A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Prostitute by another’s name…
This band really is hilarious and should have been more famous has they followed the rules.
Each song The Monks sang wasn’t appropriate to the time but still really fun to listen.
That was fun.
I had not come across The Monks before.
Canadian Politicians have made harvesting our own resources illegal…
This is a small sample of what the bogus climate change has caused.
Companies fined into the ground with ever more regulations and restrictions on Canadian Soil.
Only import of products that are illegal to manufacture in Canada is allowed as the Credit and financialization of products collapse.
Elon Musk has certainly fallen out of favor. The DM report on an ev car battery fire in NSW goes overboard on information regarding lithium battery fires in general:
“Lithium battery fires are becoming an increasing problem across the globe as millions of electric cars, electric bikes, e-scooters, and electric gardening tools pour into the consumer market.
In Australia last year alone there were 180 lithium battery fires reported in NSW, 120 in Victoria, 72 in Queensland and 59 in WA.”
I was at a hotel base level underground car park for two days just gone and there was a Tesla there. Made me nervous.
Went to a huge shopping centre, underground again, parked next to one, and thought, shouldn’t really do that.
Ive done this in the regional area I live in (sadly a bit to close to Melbourne) Went to park in an angle parking spot, saw it was a Tesla next door, carried on and parked a few spots down. Good for Teslas I guess, they wont get many parking lot dooor scratches.
Did you see what caused the fire? Hit some debris on the road and it damaged the battery. So I imagine taking your Tesla Y on a gravel dirt road isn’t the wisest idea.
Buying a car that can’t handle a dirt or gravel road and suffers damage, unlike ICE counterparts, is a bigger mistake…
“Tucker Carlson Explores Argentina and the Reality of Chasing Socialism
September 14, 2023 | Sundance | 7 Comments”
Rumble link here
So enlightening. There is a cafe near here that attracts backbackers as staff. I was surprised that so many come from Latin America including Argentina and Chile. I always thought Argentina was doing well but socialism has destroyed it as it does every other country it infects. It will do it here too if we let it.
Shame to see. Great place and nice people.
Florida looks at the latest FDA rubber stamping of the latest Peking Pox jabs
and other things
As does
“Giant Utility Rejects Net Zero Power, Big Fight Follows”
Thanks a i,
At last.
I’ve long wondered how organisations which were so technically knowledgeable and competent as to be able to produce a cheap and reliable power system over many years could instead be so lacking in science and common sense as to support the IPCC nonsense.
This kickback is most welcome.
Dave B
At least Dominion had the gumption to tell the regulator the truth and present some facts. Not so here as the boss of Snowy Hydro found when he presented that human vacuum, Chris Bowen, with some facts and a dangerous forecast. We are run by idiots. In four weeks time PM Divisive will get his first shock. In January he will get his second as lights go out along the East Coast. Jacinta Price told the truth at the Press Club and after winning the NO campaign should become the shadow energy minister and hold the idiot’s feet to the fire as the blackouts just keep rolling along.
“The Wolf and the Lamb — Alimonti et al. 2022”
“The reputation of the entire scientific enterprise has been sullied by the recent scandal regarding a paper whose opinions so offended the ClimateGate Gang that they, the climate bullies, pressured one on the world’s leading publishers of scientific journals to retract a peer-reviewed paper – not because it was wrong; not because it was methodologically unsound; not because other researchers countered the paper with scientific arguments – no, simply because “some people didn’t like the conclusions” in the paper. Those offended, the ClimateGate gang, appearing in this round of scandal are Greg Holland ; Lisa Alexander ; Steve Sherwood ; Michael Mann ; Friederike Otto ; Stefan Rahmstorf, took their tears of outrage to the climate-collusion mass media and cried: “How dare they disagree with us!”
Springer/Nature’s editors and publishers shamefully caved in to the pressure and retracted the paper after a messy and irregular additional review. ”
More at
One Nations latest cartoon, Behind The Scenes
Albo “…bit of botox, Im looking really good” lol
And after explaining how everything works, he says “they deliver each project on time and on budget, which I don’t understand how they do that”.
They seem pretty young the guys who do it.
The beginning of the end of net zero power?
Giant utility rejects net zero power, big fight follows
By David Wojick, Ph.D.
The beginning: “Dominion Energy, Virginia’s big electric utility, is telling the State it does not foresee complying with the 2045 net zero power target in the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA). The preferred option in Dominion’s latest Integrated Resources Plan (IRP) retires no fossil-fueled power generators, other than the few old ones that are already in the process of retirement. In fact, it adds a lot more fossil juice.
Up front in the IRP, Dominion puts it this way: “Due to an increasing load forecast, and the need for dispatchable generation, the Alternative Plans show additional natural gas-fired resources and preserve existing carbon-emitting units beyond statutory retirement deadlines established in the VCEA. The law explicitly authorizes the Company to petition the SCC for relief from these requirements on the basis that the unit retirements would threaten the reliability or security of electric service to customers.”
So, in effect, this is a notice to Virginia’s utility regulator, the State Corporation Commission (SCC), that Dominion is prepared to petition for permission to not comply with the net zero power generation mandate in the VCEA. In fact, this IRP may constitute such a petition. The anti-fossil forces apparently think so because they have petitioned the SCC to reject the IRP because it includes more gas-fired generation. In response, the SCC has initiated a formal legal proceeding to consider this request. A number of green groups have joined the proceeding; there has been a hearing, public comments have been taken, etc. The whole rulemaking deal.
The impetus for this unexpected bout of rationality from Dominion is, as the quote says, an increased load forecast. Specifically, the SCC requires Dominion to use the load forecast from the regional grid operator, which is PJM. They issued a whopping new forecast that is roughly double their earlier ones going back years. So Dominion is saying they don’t think we can service this enormous new load and comply with the VCEA net zero mandate. They specifically propose not to retire most of their fossil fleet, plus adding almost 3,000 MW of gas-fired generation over the next 15 years. No wonder the anti-fossils are apoplectic.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
This is one to watch!
“Rafe Champion:Reviving critical thinking”
“John Droz is a prolific commentator on matters of education, science and policy issues like the quest for net zero that has been given legs by bad science and scientifically illiterate politicians, university administrators and journalists.
This is a particulalry telling piece that he published this morning ” ”
More at
Censorship Games: Where have the real journalists gone?
in hiding with the real women and the real men
Who owns and controls the Federal Reserve?
A club banks who they pretend to regulate.
Nice research.
Essentially Vanguard.
And the life they want for you? Well, check out the film ‘Nomadland’. The main character calls her mobile accommodation ‘Vanguard’. She works seasonally at (ever-so-safety-conscious) Amazon, and lives a hand-to-mouth existence.
It goes deeper than Vanguard. Try the British Pilgrim Society headed today by King Charles, heaven help us.
Jacinta Price on Voice debate: ‘No genuine appetite in Canberra to tell the truth’
Jacinta Price’s speech could mark a ‘turning point’
Jacinta Price is ‘copping it’ from everyone for speaking the ‘truth’
Fair Australia
In the face of adversity Senator Price shows courage and conviction, I think the No vote is a safe bet.
An overwhelming ‘No’ vote does indeed seem likely, but will the ‘Yes’ side win anyway?
You may be right Steve if what I heard today is true (looking for proof now) , if you leave your ballot blank it’s counted as yes , if you vote yes it’s counted as yes , if you place a tick it’s yes , if you put a cross it’s yes , if you don’t vote it will be a yes , if you’re disabled you can get away with not voting but it’s counted as yes , and if you draw a picture of a male appendage it’s also counted as yes . There is only one way to vote no though .
They is a lot of self serving waffle about some some women being courageous and brave. Jacinta Price actually is. By her actions, rather than social media posts.
Having watched Jacinta Price National Press Club appearance last night – 1 Hr 6 Mins (with neurotic female Beagle for Company)
Besides the Superb Opening to the MC who introduced her
“Just a Correction Colin is My Husband, NOT My Partner – Just a Note for the Record”
Her take down answers of the Moderator/MC Question, and the Idiot Gaurdian Journalist attempt at “Gotcha” were excellent and on point
Jacinta Price for Prime Minister of Australia – leaves current OverseasAlbo and Dutton trailing way behind
A Breath of Truth & Fresh AIr!
Jacinta for PM – Hear! Hear!
Jacinta might be the only reason I’d vote Lib Nat again. Otherwise it has to be One Nation.
I find the idea of Price as PM attractive and intriguing but, unless the Liberal party had a clear-out and managed somehow to find a host of new, genuinely conservative replacements, I couldn’t vote Liberal yet, because she wouldn’t survive long otherwise.
I’m still planning to hurt them by voting One Nation, if Pauline puts up a candidate.
Senator Malcolm Roberts,
Here’s your weekly politics wrap up. Don’t forget to leave a comment on these stories on my website.
Native Title Inquiry Needed Now
QANTAS Monopoly Puts Profits Over Service
The Labor Government’s War on Space
Calvary Hospital Taken Over Suddenly
Stop Hollowing Out the Bush
Event: The Truth Behind The Voice
The Malcolm Roberts Show
RESCHEDULED DATE: A Future Vision for Australia
Constitutional Questions Raised Over Referendum Ballot Paper | Part 2
Meteorologists, Scientists Explain Why There Is ‘No Climate Emergency’
Flawed modeling and overblown rhetoric drowning out scientific reality for the sake of money and power, climate experts say
A very good article.
Neil Oliver: Fancy A Revolution?
The QLD Police, for our safety.
“The ‘rumbler’ siren” – any different from a rumble strip? 😁️
“the Reveal Shield” – ah yes – I’ve seen one of those. 😁️
What’s with the Kangaroo badge on the bonnet? Be a vision safety issue for the driver wouldn’t it? (Friday funny for ya).
The “Corporate State”; an introduction to how we got to where we are:
NZ: Myocarditis rates at 25X in teens is apparently ‘reassuring’!
Last month HART editors wrote a slightly humorous article entitled How to get published in the Covid era. Humorous, that is, if it wasn’t so serious.
One of the main recommendations for would-be authors was to make your abstract conclusion fit the ‘Vaccines Safe & Effective’ narrative, regardless of your findings. We gave a number of examples, including a prospective study on myocarditis from Thailand which showed 1 in 43 adolescents with clinical or subclinical myo- or pericarditis and concluded: ‘adolescents receiving mRNA vaccines should be monitored for cardiovascular side effects.’
This week a national study from New Zealand topped the lot in terms of the discordance between their findings and their conclusion. The team looked at national data for 12 predetermined adverse events of special interest (AESIs) between 1-21 days following the Pfizer BioNTech covid vaccine, and compared them with background rates from 2014-2019. They found that for 5-19-year-olds, the risk of cardiac inflammation was increased 25-fold. This is likely to have been an underestimate as they excluded any events that occurred on the same date as vaccination (day 0) to avoid counting events that occurred prior to vaccination..
So their conclusion:
‘A statistically significant association between BNT162b2 vaccination and myo/pericarditis was observed. This association has been confirmed internationally. BNT162b2 was not found to be associated with the other AESIs investigated, except for SOCV following the first dose of BNT162b2 in the 20–39 years age group only, providing reassurances around the safety of the vaccine’.
Heaven forbid they be unsafe and defective.
Australia: Macquarie Bank to begin phasing out cash and cheques
Macquarie Bank will phase out its cash, cheque and phone payments for customers from next year as it moves to digital-only payment systems.
Under the changes, Macquarie Bank – which is Australia’s fifth-largest bank – is also ending its partnership with NAB bank branches.
In a letter written to customers, Macquarie Bank said that by November 2024 customers will be unable to write or deposit cheques (including bank cheques), deposit or withdraw cash over the counter at NAB branches or make a super contribution or payment with a cheque.
iinet and westnet are phasing out emails
though accounts are being transferred to an alternative provider so that long term email addresses can still be used
always thought it was a bit silly using you ISPs email address. Think I am on ISP number 5 at the moment due to geographic moves and expanding offerings.
USA: Another toxic train crash!
A 4-mile evacuation has been ordered after a railcar carrying toxic chemicals explodes unleashing hazardous toxic smoke.
Citizens have been ordered to evacuate.
Will Joe attend this one? 😄
..he thinks he already has !….
Depends on the electoral profile
Joe will attend so long as he’s allowed to tell the story of how he narrowly avoided being killed in a train crash, when a train he traveled on was involved in a crash just a couple of years later.
Small world.
I’m on a blog with a bloke who was on the highway nearby when that went off. He posted photos.
Perchloric acid
Information on it there
Cleveland Catholic Schools Ban All LGBTQ+ Affiliation And Behaviors
Over 100 Catholic schools in Cleveland will no longer tolerate LGBTQ+ affiliation or behaviors.
The changes came from new guidelines on sexuality and gender issued by the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland at the close of last month. In a press release, the diocese clarified that the guidelines were a formal policy version of existing church teachings on the subject.
The policy requires parental notification in the case of minors experiencing gender dysphoria or confusion; declares that parental rejection of a child’s preferred pronouns don’t constitute grounds for nondisclosure; bans use of preferred pronouns; restricts bathroom and facility usage to biological sex; prohibits admission of students to institutions, programs, and activities like sports designated for the opposite sex; bans same-sex dates to school dances and mixers; requires students to comply with dress codes aligning with their biological sex; bans any celebration or advocacy of LGBTQ+ ideologies or behaviors, such as Pride flags; and bans gender transitions of any degree, whether social or medical.
No more indulging all this insane trans, woke, pronouns bs.
Catholic Church cancelled in 3…2…1
Is the AI boom already over?
When generative AI products started rolling out to the general public last year, it kicked off a frenzy of excitement and fear.
Recent reports suggest that consumers are starting to lose interest: The new AI-powered Bing search hasn’t made a dent in Google’s market share, ChatGPT is losing users for the first time, and the bots are still prone to basic errors that make them impossible to trust. In some cases, they may be even less accurate now than they were before. A recent Pew survey found that only 18 percent of US adults had ever used ChatGPT, and another said they’re becoming increasingly concerned about the use of AI. Is the party over for this party trick?
Meanwhile, OpenAI’s ChatGPT seems to be flagging, too. For the first time since its release last year, traffic to the ChatGPT website fell by almost 10 percent in June, according to the Washington Post. Downloads of its iPhone app have fallen off, too, the report said, although OpenAI wouldn’t comment on the numbers.
Like I said – it’s just the latest fad to entertain the bored and jaded masses. The novelty is wearing off, as predicted.
What’s the next fad?
Political Warfare.
Weekend Diversion: The Secret US and Soviet Nuclear Submarine Crash – Scotland – 1974
SA grid battery usage ?
Anyone watching the nem.log charts for SA today ?
Its one of those rare days with plenty of wind and sun such that little(IE, no) gas or imported power is required to meet demand. Infact SA is exporting and curtailing power !
However , dispite this surplus,…and over 1 GW of curtailment ,.. the batterys have continued to discharge their maximum capacity, multiple times this morning , for what purpose ?
..certainly not backup or peak smoothing ?….
..?grid stability ? ..maybe ?..
….but certainly earning a useful payback either way !
So batteries, now 11% gas, curtailing and exporting. Perfect. Good to keep thing simple…..keeps the costs down…oh,wait
Apple’s new anti-carbon ad with a black “mother nature”
Apple wants to permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere:
Boycott Apple and their extreme silliness.
Definitely! That was terrible, they deserve to die.
“Boycott Apple and their extreme silliness.”
I already do.
Check out the always-incisive Mark Steyn, asking why the heck the Republicans are acting like everything is normal:
Pushing the Boundaries of Fast Charging: New Lithium-Ion Battery Material Can Recharge 80% in 10 Minutes
Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory are pushing the boundaries of fast charging for electric vehicles (EVs).
A team of battery scientists recently developed a lithium-ion battery material that not only recharges 80% of its capacity in 10 minutes but keeps that ability for 1,500 charging cycles.
“We found this new electrolyte formulation basically triples the Department of Energy’s target for the lifespan of an extreme-fast-charging battery,” Du said.
Good, something needs to change for EVs to be effective. 2022/23 technology doesn’t really cut it. Just as long as they don’t make them even more expensive.
Power cords maybe, I was told a couple of days ago that trades people working on site are reverting to cord plugged in tools, battery tools for quick jobs.
Saturday noon for JC’s physics lecture on climate. Any sweepstakes on how long it stays up on Youtube?
“Palisades nuclear power plant lookin’ to become the first recommissioned nuke in U.S. history”
Albo, where’s my $275 reduction on my power bill, looking at you, ya muppet.
Today the PM was asked again and his reply was that it was not a promise, it was an estimate, or something similar.
“How To Select A Town The Rich Won’t Gentrify And Ruin”
“Post-Postmodern America”