A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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When a kid ends your career live on air. Chris Bowen QandA
Kid is way smarter than Energy Minister Bowen, but then so is a bag of hammers.
Or an amoeba……..
Oops. Somebody slipped up.
How did this kid get on the stage and why was he not shouted down and silenced?
Keep an eye out for advertisments for replacement program managers at their ABC.
It’s about short term gains at the ballot box. A lot of the things he promised to axe haven’t been debated on the floor let alone being planned to happen. Axing something that wasn’t going to happen. Politics at its finest.
How dare you (expose the government lies, incompetence and more lies and incompetence) 😆
Better save that clip as it’s a classic…
This, under the heading GOVERNMENT IDIOCY, should also be filed under AUTHORITARIAN DECEIT, or GLOBALIST WAR ON THE WEST.
They want “social electrification”, “to eliminate alternatives to electricity”, and their fraudulent devious bureaucratic and statistical chicanery makes ‘Yes Minister’ seem like kindergarten.
Not much difference between communism and globalism
From an article
That’s a great article Brenda! Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Give the Greens a little finger and they’ll take a Steak
All this rewilding nonsense being promoted by the MSMS too
AND that’s Europe for you any Remoaners ?
I’d rather give them the middle finger.
..and tell em to spin on it, like a wind turbine, until they squeal like 2 pigs on their honeymoon. 😆
A new regeneration has occured in a World first.
Obviously the rains that fell didn’t just evaporate.
“An outpouring of concern has reverberated around the world since Australia declared an El Nino event, with fears another devastating bushfire season could be looming.
Former fire brigade chief Greg Mullins was quick to add his voice to the choir, warning that a dangerous summer lies ahead.”
Funding proposal in the offing. ??
“Funding proposal in the offing. ??”
The usual way to screw ratepayers these days is to dodge the ‘increase limit’ on the base land tax rate by adding extra levies for environmental problems. I’m still paying to repair roads in Kingaroy from floods years ago as well as an extra bushfire tax and some other crap dreamed up by a bureaucrat..
I love the caption below one of the photo’s “Volunteer Firefighters work to contain a fire at Wallacia on September 20, 2023” You would of thought they could have stated it was a control burn off to reduce the risk of an out of control bush fire.
Amazing what they leave out to distort reality,
Uk does a dramatic upturn on green measures
Greens apoplectic with rage
Don’t get too enthusiastic. The party will soon have him telling the country he’s retiring to spend more time with the family.
CSIRO pollute pristine Bribie Island beach with millions of plastic nurdles.
Shame shame shame.
Get Memory Vault on to it.
Here is another insane Leftist idea that makes you wonder if its real or a parody.
WD40 is about to be banned in Canada, along with many other handy household products that contain volatiles.
This is not a joke or parody.
The following video is by the famous Ave who is an unusual way of talking.
Since the Australian federal and state governments copy the very worst of the worst ideas of other lunatic regimes overseas, expect to see it here as well.
My original statement is correct.
A product that has to be reformulated is not the original product.
If they don’t or can’t reformulate the product or comply with vast amounts of paperwork, it will be withdrawn from the market.
This legislation will also destroy many smaller companies.
“This legislation will also destroy many smaller companies.”
Which means it is backed/lobbied for/instigated by the big companies in the market, especially if WD40 can re-formulate to get around it but CRC can’t.
Please read the link
As our 32.1 percent mandated prime minister has it, Why would I? –especially given that your links nearly always contradict your argument.
I covered that one.😎
WD40 isn’t being banned, but will have formula changes and no doubt cost more. Some other products will likely go bust though.
When the pro-science community raises issues of fraudulent data manipulation of historic temperature data at Australia’s Bureau of Meterology (BoM) apologists claim that the original temperatures are not overwritten.
“Homogenisation” is the secret process by which the BoM claim to compensate for supposed erroneous historic temperature data or station moves. The official “explanation” is below (link).
The process is not reproducible as the methodology is secret and despite numerous requests, refuses to disclose it. As it is secret, it is not reproducible by others and therefore not science.
The official claim is that the original data is not over-ridden. That may or may not be true. The BoM has shown their willingness to alter data so why should they be trusted?
Also, “homogenisation” is the basis for establishing that Australia is supposedly getting hotter. Whether the original data is overwritten or not, it is the very basis of the Government’s highly destructive policies to supposedly deal with anthropogenic global warming.
This anti-scientific data manipulation might be the most destructive data fraud in the history of Australia.
There are many articles on this site about “homogenisation”. See
Leaf will be along soon to offer apologies and claim bias.
Indeed she will. She issued apologetics in the last thread.
I wonder how a process that for outsiders is non-reproducible and non-documented and hence not falsifiable can be considered science?
Falsifiability is a foundation of any valid scientific (or any) hypothesis.
I guess, under post-modernist ideology it’s true if you think it’s true. Facts don’t matter.
Yes David, like all religions, you just take it as instructed, you ‘believe’ without any tangible proof .
Strange then how the BOM is in line with the world
NASA Earth Observatory. …
European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative (CCI) …
UNEP Environmental Data Explorer. …
US Government Open Data Initiative. …
FAO GeoNetwork. …
NASA’s Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) …
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Peter F >”Strange then how the BOM is in line with the world”
Downthread you will discover that BOM is completely out of line with ECMWF ERA5 (and all the other reanalysis datasets).
Raw, absolute, unhomogenized, unadjusted data exposes BOM’s methodology as statistical and scientific malfeasance.
you are not comparing like for like, nice try but
Peter F >”you are not comparing like for like”
Exactly, that was the point:
Peter F >”you are not comparing like for like”
Ok, like for like, in the GISTEMP anomaly framework:
Annual Mean Temperature Change for Three Latitude Bands
The graph is interactive so mouseover for datapoints.
The Northern Extratropics graph profile is much different to Southern Extratropics which contains Southern Australia and New Zealand, and Southern looks nothing like BOM’s ACORN-SAT especially around 1960 1.e.1940-1960.
Northern 2022 anomaly: 1.52
Southern 2022 anomaly: 0.71
Why the radical difference between hemispheres and between GISTEMP and ACORN-SAT ?
Northern Australia is Tropics but GISTEMP Tropics doesn’t help your case either.
‘Did we miss any other essential free world climate data sources?’
BoMs data tampering and tweaking has gained it a reputation.
What is this ‘free world’ nonsense?
link please – and free world? where was the word free used?
Straight after the words, Safe, Effective.
And USCRN?????????????
David >”The official claim is that the original data is not over-ridden”
I’m assuming this comment follows John B from yesterday (maybe not). I’ve replied twice (maybe one in moderation) but here goes again.
The original data is not over-ridden.
I spent considerable time extracting raw data from NIWA’s CliFlo database prior to the NZCSC’s (I’m not a member) unsuccessful legal case against NIWA. The NZCSC was ultimately successful with a peer reviewed statistical paper that vindicated them (NIWA’s technique was loose, arbitrary), but ‘nuther story.
Point is, all that raw data is completely untouched by any creation of homogenized time series.Same with Australian raw data (Climate Data Online) and ACORN-SAT. Also, the raw data is where highest/lowest records reside – not in homogenized time series.
Reanalysis pulls in raw, unhomogenized, unadjusted data.
>“homogenisation” is the basis for establishing that Australia is supposedly getting hotter
Yes, that is the problem. Also that it is anomaly data and not raw absolute data.
But a mainland Australia lat/lon block (sans Tasmania) can be isolated by reanalysis using Climate Reanalyzer and NOAA’s WRIT and ECMWF ERA5.
Firstly take a look at the anomaly compared to BOM’s ACORN-SAT:
Monthly Reanalysis Time Series [Select Region: Australia]
Linear trend (from NOAA’s WRIT) 1979-2012: 0.052 C/decade.
Essentially flat. Now campare to ACORN-SAT:
On that graph it is not possible to isolate the 1957-2012 period but their entire series trend is 0.13 C/decade.
In short, The BOM representation of the Australia temperature record is bogus.
Trend analysis of mainland Australia absolute temperature from ERA5 follows.
Trend analysis of mainland Australia absolute temperature from ERA5 with WRIT
Web-based Reanalysis Intercomparison Tool: Monthly/Seasonal Time-Series
Defaults except,
Dataset: ERA5
Variable: 2m Air Temperature
Start: 1979, End: 2012
Variable Statistic: Mean
Lowest: -40, Highest: -10
Western-most: 110, Eastern-most: 156
Should get this graph
Linear Trend 1979-2012: 0.03 C/decade
That’s flat i.e. there was no climate change for 30+ years.
But BOM’s ACORN-SAT (see previous) over the entire series is 0.13 C/decade. That trend is also typical of their data from 1979-2012.
So raw, absolute, unhomogenized, unadjusted data exposes BOM’s methodology as statistical and scientific malfeasance.
>”The NZCSC was ultimately successful with a peer reviewed statistical paper that vindicated them (NIWA’s technique was loose, arbitrary)”
That was this paper:
A Reanalysis of Long-Term Surface Air Temperature Trends in New Zealand
C. R. de Freitas & M. O. Dedekind & B. E. Brill (2014)
Caution: homogenization and adjustments.
NIWA cannot reproduce their results – NZCSC can reproduce their results.
Also, this is not “reanalysis” in terms of the global reanalysis datasets.
The y axis of BOM’s latest ACORN-SAT graph completely distorts the visual impression:
BOM ACORN-SAT [As at Sept 2023]
Now compare that graph to this from Annual Australian Climate Statement 2006:
Australian annual mean temperature anomalies (compared to the 1961–90 average) since 1910. [Issued 3 January 2007]
Same graph, different y axes, different trend lines – different impressions.
>”On that graph it is not possible to isolate the 1957-2012 period”
Don’t know where 1957 came from. Should be:
“the [1979]-2012 period”
DM saw your comment. He will repeat this fallacy till he’s gone.
true that. No apology. BOM provides the data and offers their analysis and interpretation. Take it or leave it or, as many do, reanalyse it.
I don’t see how this is different from any other use of data done by anyone ever.
A thought. If you read a digital thermometer that takes your temperature, what is the raw data? Is it the 36.8 on the screen or the binary output of the electronic detector that the silicon chip converts to 36.8
The displayed temperature is not “raw data”. 😉
It’s the human friendly digital representation of the converted analog (not binary😎) output of the temperature probe, be it thermocouple, RTD, thermistor or SSS.
There will be accuracy and precision factors influencing the raw data so the displayed data will be out, albeit by an insignificant amount.
exactly. The bunch of numbers represents something other than temperature and gets converted according to a calibration. So the bunch of numbers (raw data) is not even a temperature
If it is compared to a (e.g.) NIST calibrated thermometer and needs re-calibration (obviously a higher end thermometer than the one you buy from the chemist) then the same bunch of numbers will be displayed and recorded as a different temperature. To make sense of the bunch of numbers you need to know how they are adjusted.
Gee, if you’re seeking 100.000% accurate data, then you won’t find it in this reality.
“Nothing is perfect therefore everything is flawed” as I say.
The real issue is access to true raw data, data that is fit for purpose, not chasing unachievable accuracy and precision, as non-recent data has neither.
Not having such perfect data isn’t relevant.
>”BOM provides the data [1] and offers their analysis and interpretation [2]”
Well yes, sort of.
[1] BOM compiles raw data and archives it.
This data is what reanalysis datasets pull in i.e. reanalysis is raw, unhomogenized, unadjusted, absolute data.
[2a] BOM then creates anomaly datasets which obliterates the annual seasonal cycle.
[2b] BOM then create homogenized datasets and claim: “The differences between ‘raw’ and ‘homogenised’ datasets are small”
The comparison is ACORN-SAT vs AWAP (the unadjusted gridded Australian average temperature). However, both are in anomaly terms.
Then they claim:
Except reanalysis data does not exhibit that. Upthread #8.3 and #8.3.1 demonstrate that, contray to BOM’s claim, there is a 30+ year time segment 1979-2012 in which the data is essentially flat – certainly no “very large and spurious warming trend”.
So yes, BOM do “offer their analysis and interpretation” but it is that which is highly problematic.
It is open to review, critique and falsification as you are doing.
Or the temperature coefficient of expansion of mercury in a mercury in glass thermometer.
yep. It is just a liquid going up and down a tube until someone puts some marks on the tube to indicate temperature and those marks are not immutable. Recalibration might mean that the 25.0 mark should be read as 25.2. I certainly wouldn’t be relying on that raw data without knowing about this.
Just it’s the same thermometer at the same site.
Then why does the BoM place this at the end of their monthly/seasonal/yearly weather reports – ‘raw temps’ are not referred to.
‘National monthly and seasonal summaries are published on the first working day of the following month, based on information available at 3 pm on the first day of that month.
Long-term averages in this statement and associated tables are for the period 1961 to 1990 unless otherwise specified. Temperature area averages are derived from the ACORN-SAT version 2 dataset and temperature maps are derived from the AWAP dataset. Rainfall area averages and maps, are derived from the AGCD dataset.’
Good to hear from someone with genuine expertise on the subject.
Ian >”‘raw temps’ are not referred to”
Not explicitly but the AWAP dataset is unadjusted gridded Australian average temperature. See #8.4.2 upthread.
The latest open station data is no different whether AWAP or ACORN-SAT because there’s no reason for it to be i.e. all AWS, stable sites, same data, no homogenization effect etc.
Adjustments only take effect prior to about 1955 and yes, they cool the past. You can see AWAP vs ACORN-SAT here:
Figure 1: AWAP vs ACORN-SAT
Climate scientists are obsessed with anomalies and homogenization but the problem is elsewhere and exposed by absolute time series. It is only recently that the WMO used absolute series for their “hottest day” declaration, that was this:
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature
But Big Climate studiously avoids absolute series in all else, particularly when compared to climate model output where the comparison is laughable.
They certainly don’t want that discrepancy to be common knowledge.
I often check the BoM monthly reports. I check the anomalies for each district against the map representations. There is little correlation between the two. Often the majority of a district’s site will be below average yet the shading suggests above average for that district (due to 1961-1990 averaging and smoothing methods they use).
BTW, as you say, ‘they cool the past’. 1914 in Aust was originally a touch over 0.5C above average. ACORN has reduced this to 0.13C. Way to get that warming look worse.
Worth reading this very good article.
Also there
““Did The Covid Vax, Or Any Vax, Cause ADHD or Autism? Steve Kirsch’s Survey Data Analyzed” ”
What happened to your ™heatwave™?
23C for Sydney today, 15C for Melbourne, 13C for Hobart – STAY INDOORS and TURN UP THE HEAT, if you’ve got electricity, or move north to Queensland… El Niño huh.
>What happened to your ™heatwave™?
AAP/TVNZ Status:
1) Australia ‘Barrelling towards catastrophe’
2) Nation “at the precipice”
Meanwhile El Niño NZ-style:
Heavy Snow Warning ⚠️
Snow to 100m
20-40cm Mackenzie Basin and inland Canterbury in the South Island, Friday and Saturday. Perfect way to start the school holidays… if only it was warmer.
Brisbane was dry and warm yesterday, perfectly normal here for the middle of September.
Record ozone hole over Antarctica so far.
What is your point? Surely just natural variation. And a record only since data has been recorded, which is not all that long.
And looking at the graph it doesn’t seem much of a “record” anyway.
Wh0 has Record ozone hole on their Bingo card?
Only discovered in the 1980’s
‘What is your point?’
Irene is suggesting we take a closer look, its only natural.
‘In 2023 the development has started unusually early following some of the lowest minimum total column ozone values for the Southern Hemisphere in the last four decades throughout July. Because of this, its total area is currently relatively high, although its progression has followed a fairly typical pattern of growth.’ (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service)
‘One of the potential reasons that could explain this unusual start of the ozone hole season is the increase in water vapour brought to the atmosphere by the eruption of the Hunga Tonga volcano in December 2021 and January 2022.’ (CAMS)
Never! It just can’t be! The scientists said if we stopped using fluorocarbons it would never be a hole again, and the politicians leaped on board with new laws.. Yet here we are.
Obviously a technical fault in the instrument, a mistake in transferring results, an outlier value… anything except proof that the whole kaboodle was wrong from the start and its natural variation!
Suella Braverman slams Chris Packham after wildlife presenter insisted it is ‘ethically responsible’ for eco mob to break the law and warned an oil refinery could be blown up
Home Secretary Suella Braverman has slammed Chris Packham for his ‘aggressive approach’ on climate change and for backing eco mobs who break the law.
The BBC Springwatch presenter was involved in a heated row with Good Morning Britain presenter Richard Madeley who told Packham his endorsement was akin to IRA and ISIS terrorists justifying violence.
Packham, 62, pointed to the fact ‘the world is being flooded and is on fire’ with millions of people’s lives at risk, and ominously threatened those protesting will ‘make a louder noise’ if their voices were not heard.
‘I have no right or overview and nor do I profess to say I have it [they should break the law], I merely ask the question is this the right time for us to break the law?,’ he said…
One of the best speeches I’ve heard about Nuclear power and why the other parties want to help the UN and WEF etc to force Aussies to use TOXIC W & S and wreck our electricity grids.
Sen Malcolm Roberts is a very good speaker and always carries out proper research on Energy. There’s also a transcript of his speech at the link.
Even more censorship on the way.
YouTube/Goolag plans to censor all medical Information not in accord with the Official Narrative as determined by the World Homicide Organisation.
The Left claim to love “diversity” but are terrified of alternative ideas or opinions.
See video:
Here is the Left’s idea of “diversity”.
>”World Homicide Organisation”
Unpalatable in a science-based blog I know but I stumbled on this snippet:
The word ‘sorceries’ is Greek word 5332 pharmakeia, which describes; medication (“pharmacy”).
This was in respect to this: “by your sorcery all the nations were deceived”.
I’ll leave it at that.
Oh for a politically unaffected alternative to youtube.
They’ve changed their interface yet again too. Grrrr…
We have Bitchute, Odyssee, Brighteon, Rumble and a few more.
This is why I save a lot of vids and docs. Such valuable info tends to disappear forever.
The Law of Unintended Consequences strikes again!
“Lesson Of The Day: Sanctions Don’t Work Because They Create New Markets”
Interesting review paper about vegan diets.
The results don’t surprise me as any strict vegan I have ever encountered has always seemed unhealthy but I was unaware of the mental health impacts of such a diet.
Just perhaps this shows not that a vegan diet produces mental health problems, but that those with mental health problems are attracted to the vegan diet
Chicken or egg problem.
I would suggest that those with poor psychological health are predisposed to veganism.
Which came first. The meat eater or the vegan.
The body wants what evolution created it for, not a social fad.
Eat meat!
Remember Noah’s ark saved the animals, not the lettuce.😎
I recently got a house (building) insurance quote.
One was significantly cheaper than others. I discovered that they only insure low risk properties.
Other big companies take on all risks.
If I am sensible enough to choose not to live in a bushfire or flood zone etc. why should I pay high premiums to cover those who do decide to live in high risk areas?
I am seriously considering insuring with them.
My house is also low risk and I don’t have a mortgage so I have opted out of insurance after steep premium increases. The car sits in the garage most days and at our age all health risks will be handled by Qld Health so I am saving nearly $10k annually.
I have a bore so use the water-savers option on my rates and save another few hundred, my solar cells save on electricity.
And we may have an Aldis by the end of the year, I’m rolling in money!!
Might be false economy dropping the car insurance altogether. I think it’s worth paying ~$200pa for TPPD, just on the off chance that you have a coming together, and their insurance says it’s your fault. Even a little bingle might be expensive if the other car’s a Tesla.
My house & contents policy jumped over $1700 after the last flood. I got some other quotes & they were all higher than a few years ago but none this high. I am on acreage over 5 acres & many insurance companies won’t touch us.
I contacted my original insurer who said the reason for the increase was I was in a flood prone area. The fact that my home is 140Ft, [sorry I’m an old coot], above the river level was of no interest to them.
Yes I’m with a new insurer, $1300 cheaper, not a tin pot company either, & expect to be there a fair while.
Media reports of some houses being uninsurable or having 10 fold increases.
Polar sea ice records and peak time
*satellite measurements since 1979
Not only a record winter low level of ice but it peaked a week earlier than average and is already heading down.
The Arctic is not a record BUT about a week ago when the summer low is usually recorded, 2023 was the 5th lowest minimum. It has continued to drop and is now 3rd lowest.
Lost 2017 Airbus Engine Found Under 12-Feet Of Greenland Ice
In fewer than two years the fan hub fragment had been buried by a staggering 12 feet (almost 4 meters) of compacted snow.
Presents this graph:
Greenland Mass Balance
To paraphrase Mark Twain: ‘The reports of [Greenland melting] are greatly exaggerated’
Glacier Girl, a Lockheed P-38F Lightning, was recovered from under 300 ft of ice after a forced landing in Greenland, 50 years later.
It’s lovely to see the ol’ 1979 date popping up again. Obviously it is such a lovely number it has to be constantly used. There couldn’t be another reason could there? I have seen somewhere satellite measurements from the early 70’s. Possibly Nimbus?….
Yeah Nimbus 1964-1978 used for meteorological research. Some images from Nimbus 1 have been finalised. Nimbus 2 and 3 need to be studied. We’re in no rush.
This is a particular data set using visualising technology that was launched at that time. It can be estimated from earlier dates but that is not what is represented here.
Sort of an own goal
“The research shows, for example, that sea-ice extent in the Antarctic in 1964 reached at least 19.7 million sq km.
That is greater than anything seen in the continuous 1979-2012 data-set – larger even than the “record” extent of 19.44 million sq km achieved last year [1912].
This certainly fits with anecdotal evidence that sea-ice in the southern polar region in the 1960s was very broad.”
More medical madness: Euthanized woman in Belgium heard SCREAMING by family as doctors suffocated her with a pillow
A euthanasia procedure gone wrong resulted in Belgian doctors resorting to suffocating a patient after the lethal injection drug cocktail they dispensed into her body failed to produce the desired death.
According to her family, which was outside on a terrace at the time of the incident, 36-year-old Alexina Wattiez was suffocated to death with pillows as nurses and other hospital staff pressed them over her face to finish the job that the drugs failed to do.
Wattiez received a devastating terminal cancer diagnosis in 2021 that doctors said would end her life within a year. When 2022 came around and she was still alive, barely, she opted to participate in Belgium’s euthanasia program, which was first legalized back in 2022.
Wattiez was in such extreme pain and misery at the time, and knew that the cancer was going to eventually take her anyway, that she chose to speed things up with a lethal injection. When that lethal injection failed, her caretakers chose a different route.
As doctors and nurses pressed pillows over Wattiez’s face, her family says she could be heard from all the way outside screaming in terror.
I covered this (Euthanasia) the other day.
The solution is simple and has been known for decades.
I don’t know how much lower my respect for the medical profession can get.
Thursday wtf: sweet dreams!
Nope, nope and nope.
Thursday wtf2: and the streets ran red with wine
A ruptured tank in Portugal.
…books flight…😁
Easy living –
“UPDATE: An Atlanta reader emails:
I’ve lived here since 2001 and until a few years ago I had never seen a tent under a highway overpass. Now they seem to be everywhere.
Not defending it, but being homeless is easier than ever because of technology.
With only a smartphone, one can have and manage a bank account, receive income (like public benefits), make online payments, communicate with friends and family, hire transportation to/from your location, schedule medical appointments, have food delivered to your location, purchase items on Amazon delivered to a nearby dropoff point, arrange drug deals, find customers for sexual services, etc.
A homeless person in America with a smartphone can shop, select, and have their preferred tent delivered to them from China to a nearby Amazon locker within a few days, as well as any other “camping” supplies they desire.
In balmy Georgia for 9/112ths of the year, that is a “home-free” lifestyle that is completely feasible from a tent under I-75.”
“The suicide of expertise: Glenn Reynolds
Americans might look back on the last 50 years and say, “What have experts done for us lately?” ”
Australians too IMO
“The Left’s New Rules: Guilty Until Proven Innocent”
“When did it become perfectly okay to convict someone before their day in court? Rumble thankfully still agrees with innocent until proven guilty:
Rumble’s response to the UK Parliament’s letter to our CEO @chrispavlovski
— Rumble – ☠️ $RUM (@rumblevideo) September 20, 2023
For those who still don’t get why destroying Brand purely on allegations, Styxhexenhammer has some thoughts.”
Here’s an interview from the Bolt Report in which Myles Jerrard, a 21 year old Aboriginal person, speaks about his opposition to the Voice.
Approx 6 min.
Easy for me to say he seems like a smart guy because I agree with him, but he really does seem like a smart guy and he’s living out what he preaches.
Voice Myths Debunked
Hi everyone, does somebody have a link to an accurate description of the composition of solar panels including mineral percentages, etc? That would be much appreciated.
Goes with that legionaires outbreak –
““Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit” ”