A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Brickworks Closes West Australia Branch, Cites Energy Costs and Planning Delays
Essay by Eric Worrall
The green zealots who run West Australia appear to have claimed another energy intensive industry scalp, with the complete pullout of a branch of Australia’s largest brick manufacturer.
Brickworks mothballs last WA plant, says State ‘doesn’t want industry’
Manufacturing just gets in the way of digging and drilling holes to extract raw materials for China.
Apparently a big controversy has erupted online about whether all colours of Skittles (confectionery) taste the same or not.
Don’t know about Skittles, but I don’t mind peanut M&Ms… and some German brand of chocolate with something resembling cornflakes in it. Thankfully, I usually resist the temptation of these dastardly things, and allow myself a treat only very occasionally.
Dr John Campbell video.
Hh talks about studies that show that higher doses of Vitamin D may reduce prostrate cancer mortality.
It has been known for years [even I knew it] that Vit D is an anti-cancer agent.
I guess they have to show each one separately, a general OK is not good enough.
…bloody spell checker again, no doubt – prostate cancer.
Check this propaganda video about Liddell from the Climate CLOWNcil from five years ago.
This is what influences politicians, senior public serpents and the ignorant voters at large.
(44 sec)
What a load of BS. Slick, glib and a load of rubbish.
Interesting that the current NSW spot price (5:30 AEST) is above $300 per MWhr and forecast to dead upwards.
Similar in other states.
Early reaction to Liddell closing?
“We MUST question why governments across the world are fighting tooth and nail to eliminate fossil fuels and our way of life as we know it. Why are we following the World Economic Forum’s 2030 agenda to save a Planet that does not need saving? Why are we allowing our elected officials to spend endless funds on an imaginary cause? Everything has a cycle, including the weather. So while the climate may be changing, there is absolutely nothing humans can do to alter the course of nature, and those stating otherwise are lying through their teeth.”
Good old King Canute from Denmark knew this 1,000 years ago, yet today’s so-called ‘wise men’ are a bunch of hexspurts.
I take it as a compliment being called an infidel and a denier. Tally-ho!
Dr Suneel Stand talks about how the media narrative is controlled, with an example about tinnitus and covid “vaccines”.
(6 mins)
Don’t know if this is just in the US, buts vids expressing the slightest hint of counter narrative on Y Tube
have big headers saying “COVID-19 vaccine … get the latest from the CDC”
So the man’s point is being made for him by YouTube.
We are in bizzaro pretend world now.
The oceans are boiling.
Child genital mutilation is “affirming care”.*
*(Buried down in the copy, age restriction to over 18 was ‘considered’ but dropped.)
And Global Warming produces more snow when it’s not causing drought induced floods.
We are in imminent danger from the intensification of the anthropogenic mass formation feedback loop as result of media/government forcing.
Carbon credit offset scam.
Well, I’m shocked! …Not.
Only $2M….. amateurs !
Much more than that is on offer !
So very well said.
Dates to understand for critical events to occur or for deadlines:
2028 😉
Has the time already passed for people to take back their rights and freedoms? Not yet.
Is the damage already done via Fakevax ™? Yes.
The great unwashed don’t want to wake up because they’re brainwashed by msm propaganda and are in denial of any counter arguments, until powerful events reshape their thinking.
The critical mass of awareness has yet to be achieved for any takeback to happen.
I’d imagine there will be a great awakening, and a great wailing and gnashing of teeth when they realise how stupid they’ve been for so many years and how that stupidity has cost them dearly.
My fav WC …
“Mr. Churchill, you are drunk!”
“Yes Madam, and you are ugly. However, in the morning I will be sober.”
Dr. Mike Yeadon: Without Question, C19 Injections CAUSE the Majority of the Injuries Experienced and Occasionally Reported
“Where there is causation, there will be correlation”. So what these enormous numbers of reports of injuries and deaths post c19 injections demand is done, by way of follow up, is to explore how strong is the evidence of causation.
There are widely accepted methods for conducting such an analysis, in the form of the Bradford Hill criteria. These are accepted by WHO as well as by the medicines regulators.
If just five of the ten Bradford Hill criteria are met, causality is accepted. Here’s the kicker. ALL TEN (10) of the Bradford Hill causality criteria are met for the c19 injections in relation to the adverse effects reports. It’s DEFINITELY causation.
Without question, these injections CAUSE the majority of the injuries experienced and occasionally reported. It’s acknowledged in peer-reviewed journal articles that only a small minority, between 1-10%, of adverse events experienced after taking a prescribed medication are reported. This is for a variety of reasons.
Age of mortality went from 79 to 76 in the US from this one single campaign. Most audacious plot in human history. Because it’s not as though it’s been 100% successful so far. And it seems we are too gutless to retaliate. It’s not hard to track whose culpable. What is ASIO even for?
You have to retaliate against terrorism or they keep coming. Now they are after our bees. These people are still at large and not about to cease and desist.
I was replying to warn of how the vacuum of Civic order can be filled by parties taking the law into their own hands. I attempted to search for the Westphalian Tribunes as an example. To my surprise that search term does not seem to produce any direct references now.
The only search I found was a book written in 1837
So this form of tyranny did exist in the vacuum of civil order.
Maybe the Elite have horrible recollections of this kind of breakdown of the Justice system and are concerned by knowledge of what happened in the past.
It’s better to risk a probably inevitable breakdown then let Bourla Banchel Bill and Brad walk. We have to get serious about what they did and take them clean out. To restore dignity to our children.
Saturday entertainment: volcanoes
Better add: yes, I know. 😎
Saturday ejukayshun: what’s faster? A bullet or breaking glass?
Saturday WTF: jet powered scooter
Sweet! 😁
Senator Hawley Calls For ‘Full-Scale’ FBI Investigation Into 85,000 Migrant Kids Missing Under Biden
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) called on FBI Director Chris Wray to launch a full-scale investigation into some 85,000 migrant children who have been released into the U.S. under President Joe Biden that the administration has lost all contact with.
The letter from Hawley comes after former Health and Human Services (HHS) official-turned-whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas on Wednesday accused the U.S. government in a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing of becoming a “middleman” in a multi-billion dollar migrant trafficking operation at the southern border.
“According to statistics kept by Customs and Border Protection, some 345,000 children have come across the border unaccompanied since early 2021,” Hawley’s letter began. “I am sure you have seen recent reports in the New York Times that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has lost touch with as many as 85,000 migrant children. Thousands of these children are now the prey of child labor criminals.”
I guess it takes a while for the old pedo to sniff ’em all before releasing them.😆
Maybe Tucker will do an expose after his contract with Fox ends..
FBI investigation? LOL..
No such investigation will happen, at least not one actually designed to provide a truthful answer. Even if the GOP managed to set it up, the MSM would not report it truthfully and no recommended actions resulting would be enacted.
No, I’m afraid we ordinary citizens long ago lost any power we might have had. Democracy is now an illusion and the Left is pretty much in total control.
“Thousands of these children are now the prey of child labor criminals.”
I think it might be much worse than that, all the pedos must think their Christmases have come at once.
Anomalous marine heatwave in the Atlantic.,29.30,1060/loc=-14.095,23.993
YUGE south swell arriving at Teahupo’o, Tahiti tonight thanks to the ‘NZ Swell’ generated by a deep low east of us which caused snow in the South Island last weekend: happens every winter – this year it’s started early. Hoot for Huey! 🤙
There is an atmospheric river heading your way.
FDA approves 1st pill made from human poop
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first pill manufactured from donated human poop, the agency announced Wednesday (April 26). It’s the second human poop-derived treatment ever approved; the first was an enema-based treatment cleared for use in December 2022.
Previously, such “fecal microbiota transplants” were considered investigational treatments and were therefore harder for patients to access and often not covered by insurance.
Like the approved enema treatment, the newly approved pill, called Vowst, also contains live bacteria and has been approved for use in people ages 18 and older as a preventive treatment for recurrent infections with the bacterium Clostridioides difficile . Called C. diff for short, this infection is often acquired in health care settings after patients have taken antibiotics for a different infection.
Given the damage Fakevax ™ does to the gut microbiome, it was inevitable.
Sometimes a person’s microbiome becomes unbalanced with bad bacteria dominating over good ones. It sounds bizarre but replacing a “bad” unbalanced gut microbiome with a “good” one from a donor can be extremely beneficial for some people.
The science of gut flora is underdeveloped and naive, in my opinion. Whilst the basic premise is sound and we’re learning more and more each day, the pseudo-pharma ‘supplements’ industry has hijacked the arena pretty successfully, na dburied the real science under a tidal wave of profit-seeking.
I have personal experience here. My wife has long suffered digestive problems, stemming to some degree from being of Irish descent and thus infected with helicobacter pylori. As part of her treatment for this, she started taking probiotics and I followed suit, thinking it would be beneficial for me, too. Wrong! I subsequently suffered years of problems myself. My theory is that probiotics are a thinly-understood area and the vague, broad-spectrum approach to supplementation might actually make things worse. I therefore recommend plenty of research, professional support and perhaps most importantly (if it’s an option for you) taking a ‘wait and see’ approach.
Hi Steve,
I didn’t have “probiotic” supplements in mind but actual “faecal transplants” which isn’t a glamorous topic, but an important area of research and treatment.
Saturday funny: one for GI
Big fire in a Perth auctions car yard. Firefighters took three hours to “get on top of it”. No cause found yet. Bet we know!
JCII Volcanos
You know that this was photoshopped and very badly at thit.
Here is an example from my own pen of an image manipulation that was done meticulously from 5 separate photographs in 2008 or so.
Geoff S
Just checked the NEM-watch website. Time: 1840 EST
Coal 62%, Gas 17%, Hydro 18%, Wind 3%.
And they want to get rid of coal.
3% wind and no night time solar, LoL?
Serious question: How many people do you think believe solar panels work at night?
(To the pedants, yes, they will produce a miniscule amount of power from moonlight but nothing usable. A full moon delivers around 0.0006 watts per square meter.)
This pedant suggests “minuscule”.
One of my hobbies, philately, demanded a pedantic approach to detail.
(Too old for it now, starting to sell my stamps, if anyone here is an advanced philatelist.)
Geoff S
Hmm… the Yanks are still pirates!
“When on Thursday the US Navy announced that Iranian commandos had seized a Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman, conveniently absent from the narrative was the fact that just days prior the United States seized a ship laden with Iranian crude, identified as the Suez Rajan which was destined for China.
“US authorities ordered a tanker of Iranian crude oil to redirect towards the US in recent days, in a move officials believe was the trigger for Iran’s decision to capture a US-bound tanker on Thursday,” the FT reports. “Three people briefed on the situation said the US had intervened to summon a ship loaded with Iranian crude, originally destined for China, as Washington looks to step up enforcement of sanctions on Tehran.”
While the Advantage Sweet incident grabbed international headlines, Washington’s action against the Suez Rajan (a Greek tanker carrying Iranian product) was not widely publicized or even known about.”
US management since the coup has been so appalling, that they will be squeezed out around the world. They will be chased out of the Middle East, the Black and Baltic seas. Even Western Europe if the current behaviour continues.
Conditions for La Niña are being created in the atmosphere. We will now see an increase in SOI.
The easterly wind over the equatorial Pacific is intensifying.