A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Heat arriving in the Seattle area (Pacific Northwest) on Sunday. Be prepared for the ClimateCult™ to notice.
I bought a T Shirt at the Pike St markets once that read: “Welcome to the Seattle Rain Festival – Jan 1 to Dec 31 every year”
South-east of you John, towards Four Corners, Colorado is stuck in ‘snowtime’ with continual top-ups of ‘carbon powder’, so much so my old stomping grounds in Summit County – Arapaho Basin and Breckenridge – are keeping their chairlifts running til the end of the month. Mind you, the USA is as big as Australia (having driven across both), there can be four climates in one day. Enjoy the sun.
Thanks for letting us know John. It will help me decide what to pack – we will be heading there week after next!
Finally get to catch up with family and grandkids we haven’t met!
Distrubing story in this morning about an apprentice brickie being forced into covid jabs and then going permanatly blind. Two eye specialists have confirmed that his blindness was as a result of the Moderna vaccines. He has been refused compensation for his vaccine injury because it doesn’t fit the criteria and he was not specific enough in his application for compo.I would have thought that two eye experts, one of them a professor would be evidence enough but apparently not. Also the panel reviewing this claim could simply appoint their own eye experts to either approve or disaprove the claim, but no, doesnt fit the criteria or the the narrative, so young man, bad luck.
A top scientific journal has published research proving that COVID vaccinations can cause blood clots in the eyeballs and blindness.
The paper published in Nature harvested data on 95,156,967 people. Of those, 7.3 million met the criteria for inclusion in the study.
Controlling for confounding variables such as people on anticoagulants, certain contraceptives, and other medications, the researchers were left with 745,041 vaccinated and 3.8 million unvaccinated people to compare. They found that “two years after vaccination, the chances of all subtypes… of retinal vascular occlusion increased significantly.
I’ve seen reports but my focus is elsewhere at the moment, so I didn’t post it earlier…
how do they designate criteria to compensate for an injury when they are using an experimental treatment, the side effects fo which are wholly unknown?🤔
How does a criminal court decide on compensation?
Blindness is blindness regardless.
Proving causality is the problem.
Absolutely sickening. And the fit, healthy 21 year old’s risk from coofid was…
…Near zero, how many people are on a brickies scaffold.
Observation shows that global warming means less disasters.
The Brief Modern Warm Period was but noise inside a super [sic] computer.
Long live the Holocene!
Hal, Watson, Deep Blue.
Just 0.3% of Scientists Agree Humans Are Causing ‘Climate Change’
The below chart should in a sane world put an end to all “climate change” arguments. The current atmospheric CO2 level is around 420ppm, which is critically too low. We actually need more CO2, not less.
Agnotology is defined as “the study of how ignorance arises via circulation of misinformation calculated to mislead.”
This is how David Legates and his co-authors (2015) describe the Cook paper and similar attempts falsely to promote the notion of broad scientific consensus surrounding the subject of a looming, man-made, climate apocalypse.
They reviewed the actual papers used by Cook and found that only 0.3% of the 11,944 abstracts and 1.6% of the smaller sample that excluded those papers expressing no opinion endorsed man-made global warming as they defined it.
Remarkably, they found that Cook and his assistants had themselves marked only 64 papers – or 0.5% of the 11,944 they said they had reviewed – as explicitly stating that recent warming was mostly man-made.
99.7% of “scientists” want to keep their jobs…
Congressman Ronny Jackson dropped a truth bomb on Twitter on Wednesday that is sure to have climate activists up in arms.
According to Rep. Jackson, a leaked UN report reveals that the Earth’s temperature hasn’t risen in the last 15 years – proving that the climate change agenda is a massive hoax perpetrated by the globalist elites:
A leaked UN report reveals the world’s temperature hasn’t risen in the last 15 YEARS!! WOW!! The “climate change” narrative is a HOAX. The green agenda that’s destroying our country needs to END!!
less actual disasters, but fake disasters are predicted to increase exponentially
Looks like the Australian Liberal party is chasing the white rabbit down the marxist hole.
Ms Deeming has been ejected from the Victorian Branch for joining the protest against men demanding women’s rights.
And National Liberal leader Dutton has said his party is going to go down the path to Nuclear and gas. Which is wonderful as we do not have any nuclear power stations anyway and cannot build one and cannot refine uranium. While sitting on real estate stuffed with coal and gas. And not supporting our second biggest export coal, nor the iron and steel industries, our biggest products .
But they still expect to be able to pay for nuclear submarines? How? Where will we get the enriched uranium fuel? Technology and weapons. And the steel? China?
When is anyone going to stand up and say Climate Change is utter crap. Other than Tony Abbott? It is obvious to Blind Freddy after 35 years of nothing happened but still politicians believe in Carbon dioxide pollution? Which is the most ridiculous drivel ever to be called science since Scientology.
The sensible people in Australia who do not agree with men claiming women’s rights or the wholesale shutdown of all industries, transport, farming, mining by 2030 under Labor’s ‘Safeguard Mechanism’ are no longer represented by either major party or the Greens.
Menzies broad church no longer tolerates any dissent from Green orthodoxy.
The whole country will end up voting ‘none of the above’.
As happened in the Great Depression in Australia, only those in teaching or the public service will have a job.
And the country will find out soon enough whether the biggest economy in the bottom third of the planet swirls clockwise or counter clockwise as it goes down the plughole.
The merger of Union Labor Greens, Liberal and National with the latter pulled to the left by LINO left founded by Turnbull should worry all Australians.
wow, totally gutless and spineless with a yellow streak down their back.
And she was ejected because of a party room vote, not just John Persecutto.
Was it because of a threat to sue the leader.
Maybe Peter Dutton has see my comment from May 10th and is now seeing the light
Sky news May 12th a announces Peter Dutton. & Coalition are now moving to get modular nuclear generators up & running!
Mr Prime Minister if you are looking for more answers to your & the LNP/Coalition dilemmas
Simply log on to Jo Nova’s blog site. There are many readers here willing to guide you thru to the next election. Provided of course you can drag the party luddites along with you
My comment from May 10th:-
“Don’t wait with bated breath for the Coalition to save us. That will be a wait in vain. Put them back in office and see their novel approach. They just don’t talk about it. They keep quiet & just get on with imposing the exact policies without bragging about what they’re not doing. Unlike the moron that identifies as an energy minister that’s shouts his clueless policies from the rooftops!
The coalition should be talking about consulting with the modular nuclear reactor designers & manufacturers, in fact, get them out here for advice on sizing , location for the immediate installation & future expansion, maintenance requirements, training requirements. Advertise their actions & probable action plans for ongoing requirements, research etc.
Give the electorate some hope that they are serious. Silence & reluctance to publicise intentions is implied refusal to do anything differently resulting in the electorate loosing confidence in their abilities to save the country from the impending economic collapse!!
The Federal Opposition appears to be following the Victorian opposition’s example of how not to be the opposition to the Labor / Green coalition,!”
Today is 12th MAY. Peter Dutton, according to Sky News, has today announced that the Coalition is proceeding with plans for modular nuclear power plants. Apparently they are consulting with an overseas manufacturer to lay out plans !
I bet the manufacturer turns out to be Rolls Royce!!
It is ignored that the Morrison Coalition Government continued to discuss SMR based factory built generators from 2018 when Scott Morrison was appointed to the position of PM. At the Glasgow Climate Conference he refused to ban coal, he refused to increase Paris Agreement emissions target and with net zero emissions discussed he refused to sign an agreement, the position the Coalition adopted was based on development of new technology and without damaging the economy “an aspirational goal”.
While in the UK PM Morrison signed the Agreement for AUKUS defence programme of many objectives for the three partner nations with UK PM Johnson and POTUS Biden, the negotiations had been underway from 2019 involving POTUS Trump originally.
And, held discussions with the UK Government and Rolls Royce UK regarding nuclear energy power stations, notably the RR SMR based designs of various generating capacity and in area when assembled on a site about an average sports stadium. Obviously a tiny area compared to the area that would be required for wind or solar, firming back up and extra transmission lines to grid and new main grid.
I understand that the Opposition led by Peter Dutton have not changed from including SMR generators and more gas fired.
Morrison Government by the way recommended to the relevant State Governments for two new gas fired generators to be built in New South Wales, I understand only one is under construction right now at Kurri Kurri, project by Snow Mountains Hydro.
Two others recommended, one for Victoria and one for Queensland (South East).
At that time also recommended was a new HELE technology coal fired power station to be built in North Queensland and the Morrison Government offered to underwrite the private sector funding, but like all Development Applications the State Government must approve.
AEMO is a cooperative of private sector, State and Federal governments, Federal or Commonwealth holding a minor share.
If my comment about refined uranium for standard reactors was highlighting a problem, the idea that we can have modular nuclear reactors is even more of a problem. They require fuel enriched to weapons grade. Few countries can make it and Iran is close, which is an international problem. So unless we buy these reactors preloaded like a nuclear submarine, we cannot make this happen and again it is all a decade away.
Meanwhile our coal is free. Fracking gas is free. We do not have an energy shortage we have not deliberately created. And no one is trying to keep the coal power stations operational for a rainy day. Rather they are demolishing them immediately to make sure there is no backsliding.
I do not think for a second this is about carbon dioxide or Climate or rising seas or temperatures. It is the greatest scam every perpetrated on humanity. And few real scientists are involved. Unless you count Tim Flannery and Al Gore as real scientists.
You should check the various modular reactor designs and tecnologies being proposed.
Many of them DO NOT use weapons grade uranium or even any similar technology .
Good. That’s not what I was told but it would be good if the information was wrong. It made sense because 95% of the uranium stored from a standard reactor is unused. What matters is then is replacement of the core. In submarines some like the French require replacement every three years. Others like the Americans are a whole of life story.
So we have all the questions of uranium source, grade, replacement, storage and disposal. It’s not like anyone has these things for sale today except as integrated in a submarine or ice breaker. Or any such technology in Australia. There are no jobs for nuclear engineers, chemists or technicians in this country. There are so many issues and the absurd assumption that we can just pick up these things and use them and nothing ever goes wrong.
Some of the modular designs are actually fueled by the “spent” fuel from current reactors, thus providing a means of degrading that material to a “Safe” level for disposal .
Another tech option,employees%20to%20become%20nuclear%20technicians.
This is filled with words like ‘might’. It’s speculation. I would like to think all things are true, but generally they are not. You might remember Tim Flannery pushing Hot Rocks. “the technology is straightforward”. This from a man with a degree in English who studied extinct wombats.
While nuclear is becoming an option of last resort, the Germans are decommissioning. And others are passing their end of life criteria. Fundamentally there are real problems with the amount of uranium and the disposal without resorting to breeder reactors and dealing in plutonium, which is a real risk to world peace. A suitcase bomb would destroy a major city.
However the hatred of carbon dioxide, fear even, is destroying such amazingly good sources such as brown coal and fracking. But driven to extremes by the anti Carbon lobby, politicans are clutching at straws.
If I have any hope for nuclear, we are talking Thorium which is very exciting and of course fusion, which is the power of the sun, not the bomb. Thorium because it is 100% combustible, not 0.7% usable like Uranium 235. And because bomb making is not an option. And because there really is no waste, comparatively. The Indian government is working on this and it beats me why Australia is not. Australia and India have a stranglehold on Thorium supplies.
And it’s a dream. No two reactors are the same. But the idea that a standard modular reactor could be mass produced is exciting but the idea that it would be affordable any time soon is just a projection. Sometimes costs do not drop with size and the regulations may prohibit reducing the cost because the same exacting standards have to be met. And while the story is that the waste problem has been solved, that nuclear has ‘no emissions’ is just absurd. Look at Chernobyl. That place will have to rebuilt over centuries at billions a time.
Trouble is, it was easily countered, still under research, long term waste problem, expensive, scaleable ?. etc.
How worried should we be that Bill is leading the new nuclear industry in the USA?
15-Minute Cities – Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
You will own nothing,” as these structures will be built upon government and/or privately owned land for the people to rent. The 15-minute city is marketed as a futuristic town where everyone will live within 15 minutes of essential services. Some may say that large cities already meet this criterion, but the difference is that people currently have the ability to own their properties. Excess will not be possible in ADUs due to size. The World Economic Forum is also proposing more “micro-housing units” or “plug-in houses” that will be no larger than 500 sq ft. Cars will be unnecessary in these sustainable cities, as reducing fossil fuels and sustainability is the top priority.
500 sq ft == 46 sq m or < 7m x 7m.
ie a decent size lounge room or 2 x 20' shipping containers, give or take.
Think of the power you'll save though.
I’ve always wondered, is there a difference between a 15 minute city, and a massively scaled prison?
And these pop up mad ideas are treated as real solutions and adopted without question. I have always wondered who invents this stuff? And why should so many instantly think these ideas are workable, valuable, practical, worthwhile? They seems to be no more than wild ideas given the status of credible without any discussion. And yes, more akin to an open prison like the ghettos in Warsaw.
IIRC compact cities assume high rise buildings.
Buildings rising higher than you can poke a hod need concrete pumps.
Anyone seen any research on how they go with ephemeral energy? A brown-out in the middle of a pour wouldn’t add to productivity.
The Swiss People Vote Over The Ban on Cashless Society
Just like in Germany and Austria, cash is still important in Switzerland, although its share in transactions has decreased. However, soon the Swiss will have the opportunity to vote on whether to keep banknotes and coins in circulation permanently.
Last week, news emerged that received little attention outside of Switzerland. The media in the UK, USA, France, Germany, and Spain barely covered it.
The Swiss Freedom Movement announced last week that it had collected enough signatures – a total of 111,000 – to hold a referendum on whether to keep cash in Swiss society for future generations. If it passes, the government must ensure that banknotes and coins are always available in sufficient quantities. In addition, the draft bill proposes a vote on whether the government wants to replace the Swiss franc with another currency, possibly referring to the central bank’s digital currency, as reported by Naked Capitalism.
We should have referendums here too by default for such matters…
Australians using debt cards should reconsider and use cash as often as possible, especially for small businesses as all business pay bank fees.
Like the rort of frequent flyer points or loyalty cards, a great many people think that they are getting something for nothing. They fail to realse that the cost of all these “free” things is simply built into the cost of the product purchased and by default or design just mean a greater profit margin for the supplier. Like solar energy being put back into the grid or Daniel Andrews power rebate scheme its just a case of giving you some of your own money back disguised as a reward. Bit like training a dog really.
Biden DHS Coordinating Illegal Immigration In-Flows with Mexico
A striking level of collusion, as Biden’s officers use an encrypted online chat room to tell Mexico when to let migrants swim across.
Over the course of several recent days in this northeastern Mexican city when perhaps 3,000 immigrants a day swam over to Brownsville with no opposition on either side, a curious pattern became evident. At some sort of signal from the Mexican immigration officers, a group of about 100-150 from the crowd would suddenly stand in unison and rush down the riverbank, past the immigration officers, and swim over to America.
It turns out that this pattern was far from happenstance. The Center for Immigration Studies asked several of the Mexican immigration officers what was going on and learned that President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has been coordinating these mass swims with Mexico’s immigration service, INM, at high levels on an encrypted Whatsapp channel.
Coordinated invasion. I’m shocked. Not. All part of the plan, now exposed.
Imagine a red light that never goes green – unless you obey.
Say hello to FRED – feu de ralentissement éducatif – which the French Canadian government is testing out as an “educational traffic calming light” that does more than “educate.”
FRED has built-in radar that “educates” itself about the speed of an approaching car; if the car is going faster than whatever the programmed in speed limit is, it turns red – and stays red – stopping the car (and traffic) for no other reason, such as cross traffic. These FRED lights are installed in the manner of speed bumps.
Which is to say, they are designed to annoy – and mulct – drivers.
If the driver ignores whatever the speed limit is – or the light – FRED mails a ticket to the registered owner of the car. It knows who that is via the plate reader system that is at the heart of FRED.
It is another etiolation of panopticonic enforcement. Obedience – everywhere. Or else.
Something else annoying about speed cameras in school zones, during a recent visit to Sydney I drove from a side road onto Pittwater Road at Narrabeen to travel two blocks to a shopping centre, 8 minutes into the school zone start time, and my vehicle speed was recorded 53 kmh in normally a 60 kmh zone, but 40 kmh school zone speed.
And no warning on the side road at traffic lights that entering Pittwater Road was entering a school zone and operating time.
Laughable anyway, Aussie is the only country I know to slow traffic to 40kph for children… so children get a completely false impression of how to cross the road with traffic coming. Maybe they all get run over at 4.15pm, or whenever traffic can flow normally.
Over the whole country the cost of this procedure must be in the millions. I put it with the trigger-lock on petrol pumps being removed, so you have to hold the trigger on all the time. Does the Govt think the average Aussie too thick to handle pumping their own petrol? Who makes up this rubbish?
In Texas, school zones are at 32 KPH, and have been for over 70 years.
Clearly what is needed is an electronic countermeasure against such plainly nasty attacks on your time.
A device which can emit just the type of radio waves that would be returned Doppler-shifted from a car moving at a slower speed, and beamed forward so powerfully that they interfere with the car’s real radar return and become the strongest signal for the FRED radar to detect, which is then tricked into thinking the car speed is within the limit. You could call it Wireless Interference Leaving Moving Automobile.
Because we need WILMA to keep FRED in check!
“FRED” used to be the name of a computer. It stood for “F’n Ridiculous Electronic Device”.
It’s successor was “ALFRED” – “A Larger FRED”
Good grief!
A thread full of glowing endorsements for Abott, Morrison and Dutton.
By “conservatives” on a “conservative” forum no less.
We’re f*cked.
Calm down MV. I’ve posted some entertainment for you at #11.😉
Thanks John.
All good but the cliff walking one reminds me of this country’s economic policies.
Without the safety ropes.
Friday funday – line ’em up!
Switzerland cliff walking. Difficulty level 3. Brown trousers risk:9
The next weird toy destined for the shops:
Anchors away!:
No doubt the world’s cleanest toilets, apart from the blood.
(Serengeti national park.)
A guy’s dream way to go.
Next level lawn mowing:
This is the captain. We’ll be taking off after we dry the runway:
/all items snowflake safe 😁
China is encouraging people to buy physical gold.
It can be purchased from their local bank for a little over spot price.
To simplify the message that wind and solar power are unsustainable, focus on three things.
1. The need for continuous input to the grid to meet demand.
2. Nights with little or no wind destroy the continuity of adequate input of wind and solar power.
3. There is no feasible or affordable grid-scale storage to bridge the gaps.
Shellenberger and others write about energy density, the amount of land needed for RE compared with coal and other forms of conventional power but nobody in the street will be bothered with that amount of detail.
The fact that China needs to burn a lot more coal to make all the wind turbines and solar panels is gaining recognition in the USA.×720/LrLNQW5WYfCftLTb.mp4?tag=12
It has been recognised that Germany is simply shifting its energy dependence from Russia to China as they hobble their manufacturing industry forcing the hard won intellectual property to head to China.
The “renewable” penetration curve in Australia is starting to hit the wall where bang for buck rapidly deteriorates. With current technology, wind and solar are energy sinks at high levels of penetration. It takes more coal energy to make them and the supporting infrastructure than they can produce over their operating life using current battery storage. They only have a net energy output when coupled with hydro like Norway and Tasmania.
And the now observable trend in Australia is that rooftop is pushing grid scale WDGs out of the market. Best example is SA where grid WDGs are often curtailed while rooftops are unresponsive to wholesale price and just keep pumping out power thereby eroding the opportunity for the grid scale stuff:
Note how the wind has not increased much Ince 2016 but rooftops are growing fast.
Australia is one of the few locations where rooftops are economically viable compared to high penetration of grid WDGs. The grid is being socialised with deteriorating standard of supply. If you want reliable power then you need to make your own. A $500 energy cost relief payment is now going to be provided by a combination of Federal and State coffers. Victoria is working on establishing SECV2.
Another emerging factor is “stilling” of winds due to extracting energy from the wind. Globally averaged, the solar energy that drives convection is no more than a few watts/m^2. However there is immense power in the wind so it has taken a long time to build up. I believe there are already adverse shifts in weather due to extracting energy from the wind. The worse place to extract the energy is along coastlines because that is where the atmospheric water comes from to moderate the climate over land and essential to human existence unless vast amounts of energy is expended on desalination.
Then the are the whales, birds, adverse health impacts and ugliness.
There is no need to focus on just three issues. All the other adverse impacts need to be sown and nurtured. Clearly the China threat is big in the USA.
“2. Nights with little or no wind destroy the continuity of adequate input of wind and solar power.”
Rafe this item also makes a mockery of pumped hydro. All of that cheap energy produced in the middle of the night when consumption is at its lowest, in theory available to pump water up hill still wont work when the wind don’t blow.
From the The Geraldton Express, Mon 17 Feb 1913, Page 3.
Re. above,
Should read
‘Between the 15th and 19th of the same month the temperature ranged from 96 to 104, and from the 23rd to the 30th between 92 and 110.‘
Good News everybody???
The Tasmanian Liberal government faces a reckoning over the ‘AFL stadium’.
Hidden in the details of all this hyperbolic reporting is also the rejection of the Marinus Link – designed to export a massive amount of Tassie’s 100% renewable Hydro Power to Victoria for redistribution to electricity users in Vic, SA and NSW to cover the energy shortfall created by those state governments.
As we all saw in 2014 Tassie is not ‘the battery for Nation’ when the Dams are drained for a quick buck…
Video: Dr Suneel Dhand discusses the lifting of the pandemic emergency in the United States.
Sadly, there is no sign that the last vestiges of the pandemic laws will ever be lifted in Australia.
The WHO issued a global alert about SARS-CoV disease in March 2003.
It appears that researchers involved in biowarfare defence subsequently realised that the SARS-CoV nucleocapsid was an ideal biowarfare agent, that some party would inevitably release such an agent, and that a special class of vaccine would be needed as a primary defence.
The preferred defence was an mRNA or related viral vector “vaccine”.
An obstacle to the use of that technology was that the testing and approval regime required could take up to a decade to develop each product.
The solution was emergency use authorisation.
Another obstacle was that conventional treatments had been identified for SARS-CoV which might be more effective than the first available vaccines.
A further obstacle- and probably the most serious- was that researchers had found in 2009 and confirmed in 2012 that all vaccines using elements of the nucleocapsid tended to induce a TH2 autoimmune response.
Why do you think spike-releasing “vaccines” were fielded in response to the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, knowing that this was likely to induce damaging progressive hypersensitivity reactions in those vaccinated?
I doubt that we will forget how this happened. The continuing excess death rates and vaccine/virus related syndromes will persist as a reminder.
Oh dear!
“When the Narrative Collapses live on air. QandA, Mark Butler, Anthony Dillon, George Hamilton”
(Posted Thursday thread in error – better Friday reading here IMO)
One word describes that discussion – GOLD.
There is nothing better than seeing a wokeful ABC reporter getting a dose of reality. Anthony Dillon to never get another ABC interview. Maybe Sky Australia will have him on.
“Looks Like Hershey’s Has Gone Woke…”
And run into a new competitor
In comments
“Hershey’s is to chocolate like Bud Lite is to beer”
‘Brits are dying in their tens of thousands – and we don’t really have any idea why’
Tens of thousands more Brits were dying than expected and experts aren’t quite sure why that is.
From May to December last year, there were 32,441 excess deaths in England and Wales, excluding deaths from Covid.
Excess deaths are defined as the number of people who died above the five-year average – worked out excluding 2020 due to how Covid spiked death figures that year.
This means that over 32,000 Brits would’ve been expected to be alive, but died according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures across this period.
These shocking figures raised a number of important questions about what is happening to the country’s populations, how it’s changing, and why so many more people are dying.
Hmmm…it could be due to pineapple chunks…
Only 3 more years to go then the new five year average will simply be “average”
They know, only don’t talk about, endengers the narrative.
This is reported with data and some discussion by Dr John Campbell, now released by YouTube from a week in solitary.
Geoff S
Wendy’s Debuts Google-Powered Chatbot For Drive-Thru
Wendy’s is reportedly developing an artificial intelligence chatbot powered by Google’s natural-language software designed to automate drive-thrus.
The Wall Street Journal spoke with Wendy’s Chief Executive Todd Penegor, who said the fast-food chain’s chatbot would be rolled out in June at a company-owned restaurant in Columbus, Ohio.
The Wendy’s drive-thru chatbot “will be very conversational,” Penegor explained. He said, “You won’t know you’re talking to anybody but an employee.”
But how will fresh-outa-school kids learn how to make food badly if they’re all replaced by tech?
In part 2, we look at training robots to produce products that don’t look anything like the pictures.
Hint: watch and copy the humans. 😄😄😄
“Zelensky doesn’t look real flash – on something?”
Might be on the “Bennies” as issued to certain groups during world war 2. so they could remain operational without sleep for a prolonged period of time.
I suppose that it would be better than the “Bromide” issued so you couldn’t remain operational for a short period of time!
“Elon Musk Hires Ultra Woke Linda Yaccarino as CEO of Twitter – Former Head of NBCUniversal Advertising – WEF Board Member – Pioneer of DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) Wokeism
May 11, 2023 | Sundance | 250 Comments”
Sounds like “Osh it”
I was thinking about how to explain the fact that CO2 is essential.
– – – – – –
We did not invent CO2. It is perfectly natural, the oxide of carbon. Elements 6 and 8. Only 2% is in the air. Most is in the water.
In fact carbon dixoide and sunshine invented us. Starting in the water. And all life on earth.
Long ago CO2 combined with water and sunlight to produce hydrated carbon dioxide. Or as we know it, carbohydrate. Solar power.
From this all life is actually made. Cells, viruses, amoebae, skin, insects, plants, trees and humans
And burning carbohydrates or sugars powers our every cell, our thinking, our muscles. And in releasing the solar energy reverts to CO2 and H2O. The cycle of life.
Sugar levels are critical.
– – – – –
And when ultimately we die, we dry out and become combustible like all dead trees or plants. Like all other hydrocarbons. And old leaves as in coal or oil or gas. It is the cycle of life. Rocks don’t live. The sky isn’t alive nor the oceans. The only life on earth is made from CO2.
Now only 2% of CO2 is in the thin air which can boil or freeze in a single day in the desert.
The rest, 98%, is dissolved in the huge oceans which never changes temperature, a gigantic heat battery covering most of the planet. Oceans and the varying sun control our weather and they maintain our CO2 levels. This gigantic system is far bigger than the life on the earth surface which it created.
And obviously when the ocean surface gets hot, CO2 and H2O gases come out. And when it gets cold, highly soluble CO2 goes in. Exactly like H2O, evaporation and rain. These are the cycles of CO2 and H2O. Both gases in the air. And both liquids in the ocean. And at the right temperature, solids. But that is rare.
Then some genius decided we humans actually control CO2 and that CO2 was terrible pollution. You know, the stuff you breathe out like every other living thing on the planet is pollution.
So we are all polluters. 8 Billion of us, counting just the humans. The insects, birds, fish and bacteria as well. Hippos, elephants, wilderbeest, giraffes, cows, goats, reptiles, algae. We didn’t invent any of them.
So CO2 must be banned. For our own good. We must go back into the caves.
– – – – –
It is hard to explain how utterly absurd this is. And how it preys on mass ignorance. Underneath the cycle of life in the Lion King, CO2 is the real core of the cycle. Without it there is zero life on earth. CO2 is a very odd thing to be classed as a pollutant.
But some decided that in 1750 everything was just perfect and we just had to invent the steam engine and drag the world out of poverty. And now slightly increased CO2 is boiling the air, steaming the oceans and drowning the cities. Except it’s not true. The real question, the only question is why would anyone make this up this fantasy? And shout down anyone who questions it.
And to show how deceitful this all is. If CO2 is the problem, why does no one measure it? Why measure ’emissions’.
So look at this picture of CO2 over the last few decades and see if you can spot the effect of 340,000 windmills on CO2 or the total lockdown of the planet in 2020, cars, cities, ships, planes, factories, shops.
And if you cannot see any effect, why is it continuing? Why introduce electric cars when stopping all traffic world wide did nothing.
And if they did not cheat and included the zero value on the graph, you would be shocked to see how straight this line is and how flat.
I just cannot find an honest graph on the internet which starts at 0 and not 300ppm. With this technique, any graph can be made to look like a rocket ship because you can stretch the graph vertically. Emissions have been growing exponentially, but CO2 is a straight line.
Here’s a chap with an explanation to “lay low the enemies of … liberty” who undermine the West.
”The trouble with you, Monckton, is that you take impossible positions on everything, and you’re always right.”
Absolute madness… A system where they take sea water, make an acid from it, add that to more sea water and harvest CO2 from it, thereby removing all the CO2 from the oceans and ‘after many decades’, from the air.. Please give us a few billion for further research..
Its a good thing the oceans don’t need the Co2 in them, or that nothing grows in the ocean using that CO2.
A not good thing that the nothing uses the CO2 to sequester oceanic carbon, saturate oxygen in ocean surface waters and prevent the absorption of atmospheric oxygen by the oceans.
“generates a stream of pure CO2 that can be sequestered .. to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.”
But the ONLY alleged problem is the extra 50% CO2 in the atmosphere, from 280ppm to 420ppm.
Who cares how much CO2 gas is in the ocean? In fact some plans are to sequester excess CO2 in the ocean.
All this based on the idea that gaseous equilibrium between ocean and atmosphere does not exist. Even the IPCC do not allege such a crazy concept. To justify their claims of man made CO2 in the atmosphere they state categorically the half life for the CO2 exchange is is 80 years when every paper on the subject says 5 years, backed by hard evidence..
However there are those who also claim that extra CO2 in the air means more CO2 in the ocean called ‘ocean acidification’. Given the fact that the ocean already has 98% of the CO2 absorbed, this is another unintelligible claim. And no ocean is acid or ever likely to be acid, so it is word play.
And you cannot have it both ways. Either CO2 is insoluble or it isn’t. If CO2 is soluble, the extra CO2 vanishes into the ocean. No problem. If CO2 isn’t soluble, it builds up in the air not the ocean. The ideas of excess atmospheric build up and excess absorption as simultaneous problems is a total contradiction.
I do not know who comes up with these crazy ideas. Certainly not a real scientist.
Lord Monkton’s latest.
“The three equations together are devastating. There is no global warming problem; even if there were, our current method of addressing it will make no difference; and even if the whole world attained net zero by 2050, global temperature would barely change.”
3 Damning Equations to Defeat Global Warming Zealots
In the US a 12 year old boy wore a t-shirt to school saying:
“There are only two genders.”
He got in trouble from the school and was sent home.
JP Sears discusses;
I agree that there are only two genders/sexes, whatever you want to call them. Note that the Left try to distinguish between “sex” and “gender” but they are the same. They have altered the language to suit their gender agenda.
An extremely rare event. Right now, Flinders Island is running on 100% wind.
Meanwhile, King Island continues to run on 100% diesel.
Paul Homewood: The wind and solar power myth has finally been exposed
“The present policies of just forcing wind and solar into the market and hoping for a miracle have been memorably and correctly likened to “jumping out of an aeroplane without a parachute and hoping that the parachute will be invented, delivered and strapped on in mid air in time to save you before you hit the ground.”
In the WSJ
Officials Neglect Covid Vaccines’ Side Effects
Danice Hertz and Brianne Dressen suffered severe neurological symptoms after receiving shots.
By Allysia Finley May 12, 2023
My apologies, I’m late to the ‘The Censorship Industrial Complex’ story, but one critical group was missing (unless I missed it). AI, AI swings 100% left for a reason. Lets face it, it doesn’t matter how many times you rearrange wires, they can’t think for themselves. All AI systems are developed on cues, more complex algorithms and the “available” data bank. But what if 80 million conservative comments are censored, like the twitter files exposed in the lead up to the 2020 US election. What if you program ‘disinformation’ or ‘misinformation’ classifications into your AI algorithms. Ask any AI system who should I vote for Biden or Trump. It is always 100% for Biden, even though Trump is ahead in a majority of the polls. In fact, I think the downfall of AI will be because it is too biased to the left. I would love to see an AI response that wasn’t woke, this may change my position. Can anyone imagine AI saying the Voice is dangerous because it is embedding racism into a Constitution? Didn’t think so.
Nothing Intelligent about AI.
Have the BBC finally admitted the Sun affects climates on earth? Some might say what have they been drinking?
A new level in telehealth
“You Cannot Criticize Twitter’s New CEO”
Osh it indeed
Melbourne is much colder than in a lifetime, summer and winter but especially summer. My observation of the freezing conditions in America and Europe is that the Northern Hemisphere is cooling too. I think the BOM/WMO are doing a great job of hiding this from the public. Global Warming is a joke. Yes, a 40.0C was recorded in the UK at one location for a short period. So what?
The problem is to implement mad schemes such as 15 minute cities, the Tri State City and the shutting down of all of Australia by 2030 before people start to ask why.
And then we will be told the 340,000 windmills are working. Billions of solar panels are working. Electric cars are working. LED light globes are working. People staying out of the decaying cities is working. Record world consumption of coal is working. Oops.
So even though CO2 growth continues on its straight line trajectory it’s not CO2 which causes warming. It’s emissions. And Western democracies by shutting down their economies, their quality of life are pulling the temperatures down.
Who needs logic when you have every political party, the UN, EU, Davos, WEF and all the worlds politicians agreeing that it is a desirable thing to do. Everyone in 15 minutes cities while the ruling class fly to the Bahamas or Bali or the Costa Lot. Enjoying a bit of warmth on yachts or beaches in the sun. Born to rule.
And I find it amazing that Albanese pass his “Safeguard Mechanism” without public comment.
Where is the list of these ‘biggest polluters’? We only hear about the top 10 or top 12. Coal and gas companies.
But what about V-Line, MMBW (Sewage), TT line (Tasmanian ferry), Orica and chemical manufacturers (fertilizer, explosives,..), all Logistics companies, Qantas,.. All have to reduce CO2 by 45% in 7 years. How does an airline do that?
So where are the electric aircraft, electric trains, electric trucks, electric ships, electric tractors, electric harvesters, electric excavators and where will we get Green Steel, Green Concrete, Green Glass, Green fertilizer, Green explosives, Green chemicals (like paint), Green metals? And where do we get the electricity? Import it?
Australia has made it compulsory to be shut down completely by 2030. Except teachers, shop assistants, unionists, health workers, importers. Too bad about miners, farmers, factory workers, manufacturers.
And instead of taxing these people into extinction, we will force them to buy worthless carbon certificates from the UN and the bankers.
We will teach those big polluters a lesson?
Meanwhile our new environment Minister Tany Plibersek spends her days on the out refusing or shutting down coal mines. Coal, oil, gas all to go. Uranium too, if possible. We can import nuclear submarines with fully charged batteries?
And the press says nothing, absolutely nothing.
The sheer self destructive idiocy of this Law is beyond my comprehension. And no one knows about it. It makes the Liberal’s Renewable Energy(Electricity) 2001 look sensible, illegally stealing by fiat from our power bills to give cash to windmill owners.
Now we have an official shutdown of all of Australia. Why? Cui Bono?
‘Australia has made it compulsory to be shut down completely by 2030.’
Fortunately the South African experience will show up first and then all the brain dead politicians will be thrown out. South Africa is building two coal fired power stations. albeit too late, the running blackouts are a disaster.
One up for meat eating –
“Now that’s a reversal!
It seems Bear Grylls, well-known outdoorsman and adventurer, has had a change of heart – and diet.
Bear Grylls has said he is “embarrassed” by his past support of veganism, and regrets writing a green cookbook in which he criticised meat eaters.”
More at
“I thought I’d heard it all, but…
Courtesy of a heads-up from an anonymous reader, we learn that not all butt-plugs are what they seem to be. Twitter user Dread Pirate Bradius informs us:”
More at
“The financialization of “big crime” ”
I must say that I have my doubts about the ethics of non-free-range beef, and doubts about the capability of feeding 8 billion people with free-range beef.
What about lab cheese?
What is the connection between beef and cheese?
One doesn’t milk beef cattle and dairy herds provide little into the beef market.
Hey TdeF, I dont know if these are the sort of CO2 graphs you are looking for, but they are from way back in my graph collection. The last is a bit different, but interesting
To me it looks like all those “eco” norms (pretending to being about ecology) being constantly updated is what manufacturers of patented products want. The social contract about patents was to allow the inventor-owner to have monopoly for 20 years, and then the technology becomes public. What was done to eliminate the latter, and force to buy patented product forever? New government norms and regulations being regularly issued, that prevent post-patent product to be used.
So patented car makers, patented household item makers etc. – they want government to regularly ban huge numbers of older technologies. If governments don’t do that – then patented product makers are going to be partially replaced by generic product makers. We would be able to buy cheap post-patent generic cars. But its artificially begin made in order for patented car makers to monopolize markets, under pretext of ecology.
Traditionally drug legislation (unlike car legislation) allowed for generics to exists – in accordance with social contract about patents. But lately, with Covid, they managed to practically delegalize generics like HCQ+Zinc or Hydroxyurea via multiple bureaucratic means (threats to doctors from medical boards etc.).