A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Intriguing article as to how we are being ruled by an ever small band of elites
The problem we have with our self appointed “elites” is that they are in name only.
They do nothing to improve our world…. They are only expert in the art of being people botherers.
I doubt that an “elite” would know how to safely change a car tyre on an unstable 15 degree slope,
let alone know how to lubricate a bearing in one of their bird botherers.
The real elites are those humble people that make a positive difference to our lives, each and every day… A truth, I believe, that is beyond our self appointed “elites” cognitive understanding.
“let alone know how to lubricate a bearing in one of their bird botherers”
Not our problem, just as long as it’s not with ‘oil’… which is like, … so totally carbon.
Besides, what’s a bearing?
And what are you doing with a car?
These elites are not self appointed, they are externally nominated. You selectively label them elites, some billionaires seem to miss this classification, and give them super powers they will never have.
A donation often precedes an external nomination.
Scumbags such as Gates and Schwab, et al, are most certainly self appointed. Did you nominate/vote for any of them?
You are making things up. No I didn’t vote for these non existent positions that they hold
Non-existent positions clarified. Schwab – founder/chairman, World Economic Forum. Gates – founder/co-chair, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Dimwit.
wow. A forum and a charity. Run for the hills.
May I suggest that we (you people) start the change from the top.
Does anyone know how many staff the Australian Permanent Mission to UN employs?
A single example of their positive impact on the World events would be very much appreciated.
Its head should be replaced by a Charge dAffairs, the rest to be repatriated and put to some productive jobs.
(Trade missions and other specialists bodies are not included)
We all understand this, but there are some who want to correct us.
The term “Elites” is used here with an implied sense of irony that obviously ridicules those who think they are special.
The question is, why are there some who want to rescue the “elitz” from that put down?
Nope it is done without humour or irony. There are people who really believe in a secret society of “elites” who are hell bent on controlling us all.
No, we’re not talking Freemasons or the Illuminati, but maybe, just maybe (😉😄) you’ve actually done some decent research into the history and lineage of the “elite” and neocons. Start in the 1930’s and work forward if not.
Or paid attention to switched-on informed players like Martin Armstrong, the most knowledgeable person out there on money, politics, history and cycles in those areas.
You can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. Enjoy yours.
As the informed have seen, their plans are failing, the peasants are revolting, the narratives exposed and reversing, so they’re panicking and pushing the agendas harder. Ukraine failing? No problem – let’s play the Israel card and throw in Iran too.
Maybe another mass shooting to finally disarm those pesky good old boys in the land of the formerly free too.
Buckle up for 2024.
Oh yeah – you don’t change a tyre on an unstable slope (> 5 degrees) – you move the car to a nearby level area or park the car perpendicular to the slope. 😎
I can see where your “research” has lead. Try for once not litering your mishmash with these and see what is left.
Or paid attention to
As the informed have seen
switched-on informed players (argument by authority btw)
Well, they’ve got you to come here and go off all the time, so they are powerful influencers.
I wouldn’t say a secret society GA, but I have taken note of what some individuals in positions of world power influence have stated as their aim, and in many cases, that has been concerning. One example is Maurice Strong who setup the IPCC, and before that was heavily involved in the Montreal Protocol. Strong clearly stated that he believed it was a UN, or “our”, responsibility, to bring about the collapse of the industrialised world. And there were others at the top of the UN who made similar statements.
Geez Gee Aye , Klaus Schwab doesn’t even try to hide what they want or did you miss his talk about the goals of his bunch of elites?
Pond scum always rises to the top.
The problem lies not with the governors but with the governed.
The electorate are as thick as. If they keep voting for the same drongos every 3 or 4 years,
For the same regressive policies & cannot spot the lies & deception then the people get what they deserve!
And that’s “fine” for the rest of us?
I beg to differ.
But, sadly, I don’t have a simple, non-sanguinary, solution.
That seems to be the bottom.line.
Rather worrying, if not in my time, in my kids’, or their kids’.
Graham makes a good point but there’s that other issue that bothers both of us; There’s unpunished abuse of power and position that needs to be heavily sanctioned.
Corruption in government is mostly beyond the reach of the voters to fix but there’s no excuse for the legal system and those in public service to “turn the blind eye” to it.
Not much use voting when the whole system is wrecked and in serious need of a gigantic enema.
As somebody said “Democracy is when everyone gets what majority deserves”.
In Australia I believe you have to vote.and if the parties are as bad as each other then someone poor will be elected. There is very little difference between the parties here in the UK so people can have a choice not to vote but idiots will still get in as again, they are all as bad as each other.
No. We don’t have to vote. We do have to attend at voting time to check ourselves off the roll. This reduces corruption of the roll and helps prevent fraud.
We can be fined for not voting. I was sent a “please explain” letter for not voting in an election many years ago, and I replied that none of the candidates was worth voting for. I wasn’t fined.
You should have been fined.
The AEC has been undermining our election laws.
It would be better to go to the polling place and make an invalid vote. That way your protest against the quality of the candidates gets recorded.
Invalid votes are typically about 1%. If we recorded 10% invalid votes it would really cause a stir.
‘We can be fined for not voting.’
No, it’s only if your name is not ticked off the voting register. Then you take your voting slip and stick it in the box. This makes sure the voter register match the votes counted – but you could just walk out with the slip in your pocket. No fine.
Some countries (actually quite a lot of them) have “none of the above” in their ballot paper, saving you from making a donkey vote or choosing the least vile option. I personally prefer even better box that other countries provide in their ballot papers “Against all”. That, at least, gives you a chance to show your disgust with the choices.
“Retired scrutineer”, here.”Compulsory Voting” is a con.
As yet, there are not goon-squads roaming the streets, dragging punters to the polling booths and physically ensuring they mark the “correct” boxes on the ballot papers.
Give them time.
It seems to be a “legal obligation” to join the electoral roll. It also seems enrollees are legally obliged to “attend a place of pollling” and like good kiddies, have their name ticked on the roll.
What the “good citizens / subjects” do with the scraps of paper seems to be of no matter. Maybe it is time for “informal” votes to be formalized.
It gets untidy when the tally of ballot papers retrieved from the secure cardboard boxes,does not match the number issued..
If the number physically to hand is less than that issued, there is a quick search of nearby rubbish bins. If the number of ballots received EXCEEDS the number “issued”, calling in the AFP seems to be optional.
“Informal” votes? There should be an additional VALID, accountable option om the papers; “NONE of the above” / “No suitable candidate has been presented”.. This would go some way to providing the actual “will” of the voters; assuming such a thing is actually desired.
“Electoral visitor voting” is a whole different, but related, bucket of bait.
I have done some scrutineering also.
Vigilance over the electoral process is a good thing.
I would like to see it tightened further witn Voter ID.
“the secure cardboard boxes”
Filled with slips filled out with the supplied pencils.
It all seems so ‘secure and above board’.
The card boxes and pencils did not bother me. The cardboard boxes are reasonably cheap and show evidence of tampering if the tape has been previously cut or torn off. Same with the pencils and voting papers.
There are other easier ways to cheat.
It seems to be a “legal obligation” to join the electoral roll
Referendum date announced. Unsolicited email suggesting I check my enrolement to ensure up to date and can vote. Check reveals no listing so follow link and fill in form to enrole quoting received email. Get email saying there is difficulty finding my citizenship details and asking for more details. Advise them I “walked” into country back in 1988 when NZ to Aus passage was free and uncomplicated so have been here for more than half my life and paying taxes for more than half my working life. Politely informed I can’t register to vote. No malice whatsoever toward AEC I view them as professional and capable, it is the system they have to manage that needs review.
Going the “other way” if you are Australian, Niuean, Tokelauan or a Cook Islander you can register to vote if you have lived in NZ for 12months or more.
Not surprising really if you did nothing about citizenship for 35 years and suddenly pop up. What they do in NZ isn’t really relevant as we aren’t in NZ.
If you don’t get your name ticked off you get a please explain letter in the mail, with penalty indicated.
So very true. Madness is doing the same and expecting a different result. Using that adage we, collectively, are mad. But sometimes the elite leave the reservation. Example: We voted 61 to 39 to stop race based legislation but the leftist state premiers ignored that vote and are progressing their own race based legislation as if the vote three weeks ago did not take place. We now have to wait until the next state elections to see whether the people send a definitive message to those leaders and whether their Voice will be finally heard.
The intent of the “Voice” referendum was to get it enshrined in the Constitution. The would have effectively made it permanent and unchangeable.
At least the referendum was defeated soundly.
Parliaments may choose to ignore the will of the people, but the MPs do so at their own peril.
“then the people get what they deserve!”
Well, NZ had the chance to ensure self-reliance, a small Govt, the removal of thousands of laws & restrictions with the Libertarianz back in the ’90s. The vote was 1 or 2%.. Same in America, Libertarian parties never get near power, so people don’t want to look after themselves, and I cannot see why they complain when they get what they voted in.
Democracy is a failed experiment in Govt, a very poor way of making some people rich at the expense of the peasants.
And your preferred alternative is????
Random selection of citizens. We do it to decide if someone is guilty of murder, and yet we only offer those who WANT power to pick from for our leaders and then we get murdered slowly instead.
So pick your leaders like a jury, a letter comes from the lottery commission saying you have been picked, please pack your stuff and report for duty. Do your best for 4years and then resume your life, somewhat richer and no chance of going back in there again.
We could have some sort of entrance exam to make sure you have enough sense to do it, but no way to get in there by choice. No parties, no votes, no bribery with taxpayer’s money, no promises that are never kept, no welfare recipients eligible.
Just as much corruption for ‘mates’ I’m sure, but politics is always about corruption. At least the corruption only lasts one term, then they have to start again and search for the weak ones in the new group.
You talk as though though “they” voted 100% for Albanese, Andrews, Biden etc. There are a lot of “they” who do not agree with what’s going on. We agree that we will wear outcomes if we don’t get our way because democracy.
The voice vote may be an example of sentiment when fractured voting and preferences don’t interfere and people are more focused on issues.
Yep. Damn 2 party preferred instead of 1st past post. Albo got in for labour with 30%…less than the libs.
G’day Macha,
I think it’s the mandatory need to allocate a preference to all candidates which is wrong, as the voters cannot exclude candidates they consider unsuitable. Other than that, I think the preferential system has value.
Dave B
Actually a vote that does not number all the candidates is still valid.
It is extinguished if the numbered candidates do not get in.
It would be far more “interesting/useful” if after all preferences/extinguishments were applied the leading candidate would still be required to have more than 50% of the total votes to be considered an “elected” person.
No 50% – new election. Perhaps a limit of three re-elections might be needed in some locations?
‘Pond scum always rises to the top.’
This is particularly clear in modern day China.
Only cream and bastards rise.
The elite have become so rich and powerful, they would embalm their own cat, not to mention the servant that looks after the cat, to keep that power for eternity.
The problem is that no matter who you vote for you end up with a politician.
More precisely, a career politician.
Those that want to be on the right side of history are the puppets of those who simply want to fill the world with their progeny.
In a world full of humans, you need to be clever going about it.
Aloha! To accurately define the current rise of the elites you have to look to more modern circumstances where we have more democracies and republics than the days of monarchy. What the billionaire elite class hate most about the modern West is this concept of “one person-one vote”. Without buying politicians they could never rule. Lucky for the WEF billionaire cartel “corruption” is one of the most prevalent human conditions throughout history. The current Biden Crime Family in America is a perfect example of all that is wrong with the billionaire class. This is total class warfare right now in your face! Sadly many of us cannot see past our noses.
One other culprit is the Fabian Society. Beginning in 1884 its goal was to create a slow revolution through the miseducation of the generations. I urge those who have never heard of the Fabian Society to google it. Chocked full of current and past well known politicians including the likes of Tony Blair of the UK.
All total corruption based. There is an important part in the movie Syriana where a government lawyer argues “Corruption is why we win!” Here have a look
The classic wolf in sheep’s clothing. Covert way to implement radical policy. Times have changed but their intentions haven’t.
I prefer to think of them as “effete”, not “elite”.
Our election was on the same day as your NO Voice, and still we have no government… we’re in Limbo Lala Land as suits decide who’s friend and who’s foe while the team who lost are ‘caretaking’ the shenanigans. The what?!
Country’s doing fine without the bureaucrats, ticking along fine on its own – who needs the small-fry *pond scum* anyway – sack the lot of ’em (wishful thinking I know).
Meanwhile SNOW TO LOW LEVELS down south while ex-TC Lola may might could possibly make landfall this weekend up north – never a dull moment. Rolling…
Mass surveillance of French schools?
New technology is giving us more than just a whiff of China as our own elite seem to enthusiastically pursue what a short time ago would have been thought to be totalitarian means of control
“the recent Arras tragedy, where a teacher was killed by a former pupil”.. and facial recognition will stop this?? Of course not! It will just be used by the Govt officials who turn up to look at the body and find someone to blame. Pictures of beautiful girl students will be circulated alongside the current ones from the gym changing rooms.. How long did it take traffic cops to start stalking women?
Its simple, if teachers don’t want to die they should carry a side-arm.
carrying a sidearm is a long way from training and practice in how to use it, and the willingness to use it and awareness of consequences. Far from simple for most people.
Claim that 4 million economic migrants entered the US in 2023 alone
I think Oz also welcomed record numbers of migrants over the last year as did the UK. No wonder the housing crisis is so acute
Fox News is reporting:
According to a Siena College poll released Tuesday, 64% of New Yorkers disapprove of the job Biden is doing to address the recent influx of migrants in the state as of October. That includes 48% of Democrats who flunk Biden for his handling of the crisis, 91% of Republicans and 72% of independents.
For those of us not in NYC – Duh!
I find it very worrying that using your own figures the majority of democrats think Biden is doing a good job.
I doubt they really do.
Biden’s ‘election’ broke all the previous truisms.
Like the incumbent getting millions more votes than 4 years before and ‘losing’.
And ‘it’s the economy st*pid’.
Why do they keep calling them migrants?
They are criminals by virtue of breaking the law by illegal entry into the country, plus many are criminals in their own right even before their illegal border crossing.
Biden (puppet master Obama) opened the southern border to cause social chaos, crime and a vast supply of future democrat voters to help further elweaken and destroy the United States.
“Why do they keep calling them migrants?”
I blame Roget. If he hadn’t invented that damned Thesaurus we would still think that words really meant what they were originally designed to describe.
A few examples that we all know
Then WOMAN. An adult human female. Now a man wanting to be the opposite sex
Then NATION. A large group of people bound together by common laws and language with a political process. Now, any disparate group of more than two people without common links to any other group of two or more people.
Then GAY. A happy person. Now any person who has a differing view of sexuality
Then. PEACEFUL PROTEST. Someone standing with a sign to try to influence others. Now groups of people lighting fires, looting and assaulting others.
Etcetera, Etcetera, Etcetera
Veterans in the UK monitored who was going into the Hotels with the illegal immigrants.They noticed that cardboard boxes witH UN were being delivered.
The forced immigration appears to be organised by the UN.
Australians are being denied access to their own national parks and threatened with $346,000 fines by “authorised officers”, the same STASI-types (East German Ministry for State Security) involved with issuing covid fines in Victoriastan, not police or parks authorities. They work for the Premier’s Department.
Imagine how much worse it would be if Apartheid got through with a “yes” vote?
Interview by Peta Credlin on Sky. (Under 8 min)
346,000 dollars would be a nice deterrent for people to go about their natural activities. I’m assuming that the ” culturally sensitive” areas would be around the base of outcrops- not up on the faces as such.This is naked grievance politics by people who “identify” as indigenous.
We are told that a lot of the rock “Art” is not visible to the naked eye!!
Reminder about Australian Government Debt real time counter.
Look at the entry “Total Government Debt” for federal, state and local government debt.
It’s now at $1.792 trillion and going forward at a staggering rate. There is no constraint on government spending and much of it is simply being wasted with nothing to show for it.
Austtralia is going woke and broke rapidly.
In addition as the debt rises savings diminish with inflation. Those people with superannuation should realise that their nest egg is growing smaller even though they are contributing more of their wages. About the only investment that retains it’s value is land and houses. It doesn’t matter if your house is worth less just so long as it does not leak and is still your home. It has been my belief that owning your own home is the best insurance for your old age. The super levy should be allowed to be used to buy your own home. The additional benefit is that it would reduce the amount given to union run super funds.
Here’s a thought:
How about the ONLY way for any government to raise “extra” loot above the already eye-watering levels of “taxation” (of all types), would be to issue for CASH ONLY, Bonds, just like the classic WW2 “War Bonds”.
Unlike War Bonds, these should be redeemable on demand, and unavailable, on pain of Death, to anyone NOT an actual Australian Citizen.
Has anyone ever tried to do an actual audit on any Oz Government? It is pretty certain from simple observation, that the punters are NOT “getting their money’s worth”, at ANY level of government.
As for the “spillage”?
It would be more instructive and helpful if all that spending could be tracked to its final destination. Much of it seems to go on roads, health, military equipment, indigenous programs, emptying dustbins, you name it – but does it, really?
It all, sooner or later, lands in actual individuals’ bank accounts. Where this is fair payment for services rendered, that’s fine, but I suspect an awful lot ends up enriching already rich people we don’t know about and who definitely do NOT deserve it.
Yes, we should ‘follow the money’ but not just to the apparent destination because I guarantee those dollars keep on moving, and we need to know where to.
Something to laugh at or fizz over from Swiss TV tonight : Building a future for ourselves
Building climate-neutrally: Is that even possible? Swiss pioneers are building groundbreaking buildings and showing that building in “net zero” mode is not yet possible today. But the goal seems achievable
And they’re sending captured CO2 to ICELAND, how cool is that… and the new Youth “in-phrase word” is Goofy
What’s the definition of insanity?
This is
The article doesn’t say where the energy for all this is coming from. I guess Iceland has a lot of geothermal energy but most places don’t and in any case that energy would be better used for something useful.
I told Youse all that these people are idiots.
Yes we nose that all.
What technology are the Icelandic Morlocks using to mineralise the CO2? Must be an amazing operation.
According to the TV prog ( online viewing via my link) the CO2 is dissolved under pressure in water and injected underground….. and “over a period of time ( couple of years (?) my understanding of it) it – the fizzy drink, becomes mineralised. That’ll be the solution to the problem well and truly bottled, eh?
2 years seems far too quick, but it does say that here:
However, it seems that the process is the same as weathering, and that process breaks down the rock. Does Iceland know that it is breaking down its own foundations?
You’re right. They are on shaky ground.
Like playing ‘whack a mole’ with steam whistles popping up after injecting a fizzy liquid into a volcanic island chain.
Not on Tuesday.
David Maddison
October 26, 2023 at 5:40 am · Reply
What’s the definition of insanity?
The Idiots at NRMA Executive Virtue signalling with their (obviously in the middle of nowhere) Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Powered by Diesel Generator
I believe that the EV charging sites across the Nullarbor are standalone diesel-powered systems.
The proudly put their brand on this set up. The clearly think this is something to be proud of.
David found this for us and here I have capitalised and bolded the relevant word()
This is quite seriously an incredibly important advance, and one that supporters the World over must be hailing as finally breaking the back of this CO2 Sequestration ideal they have been hoping for for so long now.
That’s just so amazing.
Four thousand tons.
You know, the same amount of CO2 emitted from Bayswater in, umm ….. TWO HOURS!!!!!
Oh frabjous day!
And humans exhale over 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year. 456,621 tons per hour. Also, removing plant food from the atmosphere is a net loss for the environment. Nothing gained as usual.
Where’s my dictionary? You are never too old.
“And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!’
He chortled in his joy.
4,000 tonnes a year.
China produces 44,000,000 tonnes of CO2 a day.
Just from burning coal.
Oil, gas etc. extra.
So this ORKA plant, in one year, sequesters one part in eleven thousand of China’s daily production, from coal.
About 8 seconds’ worth.
Eight seconds.
Not even bows and arrows against the lightning.
And CO2 is plant food, and GOOD.
But a big enough of a number to
Get the ABC all creamed up.
Iceland doesn’t have trees and doesn’t grow plants so having no CO2 shouldn’t bother them but it should bother the rest of us who depend on plant life for survival. Icelanders live on fish much the same as seals so probably smell as bad.
An interesting short video about fatty liver disease.
Many people have it but don’t know it.
Caused by consuming too much sugar/carbs, processed vegetable oils, frequent snacking, excess alcohol etc..
By all means, research abd make up your own mind on the recommendations contained in the video but it’s a good starting point for awareness.
Standard liver enzyme tests the doctor orders don’t normally pick it up.
Is this the start of a trend whereby employees will be fined for driving or eating meat?
I wonder if really that contract will be signed by an employee… 😀
I would shred it 😀
In Denglish, ‘Vass, kein Wurst? ) aye that’s the worst of it ha ha …. So they’d rather be eating Vegan rubbish: not necessarily healthier according to a Prog on the tv tonight… . what’s all in your food.. Sodium Nitrite etc For example
On Oct. 29th, Germany celebrate the 100th birthday of the first civil radio broadcast.
some pictures
That was the start:
English explanation”>
Königs Wusterhausen
If you go the link and look below the above Tweet you will see the articles referred to.
I followed up #3. Certainly there are a number of published articles reporting it, including Epoch Times. But in today’s world how can we know whether they are true or whether they are all propagated from one fake source by people who want to believe it?
I am not saying the reports are wrong, just that today there are too many fake sources – like the IPCC, WWF, WHO, etc, etc, and there are few if any ways to check.
Tony Heller hasn’t been banned from YouTube but he is being severely shadow banned and has been for some time.
He gets only a tiny proportion of the views he used to and generally doesn’t appear in people’s recommendations.
Of course, it’s not only him, this is happening to all conservatives and fellow rational thinkers, especially in the run-up to the US Presidential elections.
The Left and their Big Tech agents are terrified of the truth. That’s why they support censorship while conservatives believe in free speech.
Tony Heller and his website is one of the greatest fact providers demonstrating the insanity of the climate cult.
EVERYBODY should subscribe to him. Yes he is being shadow banned, and I find that every month or two I have to search his name on Gulag, even though I’m subscribed, to continue getting his feed.
The actual science and history he presents is succinct and targeted to jog brainwashed mainstream people out of the stupid climate cult fog pumped into their minds by the mainstream media.
Like Victoria in Australia, California in the US is a “basket case”.
It’s no surprise then that Governor Gavin Newsom is in China meeting Xi, just as the former Victoriastan dictator Daniel Andrews used to enjoy doing. (Dan even prohibited media on his last trip. Why?)
One wonders also if the DemocRATs are doing this to pretend Newsom is an “international statesman” to elevate his profile as a possible replacement for walking corpse Biden in the next Presidential election.
He is on a climate mission to Beijing, they will pay lip service on that score.
China is confronting economic deflation and Premier Xi wants to pick Newsom’s brain on a way forward.
and Israel before that. It looks like hair gel is the anointed one.
I thought that may be a hard sell given the state of California in general, but hey they got away with Biden so why not?
Mega-Jolt: The Costs & Logistics Of Plugging In EVs Are About To Become Supercharged
In Canuckistan 50 year old males who “identify” as 13 year old girls are allowed to enter their swimming competitions and presumably also their locker rooms.
As a Leftist would say “so stunning and brave” (sic and sick).
So the Republicans managed to elect a new House Speaker, Mike Johnson, who seems to be a genuine conservative and not a RINO.
It does concern me however that he got 100% Republican votes including the RINOs. What deal (if any) had to be done to get the RINO votes? Will Johnson be a sell-out like the RINOs?
Well the US has a new speaker, Matt Johnson. True MAGA.
Are there more RINO’s than non-RINO’s in the Republican Party?
Choice of speaker indicates that Trumpists are in the ascendancy so Trump’s second term (?) should be smoother than his first.
The Guardian agrees.
‘Mike Johnson’s speaker win reveals the iron grip Trump still has on Republicans.’
Are you being discriminated against by the application of the Renewable Energy Target?
Any Australian owning a roof can install solar panels and benefit from government subsidies for installing the panels. This also gives the owner of the panels rights to an income stream that is now regularly above the wholesale market rate when the power is produced. If you do not own a roof then you cannot claim the installation allowance or any income from exporting power.
The guide for legislators in Australia sets out the considerations for drafting legislation to conform to UN convention on human rights:
To my mind, it seems that the RET discriminates on the basis of “property”. Property owners get a benefit that others cannot have. Arguably those owning a roof in Alice Springs are also being treated more favourably than those living in Hobart (as examples) so here discrimination is a result of place of residence.
The large scale RET is a different matter. Coal is being discriminated against but coal does not have any rights that I am aware of. The only principle that might be applied is Federal laws that give preference:
Regions with good wind and solar resources are certainly getting preferential treatment over regions with coal and existing power generators through application of the LRET.
Most electricity consumers do not understand that the RET has locked in sanctioned theft. Retailers are the middle men taking from the poor and giving to the less poor as well as the owners of the grid scale weather dependent generators. The level of theft continues to increase with ever higher RETs. The current level of theft at grid level is equivalent to the wholesale electricity price a little over a decade ago. Very few people have made the connection between the RET and their high electricity costs. They are constantly bombarded with the notion the “renewable” energy is cheaper. There would be no “renewable” energy if there was no theft.
Are you eligible for Albo’s handout:;jsessionid=0;apw70?sigreq=-1358362708
The headline says it all:
Not a home owner – don’t bother. You do not qualify for Albo’s handout.
Most stupid sign i’ve ever seen on the back of a semi-trailer. “This vehicle takes a lot longer to stop than your car so Keep Your Distance.”
Why is that stupid? have you seen the people that pass a semi and then pull straight back in a metre past their front bumper. Always a good idea to give semis as much room as possible.
The BBC’s latest Planet Earth Attenborough doomfest is a joke, often reversing reality to push the climate narrative.
Trust the BBC!
Trust the BBC?
UMMMM … no.
In Sarf Lunnon.
If anyone can post this Article from the Front Page of The Australia would be appreciated
The all-up cost for Snowy 2.0 and its transmission connections is now approaching $25bn – an absurd amount for a 2200MW water battery
Here is an Article Dated 25 October 2023 under his name
Government snowed again, if it believes Snowy 2.0 is a commercial investment
Ted Woodley 25 October 2023
While this is only an indicative analysis (e.g. not correcting for $real), it demonstrates that the reset IRR extrapolates to well below Snowy Hydro’s stringent investment criteria of 8%, well below the reset’s estimate of 7.5%, and even well below the current bond rate of 4.5%.
Clearly, at such levels of IRR Snowy 2.0 would have a negative NPV and is far from being a commercial investment – no commercial board would ever approve such a project.
The actual IRR will probably be even lower than extrapolated, as it is almost certain there will be further cost blowouts and the reset cost probably still doesn’t include all project components (such as financing, design, project management, owner’s costs, exploratory and other works, the segment factory). Collectively, these missing components will add many $billions by the time the project is completed.
And of course there is over $10 billion of transmission lines being built primarily to connect Snowy 2.0 to Sydney and Melbourne (HumeLink, Sydney Ring South, VNI West).
The all-up cost for Snowy 2.0 and its transmission connections is now approaching $25 billion, an absurd amount for a 2,200 MW water battery – at such a cost the IRR would be nonsensical.
Also note that the $3 billion reset value is subject to two provisos – a $12 billion target cost and 2028 delivery – neither of which is achievable.
Further evidence that Snowy 2.0 couldn’t possibly attain a NPV of $3 billion is that, if so, this would result in a gross value of at least $15 billion [$3bn plus $12+bn].
This is $10 billion higher that the FID estimate of $4.3 to $6.6 billion, when the cost was $3.8 billion, and would mean that the value of Snowy 2.0 has somehow increased threefold since 2019.
How is it that every time Snowy 2.0’s cost blows out its value increases by a greater amount?
When will the government finally twig to the fact that not one of the estimates and claims for Snowy 2.0 over the past six and a half years has been anywhere near correct, and that this latest reset seems to be no different?
I wonder how much it would cost to cancel all the contracts?
That would be for SH2 itself and the hidden cost of the transmission lines. Plus the cost of fixing the environmental damage already done and returning the area to the pristine wilderness area it once was.
At what point is this no longer extreme virtue signaling and extreme incompetence but criminal misuse of taxpayer money?
Libs are being vewy, vewy quiet.
Don’t want to upset their sugar daddy Malcon.
LNP started the fiasco. Malcolm Roberts has been the only politician consistently questioning the project’s value.
And Senator Roberts here as well…
“since december 2022 “florence”-the tunnel boring machine has moved 10 metres so it is not stuck”
…and I saw a flying elephant this morning!😉
went over our place near dusk, in a V formation with 20 pigs
Anyone who has knowledge of a set of Stocks thereabouts with a bag of festering cats can they let me know. Malcolm deserves much opprobrium.
Please raise your hand if you believe electricity prices in Australia are coming down.
you mean just because wholesale prices have dropped, mostly due to Wind and solar, that this will be passed on to the consumers? If we lived in China, then yes
Oh please. We do NOT pay wholesale prices. The linkages between wholesale and the actual that clear as you imply.
If you look at a graph of domestic electricity prices over the years, you will note that until renewables were introduced, electricity prices generally followed the CPI. But after renewables were introduced, our electricity prices zoomed skywards, well away from the CPI. So please don’t try to tell me that renewables haven’t severely impacted our domestic energy costs.
Oct 26, 2023 11:42 AM
Mother Lode
Oct 26, 2023 11:34 AM
Who will the gangreens blame, when (in the near future) the grid does collapse?
Consumers for demanding too much. They need to use less.
You Forgot Business
New data centres mean surging power needs
The rush is on build new data centres, but their massive energy requirements are adding to strain on the power grid.
Jennifer Hewett – Columnist
The hypergrowth of cloud computing and artificial intelligence means the need for data centres is surging.
This week’s well-choreographed announcement in Washington that Microsoft is ramping up the number of large data centres it operates in Australia is just one aspect of that global rush.
Far less obvious is the massive additional demand data centres impose on Australia’s creaking electricity system and its water supply – particularly sensitive as the prospect of prolonged drought again beckons.
It’s true that advances in technology mean the new Microsoft data centres will no longer need the same extraordinary amounts of water pumped in each day that were key to keeping older data facilities cool enough. That has typically been anywhere from 200,000 litres to 400,000 litres daily, many times more than the water in an average backyard pool.
Instead, more efficient closed-loop water reticulation and cooling systems in these new data centres will limit the need for extra water supplies to whatever is required to establish initial operations rather than having to be replaced every 24 hours.
Yet no data centre can ever afford to risk a power outage and, so far, there’s no technology or reliable supply fix to guarantee this 24/7.
This means multiple levels of backup are required within each facility, including at least two sources of electricity coming from the grid, large-scale batteries and two diesel generators as the last line of defence.
Now the advent of generative AI, which was publicly pioneered by the stunning release of ChatGPT a year ago, is further transforming the complex dynamics of matching power supplies with demand for data.
Big data centres that had required 10 megawatts, perhaps up to 20 megawatts, of electricity to send and receive data on their hundreds of servers and routers can no longer keep up with what is needed to meet that soaring demand.
This will require more like preparing for 100 MW to 300 MW of electricity to be available in each large facility – and only ever escalating.
The data-gathering by Govts must be adding to this by a giant amount.
No probs OO,
All they need to do is use the executives’ EVs as back up, as they’ve suggested for the grid elsewhere. They might have to adjust the numbers a bit, but that’s well within their capabilities.
Dave B
That should read 220MWh ……
Whilst i do not agree with that figure , it certainly is a rediculous failure of cost forecasting , and a fundamentally flawed proposal for a national grid storage system.
However, keep in mind that for those committed to this joke of intermittent supply and its need for this level of storage (200+GWh) , the only realistic available storage option would be batteries which still cost more than $0.5 billion per GWh……which means over $100bn in batteries alone ..without installation of interconnectors.
So maybe even $25 bn for SN2 is a bargain ….if it ever gets finished.
Oh, and of course a hydro unit will outlast batteries many times over !
I notice that they still spruke the suggestion that SN2 is intended to store the surplus Solar power generated during the day, and release it again in evening peaks etc.
Someone should point out that there is NO SURPLUS SOLAR in the grid system and unlikely to be ever !
Hence it follows that SN2 will be storing surplus COAL AND GAS generation for peak support.
“That should read 220MWh …”
How about 220Gwh.
2 GWh? but supply over 30 hours.
This from the SMH of all people “Snowy Hydro avoids mentioning the transmission connections to Sydney – $4 billion-plus for HumeLink and the Sydney ring – and to Victoria. To make matters worse, Snowy Hydro refuses to contribute to these transmission works, leaving it to electricity consumers to pick up the tab. Transmission tariffs in NSW will increase by more than 50 per cent if the NSW government allows Snowy Hydro to get its way, based on analysis in a Victoria Energy Policy Centre report.**
As far as the claim that Snowy 2.0 will add 2000 megawatts of renewable energy to the National Electricity Market, Snowy 2.0 is not a conventional hydro station generating renewable energy. It is no different to any other battery, and as such it will be a net load on the NEM. For every 100 units of electricity purchased from the NEM to pump water uphill, only 75 units are returned when the water flows back down through the turbine generators. Not only is the electricity generated not renewable, Snowy 2.0 will be the most inefficient battery on the NEM, losing 25 per cent of energy cycled.
** In theory overhead transmission lines are banned in the surrounding nation park but the NSW Govt. has given an exemption.
Oops ! …yes thanks , 220 GWh it should be as a minimum.
At one stage, SN2 actually quoted it as being 2 GW for 175 hour duration (350 GWh total ?).
But that has crept downwards in subsequent comments ! ,
You’re getting your units mixed.
The original article spoke of 2200MW “water battery”, that would be the rated capacity of the alternators.
You correct that to 220MWh which, correctly, would be the amount of power generated with a full water storage before exhaustion. It’s apples and oranges.
I’m not sure where the 2200 MW figure came from – all past correspondence says a maximum output of 2000 MW. Where did the extra 200 MW come from?
Being an old finance guy who worked in the Utility/energy space I’m in the weird position of agreeing with Woodley (a noted greenie). I would add that the transmission lines are Regulated. Meaning they will get a regulated return no matter what. We will ALL pay for this folly.
Also as I understand it the dam to which the water is to be pumped (sometime in the distant future) is now smaller than originally envisaged. This reduces the MWH that it can produce. It may be able to produce the same 2000MW but delivery of overall electricity will be lower.
These sort of back ups work on the basis of options. Snowy will receive premiums to deliver energy at certain strike prices. These are generally much higher than swap prices. Normally this can be lucrative but not at this elevated capital cost. Again we all pay.
It beggars belief that politicians can rabbit on about spending so much capex yet also saying electricity prices will be lower. In what universe do businesses operate to spend mountains of capital for lower earnings?? Why would you want to build a stranded asset?
And this is why the Climate Industrial Complex wants the government to mandate regulated transmission even to their remote operations. So we share in their downside. And why they want even more subsidies.
It, like so many other tax-payer-funded, “bright ideas” is ONLY about the spillage and bureaucratic “desk-hopping”.
The starting “point” should be that; “Government can do NO GOOD” and go from there.
As Ronald Reagan noted:
The nine most frightening words in the English language are: “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help”. (And you will accept that help whether you need or like it, or else….).
PM “Tin Tin” tried the same line, but he was attempting some levity. The same bloke once gave an address in his weirdly-phrased Mandarin to an audience of primarily Cantonese-speakers in Brisbane. The applause was polite, as one should expect.
More on the “turbo hurricane” in Mexico
“More info on Otis if interested. This is close to where Patricia landed a decade ago.”
Via a comment at Chiefio
Fancy that.
The former Vicdanistan Commonwealth Games minister suffered a memory malfunction during interrogation.
Doesn’t matter what issue it is, the Vic government has a huge dose of plausible deniability. In fact, that’s about the only thing the ALP government, led by the far left Daniel Andrews/Jacinta Allan , have excelled at. This is going to be repeated over and over again as cost blowouts for all these projects are uncovered. Probably most wont even be investigated. Here’s another one. Victoria built a new $1.1 b Max security prison, opened earlier this year. Western Plains Correctional Centre. Brilliant, Vic have a new jail to help with overcrowding. Except it wont. There will be no prisoners for this facility until 2025. But, get this, it has staff and is seeking more. Remember that Yes Minister episode with the most efficient hospital in the UK? The one they were so proud about, until someone found it had no patients. This is the same.
a previous time (over 30+ years) when the then Victorian Govt. decided that West Footscray needed a hospital. Durely built but by that time money was short so no patients, only 72 staff. These included a Matron and a heavily pregnant nurse (who lived nearby) and 70 staff that hospitals need, such as gardeners, cleaners and bean counters.
This was shortly after Yes Minister episode about the hospital with 500 staff and no patients, so I was interested when my Doctor friend stopped on the way to see the Matron, who was going slightly ‘doo lally’ with nothing much to do.
He wanted her there in case the nurse went into labour and someone (capable of making a decision) to call an ambulance. A previous situation was when a gardener slashed his hand while the matron was absent**. On her return there were about a dozen people watching the gardener bleed for at least 20 minutes but no-one had made any decision for what needed to be 3 stitchers after an ambulance had taken him elsewhere.
**The doctor expressed his view to me that the last place the Nurse should have a baby was the West Footscray hospital.
I will let you guess which Party was in power then.
Man, 82, dies after choking on live octopus served as a delicacy in South Korea
An 82-year-old man has died in South Korea after choking on a piece of live octopus, a local delicacy of freshly severed – and still moving – tentacles.
The victim was eating a piece of live octopus, known as san-nakji, in the southern city of Gwangju when it became stuck in his throat on Monday morning.
The pensioner suffered cardiac arrest as he was choking on the octopus and could not be revived by first responders at the scene, the Korea Herald reported.
Medics had raced to the scene after an emergency call at 11.38am but they were unable to resuscitate the man, who was later pronounced dead at a local hospital.
San-nakji is a local delicacy in South Korea, especially in the coastal regions, and is served immediately after cutting off the octopus’ tentacles, meaning they are still wriggling on the plate.
He got suckered by the suckers.
The practice of some cultures (and some individuals) eating live animals is disgusting.
Experts say 50 million miles (80 million km) of new power lines needed for green energy, and that may be impossible
A new report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) concludes that the size of the global electricity grid will need to double by 2040, in order to reach global emission reductions targets in line with the Paris Agreement.
That means, the IEA says, the world will need to refurbish or add 50 million miles of new transmission lines within 17 years — the equivalent of circling the equator more than 2,000 times.
The IEA estimates that global investments in transmission capacity will need to double to $600 billion per year by 2030 in order to reach that goal.
Best of luck, but feel free to continue wasting time and money in the remaining few years left to this silliness.
Internet Users Who Call For Attacking Other Countries Will Now Be Enlisted In The Military Automatically
U.S. – A new policy issued by the United States Department of Defense, in conjunction with online platforms like Twitter and Facebook, will automatically enlist you to fight in a foreign war if you post your support for attacking another country.
People who bravely post about how the U.S. needs to invade some country in the Middle East or Asia or outer space will get a pop-up notice indicating they’ve been enlisted in the military. A recruiter will then show up at their house and whisk them away to fight in the foreign war they wanted to happen so badly.
“Frankly, recruitment numbers are down, and we needed some way to find people who are really enthusiastic about fighting wars,” said a DOD official. “Then it hit us like a drone strike: there are plenty of people who argue vehemently for foreign intervention. It doesn’t matter what war we’re trying to create: Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, China—these people are always reliable supporters of any invasion abroad. So why not get them there on the frontlines?”
A pity it wasn’t for real. Those armchair expert virtue signallings tw@ts need a dose of reality.
“Stand with Ukraine” for real! 😆😆😆😆
Anthony Fauci To Be Awarded With Prestigious ‘Ethics Prize’ for ‘Saving Millions of Lives’
Welcome to the Satanic upside-down matrix, where creators of mRNA BIOWEAPON technology get the Nobile prize and the chief medical mass murderer will be awarded a prestigious prize for ‘saving millions of lives’.
No, this is not a Babylon Bee article. This is really happening. Anthony Fauci, who is unparalleled as the most destructive government bureaucrat in American history, is being awarded with an ethics prize.
Fauci, who presided over two White House administrations of catastrophic, draconian policymaking, which resulted in unparalleled levels of unnecessary human suffering, has “saved millions of lives,” a press release from Case Western said Wednesday.
“Dr. Fauci has cared not only for the nation’s health, but also the health of the world,” Case Western Reserve President Eric W. Kaler said Wednesday. “As a scientist, research leader and public health advisor, his contributions to scientific discovery have truly improved lives. His leadership through one of the most challenging times in history—the COVID-19 pandemic—serves as a model for us all”
Well, he’s certainly been a model and idol for other corrupt, mesianic, totalitarian, Mengele-wannabees.
I’d happily be his punisher for his crimes against humanity.
Lessee now, which method to choose. I know so many! 😉
Fauci can’t be protected by the Secret Service so the US Marshall’s service is protecting
UK Council Imposes Emissions-Based Parking to Tax Poor Out of Car Ownership
The latest attack on car ownership by Bath city council is to impose parking charges based on how old the car is.
Bath and North East Somerset (BANES) Council has introduced what it describes as ’emissions-based parking charges’ in car parks across the city. This is the latest stage in Bath’s 15 minute city agenda, actively targeting those who can least afford a new car, overwhelmingly the poorest people in the county.
In it’s statement the council claim that ‘drivers of non-diesel vehicles which emit less than 131g/km of CO2 will only have to pay the standard rate to park, while those who own diesel cars, or petrol models which emit more than 131g/km of CO2, will have to pay an additional fee.’
Campaigners have noted that, the ‘good’ car doesn’t get a discount, they just pay the standard parking charge, it is the owner of the older car who has to pay an even more absorbitant premium for merely owning it, ironically studies have shown those are overwhelmingly the ones least able to afford it.
But older cars are ok and not taxed elsewhere in England?
HM Government has had the spin doctors on overtime.
Just seen this –
New laws to make charging an electric vehicle easier and quicker
Regulations to improve the EV charging experience for millions of drivers.
Warning to those who.have no pink-tinted glasses on EVs – this is industrial-quality spin-doctoring.
Price comparability – good.
Eadier online payment – good, if the hackers are kept out …
Status update – good.
Taxpayers’ money – £381 million – for a “Local EV Infrastructure Fund” – no.
And a puff-piece from James Court, CEO, Electric Vehicle Association England. This suggests Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland each has its own Electric Vehicle Assiciation. I wonder if those, too, are fed by taxpayers …
FWIW – The US “jab stakes”
“CDC Confirms Only 3% of Eligible Americans Have Taken COVID Booster Shot – FDA Confirms May Slightly Increase Strokes in Those Over 85
October 25, 2023 | Sundance | 24 Comments”
And seems the charge is $US 180 per shot
Da Irish Math Test
An Irishman wants a job, but the foreman won’t hire him
until he passes a little math test.
Here is your first question, the foreman said.
“Without using numbers, represent the number 9.”
“Without numbers?” The Irishman says? “Dat is easy.”
And proceeds to draw three trees.
“What’s this?” the boss asks.
“Have you ain’t got no brain?
Tree and tree plus tree makes 9” says the Irishman.
“Fair enough,” says the boss.
“Here’s your second question.
Use the same rules, but this time the number is 99.”
The Irishman stares into space for a while, then picks
up the picture that he has just drawn and makes a little
smudge on each tree… “Ere you go.”
The boss scratches his head and says,
“How on earth do you get that to represent 99?”
“Each of da trees is dirty now. So, it’s dirty tree, and dirty tree,
plus dirty tree. Dat makes 99.”
The boss is getting worried that he’s going to actually have to
hire this Irishman, so he says,
“All right, last question. Same rules again, but represent the number 100.”
The Irishman stares into space some more, then he picks up the picture
again and makes a little mark at the base of each tree and says,
“Ere you go. One hundred.”
The boss looks at the attempt.
“You must be nuts if you think that represents a hundred!”
The Irishman leans forward and points to the marks at
the base of each tree and whispers,
“A little dog come along and poop by each tree.
So now you got dirty tree and a turd, dirty tree and a turd,
and dirty tree and a turd, which makes ONE HUNDRED!”
The Irishman became head of Qantas
More proof of climate change and SLR .
Way back when –
“Exploring an ancient way of life”
Neil Oliver: ‘…it’s time to look up and see the real problem, the real enemy’