A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I have been saying for some time, Brown Coal is cheap, cannot be exported, can be efficiently burnt when Luny Greens don’t interfere, we have lots of it so use it for reliable cheap electricity!!!!
Brown coal was cost effective for the lease holder of the Hazlewood Power Station in Victoria, generated about 25 per cent of base load electricity there, until the Labor Vic Government raised the price and effectively forced the lease holder to cancel, and Hazlewood was shut down.
David E.L. H.
Brown coal could be exported if compressed and the water level reduced. This would boost the efficiency of the power stations.
The Germans have a power station on lignite (brown coal) with emission of CO2 down by 31% (by using waste heat to dry the fuel).
The problem with brown coal (unaltered) is that the station has to run continuously, as the Victorian ones do. They cannot handle variable generation from “renewables” so any from that source has to be accommodated by stopping any gas plants or exporting it to other States.
Once there is more “renewables” in Victoria it will strain their interconnections (as TAS & SA can only take less that that).
“Fortunately” NSW has a negative capacity even before Liddell shut down, and survived on black coal fired from QLD. They will need to get more transmission line in place before the next coal statin shuts down.
Up until last year you could buy brown coal briquettes in Bunnings , imported from Germany. Nicely compressed and packaged in the Germanic way and excellent long burning fuel in the fireplace.
Brown coal catches fire if you try to ship it, so do EVs.
I am sure you and many others believe that,..but the fact is NSW still has (after Liddell shut) more than 10.3 GW of fossil powered generation capacity..according to the anero site data.
I dont recall NSW peak demand reaching that level ?
The 1.5+ GW of NSW gas generation is hardly ever used.
The reason NSW coal is not all utilised is mainly by preferencing the surplus from more economic modern generators in QLD, and of course the priority given to Wind and Solar.
The southern rain systems that gave us so much in June (up to 14″ in parts of the Adelaide Hills) have suddenly collapsed. BoM shall now feel vindicated for their months-long predictions of “warm and dry” despite that fact that eventually it HAD to be correct. The prevailing influences (EL Nino, IOD, SAM) are unchanged. So they are as clueless as I am. But I don’t cost $1m/day.
There is a teleconnection with a seven year lag.
Conservatives and fellow rational thinkers, don’t forget how much power you have!
In America, the thinking community boycotted and destroyed Bud Light for imposing wokeness on its traditional customers. That brand is finished.
That was without any organisation or leadership at all.
Just imagine what we could do if we put our minds to stopping the madness!
Also, see the following video from Sky News Australia about the fall of America’s mighty brands due to the woke agenda, e.g. Bud, Target, Ben and Jerry’s.
Get woke, go broke!
..and Bud Light’s woes continue.
Costco has given them the “star of death” meaning it won’t be restocked once sold out.
See the small star at 1 o’clock?
Trouble is the ones that will carry the can first will be the workers at these companies which, as a result of falling profits, will slash staff numbers and, in the case of food items, renegotiate contracts to the further detriment of producers (farmers).
In some cases frontline staff also suffer directly because certain misguided customers “hear the voices” and think anti-social behaviour against the business is acceptable i.e. fill up your shopping cart and then abandon it, move refrigerated goods to shop shelves etc but again it hits the staff who have to deal with it more than the company that doesn’t see any real damage to their bottom line.
Without being too specific – don’t want that knock on the door or suddenly have recurring internet problems – but if organisations like just stop oil or that WA vegan topless “wonder” can publicly incite and commit disruptive acts against society then surely an organised group that suggests ways to direct the publics buying power should be able to operate in the open.
In NZ between 1966-1978 there was a group called Campaign Against Rising Prices – C.A.R.P. – which guided shopper revolts to counter price rises/perceived gouging. This group managed to enlist at least one producer organisation (Federated Farmers) and one business (Unilever).
As you say the (organised) consumer has considerable unrealised power and with today’s instant mass communication platforms effective guerilla hits to business bottom lines could be organised, communicated, and applied very effectively.
Unilever own Ben and Jerry’s
another ian. This is a major issue with ALL these alleged woke corporations. They often make empty, cost-free gestures to appeal to the none-too-bright in the justified belief that they will then get a pass on what used to be “bad behaviour”.
OK, so B and J are on “stolen” land and are “exploiting” defenceless cows to steal their milk. They are also loading their products with all manner of “toxic stuff” like sugar and preservatives etc, then delivering them nation and world wide on by fossil-fuel powered means….all very very naughty!. However…a simple fix: make some woke announcement and then carry on as usual!
That B and J turns out to not be two blokes working from their mom / mum’s basement, but the biggest condumer-goods conglomerate on earth…tells you all you need to know, does it not?
Aloha! Yes Bud workers are at stake and will lose jobs but then the beer company or companies filling the Bud void will hire more workers and buy more from farmers filling the gap so long as the overall beer sales remain at the same levels, which I believe they will. No Americans stopped drinking beer they just switched to a less woke brand or brands.
I have been boycotting brands for years. My list:
4-North Face
6-All EVs
Pretty much any company that uses slavery and genocide in their supply chain, which is just about any company who uses the ccp.
Facebook is on there because of the abuses Zuck did to native Hawaiians stealing their land. He is the modern day India Trading Co, replete with all the imperialism of a META Napoleon.
I agree that boycotts have their place, and it shows that there are a lot of sensible people unhappy with loony Left ideas, programmes, and policies but, realistically, Bud Light is but one brand in a very large portfolio owned by Anheuser-Busch, the brewing company with the largest market share in the USA, and itself a subsidiary of the largest brewing company in the world.
I guess time will tell if the Bud Light revenue just migrated to another brand in the company, or if it really caused some impact. Don’t get cocky, is all I’m saying.
Jeez how about just taking a small victory. Wars are won a battle at a time , just because the AB Battlestar still exists means mothing and in reality nobody seriously wants to destroy them , they just want them to treat customers with a bit of respect. Its pretty clear where BL revenue has moved to already.
I stopped buying Gillette products and went back to double edge razors. I’m not wringing my hands because P&G still exists.
What I liked about the BL event is that it just happened organically. A point was reached where something snapped and the brand just became tainted. It’s far more than a boycott. A good chunk of the market aren’t just refusing to buy for the moment, they just don’t want to be associated with the brand in any way. ever.
Beer customer base tends to be more blue collar, and beer is not a quasi-monopoly (substitution is easy) making them particularly vulnerable, clothing, cars and other optional consumer products are similar. But that’s not the case for a lot of quasi-monopoly products where woke is rammed down our throats in IT, education, services, banks etc – those organisation can and do tell unhappy customers to get bent.
Now here is a challenge –
In comments there –
“L – Am I the only one, who thinks the Finnish Hobbyhorse races
reminds me of Saskatoon City Council meetings?”
Adaptable to many gatherings in Oz too (IMO)
hmmmmm we just had our car club AGM, I notice some hobby horse dressage there I think
Brazilian CBDC pilot source code includes methods to freeze, drain wallets
Brazil’s CBDC pilot includes functions to freeze and unfreeze wallets, as well as functions to move, mint, and burn funds.
Banco Central do Brasil published the source code for its CBDC on GitHub last week and allowed the public to conduct an audit of the system’s code.
Developers soon found concerning functionality in the source code of Brazil’s CBDC pilot, including mechanisms to control individual wallets and the funds they hold.
Full-stack developer Pedro Magalhães reverse-engineered the code and found a number of concerning functions that can be executed by entities that have Access Control permission.
These include freezing and unfreezing of wallets; increasing or decreasing the frozen funds; moving funds from one address to another; and pausing withdrawals and transfers.
Magalhães shared a a list of the functions:
“- disableAccount: Disables an account authorized to transfer tokens.
– enableAccount: Enables a previously disabled account for token transfers.
– increaseFrozenBalance: Increases the frozen balance of a wallet address.
– decreaseFrozenBalance: Decreases the frozen balance of a wallet address.
– transfer: Overrides the ERC20 transfer function to include account status checks and frozen balances.
– transferFrom: Overrides the ERC20 transferFrom function to include account status checks and frozen balances.
– mint: Creates new Real Digital tokens for a specified address.
– burn: Burns (destroys) a specified amount of Real Digital tokens.
– pause: Pauses token transfers.
– unpause: Resumes token transfers.
– frozenBalanceOf: Retrieves the frozen balance of a wallet address.
authorizedAccount: Checks if an account is authorized for token transfers.
– move: Transfer tokens from one wallet to another.
– moveAndBurn: Transfer and burn tokens from a wallet.
– burnFrom: Burns tokens from a specified account.”
Released the source code.
Bwaa haa haa. 😆😆😆😆😆😆
Cash under the mattress anyone and gold/silver hidden somewhere else?.
Under the mattress in Australia is no longer safe, the Reds are back in government.
IOUs must it be then? With the usual security?
Maybe, also, a decent supply of tinned food – and obviously beer & wine – in cupboards. With a can-opener, corkscrew – and a spare ….
This sort of thing could – even inadvertently – go mammaries-up very quickly.
Without considering the activities of state-sponsored Ruritanian hackers, who, possibly, may not have our best interests at heart.
I know there are legitimate reasons to freeze bank accounts, but only an idiot would think a CBDC is a good idea.
JC II. In Australia, the Eftpos system is totally different to that of other countries. You could do a search, but i’ll explain.
Overseas (Britain for example) transactions done by Credit or Debit cards are cleared once per day by a central bank. That means that all the transaction on MY card in the UK are “approved” but not cleared until midnight today. Then, maybe 12 transactions on MY account are settled. So..AFTER the fact, not while the fact is happening. this makes it rather difficult to stop transaction in advance for individuals.
In Australia, by contrast, the eftpos system is OWNED by the big four banks. They do the clearing, not a central bank. This means the central bank would have to get ahold of the big four’s procedures and tell them what to do after examining the transactions. This is extremely cumbersome, and difficult to enforce. The example of Westpac and the billions of money-laundering activities NOT declared to Govt should illustrate this!
Not sure if this could be done. Not saying it’s impossible, but I am sceptical of how efficiently govt can do ANYTHING on a large scale (see Robodebt. See Snowy Hydro. See NDIS. See Pink Batts. See Cross-City Tunnels etc etc). that’s all.
I live in Victoriastan and they turned Melbourne into a prison camp for months and it worked . The tragedy was that so many inmates voluntarily complied . In an “emergency” everything will get nationalised . They could just impose a fine of 50 million dollars on you…..
It hasn’t finished “working” yet. Not by a long shot.
Can you remember the last time?
MEP Christine Anderson Issues Stark Warning to World Health Organization: “We Will Bring You Down!”
“We are here today to tell you WHO globalitarian misanthropists. We are here today to tell you — you picked this fight! You wanted this fight. Well, guess what? You’ve got it. Let’s fight,” announced German MEP Christine Anderson during the Citizen’s Initiative conference in Brussels.
“It is you [WHO] that is the small fringe minority,” she continued. “You are the ones who do not have the right to dictate to the people what they want and what they don’t want.”
“So take it from me … take it from the millions and millions of people around the world. We will bring you down, and we will not tire until we have done just that. So brace yourselves. We are here, and the fight is on. So let’s have the fight.”
Did she hear this, or is it just a coincidence:
A Russian punch in the eye to the WHO, and our ABC says:
” The bill is the latest in the spate of the laws cracking down on LGBTQIA+ rights in Russia.”
Dave B
The russkies are a christian values lot.😁
Gay marriage and all the fringe lunacies are VERY unpopular in eastern Europe.
She’s in Tassy running for council let’s all keep up to date. Attention memoryvault
Thanks, Will.
Feisty lady, and I wish her the best, but I’m not sure what I’m meant to be paying attention to.
Saturday funny: the NWO summed up in one picture
They will fail.
(and fall)😁
Is it Nepal, Kashmir?
Taiwan 2018 quake victim…
It looks like soil liquefaction. Structure should have been built on deep piles with appropriate shear resistance and piles properly connected to building structure.
Modern woke architects?
Covid reality 101
COVID death rate:
0-19 years old 0.0003%
20-29 0.002%
30-39 0.011%
40-49 0.035%
50-59 0.123%
60-69 0.506%
0-69 0.063-0.082%.
Keep those masks on.
We need to be able to identify the stupid.😁
Now here’s a ‘soldier’ I want leading me!!
The article in question is a little hard to read, because ‘our’ ABC uses the pronouns that the umm, soldier, a Captain, now wishes to use, they/their.
The soldier was married with two children, and ‘they’ approached ‘their’ wife and mentioned to her that…..
And then, four short paragraphs from the bottom of the article, it mentions this…..
Why am I not surprised.
It seems I may have got out of the Air Force just in time ….. before they made it ‘compulsory!!!’
What’s a wierdo to do? Don’t want to be male. Don’t want to be female. So pretend their chromosomes mean nothing and that there is more than one of them.
Call me old fashioned but “they” is a plural. Make a choice from the singular pronouns like he, she and it. Or invent a new pronoun like “hesheorit”
If he transferred to the navy would he have a choice of rank between Pretty Officer or Rear Admiral?
It can change its pronouns but not its rank.
Army Captain equals Navy Lieutenant.
However I take your point about Rear Admirals and Chief Petty Officers!
That put me off my breakfast.
Having a tank of tropical fish could contribute as much greenhouse gas as driving for thousands of miles.
Keeping a tank of tropical fish could contribute as much greenhouse gas as driving thousands of miles in a car or a motorbike, a study has found.
The carbon footprint and environmental impacts of keeping pet fish has been calculated for the first time by Cardiff University’s Water Research Institute.
Dr William Perry, Research Associate at the Institute, said: ‘In the UK, 4 million households own a pet fish and it’s estimated that 70% of those that keep fish have a tropical freshwater aquarium.
‘The carbon footprint of owning pets such as dogs and cats has been previously calculated, but we have provided the first estimates of carbon dioxide emissions produced from running a tropical aquarium, as well as estimated water consumption.’
Can’t wait for the pet rocks cause climate change nonsense. 😆
Wot rot! A healthy fish tank is almost a closed system.
Probably referring to the power used to warm/circulate/oxygenate the water. Who cares!
Every time I’m sure we have reached peak stupid along comes another university study to prove me wrong.
The BS just never ends.
They just want everyone to live in misery with no pets, no hobbies, no enjoyment, no travel, cold, and in the dark etc..
Jordan Peterson makes some interesting observations on what he calls left wing authoritarianism.
See video at:
In particular the comments from 5:30 to 8:00.
He talks about personality predictors of Leftist authoritarians including the so-called Dark Tetrad of sadism, psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism.
He said he will publish a book or paper on it.
I would be interested in reading the studies he refers to but no reference us supplied.
Today, I saw someone driving a Tesla alone, wearing a mask.
A True Believer.
It’s to protect them from that Musk odour
More variety –
Pushes the Biodefense button. Removes mask.😆
We have a few in our little town of 4000 people. Not Tesla drivers, but lone mask wearers. Dan lives in their minds and they will go to their graves with their masks on.
Probably uses these too!
hot linking denied on the powerlineblog
Any other way of linking?
Here we go again: London at risk of measles outbreaks with modelling estimating tens of thousands of cases.
UKHSA modelling suggests that, unless MMR vaccination rates improve, London could see a measles outbreak with tens of thousands of cases.
Those who have never received a measles vaccine (MMR) are at risk.
MMR is part of the NHS Routine Childhood Immunisation Programme. Parents whose infants missed out, or anyone of any age unvaccinated, are urged to come forward.
Susceptibility is particularly high among 19 to 25 year olds, affected by unfounded stories in the early 2000s (‘Wakefield cohorts’) and some may still not be fully vaccinated.
As part of continued efforts to protect people against getting measles, the NHS is today launching a campaign encouraging people to check their vaccination status, with targeted outreach to groups in London.
Data published today by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) shows there has been a steady rise in measles cases this year. A new risk assessment also reveals the potential for a measles resurgence, particularly in London.
Between 1 January and 30 June this year there have been 128 cases of measles, compared to 54 cases in the whole of 2022, with 66 per cent of the cases detected in London although cases have been seen in all regions.
Middle finger gesture to the pollies, fake experts and corrupt studies.
A “model” isn’t a real model and should not be used for predictive purppses unless it’s been validated, which none of these pandemic or climate models have.
EV Charging Networks Prepare for Cyberattacks
Mandates for electric-vehicle sales have raised concerns over poorly defended charging stations—and the possibility for spillover hacks of wider power grids.
As Europe and the U.S. push to ramp up development and sales of electric vehicles, researchers are concerned that cybersecurity is being neglected.
In the worst of cases, hackers could engineer blackouts and do damage to entire electric grids by infiltrating charging stations and networks, officials and security analysts warn.
“If you have hundreds of thousands of chargers, you are a target,” said Harm van den Brink, a cybersecurity specialist at ElaadNL, a research organization in the Netherlands focused on testing EV charging.
In April, the Biden administration proposed tougher car emissions targets to accelerate the transition to EVs and has called for them to make up half of all new vehicle sales by 2030. The European Union has gone further, banning the sale of new gasoline- and diesel-powered cars starting in 2035.
In the rush to EVs, though, cybersecurity can’t be an afterthought, said Tomas Bodeklint, a research and business developer at the Research Institutes of Sweden, a government-run group that works on EV charging and other technologies.
“When you get rapid deployment, you cut the corners a bit. Then there’s an increased risk if [products] haven’t been thoroughly tested and validated,” he said.
Efforts to address the security of EV charging stations are in early stages. European lawmakers are drafting new cyber rules for electricity grid operators that will likely include additional security requirements for EV charging infrastructure, said Anjos Nijk, managing director of the European Network for Cyber Security, a Netherlands-based organization that shares cyber threat information with critical infrastructure and energy companies.
You will drive nowhere and be unhappy.😁
Its bizarre that rules are required to secure these things and grid operator networks in 2023. You can only imagine how effective and relevant Euro lawmakers rules will be in such a fluid environment. We don’t appear to have learnt much in the last couple of decades, but then we are focusing on diversity and the “feels”, so actually learning anything is a secondary consideration. STEM Shmem.
The creation of the STEM schools was supposed to allow students of science, math, etc., to pool together in a more welcoming and rigorous environment, all done for their mutual benefit.
I do not now remember the details, but a few years ago I read about a city where the non-STEM students were upset because they were not particularly interested in the hard subjects, but they still wanted to attend the school. Solution? The city opened up the STEM to the arts and humanities. No need now to score well in science, math and all those “egg-head” subjects just to get in! Essentially they just turned it into another high school — but they at least included an “A” for Arts. It became a STEAM school and lost the entire purpose of its original charter.
In my adopted State of VIC when we first arrived in the 80s, we noticed that they had what seemed quite a good system with secondary schools. They had High Schools and Technical Schools. The High Schools did the usual academic studies aimed at possible Uni entrance , the Technical Schools focused on development towards TAFE entry and the trades. For some reason that all disintegrated over time and has now declined into staged PC indoctrination factories.
A lot like how we used to have Housing Commissions helping low income people have homes. Greater minds decided that didn’t work now we have unaffordability, homelessness and 10 people sharing a 2 bed flat.
Joni Mitchell was right.
Jo, in the presidential cycle in the US the front runners are trump and probably RFKjr for the Dems, RFK is a moderate on many fronts and seems reasonably truthful. On global warming he is a “believer” but thinks the fear factor is ridiculous. I think he needs an education. On his rumble page I have left comments about the math that proves AGW is a non problem and the fact that gridscale wind/solar and EV’s don’t stop CO2 emissions. If anything they make them worse.
I think we collectively could target rfk’s media and maybe get him thinking.
Many have said RFKjr’s gravelly voice is a problem for his electability. I’m not sure if it is or isn’t. He has a neurological condition called spasmodic dysphonia.
As an American with zero influence, less resources, and a 15th grade education, I shall offer my assessment (you’re welcome) of the 2024 POTUS ‘election’ cycle.
1 Careful dosing of one’s proffered hallucinogenic will be required in order to process the rhetorical landscape.
2 The last real POTUS election (possibly since 1960) was 2016 when DJT won because The Deep State swallowed their own BS and thought HRC had it in the bag and they neglected to ‘fortify’ the result.
3 RFK will be lucky if he doesn’t get JFKed ( Reminder: USG has just resealed ‘classified’ JFK assassination documents … now Deep Stated forever).
4 Same with DJT … why … because of the altitude of the stakes. A large gang of very powerful people (now a worldwide WEF/EU/Big Tech cartel) have committed open crimes during the Trump/COVID Convergence and understand they must avoid retribution and accountability at all costs.
5 The Fauci Precedent … … DS spokespersons, such as Obama. have made emphatic Fauci statements … “Donald Trump ‘will’ not be … “.
6 Consider the absurd rhetorical farce of AGW (now we have ‘underground’ Climate Change) … we are are surrounded by Peak Stupid.
7 the Democratic POTUS campaign platform will consist of …
A vote against Democrats is a vote against “Our Democracy”
(“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands”)
Men can have babies
War with Russia … or whoever … doesn’t really matter
Make shoplifting a human right
White people are inherently evil and cause shoplifting, so you must vote for old white guy
The Police are bad but the FBI are good
Free Speech is dangerous
Self defense must be made illegal because is usually racist
Patriotism is terrorism
Your children belong to the state
Obesity is healthy
Every child is non-binary
Government policy can make the glaciers advance … which is good because Progressive Politics can stop weather
This is only a partial list … because I have to get ready for work … which makes me an evil part of the structure of Supremacy.
I forgot the Main Theme …
Russia, Russia, Russia Orange Man Still Bad
Very interesting Fauci video Honk. I’d seen it before but if others haven’t, I recommend it.
Also recommended is the slightly longer version of that that follows. (under l4 mins)
After the 3 min mark he talks about global cooperation with “philanthropy and NGOs”. The NGOs he refers to are obviously the UN, WHO and WEF, and the so-called “philanthropists”, well we know who those two individuals are. And it’s not philanthropy if it comes with strings attached.
They are looking for another revolution . You have a large pool of ex-military people in the USA who could (with the help of active military) take over . The USA hegemony is almost gone and that is going to hurt . You have a powderkeg with a fuse , just needing a match.
And that’s exactly why the Founding Fathers of the United States gave “The People” the Second Amendment, so they can be collectively more armed and more powerful than a government that had become corrupt and failed to follow the law or Constitution.
From the US Declaration of Independence this sounds very familiar, except replacing the British with the US Government itself:
I would consider that free expression, the inner belief about the origin of self, the natural instinct to defend self, family and home are not granted ‘rights’.
They are the simple true state of existence of all … American or otherwise.
They are not given, they are only taken.
I am a Southern American by accident of birth and culture.
My ancestors were both the rejects and rejectors of King, Church, and Federal Union.
I was advised by the men of my upbringing “a piece of paper will lay there and let you put anything on it”.
One ancestor’s obituary stated “he was a professor of religion all his life, but belonged to no Visible Church”.
No union or declaration of men grant my lot anything.
I take no pride in it.
It simply is.
Many elites in both the US and Europe may not understand the true underpinning that created the American phenomenon.
That may flower again.
May the bridges we burn light your way.
(Ok, that last line is in jest … sort of.)
Peter Sawyer
Oh amplifying her content is all, however appreciate your reply.
Are/ have you a publication of your crusades?
Is inside news been digitised?
Has a long format interveiw on your story with Australian government occurred?
Finally have you a Google earth ref for the Canberra ring “tunnel”
I’ve noticed a new trend among M->F transgenders as reported on various social media platforms.
Many don’t even attempt to look like women and often wear a beard or 5 o’clock shadow.
Imagine their private parts. Sorry. No, don’t.
No thankyou…
“A Fun Day”
““NATO has lost this war. Biden has lost this war. The lunatic Democrats have lost this war. The uni-party warmongers have lost this war. The EU has lost this war. Ukraine and Zelensky have lost this war.” — Kim Dotcom ”
And more*-nation/a-fun-day
Was the objective ever to ‘win’ the war ?
IMO it’s about causing as much damage as possible for Europe, Russia and anyone not in the USA/MIC.
That will make a mark!
“Breaking! Tornado Watch in Chicago Area-O’HARE AIRPORT COMPLETELY EVACUATED- Shelter in Place in Effect”
““What’s Happening At LinkedIn Is So Important” Because Discrimination By Algorithm Is The Future Of Affirmative Action”
The principle taken to heart by “ElBowen et al”?×600.jpeg
Via Instapundit
Here is an excellent video of demolishing a brick silo by hand. Magnificent controlled demolition without a single shaped charge. Video is only about 30 sec.
How did he do that?
He seems to be hitting it on the wrong side, yet it drops down in line with the street!
I would say that he has already removed a large number of bricks on the far side to make a series of slots. The structure was already close to collapse, it just needed a final few whacks. Probably this is a short segment of a much longer video because the precise moment of criticality would not be known.
Initially all the bricks would be under compression.
He may have cheated and removed some of the bricks on the side that it eventually fell towards. This could have allowed a very slight lean towards that side and produced tension on the other side of the wall diagonally opposite.
If he was smacking the bricks under tension, that might explain it.
There could even have been a rope attached to the top of the chimney and loaded up to pull in the direction wanted.
Did the fall keep the roadway clear?
The big question is, who’s going to pick up all those bricks.
Maybe it was not a brick structure…possibly an all steel Silo and he was just bashing in a crease around the bottom starting on the far side before the video starts. ?
Then he just continues to bash the weakening crease around the to side until it finally colapses
It may even have been all wood ?
There was not enough brick dust or rubble pile for it to be all brick.
Mandatory charging stations every 60km on main European highways by 2026!! Just another nail in the coffin for some economies then…
You’ll also need mandatory power stations to supply them, not solar and wind parasitic loads on the grid.
Will they have a rest room attached? Sitting in the middle of nowhere with a family, waiting for a NOT super charge top up is not appealing.
There will be plenty to occupy you and extract your money at these stations.
I guess every charging station will have a diesel generator out the back to power the golf buggies !
about as realistic as Bowens timetable
And copper is now very expensive. Where is all the copper going to come from for all the EVs, windmills, charging stations, and extra cabling in homes for EV charging?
“Budgets blown: Wind not exactly the net bargain they advertised”
“If the chickens wouldn’t get hacked into a million tiny, bloody bits, you could certainly say they were coming home to roost on the Green fraud that is wind power, wind turbines, renewables, wonk, wonk, wonk. In particular the offshore component, which is billed as the least invasive, biggest savior of all the wind farm Green scheming.
As currently sold to greedy, gullible politicians and earnest, but simple minded lemmings as more efficient and friendly to a catastrophically warming planet, the natural advantages of using a readily available resource trump fossil fuels powered plants in both reliability and affordability. The wind and sun are free, we were and are told. One only has to wire something up that transmits the harnessed power and everyone will rejoice we did so.”
More “nice words” here –
Australian Financial Review, July 14, 2023
That’s sad.
It just prolongs the misery
The sooner the Australian grid is allowed to collapse, the sooner people will wake up to the madness.
You can’t begin to imagine how much that expression grates on me. And it just shows you how scientifically illiterate they are. But I guess “hydrocarbon” would be too complicated for them. “Carbon” fits the Official Narrative because “carbon bad”.
Story Tip
Ribera actually went to the conference via a private jet and chauffeured cars.
It is mandatory to attend climate conferences by private jet.
There are always parking problems for private jets at airports near such conferences although lately th hey have been trying to hide the problem.
To her credit, “Dr” Thunberg went to a climate conference by train, but I can’t wait until she starts attending by private jet.
Maybe I missed something but how do you get to Bali by train.
The woke could go by boat or commercial jet. No need for private jets.
This is the meeting.
“Gut bacteria may affect risk for clogged arteries”
As well, don’t forget Vitamin D and K2 for arterial and other health. Most people are deficient in one or more likely both. Of course, most people, including the medical profession, are unaware of this because these substances are inexpensive and Big Pharma would prefer to sell expensive drugs which will never make you better.
Headlines today seem to be about the hottest summer ever.
For example
However, for some reason we don’t seem to hear anything about heat waves in China.
Maptram >”Headlines today seem to be about the hottest summer ever”
Plenty on Europe heat at #35, 35.1, and 35.2.
Has global warming altered ENSO?
“Warmer conditions we can certainly expect because of El Niño and climate change,” she said.
“But the nature of La Niñas and El Niños is not what it used to be and we don’t fully understand how climate change has affected them yet.” (Dr Ailie Gallant, Monash Uni) ABC News
>”the nature of La Niñas and El Niños is not what it used to be”
What did it used to be?
The last big El Nino’s – 2016, 2010, 1998, 1983 – all looked similar in the Nino 3.4 region:
Monthly Reanalysis Timeseries
Region: Nino 3.4
Anomaly Values: N
All Months: Y
All had double or multiple peaks, with the later peaks higher than first.
All began from relatively warm conditions.
This 2023 El Nino (if it actually is one) is certainly different.
As yet no double peak (and see Nino 3 region).
Began from cool condition, not warm.
Seems to be just coming back down from peak i.e. not staying elevated.
Also weird is if you go to Today’s Weather Maps page and click on the globe until you get the view of the Pacific, at the bottom of the index is Sea Surface Temperature [Actual] and SST Anomaly.
Mouseover (hover) from Actual to Anomaly. The El Nino pattern is evident either side of the equator in the Anomaly but not in Actual. In Actual the pattern vanishes and all the warm water in the Eastern Pacific is between the equator and Baja i.e. in the NH. North of Baja is cool water (Rick Will pointed this out recently).
I’m not convinced this El Nino, if it even officially transpires, has the makings of anything near record breaking.
And the big El Ninos all look just like they used to.
BOM – El Niño: 2015–16
Monthly Reanalysis Timeseries
Region: Nino 3.4
Anomaly Values: Y
All Months: Y
+1.068 Jun 2015
+1.452 Jul 2015
+2.442 Dec 2015 (2.333 Nov)
+0.820 Jun 2023
The July anomaly (and actual) will have to shoot up markedly or this El Nino’s a fizzer.
The natural condition for the equatorial Pacific is La Nina mode with western Pacific surface being warmer than the eastern. However that condition is unsustainable because the western Pacific would have ever steepening thermocline caused by 5m/year of rainfall while the eastern Pacific loses 3m per year of fresh water. Eventually the warmer deep water in the west has to flow upward and eastward under the convective forces. This image shows the potential temperature across the Pacific under normal conditions:
So El Nino is the release phase bringing the potential temperature along the equatorial Pacific closer to equilibrium as the deep warm water in the west surges eastward. This enables warm pools to develop in the mid Pacific diverging atmospheric moisture from the east coast of Australia toward the mid Pacific; Australia gets dryer.
But things are never static with climate. The North Atlantic has its greatest width at 15N (excluding the Med) and has been experiencing increasing peak sunlight for the last 1500 years – it is getting warmer and will continue to do so for thousands of years yet. That is also causing the eastern Pacific off Mexico to warm and it is now reaching the 30C limit in June:,4.27,324/loc=-97.596,12.822
This warm pool causes mid level atmospheric moisture convergence from both the Pacific and Atlantic and is able to reverse the natural flow of the surface equatorial winds in the eastern Pacific. This is an atmospheric condition rather than an ocean condition. The current developing La Nina may not be an ocean convective instability between east and west Pacific. It could be just the eastern atmosphere being warmer than the western atmosphere. This condition will slow the formation of the true ocean induced instability because moist mid level air is transported eastward in the Pacific.
2023 is the first time since nullschool has been recording that a warm pool formed off western Mexico in June.
So what is being observed as an El Nino may not be an ocean instability. If the warm eastern Pacific anomaly is receding by October we can prognosticate that it was just an atmospheric swing rather than a true ocean phase shift.
Australia is unusually wet at the present time and this will also encourage a dip back into La Nina mode around November. The Amazon is in annual La Nina type mode due to its permanent dense biomass. The water coming off the Southern Atlantic falls on land rather than in the ocean. Australia could end up in annual La Nina mode if there is enough biomass and permanent water. Rather than the atmospheric water converging to the western Pacific it may converge onto Australia. There has certainly been periods in Australia’s geological history when it was very wet.
The long term trend for Australia is more temperate conditions with cooler summers and warmer winters. Australia experienced peak monthly input 500 years ago. The country is in for 11,000 years of declining peak sunlight.that will average 30W/m^2 less than now. Those conditions may encourage more biomass and retain more atmospheric moisture.
So a a long answer to a short question. In summary, climate change has and will continue to alter ENSO. I can confidently state that Earth’s climate is always changing.
Just a general note: I’ve seen rumblings from elsewhere to dumb down education such that proper maths, physics and chemistry etc are not taught in schools. Such that the students, as adults, would not be able to challenge scientific BS.
Fadden by election 65.6% counted, updated 11h ago
Swing to LNP 4.2%
Here we are in mid July post Liddell closure and NSW has likely seen its peak winter demand. Barring a large generator failure, it appears NSW grid can survive without Liddell.
Always barring large unit outages, the next big test will be the closure of Eraring; now set for 2025. Will that date be achieved?
At 1120 on Sunday July 16 all regions, apart from NSW, have negative wholesale price. NSW is at $134/MWh. No idea why NSW is so high Maybe there is something wrong but there are no market notices suggesting any issues in NSW. SA generators being directed on as usual.
Rick, please check in at #31.1 re 2023 El Nino and cooler water along south US coast:
Agree or disagree with my assessment at #31.1 ?
I made a long note above that is in agreement – I am also not yet convinced it is an ocean induced El Nino.
Heat wave in southern Europe is high pressure and no wind:
GFS 10m Wind Speed – Europe
Acropolis closed, only 1 or 2 knots. 1021 hPa.
BBC gave a surprisingly natural attribution:
Europe heatwave: More record temperatures expected
By Robert Greenall, BBC News
Except for the last 2 paragraphs and a WMO quote (natch).
>”BBC gave a surprisingly natural attribution” [Europe heat wave]
Elsewhere experts flabbergasted:
‘It doesn’t seem real’: Global heatwave takes experts by surprise amid worry ‘a number of people will die’
“Even” climate scientists taken by surprise. Given their CO2 centricity they will be the last to figure it out. I’m not surprised by their surprise.
>”Europe heatwave: More record temperatures expected”
Maybe in Europe but no global record. Now that the Antarctic spike that was the driver of the “hottest day” records has gone back to normal the World metric is going back down too:
Daily 2-meter Air Temperature
Note there was barely a blip in the NH over the whole “hottest day” episode.
It was all normal natural Antarctic weather (see Region Antarctic above) skewing the entire World metric. Plenty of similar events, the largest was Aug 1996.