A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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NATO Rearmament Endangers ‘Global Climate Goals’, German Report Warns
The Holy land is in flames, much of the world around us is moving backwards and we, as a civilisation, appear to be on the verge of collapse.
What’s wrong with the World. It isn’t structured to take us to a better place and needs urgent redirection.
What can be done to restructure the world so that we move out of the current catastrophe and forward to something better?
Nothing will change until a change in consciousness occurs. We can’t see what needs to be seen until we can turn to ourselves and reach into the kindness, inner peace and wisdom we all have inside us.
As one peace ambassador reminds us, “It’s not the world that needs peace, it’s people that need peace.”
Yes, I can see it now, all those greedy politicians and bureaucrats achieving inner peace and wisdom so that the people have peace in their lives. An impossible dream!
Stop blaming the politicians, they are only there with the populace’s approval.
Maybe we need a second Crusade.
I DO blame the politicians!
They were elected to fulfill their election campaign promises, but then failed to do it, made everything worse, and only then did the people realise the WEF and totalitarian nature of their appointed saviours.
Full psychological and competency tests for ALL pollies before even campaigning.
We get what we deserve. WE allowed the best PM in my time to be deposed and meekly allowed the Colt From Kooyong to reverse all Tony’s good work.
Errata: The Colt from Kooyong was, of course, Peacock. I meant Turnbull.
Both educated idiots.
The populace are much the same as politicians, they vote for whomever promises the most. The additional problem for the populace is that rarely do politicians bother with fact and the retention of sovereignty of the country. They too are mostly driven by greed and their future prospects, not what is best for the country. More importantly politicians aren’t necessarily educated in the portfolios they have as JCII has already said, it’s time they were.
True, we need that change in consciousness but when the masses achieve that state they must then take action. Voting is one solution, but after recent events in the U.S. we can’t be really sure that we are being heard.
What else can we do to restore honesty, integrity and focus to our failed leadership.
My fear is that “our leaders” are mere puppets of the WEF.
But, still,
Dave B
Good point.
Where do we inquire about All WEF Davos meetings. We need to know which Australians attend theses secretive meetings. Guarantee there are far too many attendees from both the Coalition & the ALP.
Publish the names and we’ll have the electorate make their decisions.
The electorate don’t vote for anyone or any idea that originates within the WEF. What are our “ leaders” doing there?? Selling us down the river???
Well put.
So it’s all about other people, not ourselves, is it? If we expect our leaders to become aware of the kindness and wisdom inside themselves and we don’t, who wins ?
Religious fanaticism is the destroyer.
Jacob mind wrestled the angel all night and in the end it was a draw.
The angel was not happy and as the sun was rising he said to Jacob that henceforth you will be known as Israel.
Yes…ideas without experience is a problem….believing without knowing is a problem…..waiting for a angel to come and save us is a problem……waiting for others to make us happy is a problem ….
I think maybe we’ve just been lucky to experience relative stability post WWII.
Able to develop a luxury belief in human improvement.
Thinking we would eventually develop Warp Drive and get invited to join the Federation of enlightened species and ‘follow science’ to the Final Frontier.
Science has decided to lead us back to the 16th Century.
The Holy Land has been in flames since before it was holy.
The loop is just feeding back to the mean,
There is also a new replacement, very unholy religion … heck bent on undoing enlightenment.
Those of us that frequent this space watched it happen.
Though we never quite believed it would actually destroy the ideal of what we had been taught was ‘science’.
G’day Honk,
Overall I agree with you, but not with this sentence:
” Science has decided to lead us back to the 16th Century..
I suggest it’s more been the propagandisation of science, rather than science itself.
e.g. It’s the IPCC, the delegates on the International Panel on Climate Change who dictate the public message, not the scientiats.
Dave B
Science is just a logical process.
Few use the word in that way today.
Most scientists themselves are now forced by the institution of ‘Science’ to adhere to doctrine.
Inquiry is dominated by the Institution.
The ‘Pandemic’ just removed the last remaining pretense.
The Institution is now serving exactly the same function as the Church in the 16th Century.
‘Science’ is now simply a corporate partner with political authority.
The science they force us to ‘follow’, is not the product of inquiry, but a product of a Neo Feudal corporate partnership.
Science was not settled.
Scientists settled into a comfy job as sycophants in the Court of the New Aristocracy.
Just look at the recent Nobels for mRNA … a joke.
Maybe Obama should have got the “Nobble peace” prize instead. 😆😆
For the first 45 years of my life I expected that modern communications, be that Television or Jumbo Jets, would save us from future wars. Wars were all founded in ignorance.
Then I realised that people never change. There will be wars.
Yes, some people are innately “grabby” and like being a modern leader while most of the rest are “followers”.
Do the words Diversity and inclusion answer your question. Combine those words with cancel culture and I think you have your answer.
Geez – I’m finding it tough to apply that to Hamas or Putin or China or aboriginal deaths in custody.
Rates of death in custody for Aborigines are below that for the general population. No wonder you’re finding it “tough” to appreciate the point being made.
Rates per detainee or rate per general population or absolute numbers? Young or old (the demographics of the non-indigenous are quite different – lots of old white people dye in custody)? High incarceration rates for FN people mean a larger number are dying in custody.
The minister of police said the tanned Australians were 48% of the prison population, convicted and incarcerated. 3.3% of the population commit 48% of the crime.
This is the result of you know all, know FA academics and your remote victim hood training and corrupt practices.
$40 Billon a year vanishes to the corrupt Aboriginal services and communist land councils with no benefit to the people for which it was intended and zero accountability for those funds.
That’s the voice that needs to be heard, they don’t need another group of grifters, mates and rellies milking the tax payers.
Get academia and NGO’s out of the communities.
What’s your solution Professor, more of the same but expect a different result, next time?
A way to change things might be for the communities to have more of a say. I reckon it could be like a body that advises parliament on legislation that affects them.
Or a newspaper that interviews people who live in remote communities maybe?
Some Canberra PS types should take a month’s sabbatical, driving the inland route to Qld and finally Cooktown, back on H1. Shut their mouth and open their ears and they will discover the level of youth crime and who is doing it.
Just looked it up, my police district averages 4 car thefts per day.
GA, so more of the same but this time the corrupt will be less corrupt?
I just finished at a mine that employs about a dozen aboriginals, when I was leaving, every single one of them told me to vote NO, every one.
They know what your kind are up too, they are not as stupid as you think or wish they were.
One more pig at the trough will solve it.
I think Gee Aye is considering identifying as Indigenous and sees a seat on the Voice committee as a lucrative career move.
Laverton, a small town in WA’s outback with a population of around 2000, has 54 different advisory organisations servicing the town. This simply makes no sense.
Well it might be, but why would it be?
And ofcourse incarceration rates are higher because the police have nothing better to do than raid indigenous book club meetings and a drag people off on bogus charges.
I believe the deaths in custody inquiry found no proportional bias toward Aboriginal deaths.
e.g. the number of deaths for every 1000 Aboriginal people locked up is about the same for every 1000 non-Aboriginal locked up.
The proportional numbers of each being locked up is very different. But the proprtion of deaths is not.
Now would be a good time to look back at Pauline Hanson’s election campaign in 1996.
What has changed?
Stop there. Clearly no racial problem with deaths in custody other than taken more seriously by authorities if it will be news fodder.
Why they are more likely to be incarcerated is another issue. One best left to those who can see the distinction.
Are you voting yes or no, Gee?
And why…
Cant see diversity as a problem with Hamas? Its the very reason there is conflict there, the diversity, them and the Jews.
Now it’s here on our streets too, because of diversity. Still see no problem?
Palestinians and jewish people in the same location is new?
The ratio density has shifted.
Indeed – they are more segregated and therefore less diverse.
Because diversity is their strength? please explain that for me.
Diversity squeeze, thats a new one.
That vid is incomplete and so misleading.
It shows the country now called Jordan, this was part of the British Palestine mandate, part of what was then called Palestine. The British separated that land out- they called it Transjordan and chose King Abdullah as ruler. You can see on the map it is quite large being all of the land east of the River Jordan.
Later, the UN made a division of the remaining land west of the river. It was an extensive and carefully made project splitting it between the Jewish and the Arab inhabitants. Both sides claimed to be aghast.
Eventually, the Jews accepted the partition as proposed, the Arabs did not. Armies from five Arab nations invaded, they each wanted a bit.
When cease fire lines were set, the result was similar to what exists now.
The Jewish state now called Israel had a bit more territory than awarded by the UN.
Should they now relinquish it to the non-cooperating violent aggressor?
To ask is to know- No.
yes it is pretty new. From 1880 then around 1920 and 1947. Very new in fact.
What’s your claim Lucky? The west bank is part of Jordan?
How’s about this. strange they are referred to as an occupying force by the UN
They focused on how Israel has sustained and advanced its “settlement enterprise”, including statements made by Israeli officials indicating the intent to maintain permanent control over the land in violation of international law.
Pretty much everyone alive knows Israel has been advancing through the west bank, everyone bar you. What does “a bit more” look like, your link did not make sense.
Of course the Media that lie about everything, are now telling the truth, just this one time.
Glory to Israel
The ‘West Bank’, land conquered by the Kingdom of TransJordan in 1948. Known as Judea and Samaria since biblical times.
After 1948, Israel was told by western do-gooders to trade land for peace, the land to be the new Arab state of Palestine. but there already was such a state- now called Jordan. Then another division, the Arabs did not accept. In 2005 Israel did attempt to trade land for peace- it had occupied the Gaza strip including areas designated by the UN as Israel, they moved out including the taking of corpses of parents, grandparents and ancestors out of graves, there was a very large commercial market garden under glass which exported world wide. That was left. Within days the new inhabitants smashed it, acres of broken glass. Then there was an election won by a new even more extreme group – Hamas. The new (and current) constitution of Gaza prohibits land ownership by non-Muslims, demands expulsion of non-Muslims and clearance of them out from River to Sea. No peace, no negotiation. No- two-state solution.
That election was the last in Gaza. Ending the occupation was a bad move by Israel, violence from Gaza and continual attack followed.
There’s no problem with the world, has always been the thing to fight. It’s actually still quite peaceful compared to 100 years ago.
What is different is we have spread the flashpoints – with their unsolvable problems – to our streets. And we are starting to see the direct consequences of this.
Henry Parkes would be rolling in his grave.
Thank the US for that. Bretten Woods was a trade off where the USD became the international currency and in return the US Navy would guarantee free passage on the seas, giving us a period of unknown prosperity where trade raised the standard of living around the world. It is not America’s fault that some people could not live in peace and prosper.
Heard for the first time today,
future bank cards will be made of wood…
wooden card
Guess that will make it easier to burn money 😂
Ha ha. That idea came up years ago and vanished just as quickly. As one who has been involved in the longevity of these cards and their printing, there are far better plastic combinations that could be used by banks to increase card’s lifetime. But they don’t seem to want to use these materials, either because of the slight cost increase, or the requirement to regularly replace the cards.
It is quite stylish.
Well, banks do have branches
Not that many these days
But the future is a chip under the skin, so the bank card becomes a splinter?
‘Put it on the wood please’.
That can be easily misunderstood, especially in parts of the US
Wattle they think of next?
We’ll be pining for plastic cards soon
Baldered ash, willow too much money to even own a card
WUWT posted my CFACT article on needing a failure mode analysis of the US grid (and others) given the now dire warnings, so we can prepare for the coming failures.
The WUWT comments are quite useful, unlike at CFACT where most comments are on other topics, not the article. The CFACT comments are dominated by a few trolls that post like it was a news center. It might actually be such. This is true for pretty much every article.
Thanks for that David. BTW what do you think about Dr Roger Pielke jnr’s latest post and revelation about the IPCC and RCP 8.5 and RCP 4.5?
See my comments at 11 .
Apparently CO2 will simultaneously make a big difference and no real difference to temperatures.
Standard government grade hypocrisy. What’s new?
Yes the article is odd, in that Ms P(however it’s spelt) argues for the expansion of a mine because on it’s own the impact is close to zero. Talk about having a boot in both camps, I thought she was trying to kill the Coal Industry, or is it just that she wants to look that way in certain quarters? Surely not!
Realpolitik is a tricky business, there are factions and words are cheap.
“After today’s court decision, Minister Plibersek might rush to approve new coal mines and gas wells,” she said.
There is always hope.
Deep down they understand the realities involved; ie. resource sector income. But still, it comes down to hypocrisy and the typical unhinged loopiness that makes up a socialist/green mind. Remember that the only thing they understand is a slogan.
Arizona is building car free neighbourhoods in Tempe according to Fox News
Exactly the way it should be Peter.
built specifically for no cars and peoples choice to move into a new area with no cars.
Rather than forcing idiotic policies on those that dont want them
Their very own “15 minute city”.
I have no problem if it’s purely voluntary and no one is forced into it.
I know of no thinking person who would willingly live like that, however.
I can’t get rid of the mental picture of these neighbourhoods being ringed by parking stations where they park their car and ride a bike home.
Most train stations have a big parking lot right next to them. If it was me, and there was no parking at home, then I would leave the car next to the train station and go back and forth with an e-scooter or similar. That would imply only having a beat up second hand car … because you wouldn’t want to put anything good out in a place like that.
For young people, without much money it might be worth doing it that way. It gets people a start in life at least. You will find that they don’t stay too long and move somewhere better when they can afford it.
Wow, they blocked off a street. Thats really amazing.
As per usual, you don’t pay any attention to the stuff you post, and get most things wrong.
Arizona is not building anything … a private real estate company (yes that’s capitalism) has purchased land in Arizona and built some blocks of flats without providing any parking spaces.
It’s not “car free”, there are still taxis, and Lyft etc and there are still delivery trucks, food vans etc. There just aren’t any parking spaces for resident’s vehicles. Also, none of the units are for sale, it’s intended for rental only, which tends to result in a younger and more transient population.
It’s a good thing that Arixona is flexible enough to allow such a project … probably you would not be allowed to build it most places in Australia. The private developers have put their own money at risk, and presumably they intend to get a return on investment when the get some residents in there. I imagine that for some people who don’t want to own a car and can’t afford a mortgage, it might be an attractive offer.
Child protégé of the CCCULT arrested and fined for the second time… for not following police requests. Does Sweden have a ‘three strikes and you’re out’ law?
Meanwhile, on planet Fire & Drought, both Aus and NZ’s alpine regions in for a cold, wet and snowy weekend (the curse of Friday 13th?) as cold snow falls on North America, Greenland, Scandinavia, Russia, China, and Tibet as well. El Niño huh?
At least Perth is warm and sunny, as usual, no change there, carry on.
Snow to 1400 metres in my area, just lit the wood heater, BoM fore cast was for between 1 and 5 mm of rain with showers easing. 18mm of rain already in the gauge, showers, what showers the rain is persistent. But just in case anyone has forgotten September was the “hottest” and driest” evah recorded. The (fortuneatly minor )October floods are ever so slowly receeding. I reckon I could have a go at this “weather forecasting” thingy, doesn’t matter how wrong you get it we are still all doomed.
Where are you? Here in the Adelaide foothills we had about 10mm between 5 and 9:30am with thunder and v strong, v cold westerlies. BoM updated the forecast just after 8 to reflect reality. We were to have a slight chance of a shower, 0-1mm.
North central Victoria, the low part of the high country.
Yes, I saw that “now-cast” update after the un-forecast thunder had heralded the next front.
FWIW – a look at AI
If you look at the likely consequences of the current policies , we are going to have serious issues very soon . Making sensible preparations and plans will help. If things get bad enough it will destroy or disable the internet and that will cause a massive meltdown. No power , no fuel and no internet – heads will explode…
Our local town has been doing trial runs. Over the last few years they have significant blackouts and also separate Internet and mobile outages. Nothing like a prolonged EFTPOS outage to firm up views on the cashless society.
Try Lighting Diesel with a match!
If it was a diesel Land Rover then a hybrid version is a much more plausable cause of the fire.
But once the fire got going other EVs would act like Chinese Crackers anyway!
This blurb includes the MHEV version of the Land Rover which includes a diesel option.
(This is a repost of the link I put into Jo’s earlier post. MHEV = Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle in Land Rover speak.)
Dave B
Dr Roger Pielke jnr has now discovered that the IPCC has been using RCP 8.5 as their BAU for the last 10 years.
In FACT he has found that the data shows we are tracking below RCP 4.5.
I hope Jo has the time to unravel this mess because this could have saved the OECD countries TRILLIONS of $ over the last 10 years.
Heads should roll over this BS and FRAUD, but will the MSM or pollies or so called scientists etc even understand what Pielke has found?
Yes H, that post World War 11 “stability” was amazing, when I look back on it.
There was community discipline, honest leadership and intolerance of the corrupt activity that currently exists as the focal point for “leadership”.
There has always been corruption in leaders but post WW11 it was hidden because if you were caught you would end up in gaol.
The change in all of that was visible to me in the slow relaxation of community discipline from the late sixties and by the mid seventies it had all spilled out when at that time our friend and saviour, Tirath Khemlani, held the public stage for a while. At that time justice was served but the tide had turned for the worse.
We are in trouble.
Meant as a reply to #2.2
The threat of strategic nuclear MAD, Nam, Soviet Commies, manned (sorry, personed) space exploration …
actual biological women sans tattoos in mini-skirts …
natural immunity …
good times. 🙂
Like these photos of Kabul in the 1960s.
(Small correction … we’re being led back to the 7th century.)
Thanks for the support KK. I am out of step with the anti-American groupthink here.
Easy to see things as stable sitting in a distant and westernized country. Since WW2 people in Korea,Vietnam, Chile, the Middle East countries , assorted African countries and Central America havent enjoyed enjoyed that kind of stability stability.
Feminists hate old white guys.
Feminism has destroyed the west.
So far the NO vote at Saturday’s referendum looks an easy winner with the betting market.
I’ll walk to the school, may even buy a democracy sausage if they have some, no way I’ll be complacent. Need to cancel my son’s vote. 🙂
Amazing – the Israelis were/are unarmed:
Leo Hohmann: Why Were Israelis so Defenseless Against Hamas Terrorists Going House-to-House Killing and Raping?
This explains so much. There was I under the impression that every settlement was armed to the teeth ready to fight an incursion but no, just the opposite.
They were defenseless.
Even at the “Supernova music festival” 5.2 km from Gaza no-one pulled out any weapons. It wasn’t until the police arrived, with pistols (?), that they had any means of defense.
Made me wonder too, as many pointed out on X with a red circle, was that the techno Supernova “trance music” they were dancing to was in front of what looked like a silver techno Buddha 0:00 – 0.01, or something.
My first reaction on seeing that was – Wut.Is.That?
>silver techno Buddha [at “Supernova music festival”]
Everything you need to repel Islamic Jihad, or not as it turns out.
Actually zero “mindfulness” to an obvious enemy.
And the Middle Way “between sensual indulgence and severe asceticism” is driven along in cars apparently.
>Everything you need to repel Islamic Jihad
Hamas Leader and Founding Member Khaled Mashal Calls for Global Muslim Uprising, Asking for Muslim’s Blood and Souls to be Sacrificed for Palestine This Upcoming ‘Friday of Al-Aqsa Flood’
If not Friday then a day when you least expect it.
Also, from another Ian:
Includes proof from the Quran, Hadith and Sira.
Palestinians refer to Hamas soldiers as “fighters” – where does that come from?
Quran (2:244) – “Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things.”
Quran (2:216) – “Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”
Quran (4:74) – “Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.”
Quran (8:39) – “And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah”
Quran (8:65) – “O Prophet, exhort the believers to fight…”
Enough to make the point, I think. Something to keep in mind when next you read the term “Palestinian fighters”.
Radical Democratic Colorado Congressman REFUSES to Condemn Hamas Murdering Women and Children – Then He Issues a Disturbing Threat to the Journalist Who Confronted Him (VIDEO)
To date/time – 6,615,000 views.
Try this –
“Does Islam permit Muslims to lie?
Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other… unless the purpose of lying is to “smooth over differences” or “gain the upper-hand over an enemy.”
There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya (the Shia name). These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam – in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.”
More at
A drug festival with music, so even if they had guns they couldn’t have hit the side of a barn, and ISIS/hamas is more motivated.
Ronin >A drug festival
No, I don’t think so.
I don’t see any evidence of that. Once the realization set in they were totally lucid and even before that they weren’t out of it – just the opposite. No-one was lying around zonked.
This was techno Buddhism – the idol is obvious.
They were just somewhat separated from reality by a dodgy philosophy.
The military facts
Watch: A [WSJ] Visual Reconstruction Of How The Music Festival Massacre Unfolded
You Tube: How Hamas Turned an Israeli Music Festival Into a Massacre | WSJ
Silver techno Buddha at night right at the beginning.
Shows two exits from property and two Hamas road blocks closing off the road out each way – obviously took some planning.
Also at Zero Hedge post,
A new video has emerged showing a #Hamas paraglider making a landing at the Nova festival on Saturday morning, just moments before the carnage began.
Unsuspecting attendees were just dancing or sitting in the sand.
>They were defenseless.
Not all.
25-Year-Old Israeli Woman Kills 5 Terrorists, Leads Team to Save Kibbutz from Hamas
That was how I thought the whole place operated – but not so.
Cultures of death:
“Kill the Boers”
“Kill the Jews”
“Gas the Jews”
I agree, the public were not unarmed but disarmed. The rulers represent the degeneration of culture imitating the US, as we and many others are doing. The recent riots in Israel of the Wokists is an example- the PM wants to cut the power of the Supreme Court who are a self-appointing gang responsible to no one, not even law but the US woke movement. If it were up to me, Army members who went on strike for that would be strung up.
The attack by Hamas took 6 to 12 months of careful planning, on top of that they had good luck.
It is a warning for us.
Here’s a great laugh for everyone:
The article title is: “Researchers Make Troubling Findings As They Compare Modern Times to Mass Extinction Events”. It is published by someplace called ‘History All Day’.
Never heard of it (until today).
The laugher is this line from paragraph six: “Never in the history of the world have we recorded the high atmospheric carbon dioxide levels that we’re dealing with today.”
According to the brief bio of the author (one O. Ogunjimi), he has been a writer for about five years.
I sent this response to their “Contact Us” form:
“Researchers make troubling findings……..mass extinction events”
Author: O. Ogunjimi
This hyperbolic scare story contains a glaring error. It states without any equivocation (paragraph six):
“Never in the history of the world have we recorded the high atmospheric carbon dioxide levels we’re dealing with today.”
This is one of the most unbelievable errors I think I’ve ever seen. Please check Berner and Kothavala and their GEOCARB III analysis; additionally, Geologic Time Scale 2020 (Gradstein, Ogg, Schmitz, and Ogg) contains pertinent geochemical data dating to the middle PaleoArchean, all of which show that today’s concentration of carbon dioxide (which, by the way is not ‘pollution’, but a vital plant food, for those who do not know otherwise) is very close to historical lows. Only the Serpukovian-to-Moscovian Epochs saw levels approaching today’s concentration.
So, this gentleman has about five years’ writing experience? I think my 14-year-old, high school freshman grandson could have written a better article that Mr. Ogunjimi. At least he would have done some minimal research before he makes such a glaring error.
I’ve submitted the link for this “article” to WUWT, for some appropriate ridicule.
And some appropriate ridicule from all of our good JoNovian friends. Have at it, ladies and gentlemen (or whatever non-binary gender you identify as … … … … )
Another way to take a lump out of your cheque book –
“$40,000 minor dent repair = Rivian. Just Say No.”
Centuries ago, Australia was covered in snow and ice, and the ‘riginals wore socks
Which would explain this:
I know these things; at my age I wear boomersocks
We are a different post code now though.
Hamas’s attack was deliberately orchestrated to create an open war. I say that because of the taking of hostages, knowing that this will simply escalate the crisis. The ongoing hostage situation presents a unique crisis, for included within those hostages are also Americans. Taking about 150 living hostages presents a crisis that can engulf the entire region. This is not simply a retaliation against Hamas. They have said for every attack, they will kill one hostage.
There is no doubt that this was planned. Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad visited China for the first time in nearly 20 years. Beijing seeks to deepen its influence in the Middle East.
The Neocons seek to use the Middle East as a second front against Russia.
You don’t say. 😉
So why would we want to WASTE 9.2 TRILLION $ globally every year on TOXIC, UNRELIABLE W & S energy until 2050 when Dr Pielke tells us it is all based on very bad IPCC data?
Obviously if we are tracking below RCP 4.5, we should only spend our money on RELIABLE BASE-LOAD energy like Coal, Gas and Nuclear.
Of course their TOXIC, UNRELIABLE W & S DISASTERS would have to be renewed every 15 to 20 years and ensure even more trillions $ WASTED down the drain for nothing.
More on that theme
Banks block money and clean up ATMs: “National Policy”
Dordrecht is fast becoming one of the first cities in the Netherlands to become a cashless municipality. All banks, ING, but also ABN AMRO, for example, have now removed payment terminals in their offices. You can no longer collect or deposit money from the cash. “This is not normal,” says a Dordrecht.
Several sources from the banks independently say that they expect ATMs to go out nationally in the long term. According to those sources, that has been decided from above and cash must possibly disappear from payment transactions, they say. “It is strange,” says an employee of one of the banks in the Randstad, about one recently modernized bank branch. “Within it now looks hip and inviting here. But you can no longer collect money or deposit here. What is this office for??”
The ATMs that were outside at the Dordrecht ABN AMRO on Stationsweg were removed some time ago, but there are also no more ATMs inside recently. It is also no longer possible to collect or deposit money at a cash register. “We no longer have any cash,” the bank said. And ING in the center of Dordrecht also suddenly removed its ATM that was outside. The last other vending machines in the center are often out of order.
“Where can I deposit my money?asks a very concerned older lady, who walks around with an envelope in her hand containing cash. On a weekday Tuesday morning, De Dordtse ended up at the two remaining ATMs on Statenplein. There is a sign near one of the two: ‘This machine is out of service for a long time’.
The oldies that can’t or won’t adapt will be hit the hardest.
There is one thing “they” cannot control. Yesterday my son had a friend help him get his new house weather tight. Today he is building for his friend.
Slabs of beer will soon become a standard unit of currency.
BLM are supporting Hamas.
Companies that gave more than $83 billion to the BLM movement revealed
– Bank of America: $18.5 billion
– BlackRock: $810 million.
– Adidas: $120 million.
– Amazon: $169.5 million.
– American Express: $50 million.
– Apple: $100 million.
– IBM: $252 million.
– Kellogg: $91 million.
– Microsoft: $244.6 million.
– PGA Tour: $100 million.
– Warner Bros. Discovery: $115 million.
The last, Warner, owns TV3 in NZ. Was the Barbie channel for a while with wall-to-wall promotion.
Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Called for the End of Israel at Harvard:
‘Our Generation’s South Africa’
Black Lives Matter Organization Shows Support for Hamas Amid Terror Attack on Israel
BLM Supports Hamas
‘Must Not Be Condemned… Desperate Act of Self-Defense’
‘Clear Parallels Between Black and Palestinian People’
None of Ten Most-Followed Celebrity Instagram Accounts Shows Support for Israel Following Hamas Attacks, Many Backed BLM
And BLM supports Hamas.
Iran and the Cult of the Mahdi
This scenario is not to be underestimated I think. Beware the emergence of any “Mahdi”.
Milli Sands, American Thinker:
“Other non-Muslims” = everyone else.
BLM is run from the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco
So where did it all go ?…
…or who controls it currently ?
Was it used to feed and educate black children ?
.. Send them on beach holidays, ? community facilities ?
Americans Searching “Will I Get Drafted To War” Hits Highest Level Since Iraq 2007 Surge Amid WW3 Threat
Geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has warned that the world is teetering on the edge of a war cycle that could last many years. Nenner may be correct: The Ukraine war has been ongoing for 1.7 years, and just days ago, Hamas invaded Israel, sparking yet another dangerous geopolitical powder keg exploding right before our very eyes.
On Saturday, former President Trump told the crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, that the US is “closer to World War III than we’ve ever been.”
“I’m telling you, we are closer to World War III,” Trump said, warning that another conflict could use “weaponry the likes of which this world has never seen before.”
No crying booths, safe spaces or lgbtqZzz+×÷ flags at the front.
The hard reality they need. Draft ’em all! 😎
Queers For Palestine – Chickens For KFC
I was worried when Alboriginal appeared at the mosque. I thought if they get the smell that this is an antiwhite vote – which it is – the muslims might go for it whereas otherwise they wouldn’t.
But yesterday Alboriginal appeared in cap with the Jews. DONE! All those votes lost. BUT, then he starts speaking ill of Israel. Sows the seeds of doubt again.
But perhaps old Each Way Albo has outplayed himself? I think so.
Did I see somewhere that the current Wizard of Oz assured Ozzians that he would ‘accept’ a ‘no’ outcome on the Voice vote’?
How very democratic of him.
Just read the first yes side pamphlet delivered to my mail box and it claims 80% of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community (there are many communities not one) requested the referendum.
Misleading, to begin with there has been no attempt to gain consent from the 300-plus communities or mobs, as required by UNDRIP, as acknowledged in the Uluru Statement, before proceeding to a referendum legislated in Parliament. And no Constitutional Convention for discussion and assessment of what has been proposed, the complete details version.
The convention that signed off on the Uluru Statement held at a Yulara resort NT was attended by 250 delegates, hand-picked from about one dozen community Dialogues (at which attendance was capped at 100, with 60 reserved for “First Nations groups – and invitations – only aimed to ensure consensus. And, still, a minority of convention delegates rejected it and walked out.
So was the 80% from that small minority of 250 delegates from about 12 community Dialogues. And therefore misleading to claim 80% of all Aborigine & Torres Strait Islanders support?
I believe it is misleading.
And so is not obtaining consent first.
Sounds very similar to the 97% climate scientists agree consensus.
Until we return to same day, pencil & paper ballets counted & scrutinized by communities we will remain the servants of the totalitarians and their claims.
Dr Theodor Landscheidt’s ‘New Little ICE Age Instead of Global Warming?‘ (2003)
Intro by Cap Allon:
Close correlation between surface land air temperature in the Northern Hemisphere (thick curve) and the changing length of the 11-year sunspot cycle (thin curve), indicating the varying intensity of the sun’s eruptional activity (From FriisChristensen and Lassen, 1991). Contrary to the curve in Mauna Loa graph (above), representing the steadily increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the thin solar curve covaries with the undulations of observed temperature.
On top of that is the multi-centennial solar cycle which produced the secular long-term trend long before CO2 reared its ugly head (for some).
Landscheidt is pointing to an oscillation about the secular trend.
New Study: Big Jet Stream Waves Have Doubled Since The 1960s…
Klaus Schwab’s greatest hits.
Following Professor William Happer’s recent speaking engagements in Australia, the Institite Of Public Affairs has released this video of his Brisbane session.
The Crusade Against CO2 and Integrity In Science
At last a government agency that dares to say it how it is.
Jo this could use wider coverage.
STOP IT!! All these d@mn facts are hurting my brain.
Look down, the paper you linked is based on the paper I linked below.
To what extent are temperature levels changing due to greenhouse gas emissions?
Interesting conclusion, to find at page 26
Discussion about
That is a good read.
Basically a comprehensive null hypothesis for CO2 at first skim.
Adelaide, Alice Springs, and Wellington in Supplementary appendix D