A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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“Wrap Tinfoil Around Your Doorknob to Keep Eco-Doom Nutjobs Away: 56 Years of Climate Codswallop That Never Happened”
“Let’s see how many old-timey words for “nonsense” I can squeeze into one article about 56 years of climate change balderdash.”
The Climate has always changed. Just do what Mother Nature does and adapt to events.
BLUEBOTTLE: Yes… Why don’t you open the door?
ECCLES: Okay, I’ll … how do you open a door?
BLUEBOTTLE: You turn the knob on your side.
ECCLES: I haven’t got a knob on my side.
BLUEBOTTLE: On the door!
ECCLES: The door! I’ll soon get the hang of dat.
This morning’s car radio diatribe from their ABCCC.
Air travel will soon be so expensive it will be out of reach for most people.
It seems that burning aircraft fuel creates CO2 ; and this must be discouraged with a heavy financial disincentive.
The money collected will be given to charity.
That’s the plan. It fits in with travel and movement restrictions and 15 minute city concepts.
It won’t affect Elites flying their private jets to Klimate Krisis conferences or the WEF, of course.
Or the staff from the ABC with flights paid for by the taxpayer.
but , but global aviation came close to stopping during Covid and the CO2 step continued on its merry way. How can it be a factor worth chasing? The Kerrys and DeCaprios and WEF attenders and COP attenders of the world seem to think its OK.
No it will not be given to a charity. It will be stolen by the elites.
yeah but with a charity cloak, so its OK
Don’t they run the charities?
This is a good article about Australian government censorship:
Don’t worry John, I can’t see any Australian Government censoring us in the future.
The new bill is a threat to free speech.Misinformation should be judged by enabling
all to make or reply to a comment. Not just relying on a few so calledexperts to decide what it is.Bureaucrats and govt should
notbe involved in deciding what misinformation is.The future ministry of truth now known asACMA shouldnotbe given these legislated powers.Anyway, thats my humble opinion.
As quoted from the Feral Guv’ment ‘blurb’ –
“The ACMA will not have the power to request specific content or posts be removed from digital platform services.”
That authority will be “entrusted ” to a mob of bureaucrats, nominated by people with a voice, and only removable by a new constitutional change. Funded by some charitable organisation…
Same technique as gave us the knowledge that CO2 is a pollutant.
Dave B
It looks like a phishing expedition to gather names, addresses, email and telephone numbers… and that’s only page one!
The submissions will provide the first list of dissidents to have their web and real life monitored before they get ‘limited’!
It’s now or never….
How did you do the strike-out text william x?
David, this is what I did whilst authoring the reply above at #3.1,
look at the “You can use these HTML tags” below your pending reply.
That shows the format for the html.
Use “strike” to start and “/strike” to end the strike out. (Do not use the quotation marks).
Enclose the terms strike and /strike individually with the “less than”, “greater than” symbols.
an example, in reply to your post.I hope this helps.
“Just Stop P#ssing Everyone Off”: Citizen Heroes Confront Environmentalists’ Traffic-Blocking Bull$hit
Over the past few weeks, several videos have emerged of fed-up citizens who have taken matters into their own hands when it comes to traffic-blocking environmentalists.
Now, anti-environmentalists in the UK have organized into a group called “Just Stop P#ssing Everyone Off,” which makes it their business to confront the protesters in the street.
According to their Twitter page, a group of Just Stop Oil protesters were sitting on a sidewalk in preparation for a “slow march,” in which they slowly hold up traffic, when a group of counter-protesters in orange t-shirts from “Just Stop P#ssing Everyone Off” showed up.
/Saturday entertainment 😎
JSO stop a woman taking her baby to the hospital:
I’m not a violent person, but this makes my blood boil.
Meanwhile in Poland: facial scans
*Naughty word warning*
Meanwhile in Italy: ice flows in the streets
Meanwhile in Canada, Turdeau is not popular at all
The plebs have had enough of the NWO.
Elected in 2015. Slow learners. But who is slower, Canadians or Vicdanistan voters?
It’s a toss up as to which tosser will be chucked out first.
Obviously, Canada as it is a whole country. However, the western Provinces don’t like him.
Sictoria is only one State in Australia. However, it is in a right state.
you have only got to be popular in the right places
Dan isnt seen much in regional Vic and I doubt Trudeau vists Alberta or Sask much either
But doesn’t it depend on the vote count? Or should I say the “vote counters”?
very good point as if it were not for the preference votes and Dans preference whisperer Glenn Druery, Dan would not be in government
there are many people who would never have voted for Dan but that’s where their vote went
people in VicDanistan need to learn how to vote or we need to get the preference votes system removed
Using AI to reduce traffic jams
An Israeli startup has brought a revolutionary traffic management system to the United States, allowing American urban areas to control the ebb and flow of its vehicles on demand – turning the roads into what a NoTraffic executive calls a giant “game of chess.”
Through the use of its smart technology and artificial intelligence system, NoTraffic says it can cut down the amount of time drivers spend stuck in jams.
The system collects data on the number and types of road users – be it cars, bikes, buses or even people on foot – from a mix of cameras, radar and chips that can communicate with autonomous vehicles. These data-collection sensors are placed at intersections and other points on the road.
This data is then sent to a cloud-based platform, which uses algorithms to analyze the information and predict imminent traffic events in great detail.
These events include which lane a particular car will take and how that might impact congestion at the next intersection; when a car might run a red light; and even where and when a pedestrian will step into the street without warning.
One study In Phoenix, Arizona showed that the installation of NoTraffic’s platform led to a 70 percent reduction in drivers running a red light, dramatically lowering the probability of accidents.
Up in Canada’s British Columbia, the platform resulted in a 40 percent reduction in delays for pedestrians at stop lights, without increasing congestion for other road users.
Meanwhile, morons in councils think building more lanes will fix congestion…
I remember when synchronized traffic lights were a big deal
My brother had a sporty car, a Fiat Lombardi. We approached lights synced for 35 mph in Ann St, Brisbane, at high speed.
Me: Will do you no good, just do 35.
Him: Nah, you make it through if you do 70.
Geoff S
‘Using AI to reduce traffic jams’
More likely used to slow traffic down, like our local unsynchronised lights, or make traffic so bad to dissuade people from driving while buses get through fast…
Men Are Just Happier People! Part 1.
What do you expect from such simple creatures? Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park.
Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your restroom. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don’t have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress – $5,000. Tux rental – $100. People never stare at your chest when you’re talking to them. New shoes don’t cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks.
A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend. Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Two pairs of shoes are more than enough. You almost never have strap problems in public. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everything on your face stays its original color. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. You only have to shave your face and neck.
You can play with toys all your life. One wallet and one pair of shoes – one color for all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. You can ‘do’ your nails with a pocket knife. You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache… You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.
No wonder men are happier!
· If Laura, Kate and Sarah go out for lunch, they will call each other Laura, Kate and Sarah.
· If Mike, Dave and John go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Cueball and Wildman.
· When the bill arrives, Mike, Dave and John will each throw in $20, even though it’s only for $32.50. None of them will have anything smaller and none will actually admit they want change back.
When the girls get their bill, out come the pocket calculators.
Part 2.
· A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
· A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn’t need but it’s on sale.
· A man has six items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel.
· The average number of items in the typical woman’s bathroom is 337 A man would not be able to identify more than 20 of these items.
· A woman has the last word in any argument.
· Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
· A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
· A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
· A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn’t.
· A man marries a woman expecting that she won’t change, but she does.
· A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the trash, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail.
· A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.
· Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.
· Women somehow deteriorate during the night.
· Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.
· A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.
A married man should forget his mistakes. There’s no use in two people remembering the same thing!
‘A woman has the last word in any argument.’
Usually the man has the last word – “Yes, dear”.
Classic! Love the last one. My wife remembers everything – no exceptions. Makes it easy for me to just look after the current moment I am in.
If you buy something for $1 that usually costs $2 then you save $1 ……if you buy a thousand of them you save $1000….for some it means you don’t need to go to work.
“…some short people living in the house.”
And when those short people grow up and leave the woman invokes the unwritten and unspoken law that entitles her to take over their wardrobe space as her own.
They would never say anything like that on the ABC nor the Nine Network these days. BTW, I miss comedians like Dave Allen.
Any polite reply Jo?
Why restrict her imagination at all?
So why do Women live longer?
Search on: why do women live longer than men meme
That doesn’t sound very scientific.
How about the woman who found pictures of another woman and stabbed her husband repeatedly, thinking he was guilty of infidelity only to find out the pictures were of HER years ago when she was thinner. 😆😆😆
This little 7 second video is the best explanation I have seen
Ha ha! Yes indeed; seen such in our offspring.
The more important question is:
What are women of today doing so badly that men are volunteering to be gay?
In my youth in the services, we had a concept named Basic Training. Geoff S
I didn’t realise that the idea of the Albanese regime’s “misinformation” (sic) bill was originated by the Liberals. Thus proving once again Liberal and Labor are just two factions of the one Uniparty.
The Uniparty, one side appeals to the slightly left half, the other side appeals to the not so left half.
Uh Oh
Summer and its hot in Greece! How could this happen?
Just about everything in Greece is oriented toward hot weather, so they will probably be OK, just like the other eleventy million times.
Spring is best in Greece on the islands. The tavernas and restaurants are newly opened and they are very friendly. But by mid summer when it is very hot they are very tired and sick of drunk, boisterous tourists. A general comment from my experience. The weather can be a little dodgy in spring though.
Negative SAM blamed for frosty mornings in Oz.
FFS its winter, why do we need to blame anything? frost happens
Natural variability is wondrous to behold, they say SAM is heading towards neutral.
“Notably, central and southern Western Australia, southeastern South Australia, western Victoria, and southwestern New South Wales experienced minimum temperatures that were up to 6°C lower than the average for this time of year ”
Thank you Weatherzone: Might it have been possible to say the weather in SA was similar to the 1960’s & 1970’s.
Alas, that would be a step too far.
When its cold its a weather anomaly, but when its hot it must be climate change.
Must have been a big burst of CO2 came through over me this morning? Temp went from +8 to +18 in the three hours to noon!.
Dave B
FWIW – think about this
“In a related posting, this speaker says that parents who have allowed (or even encouraged) trans-sexual surgery or pharmaceuticals for their own children are now in a position where they will forever be very unlikely to back down. Doing so means they would have to face the irreparable damage they have done to their own children.”
“I think something very similar may happen to parents who vaxxed all their children in spite of the lack of medical justification for the policy.”
I am forever grateful to my daughter and her husband that they dug in and refused and Covid vax for the grandkids. They have all the usual stuff but not that. They remain robust little tackers barreling through life.
FWIW – For something different –
“Sefton Delmer: The Reichstag Fire”
He was a British newspaper reporter who got a tour at the time – with Hitler
This is from Part 1 of his autobiography “Trail Sinister” which I have on library request. I found out about it from Part 2 “Black Boomerang” which just arrived and, as yet, unread.
Australian MSM FINALLY addresses excess deaths
I’m told that down in Tassie, “The Mercury” in Hobart today has frontpage headlines reading “EXCESS DEATHS”.
I don’t have any images but I’m sure someone can provide one.
Let the circus begin.
The noose tightens around the MSM’s neck. 🙂
When the SHTF, this picture will sum up the pollies and their ignorant but loyal followers:
Try this one for the story. You will notice it is classified in the “Lifestyle” section – probably better than the entertainment section.
The Herald Sun Tweeted this:
Meh. More men in skirts. 😄😄
Accidental red…sorry David.
India’s ban on rice exports raises fear of global food price rises
India has banned non-basmati white rice exports to curb domestic inflation, raising fears of further increases in global food prices just days after wheat and corn prices were sent climbing by Russia’s termination of a key grain deal.
The immediate ban, introduced after heavy rains hit domestic crops, follows the failure of a 20% duty on international exports introduced in September to curb foreign demand, which has soared after extreme climate conditions hit production in countries.
India is the world’s largest rice exporter, accounting for more than 40% of global shipments. While the ban does not apply to higher-grade basmati rice – India’s best-known variety – non-basmati white rice accounts for about 25% of exports.
International sales of Indian rice soared by 35% in the year to June, contributing to a 3% rise in domestic prices over the past month alone. People in India are paying 11.5% more for rice than a year ago, according to its ministry of consumer affairs, food and public distribution.
Protectionism rises.
I don’t eat rice so I don’t care.😎
I never know what to make of these stories. Rice is currently trading at the price it was 10 years ago, not adjusted for inflation.
I recently saw a story about global wheat Armageddon because Russia/Ukraine. Meanwhile the global wheat market just sorta shrugged and moved on.
It’s the “carbon” fertiliser. Seriously!
China Eyes Next Pandemic in Push for New Emergency Facilities
China ordered its largest cities to step up preparations for future medical emergencies by building leisure and recreational facilities that can used for quarantine during a pandemic, several months after the leadership abandoned its zero-tolerance approach to Covid-19.
The so-called “dual emergency and normal use” facilities will be “actively” built in megacities across the country, the official Xinhua news agency cited Vice Premier He Lifeng as saying during a conference on Thursday. The facilities will be used for tourism, recreation and healthcare in normal times. During emergencies, they will serve as medical treatment and quarantine centers as well as storage spaces for supplies, according to the report.
He labeled the infrastructure drive as part of efforts to “balance development and security,” a term used by President Xi Jinping to refer to combining economic growth with measures to better prepare for major risks such as pandemics.
China’s government wants to rally private capital in the construction and maintenance of the facilities, according to the report, which didn’t specify how much investment will be needed.
The comments also followed Beijing’s latest pledges to rebuild a shattered private sector after limited steps so far this year have done little to bolster its weakening economic growth.
The private sector produces more than 60% of gross domestic product and accounts for more than 80% of urban jobs. Investment by private firms contracted 0.2% in the first half of the year, official data showed this week, compared with an 8.1% expansion by state-owned businesses.
Tourism and recreation, yeah riiiight…
Breaking: New Zealand passes the Therapeutics Products bill
The bill mandates that all products claiming to benefit your health will have to be approved by government-appointed regulators. The same regulators who rubber stamped disastrous pandemic policies. Despite presenting no evidence that natural products are dangerous to health, Labour and the Greens have pressed ahead to gain total control over our health choices in an extraordinary extension of their power over our daily lives.
Meanwhile, government regulators are proposing restrictive regulation of cinnamon, vitamin C, B12, and hundreds of other natural products and herbs known to be not just beneficial but essential for health.
The Dr. Guy Hatchard full report in PDF:
Both Canada and the US health authorities are making noises about regulating “supplement” industry. Not that there has been any claims of pathology. Rather it is another area the gubmint wants to control. I suspect that the publicity given vitamin D at doses greater than those “recommended” during the Covid panic has brought the issue up.
The petite Swiss old lady next door to us a few years ago had just retired from running a high colonic lavage business. She was importing various supplements in bulk and breaking them down for retail – evading the taxman and all current regulations for labelling.
The last serious scandal in the supplement business was contaminated tryptophan (sold as a sleep aid) made in Japan. It caused neurological damage.
Obviously some regulation is a good thing, but too much will lead to a black market.
It hasn’t gone unnoticed by the Left/Elites/Big Pharma that simple, inexpensive supplements such as Vitamin D, when used to correct a deficiency, made people dramatically less susceptible to covid and severe disease or mortality.
Death tolls and incidence of severe covid disease would have been much less worlwide if such deficiencies has been corrected as well as others such as zinc; and common K2 deficiency in relation to areas other than covid.
I have no intention of ever again visiting New Zimbabwe. It’s even more of a police state than Australia. And I don’t want the NZ government to be “my single source of truth”. NZ is shaping up to be the WEF prototype of their utopia.
Oh come on David what have you got against rubbing shoulders with your global (WEF?) billionaires?
You can buy your pristine part of NZ then, like many other countries around the world, buy your NZ passport (handy WEF article) and have a nice safe bolt hole for life.
Maybe you should consider buying in the Queenstown Lakes district with its international airport (for the tourists of course) and recently completed independent/private hospital ie no common people germs…
Oh and speaking of common people don’t worry the local council has already started on their plans to drive them out in keeping with the philosophy “anyone can live here – so long as you can afford it” meaning a massive rate increase (13.6%) is in the pipeline.
Time for a bit of skiing I think. Cheerio old bean.
I’m sure the TGA would also love to do this. Over the last few decades they have been withdrawing various old medications that aided in a lot of conditions. This is all part of big pharmas’ monopoly of the health industry. The introduction of Randomised Controlled Trials ( RCT’s) and the insistence of these of being the ” gold standard” in proving efficacy is their main agenda. Whereas years ago pharmaceuticals were very often approved after observance trials. Here’s the kicker for big pharma, RCT’s are as expensive as hell to conduct, so it’s only the big companies that will be able to afford them. Hence, they will have a monopoly.
Regulation of cinnamon? WTAF?
I guess these will be confiscated at the border , in another triumph for NZ tourism?
I love NZ , but its getting a bit stupid. Jeez if I want stupid I can stay in Danistan.
Danistan is now called Sicktoria.
meh, it doesn’t feel that way at least out in the regions, but it is amazing that nothing sticks to Teflon Dan and that he has a cult following among the mentally deficient (aka a sufficient number of Melb metro voters)
sadly as Sydney is NSW , it is even more so for Melb is VIC
Cinnamon?! Whatever next?
We loved NZ but now won’t go near it.
Go for it!
“Lucy Turnbull would be ‘devastated’ by defeat of The Voice. So vote NO.”
Worth voting NO for that satisfaction alone.
For studiers of geology – a couple of links to the Tetons dam collapse
And, by the comments, also a study in “government know it all”
Shades of SM2?
Wind farms have no sense of belonging on country.
Most “green” (sic) types never leave the city to observe nature or the countryside and have no clue about the tremendous visual and infrasound pollution of windmills; the bird, bat and insect kills; and the land clearing down to build them.
“Eh Gawd!”
“Italy Ruffled by German Health Minister’s Wild Claim: “Climate Change Destroying Southern Europe”
Another Health Minister runs amok
One of Tony Heller’s latest videos talking about false claims of unusual heat waves in the US.
Note, he is being heavily shadow banned by YouTube and does not usually appear in subscribers’ feeds.
Also see his video at:
Get woke, go broke.
Or don’t be woke and make money.
* Sound of Freedom $100 million at box office.
* Jason Aldean’s new single “Try That in a Small Town” reaches 50,000,000 streams and is #1 On iTunes.
* Disney has lost $900 million on their last eight releases while their theme parks are “unexplainably empty”.
More coming?
From today’s Covid and Coffee newsletter.
“Finally, yesterday Governor DeSantis announced that the State of Florida, which is a significant investor in beer giant Anheuser-Busch, will now investigate the woke corporation for mismanagement that breached the company’s duties to shareholders and injured the state’s investment portfolio”.
Changes in solar activity can affect the Earth’s climate, for example, by affecting the ozone zone.
This is an “external” influence.
“Our entire solar system also has a barycenter.
The sun, Earth, and all of the planets in the solar system orbit around this barycenter.
It is the center of mass of every object in the solar system combined.
Our solar system’s barycenter constantly changes position.”
Looking forward to papers entitled :-
“Changes in the position of the barycentre can affect the Earth’s climate”.
Has there ever been one?
There was such a paper but it didn’t conform with the Official Narrative and was censored.
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Oscillations of the baseline of solar magnetic field and solar irradiance on a millennial timescale
V. V. Zharkova, S. J. Shepherd, …E. Popova Show authors
Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 9197 (2019)
Well, this guy just said she’s wrong, as are all contrarians, but he obviously didn’t need to show where she was wrong.
“The Zharkova et al paper that incorrectly purported to link solar-climate effects to movements of the Sun around the barycenter has been retracted. This paper generated an enormous thread on @PubPeer where the authors continued to defend the indefensible and even added in new errors (such as a claim that the Earth’s seasonal cycles are due to variations in the Earth-Sun distance). Additionally, it seeded multiple nonsense newspaper articles in the UK and elsewhere (some of which were quietly deleted or corrected).
It’s (not) the sun- Some of this is related to a desire to find something other than human activities as the cause of the climate changes since the late 19th Century. Folks who really, really, really, don’t want climate change to impact societal choices [newsflash, it already has] often grab on to speculative solar effects as a last ditch throw of the uncertainty dice. ”
The retraction states –
Critics of the paper noted that the Earth does not orbit the barycenter—it orbits the sun, which means its distance from it does not change.
That’s not true, is it? My understanding is that the distance between the sun and earth varies doe to an elliptic cycle. Or am i missing the point?
Thanks to Saturn and Jupiter the suns barycenter is moving around.
Meanwhile, the UN and other Climate Alarmists are affected by Lunar activity (no changes required). Lunatics all of them.
We are currently seeing a strong anomaly in the distribution of ozone in the upper stratosphere within the southern polar vortex. It is this anomaly that is causing strong ripples in the polar vortex and will move into the lower layers of the atmosphere.
When Thomas Edison established the Edison Electric Light Company in 1878 he said “we will make electricity so cheap only the rich will burn candles”.
Funny, how now, due to the Left/Regressives/Elites only the rich can afford electricity and the poor will soon have to burn candles….
Today, most candles are made from paraffin wax, a byproduct of petroleum refining. LOL.
Candles can also be made from microcrystalline wax, beeswax (a byproduct of honey collection), gel (a mixture of polymer and mineral oil), or some plant waxes (generally palm, carnauba, bayberry, or soybean wax).
Oh dear. More Hydrocarbon use………..LOL
Oh dear, think of the CO2.
Dr John Campbell
Tweet from Nine News.
He’s only pleading to Labor voters?
Just like ol’ Julia Gillard, he has forgotten momentarily that he’s supposed to represent ALL Australians, not just the Labor supporters.
That miserable thirty-two percent.
The Left/Regressives are going crazy about Jason Aldean’s new song. They hate it.
The conservative commentator The Officer Tatum comments.
Nothing wrong with a good lynching.
The IPCC AR6 is severely critiqued by Andy May et al.
You mean BNice