A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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EV who wants them?
I think I’d tire of constantly plugging in and remembering to unplug before driving off.
In Australia living in a country area and driving long distance regularly an EV would drive me crazy.
Dennis…think of the adrenalin rush you would get after charging up when the EV tells you it had 1km remaining as you rolled into a charging bay.
Only to find there’s a queue, you have the wrong cable or it’s out of order …
It is not a problem when you know that a full charge costs a couple of dollars.
And you can’t drive off with the plug in ; it won’t go.
My PHEV is now 77,000 km , minimal servicing , almost never use petrol ; overall the cheapest car to run .
But I never go far, because I don’t have to.
If you almost never use petrol it will be unusable when you need to
I don’t drive much and for that reason only half fill my tank.
Aren’t you concerned about condensation and contaminating fuel?
When the outside temp. is below 10 deg C it starts itself for a couple of minutes.
The problem you suggest has never occurred in 7 years.
You pay about $0.90 for 15 km (paying typical prices). A modern efficient car will cost twice that at $2 a litre.
It works out $1000 a year saving that might get you the cost difference in 20 years of driving.
Guess which one has a better chance of still being useful after 10.
Or less than ten if bumped heavily and written off by your insurer concerned about potential battery pack damage difficult to detect.
Nice Golf Cart or do you have an electric forklift?
Excellent vehicles and fit for purpose>
Now I have a pure electric farm vehicle as well. Also fit for purpose.
That’s the point. Horses for courses.
NZ doesn’t have an oil refinery now.
Early days.
What was the purchase premium over and above the equivalent ICE vehicle and how many kms to break even?
A well written comprehensive article.
A lot of people simply assume this is how technology goes, new ones come along and they just take over. The John Laws look on the world – if you’re familiar with him.
They fail to see the totalitarian, fascistic nature of it, that this is a directed technology shift, not a natural market driven one. Dictated by government to industry you will do this. Quite a paradox that the dark lord of this fascism is Elon Musk, the fighter for freedom of speech – to a certain level anyway.
Is Musk “the dark lord of this fascism” or simply a smart business man who read the tea leaves on where the climate fascists were headed?
I have the impression he’s happy for the market to dictate rather than govt.
The money he has accumulated from making battery cars was only possible because of worldwide government mandates and threats. If the free market had been allowed to play out, he would not be so happy now. Nor so wealthy.
Mandates & threats fade into insignificance when compared to the money offered in $$$$ grants, subsidies & other lucrative offerings.
Same as the power generation industries are lured by multi billion $$$ subsidies payed for by the consumer. Don’t try BS stories about the war in Ukraine with me or the millions of consumers suffering from the lies & immoral deceit of our governments in their conniving cooperation with the unelected officials of the UN & WEF.
Grants and subsidies are what I alluded to.
Musk is on record as saying there shouldn’t be any subsidies.
That makes him a smart opportunist. Not the architect of the mandates and threats or “the dark lord of this fascism”.
Like Warren Buffet, who has made vast amounts of money from investing in wind while admitting that without subsidies, the investment would not stack up. Pragmatism.
Capitalism that was the basis for the wealth and prosperity of all developed nations which resulted in Communist countries deciding to participate to catch up, and in for China to use to try and dominate the world, free enterprise and free markets, let consumers pick the winners and losers, not governments.
“this is a directed technology shift, not a natural market driven one. Dictated by government to industry you will do this. ”
Definitely! It will only last as long as the subsidies are being thrown around, and when they stop the peasants just won’t own cars. Eventually the pressure will become too great & Western Govts will have to allow petrol/diesel vehicle imports from those parts of the world who don’t believe in this nonsense.
Meantime the Asians/SE Asians will take over the world economy, followed by the South Americans. Both those areas can happily live without the West, our ideals are just a shallow graft on top of their own cultures.
Was this the John Laws of Mississippi financial disaster that set France back for many years.
Still clearly a warning (unheeded) for the current world, where he printed money** and caused incredible inflation?
**At one stage there were 6 (or 7?) printing firms running their presses 24 hours a day.
No Graeme. An Australian talk back radio host.
I sometimes listen to him on the car radio.
He seems to push the idea that anything coming from on high, i.e. the government, must be O.K. because it’s coming from the Government.
That’s exactly it Keith. Trust the experts.
John Laws has no power anymore though, but his mind does reflect a section of society pretty well. Worrying.
This is the bit that gives me the Tom Tits, the apologists say that BECAUSE the car replaced the horse EVs MUST replace the ICE and you are a luddite if you doubt it.
When I see a Jumbo Jet or Big Plane flying on a battery or with hydrogen, I will eat my hat. Or more likely have lost my hat or died.
Another version I heard is –
“I’ll eat my uniform jacket and gargle the buttons”
You’re safe on the “big” part of it. The Lockheed Constellation was the pinnacle of prop-driven aircraft and it was half the speed of a jet.
I see no other way to produce thrust from such a motor than with a prop.
Whatever makes you think the ban will still be on in 2030?
Electric-car charging giant increases prices in Australia
Evie Networks – one of the largest electric-car charging companies in Australia – has increased the cost to use its 50kW and 350kW chargers by almost 10 per cent.
12 July 2023
One of the largest electric-car charging companies in Australia increased the prices of its services across the country, citing rising electricity costs and an expansion of its network as reasons behind the hikes.
Evie Networks, which has electric-car chargers at more than 130 locations in Australia, has increased the cost to use its 50kW fast-chargers and 350kW rapid chargers by almost 10 per cent, as of 10 July 2023.
The more common 50kW fast-chargers now cost $0.50 per kWh (up from $0.45 per kWh) while the quicker – but not as readily available – 350kW chargers are now $0.65 per kWh (up from $0.60 per kWh).
For context, charging an entry-level Tesla Model 3’s circa-62kWh battery from 10 to 80 per cent with an Evie 50kW charger will now cost about $21.70 – an increase of $2.17.
When using a 350kW rapid charger, the cost of the charge will increase to $28.21 – also representing a rise of $2.17.
In an email to its Australian customers, Evie Networks said; “The adjustment to our pricing is a direct result of the rising cost of energy and the costs of providing electricity to these chargers.
“This adjustment will enable us to continue to invest in operating and growing our network.”
Evie’s latest price increase is its second since February 2023, and follows rival electric-car charging giant Chargefox pushing its prices up from March 2023 – though the latter’s price rise was only applicable to a small number of chargers in New South Wales and Victoria.
As reported last month, the NRMA is planning to move away from offering free charging to electric-car owners across its network of 50kW fast chargers – instead developing a smartphone app towards the end of 2023 for drivers to pay for a battery top-up.
“The more common 50kW fast-chargers now cost $0.50 per kWh (up from $0.45 per kWh) while the quicker – but not as readily available – 350kW chargers are now $0.65 per kWh (up from $0.60 per kWh)”
Akin to saying we will charge you a third more more for 91 octane if we pump it in faster. What a deal! They really have these people conned.
How far would that 10 to 80% charge get you? I think that sounds pretty cheap, $22. My car costs about $120 to fill now which will get me roughly 800km.
So a claimed 491 km. in real life that would be less. So lets say 400km. So 800km will cost $44 in fuel. That’s still pretty good.
That gives us $44 vs $120. Though that $120 used to only be $90 until last year.
Interesting how oil is actually sub $80USD a barrel which is very cheap. The price at the pump went up though. Came back down but not all the way.
Honeymoons don’t last forever. Some time, if EVs become more numerous, some form of road tax will be applied.
Joe Sixpack will object to giving the elite a free pass.
Yes, already being discussed.
However, the cunning politicians are thinking that a per kilometre road charge would be fair and reasonable if applied to all vehicles using public roads.
You are assuming that the road tax is added over and above the current petrol tax. The peasants would revolt.
If the fuel tax were removed your sums would be different.
No !, ….that $22 was for a 10%-80% charge on a 62 kWh battery ,…IE 43 kWh.
That would take the Tesla approx 280km at a rate of 6.5km per kWh.
So, to go 800 km it would cost more like $63 in electricity, and need 2 recharge stops to get there !
And at 100-110km/h on the hyway you would not achieve 6.5 km/kWh !
That means it would take over 250,000km to break even on that $20k extra cost of the EV !
Good news from the US.
Good article to read if you wish to read the truth about the Climate Change Fraud.
During the Holocene Climate Optimum there was a genetic mutation and blue eyes came into being.
A switch turned off brown eyes and that’s why we have brown eyes today?
“”They have all inherited the same switch at exactly the same spot in their DNA.” Brown-eyed individuals, by contrast, have considerable individual variation in the area of their DNA that controls melanin production.”
I dunno about his conclusion from that data… So, amongst the many genes existing for melanin and hence brown eyes, a certain gene is more likely to undergo switching off to give non-brown eyes. He’s saying it happened once and everyone with non-brown eyes is a descendant, but I see no reason why that gene couldn’t have been modified in several or more people who relied on it for brown eyes. Perhaps we ran through a particularly intense period of cosmic rays and and that gene rather than other melanin genes was susceptible, so it happened in a decade or two in several parts of the world at once.
It came at the end of the Younger Dryas and only those from Europe and the Middle East seem to have been impacted.
Western Australian vaccine adverse effects – shocking data revealed by Dr John Campbell today.
Quite incredible data when you consider that WA was virtually COVID free during 2021. Therefore, virtually none of these adverse reactions can be attributed to the actual virus infection. In other countries, most notably the US and Europe, those adverse reactions are being partly blamed on COVID to add confusion. This data reveals probably nearly all adverse reactions during the COVID waves/ Vaccination period was solely due to vaccines. 24X compared to non COVID vaccine shots. Extraordinary.
Yes Ross, I commented on a chat group around that time that in WA there is more illness and death from the vaccine than the virus. A fact at the time. I was banned for non-scientific disinformation.
I was quite shocked at that video because I wasn’t expecting any report from any Australian Government agency that was even remotely honest.
I hope there won’t be any adverse repurcusions for the employee who released it.
Friday retro humour: Spike Milligan – first irish rocket to the moon
The good old days of PIC humour.
Who remembers Spike?
Talking of rockets, The guardians of the galaxy 3 was excellent!!
It’s currently hissing down here in Direland, so any moon landing attempts are postponed because they wouldn’t be able to light the fuse.
Take the lift! On horseback of course.
Spike wrote a couple of books about his war experience. Typical Spike. In one, Adolf Hitler- My part in his downfall, I will never forget one yarn. Spike was an artillery signalman. He was a musician, too, and was playing for a dance before being sent overseas. At half time he took a lady out to the back of a truck. A less than friendly officer came out with a lady, got into the truck and drove to the pub in the next town. Spike got into the front and drove the truck back to the dance hall. Asked why he was so late getting back, he said: “I was having it off in the back of a truck and I got carried away”.
Dr. John Campbell: W.A. fakevax adverse reactions up 40x
Seven-Fold Increase In Stevens–Johnson Syndrome Linked To Covid And Vaxxes
A sudden increase in Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS)—a rare and potentially fatal skin disorder—may be triggered by COVID-19, increased vaccination rates, or a lowered threshold caused by vaccines or previous infection, according to a large case series recently published in the medical journal Burns
While SJS isn’t caused by fire, it’s usually treated by burn units in hospitals because of its similarities to actual burns.
Researchers with the burn unit at Concord Repatriation General Hospital in Australia saw two to four cases of SJS, or toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), per year before COVID-19. In the first six months of 2022 alone, the same burn center observed a sevenfold rise in cases.
Of the 14 reported cases, five patients had COVID-19 a month before developing SJS/TEN, and three of 14 patients received a COVID-19 vaccine one month prior.
Not a single case of SJS/TEN was reported in an unvaccinated individual.
Researchers said the rarity of the condition and presence of medications known to trigger the disease make the link difficult to prove, but the rapid rise in cases since the beginning of the pandemic and vaccine rollout is “alarming.”
Things are no longer baseline elevations…
Seattle public schools offer free sex change services to students as young as 13 without telling parents
The largest public school district in Washington State is referring students in the district to free “gender-affirming care.”
The Nova Wellness Center and the Meany Health Center offer “gender reaffirming care,” including hormone-blocking medications and referrals for sex change surgeries, which are available to middle and high school students in Seattle Public Schools (SPS).
Services include “gender-affirming medications (estrogen, androgen blockers, testosterone, etc.) and injection techniques,” “hormone therapy for adolescents and specialty referrals for younger patients as needed,” and “referrals for gender-affirming surgeries.”
However, the center currently “does not provide puberty blockers” for “younger patients.” That requires “specialty referrals.”
Disgusting behaviour from the “education system”.
I’d defund every single school that engages in this sickness.
Absolutely unscientific, abusive and unethical.
As David says, don’t forgive, don’t forget, prosecute!
The society is ill, so ill !
FWIW – One Nation
“Freedom of Speech Conference”
Dylan Mulvaney claims he no longer feels “safe” in America — flees to a country where transsexuals are regularly lynched.
As you may have heard by now, Bud Light assassin Dylan Mulvaney has packed up his things and left the USA, claiming he no longer feels “safe” in America thanks to the Bud Light fiasco. So, what safe haven did Dylan seek out?
The human rights violations perpetrated against transgender women throughout Latin America are the result of forces in society. The region’s highly machismo, conservative and transphobic culture ostracizes and stigmatizes transgender people, posing a serious threat to their health, security, life expectancy and employment prospects. With few options or support, many engage in sex work. As sex workers with no legal protections, they are at a greater risk of violence and sexual and substance abuse. And most have little access to health services. Without recognition, many cases of violence and murder go undocumented.
Bad choice for dysfunctional men in dresses!
Try the Netherlands. 😁
I was chased down a street by a man wielding a chain in Cusco (the town near Machu Picchu) so Im not sure Id call it safe there. Peru is riddled with thieves and muggings. Citizens volunteer and run street watch programs through the night hours, the streets are that dangerous and police so ineffectual. Awful place. And the people are not lovely at all, they want your money, that is all. Im sure Dylan is staying at some fine gated hotel and goes on tours. The only way you’re safe there.
Reminds me of Barthelonah.
Gypsies everywhere.
Have you developed a lisp?
He’s a nookuler physicist.
It’s just how they pronounce it in Barcelona.
Place is full of thieves.
It was just a joke.
Aside from Barcelona there are words pronounced differently because of the origin of the speaker.
That is hilarious. My nephew travelled solo to Barcelona, and on returning to his hostel, he opened his door and someone was there who punched him in the face. So your story rings the bell for me. Personally it was the only place I didn’t go to in Spain.
When in Lima, was told not to leave hotel at night. Also told not to take taxi from airport to hotel, ask hotel to send car.
No doubt. And he probably has private security, chauffeur, camera crew and make up artist witg him as well.
Gee things must have changed since I was there in 1983
We spent a couple of weeks touring Peru & Bolivia in ’99, enjoyed it thoroughly with the kids aged about 7 & 16. Cheap hotels or backpackers, we had no person-trouble, although nothing ever worked as planned! The locals were great and tried their best at English, and our Spanish came off a couple of learning tapes the month before.
Like Africa, there seems to be a great need for middle managers to actually get things done and make it happen, the place seemed full of badly-executed or unfinished projects.
Hmm … wonder why he didn’t migrate to some safe not in America location like LA or NYC.
I think he could get free surgery in both places.
(See what I did there? Accidental … sometimes it just flows from my fingers … ‘both’. It is advisable to start with ‘top’ as it is less of a commitment.)
Thanks, I’ll be doing Brunch Buffet tomorrow. Remember to tip your person capable of hosting.
Yes, we’ll know he’s truly committed when he has so-called “bottom surgery” and cuts off his “junk” to make a non-functional “pouch” “down there”.
I met a very old man entering a pharmacy a couple of days ago, I stood back and allowed him to go in front of me, he said don’t ever get old.
And then smiling he said at least I can now walk on the streets, all my enemies are dead.
Maybe it’s Maybelline
Barf bags on standby.
The end is near.
Someone please make it stop…
Continuing ChatJoNova about El Nino’s, Jo wrote:
A fellow JoNovan provided this link some time ago that shows Nino development in cross section. The fascinating thing about its development is that the hot water is deep in the far west of the zone, goes subsurface west to east and then bumps into South America and gets pushed up to the surface and starts its east to west trip on the surface, warming more as it goes west. I started to think that the odd ocean floor volcanic pulse may be an initiator, and found this image showing Pacific Basin Earthquake frequency which may be the cause of a few seafloor magma f@rt$ that could have warmed the depths. Food for weekend thinking!
The alarming deterioration in the health of our family members here in the UK is continuing. Cancers have taken three so far, with three others affected, one diagnosed two weeks ago (we’re here on a visit).
My brother is suffering a host of debilitating conditions including a diabetes diagnosis earlier this year, plus some other weird symptoms affecting his balance and blood pressure. My sister was admitted to hospital two weeks ago having had some sort of blackout, during which she cracked her spine. She too is suffering blood pressure fluctuations and has been diagnosed with diabetes. She also has a dreadful combination of rashes, so far undiagnosed. I think all of this might reflect damaged immune systems. Both are up to date with their Covid jabs.
Steve Forbes: Why John Kerry’s Plane Is Way Worse For The Environment Than Any NYC Pizza Oven
Pizza ovens actually burn pretty clean once they’re running. Its a furnace, so its like a coal power station in a way. Very efficient but long running.
I built and used a very good one once – not a silly little one you see in Bunnings, a real furnace, looked like a mini house with a roof on it and everything – and once you got the heat into that big mass the heat would go and go. My dream was to have one as part of your house, for heating and water, then you just keep it going for cooking in as well.
Id like to build another one actually. Great fun, to build and eat from. Awesome for entertaining. Cost you about $5000. Unless you can find an old abandoned chimney and use the bricks out of that – that’s what I did – cuts the cost a lot, and they’re great bricks. Trick is to get the vault door to vault height at the correct ratio and correct slope, to get the smoke drawing right up that chimney without coming out the front.
Geothermal heat responsible for Antarctic ice melt.
Hello E+G – you used to be able to view a very interesting ocean current animation from this NASA website, but it has been disappeared! Not much sun down south this time of year to warm up that deeper water.
via Sabine Hossenfelder 1 day ago.
Finally, somebody understands me.
You know that the last thing that crosses a fruit fly or any other insect’s mind as it hits a windscreen is it’s backside.
Another amazing swirl of the tide around J6!
“And Just Like That, It’s No Longer an Insurrection”
Video: Jordan Peterson, “Sacrificing the Poor to Not Save the Planet”,
Sacrficing the Poor to Not Save the Planet….. brilliant interview between Jordan Peterson and Robert Bryce. The insanity of the ‘Alt Energy’ delusion and its tangible effects on maintaining and exacerbating poverty. Thanks David for the link.
Excellent piece; thank you for the link.
On tonight’s TV news, a report that house fires due to lithium batteries have doubled in the last two years.
I hope my neighbours don’t but EVs.
Get woke, go broke.
Bud Light is no longer on the list of the top ten selling beers in the US.
And the man who was in the advert that started it all has fled to South America.
Costco in the US intends to stop selling Bud Light.
The success of the Bud Light boycott proves that conservatives and fellow rational thinkers do have power after all.
We are the silent majority.
Now it’s time to apply this power to other areas.
So the new NSW minority Labor Government has realised that coal fired power stations cannot be permitted to be shut down until the transition to wind and solar can be operating to replace them reliably.
Apparently the former Minister in the Coalition NSW Government was offered deals by various power station owners and rejected them during the past few years.
Obviously since Liddel was shut down (4 x 500MW generators) electricity supply problems have increased. No surprise to readers here of course.
Electric Cars Are a Scam
For those who want to read the manifesto of real-life James Bond villian, Herr Dictator Klaus Schwab, don’t pay for it!
You can get if free at:
It looks like Disney has made yet another woke mistake.
They have altered the Europe-centric 1812 Brothers Grimm folk tale to change the character Snow White’s skin colour from “snow white colour” to brown, and the seven fat male dwarfs of European ethnicity are of mixed gender, mostly average height and mostly African origin.
The only things authentic to the original folk tale is that we presume Snow White is female (not trans) and she has seven companions.
Talk about cultural appropriation!
Nearly all of Disney’s recent movies have been woke failures. How much longer can they stay in business?
Get woke, go broke.
See comments from YouTuber “Black Conservative Persoective”.
Gosh, no one else would be let off like this.
Climate Envoy Kerry Won’t Share Staff Names to Congress, Saying It’s Not ‘Required’
Now there’s a real vote catcher!
“Wow, Just Wow – Presidential Candidate Mike Pence Says a Collapsing USA is Not His Concern, Supporting Ukraine is Priority
July 14, 2023 | Sundance | 198 Comments”
This from German MSM
Electric vehicle tires: a lesser-known pollution headache
Two minutes explains the problems with America from a Russian perspective- They control the internet to make Russia look backwards and themselves great! They build weapons on an advertising budget to sell them and not go to war in them..
“Ranting middle-aged Russian men are this world’s greatest treasure”
NIGHTMARE BOMBSHELL Group of Top European Scientists Have Confirmed Pfizer Covid Vaccine was a Giant