A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Keep up to date on legislative trajectories.
A curious event recorded on seismographs throughout New Zealand last night (about 8:45pm).
A seismic tremor lasting about 5 minutes of similar magnitude at all measurement stations (signal clipping evident for 2 minutes on all GeoNet’s published seismogram recordings).
There didn’t appear to be any associated spectral-amplitude anomaly recordings, so not a volcanic event.
About to look it up…how deep was it and was there an obvious epicentre?
Couldn’t find anything.
Had a quick search but couldn’t find anything to fit what you describe. I hope we can find out more on this interesting situation.
GeoNet displays near real-time Seismic Monitoring for 24 hours, so you can view these until about 6:45 AEST at the following URL:-
Near Real-time Seismic-Amplitude Measurement averaged over 10-minute periods (RSAM) are displayed for 30 days and are available for North Islands monitoring sites:-
A moderate 6.6 on the Kermadec Islands.
Rattle a few plates but nothing serious.
Oh, it was that one?
Felt last night’s little rock’n’roller 6.6 just before 9pm – a minor wobble compared to Morocco’s 6.8 today. Building codes prove their worth, yet again.
Annie, a little dusting up on the tops around your place? That system is now eyeing up the South Island… thankfully I’m up in the North.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Morocco is antipodal to the Kermadec Islands.
Maybe, haven’t seen anything because of trees hiding the view and low cloud.
Earthquake shadow zones – a seemingly little known, or often forgotten phenomena. thanks to the liquid mantle, seismic shear waves aren’t transmitted through it, and P waves (compressional) are refracted by changes in material density, the crust/mantle/core/inner core boundaries, amongst others.
This means that for every earthquake, there is effectively, a band around the planet where it is unlikely, or unable to be detected.
If you imagine the earth sliced through the middle, with the earthquake epicentre at the top (zero degrees), then if you’re in a zone between approximately 104, and 140 degrees, or 220-256 degrees (roughly 3:30 to 4:40, and 7:20-8:30 on a clock face), you probably wont register anything on seismic hardware. Of course, nothing is quite that simple or clear-cut, but these are the generally agreed upon angles.
In terms of distance around the surface of the earth (using a 40000km circumference as a round number), these zones are roughly 11550km to 15550km away from the origin, so there’s no way you’d feel anything physically anyway.
The shock waves from H-T were clearly evident, here, central Scotland with minor but noticeably sharp shifting in pressure recorded in local weather stations discernable for about three days. A bit more here
There are some other geoscientists here … somewhat heartening. Detail such as this seems perhaps a little unlikely to garner much attention, though, which is a pity.
For those who may be interested, the concept of energy being refracted as it moves through changes in material densities is quite easily seen small scale in road cuttings, where joints (near vertical cross-cutting fractures) may have changed attitudes as the strain was moved through each individual stratum. Simple, sure, but easily observable in everyday life.
[For the other geoscientists, I welcome better descriptions to help people illiterate in geoscience].
Peace, War and 9/11
NATO head says Russia went to war to stop NATO’s expansion.. Something all conspiracy theorists have been getting abused for saying instead of ‘Putin bad, Putin a monster, Putin invaded for his own fun..’ Bit like Covid ‘made in a lab actually.’
Ukies have opened up a new battlefront to the East of the Robotyne/Verbove rather anti-climatic counterattack. The new front is around Novodonetske and Novomajorske, but same open fields with hedgerows in between, so it will be the same hard battle to get anywhere.
Zelensky has given up on Rabotino, blaming the Russian air superiority and the West for not providing F16s yet. He has announced mobilisation of all women in the medical fields, doctors, nurses and pharmacists, plus 14 other professions. The Russians reckon it will be a general mobilisation of women before the end of the year.
Plans for Poland and Romania to carve up Western Ukraine have been released, they are getting organised to enter the war next month. Ukraine changed its constitution a couple of weeks back to allow foreign military bases on its soil. This might be the best hope for ending the war, a stalemate agreement between Poland and Russia while NATO re-equips itself for the next round.
News from-
-where they will be keeping an eye on Armenia and Azerbaijan as they get pushed into war as well.
No guarantees its all 100% true, but I’m sure its more truthful than Western propaganda..
Ukraine is now a total fiasco with old women and children being drafted (dragged off the streets) to fight the hopeless war for scumbo Zelensky, as the men are nearly all dead.
The tanks were duds, the fighter jets will take years to learn how to fly and the west is now finally waking up to reality, prompted by Putin’s positioning of Satan II, no doubt.
Biden is a walking joke and will probably be replaced by Kamala early next year.
Meanwhile Russia is now teaching schoolkids about grenades and AK47’s, while the west tells boys they’re girls, prescribes damaging drugs and irreversible surgeries.
With just 9 years left until everything falls apart in 2032 you’d better buy an EV and solar panels to “save the planet” although sacking every last politician would be infinitely more beneficial.
Retire and enjoy it now.
It’s nice! Trust me. 😉
What will happen in 2032?
Somebody want to tell him?😉
“People ask me can we prevent what will happen going into 2032?
I respond – no way. We have to crash and burn for only then will we reform the system. This system right now, is unsustainable. Just prepare for what is coming, and the good news is we get to restart everything over post-2032 so let us learn from our mistakes.”
– Martin A.
Old women and children ? Would love to see proof of that .
Zelensky for all his faults is still in power and the Russians are still losing ground , equipment and troops plus last I checked Russia are still a long long way from Kiev ?
Do agree with the rest of what you say though .
Well you know, gilding the lily a bit perhaps. I read they are drafting female doctors and nurses into army medical roles.
Re Putin being Satan II, dunno but NATO does describe one of the Russian missile systems (Sarmat) as Satan II. Full on apocalypse , destroy a country with one launch vehicle nightmare stuff. Their use would be very sub optimal for humankind.
That would require me to make an effort to find it again.😉
Children over 15 (as decreed by the UN and ICC), with women up to 60 have been documented well enough.
Go fetch!
You made the claim you find the link , Yarpos says gilding the Lily I call BS .
I know of young women enlisting and some for operating drones but some want combat duty and I know of old women wanting to feed some troops but until now have not seen what you are claiming . Both sides are now requiring compulsory military service for people of certain ages maybe that’s what you’re referring to .
“the fighter jets will take years to learn …….”
That’s what I could not understand. With all this sophisticated equipment gifted to the Ukrainians, where will they have time to learn to operate it while fighting on the front line.
Does anyone keep an audit of this expensive stuff or is it just to boost profits for the Industrial Military Complex and their Democratic & RHINO shareholders?
No wonder they don’t want Trump, he is a danger to their profits.
No doubt there is some truth to what you say John B and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the money that has been thrown at Ukraine has boosted some politicians bank accounts in the USA.
Years to learn?
They could hire the simulator at Williamtown for a couple of hours.
Russia went to war to stem NATO provocations through proxy Ukraine against Russia and to halt the escalation of those provocations to long-range attacks using NATO-supplied platforms.
The immediate result of Russian war to stop NATO expansion is NATO expanding to Scandinavia.
If the US hadn’t stuck its bib in all of this wouldn’t be so bad. American foreign policy #2343: fail. Again.
Nice day in Hong Kong, one of those non events?
The torrential rain was brought by Haikui, a typhoon that made landfall. Its called Weather Panda Eye’s, remember.
Question, why are you environmentalists not protesting wind farms, they are clear felling thousands of acres of pristine forests per wind farm, all the way down the QLD coast.
You pretend to be a Koala advocate, yet the anti-wind farm rallies, not one conservationist attends, why is this?
Sacrifice the Koala’s to save them, your lot are a bunch of virtue signalers. We have you twats dressed in Koala costumes running around the markets in Cairns with a bucket collecting cash yet when it comes time for action, silence! (Wonder how much of that cash goes straight into the feral’s pockets)
Koala map
Good on you for linking once again to an opinion piece.
Both these pastes are from the same article.
The heaviest rain since records began 140 years ago
since records there began in 1952.
Why do you link to opinion pieces, there is not one link in that to support their claim.
I wonder if that is really true?
It may or may not be, but if it’s in Lamestream media, it is more likely to be a lie as Tony Heller has repeatedly proven with respect to claims about the weather.
The database is here but it takes a lot of work to go through it if anyone is interested to do so.
>one of those non events?
No. One of those weather events.
It’s not the event, but the intensity, and like all the other events in the last three months, it is emblematic of what is going on, which is AGW
>the last three months
Still weather.
Climate is the aggregate and average of weather over 30 years – not 3 months.
What climate model and scenario gave any indication, specifically, of what transpired in those 3 months?
How exactly, does the theory of AGW do same?
I would ask too, how does AGW explain the obvious aberration of 2023 ?
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature
It’s an absolute outlier (pun intended).
Choose Area: Tropics
AGW doesn’t explain that.
Seemingly everything is emblematic of AGW to you, so that doesn’t mean much.
If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
I have looked at the data supplied by the Hong Kong Observatory. It has taken some time to compile.
The highest daily total rainfall recorded is 326.5mm, set on the 7th Sept 1965.
The highest daily total rainfall for September 2023 (to date) is 215.7mm, also set on the 7th Sept.
Total rainfall for September 2023, is to date, 395.5mm
The record monthly rainfall is 844.2mm, set in September 1952.
It seems September is a very rainy month and has been that way for a very long time.
The official data is there to see my friend. I am not making this up.
The Reuter article is only up for a millisecond, then I get a blank page, however I noticed unprecedented wetness. Did they mention Hunga Tonga-Hunga?
On a another matter, have you noticed any social unrest in your travels? The Netizens are talking revolution and a collapse of the CCP, followed by an outbreak of democracy in 2026.
Check your browser
More to the point, this is a tumultuous time for China.
The dynasty is about to collapse, will the hawks gain control and start WW3?
El G
About all you missed from the Reuters article was this:
Apart from that, no attribution attempt. Not even a reference to China’s overwhelming GHG emissions and anti-Carbon Zero actions and the sheer irony of that in view of any human attribution that a reader might assume..
They call it ‘black rain’ and it only happens once every 500 years.
A rare event, a bit like the Hunga Tonga-Hunga eruption.
It’s always worth keeping in mind that Reuters is a CIA funded front for disinformation. Important to ask is this real news or propaganda – cui bono.
no but a frequent event, I have been in HK for a couple of Typhoons
one of life’s great aviation experiences, an approach to the old Kai Tak airport as a typhoon is winding up.
It’s normal weather for Hong Kong which is particularly prone, with the predictable claims CC will make it worse.
The claimed precipitation record is probably ‘true’ according to the record criteria they have selected; However many inches in a specified 24 hour period – does that prove this is an unprecedented event of hitherto unknown magnitude, er, no.
Plenty of previous Hong Kong floods here.
The Earth Has No Average Temperature
By Guy K. Mitchell, Jr.
“Adding the temperature of Moscow (20°F) to Miami (74°F) in January yields an average of 47°F. Does anyone think that number has any practical value? It certainly has no scientific value.”
Is the CIA in your underwear?
In a year, if a friend asks you if the CIA is in your underwear, you’d probably not take the question seriously. You’d be wrong. The CIA is spending millions in tax dollars to get into your underwear next year.
Eleven years ago, when this column asked if the CIA was in your kitchen, folks who read only the title of the column mocked it. Yet, then-CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus gave a talk to CIA analysts that he fully expected to be kept secret. In the talk he revealed that CIA vendors had discovered a means to log on to the computer chips in kitchen microwave ovens and dishwashers. From there, they could listen in real time to the conversations in a kitchen if those chatting were nearby the appliances.
Unfortunately for Petraeus, but fortunately for the Constitution, one of his analysts was so critical of the CIA’s disdain for constitutional norms that the analyst recorded a major portion of Petraeus’s talk and leaked it to the media. Is the CIA in your kitchen? Yes, not physically, but virtually.
Last week, the Director of National Intelligence – she is the nominal head of all 17 federal surveillance agencies – revealed to Congress that she had spent $22 million in order to develop cotton fibers that she called smart clothing. The fibers will enable the CIA and other federal spies to record audio, video and geolocation data from your shirt, pants, socks and even your underwear. She billed this as the largest single investment ever made to develop Smart ePants.
Smarty pants – how appropriate is that name for federal intrusion? Smarty pants is the jerk who can’t stop talking and won’t change the subject.
The CIA does not directly develop its ability to connect to your kitchen microwave and dishwasher or your socks and underwear. Rather, it hires outside groups to do so. In the case of smarty pants, 28 American tech firms and laboratories have helped to develop this monstrosity. Most are not household names, but some are – like the University of Virginia (which is owned by the state of Virginia), Penn State (which is owned by the state of Pennsylvania) and DuPont (which owns most of the state of Delaware).
I think chilli will neutralise the problem…
I Rode With An Ice Road Trucker To The Arctic Circle. Here’s What It Was Like
By Rachel Premack of Freightwaves
Much later,
Great story from Rachel Premack, informative laced with droll humour.
>”Keeping to a low gear would just push your vehicle down the mountain and you’d risk losing control.”
Problematic with regenerative braking in an electric truck.
I wonder how being in a low gear would “push” anything?
>”I wonder how being in a low gear would “push” anything?”
Low gear is engine braking all the way down with 110,000 lbs “pushing”.
It was not ice conditions so I’m guessing they let it roll mostly to retain traction. Otherwise if they lose traction it’s over the edge.
Seems to work whatever the reason.
The reverse of a lockup when breaking. What’s needed is an antilock torque converter.
That what it sounds like to me anyways.
The momentum of the following load pushing the prime mover downhill.
On a bitumen road, in a lower gear your engine is doing the braking, the prime mover is resisting the push from the load as gravity wants to suck it down the hill.
On ice, there’s not enough grip for the prime mover to brake the load in a controlled fashion, the load would push the truck too hard and the prime mover would break traction leading to an out-of-control descent and most probably a jack-knife as the weight of the load starts to control the suddenly tractionless truck.
In a higher gear, the truck is able to stay ahead of the load, (the trailer), without losing traction.
This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data LONG TERM
“The CDC has never looked at long-term health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children,” attested Professor Brian Hooker, Ph.D., during a presentation to the World Council of Health.
Brian Hooker is senior director of science and research at Children’s Health Defense and professor emeritus of biology at Simpson University in Redding, California, who has been doing advocacy and research around vaccine safety for 20 years.
In light of the CDC’s unwillingness to conduct long-term studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children, Dr. Hooker took it upon himself to aggregate and conduct such studies.
This is what he found.
Dr. Hooker presented a study from Anthony R. Mawson and colleagues. This study collected information from moms who homeschooled their children and focused on children between the ages of 6 and 12.
Comparing the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, Mawson and colleagues discovered something stark. The odds ratios for a number of illnesses were through the roof for the vaccinated cohort.
Children in the vaccinated population were found to be a staggering 30 times more likely to have allergic rhinitis compared to the unvaccinated children.
A similar story followed for other conditions. Vaccinated children in Mawson’s study were found to be 3.9 times more likely to have allergies, 4.2 times more likely to have ADHD, 4.2 times more likely to have autism, 2.9 times more likely to have eczema, 5.2 times more likely to have a learning disability, and 3.7 times more likely to have a neurodevelopmental disorder compared to the unvaccinated children.
Republished paper (I corrected the faulty link):
Neil Armstrong’s former house is for sale for US$550,000.
Just amazing how cheap houses are in the States. You’d pay more than that for a house in NSW Central West with half the land or less, and certainly no history.
Note no pool fencing.
A must watch video of a conversation with Jordan Peterson about Canada, Trudeau and the psychopathic personality. 26 minutes. ToM
You can see JP’s blood pressure go up if he talks about Trudeau for too long.
As a member of the tinfoil hat brigade I’m not at all surprised . You just have to stay under the radar . The sheer enormity of all the possible data that can be gathered makes it hard to sort out what you are looking for . You would have to target the leaders and intimidate them and that capability is already being used . Nobody will want to download my underpants…
Or upload. 😁
Is this related to the sort of people who talk out their Ar..?
Australia: statutory declarations finally go digital
One of the last vestiges of centuries of paper and ink has finally fallen, after federal attorney-general Mark Dreyfus wrote into law the permanent ability to use digital execution, electronic signatures and video witnessing to create statutory declarations.
In a mark of how the world has permanently changed in the wake of COVID, the nation’s chief law officer says that “all three methods will be an equally valid and legally effective form of Commonwealth statutory declaration.”
The new digital declarations also come with the requirement that “approved online platforms and identity services demonstrate they comply with privacy laws and have robust fraud and security arrangements”, meaning that data-hoarding by so-called Big Tech to mine declarations is officially off limits.
“The Bill also prohibits approved online platforms from retaining copies of statutory declarations, noting that they can hold particularly sensitive personal information. There is also an annual reporting requirement to the Parliament on the operation of the online execution platform,” a statement from Dreyfus said.
What vould possibly go wrong.
Do you want a list? 😉
SCIENCE FRAUD: Pfizer’s COVID Jab “Placebo” Control Group Was Given MODERNA “Vaccine” Instead, Preprint Confirms
New research published at reveals that the so-called “placebo” injections used in Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” trials were not real placebos.
Entitled “Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial,” the paper, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, looked at 38 trial subjects who died between July 27, 2020, when Phase 2 / 3 of Pfizer’s clinical trial began, and March 12, 2021, at the conclusion of Pfizer’s six-month interim report on the results
The way Pfizer-BioNTech fudged the numbers and the “placebos” made it appear as though its jabs are safe and effective. What the two companies failed to reveal, though, is the fact that most of its “placebo” group had, in fact gotten jabbed with real COVID shots.
The only group that saw deaths drop to zero was the truly unvaccinated group, which was very small, while everyone else either got sick or died at rates consistent with what we now know to be common among the fully jabbed.
Curtis Sliwa warns New York
“We’re gonna bring in the tractor trailers, trucks, cars, vans – we’re gonna block the bridges, we’re gonna block the highways!”
Curtis Sliwa?
Now that’s a blast from the past!
Anyone else remember him?
Dr John Campbell looks at excess deaths and strangely discovers that excess deaths exist in excessively covid vaccinated countries and less so in lesser vaccinated countries.
What could it be….?
Unvaxxed Haiti Recorded 0% Covid Deaths
The vast majority of the population of Haiti is unvaccinated for COVID-19 but the impoverished Caribbean nation recorded virtually no deaths from the virus.
Haiti remains one of the least vaccinated countries in the world while also showing the lowest Covid death rate.
As of the end of April, just 254 people have died in Haiti from what authorities agree constitutes Covid, according to reports.
Compared to the United States, which currently has a COVID-19 death rate of around 1,800 per one million people, Haiti has a Covid death rate of just 22 per one million people, or 0.0022% – basically 0 percent.
NPR admits in a report about Haiti that Covid restrictions were never enforced there.
Nobody there wears a mask, people are mostly unvaccinated, and daily life is normal with busy and crowded buses and markets.
For most Haitians, the pandemic never happened.
Mask up and live in fear! Be a good citizen.😁
Now it’s “climate breakdown“.
“Climate crisis” is oh so yesterday…
They make it up as they go.
The headlines should actually say, “We’re all going to die – again!”
What did they ‘make up?’
“What did they ‘make up?’”:
dramatic trend emerged in just a few short months
planet Earth has just experienced its hottest three months on record.
Climate breakdown has begun,
We don’t have a moment to lose
“lasting toll on the environment”
shrinkage of Antarctic Sea ice reached unprecedented levels
“It was literally off the charts,
All of it… A load of rubbish from start to finish. Like a meeting of the Flat Earth Society, everything is ‘true’ and makes sense so long as you accept the lies at the start. The example of averaging postcodes to get the average city is the best example of what they do.
Its what he leaves out, a different greenhouse gas has caused this spike in temperature and excessive wetness.
The meandering jet streams in both hemispheres has dragged the water vapour around the world.
Guterres could have said its H2O and not CO2 causing this anomaly.
First, I would like to acknowledge the noble indigenous owners of the stolen land on which I type this blog comment.
Now …
I would like to speak about the looming Anthropogenic Global Warming Catastrophe Crisis Breakdown, which as we know most deeply affects BIPOC 2SLGBTQA+ Poor and Indigenous Communities of Color the most …
dang … forgot what I was going to say.
Do apologize if I inadvertently failed to mention any marginalized community.
(Wouldn’t it be easier and less time consuming if we just say “everybody except the white people”?)
After all we only have 5 years left (or is it 3) to stop Anthropogenic Global Warming Catastrophe Crisis Breakdown and Stop the Spread by getting every man woman and child their 7th booster.
“everybody except the white people”
Thought for sure that would trigger mod.
Hmm …
I’m more prescient than I thought.
On the radio today I heard a news item that the $1 million Fitzroy (Melbourne) community battery would take over 100 years to pay for itself. I guess that is, if it would last that long which of course it won’t. I couldn’t find any reference to the story online. Here is the original announcement.
Like everything, it doesn’t matter because the whole (financial) show is going to end by 2032, so they can lie endlessly, trot out endless worthless solutions to nonexistant problems to distract the masses from the REAL problem.
Throw $billions at anything and everything.
It doesn’t matter.
It’s like a terminally ill millionaire giving away their money.
It doesn’t matter and won’t save them anyway.
Oh look, its 2032 and the Western banking system banned cash 5years ago and now their digital banking system has collapsed…
Luckily I’ve got these $BRIC notes that work everywhere from Indonesia North, and they do just fine for private transactions now. They’re convertible to gold too, but the Western Govts banned gold ownership when they withdrew cash.
My battery will pay for itself is a year or two, ask Jo how those community batteries in Perth did that over the last 24 months.
(And it is true, my family name acquired when my grandfather signed on for WWI, in that suburb, it was pointed out that the original surname would count against him if he was captured by the Germans)
It’s funny, but every time I challenge somebody to “show me the data” to backup their claims that part of a home backup system will pay for itself in a few short years, all I hear is the sound of crickets.
What about you Peter? Prepared to backup your early repayment claims with some hard data?
(If I’m late in sending this, it’s still twilight on the banks of the Saar river.)
Mike Ryan – WHO Executive Director, smirks at excess deaths
On Saturday Sept 4th a journalist confronted Dr. Ryan in Dublin about the increase in deaths widely associated with the vaccine he distributed.
“How do you feel about the fact that so many people are dying from the vaccines and we never had a pandemic to begin with?” said the journalist. “The mRNA isn’t tested.”
“Isn’t that amazing?” remarked Dr. Ryan sarcastically.
Will we now move to force the vaxxed into quarantine camps to protect society?
The unvaxxed aren’t the risk are they. 😎
Three years ago, I wrote this:
Epilogue: I believe he did receive an apology and/or compensation from the VicStapo.
Do you know about the Dartmouth Scar Experiment?
Konstantin Kisin relates it to why it is so dangerous to falsely tell some groups that they are “oppressed”. (1 min)
Which just goes to show that the scars they perceive as real are just in their minds, and no-one else really cares. 😉
Canada to ban WD40, Brakleen and more to save the planet?
It seems Environment Canada Minister pushed the button the other day. Any products with more than 10% VOC’S in an Aerosol Can is now banned. 32000 compositions in total. I went to Environment Canada and Climate Change Website and there is. Cannot believe that the Media missed this in December 2021. (Added to the 1999 Act ). Hair Spray WD 40 Brake Clean Ether etc etc. Anything over 10% VOC’S and uses Propane , C02 ,N02.Still can use liquid fluid in a refillable Spray Bottle.
Kimberly Clark is pulling Kleenex facial tissues from Canada, not really saying why but speculation is that it relates to recycling rules (it’s a paper product that of course is not tossed into the recycling bin after use).
Beginning January 1, 2024, Canada will implement concentration limits for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in certain products including those used for personal care, automotive and household maintenance, adhesives, adhesive removers, sealants and caulks, and other miscellaneous products.
WD40 at least have prepared for this and adjusted their formulation.
As for hundreds of others…
Anything that CO2 doesn’t dissolve in uses hydrocarbons, propane/butane, which make up 30% of the can’s contents. Not that it matters, the only important line in that whole article was-
“allows companies to exceed the concentration limit for a product by … purchasing compliance units from other companies.”
Let the scams continue..
Typical Marxists, ban WD40, seize up the means of production!
New apps scan food barcodes and ingredients for hidden insects
Several phone apps now offer users the ability to quickly determine whether a food product contains insects.
The apps scan either the barcode or the ingredient label and utilize a database to find matches. The database is critical because names rarely indicate that the ingredients contain bugs. A post on X (formerly Twitter) shows a number of common grocery items discovered to contain insects using the German app Insecten Scanner.
Going to be a very popular app concept…
Want to get rid of the competition? Make sure their product gets listed on that database! Its a bit like ‘who counts the votes’ or ‘who decides what is misinformation’.
Powerful earthquake causes damage across Morocco
The powerful 6.8 earthquake in Morocco was the result of an increase in cosmic rays flux measurements, which also had been measured by the Ulysses Spacecraft in 2009, certifying that the diminishing Solar activity is real. This is significant because the big Ice Age lay ahead of us in the 2050s. We need to act now, we need to prepare ourselves as if it would because the potential cannot be ignored.
In times of high volumes of cosmic rays flux, the increased proton density in the Earth’s core causes the Earth’s core to expand. It literally becomes more inflated. When this expansion happens rapidly the increased pressure against the crust of the Earth causes all sorts of dramatic effects. Increased earthquakes and increased volcanic eruptions are only some of the effects though the most obvious effect the lifting of the surface in some areas is another effect. This is what we now see happening evermore as we are getting deeper into the boundary zone to the next Ice Age where solar activity gets weaker and more of the Sun’s cosmic ray protons reach the Earth. And we really do see dramatic evidence that the plasma core is expanding.
But far from being impossible, we need to build this new world fast. Because the pressure from below the Earth is fast increasing, and the cosmic rays flux that is driving the process that creates the pressure is increasing at a rate of 20% per decade with no end in sight. This rate of increase is real. It has been measured in space and underground. This means that big eruptions lay ahead of us that we need to protect our living against. These eruptions may become bigger than anything we have experienced in recent times.
“This is significant because the big Ice Age lay ahead of us in the 2050s. ”
That is a massive admission by the BBC! We have global warming AND the Earth is getting colder…
I wonder how their wind farms stood up to the earthquake? Are they better than nuclear power plants?
Couldn’t find the story, does it have something to do with the collapse of the AMOC in 2025?
Its been fact-checked EG and hacked, just as I thought it would. I’m sure the story about the sun going quiet and the Earth cooling was the first few paragraphs, they used the increase in earthquakes as a lead-in to the Morocco story.
Seems there might be underground agents on BOTH sides of the argument in the BBC!
BBC ‘disinformation’ correspondent busted spreading disinfo on her own bio.