A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I wonder how long back Elon realized Tesla could make money via the charging network? He has played this game well. The big auto companies have paid and paid and will continue doing so.
The first Henry Ford said he would sell the car cheap and make money on the parts, so there’s nothing new here.
Listen to this bizarro conversation between a student and their “teacher”, i.e. indoctrinator, whereby the child is reprimanded for saying a fellow student is not really a cat, which she identifies as, but is in fact a girl. There is then also a discussion about how many genders there are, the usual Leftist nonsense, blah, blah, blah.
It’s good to see that some students are fighting back against this indoctrination.
Introduction is by Paul Joseph Watson.
Slowly but surely…
Europe Does About-Face On Transgender Therapy For Children
While the American healthcare industry is happy to give confused children puberty blockers and lop off various offending body parts, the European medical community is having second thoughts.
According to the Wall Street Journal, five countries – the U.K., Sweden, Finland, Norway and France – are now cautioning doctors to exercise caution in their treatment of minors, citing a lack of evidence that the benefits of transgender therapy outweigh the risks.
Earlier this month, the UK’s National Health Services restricted the use of puberty blockers to clinical trials, effectively banning their use in children.
“These countries have done systematic reviews of evidence,” said transgender care researcher Leor Sapir at the right-leaning Manhattan Institute think tank. “They’ve found that the studies cited to support these medical interventions are too unreliable, and the risks are too serious.”
American politicians have taken notice
“It’s beneficial to see European countries coming to their senses,” said Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) in an interview, referring to the UK’s systematic evidentiary reviews of puberty blockers. According to the report, Republicans plan to make transgender-care issues part of their 2024 election platform.
“This is the issue of our time. This is a hill we’re gonna die on,” said Crenshaw.
Just like Covid and fake climate change, the trans fad is about dividing society, shutting down capitalism and destroying normal relationships and procreation, and the deluded trans community have no idea they’re being played…
Should we even mention the MASSIVE global child trafficking trade (for sex and/or body parts), the CIA’s long time strong part in it, or politicians globally involved in things I can’t describe here?
I’ve never understood the philosophy of transgenderism, an ideology almost exclusively pushed by the Left.
They claim there is no differences between the sexes and sex is a “social construct”, so why would one need to pretend to change anyway? They claim no difference between male and female brains, something contrary to biological reality which shows there are differences.
They then apply EXTREME SEXUAL STEREOTYPES to children and others such that any slight deviation from accepted norms such as a “tomboy” girl or an effeminate boy, results in an immediate declaration that they must be “trans” and then urgent social, hormonal and surgical “transition” proceeds.
They also lie to the mentally weak that one really can change gender, a biological and surgical impossibility (unless a lower organism such as certain fish that undergo sequential hermaphroditism).
I am not sure that most victims of these procedures are aware that they will be permanently mutilated and sterilised and will end up with non-functional parts with huge complications if they have the “bottom” surgeries.
It’s and incredibly cruel and dishonest thing to do to the vulnerable.
I hope people advocating and performing these procedures are sued as indeed is starting to happen.
As covered, it’s a means of dividing society and destroying reproduction.
They don’t give a rats about the kids.
Sex is biological and dictated by your chromosomes
Gender is a social construct, so how can it be altered by drugs and surgery?
I have no issue with GENUINE cases of dysphoria, but what we’re seeing is a global crime making the top 3, with the other 2 being fake climate change and Covid/Fakevax.
Medical personnel party to this will be facing the consequences of their actions soon enough, and indeed it’s already begun.
The “Never again” campaign:
“Never Again” is a new campaign by the Global Health Project. These doctors are now admitting that they broke the Hippocratic Oath by supporting the COVID agenda. They admit that they steered the people wrong, pushed forth dangerous unstudied vaccinations, and lost the public’s trust. It is too little, too late. “Remember that your well-being is not a product to be sold but a precious aspect of your existence,” the organization is now stating. But our well-being was discarded entirely for three years. Sure, there were some medical professionals who questioned what was going on. The majority told the people to get in line and follow “the science.” Trust in the medical community will never be fully restored.
– via Martin Armstrong
“We are a group of doctors and citizens who acknowledge that we can’t just move on from this experience. We need to band together, recognize the truth, and step up to ensure that this never happens again.”
Never happens again…doesn’t that sound familiar.
My refusal to indulge your psychosis does make me phobic…
“Sex is biological and dictated by your chromosomes
Gender is a social construct,”
I haven’t consulted my dictionary lately, but if it agrees with that it is wrong.
if trans women aren’t really women then explain why they never shut up
Risking excommunication here, but nevertheless confident we have a robust and resilient sense of humour and appreciation of sarcasm.
If it’s just a social construct, how come when you get a “sex change”, or “gender reassignment surgery”, the terms sex and gender are interchangeable and refer to artificial modification to the hormones, (m & f), the boobs and genitals. There are only two choices for “sex change” or “gender reassignment”. You can have male or female. Unless you want to opt out entirely and become a genital &/or mammary amputee.
There is indeed such a thing.
It’s called “gender nullification”.
Definitely buy a proper dictionary, and probably a few medical textbooks.
“Trust in the medical community will never be fully restored.” I really doubt that, give it a generation (less probably) and nobody will remember or care and will repeat the same nonsense. A lot of people dont think there is a problem. We don’t learn very well from past mistakes.
I believe its still called a “mental disorder” . Our mental health is under constant attack by the authorities and media who are promoting impossible solutions to imaginary problems . The tinfoil hat doesn’t help and it gets hot under here…
Well, Yusuf Islam formerly himself identified as a Cat (Stevens), so why not? Just joking here. It’s all very ridiculous and I can’t wait until these children/people go to get some ID such as an Identity Card, Driver Licence or Passport. Try putting ‘cat’ down as your identity and see how far you get. LOL.
Further assaults on free speech in Australia.
I think Elon Musk will tell Australia to “go jump”. Why should he deliver his free speech platform to a non-free speech country? Or he could deliver it via his Starlink. The Left have redefined “hate speech” to mean basically anything they disagree with. They have rendered the term meaningless, just as they’ve also rendered the term “National Socialist” meaningless because everyone who doesn’t agree with a Leftist must be a National Socialists. Which is bizarre, because National Socialism is an ideology of the Left anyway. (The philosopher of fascism was Giovanni Gentile, a Hegelian Marxist.)
There was hope over the last year when Elon came in and implemented more free speech type guidelines for Twitter. However, then he did a whoopsy and employed an ex WEF executive to oversee revenue particularly in relation to advertising. Over the last few weeks some of the old censoring tricks appear to be making a comeback. Twitter commentator following counts are slowing down, especially those challenging any narrative. There would again appear to be shadow banning and then also some massive blocking actions as well. So like FOX & Tucker Carlson, if you annoy your major advertising customers they complain bitterly to management. There’s not only Twitter management, there’s also Tesla, Space X, Starlink as well and with those businesses also a lot of government direct subsidies. Wait and see on that one. Now, there’s talk of Donald Trump coming back on Twitter as his contract with Truth Social appears to be finished. Wait and see on that one as well!
There was a recent incident on Twitter where Matt Walsh and The Daily Wire wanted to release for free on Twitter Walsh’s monumental documentary “What is a Woman”.
Walsh was told by Twitter management that it would not be released unless parts were removed and also even when that was done it would be heavily shadow banned. This was without Musk’s knowledge.
Musk then got involved and recommended the documentary himself in his own Tweet and I believe he sacked the offending censorious staff.
The documentary is still available, uncensored and apparently not shadow banned.
Nevertheless, I don’t know what Elon was thinking employing someone tainted by an association with the WEF. Such people ought to be unemployable in pro-freedom organisations.
In a hopeful sign in Canada, Pierre Polievre the Conservative leader has said if he gets the government, no WEF associated politicians will be in Cabinet.
The last three years have been the culmination of a building nightmare.
Possibly the foundations were laid way back in the early seventies and we’ve been dragged through the closure of industry, manufacturing and the degradation of so much of what was created in the quarter century following world war two.
More recently the attack on mining, the false environmentalism that produced monstrous bushfires, then the demonisation of the miniscule trace gas CO2 and the big crusher, Kovid19 and his assault team of avid Kovid VaXXinators.
Many business owners had their life’s work ripped out from under them to accommodate the Kovid lockdowns.
Has there been any sign of this ugly trend being confronted and reversed?
At the moment the only positive thing in sight is this amazing blog.
Thanks for something that helps us hold on to the possibility of a better future.
I third that ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
“The last three years have been the culmination of a building nightmare.”
KK, interesting comment.
Seems like a convergence of 3 cultural/political/social ELE asteroids.
I can easily divide my own personal social group along CAGW/Trump/COVID lines.
It’s as clear as the Confederacy vs. the Union.
(After all, the new logic is that CAGW skeptics, Vax skeptics, and MAGA are pro slavery and a mortal danger to drag queens.)
I think the NWO is now mostly here.
A collective faux political reality will be maintained by the WEF/Tech/Pol-DS/MSM conglomerate.
(Ex. IT came from the lab and no one cares.)
This blog will be tolerated as will the general Skeptic/Crank/Conspiracy blathosphere, which will function as an income stream and a propaganda psyop tool for the Conglomerate.
Every once in a while a skeptic will be exiled, Tucker Carlson style.
(An Aztec sacrifice to keep the election volcano under control.)
The main danger being popularity.
I think here in the US there will some palatable form of sending in the tanks just to show who’s in charge.
As the deceptions crumble and the Kabuki is culturally solidified.
The lockdowns and mandates have already shown the necessary social acceptance of compliance.
I think on this blog there will a very slow growing, but palatable, menu of third rails which must be avoided.
We are herd creatures.
The pack follows as the unspoken new social order evolves.
It helps as the old of the previous social order die off.
Could have used “growing” nightmare, but this ugliness has been constructed by ugly control freaks, it didn’t just grow of its own accord.
As David says, Don’t forget, don’t forgive, prosecute!
I see lots of positive stuff in real life. Younger people , with and without kids, with sensible attitudes and values getting on with their lives. Maybe its different not living in the city.
About those monstrous bushfires. There is more to that problem than the commentary addresses.
1. Professional firefighters do not extinguish bushfires. Time and again we have seen it. They just don’t.
2. Volunteer firefighters do extinguish bushfires, because they don’t want to have to come back tomorrow.
3. In the eyes of a bookworm Marxist volunteers are scab labour. Just recall the mockery of Tony Abbott for engaging in volunteer services.
In the waybacks, forest fires were fought with hand tools, principally axes and rakes. These were used to create and maintain a “firebreak”, a strip of bare ground which separated the fire from the unburnt material. This break might be just a few inches wide to as much as you can get. it’s quite logical, not hard to understand.
Rule number one, absolutely hard and fast, is NEVER GO WHERE THE FIRE MIGHT CATCH YOU. There must be no risking of life.
Rule 2. Do not go alone. If something goes wrong it must be possible to get help.
Rule 3. Usually, you fight a fire from the back. The front is usually too hot to work on.
Rule 4. The firebreak must be continuous, Gaps in the break allow the fire to get away again.
Rule 5. The old hands know the old tricks. Their advice is invaluable.
So, given that. you start from the back of a fire with two crews, one going each way, and you follow the edge of the fire creating a continuous break until you meet the other crew coming the other way. You then go back and keep widening the break on the burnt ground until there is no longer any danger that the fire might get away.
When doing this usually the burnt ground is the safer place to be. It probably will not burn again. If you are working on the edge and it gets too hot you can retreat onto the burnt ground. The danger there is from falling trees and branches, and from walking on ashes, which sometimes hide a furnace underneath.
Where the fire is too big and hot to get around it within a day, you select a line ahead of where the fire is predicted to come today, and in the cool of the morning you create a new break, hoping the fire will not get there today. You then in the cool of the next evening set fire to the fire side of that break working to make the burnt area as wide as possible before the morning and the next day’s heat. This is called backburning, and fighting fire with fire.
And it worked. Chainsaws, bulldozers and road graders have made it so much easier, but for all their modern gear they just don’t put the fires out. Their organisation is too top heavy. And my observation of their use of aircraft is that if they left three quarter of the aircraft in the shed the fires would be out much sooner at a fraction of the cost.
Alarming news reports from Russia allege that the head of the Wagner mercenary group, credited with much of Russia’s ‘victories’ in Ukraine, has turned around and besieged a KGB headquarters on Russia soil, also that he has threatened to move on to Moscow. He claims that the whole sorry mess was devised by Russian military leaders merely to gain elevation and applause, and that Wagner troops have been killed by Russian forces in revenge for speaking out. He has long been especially critical of Putin’s military head, Sergei Shoigu.
If true, this is a major development threatening the stability of the Russian government and could lead to Russia losing the Ukraine war due to having to re-direct their forces.
I’ve seen a lot on the looming WW3 situation over the past few weeks, but haven’t posted as I’m waiting on certain info to be received.
Do you think Putin et al would be ignorant of such a rebellion, given it’s been talked about for weeks?
There’s no way it’ll succeed, and if it did it’d be WW3 within a week.
A LOT of this nonsense is being talked by a certain Ukrainian btw, so the probability of truth is virtually zero.
For me, much rests on the largely unknown character (to me at least) of Prigozhin, the Wagner chief. He truly seems to have said and done the things being reported, but whether he is crazy or smart I do not know. I struggle to believe anybody clever and strong enough to run the Wagner operation would risk getting on Putin’s naughty list, so either he’s lost the plot or has allies in the Kremlin yet to show their hand. Those allies might just leave him stuck out on a limb if his coup-that-isn’t-a-coup stalls.
Russia is a semi-medieval state still mired in unbelieveably-complicated, Byzantine politics, impenetrable to non-Russians. This should always be factored-in to any political ‘analysis’ by westerners.
Russia is a democracy with a parliment (Duma) and its citizens get to vote . Politics becomes byzantine when you have a country with different cultures and diverse beliefs . This situation is sophisticated psyops on the part of Russia . The Ukrainians are also very good at arranging bovine excreta . We are being bombarded with it . The Russians want the Ukrainians to attack as this concentrates their forces and allows then to be destroyed . Due to satellite and drone surveillance any concentrations of men or machines gets hit . Prigozhin may be the “Face” of wagner but isn’t a soldier .
We know when Ukrainians lie: Their lips move.
But they didn’t make up the story of Russia invading their country.
If they valued their country, they wouldn’t have been shelling and terrorizing ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine.
Wishfull thinking and propaganda . .
The leftist media in America is covering this like it was 9-11.
But the disagreement is about how the war is being fought-not why it is being fought. If the Wagner Group is successful in bringing in more competent military leadership, this could be bad news for the Ukrainins.
Morning all,
This has come in in “Just In”. I take it as good news.
Dave B
The barcode was ahead if its time.
Patent applied for in 1949, awarded 1952, but there were no suitable computers to utilise it.
Rain band over Oz.
While southern parts of Australia get to feel a real winter this year (up North it’d be as beautiful as ever) we have anti-clockwise nor’easters arriving on our shores all the way from the Society Islands, sliding along an occluded front (the colourful red & blue ones resembling circus flags) stretching from Tahiti to our east coast – mild and moist – as they would have 800 years ago during the Medieval Warm Period when Polynesians headed south-west…
The usual suspects are starting to squawk their same old tired preachy mantras about how it’s all our fault as it’s never happened before… ever… in their lifetime.
Can we send you warm blankets?
Wiki says they came to NZ in three waves between 1320-1350, perhaps high pressure blocking was common at the start of the LIA.
Beautiful blue skies and 23C today here in QLD. Will drop to a frigid 10C or so tonight, but I’ll be snuggled-up by then.
Mind you, now being acclimatised to Queensland weather, and also an oldie, I’ve had to buy a pair of gloves for our morning walk in a nearby forest. Brrrrr …
While I have you Greg, could you confirm or deny the stories Mrs Wife read over the past few days, saying that ‘gangs’ are slowly becoming more visible and assertive in Enzed? I assumed this was code for Maori gangs, some of which I saw for myself when I lived in Rottenrua for a time, back in 2005/6. They weren’t a problem back then, though colleagues told me some stories about rather less welcoming Maori gangs in the Auckland area.
I would be gutted in I had to strike Enzed of my ‘places to visit’ list, should she slide further into far-left-lala-land. We’re fast approaching the day when we call time on our long-haul travels and Enzed was going to be my substitute, because I love it so much. Hopefully this is just more media clickbait nonsense.
Steve, you’re correct re media beat-up (fear sells) yet at the same time, the past 6 years’ maladministration has seen ‘the law’ come down on law-abiding citizens whilst outlaws, ie. gangs, appear to have friends in high places who, all too often, look the other way. That C-word seems to be the catch-phrase of the zeitgeist: Colonialism.
How Indian, Chinese, English, American, and a hundred other nationalities, immigrants view this preferential treatment will be intriguing come election day: then again, NZ was never a bi-cultural archipelago, as shiploads of people came from shiploads of places to begin a new life… in the Roaring Forties.
El Gordo’s link below (briefly) highlights the change in climate as the MWP morphed into the LIA and people worldwide had their lives disrupted. Thanks to Jo’s numerous wise contributors, my knowledge of these ‘flips’ has broadened, yet to see it happening in real time on weather maps this autumn/winter, reinforces the truism that not only has it happened before but it’s bigger than all of us: Not guilty, your Honour – We didn’t do it.
” to see it happening in real time on weather maps”
Not sure that you can call the transition from la Nina to el Nino a flip, but anyway , in the lower Nth Island this whole season, Summer , Autumn and Winter has been absolutely brilliant.
Summer was wet with ample hay-making weather : Autumn rains came early ; Winter has been warm and sunny, and relatively dry, and it’s half gone. Roll on Oimelg. (Early August)
It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good 🙂
The AD 1300 Event saw Polynesians heading south-west.
“warmer, drier, and more stable climates of the preceding Medieval Climate Anomaly (a.d. 750–1250),”
Every Mann knows that didn’t happen 🙂
MWP = Anomaly?
As the world returns to the depraved state of the Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, I guess it’s no surprise that gonorrhea and syphillis are becoming antibiotic resistant and possibly untreatable.
And HIV is becoming resistant to anti-retrovirals as well.
Antibacterials kill 99.9% of germs and the 0.1% that survive go on to be superbugs.
The price of obsession with germs and cleanliness…
Normally an intact and functional immune system deals with the .1%. In immune failure, there is repeated relapse after antibiotic treatment, even when the organism is sensitive to the antibiotic. The technical term is “anergy” and it is a death sentence unless immune function can be restarted.
Age combined with extreme illness is the usual cause of anergy, but it can happen at any age. Eg, a 13 y/o suffered a ruptured appendix and sepsis. He was treated repeatedly for infection but died after 6 months as his immune system would not reboot.
The emerging problem with venerial disease (and other organisms) may be due to immune incompetence caused by the countermeasure.
Are the experts augmenting patients immune system with vitamin D and its cofactors?
Dave B
I read an article in a UK newspaper saying that there had been a huge increase in abortions, post-Covid. It went on to wonder why this might happen. One suggestion was that inflation made it impossible for couples to afford children.
I commented that there had been a simultaneous surge in STDs, and invited people to join the dots.
It didn’t get past the moderators.
Know an old bloke who has been diagnosed with influenza, not Covid. He asked his Doc about anti virals, as, well, flu is a virus. No, waste of time was the reply they dont work on the flu.
Sooo, anti virals that only work on covid, Hmmmm
Media manipulation on climate change.
Debunking the vegan myth: The case for a plant-forward omnivorous whole-foods diet
Vegan diets have been widely promoted in the field of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) for decades, despite an absence of randomized controlled trial data demonstrating long-term safety or effectiveness of these restrictive eating patterns. A vegan diet, when it is followed strictly, has many potential drawbacks related to predictable nutritional deficiencies. Plant-based diets that shun all animal-based foods predispose to specific health problems because veganism is an unnatural pattern of consumption with no evolutionary precedent in the Homo sapiens species.
Strict adherence to a vegan diet causes predictable deficiencies in nutrients including vitamins B12, B2, D, niacin, iron, iodine, zinc, high-quality proteins, omega-3, and calcium. Prolonged strict veganism increases risk for bone fractures, sarcopenia, anemia, and depression.
Vegans refrain from consuming any animal-sourced foods and/or their by-products. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians consume no meat but do eat eggs and dairy products. Approximately 2.2% of adults in the United States (US) consider themselves to be vegetarian, and 0.5% self-identify a vegan. Two out of 3 vegetarians are female, so about 2.9% of females and 1.5% of males are vegetarian. Vegetarians are more likely college-educated and younger than non-vegetarians. Most people who try vegetarianism or veganism return to an omnivorous diet; surveys find there are 5-times more former vegetarians/vegans than current ones.
Eat meat! Lots of it. 😁
While vegans are often deficient in B12, they don’t need to be. B12 is made by microbes, archea. So some vegetarians do get enough through fermented foods. But it’s hard to know without testing which ones are good and which are not. Some aminos are hard to get on a vegetarian diet. Zinc, other minerals. But plant foods have many other beneficial compounds that meat is lower is, Polyphenols, phytosterols, enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics, fibre. Bioflavinoids – rutin – hesperidin – quercetin. Plus even some of the harmful plant compounds have a beneficial effect at low levels — through hormesis (garlic). There are so many… any diet that is restricted is riskier.
Sounds like the old “meat and 3 begs” approach is still the way to go.
Dave B
Error… begs = vegs.
Success with a vegetarian/vegan diet also comes down to genetic factors. If you take the vegetarian population of India, they all seem to survive quite well. But they have a mutation of the FADS gene (Fatty Acid Desaturase). This allows them to effectively metabolize fatty acids from plant sources. It is a longer metabolic pathway, but works for them. Those of us that do not have this mutation cannot effectively process plant sources of these essential oils. I am a Celt so my FADS pathway is definitely only capable of processing animal derived omega oils. I have to run on diesel and can’t run on unleaded.
And old fart can cook steak and make it tasty. It takes a talented person to cook veggies so that they meet all the nutritional requirements while tasting good.
Meat also fills you up for the day, veggies not so much.
Australian Government stalls on compo for Covid vaccine injuries
David Fisher lodged a claim with the national Covid vaccine injury compensation scheme in February 2022, after contracting myocarditis from his Pfizer vaccination. A year and a half on, Fisher’s claim is still in progress, highlighting the gap between political promises and the difficulties that the injured can face in seeking compensation.
Fisher is one of thousands of Australians left hanging since the scheme commenced in December 2021. As of 31 May 2023, only 164 out of a total of 3,160 claims had been approved, which is less than five per cent. 911 claims had been deemed not payable, 505 had been withdrawn, and 2,030 claims remain in progress.
To put this in perspective,
“In the 1990s, the Speaker of the Parliament crashed his bicycle on the way home from work and got $65,000 compensation. The Australian Government paid $785 million for cancelled submarines and got nothing for it, but won’t properly compensate our own citizens for suffering inflicted by a coerced vaccination,” says Fisher. “They need to put their money where their mouth is.”
Fisher is hoping that raising public awareness about the difficulties that the injured are facing in securing proper compensation within a reasonable timeframe will spur some action in the ranks of those who assess and administrate these claims.
Australians to face up to stop online identity theft
Australians will use biometric data such as an image of their face to verify their identity online under a government plan to fight cyber crime.
The federal government has released a National Strategy for Identity Resilience, which sets out a battle plan for how all states and territories can protect identities.
All Australian governments have agreed to 10 principles, which will guide their approach.
Among them, the strategy says Australian governments will use biometrics – with individuals’ consent – to make it harder for criminals to misuse personal credentials.
The strategy, released on Saturday, promises governments will secure biometric data and protect the privacy of Australians.
“Combinations of biographic attributes (e.g. name, date of birth and licence number) do not adequately protect Australians from identity crime, and can be exposed in a data breach,” the strategy states.
This a joke, right???
More brainless politicians who don’t understand hackers, hacking, biometric forging, deep fakes etc etc…
It’s just an excuse to collect biometric data on people so they can be more fully traced and tracked.
I have no doubt they will soon be establishing a national DNA database as well.
Here is the way to make a hockey stick graph these days.
Geoff S
I’m offended! 😉😁
Unlucky for you.
I am normal ended.
Geoff S
Since transgender “female” athletes are allowed to have testicles, why would this necessarily be satire?
That scientific “authority” (sarc) on all things such as “climate change”, covid and transgenderism, The Conversation, assures us that women can have penises, and by implication testicles..
That’s funny.
Ha ha.
WW3 – contemporary nuclear weapons and WW3 target scenarios
Narrated by Stephen Fry.
A mach 27 nuke? Don’t even bother running.
THIS is why – no money or weapons for Ukraine, no support for NATO, no support for war-mongering neocons, no support for anything or anyone pro-war.
If this doesn’t make it clear, nothing will, except the event itself.
Why wasn’t Russia included among warmongers that we must not support?
Because defence is not war-mongering ?
Bye bye to W.A.?
29,000 sign petition to halt heritage laws that will DESTROY farming.
Aboriginal culture laws will destroy farming and the food supply. An aboriginal consultant will be needed if you want to dig 50cm deep on your own land.
Fence post? Permit.
Dig up a tree? Permit.
Up to $10M fines for corps.
50cm ???
Is that an aboriginal measuring unit … or cultural appropriation?
Actually 5 cm. That is two inches or 50 mm. That is the depth that most seeding machines sow at these days.
Apparently the activists in the department used UN (Marxist) data to produce the regulations
That’s extraordinary and un-Australian and shows you just how much Leftist globalist control Australia is under.
This will become FAR worst when Australia establishes an apartheid parliament with The Voice.
It also disturbing that there isn’t national outrage about this. Indeed there is barely any consciousness of this at all.
It’s also a classic case of politicians not reading or understanding the legislation they vote for, written for them by woke activist public serpents.
The Act must go through Parliament. However the Regulation don’t. The Minister and the Department write the regulations after the Act is passed
Given that there’s no Opposition of any note, there’s no doubt the legislation will be passed if it gets to Parliament.
It will be interesting to see how they will enforce this idiocy.
The green-left extremist Dobbers will be out in force. Foo is watching.
We can’t read minds but we can analyse what they’re doing…
attacking western democracy by promoting “dangerous” CO2 Climate Change,
by curtailing human freedoms,weakening critical thinking by dumbing
down education via gender-confusion-restrictions on free speech,
limiting human movement and human creativity through fear ‘n guilt
programs like Covid, leading to a Marxist/Fascist world of control by
those Globalist elites. Taking the cits back to serfdom.
Interesting. I reckon a small group of our top posters here constantly attack the West.
Note Russia or China were not condemned.
” THIS is why – no money or weapons for Ukraine, no support for NATO, no support for war-mongering neocons, no support for anything or anyone pro-war.
If this doesn’t make it clear, nothing will, except the event itself.
Note Russia or China were not condemned.”
They’re small fry in the world of threats and limited warfare. How do you think the West has run the world since WW2? Free trade agreements and cultural exchanges? America has spent 70years fighting wars anywhere around the globe except at home, with a bigger war budget than the next seven countries combined. They pass that cost onto all the rest of the world through their military-enforced trade in $US.
We have all been held back by being forced to keep Americans rich, but it is changing..
I rest my case.
“I rest my case.”
Which one?
This guy from Louisiana didn’t like Ford going woke with their trucks and painting them in rainbow colours so he decided to do something about it – with an M134A minigun and an M2 Browning machine gun, otherwise known as Ma Deuce.
(Trigger warning for Leftists.)
The use of the word “trigger” is in itself a trigger for the left.
Please use “Roy Rogers’ horse” in future. 😁
I did like his definition of the pride flag. THE NATIONAL FLAG. Pity the same definition isn’t used in Oz.
“Tucker Carlson on the gatekeepers, and why they’re under threat”
A very interesting close:
” When Merlin recorded that interview Vice where she now works was valued at more than five billion dollars: genius investors like James Murdoch were showering the company with money. Everyone wanted it on the future of media which was up talkers like Anna Merlin lecturing you about racism and misinformation but that has changed.
Last month Vice filed for bankruptcy. Anna Merlin is still on Twitter screeching about how her critics are transphobic… but nobody cares; nobody wants to hear from Anna Merlin anymore. ”
Dave B
I don’t think I saw this on this blog? But anyway this is covid history I have never come across before. 30 mins to the European Parliament. Pretty devastating!
And then Jordan Peterson interviewed him last week. James Lindsey is a very interesting character.
It’s a doctor, David? Martin.
Yes it is Dr David Martin.
Here is a short bio.
The only reason it’s not censored by YouTube is that they don’t (yet) censor official government business such as proceedings of the European Parliament.
That is an important video. This link shows the slides referenced:
Covid has been a fast burn in our awareness compared with CO2 induced climate change but the same ingredients. Money driving motives, buying political favours, bought/compliant press, canceling opposing views and all the useful idiots.
Will be interesting to see if anyone ends up being charged with genocide.
I wonder how much Trump learnt of this while in office?
Pfizer shares are still doing OK. Below the peak post Covid vaccine release but up around where it was pre Covid.
Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
NYC e-bike store fire ‘rekindles’ three days after claiming lives of four elderly residents
The gift that keeps on giving…
Boat fires are becoming more common now as they are fitted with lithium batteries.
There was a fire reported in Victoria yesterday where they managed to extinguish the fire and tow the burnt hulk to the beach where it promptly re-ignited. I suspect that it was a lithium battery fire.
First it was “love is love” and “we just want to marry each other”.
Of course, some of us knew that wasn’t the end, it was just the beginning.
Now they blatantly chant:
“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.”
It was entirely predictable.
And anyone who opposes it is viciously ridiculed and attacked or even assaulted by the Left.
“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?”
― Attributed to Joseph Stalin but I can’t find the source.
FWIW – a look at “The Grand Plan”
“The Elite Have A Plan”
“Russia, Internal This Time”
The only good policy the Chicomms have is that there are no restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions.
Let’s adopt that one.
I guess one collateral damage from the trans obsession, may be the end of gay sex. From what I’ve seen of the results of puberty blockers, and hormone therapy, that is becoming standard treatment, there’s not a lot left for them to get excited about! There are rumblings among the homosexual community, that may get a lot louder? The end of ‘butch’!
Ah… Our censors are winding up their power now! You will only see what they let you, and think what they want you to!
“Social media giants will be hit with millions of dollars in fines if they repeatedly fail to remove disinformation and misinformation from their platforms under a major crackdown by the Albanese government.
Communications Minister Michelle Rowland will on Sunday release draft legislation to give the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) powers to hold digital platforms to account for spreading harmful fake news. The maximum penalty for breaching an industry standard would be $6.88 million, or 5 per cent of a company’s global turnover. Codes or standards could include requiring platforms to have better tools to identify and report misinformation, a more robust complaint handling processes and greater use of fact-checkers.”
Laughably, she even mentions free speech..
“Rowland said the laws aimed to “strike the right balance between protection from harmful mis- and disinformation online and freedom of speech”.
Mis and disinformation basically means any thing that doesn’t follow the Official Narrative of the Left.
So it would include things like:
-Criticism of anthropogenic global warming.
-Dangers of covid vaccines.
-Statements that men cannot become women
I think most social media will withdraw from Australia, even the ones sympathetic to the Left like Farcebook, YouTube etc. as they won’t want to risk the huge fines.
Australia clearly is no longer a free country.
On the pull out from Canada by Facebook et al
Who will determine what is misinformation? The govt?
I was unaware that the National Socialists built a manned version of the V-1 for suicide missions.
Hanna Reitch piloted an early one to help solve flight problems
Yep. And covered in the film “Operation Crossbow”.
Australia is almost a dictatorship and almost no one noticed or cared.
All those here who advocated NOT voting for the Coalition prolly don’t care.
Here is a sneak preview of the Charles Jeffrey Loverboy spring clothing collection for 2024 for “men”.
Definitely weird.
I just saw an Australian ad on YouTube (in Vicdanistan) saying solar and wind power were the “cheapest form of power, especially when combined with a battery”.
Now, I was going to post a link here but by the end of the ad there was no indication who placed it.
Essentially it is propaganda and an obvious lie, at least that’s how the thinking community would see it.
If it was from government it would be illegal not to indicate it’s source, if from the subsidy harvesters, probably not.
People who already have solar panels will be able to mount an economic case for battery storage providing they remain connected to gas or use wood for heating.
The cost of grid power is skyrocketing. It is the inevitable consequence of current policy in Victoria and most of Australia. Getting off the grid using your own solar and battery is, or soon will be, the lower cost option.
One of the risks of reviving the SECV is that the government will dictate that households must pay a connection fee even if they do not use the connection.
Vicious circle. Subsidies expensive wind/solar into grid->power prices up-> advertise solar/wind as “cheap” to reduce expected cost of power-> prices go up->subsidise solar/wind even more to install additional-> prices go up even further-> advertise solar/wind as “cheap” to reduce galloping cost of power -> GO BACK TO START. The fact that the government and energy companies advertise solar/wind as a solution to higher prices is just unethical marketing.
Rick the economic case for batteries to support your PV panels is still a LONG way in the future. Meanwhile, we run the electrically expensive items only during day time hours (do you have a clothes dryer?).
And while PV panels may be trending to be less expensive per installed watt, the installation costs and the inverter costs seem to be headed in the other direction.
And I need a lot more panels to be functioning in the south coast winter.
If power lines go past your house it is reasonable to pay an infrastructure fee*. It should not, of course, be punitive.
* You pay for the infrastructure servicing a vacant block of land.
Flannery is having another go –
and sounds like he might not keep a diary?
“What Would We Do Without Experts?”
“ONE way of feeling infallible is not to keep a
diary. Looking back through the diary I kept in
1940 and 1941 1 find that I was usually wrong
when it was possible to be wrong. Yet I was not so
wrong as the Military Experts. Experts of various
schools were telling us in 1939 that the Maginot
Line was impregnable, and that the Russo-German
Pact had put an end to Hitler’s eastwards
expansion; in early 1940 they were telling us that
the days of tank warfare were over; in mid 1940
they were telling us that the Germans would
invade Britain forthwith; in mid 1941 that the Red
army would fold up in six weeks; in December
1941, that Japan would collapse after ninety days;
in July 1942, that Egypt was lost and so on, more
or less indefinitely.
Where now are the men who told us those things?
Still on the job, drawing fat salaries. Instead of the
unsinkable battleship we have the unsinkable
Military Expert”
Are we the ‘deniers’ or the ‘Right Wing media’??
Either will get us censored out of existence soon…