A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Happy Easter!
To you and family too.
Sunday ejukayshun: bolts, nuts, screws and washers
Interesting article: “Threads & Thread Systems”
That image was almost unreadable.
A higher resolution image is at
The original info for that image is from this company page
Download their printable PDF for the highest quality version.
Some handy guides there, thanks.
I could not stand the TV Sitcom ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’.
This song is presented by two of that Series stars, Don Estelle and Windsor Davies.
At the first appearance, you You think ….. “well yeah, and ……”
And then Don Estelle starts to sing.
Where that voice comes from, I have no idea whatsoever, but this is just beautiful.
‘Whispering Grass’
Geez, Tony, I just loved ‘It ain’t half hot, Mum’ especially as ‘Sargent’ Davis was convinced that ‘Private’ Estelle was his illegitimate son (so far fetched as to be hilarious) but I do agree that Whispering Grass was outstanding, and surprising.
So hard to find comedy like that in this modern age, thank goodness for archived recordings.
I’ll second that PP.
I suppose it says “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”. Were the microphones then so superior to modern ones? The singers were at some distance and the sound was very good; these days they have the mike in their mouth but then again the old performers used words we understand, the new ones just shout rubbish.
I assume they’re miming so they don’t necessarily bother being close to the mic.
It looked like he was miming in the Whispering Grass YouTube clip.
But maybe the mics back then detected voice over a longer distance. A lot of mics these days are designed to filter out extra noise and feedback and supposedly only detect voice from right up close.
A bit like Harry Secombe from the Goon Show .. serious pipes
A couple of interesting articles in The Spectator.
In this article – It’s springtime for Rishi – the author states:
Key to this plan [to secure a fifth term in power] are the five priorities Sunak set out at the start of the year – to halve inflation, reduce debt, grow the economy, cut waiting lists and stop the boats. They were picked in large part because they are thought to be achievable.
And then there is this article – The Spectator’s Notes – in which the author states:
All sales of traditional house coal are illegal from 1 May. On Wednesday this week a kind friend who no longer has any use for the stuff delivered her coal to me in sacks. As I write, I am vividly reminded of the need for it. In our house, we depend for central heating, hot water and cooking on LPG. Calor Gas, our supplier, has an agreement with us to refill whenever our tank sinks to 15 per cent, but frequently fails. We therefore suffer, like a power grid dependent on wind power, from ‘intermittency’. As I write, we have been gasless for three days. Besides, the prices are now so colossal, amounting to a five-figure sum per annum, that even if the gas is available, we shall probably have to keep the home fire burning in a single room, falling back for as long as we can on poor old deposed King Coal.
Sunday funday: wife’s diary
Who is surprised?
Wife’s Diary:
Tonight, | thought my husband was acting weird. We had made plans
to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner. | was shopping with my
friends all day long, so | thought he was upset at the fact that | was a
bit late, but he made no comment on it.
Conversation wasn’t flowing, so | suggested that we go somewhere
quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but he didn’t say much.
| asked him what was wrong; He said, “nothing.”
| asked him if it was my fault that he was upset.
He said he wasn’t upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to
worry about it.
On the way home, | told him that | loved him.
He smiled slightly, and kept driving. | can’t explain his behavior. |
don’t know why he didn’t say, ‘I love you, too.’
When we got home, | felt as if | had lost him completely, as if he
wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there quietly, and
watched TV. He continued to seem distant and absent.
Finally, with silence all around us, | decided to go to bed. About 15
minutes later, he came to bed but | still felt that he was distracted,
and his thoughts were somewhere else. We had sex, he fell asleep; |
cried. | don’t know what to do. I’m almost sure that his thoughts are
with someone else. My life is a disaster.
Husband’s Diary:
A two-foot putt.. Who the hell misses a two-foot putt?
The punch line is worth the read.
Excellent punch line
We have such abundant sun in the UK, even in winter and even at night that it seems sensible to install solar power and ditch all that nasty fossil fuel based heating. What could possibly go wrong?
I’m sure it will be fine.
If not, you have castles, they might become useful again.
WHAT? A five figure sum per annum for heating with gas. Where do you live ? Buckingham Palace.
Wow! Thanks for the ‘click to edit’ feature for comments, Jo.
We non-leftists have no power, no rights and no one to speak for us, so we have to be especially careful when expressing opinions. I have a laptop folder brimming full of comments I have written but have marked as ‘not sent’, figuring that they would attract the wrong sort of attention.
ANOTHER CONSPIRACY THEORY COMES TRUE: Australia pilots CBDC Combined with Carbon Credit Trading
What the mainstream media do now is simply ignore the story once they’ve been proved wrong.
The Australian and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) have partnered with Grollo Carbon Ventures (GCV) to allow the trade of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs). The project was one of 14 piloted by the Reserve Bank of Australia to investigate potential uses of a central bank digital currency (CBDC).
In the project, ANZ and GCV focused on the tokenization of nature-based and real-world assets, and they started with ACCUs. They tokenized already existing ACCUs and issued a stablecoin, A$DC, which allowed the GCV to buy tokenized ACCUs with real-time settlement through ANZ’s smart contracts.
They conducted the transaction on a public and permissionless blockchain using a pilot CBDC to back the issuance of the dollar-backed stablecoin. “When applied to carbon markets, tokenization has the potential to improve efficiency and transparency, reduce risk and preserve the unique characteristics of underlying projects to incentivize investment in climate solutions,” said Nigel Dobson, ANZ’s banking services head.
Meanwhile, ANZ is partnering with two universities to run a trial of offline CBDC payments. In another pilot project, it is testing the effectiveness and efficiency of employers in using CBDC as an alternative to traditional payment methods.
This comes after a series of worrying developments involving both CBDC’s and Carbon Tracking.
A major bank in Australia has already introduced a feature that links purchases to a customer’s carbon footprint and warns them when they are going over the prescribed limits.
Australia’s Commonwealth Bank (CBA) has partnered with Cogo, a “carbon management solutions” company, to launch the new feature, which is part of CBA’s online banking platform.
The bank gives the customer the option to “pay a fee” to offset their carbon footprint, with the average listed as 1,280 kilograms, a long way from the ‘sustainable’ figure of 200 kilograms.
It’s the 10th tomorrow. 😉
Wasn’t the Grollo family allegedly associated with organised crime in Victoria…? I seem to recall some shenanigans in the late 80s early 90s. Not to be confused with the other Italian crook (alleged), Mick Gatto…
Also interesting to note that Grollo Carbon Ventures does not have a presence on the web, at least not an obvious one. It’s almost like it was created especially for the purpose of working with the ANZ… who’d have thunk it…?
The Grollos have to deal with the CFMEU on a regular basis to get construction jobs done. It’s perhaps like living in a house where everyone else smokes bongs in the lounge room. It gets into your clothes and hair without you even smoking it.
I have shares in the four banks. ANZ is the worst performer followed by Westpac. Both are very woke. This association will be a good test case of where carbon trading goes. It might flourish for a while then go belly up following the usual curve of such “brilliant” ideas. I have long believed that experts seldom know more than you do and that includes CEOs of corporations. The scheme is meant to make a few people very rich and the rest of us very poor.
I went to my NAB the other day and saw Leftist activists had scrawled on the footpath outside something about a coal mine.
Apparently NAB was funding it and the Left opposes the use of energy so they had a campaign to scrawl some message outside all of NAB’s branches.
I was very pleased with the NAB, especially as I thought all Australian banks had illegally colluded not to fund coal mines or proper power stations.
Apologies if this has already been posted. Doesn’t exactly praise Australia.
20 minute video.
Thanks for posting.
Australia certainly rightfully lost its reputation as a free country during covid, both among the thinking community here, and overseas.
The police lost a great deal of respect as well. Those scenes were of uniformed thugs who appeared to be enjoying their “work”. I often wondered how concentration camp guards could become so inhuman but we have just witnessed how easy it is. We live in dangerous times when the police are not keeping the people safe but keeping some politicians safe. What was worse was how complicit was the legacy media. Rebel News and Avi Yemini were the only media bringing the general population the facts.
I agree Lawrie.
The disgraceful behaviour of Australia’s police, in particular VicPol during the covid lockups answered a question for me that I had struggled with my entire life.
How could people from a supposedly advanced civilised society like Germany commit atrocities as they did?
If it can happen in Australia, where we don’t even have a martial tradition (as in glorification of war or race) then it can happen anywhere.
That’s why we have to be so vigilant about National Socialism and International Socialism, but sadly they are beung returned by the Left as we speak.
an unbelievable must watch
“Bombshell vaccine safety surveillance data out of Western Australia shows it was reactions from the Covid vaccine that were overwhelming local hospitals. Data shows Australia’s zero-Covid plan was for nothing, as cases have spiked”
thankyou for posting this up
Thanks Grogery,
I’ve sent this on to a few of OUR Federal Politicians.
Asking for their comments.
I doubt I’ll get any SENSIBLE reply.
I also remember seeing ScoMo say about some people getting
the “placebo” jab.
That ties in nicely with Greg Hunt saying the “trial”.
So, Australia was the guinea pigs.
And that hasn’t worked out real well, has it?
I thought people had to volunteer to participate in a trial.
But I suppose in this woke world that since “participate” and “mandate” have similar endings officials are allowed to use them interchangeably.
Here is the report Grogery.
Beware most of the charts are reporting adverse events to routine vaccinations. The table to look at is appendix 2
Page 33 where the Non-Covid and Covid Vaccinations are compared for 2021.
Table 12 Page 24 appears to have a clear winner for cleaning up the young with Myocarditis and Pericarditis, ‘Spikevax’, yet ATAGI have withdrawn Astra Zeneca’s vaccine.
When you understand the pressure not to report what you are doing to the community and the penalty for having an opinion on the ‘clot shots’, no wonder the hospitals were overwhelmed in 2021.
The UK’s biggest teaching union has voted to have Drag Story Hours across all British schools.
The National Education Union (NEU) conference, overwhelmingly voted to push LGBTQI+ initiatives in schools.
This would facilitate gender ideology being pushed on young children, confusing them with their identity and exposing them to drag queens who are often ‘sexualised’ acts.
Why is it that they never have gay accountants or doctors or mechanics to explain the lifestyle but always drag queens?
The deviancy will end when the shtf. 😉
The Left are obsessed with sex, especially of the deviant kind, and forcing it upon children.
Why not let kids be kids?
It is all about undermining the basic building block of the community, the family. It is true communism. Too many folk see it as an aberration but it is part of the grand plan to make the West a communist state. We know green energy is an expensive scam but the real aim is to undermine our productive capacity and in that it has succeeded. The education system has been dumbed down to the extent it so much easier to tell the young what to think; effectively they have been brainwashed. I look out my window and see the world much as it was 70 years ago. The trees are green, there is a nice cool breeze from the west and the sun is bright in the clear blue sky. Kids see Armageddon. Even our chief scientist is a climate believer and even thinks the BoM can be trusted. No wonder the government gave him the job; he is an idiot.
Not safe for viewing in VicDanistan.
IoT Hack Enables Cybercriminals to Steal Cars
In a new fashion for stealing cars, automotive security experts have discovered that cybercriminals can hack into a vehicle’s control system through the headlight. The control system is managed by the controller area network (CAN) bus, an Internet of Things (IoT) protocol that allows devices and microcontrollers to communicate with each other within the car.
By manipulating the electronic control unit (ECU) in a Toyota RAV4’s headlight, attackers could access the CAN bus and gain control of the car. This approach, as described in a blog post by Canis Automotive Labs CTO Ken Tindell, is a unique way of car hacking that had not been seen before. Once connected through the headlight, the attackers could gain access to the CAN bus, responsible for functions like the parking brakes, headlights, and smart key, and then into the powertrain panel where the engine control is located.
Interesting although most modern cars couldn’t be controlled so easily due to the interaction of other systems like the remote key, comfort access, BCM’s and user authentication.
Low priority systems like headlights typically run via the BCM but connect to CANBUS-L.
Maybe car manufacturers need to look at module authentication now. 😟
For those wondering BCM = Body Control Module
I do like a good TLA (Three Letter Acronym)
Anheuser-Busch affiliate, whose primary sales is Bud Light says NO ONE is buying the product and when this happens he can’t feed his family.
The new strategy is to blacklist/boycott one loony-left woke company at a time, rather than try to boycott them all as there’s too many.
Hit ’em hard in a sales/profitability sense and they’ll wake up fast enough. 😎
Weird times.
How did the profit motive get supplanted by ‘Drag Queens must be FREE!’?*
POTUS has executive ordered schools to not block Trans men from women’s sports … I think.
Here is the double speak fact check from We Hate the USA TODAY.
*Shockingly, I have a theory … It’s Jo’s fault, ’cause it was here I learned about the GEC.
All most all dominant cultural/political news themes are likely products of intelligence apparatus propaganda operations.
Became acute about 2016, coincidently with the Trump phenomenon. Peaking with their Master Work … the Great P.
(It was about this time I had to stop listening to NPR because they started sounding like they had lost their minds.)
The more discombobulating the better.
Provocateur-ism works when the political landscape consist of eccentric isolated political factions unable to create an unified challenge to established authority.
I am smart.
Except I can’t makes things go.
Happy Easter. 🙂
In recognition I offer once again, an important passage from The Prophecies.
I must spend the day gathering my tributes to Rome.
It’s nobody’s fault, not even the Romans.
And the Greeks shall inherit the Earth.
Or is it the Geeks?
Never mind.
Net zero rules saddle high street with ‘disastrous’ £90bn upgrade bill
The high street is facing a £90bn bill for upgrades as net zero rules force businesses to improve more than nine in ten of Britain’s shops.
New energy standards will make 91pc of all retail space including high street stores and shopping centres across UK city centres unlettable by 2030 without urgent and costly action, according to Savills estate agent.
The Government intends to ban commercial properties from being rented out unless they are assessed as having a minimum energy performance rating of C by 2027, and B three years later.
Experts warned that vast swathes of buildings will be unable to meet this requirement without major improvement work. Victorian town and city centre buildings are likely to need expensive insulation to reach the target.
Tom Whittington, commercial research director at Savills, said: “It’s a disaster waiting to happen. There’s not enough money or enough time.”
Savills estimates that it will cost between £55bn and £90bn to upgrade retail stock across Britain, with around £10bn needed in London alone.
That’s the idea after all – destroy capitalism and business so you’ll all be happy locked down in your 15 min cities, watching Dr. Phil while eating your portion of crickets allocated to you.
Seems to be a lefty trait to legislate or set deadlines with absolutely no idea of how they are going to get there.
It’s visible in local “initiatives” and every level of government. If you ask about a basic project plan and costings, you will be condemned as being negative. Wishful thinking provides all apparently.
Is it possible that left leaning politicians, seemingly in the majority, are upsetting more and more people at an ever increasing rate to the extent that the voters will seek a political force other than the old parties? If the brainwashed Germans know that CC and it’s associated “cures” are a crock then how long before there is revolution in Britain and the West?
There is a rumour going the rounds: China’s Yuan Will Likely Displace U.S. Dollar as the Number One Currency: Trump.
China acquired Darwin port 10 years ago and more recently Oz security did a review. Is the port now firmly back in Aussie hands?
The Chinese gentleman only has a 99 year lease and ASIO is keeping an eye on it.
So the deal has gone through? It is strategically important for trade with Asia but also for allied ships trying to patrol the area. What was the thinking behind allowing this?
The lease was signed years ago, before Covid, when our relationship was based on the free enterprise model. Its harmless infrastructure, not a problem.
Yes, we should really think more about how fast it was for China to move from a great trading partner to an enemy of pure evil. Suddenly we are banning their telecom equipment and their electronics, they are about to invade us, they are trying to steal the country, we must be suspicious of them all the time..
Joseph Goebbels never died.
In terms of cross border invoicing, the CNY has a long way to go before it overtakes USD. But the CNY is making inroads and something China is planning.
USA is eroding its position as global currency backstop by confiscating assets. China is filling the void. The BRICS have already started their own trading group, which is weaning off USD. China is also encouraging oil rich Arabian nations to invoice in CNY.
In ’22 US overtook China as India’s major trading partner.
So India is going to trade in yuan?
Not with everyone, no. But now they have a choice depending who they are dealing with. Not unreasonable really.
De-dollarisation has begun.
‘The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) last week approved central banks from 18 countries including Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda to open special Vostro Rupee Accounts (SVRAs) that will allow them to settle payments in Indian rupees as part of a massive move to de-dollarize trade.’
The dollar value of the oil in an ultra large crude carrier is about $150 mil and there are a couple of thousand ULCC, panamax, suezmax carriers working.
When the buyers/sellers of this oil, and that of airliners and fighter aircraft click “transfer” they do not expect the FOREX value of the exchange currency to hickup because a couple of other large traders did the same, at the same time. It doesn’t happen with the USD. Love it or hate it, it is stable in the short term and individual traders can hedge their price easily and economically in the medium term.
Agreed, in the short to medium term the US dollar will remain the Reserve currency.
De-dollarisation has begun.
‘The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) last week approved central banks from 18 countries including Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda to open special Vostro Rupee Accounts (SVRAs) that will allow them to settle payments in Indian rupees as part of a massive move to de-dollarize trade.’ (The East African)
On the basis of the last thread about zinc I am considering reducing my daily supplement dose from 50mg to 25mg zinc equivalent. I have been taking 50mg for several years with no obvious ill effect. Thoughts?
I also noticed that my 50mg supplement says it is 25mg zinc equivalent in the form of amino acid chelate and 25mg in the form of zinc gluconate. Why do you think it is uses two different moities?
That’s interesting David, I said exactly the same thing late in the previous zinc thread: “so maybe I should cut the zinc to 25mg daily”
I think it would be to have a delayed release of the zinc by one of the components.
Gluconic acid is a suger based one, whereas the amino acid chelate would, I assume, be based on an essential amino acid which wouldn’t be chewed up by your metabolism as food.
P.S. I take a 40mg zinc tablet about every second day along with Quercetin.
Good point.
The RDA for adult males is 11mg and the commonly specified Tolerable Upper Limit is 40mg/day. A 50mg/d long term supplement might lead to some degree of toxicity, reduce immune function, and lower HDL cholesterol levels.
OldOzzie says:
April 9, 2023 at 12:45 pm
Winston Smith says:
April 9, 2023 at 12:34 pm
‘Vote ‘No’ and you won’t get a welcome to country again’
If the voice referendum fails, Marcia Langton imagines most non-Indigenous Australians ‘will not be able to look me in the eye’.
The Photo of Marcia Langton on the Front Page of The Australian Magazine should be the Permaent Poster for The “NO” Campaign with
‘Vote ‘No’ and you won’t get a welcome to country again’
In Huge Letters under that Photo!
Ernie Dingo, inventor of the FAKERY that is “Welcome to Country”, will not be amused. ! 😉
Vote ‘Yes’ to keep paying for worn-out welcomes.
Vote YES and you will get the “InVoice” so pay up people.
Vote “yes” if you’re a racist!
Establish a Voice for aboriginal people. Listen to it for three years. Then have a vote on the constitutional amendment on the date three years after the initial meeting of the Voice.
If the Voice has been as concerned with the future of their peoples as they currently seem to be about their traditions, approving the amendment will easily pass.
No don’t! They will be on their best behaviour for three years while they learn how to manipulate the system. Once the constitution is amended they will be full steam ahead to take over before anyone is organised.
If you want to learn how to do it, study how Roger Douglas etc changed NZ in the 1980s, moving so fast that the Left were completely confused and unable to resist.
Are the Australian original peoples as well organized as the Maori in NZ? Various opinions might exist.
Is someone with 10% aboriginal blood any less smart than someone with 10% maori? These are not the original people’s we are talking about, these are very savvy lawyers/propagandists who see a path to riches.
…..and then there’s Bruce Pascoe.
Welcome to Country ceremonies were introduced to Parliament House Canberra by the Gillard Labor Government after they lost the seats gained in 2007 when Rudd Labor formed Government, and PM Gillard was forced into a negotiated alliance to form a minority Labor Government after the Abbott led Opposition almost defeated Labor, which they did at the next 2013 election in a landslide defeat of Rudd back again Labor.
One of the alliance members, Independent MP for Lyne, Rob Oakeshott, asked for the ceremony to be introduced as part of his reward for joining the alliance.
I was told by one native that the welcome to country cost about $800 and the refer to is as laugh at white fellas money!
The Pope said at the Vatican today … GO IN PEACE!
Speaking of settled consensus science …
isn’t the ‘Big Bang’ theory now completely dead, murdered by new Webb T-scope observations?
Turns out Baby Universe looks just like the Grownup Universe.
And they found a couple things that calculate older that the consensus Universe.
Shouldn’t this be bigger news?
Maybe it’s like Hunter’s laptop, misinformation (true information which must be officially dismissed, as opposed to disinformation which may be untrue, or vice versa) must be suppressed to spare the proletariat from losing faith in the Holy Trinity of Government, Science and College.
P.S. the Hubble T-scope found the same thing more than a decade ago but we can’t allow the reputation of the Holy Consensus to be impugned just willy nilly.
People will get ideas they are unqualified to get.
Plus ‘singularity’ was never anything more than the ethereal place were mathematical boundary conditions stopped mathing.
An origin of the Universe topic seems appropriate on an Easter Sunday thread. 🙂
Actually, the Hubble deep empty field long exposure thing was probably at least two decades ago.
At my age, time experience gets uncomfortably compressed.
I just read where the scientist that proposed it was initially ignored before time was reluctantly granted.
‘Shouldn’t this be bigger news?’
Ah yes, the multiverse is too big for the general public. The big bang was the result of two universes colliding.
Real scientists discovered this object way beyond the orbit of Pluto, some 20 years ago and has pursued it’s identification ever since in the interests of real science. The object was recently photographed by the New Horizon spacecraft in an amazing example of real science that put it all together as one of the science achievements of the century.
One can only imagine the impact
of a similar project on the CO2 driven Klimate Change nonsense if examined by real scientists.
Note carefully when PM Albo mentions his constitutional change he says Recognition and Voice but they are separate issues, Recognition has been a discussion since the Howard Government terms 1996 to 2007, insert into the Constitution acknowledgement of the people here before 1788, no strings attached, a simple meaningful historical fact.
Voice is the ATSIC revisited that was abolished by The Howard Government with Latham Labor Opposition support following an expensive failure of that Labor legislated Commission, legislated based on the changes to the Constitution based on the 1967 Referendum. The new version would be ATSIV (Voice) but this time the activists want Labor to insert ATSIV into the Constitution instead of legislating in in Parliament. The reasoning is to stop future governments from abolishing it as ATSIC was abolished. To quote Andrew Bolt: The voice will be written into our Constitution, making it almost impossible to remove. It could fail horribly, like ATSIC, and we cannot sack it”.
But worse, quoting Andrew Bolt again: “Albanese claims this voice can’t hold up our real Parliament but his proposed amendment includes no words to guarantee that. It just says voice may “make representations to Parliament and the executive government on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples.”
“But doesn’t every matter before Parliament affect Aborigines, from tax to education? And doesn’t a constitutional right to give advice imply a constitutional duty of government to consider it?”
“You can bet this will go to the High Court, which will say, yes, the government cannot act before heeding the voice.”
As many will remember the 1960s university student activists had a long list of demands for sovereignty to be returned via Treaty, with fellow Australians. That fellow Australians who cannot or have not claimed Indigenous ancestry, at least in part, and noting that of the 810,000 who did in the last census many or most had non-Indigenous ancestry as well, 3.7 per cent of the population, would then be first class citizens and we the 96 per cent would pay them compensation every year via special taxes on our own land deemed to be Aboriginal land, and other claims.
The Opposition remains open to Recognition in the Constitution but opposes a second voice to Parliament written into our Constitution.
Labor and the activists sales and marketing is obviously crafted to deceive unwary voters, few good and vote for Recognition via a Voice, and moral blackmail such as it’s just good manners to vote yes.
27 May 1967
In a referendum held on 27 May 1967, Australians voted to remove references in the Australian Constitution discriminating against First Australians.
The changes to the Constitution included the repeal of 2 sections, Section 51 (xxvi) and Section 127. This enabled the Australian Parliament to:
make special laws for First Australians
include First Australians in the national census.
Sorry for the three posts tonight but one more, existing Voices to Parliament, consider why they have apparently failed but Albanese Labor ATSIV inserted into the Constitution would if created?
* Prime Minister’s Indigenous Advisory Council.
* More than 30 Aboriginal Land Councils managing around 50 per cent of our country with more under consideration, Native Title Legislation.
* More than 2,700 Aboriginal corporations.
* Council of Peaks, representing 70 top Aboriginal organisations.
* Most importantly, 11 Federal politicians now identify as Aboriginal. That’s nearly 5 per cent of MPs, when Aborigines make up no more than 3.7 per cent of our population.
Andrew Bolt
Add to this that primary responsibility for Aboriginal Affairs is held by State Governments, the former British Empire Colonial Governments until 1901. States to have voices and Departments of Aboriginal Affairs. SA Government is currently legislating for a second State Voice to Parliament. Note legislation not inserting into the State Constitution.
Federal Labor could also legislate for ATSIV as was done for ATSIC.
It is important to spread this information to fellow Australians and try and get the truth out there.
Note that the Voice campaign is already tilted in the Federal Government’s favour, tax deductions for donations to the Yes Campaign, not available to the No Campaign.
…All just following the same rule book as the Maoris did Dennis.. Unless Aussies find more balls than the Kiwis had, this place will end up the same racist Socialist cesspit that place across the ditch has become. Any accommodation of their demands just means more demands, they never stop pushing the agenda.
You will also note that the billions of dollars paid to Maoris has not helped the average one at all,but they have an immensely rich Maori elite now.
And like New Zealand, they’ll start changing government department names to Aboriginal ones. But since the aboriginal languages don’t have any of Western Civilisation’s concepts of organisations or departments or management levels, or scientific or technical terminology, etc., they’ll just invent them.
The “oldest culture” is quite a hollow one if one looks at
1/ A flag that is different from the Australian National Flag. This is a direct knock off from every other race or group on the planet since time immemorial. All other civilizations had Standards and Penants to rally round but not our First Nations
2/ Traditional dot painting. Taught to first nations by a white man in Alice Springs circa 1970.
3/Welcome to country. Ancient tradition invented by a part aboriginal 20 or 30 years ago
4/ Smoking ceremony knocked off from North American indian tribes after Australian natives started going to Nth American First Nations looking for ways to forward their own agenda
5/ The wearing of finely crafted furs to any event that the media is there, and yet there are only reports of “essentially naked” natives from all early explorers, from the southern most tip of Tasmania to the northern most tip of Cape York. Native clothing just doesn’t exist in museum collections
6/ Song, dance and music greatly Anglesised with the addition of stringed instruments rather than clap sticks and didgeridoo
7/ Maintenence of tradional hunting and fishing methods with the use of tinnies and firearms.
The list of what has been appropriated but claimed as “traditional” is quite long.
This video talks about the unknown and possibly harmful consequences of immune system alteration after multiple covid mRNA “vaccinations”, specifically a massive increase in the amount of IgG4 antibodies.
Some suggest this explains the reactivation of latent diseases such as cancers in C-19 vaccination victims. Or the greater susceptibility to covid dusease of multiply covid-vaxxed people.
14 mins
Potential Danger of an almost 4000% IgG4 rise in Covid-19….
The paper referenced is from Dec 2022:
“Class switch toward noninflammatory, spike-specific IgG4 antibodies after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination”
Interestingly, a 2015 Nobel Prize was shared between the discoverers of Ivermectin (what ignorant people call “horse dewormer”) for treatment of River Blindness and other diseases; and the discoverer of artemisinin from sweet wormwood for treatment of malaria, seen as an accessible alternative to Ivermectin in Nanny States like Australia where it is banned for covid treatment.
Is sweet wormwood southernwood (aka old man or lad’s love)? It has a much nicer scent and appearance than wormwood.
Elon Musk calls for cessation of development of AI but request denied.
Switzerland withdraws recommendation for covid vaccines for their spring/summer 2023.
“Fact checkers” (sic) call it fake news but here it is.
Coronavirus: Vaccination
In principle, no COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for spring/summer 2023. People at especially high risk can receive a vaccination following an individual consultation with their doctor.
Is vaccination recommended for spring/summer 2023?
In principle, no COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for spring/summer 2023. Nearly everyone in Switzerland has been vaccinated and/or contracted and recovered from COVID-19. Their immune system has therefore been exposed to the coronavirus. In spring/summer 2023, the virus will likely circulate less. The current virus variants also cause rather mild illness. For autumn 2023, the vaccination recommendation will be evaluated again and adjusted accordingly.
What applies to people at especially high risk?
In principle, it is also not currently recommended for people at especially high risk to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. They can, however, receive a vaccination following an individual consultation with their doctor.
It’s another cold, wet and windy, Antarctic in Melbourne, as predicted. Freezing. The coldest Easter since 1943 according to the BOM. But the BOM says we are experiencing rapid, tipping point, Armageddon level Global Warming caused entirely by a 50% increase in carbon dioxide in 250 years.
On 1 July 2023 the Labor/Green Federal government starts the process of rapid shutting down the 115 ‘Biggest Polluters’ who output the same Carbon Dioxide as every living thing while one country, China, produces more than all other countries combined. They have not even published a list.
So all Power stations, Steel, glass, concrete, rural trains and more are being forced, most having to reduce their entire businesses by 5% a year, every year. And farmers and miners are next. Country rail lines. Trucks? The biggest non government employers in the county who actually do anything (not insurance companies, hospitals, banks, telephones, public servants) but everyone else. All the blue collar workers out of a job as soon as possible. By a Labor government?
Why? To stop 250 years of alleged runaway rapid Global Warming and rapid sea level rise. And we are supposed to believe that? Are they mad? Are we?
And no one has proven that CO2 accumulates in the atmosphere, in contradiction to the 220 year old principle of gaseous exchange equilibrium. On average CO2 goes into the water every 5 years. This has been known for a very long time.
The argument is apparently that CO2 has slowly gone up but that we must have done it and should pay for our sins. But the Chinese Communists party can do whatever they like because they are not Christian. So it seems whatever they want, they get and it’s not for anyone to criticise. Just buy nuclear submarines and missiles for defence against our biggest trading party who are also our biggest customer. A move which is as likely as flying pigs.
But shut down the country, stop all manufacture, stop growing food, stop the trucks and trains and stop defending ourselves. Who is telling us this? Apparently Taiwan is not the next target after all.
“Are they mad? Are we?”
Seems like madness is the way of things nowadays.
Gets rough.
Ya’ just have to pick one.
It’s them.
Acting crazy is celebrated by the Left these days.
(I am not referring to people who are genuinely mentally ill.)
TdeF – last century, ie 1990s, some official idiot warned NZers we’d soon have ‘the climate of Australia’ if we didn’t ‘act now!’. Most of us shouted for joy… finally, some hot sunny weather. Sadly, as expected, the opposite occurred, culminating with this Easter Weekend’s Tasman Sea storm: cold & rainy for you guys with FREEZING SNOW on the tops, while we bask in warm, humid sunshine (with the odd downpour & thunderstorm to add variety).
Meanwhile, the Great Leap Backwards continues at pace… madness. Good luck to one ‘n’ all!
And now Stabcinda has a new job to internationally police unauthorised thoughts on the Internet.
Because government should be your single source of truth as it says (see link). (Sorry, don’t know its pronouns.)
It is the Left’s dream come true, global control of unapproved thoughts.
We all knew her retirement was fake and she was being moved on to bigger and far WORSE things than merely destroying NZ.
Summers on its way just hang in there for a few decades longer.
As reported in News . com and CNN I believe
“Two years of severe, record-breaking heat have taken a toll on the glaciers – 2022 was New Zealand’s hottest year ever, beating a record that was set just a year earlier. But the trend of declining ice is long term. It’s difficult to witness, said Lorrey, who has been on these aerial surveys since 2009.”
I note that “Lorrey” is having some difficulties
This is not news but happened recently. Australia’s Big Pharma funded TGA, (equivalent to the US FDA) has uncharacteristically done something innovative for once and approved microdose MDMA and psilocybin to treat unresponsive depression.
Also, remarkably, Big Pharma is not involved as these drugs are either out of patent or unpatentable.
I say the TGA is uncharacteristically innovative but the therapeutic applications have been know since 1914 for MDMA and who knows how long for psilocybin. They should have approved these drugs many decades ago.
This is the same TGA that recently renewed their ban on Ivermectin for covid prophylaxis or treatment. Go figure!
Michael Mann on Australia’s political culture.
“Meaningful climate policy”
Policy, the first casualty of contact with reality.
Reality is impressed and accordingly subservient to ‘meaning’.
This caught my eye …
‘In fact, the battle lines on climate have retreated so far now that the real fight isn’t over whether climate change is real or human caused, or even whether we should act. It’s now about what form action should take.’
“I departed Australia three years ago, cutting my sabbatical short as Covid-19 spread and lockdowns ensued. I had just lived through Black Summer, a climate change-fueled disaster marked by unprecedented heat, withering drought and destructive and deadly bushfires. Though I had come to Australia to research the impacts of climate change on extreme weather events, it instead became my lived experience.”
Yeah right… too bad he didn’t stay for the pouring rain and the cold springs and summers..
“‘In fact, the battle lines on climate have retreated so far now that the real fight isn’t over whether climate change is real or human caused, or even whether we should act.”
Sounds familiar- like ‘the science is settled’ or ‘RNA vaccines good, Ivermectin bad’.
Here is some data on Israel’s Ashalim concentrating solar plant, which also has solar panels on the same site and natural gas production.
It is even far more expensive than solar panels from the same site. Below, NIS stands for New Israel Shekel.
Since it is a failed idea, Australia will also be getting one as it is recommended by CSIRO.
Cost concerns
The concentrated solar power project in Ashalim was announced in 2008 and awarded in a competitive auction 2012 at NIS0.79 ($0.22) per kilowatt hour for Plot B – that is almost a factor of 9 compared to the PV stations tendered in 2019 at the same spot (see above). Similarly, the project on Plot A at NIS 0.76 per kWh, but including 4.5 hours of molten salt storage, delivers four times more expensive power than the results of tenders for solar plus 4 hours of storage awarded at the beginning of 2021 at NIS0.17/kWh ($0.054) to be delivered by 2023.
1981 & 2005 – Two Interesting Years
Interesting Year 1981
1. Prince Charles got married.
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe .
3. Australia lost the Ashes.
4. The Pope died.
Interesting Year 2005
1. Prince Charles got married.
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe .
3. Australia lost the Ashes.
4. The Pope died.
Lesson to be learned: The next time Charles wants to get married, someone should warn the Pope.
No. The net time that Liverspots are crowned Soccer Champions of Europe, someone should warn the Pope and Charlie Boy.
Lord lawson, founder of GWPF, passes away.
Another informative and accurate article by Vijay Jayaraj from the co2 Coalition.
As nearly everyone on Jo’s blog understands COLD is a killer and warm weather is best for us.
But Vijay provides a quick history of Human thriving during warm periods and much harder times during COLD periods like the LIA.
And obviously the global return to a full glaciation would be a 90 K year disaster.
More Green bullshit exposed.- The whole scam of recycling that was never financially viable in any form except with aluminium.
“REDcycle collapsed with $5m in debts as more plastic stockpiles are found”
Can’t understand the issues with recycled glass either. Many decades ago had a bit to do with AGM and they loved cullet ( broken recycled glass) as it cost less to melt glass than it did to melt the raw materials into glass. Main concern with recycled glass was it contained all colours so was generally used in amber glass products, which coincidentally was the biggest production item in the day ( think stubbies/ beer bottles ) then colour sorting machines where used to recover various streams of colours which gave greater flexibility in final product use.
Local glass recycling stations allow for the person depositing the bottle to put each colour in its own bin.
I used to work for a company recycling PET (e.g. soft drink bottles) tons at a time. Initially they got nice clean X-ray photo sheets (after the silver had been removed), and when these were no longer available switched to supply from recyclers of soft drink bottles. Over the years the quality of supply got worse and worse, with paper or plastic labels, metal caps and unusable polyolefins (which just melted and clagged the reactor so it had to be cleaned out every few months. Eventually this use became uneconomic.
I have no idea where the chipped bottles go now. Certainly not to anyone wanting to use a quality supply.
As for those thin plastic bags that the public think are being recycled, the best use would be to burn them, along with other rubbish as is done in the EU where it is claimed that it does NOT release CO2 (much like wood chips).
Yet again, the resident Leftists are notably mostly absent from this blog over this weekend and the public holidays.
Presumably the only period in which they have any spare time to post here is when they are at “work” in their public “service” jobs.
They are notably “mostly absent” even when they do post ! 😉
Paid to play. Not Leftists, just swamp dwellers protecting a lucrative lurk.
I love it when Jo takes them to task with facts and they do not blink.
Speaking of which, did I blink and miss Tucker Carlson coming forward with more J6 Footage?
Looks like a memory hole after a limited hang out scenario. I hope my fears have not been realized. I am waiting for CCTV footage of the shooting. If the Capitol Police have a banana bullet, the world should know.
Isn’t that what they’re paid to do? Come and annoy us?
It seems that the Mann donkey is very happy that Labor and the Greens are now running his CC agenda in Australia.
These fools really BELIEVE that we’ll now see an improvement in our climate as we close down our remaining coal and gas power stns and replace them with TOXIC UNRELIABLE W & S.
Of course this loony really hates Murdoch and Sky News. Big surprise NOT.
It is Global Warming not Climate Change. Climate Change is not defined. And Global Warming is not true. CO2 is irrelevant.
I agree TdeF and that’s why I used their CC to point to their loony agenda.
And these loonies really BELIEVE this will make an improvement for our Aussie climate?
Just listen to Bandt, Albo, Mann, Bowen etc
Has anyone seen a list of the ‘115 Top Polluters’, which is amazing as the alleged pollution is Carbon Dioxide the output of all living things and not an industrial byproduct? And in rapid exchange with the oceans and equilibrium.
Is this list a secret? It should be political dynamite.
I have seen the TOP 10 polluters and even TOP 12 from the Climate Council.
V-LINE is mentioned, the Victorian Country rail line because of diesel trains. So they have to be reduced 35% by 2030 by law.
And how many people work for the TOP POLLUTERS like train lines? Trucking companies? Farmers?
What is their collective turnover?
And what are the gas, coal, diesel power plants going to do if they have to reduce their output by 30%? Fire 30% of the workforce?
How are we going to survive with 30% less electricity say at night? And a massive jump in price for what is left?
What is their plans for the steel, glass, refining, aluminum, lead industries? What is going to replace those jobs? Employment at windmills?
How are we going to ship goods and food and people around without only 2/3 of the trains, trucks, planes?
How are windmills going to provide absolutely essential steady power for refineries, manufacturers?
And if we are all going to pay 35% in ‘carbon taxes’ overseas, how are we going to pay? And who gets all this money? The government? Who overseas? And what is the cut for the bankers.
We need this list. It is the open legislated plan to demolish Australian jobs, industries, energy independence, agriculture, transport.
And why are we doing this to ourselves? What Global Warming? It’s a war on Australia, waged by the Australian governments. Who is directing this destruction?
And why is this being done by wall to wall Labor governments who allegedly represent the workers? Without workers, there is no public service because the government has no money. So who thinks this legislated disaster is a good thing? China?
The common definition of air pollution is “contamination of the air by noxious gases and minute particles of solid and liquid matter in concentrations that endanger health.”
Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant by that definition, although combustion of hydrocarbon fuels produces primary pollutants.
Perhaps the definition should be changed though- to include propaganda like that emitted by the Climate Council which affects decision making and thereby endangers health and well-being.
Here is one of the top air pollutants.
One persons air pollution is another persons saviour of life on earth.
Oxygen. 21% No oxygen. Everyone dies.
Carbon dioxide. 0.04%. No carbon dioxide. Every one dies.
If you removed tiny CO2 from the room, you would stop breathing. Our most important and scare gas has been declared a pollutant?
“Oxygen. 21% No oxygen. Everyone dies.
Carbon dioxide. 0.04%. No carbon dioxide. Every one dies.”
Good one.
Will annoy acquaintances with this today.
I gotta get that on a T-shirt.
I can wear it around my neighborhood (a university* apartment community).
The cool thing is the prog zombieborgs will not not be able to process the message fast enough to realize I’m lampooning them.
*It’s a ‘science’ university.
They are passive aggressive zombieborgs.
They want brains but they can’t figure how to get them on their own.
AGAIN King Island is relying on their Diesel generator as usual this morning.
Wind is jumping and jiving, solar zip and their always unreliable FLAT battery is MIA.
The battery isn’t flat, its fully charged, just not needed at the moment
It would never be used for bulk supply in any case. Not sure what you are expecting to see.
The cashless society now means that ordinary peasants like me cannot have cash.
There are 4 direct deposit arrangements that I took out to sample services. Two were for TV streaming services like BritBox and Netflix, tried them for my wife whose health means long hours on the bed. Another was to trial Artif Intell art imagery. Another vendor has computer health services with monthly premiums.
I went to cancel all four of them as per their advertising, but am still trying two months later. Typically, their web sites lead you to dead links via complicated paths, so you cannot complete the cancel process. Then, you look for email or phone or message contacts – near impossible to find. BritBox here has an address at McMahons Point in Sydney, so their main international web sites are irrelevant except to get you in.
So I phoned my bank, one of our Big Four, and asked to come in and cancel the direct deposits. But no, they said that they need prior evidence that the payees have agreed to cancel. But I cannot contact the payees easily. I have resorted to letters, which so far have not been answered.
Are there banking people reading this tale, who can advise whether the bank can indeed require payee consent? Or whether my money is still mine, so I can order them to stop payments if I ask them too?
Only small dollars are involved, so I am talking principles.
Geoff S
Always harder to stop people taking your money than it is to get them to take it.
I do not subscribe to any of the services you list but do have a couple of direct debits in place. I did cancel one over the internet but restored it once I was satisfied their system of charging required my prior authorisation. I cancelled one direct debit that I felt offered a misleading service – that required a phone call. I have had some serious conflicts with Citilink in their early days for levelling unlawful fines – long before their unlawful “fining” was common knowledge. In that circumstances I had NAB take up the fight when Citilink wrote that the NAB’s transaction system was faulty. WE recently cancelled the HeraldSun subscription because it was such a clumsy process to stop delivery during holidays.
Britbox and Netflix have well defined subscription cancellation processes but you need to log into your account with them. I have no idea how well they work but I know my son has cancelled Netflix before.
I have one dedicated credit card for online purchases, direct debits and use during overseas trips. I am prepared to cancel that card at any time.
I guess another option Geoff is to close your bank accounts and change banks. No money, no payment.
I sympathise with you, tried to cancel a bank card that came up for renewal with an annual fee. On trying to cancel this card I was advised that I could not cancel the card because it had an outstanding debt. ( The new fee only) So the bank tells me to pay for a service I don’t want or require, can’t cancel the card because of outstanding debt. The fee that I didn’t ask for was applied by the provider and we have you by the proverbials.
I closed all my accounts except the one I didn’t want, told them to sue me for the fee.
A few days later got a letter in the mail asking why, after being a customer for over 40 years did I choose to close my accounts. Politely replied suggesting they try offering customer service rather than extortion. Never got a reply nor any extra demands for the outstanding fee.
You got faster completion than I did. I got a demand from the bank to pay a sum charged to my Bankcard which I hadn’t authorised and couldn’t have done so as I had cancelled my card 14 months before.
Despite e-mails pointing this out, along with a copy of the e-mail from the bank saying the account was no longer operative it took over 3 months to fix**. I took copies of all the e-mails into one of the branches they had left open. It took the complaints handler less than a minute to agree and she rang the relevant section in H.O. Despite being told that the person there had the same on her desk, it took over 20 minutes before she (in Melborne H.O.) agreed that there was a problem, and about another 5 minutes before it was fixed.
I hesitated about sending a letter commending the local girl to the bank’s Human Resources Manager, but decided that it might lead to her being reprimanded.
And just yesterday my sister complained about problems with her A/C at the same bank. What was their name now? Started with A.
** Every few weeks another e-mail wanting payment would arrive. At one stage I responded by giving permission for the sum to be deducted from my savings A/C which they surely could do even though I had closed it at the same time.
Just take all your money out of the bank account and move to another Bank.
I have had similar troubles over the years. Today I reported as lost a credit card because that was the only way I could get Youtube to cancel monthly premium service subscription. Soon after I started paying for add free service from Youtube, I found I could not log in to that account any more, so have been paying for ages for no service. Finally got sick of it. I recently unsubscribed from BritBox and some other service, probably Netflix, BUT I had used PayPal in between the service and my credit card so that made it easy to unsubscribe on PayPal.
AGAIN Lord Monckton shows that there has been little change in linear co2 level increase for the last 2 years.
We could all do their bidding and the measurable difference in temp would still be zip.
And at a combined cost of 100s of TRILLIONs of $ by 2100 if all countries were stupid enough to keep voting for this MADNESS.
Of course any fool can cherry pick a short timespan ( 2 years?? ) and declare a hoax.
Scientists look at the whole graph to see the steady increase.
Namecalling and indignation says more than you realize. Chill with the inflammatory tone, and explain why two years of lower emissions means “nothing” but humans simultaneously control global CO2? – Jo
Hey Jo, love you man, and you are right.
However, I feel compelled to note the Trump phenomenon.
They’ve been name calling us for years. D word, R word, F word, and more.
This Trump fellow showed up and started ‘name calling’ back.
Some people felt like he was speaking up for them.
He rode that to the POTUSy.
Just as the bullies thought the fight was over.
The bullies lost their minds and and are still going all out (criminally) to stop him.
Don’t know about you, but that obnoxious fighting back gave me a little hope.
As a similarly crass and crude American, I’m feeling the Orange Hope is all we got in the face of the Deep State/WEF juggernaut.
I’m not sure we survive Brandon as an intact Republic.
‘Climate Change’ is political revolution in a ‘science’ disguise.
The late Bob Carter, in 1998, wrote an editorial titled “Good news, the warming is over” or some such, and had it published. The “hiatus” has never been satisfactorily debunked since. The hiatus is now of longer duration than the brief period of “abnormal” warming. Do you accept that some warming is to be expected as we come out of the LIA?
In UAH, there are three periods of basically flat trend.. From 1980-1997 (slightly +ve), 2001- 2015 almost dead flat, and a somewhat downward trend since 2016
That is 39 years out of 45 that have basically no trend.
Between those zero-trend sections were two very strong El Ninos, (so nothing to do with atmospheric CO2).
In the UAH data, there is absolutely ZERO EVIDENCE of atmospheric warming by rising CO2 levels.
“Of course any fool can cherry pick a short timespan ( 2 years?? ) and declare a hoax.”
The AGW stall-warts did that with the 2019 fire season. (one season, less than 6 month).
Haven’t heard anything from them about fire since, have we. 😉
Biden Admin. Wants Rules to Push Electric Car Sales to 10X Current Levels
In the end ICE cars will be banned and EVs will be made unaffordable or banned (for non-Elites) because the Left hate the personal mobility and freedom given to non-Elites by the private motor vehicle.
Hence the “15 minute” city concept etc..
In the early 20th century there were 100s of auto manufacturers supplying a market hungry for automobiles. Slowly they died or were taken over.
The world is NOT hungry for EVs today, Ford’s E div. is losing billions. The decimation in the industry will not take as long this time.
Australia’s BoM (pretend weather service who regularly fake data) gives its report for March 2023.
Australia’s BoMM (Bureau of Mendacious Meteorology).
Thanks Leo, and I was thinking it was Based on Mendacity.
‘Bunch of Muppets’ more likely….
I have been “discussing” the pending conversion of the blast furnace at Whyalla to an electric arc furnace with a rabid green but I quickly get out of my depth when discussing steel. [He has even less idea and no willingness to do searches]
As it stands today Whyalla is producing 1.2 to 1.5 mt/y of steel and the proposed furnace is predicted to produce 1.5 mt.
The shocker is that such a furnace needs 440 – 460 kWh of electricity/T of steel. That is about the total ruinable generation of 6 gW NOW, before the sun sets.
How is this “green steel”? From where will Canberra get its “green” power if Whyalla gets it all?
I haven’t touched on how that sort of power will get to SA.
I have checked my math but I must be wrong.
The real import of this is that we make steel in two places, Whyalla for long product and Port Kembla for plate. We actually make steel from iron ore, from scratch, which means removing the oxygen with carbon, like most smelting.
So this is to stop, at least at Whyalla.
What is being proposed is only the melting of old steel with electricity in an oven, nothing more. Not a blast furnace. Which means the Australian government has forced Australia out of making structural steel from iron ore. It’s a very sad day for Australia.
That’s like making sandwiches but not making bread. The end of Australia’s biggest business, making new steel with BHP.
We are being forced out of making anything, because making things produces CO2. And that is prohibited, except for China.
If that is progress, it is Australia in high speed reverse, blowing up our Primary industries. Cui Bono?
“Cui Bono?”
Someone profits from this arrangement.
As when JHoward arranged a thirty year fixed price contract for our “carbon” with Chynah.
There has to have been a “behind the scenes” arrangement.
I was about to answer this and then saw that TdeF had.
Electric arc furnaces are for melting scrap steel (or sponge iron produced elsewhere from direct reduction of iron ore with hydrogen – a so-called green process which is not economic, or sponge iron can also be made with carbon but that wouldn’t be considered “green”).
Blast furnaces are used for reduction of iron ore into steel using coke from coal.
The Australian Government is deliberately destroying what little is left of the Australian steel industry.
It’s only a matter of time before they shut down the blast furnaces at Port Kembla as well.
There seems to be a belief among the anti-energy lobby that you can make steel from iron ore in an electric arc furnace. This is not possible as far as I am aware, unless a reducing gas is used and I don’t think that’s done. See misconception at
Ultimately, if there is enough electricity available (questionnable) Australia will just become a scrap steel recycler. I guess they intend to melt down all the cars once they’ve banned them.
I don’t think anyone in the Government or anti-energy lobby has any clue as to the tremendous amount of energy required for making steel, “green” or otherwise.
Blast furnaces convert ore to molten iron.
That molten iron can be turned into steel either in a BOS system, Basic Oxygen Steel, or an electric arc furnace.
There Isn’t a single stage process from iron ore to steel.
“I guess they intend to melt down all the cars once they’ve banned them.”
Nope- filthiest thing you could ever imagine. They crush whole cars to a ‘flatpack’ and ship them to somewhere that can just burn them, plastics, rubbers, oils, greases, fuels, everything… Once all that is burnt out you are left with high-tensile steels, low-tensile steels, aluminium and copper to sort. You need dirt-cheap labourers desperate for a dollar.
I just cannot think of anything more toxic, and my local wrecker said when the bottom fell out of the scrap market 5 or 6years back, the Chinese were just dumping shiploads of them straight into the ocean to get the ships empty.
Direct reduction of iron ore now produces around 100Mtpa. I think all use natural gas as the reducing agent in an EAF.
I believe a Swedish group have developed a demonstration plant for direct reduction using hydrogen. It has produced steel but not much.
Rio Tinto spent years developing the HISMELT technology, which has since been sold to China and a small commercial plant began in 2014. It is economic and can use a variety of carbon based reducing agents but it is nit an arc furnace. BHP poured billions into its HBI plant in Port Hedland that was demolished in 2004; a massive waste of resources.
Neil degrasse Tyson just destroyed himself on del bigtree claiming science is run by consensus.
Society cannot be saved I just hope it collapses quickly
The link
” Klaus Schwab Hires Millions of ‘Information Warriors’ To ‘Seize Control of The Internet
According to Klaus Schwab’s WEF, misinformation on the internet is an “infodemic” that is “potentially deadly” and requires a “cure.” The definition of misinformation, according to the WEF, is any content on the internet that they disagree with. This means the WEF’s hundreds of thousands of information warriors will be engaged in the act of shutting down dissent against the globalist elite.
Conspiracy forums and Youtube comments sections are being targeted by the WEF’s “information warriors” who pretend to be ordinary users of the platform, but are actually working to disrupt proceedings and covertly seed support for the ideology of Klaus Schwab’s WEF.
Announcing the news on a WEF podcast, UN communications director Melissa Fleming said “So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels.”
So, which of us are getting paid by Herr Schwab?
And how much does it pay?
Here’s ‘The Invisible Rainbow’ in reality-
“Thursday’s hearing is the latest twist in an ongoing legal battle that began in March 2020, when a 115-ft Verizon tower was lowered into a clearing of trees in Gilardi’s neighborhood, causing her and 16 other residents to begin reporting microwave radiation sickness symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, insomnia and confusion.”
The telecom company say the law reads-
““no state or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate that placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the purported environmental effects of radio frequency emissions” ”
So all radio/microwave EMF is deemed safe and harmless. It might take a lot of these court cases to get real investigations into the health effects.
I’ve tried to get detail about 5G from the internet and get a strong feeling that it’s being censored and controlled.
It doesn’t give me confidence in the system especially when a group of workers got serious injuries when a phone tower was set up right next to their offices.
I’ve had constant tinnitus since a tower began operating about 200m from home. Maybe it’s just old.age but I no longer trust governments to take care of us.
Does the company give a full reference to the law? Perhaps it’s US?
Dave B