?”
Would buy one of those in an instant as long as it has AC..
And Australia won’t be far behind! An electric Whyalla is just another Green Tax Dodge for an Indian con man!
“How a 27-year-old busted the myth of Bitcoin’s anonymity
Once, drug dealers and money launderers saw cryptocurrency as perfectly untraceable.”
“That 180-degree flip in the world’s understanding of cryptocurrency’s privacy properties, and the epic game of cat-and-mouse that followed, is the larger saga that unfolds in the book Tracers in the Dark: The Global Hunt for the Crime Lords of Cryptocurrency, out this week in paperback.”
More at
Has BOM become the gov’s Dept. of Fear?
There is a low in the Coral Sea that we are being warned about [Get your affairs in order!] but today it has increased to 1,000 mb. No big deal.
The only thing that has changed is the ability to spread dire warnings.
Brisbane Stormchasers still show the one in the NT
Today’s forecast shows it intensifying and moving towards the coast over next few days:
Dave B
Eleven hrs later it’s 999mb. Wake me up when you have some news.
I would not discount it yet.
This link has it at 996, early days. Its the water it will bring.,-18.25,1948/loc=153.025,-15.339
It now shows 997. That illustration is like the BOM painting everything over 35 deg bright red on their maps, it is overly dramatic.
Hey! I’m not saying it can’t develop into a cyclone, just that it is too soon to call.
Windy is the same, they are all government satelites and the data is adjusted and modeled by government.
The fear porn industry is controled by the same people who control the porn industry.
Perth, in summer, today’s forecast yesterday was for 34C. It was referred to in last night’s bulletin on Sky Weather as being part of the scorching weather in the Gascoyne and Pilbara. Really? With such obsession with ‘Global Warming’ – GLOBAL – and rising temperatures coming after the LIA never referred to for convenience to hype the theory, what does the BOM hope to accomplish by inferring any hot weather (remembering homogenisation which is never mentioned in public utterances by the BOM) is evidence for GLOBAL warming due to CO2 being a proof of fact? When one sees the freezing conditions of North America extending to southern USA, even Florida, the way the BOM is carrying on is anything but factual and scientific if it refuses comment on opposing temperature conditions between hemispheres.
The reality is, the BOM is a government fear machine for a government that is so far down the track of economic destruction of the country that it can never see a way out to reverse its course without destroying itself forever. That’s our real problem! It’s the Bowen lunacy of refusing to join with European nations that are changing course after seeing the economic destruction this theory is to have on the people and western nations.
“The Electric-Vehicle Cheating Scandal
A government rule makes them look nearly seven times as efficient as they are.”
WOW, that needs a bump.
So CO2 Lover, if all the Greeks living in Melbourne voted to be part of Greece, you would be prepared to cede that part of Australia to Greece?
If people in Ukraine voted that they wanted to be part of Russia I would say to them, “If you want to be part of Russia, move to Russia, but this is Ukraine and will stay that way”.
If we had a referendum and the Greeks voted it wouldn’t go anywhere as there isn’t enough of them . The people in the disputed regions of Ukraine voted for joining the Russian federation and considering their own country was trying to kill them it isn’t surprising . Straw man argument .
With Russia’s population outlook, they need people way more than they need land. It should be an easy problem to solve? Russians go to Russia. Win win.
How do you reckon such a referendum would go in France in 1942 if the Germans organised it, and made the rules?
and ruthlessly enforced it at the point of the gun according to some of our local Ukrainian refugees. The referendum met none of the criteria for it to be be considered free fair and binding.
Do you think we would get away with giving them Canberra? Maybe for the first few years they wouldn’t know they got dudded. after that, “No backsies!!!”
False equivalence ignoring geography, culture and many hundreds of years of history.
False equivalence ignoring geography, culture and many hundreds of years of history.
Being able to read online an alternative view or information about any subject could soon become a thing of the past. The Australian government have plans to introduce “misinformation and dis-information” laws this year, while the W.E.F. now seeks the help of AI to control free speech and free thinking, with the Epoch Times reporting that the W.E.F. has support from Australia’s own eSafety commissioner.
In their opinion its not safe you or your family and friends to read anything THEY do not agree with.
From an Epoch Times article, “A world in which artificial intelligence vets what people are allowed to see online has been advocated at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos by Australia’s eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant.
For the next two years, WEF speakers identified misinformation and disinformation regulation as a major priority.”
If this goes ahead you will never be able to read online about government / political corruption, vaccine injuries or vaccine facts, alternative medicines, corporate fraud, jury decisions, environmental & climate change policy failures, true economic costs, crime statistics, tax hikes or government debt as a result of overspending, unless they agree with it.
You will be living in a world where AI censors, buries the truth and reports your opinions and activities to dictatorship governments.
Please contact you local member of parliament this week and say “no” to government censorship and “no” to the W.E.F. plans to globally control government health emergencies.
I’m expecting a large rise in the number of subtle, sarcastic commentators like John Campbell… It will take more AI power than they have to realise what he is saying, even if the words are exactly what the Govt said!
Tui Breweries in NZ used billboards with “Yeah, right…” on them to lampoon all sorts of politically correct ideas a few decades ago, they were excellent!
J ohn Cadogan giving it to green tech again..
Did you see any mention of an energy cost of getting the biomass to the “magic machine” or is there an assumption of “self feeding biomass”?
Maybe they should have had them around before this started –
But it is “dirty CO2″ if not allowed to grow back.
Or, more realistically, the wind farm will be U/S by about 15 years so the veg can grow back and be proclaimed a ‘new pristine forest”
“Is Self Service Checkout Being Cashiered?”
More on the author –
“Greg Byrnes is a former newspaper editor. He is involved in thoroughbred racing as a bettor, owner, and breeder. His familiarity with barnyard life and manure gives him important insights into politicians, their promises, and other shenanigans. “
Just like in the UK and USA, the backlash against this awful self serve (while we discontinue your favourite products and have 100/200/300% markups on everything) system is growing.
Are you listening, Coles and Woolies?
You need to have people back on checkouts offering that obscure concept of “customer service”.
This is something I cannot understand … if you don’t like that checkout then don’t use it.
Many people do use it, and yes the supermarkets are listening, they notice that quite a lot of people are happy doing self service.
Why do you strangely presume everyone else has the same preferences as yourself? Even weirder than that … why does it bother you so much that other people are happy doing something different to yourself?
If Colesworths has “100/200/300% markups on everything” why isn’t IGA eating their lunch?
IGA is Metcash, Metcash is Blackrock, Woolworths is Blackrock, Coles is Blackrock.
SPAR is also Metcash.
You have the illusion of choice, you can choose which pea goes under which thimble, and the same hands control that illusion.
There will be robots at Maccas soon.
That will be a bigger deal than self-serve checkouts at Woolies and Coles
“Among the issues of theft on purpose, theft by accident, and the necessity of paying overseers to supervise consumers who seem incapable of working cash registers for free, the dream of a profit bonanza has turned into a cascade of losses.”
Well, the roadworks used to pay a guy to stand there with a lollipop and a radio so he could move traffic in synchrony with his other mate up the road. Now he sits on a chair under an umbrella watching the cars queue up at a traffic light.. I’m sure efficiency has gone down, there is always a long delay after the last car has gone through before the light goes green!
So supermarkets might as well employ all the staff they used to and just have them sitting there on a chair watching us scan our own goods to see we don’t cheat.
Woke: it’s time to grow up and get back to work
Still years to go before the woke/fake women/child grooming BS ends but the backlash is growing and sanity coming back.
Australia needs an anti-woke job site as well, one where people will be employed based upon their competence for the job, not the colour of their skin or gender.
Quote with discretion I’d suggest!
“25% of women in America are being treated for some form of mental illness. That means that 75% of them are running around untreated.”
The NT low, 03U, is continuing to bring rain to the NT and parts of WA. It has moved westward in the last day. Pressure has been steady at 994hPa for a number of days now.
The low off Queensland has not yet intensified. The central pressure of the cyclone off WA is now at 986hPa. Almost stationary though.
Meanwhile the NH continues to set new snowfall records.
The snow water equivalent for the NH now exceeds 1-sigma from the average.
2024 could set a new snow extent record before the snow is done.
The Arctic is still Blasting at the UK apparently.
Sunday funny: life is short in Germany
Good news from the US.
Finally the truth is getting out about the experimental covid “vaccines”.
I don’t think there is so much awareness in Australia.
Tucker Carlson’s interview with former professor of evolutionary biology, Bret Weinstein exposes the W.H.O. plans for humanity, the Covid vaccine failures and why censoring misinformation and disinformation is necessary to enable the elites to gain greater control of your life and your money.
I’m doublingdown on ‘Doubledown’ to be word of the year! Bits from the WEF – World bank is increasing it’s
climate funding to 45% of its budget, because climate change causes poverty! Ecocide should be heard in the world court.
Soros makes Biden look good!
Soros talks about the melting Greenland ice, or tries to…
Better hurry up with that brain scan transfer to the cyberverse!
Kim Iverson on Milei’s speech at the WEF, pointing out that the WEF doesn’t care whether things are run by big govt, or big business. They’ll happily ride on either coattail, or put them into bed together. As long as they are BIG. Melei beating up on socialism, in front of a room full of millionaires and billionaires, who would happily take over the burden of providing sundry services to people, with profit in mind, may have it’s downsides too? Like the US medical system.
Polestar EV company now valued at ZERO.
From 18 Billion Kroner to ZERO.
Long live EV’s 😆
I’d need to be a lot younger or a lot richer to short Tesla, but………..
US medical system has an extra 1.9 million people pa dying, compared to other comparable western countries. A 9/11 every day! At a cost of $2 trillion – 3X the defence budget! That’s at 1.21.00 in the video.
It’s a 90 minute video, but it covers a lot. Peer review is total BS, as the pharma companies don’t let reviewers see the actual data. Reviewers are only reviewing synopsises. The only way a drug trial’s data can be accessed, is for a legal trial. And they talk about how this happens.
Oops; it should have been 1.1 million excess deaths, and $2.3 trillion.