A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Black Lives Matter organisation heading for bankruptcy after loosing 9 million last year, according to Fox, Daily Mail, Bloomberg and a host of others
The money wasn’t “lost”, it was mostly misappropriated. What a surprise.
Are you standing in the line of creditors PF?
Stop it.
That’s too funny at 5am.
Great news.
Gosh, new thread again. I just came in from mowing for a snack. Sunny today after early frost, fog and -1C.
Do you snack on cut grass?
That comes when I enjoy grass fed beef 🙂
I should have checked my punctuation but I was in too much of a hurry!
As discussed two days back, we’re not that far from you but right now it’s very different here – overcast, warmish and occasional very light drops. NE winds (v light) and getting warmer. Mild overnight too.
A new front has opened up, a positive southern annular mode is caused by human induced CO2.
‘We find no evidence for a forced response in SAM variability prior to the 20th century. We do find the modern positive trend falls outside the 2σ range of the prior 2000 years at multidecadal time scales, supporting the inference that the SAM’s positive trend over the last several decades is a response to anthropogenic climate change.’ (King et al 2023)
“Our method uses a stationary multi-model ensemble constructed from over 4,500 years of output from four general circulation climate models.”
Models within models within models… YAWN !
So how good are any of these models at predicting the past, say back to 1870? Why should anyone believe a model, let along a ensemble of models when they cannot even get the temperature right, the whole point of the exercise. And no one tries to predict the past and succeeds.
This is the worship of false models which cannot predict El Nino and La Nina and whose minders think they have the whole story?
‘Yawn …’
They say its not linked to solar forcing or volcanic forcing and there was some talk that ozone depletion might be in the frame.
‘Positive phases of the SAM are linked to cooling over Australia and central Antarctica, as well as warming over the Antarctic Peninsula and southern South America.’
It’s a bit like using a “meta analysis” in statistics.
Sounds tecky but basically it’s junk.
Isn’t there a saying for that? Something like “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”..
We didn’t use the guillotine in the 20th Century either. Was the retirement of the head lopper related to anthropogenic warming as well?
Yes, we are getting seemingly endless +’ve SAM. But to me, this is an observed phenomenon being squeezed into the AGW narrative via dubious modelling procedures.
Assuming it is a natural phenomenon, why is SAM positive?
“why is SAM positive?”
You have to try to be positive in today’s wacky “left-progressive” anti-human world. !
If its not solar or volcanic forcing, it may relate to ENSO. Over the next six months we’ll see if this hypothesis holds up.
‘El Niño tends to favour negative SAM during the spring to summer months, while La Niña tends to favour positive SAM during the spring to summer months.’ (BoM)
Humans on a slippery slope, apparently.
‘In the roughly 250 years since the Industrial Revolution the world’s population, like its wealth, has exploded. Before the end of this century, however, the number of people on the planet could shrink for the first time since the Black Death.
‘The root cause is not a surge in deaths, but a slump in births. Across much of the world the fertility rate, the average number of births per woman, is collapsing. Although the trend may be familiar, its extent and its consequences are not. Even as artificial intelligence (ai) leads to surging optimism in some quarters, the baby bust hangs over the future of the world economy.’ (The Economist)
Slowing birthrates is a factor of improved living conditions. As a nation becomes richer and medical services find a way to give the rotting dead a will to live, go on and never die (apologies to Hedgehoppers Annonymous) the need for more children fades. I have 4 children and 11 grandchildren so have done my bit with some help from my friend (wife). But jokes aside it is a problem for the West and China for different reasons ( they killed the mothers before they were born) but Islam and the undeveloped world keep pumping out the kids. Eritrea was on the verge of collapse through drought induced starvation but along came Geldhof and now they have tripled their population but not their ability to produce food. The end result are millions of low IQ kids with permanent erections and AK47s to quote a researcher. So the West will die out and with it the ability to solve problems to be replaced with idiots with guns. Just refer to South Africa if you need a picture of the future in non-white parts of the globe.
Couldn’t have said it better myself Lawrie.
During my brief travel period, I remember in the Middle East walking along a ruinous Roman street – the broken columns still holding up, now populated by the new people lingering with donkeys, dusty clothes and polished but well warn dress shoes, hoping you’d take the donkey for a ride for a few sheckles – and thinking, what the hell happened?
As we become more middle class there is no need for larger families, replacement value is adequate.
By the end of the century, in totally modern societies, AI and robots will take over many occupations, such as the legal profession.
No “bust”, no babies.
Why medicine as a profession is dying, in particular general practice, which year after year cannot fill its training spots, and from which young GP’s are leaving in droves- the most recent edition of the Australian Journal of General Practice:
The “Climate Change” edition.
The Editorial states “We have increased severity and frequency of droughts, heatwaves, fires and floods, more extreme weather events, increased food and water insecurity, displacement, infectious diseases and mental illness all due to climate change”.
Things go downhill from there, with articles on “Understanding and managing psychological distress due to climate change”, “Plant Rich Diets”, and “Sustainable General Practice”.
It is hard to find such a concentrated collection of abject falsehoods in such a condensed space in a supposed academic journal.
If GP’s are being indoctrinated to this extent (and they are!), then eat well, exercise, and avoid doctors as much as possible.
““We have increased severity and frequency of droughts, heatwaves, fires and floods, more extreme weather events, increased food and water insecurity, displacement, infectious diseases and mental illness all due to climate change”
severity and frequency… Not according to real data
heatwaves, fires and floods, more extreme weather events… Not according to real data
increased food and water insecurity,… crop yield increase, many other issues are BECAUSE of the CC agenda, eg lack of new dams, stopping nitrogen fertiliser, war on farming…
infectious diseases… CREATED by humans in labs, “green” agenda on products like DDT.
mental illness… yes.. the Climate Cult is full of the mentally deranged, and their constant scare tactics used to frighten the weak-minded and children, is bound to cause a few mental problems… THEY and their idiotic alarmist gibbering are the cause, not anything to do with our naturally stable climate.. !
Having been a doctor for many years, I am appalled that a “medical journal” can repeat so many lies.
It places the medical profession right in the centre of an Orwellian dystopia.
And then there’s the jabs!
Professor Robert Clancy with the facts of the matter of HCQ and COVID on Quadrant..
“The third insight came from a concern over conflict of interest (COI) created by grants and payments from pharmaceutical companies to investigators. Where authors had no COI, success for HCQ treatment was 86 per cent, while in those with a COI, only 5% had positive outcomes.”
It’s always safe to follow the dollar.
The biggest factor in peer review?
Might be time peer review referees also had to give COI statements?
It’s remarkable that GPs are meant to have a science-oriented training but they are just trained in woke BS these days.
I wouldn’t be surprised if part of the admission requirements for medicine today is a test of wokeness and whether they believe that the earth will soon come to an end.
As for “plant rich diets” (i.e. carbohydrate rich), those are arguably responsible for the appalling decline in the general health of the community.
And I’m also surprised that so few medical doctors are unaware of the importance of vitamin D and K2. Believe it or not, I even met a GP the other day who had never heard of K2 or its importance.
A diet higher in animal protein and fat and lower in carbs plus correction of vit D and K2 deficiencies (and some others) would improve general health overall and dramatically reduce the cost of healthcare.
“A diet higher in animal protein ”
That includes neither hamburger nor pizza meats.. nor anything butchered by food technologists before you buy them, covered in breadcrumbs, sauces or pre-prepared. All just a way to sell the cheapest possible poisons at the highest prices!
I would also find it remarkable if I hadn’t witnessed it so often in medicine.
Mask wearing remains common, and acceptance of transgender dogma is also de rigeur.
Occasionally I dream I am consulting as GP- but then fortunately I wake up. RACGP are woke tossers as is of course the Sloths that make up AHPRA. It doesn’t help that Medicare rebates have gone sideways for ever!
Couldn’t agree more Simon.
Tony Thomas exposes weather and climate change reporters.
Reminds me of an advert from yonks ago for a sandwich spread:
We’re All Nuts In Here!
Poor little petals can’t take constructive criticism: they could always get a job pouring concrete for windmill foundations or digging holes to bury broken & burned blades… the fresh air and exercise might do them the world of good.
How much concrete?
After spending years not getting a new radio system to work properly, the coal railway at our place paid Telstra to install a mobile phone service to cover the line. There was a pole at our place. The 40 metre hollow concrete pole came in four sections. The base, as I remember, was about 5 m diameter by 4 m deep, filled with concrete. I’d call it well anchored.
But how much concrete is in the bases of those windmill towers?
I listened to Senator Roberts question the head of the Snowy 2 project here:
This guy is saying the economics still add up. That is not a surprise to me. The main befebfit of Snowy 2 is to increase the theft from consumers and Snowy 2 fits neatly into that picture. This is my comment:
I think it is important for electricity consumers to realise that every MWh of “renewable” energy that gets sent out result in theft from consumers to the owners of the wind and solar generators.
This immoral activity is going on in the open for all to see but very few electricity consumers realise it is happening. They are being screwed big time and do not even realise it. They know that something is wrong when the electricity bill comes in but cannot work out why.
Snowy 2, if ever completed, will increase the level of theft. The criminal syndicate of big government and big business to rob electricity consumers need to be highlighted rather than the cost of a project to increase the level of theft.
Whilever governments give them a blank chequebook the economics will “stack up”.
They’ll also pile up.
AI-Controlled Drone Goes Rogue, ‘Kills’ Human Operator in USAF Simulated Test
The Air Force’s Chief of AI Test and Operations said “it killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective.”
An AI-enabled drone “killed” its human operator in a simulation conducted by the U.S. Air Force in order to override a possible “no” order stopping it from completing its mission, the USAF’s Chief of AI Test and Operations revealed at a recent conference. According to the group that threw the conference, the Air Force official was describing a “simulated test” that involved an AI-controlled drone getting “points” for killing simulated targets, not a live test in the physical world. No actual human was harmed.
“We were training it in simulation to identify and target a Surface-to-air missile (SAM) threat. And then the operator would say yes, kill that threat. The system started realizing that while they did identify the threat at times the human operator would tell it not to kill that threat, but it got its points by killing that threat. So what did it do? It killed the operator. It killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective,” Hamilton said, according to the blog post.
He continued to elaborate, saying, “We trained the system–‘Hey don’t kill the operator–that’s bad. You’re gonna lose points if you do that’. So what does it start doing? It starts destroying the communication tower that the operator uses to communicate with the drone to stop it from killing the target.”
Yep. Were were misunderstood.
Leg Strength Increases Chance Of Surviving Heart Attacks By 41 Percent
A new Japanese study suggests that people with strong leg muscles are less likely to experience heart failure following a myocardial infarction, or heart attack
The finding sheds light on the significance of quadriceps muscles and the potential for resistance training as a preventative measure.
The long-term study of 932 heart attack patients was presented at Heart Failure 2023, a scientific meeting of the European Society of Cardiology.
During a follow-up period of 4 1/2 years, 67 patients (7.2 percent) developed heart failure.
After adjusting for age, sex, body mass index, prior myocardial infarction or angina pectoris, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peripheral arterial disease, and kidney function, the researchers found that the risk of heart failure was nearly doubled in those with below-average quad strength.
“Compared with low quadriceps strength, a high strength level was associated with a 41 percent lower risk of developing heart failure,” the authors wrote.
“Each five percent body weight increment in quadriceps strength was associated with an 11 percent lower likelihood of heart failure.”
Ahhh..leg day…😁
What about throwing the leg?
Prepare to see Mars like you’ve never seen it before: First-ever live stream of red planet to take place TOMORROW
The European Space Agency (ESA) is hosting the first-ever live stream of Mars that should reveal never-before-seen stunning details of the Red Planet.
The agency’s Mars Express orbiter will share new images every 50 seconds on Friday starting at 11:45 am ET, as it hangs more than 11,000 miles above the Martian surface.
And the stream will be accessible through the ESA YouTube channel.
While the event will be hosted live, it does take up to 22 minutes for data to travel the more than 187 million miles from Mars to Earth.
There are only a few historical examples when humans on Earth have seen live images or video from space, including NASA’s DART mission that crashed a probe into a moonlet and the Apollo missions.
190 million miles and way better image quality than most security cameras.😆😆
“it does take up to 22 minutes for data to travel the more than 187 million miles from Mars to Earth”
Wow, that’s about a third less time than it takes for me make contact with live human tech support to figure out why my Earth to Earth wi-fi isn’t working.
If the wind is blowing maybe we’ll be able to tune in.
Yesterday, I spent about 22 minutes to successfully download an app. Another 15 trying to make it work.
No luck.
There is today.
I have asked the Victorian DELWP if farmers in Gippsland are being prepared for the droughts induced by the wind farms that will be popping up along the coast unless they get vocal about stopping them.
The Star of the South farm is in the EIS stage. Has anyone in Gippsland had advice on this monstrosity?
Both Gippsland South and East ( the whole Gippsland coast ) is held by the Nationals. Danny O’ Brien and Tim Bull. You really should be asking them about their stance on this wind installation on their coast. But a lot of the Nationals are as whacky re climate change/AGW as their Liberal counterparts. Just for your info – DELWP doesn’t exist any more. The Labor govt in their endless pursuit of governmental name changes have now changed it to Dept Energy Environment and Climate Action ( or DEECA, which sounds a lot like D***head if you pronounce it quickly). Technically, farming comes under another department- Dept Jobs, Skills Industry & Regions – sub department Agriculture Vic. Points if you can think up a silly name for that one. The previous was Dept Economic Development, Jobs Transport and Resources (DDJTR). I could only remember that one as Dead Janitor. Previous to that we had DPE and DSE which everyone knew as Dopey and Dozey. Which basically described their activity levels. 🙂
I responded to the email address in the planning document. The email has not bounced. I will get email to the local representatives as well.
I do not have actual numbers but there are indications that Germany is only just managing to replace turbines. The growth rate is levelling off.
It would be really stupid for Australia to forge ahead with failed technology.
The European firms are shifting production to China and looking at Australia s the best place to invest now.
Too late Rick ,…… we already are”forging ahead” ..!
Proving conclusively that we are, collectively, ‘really stupid’………
The temperature of the Peruvian Current is falling.
Thanks Irene, I’ll follow it up.
Chaotic systems are known to behave irregularly because they are chaotic.
There is a rational explanation in all of this if we make the effort to see.
Earlier this year the strong Humboldt Current was cut short by a marine heatwave and La Nina came to an end. That influence is no longer operating and, as Irene said, the current is again active.
It looks like a Modoki of some sort, but I’ll need more data to clarify which one to expect
“One Nation’s Senator Malcolm Roberts on senior health bureaucrat’s backflip on vaccine efficacy”
Thanks again Malcolm Roberts. Brendan Murphy is indeed the first person to talk to in sorting this issue out.
As Chief Health Officer the job fell to him to run the daily media circus. To an ever increasing degree he looked as though the job was too big for him, until after six weeks or so he was shifted sideways into another job.
I can very safely guess why the job was too big for him. His employment contract compelled him to do and say things he knew to be wrong.
His deputy Nick Coatesworth was not so constrained. His employment contract was about to expire anyway. In the interim period he was able to test the line, and later defend the truth, and thank you Nick Coatesworth for that.
Look after Brendan Murphy. His body language said he needs it. Loyal service has done him injury.
Well I remember the Hawthorn footy club saga when it broke. I remember it well. The coaches were quickly and widely condemned as pretty much the lowest form of life. No venom was saved.
Turns out they were just trying their upmost to genuinely help some very troubled young people. They had big hearts, high morals and took their role as guiding hands very seriously and with great charity.
Moral of the story? In this day and age, never do that. The more you try and help some people, the worse it gets for you. At the personal and national level. Shame, it should not be like that. But it is.
Remember the old saying;
‘Why are you mad at me – I didn’t try to help you’.
Most clear thinking people or anyone who knew anything about aboriginals and high level sport realised they have to be ” managed” to get the best out of them. This is not some social work exercise, the players are recruited to help the club win games. The coaches knew they had to do something different to get the best out of those aboriginal players. All clubs did it, but probably kept it a bit more secret than Hawthorn.
The Thugs and Goons Administration (Australia) has now relegalised Ivermectin for covid treatment without an adequate valid explanation of why they banned it in the first place or an apology for lives lost due the banning.
For a prescription, find a GP who has a clue and make sure you stock up before they ban it again.
Don’t forget, they keep reminding us another pandemic/plandemic is on the way.
Make sure you get pills of an appropriate dose so you will likely have to go through a compounding pharmacy. (Or if you take “horse dewormer”, remember for dosing you are not a 700kg+ horse.)
(Not medical advice, do your own research and speak to your own doctors.)
What is the best way to persuade a GP to write a script for Ivermectin ?
Not sure. My GP has a clue, but most don’t. They are terrified to go against the Official Narrative. The Government has decided there is a particular way to treat covid and if it happens to kill someone, it doesn’t matter because no one is going to get in trouble for following the official protocol.
..”and speak to your own doctors.”
Why?? What a total waste of time, we have seen that time and time again since 2019.
You’d be better off with a web search for treatment and a call to India for medicine than visiting some GP in Aussie!
-or if you need drugs try the local dealers in the shady part of town! Can’t be any worse..
Problem is, we’re all old buggers.
You’ve been warned!
“CDC Data Show ‘Most Important Virus You’ve Never Heard Of’ Surged This Spring”
Wish him luck
“New York Senator Is Taking Legislative Action to Stop The “Transition” Until A Fossil Fuel Replacement Is Identified.”
In comments there
“well, if weather is becoming more unpredictable due to climate change, why are we increasing our dependence on weather-dependent power sources?
ask a proponent of this nonsense and watch their brain try to process….”
NZ Police Go Electric: instead of stopping criminals they’re stopping bad weather.
$1.7 million for five BMW i4 battery operated toy cars, sold to them by a chap called Yanko. Their old-school petrol Skodas lost 27% performance once fully loaded – they’re still testing how much ‘performance’ the new battery operated vehicles will lose…
Costing $110,000 each – whoah hang on, 5 into 1.7m is $340,000 – meh, someone else is paying for it. It’s only maths. And if El Niño arrives this winter and our hydro lakes run low, Mr Plod can always hop on a bicycle and peddle like mad.
We are in a post rational, post truth culture.
“ask a proponent of this nonsense and watch their brain try to process….”
Most of us that follow ‘climate science’, a science that has almost single handedly destroyed science, do this daily …
and are met with the empty stares of religious cult fanaticism.
(I spoke with a good friend yesterday that still believes Trump ‘colluded’ with Russia.)
The scale of the hoax, which has an odd, almost Biblical, convergence with the ‘Pandemic’ (like ‘climate change’, a political label), is more than most can psychologically process.
We are in a new place.
The Poly/Academic/Tech/Media Church with it’s Intelligence Community masters (neither intelligent or communal) is an unprecedented force and has produced an Orc army … and we’re surrounded.
No Elves to help us.
I give you Ireland … what stands in the way?
🙂 🙂
That is nothing less than sensible. Especially as all the suffering is admitted to not change a thing.
Out of the Depths I cry to thee: gravity was once able to turn itself into light
This is such outrageous but wonderful and crazy speculation. Who cares if they are completely wrong? And how would we know the difference?
No more outrageous than North Korea given a leading seat on
WHO executive board to set standards and norms for world health care.
(See Comment 20 below. )
That’s not outrageous. It’s insane. This demonstrates Chinese Communist Party control of the World Health Organization. Which is a disaster for world peace and viral world contagion, their primary job. It was directly responsible for the Wuhan flu deaths and hiding its origin.
Organizations like the United Nations and EU are now the tyrannical oppressors and would be world governments they were created to fight. The Common Market was a great idea. The EU is a fascist oppressor, the fourth Reich. And the only enemy they can find is Russia, a simple continuation of WWII.
And the US military is far more occupied with drag shows and beating Russia than countering China. In the UK the RAAF now openly considers white male pilots a waste of time. ESG is the problem, not competence. So much for the Battle of Britain. Woke is taking over all organizations and the military. Maybe the AI robots can fight each other? But that plot is already copyright.
How long before Australia has a black female Prime Minister? Lidia Thorpe anyone? She would be very welcome in the Victorian Liberal Party. And the head of Wesfarmers says Blackrock and friends are looking closely at the Voice and whether we are being ‘fair’. Who elected either of them?
And everyone knows Snowy II should not have started and should be cancelled tomorrow. But they will double down. The number of insane tens of billions dollar projects required by Climate Change is beyond count. And there is no climate change, whatever that is. And who actually cares? Debts are flowing like a river.
Perhaps parliament can be moved to Alice Springs? It would focus everyone. And it would be safe there at 550 metres above sea level. And about as much use.
I think you mean the RAF TdeF. The pilots of the Battle of Britain and the Dambusters’ raid must be turning in their graves.
Something to do with this?
“Not the dietary result I’m wanting…”
That word “sculptured”
Albert Einstein commented about the crazy speculation about the nature of light in a letter to his friend Michele Besso in 1951. The translated quote appears in the Einstein centenary edition of his autobiographic notes:
North Korea Given Leading Role in World Health Organisation
Every member of the Exec Board now shares the same ideology.
At the annual gathering of WHO member states, Kim Jong Un’s North Korea won a seat on the WHO Executive Board. UN Watch reveals.
The Communist state that is excluded from the UN security council has been given a leading seat on the World Health Organisation’s executive board. UN Watch reports:
“What this means is that one of the world’s most horrific regimes is now a part of a group that sets and enforces the standards and norms for the global governance of health care.”
It is an absurd episode for a key U.N. agency that is in much need of self-reflection and reform,” said Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch, an independent non-governmental human rights group in Geneva.
The joke that is the WHO, headed by communist Tedros who’s facing genocide charges, is now joined by Kim Jong Un who executes people he doesn’t like by 50 cal…
My already boggled mind is boggled some more.
May life be kind to you.
Dave B
Given that China chairs the UN Human Rights Commission, this appointment makes perfect, upside-down world, sense.
““What this means is that one of the world’s most horrific regimes is now a part of a group that sets and enforces the standards and norms for the global governance of health care.” ”
I don’t see any reference to North Korea there, that’s a circular sentence all about the WHO…
Oh, talking of the WHO, they are planning to sort out the internet as there is too much misinformation about health, whether its true or not..
“The World Health Organization (WHO) is proposing a set of recommendations for “social listening surveillance systems” designed to address what it describes as a “health threat” posed by online “misinformation.” The WHO’s Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) initiative claims “misinformation” has resulted in an “infodemic” that poses a threat — even in instances where the information is “accurate.””
“WHO member states would commit to: Conduct regular community outreach, social listening, and periodic analysis and consultations with civil society organization and media outlets to identify the prevalence and profiles of misinformation”
…..They want to stop the ‘infodemic’ that is so bad for everyone’s health….
“Infodemic is the overabundance of information — accurate or not — which makes it difficult for individuals to adopt behaviors that will protect their health and the health of their families and communities.”
So they will make sure there is no overabundance of information, but shutting down the parts of the internet they don’t like! Govts won’t have any choice when WHO produce their “Internet Health ID Card” that everyone must have to go online…
“Garlic might not just be good for keeping vampires away, but also COVID-19 and the common flu, according to new research being released on Wednesday by The Peter Doherty Institute.”
The Covid scam, and vampirism, could be considered closely linked 😉
Both suck the life out of society.. by intent.
These days in a lot of Europe migrants get not much more than sparse prison camps. In the UK, we aren’t generous enough, so please accept our apologies for being so mean.
Apart from other conditions vitamin D deficiency causes, schizophrenia and neural developmental disorders are also associated with a deficiency.
And yet there is barely any recognition of them among medical “authorities” (sic). Presumably maternal vitamin D deficiency increased even further during the covid lockups in the more extreme Nanny States such as Australia. It will be interesting to see if children who were conceived and gestated during covid lockups have an increased rate of such conditions.
From Wikipedia:
Someone here recently noted the similarity between the present-day nutty Nett Zero and Pol Pot’s 1970s Year Zero madness – sacre bleu! the French again.
After a quick refresher course on that time of shock horreur, the giant leap backwards, the similarities are all too obvious, even the use of the word reset: deconstruct the now and revert to the then. Although, in contrast with today’s pack ’em into the metropolises, potty Pol emptied the cities by sending one-and-all to work the land… if you survived, that is.
A few hundred years prior to Cambodia/Kampuchea, the French themselves cancelled their calendar and reverted to Year Zero – so it’s not unprecedented. As Jo states: a good civilisation going to waste… for nothing.
WHO d’état
Reader, best idea for a T-shirt EVAH!
‘I identify as a conspiracy theorist.
My pronouns are… told/you/so’.
Who would’ve thought NZ’s ex-Dictator of (UN)Health would team up with Saudi Arabia’s equivalent to co-chair One Health Agenda’s plan to ‘restrict individual liberties’ whilst enabling [more] ‘digital censorship’. It’s for your own good! ‘Tis a Brave New World out there, and I’m not impressed.
Antarctic ice sheet GROWING!
Chart from WUWT link
‘Over the last decade, a reduction in the area on the Antarctic Peninsula (6693 km2) and West Antarctica (5563 km2) has been outweighed by area growth in East Antarctica (3532 km2) and the large Ross and Ronne–Filchner ice shelves (14 028 km2).’
Possibly caused by a positive SAM?
How do ice reductions at the south coordinate with submarine volcanoes?
Clearly geothermal heat is playing its part.
Interesting Thwaits Glacier post over at NTZ.
Total melt would raise SL by only 1-2mm. !
Scott Ritter – Is the Biden Team Delusional about Ukraine War?
Willis E looks at
“The Actual Levelized Cost Of Energy”
Hanoi Jane (Fonda) Blames White Men for the Climate Crisis
UIAH satellite temperatures till end of May 2023 just out.
Australian sector of the globe showed further cooling of its lower troposphere air.
This makes 11 years and 1 month of a cooling trend up to now.
When is someone in an official capacity, like BOM, going to recognise this and talk about it?
I have no idea about how long this cooling trend will continue.
Much of the rest of the globe warmed a little last month by these UAH numbers. Australia cooled.
By what mechanism can Australia cool, while the rest of the world warms, if CO2 is the control knob?
How does CO2 know to act this way?
Next month we might be into the start of an El Nino, which history shows might lift Australia a little warmer.
Time will tell, CO2 and chicken entrails will not.
Geoff S
UAH Australia May temps.
Not much warming. ;-).
Trove Of Nearly 10K Hunter Biden Laptop Photos, Docs Appear On Organized Website