A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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G’day All.
I would reply on behalf of all the other countries here but I do not have the time to seek permission from all of them first.
How dare you even think of it!, đ±
As I am indigenous to Oz and born in Wodonga I proudly identify as a Waveroo Man.
I was surprised by the extensive claimed land holdings of the Boonwurrung people on whose land I supposedly live. All the way from the Werribbee River to Gippsland area and Wilsons Promentory.
Maybe we can save Australia by having them ban renewables on their land..
I like that idea. Simply convince them that the Rainbow Serpent does not like windmills because they slice and dice sacred birds and bats. The beautiful and graceful Wedgetail is particularly at risk. If hocus pocus is used to scare the kiddies then maybe hocus pocus can be the cure for the madness. After all anyone who believes in AGW will believe anything.
I surprised by the mention of a Kulin Nation!
It is the first I have heard of it.
I expect it is all fiction.
An interesting read is a university paper based on the diaries of protectors of the Mornington based unorong.
“I succeeded once” google it.
Apparently the population dropped to around 28 due to many causes.
[Assumed historical reference- – LVA]
Thanks to Philby for the prompt, and LVA for responding. Interesting read, indeed.
A friend just shared this with me.
Loved it. As much as I enjoy the Australian newspaper they annoy me with the comments. Today they had an article on Trump and his possible court cases, I made a comment basically saying that I hope they prosecute re Hunters laptop – rejected. Also unrelated but mention the word Ivermectin and instant rejection. Its getting to me. Thanks fir the video.
Those are the reasons I donât bother with local media, printed or electronic!
Yes, Hunterâs laptop is verboten in The Australian, along with any antivirals, and mention of Uttar Prodesh, or any derogatory remarks about the BOM and altering of historic temperature data.
The Australian is a no go area for any facts that might cause a small proportion of readers to rush to a safe space.
safe space = Cry cubby
It was also the newspaper ( subscription ) that I had preferred for the last 10 years because it provided a slightly different angle on stories. But even now I found more and more its journalists/editors still just confine themselves to the narrative. The moderation of comments is especially infuriating and I can only assume News Limited have signed up to the Trusted News Initiative. For $33/ month subscription, I think I can access news elsewhere. Then maybe buy the paper version occasionally on Saturday.
I am thinking the same Ross. After listening to Greg Sheridan rubbish Trump once again I have had it.
After more than 10 years as a payed subscriber to The Australian, I stopped giving them my money after the 2020 U.S. election when any mention I made of election anomalies was rejected in comments. In the process of cancelling my subscription I was asked why I was leaving after being such a loyal reader. I explained the editorial imbalance and censorship was more than I could bare but they told me that it would all balance out in the end if I stayed with them. They lied. I’m glad I left.
me too
Have you tried installing a cyrillic keyboard on your device. There are many letters in the Russian alphabet that look the same as latin letters, but will not be recognized by word catching software. I have the Russian and Ukrainian keyboards and use this trick regularly!
I have a subscription to the Epoch Times.
They print stories that the main daily papers do not.
And also PJ Media – humour along with the stories too.
Loved it. Thanks.
Widgee âSay NO to the Linesâ Rally: Meet the Aussie Battlers Standing Up to Big Green
Essay by Eric Worrall
Environmental Protection, what environmental protection, a second transmission grid system just to service wind and solar “farms” despite them being a minor part of electricity supply is simply ridiculous and a waste of taxpayer’s monies too.
isn’t that the point… to waste money? I mean, I cannot see any other reason, it’s certainly not based on any form of science or engineering.
Monday good news and laugh
The final votes have been counted. The BBB (farmers citizens movement) gained a staggering 17 seats and the ruling parties have suffered severe losses and wonât reach a majority – not even with the help of the Green Party + Labour.
A good friend living in the Amsterdam area tells me those 17 seats are the minimum they have won ! There is strong possibility of an additional 2 or 3 seats going their way. Waiting on all election results.
MSM Journalists dropping at the speed of science
What could it be? Climate change maybe.
Is that meant to be funny? Does it amuse you?
btw a few of those were MSM journalists from at least 15 countries over a 30 year period.
It is so obviously climate change ; the greatest threat that humanity has ever faced.
Eat your heart out , Ghengis Khan, Josef Stalin et al.
And none of them were VaXXinated.
Probably not given Covid was not a thing when those clips went to air first
Yesterday there was the article about the big fines for ICE vehicles parking in EV charging spaces.
Unless the parking spaces for disabled drivers attract similar fines for non disabled drivers using them, this is another one to add to the list of examples of the left, who preach equality for all, but practice otherwise
Ah! Yes, but there is an appropriate response in the case of people with disabilities.
I had a paraplegic friend, who shall remain nameless, who tried to find a parking space for disabled drivers at the airport. He found one, but just as he turned the corner to park in it another car snatched the spot.
As luck would have it, there was another space (able-bodied) within two car spaces further on. He took it and watched the guy who snatched the disabled drivers’ spot get out of his car, take his brief-case out of the boot and walk briskly over to the terminal. My friend said nothing. However he double checked to see whether the snatchee’s car had a permit. It didn’t.
So he let down two of his tyres.
Karma is a beautiful thing.
The snatchee and my friend flew on the same aircraft to their destination. Nothing was said.
That evening, with Karma still in full flight, the snatchee and my friend returned on the same flight. By the time my friend had set up his wheel chair and pushed himself over to his vehicle, the car park was all but empty – except for two cars. Both the same make. One was the snatchees, the other my friends.
The snatchee had his boot up, spare tyre out, jack in position and was looking stressed. My friend watched. The tyre was changed. The flat tyre and jack was put away.
My friend then said: :Good job mate, but you’ve got the other one to do yet.”
The snatchee looked askance, not having seen the other tyre was also flat. And it dawned on him that he only had one spare tyre.
My friend wheeled himself over to his vehicle, loaded up his wheelchair backed out of his parking bay, wound down his window and said to the snatchee: “If you’d parked in an able-bodied bay I’d have been happy to lend you my spare, given our cars are the same”.
And off he drove, smiling, at yet another war story to be told.
True story.
Why are the EVs so special,surely it is up to private enterprise to add chargers to the mix at what are now called service stations. Public parking areas are not used for service stations so get the chargers out of public parking and into private service centres.
Very well said Philby. I like the way you think…
Not enough is made of the ‘rescue us’ moment when the oil and gas pipeline from Russia was shutdown. The home of AGW, The big Reset and wokist nations, with threat of inadequate power supplies for the coming winter, suddenly went into severe reversal from ever increasing renewables.
What ff powered generators that hadn’t been demolished by Merkel were reopened and modern coal fired plants were built in record time. In the UK, to be permanently sealed fracking sites were reopened asap and the UK turned the future to more nuclear stations. Gas was declared ‘GREEN’.
In the USA, Biden has gone to mining oil and gas in Alaska on a huge scale. The hypocrite guards his backside at great expense by refusing to restart the building of the gas line from Canada.
The point? In Australia Bowen is totally ideologically tunnel visioned. He cannot see that he has Australia as the only nation going full tilt renewables, destroying the economy in the process eventually and making power almost economically out of reach, even for the middle class and below in the eastern states. Those EU states that are the home of all the trashy policies of the West these days still feel free to lash Australia for not doing as its told and get on with impoverishing itself.
It’s post time that this point was made very clear to the Australian public. There should be loud speakers everywhere pointing out the duplicity of the EU and the US 9if necessary). In the past they promised the world to save the planet – and forgot about it all until the next IPPC meeting. Now they actually act to save themelves and CO2 is an irrelevance. Even the climate activists have acquiesced in the face of freezing for their ideals.
Matt Canavan and Roberts could have a field day by speaking out on this. Politicians have to defy their Parties which put ideology first at the cost of Australia’s economic, impoverishment and discomfort for Australians they are supposed to represent, all to obey international demands on how we must act. Time to give the bird to the world. Do what it is doing, just as we have done re nuclear submarines. Stand up against the inner city activists and point out for them, the well off, its all about the power game and profits and damn the rest of us as idiots.
Germany has restarted 14 coal-fired stations (and 1 oil-fired). They mothballed their plants whereas UK (and Australian) politicians loved appearing on the evening news pressing the demolition button.
And as for the Energiewende this was a failure at reducing CO2 emissions — as they closed reliable coal-fired and nuclear plants they found that renewables were unreliable (SURPRISE !) but no problem, by importing French nuclear, Norwegian and Swedish electricity and not counting any emissions from burning rubbish, burning wood and then from burning gas they achieved practically no reduction in CO2 emissions while the economy was going strongly. They may just be able to claim “success” since 2022 as they’ve now wrecked their economy.
The EU may not survive much longer as Germany won’t be able to subsidise (and bully) poorer members. The UK may have left just in time, although they have their own big problems.
Did you read that UK is about to declare nuclear energy a renewable?
latest IPCC report, this time from working group 1 has dropped. in summary there is only a narrow path to avoid catastrophe, effect are already being felt, and every fraction of a degree matters. Note that Working group 1 are covering the physical sciences
So — they’re saying the exact same thing they’ve always said then?
Peter I think you may be right , Sydney has just had its fourth day in a row over 30 and Iâm not too sure how long they can hold out .
Hold on , my area has just had the dream Summer , and Autumn has been brilliant to date (the Equinox) .
The first time in 45 years that I haven’t been feeding silage to the milking herd; the first time that I’ve had to sell grass to cope with the growth ; made hay three times , as well as silage twice in excellent conditions, and I’ve still got grass around my ears and it’s raining.
The really good news is that our Minister of Agriculture assures me that I can expect lots more seasons just like this one . . . because Climate Change .
Praise the Lord.
Given the symbiotic relationship between the media, pols and activist scientists I understand the continued freak out about the non climate crisis. But the great mystery to me is why the journeyman climate scientists donât push back a little about the level of uncertainty in our future given the emphasis in their own papers about just that. Iâve read perhaps a thousand papers over the last decade + and the authors are very meticulous about highlighting the unknowns in their own scope of research.
There is no crisis. There is no imminent catastrophe. There is an element of natural variability in our warming. How much is unknown and will be forever more unknowable. We will know by 2100 that the IPCC oversimplified the challenge we face. CO2 most likely is warming some. But what happened to the EPA 1983 prediction of 12 feet SLR by 2100? Big fail. We have had 4-5 inches with no obvious acceleration. The failed predictions just keep piling up.
Look at all the other so called effects of global warming that are phantom effects. Being real only in the minds of the symbiotic triumvirate. Research on droughts, precipitation, floods, hurricanes, etc etc donât confirm that anything we are facing now is unprecedented. Especially, if one is knowledgeable about the previous warm periods.
The scientists of 2100 will look back and wonder how many in the establishment were on LSD.
ââŠ.every fraction of a degree matters.â (to them)
They are such đ€Ąđ€Ąđ€Ąđ€Ąđ€Ą!!!!
Fractions of a degree my @$#!
Some years ago I messaged Richard Lindzen to ask if he had been surveyed at the time of the “96% of scientists agree” controversy. I assume he is a busy man but I got a prompt, gracious reply. I was impressed.
Iâve noticed over time that most of the skeptics are surprisingly accessible. I also find it impressive.
[Please fix your email] CTS
IPCC report working groups⊠prime candidates for passengers on the âBâ Ark.
They make Sisyphus look productive.
IPCC is certifiably insane. Here’s a synopsis of their “survival guide for humanity”:
No new coal and the phasing out of coal by 2030 in OECD countries and 2040 in all other countries.
Ending all international public and private funding of coal.
Ensuring net zero electricity generation by 2035 for all developed countries and 2040 for the rest of the world.
Ceasing all licensing or funding of new oil and gas â consistent with the findings of the International Energy Agency.
Stopping any expansion of existing oil and gas reserves.
Shifting subsidies from fossil fuels to a “just” energy transition.
Establishing a global phase down of existing oil and gas production compatible with the 2050 global net zero target.
Before any of this nonsense is entertained, UN-IPCC needs to publish the Grid Synchronization, Frequency, Voltage, and Reactive Power Plan. Grid tie inverters “follow” the synch pulse of the synchronous grid. An islanded microgrid can be synched if and only if there is a robust communications network to support that. And if the grid is down, how does that comms network get powered?
In ‘theory’ inverters can be paralleled without a synchronous freq signal, but if anything goes awry, you’d better like darkness and fireworks.
None of the IPCC nonsense is physically, financially, or stability proven to be achievable in a 7 to 27 year horizon as they demand. If people actually go down this road, get ready for total grid blackout without the possibility of restart.
Go here
Down load PDF
Search “Gillespie” to understand just how screwed we are by the safeguard mechanism (AKA Carbon tax)
Then read the next speech to understand who is screwing us and how the are too uneducated in the relevant fields to know they are screwing us.
â⊠too uneducated in the relevant fields to know they are screwing us.â
Hah! True that. And I would just add that that they are too uneducated to realize that in screwing us they are screwing themselves.
We had to have the pandemic lockdowns et all because the financial system was already collapsing. Blackrock instructed! Fascinating long read, laying it all out.
Nice, although written a while back.
I see how he figures the pharma industry is the new oil industry for America, the latest way to keep the Yanks in the driving seat of the world. However even dumping 40% of their GDP into the economy as free money will not save the dollar, the Empire’s time is done!
It could well be a coincidence, but I have had a handful of people at my office need to take time off because of gout in the last 6-12 months, some, more than once. Until now, I’ve never known anyone to disappear from work for a week or 10 days for this affliction, and I’ve been working with roughly the same people for 10-11 years. They are all Wu-Flu vaccinated to the hilt.
It could just be age-related, plus other factors, but it is still interesting to observe.
I have noticed ‘hoppers’ in plague numbers. I have yet to separate what appears to be a lot more limping people from what is generally an age related increase we may expect from the baby boomers approaching use by date.
According to ‘Outsiders’ the QoVax Study has been shelved. So we may never have an accurate assessment of why some clotted, some hopped, some rotted and some walked away.
I prefer ‘hirpler’ to ‘hopper’. (as I am one)
It is rumored that Gout is due to persistently elevated levels of stress from co-workers with a sense of superiority. đ€Łđ
John, I canât help it if I am superior, I mean, someone has to be, so it might as well be me! (add a sarcasm tag or 2 here!)
From what Iâve seen, I certainly wouldnât wish gout on anyone, well, maybe on a couple of people Iâve had the misfortune of meeting in my life.
I remember having it so bad in my left knee I had to take both hands off the wheel to lift my foot to the clutch. On days like that I’d do service calls way out of town to limit walking and gear changes.
Chronic kidney disease from vax damage ‘probably’!
Mega blood pressure nearly took out my kidneys 18 months ago, I had several episodes of gout before I realised I had a problem, certainly was not diet related.
As a matter of necessity I have become an expert on gout. I don’t know how to prevent it but I do know indomycetin [indocid, arthrexin] is the only real cure.
Recognise the pain early, with me often in the wee hours, and take a tab immediately, don’t wait to “take it with a meal”. I take another at breakfast and I’m good to go. Allopurinol works as a prophylactic for most but pause it during an attack and I believe aspirin is a no no.
I suffer gout in my foot ocassionally..immobilising when it hits suddenly.
Alopurinol keeps it at bay 99% of the time, but it doesnt , my prescriptoin of â lengoutâ (colchicine) stops it within an hour !
Negative SAM gets the blame for a warm Autumn.
‘But while the breakdown of La Niña has been one factor influencing the recent heat in Australia, this late-season surge in temperatures is largely being driven by a negative swing in the Southern Annular Mode (SAM).’ (Weatherzone)
What might get the blame for a cold Autumn*?
If Autumn is just right, would blame be assessed?
Which was the last Autumn for which no culprit required identification?
I am sure with sufficient expenditure, and enforced compliance limiting excessive behaviors with enlightened custodial regulations, a just right Autumn can be achieved.
Then when can move on to perfecting the other seasons.
*(I vaguely remember meeting a girl named Autumn at a Dead concert. Not cold as I recall.)
But I am somewhat relieved that we can blame SAM and not a Heat Dome, a Polar Vortex, or an Atmospheric River caused by a Feedback Loop.
(I’m just funning. Climate Change is a serious threat that we must stop with Science.)
Here in America we just blame Trump.
Spring starts here next week, and hopefully Trump will be arrested this week, preventing him from screwing it up.
Hunter will be selling some of his new paintings in Beijing, which are excellent hedges against bank failures which are also caused by Trump.
Oh dear, no answers over at reneweconomy.
Amazing how facts DO NOT go down well at all!
Well written comment and ripost to the answering comment Tony. Unfortunately, we are going to see a collapse of the grid and I do not think there is anything we can do about it.
I used to think that Peter, but now I think there’ll be no grid collapse simply because electricity is now so expensive much of industry has shut down and domestic consumers choose to go without heating and cooling thus a lot of power has been liberated. For modest night time lighting and a TV to receive government propoganda with no heating and cooling and a small amount of cooking the Sheeple can get away with maybe just 5 or so kWh per day.
Nice Tony,
To all, Tony replied in the comments section with a rebuttal arguement to the article posted by Renew Economy.
I loved it. Look at it.
Tony, I don’t know how you are still allowed to make respectful and informed comments on that website.
I got banned near 2 years ago.
Kudos to you again, well done!
Some how I manage to survive on “that other site” as well. But I do tend to (try to) present both sides (well perhaps at different times). If I aggravate both proponents of “the plan” going forward, I suspect I am “on target”.
Given the likelihood of ever increasing unit costs for grid delivered power, I think it is financially foolish to not have PV panels on one’s roof (assuming you own it). A well insulated house can be quite livable if heated during times of “cheap local power” (from your own roof?). And one should do this install while the Chinese are willing to provide “cheap alternatives”.
But the main thread of my comments is that there needs to be a plan to get from here/now to there/then. And the most proposed/mentioned plans are for the most part “not proven”/”wishful thinking”.
Good post, Tony.
In the referenced article, there is no mention of the transmission line costs to bring all the unreliable power to grid. At some 3 to 5 Million AUD per mile, that’s a large missing piece of the costs. As well, the W/S proponents do not address the FCAS costs, which are considerable.
The ‘reneweconomy’ group seem blithely or intentionally ignorant of reality.
Thanks Tony. Always interesting you are!
I did not get a sense from the writing of Rachel Williamson as to her personal thoughts of the grid issues, or even of the climate change / CO2 stuff.
On the other hand, she is better looking than you. đ
FWIW – worth a fair bit IMO!
“The Eggheads Vs The Doers”
Might stir your interest about here –
“There is a lesson in this. Theory without a reality check can make the world unlivable. This is because theorists can build beautiful models that hide grave errors, intentionally or not, and there is no means by which their mistakes are revealed until you test them against the real world.
You never want them in charge of the whole project.
The Theorists Dictated COVID Policy”
More at
This could be the basis for a naming contest (IMO)
IT revenge
I was listening to a podcast by Jordan Petersen with the new Premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith. She was bemoaning the way the Trudeau government is driving them out of business because of their wealth of fossil fuels and inability to get them out of the state, frustrated by leftist British Columbia and Ottawa. However in commenting on the problem with wind towers that they were ‘intermittent’ said that because they were only 30% operational, so you needed three times as many. That’s not true. Windmills are useless if there is no wind.
30x as many windmills makes no difference if there is no wind. The untested theory behind so many windmills was that if the wind is not blowing in one region, it will be blowing in another. The European experience has shown that’s not true. Wind droughts tend to be multi national.
So three times as many windmills does not compensate for no wind. And 1000x as many solar panels does not compensate for no sun.
And a really big battery counts for very little.
Renewable energy is a total scam. CO2 negative for a decade. A short lifetime. Unserviceable. Unpredicable, except for solar which never works more than half a day and not in winter in high latitudes. And as for ‘Free’, electricity prices have gone through the roof with wind and for no gain. Coal and gas and oil are free but they are everything wind and solar are not.
And it is disappointing that people still accept the premise of ‘carbon pollution’ because it is drummed into them by the press. There is no such thing. Ask the planet which has greened massively as CO2 has gone up. The only people complaining are the Greens almost none of whom know any science.
Plus China now represents 72% of all the new coal fired power plants being built, 3/4 of the total for the planet. And they are breaking their promise to only use coal when wind and solar fails. That was a lie, of course.
Why no one criticizes China really needs explanation. How many politicians do they have on the payroll, apart from Biden, Trudeau, Daniel Andrews, and the WHO, the UN and half the Democratic party? I do wonder if Greta is being funded because she is attempting to move away from Climate Change and five years to live nonsense. Even she can see it’s busted after at least five years warning of imminent doom.
I believe that even over a continental landmass the size of Australia, the wind tends to either all mostly blowing or mostly not blowing. I once saw some figures to that effect, maybe even on this blog.
There does seem to be a fair difference in the wind between the new wind farms north of Perth and the long established ones in Albany.
somehow I don’t see the WA Labor government upgrading the distribution lines to the south coast to support more wind there.
The Denmark (smallish) wind farm is already constrained because of the lack of a local substation and line voltage to the one in Albany.
Here is an article that looks at correlation of wind patterns with respect to wind generation.
The bigger the land mass the bigger the wind droughts. I look at regularly.
SA, Tas and Vic are the only states which could ever reach 30% CF. Anywhere north of the tropic – forget it.
I am also puzzled by the scare of +2.5C in an average. In most countries, temperatures change by 20C a day. In desert areas by 60C. And in the tropics they don’t change and won’t.
You could not even guess the temperature to that accuracy. Nor could any animal or plant. It varies by that much walking under a tree.
But we are told it is the end of life as we know it? And all the ice caps will melt and we will drown. Real scientists say so.
How? If all the floating arctic ice melted, so what? Sea level would not change by 1mm. And Antarctica is -50C in winter and -25C in summer, so what’s a few degrees?
Why does anyone believe this stuff? Where are these drowning cities? Boiling seas? Extinct species? Climate refugees? Dead Polar Bears?
But still I hear people who think that this is real and the CO2 is pollution. So trees and people are pollution? Australia even has a pernicious Clean Energy Authority whose job it is to remove carbon from our lives, the lives of carbon life forms?
After 35 years of these stories, can someone tell me what is the urgent problem being solved? I have no idea. And 35 years redefines urgent.
And I would challenge anyone to get be able to guess the temperature of a room to 2.5C, except by chance. And to tell me how much difference it makes to anything and why it is not an improvement.
“And 35 years redefines urgent.”
Nope- That’s just Govt urgent! “These temporary classrooms will do until we urgently build new ones..” That was in 1936, when I was attending in the 1960s..
Went for a dine out on Friday. Bloke we dined with had just sold his house. Unfortunately, at the last moment, his 10yo solar panels packed up; they had died. Dead. Caput. He adjusted the resale value down to accommodate the buyer. Going to refill, I gather from what he said.
Buying used EVs and Homes with solar panels seems a bit fraught these days. With EVs it’s not just the batteries but the aging technology, especially if they are anything like computers per se which seem to last about 5years before needing updating. All the while the battery technology itself advances while those purchased are middle aged at 5years and degrading to an early grave by 8years.
Hard to pick any sweet spot to buy currently.
Just did an upgrade where i “kept” a fair portion of the 10 year old panels.
Compared with the ratings of the new panels (both got new controller/inverters – and a new warranty) the ten year old ones are down about 6%.
The inverters will “go” a lot faster than the panels. Two replacements in the 10 years
Australia: The next Ukraine. Demolished by China Joe.
Sent by a friend. I believe it’s humour rather than a draft legislative proposal (might having trouble getting up in Parliament)
MEDICARE “PLAN G” – Nursing Home Plan
Say you are an older senior citizen and can no longer take care of yourself and the government says there is no Nursing Home care available for you.
So, what do you do?
You opt for “Medicare Plan G”.
The plan gives anyone 75 or older a gun (Plan G) and one bullet. You are allowed to shoot one worthless politician. This means you will be sent to prison for the rest of your life where you’ll receive three meals a day, a roof over your head, central heating and air conditioning, cable TV, a library,and all the Health Care you need.
Need new teeth? No problem.
Need glasses? That’s great.
Need a hearing aid, new hip, knees, kidney, lungs, sex change, or heart?
They are all covered!
As an added bonus, your kids can come and visit you at least as often as they do now! Who will be paying for all of this? The same government that just told you they can’t afford for you to go into a nursing home.
As an added bonus you will get rid of a useless politician while you are at it.
Now, because you are a prisoner, you don’t have to pay any more income taxes!
Is this a great country or what?
Now that I’ve solved your senior financial plan, enjoy the rest of your week!
Drove past the Gunning wind turbines today, one on the Western direction had one of the blades missing.
It looked to have snapped off.
Donât tell me we are going to have to pay to replace them already.
I suppose you’d really need to be an old Sydneysider to get this song. The Whitlams singing Perry Keyes’ ‘The day John Sattler broke his jaw.’ Perry Keyes was the poet of inner city Redfern early 70’s. John Sattler was famous for playing most of a winning rugby league final, with a broken jaw. He died today. I don’t think he’ll get a better memorial than this.
Here’s some old knowledge being re-discovered..
In the old days most buildings had brass doorknobs and brass handrails. It was discovered in the 1800s that brass, actually the copper, helped prevent sickness, later being showed that viruses were deactivated by copper. As I remember, a French doctor studying the map of outbreaks of some disease in Paris noted the alleys of coppersmiths had no illness.
Now they have found Covid binds to copper and an electric current will collapse the spike protein..
“Details of the study were published in the journal Chemical Science. The study was conducted by scientists in Australia, who found that the spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19, stick to elements like gold, copper and silicon. Once trapped, the findings revealed that coronavirus is electrically detectable and vulnerable to electrical pulses. Essam Dief, a study co-author and researcher at Curtin University, explained that the electrical pulses help change the spike proteinâs structure. At certain intensities, these pulses can also eliminate the protein and deactivate the coronavirus.
A brickie mate used to wear a copper bracelet. Reckoned it worked.
Magnetic pole to pole in an electric car.
Just doesn’t make sense or even sound possible, poles in the sea/sea ice at best?
Towing a windmill and double solar? What does that even mean?
It’s hard to read any story about even nitrogen without running into this
“Atmospheric levels of carbon dioxideâthe most dangerous and prevalent greenhouse gasâare at the highest levels ever recorded.
Greenhouse gas levels are so high primarily because humans have released them into the air by burning fossil fuels.”
NASA,CSIRO,National Geographic, everyone.
Which is categorically and demonstrably not true. The fossil fuel component of CO2 is under 3%. And as I read commentary about the Dutch election, the science lies are everywhere. This can only be to generate an argument to allow governments to do what they please to save the planet. But it’s a lie.
I have been writing this for a decade, but it’s as if nothing is said. The argument that CO2 is man made is completely unproven and at the very least unlikely. CO2 is extremely soluble. CO2 does not produce warming. Warming produces CO2. But still it continues with carbon credit, Clean Energy Authority, Carbon Taxes, shutting down power stations.
Gases do not pile up in the air. They are in constant equilibrium, but who understands simply Physical Chemistry? Certainly not Tim Flannery, Al Gore, Greta Thunberg nor anyone in the Greens party. It’s hard to know if this is the world’s biggest hoax or just a display of complete ignorance total silence by real scientists. But I doubt the Greens believe in anything but communism and cash.
Measurements indicate that CO2 in the atmosphere increased at just under 1 ppm in the 1960s and now increases at a rate closer to 2 ppm. As you indicate, much is taken out each year â some claim that rate is also about 2 ppm. As the atmospheric CO2 content goes up, various natural reactions work to take it out. Natural factors contributing are important sources.
Humans have been contributing to the input since fire was discovered. A big input was to make art in the period 1250 to 1500. One estimate was that those works consumed 13 million tons of firewood.
I suggest humans do contribute and that Mother Gaia sets operations to restore the equilibrium established by chemistry, both Physical and Organic.
I don’t know about the “hoax” aspect, preferring to think of it more as cult-like. A “hoax” implies an intention to deceive and I’m not sure it started that way. Now, I do think the UN and others knowingly deceive.
Having said all that:
“The Climate”âą doesn’t care.
For humans: warmer is better.
“Mother Gaia sets operations to restore the equilibrium”
Yes, Henry’s Law defines the proportion of air in water. For highly soluble CO2 it’s around 98:1, water to air. As you could see, the tiniest variation over 250 years would increase aerial CO2 by 40%. And the one variable in Henry’s Law? Surface temperature. So if the surface of the planet warms you get more CO2 in the air. A 200 year old unbreakable rule of chemistry says warming increases CO2.
Gaia doesn’t have to do a thing. Nor do we.
Go woke. Go broke
1 December 2022
Credit Suisse announnces it is no longer a bank. But instead a climate/sustainability warrior (see below)
“Emma Crystal, Chief Sustainability Officer at Credit Suisse, said: âAs we seek to limit the impacts of climate change, many sectors of the economy will need to adapt and evolve. With a thoughtful strategy and appropriate action, we can lay the groundwork to both manage risk and leverage opportunity for our clients, the economy and society. The Climate Action Plan from our Asset Management and Wealth Management divisions is an important next step on that journey.â
19 March 2023
It looks like Credit Suisse will get its wish. It will indeed no longer be a bank. Just a heap of smoking ruins.
Here’s the beginning of the end of a number of Australasian politicians .
Jacinda being well gone by now.
This information , was freely available to us , and to all politicians.
Imran Khan becoming the next Julian Assange-
“Police in the Pakistani capital have filed charges against former prime minister Imran Khan, 17 of his aides and scores of supporters, accusing them of terrorism and several other offences after his followers clashed with security forces. For hours on Saturday, Khanâs followers clashed with police outside a court in Islamabad where the ousted leader was to appear in a corruption case…to face charges that he concealed assets and sold state gifts received while in office.”
This started when he was elected Prime Minister by popular vote and said Pakistan didn’t want to be America’s bumboy and destroy itself in a proxy war with Afganistan, back in 2019.
“The prime minister recounted that Pakistanâs decision to join the U.S. war triggered a militant backlash in his country in which 70,000 Pakistanis were killed in suicide bombings and other terror attacks, and losses of around $150 billion were inflicted on the fragile national economy. Instead of appreciating the sacrifices, Khan lamented, Washington called Islamabad a âhypocriteâ and questioned Pakistanâs integrity.”
The Americans immediately reacted and started a malicious propaganda war against him, eventually getting him thrown out in a Parliamentary vote. Seeing it looks like he still has massive popular support they are pushing to destroy him. The tone of any Western mainstream media article about him since then has the same feeling as the ones they write about Putin now!
Poland’s ambassador to France says Poland will attack the moment Ukraine is defeated. America has organised another ‘coalition of the willing’ to continue the war when Ukraine loses. Of course Poland will just annex Western Ukraine, the parts that were part of Poland in the past.
As everybody could read, Germany will change all heating systems in favour of heat pumps.
So far so “good”.
But what is the EU planning ?
EU Advisory Body Calls for 2030 Ban of GWPs Over Five for Heat Pumps, Room ACs, Chillers and Refrigeration
The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, or ignore it đ
We are told that The Hole in the Ozone Layer is over the South Pole.
WE are told that it is caused by chlorofluorocarbons which are created by humans and released into the atmosphere.
90% of the humans on the planet reside in the Northern Hemisphere.
Why, then, is this “Hole” in the South? The atmosphere does not rush to mix across the equator.
Could it be that…..?
CFCs have been in use around the world for the best part of a century, used for refrigeration.
We will all starve to death, because the ultra violet light coming through the Hole in the Ozone Layer will fry all the vegetation that our food supply depends on.
This is the story in 1987. We have to ban CFCs and replace them with HFCs.
Then this:
In 1979 DuPont’s patent on Freon expired.
In 1987 the Montreal Protocol banned CFCs.
Very interesting Ted1.
Have you noticed the war against Glyphosate did not start until after the patent ran out?
What are taxes ?
The entrance fee for the politicians freak-show. đ
America’s National Toxicology Program found that fluoride lowers the IQ of children, as has Northern European researchers over quite some years.
However other Govt Depts in the USA worked to prevent the release of the study… Du Pont must be throwing their money around!
“The release of the internal documents offers a rare window into deliberations which take place behind the closed doors of the U.S. governmentâs scientific community. These discussions highlight how the NTP scientists have consistently defended their findings while also seeking to address the concerns of the various agencies which have reviewed their work multiple times.
Additionally, emails released in the course of the lawsuit have highlighted how officials within the CDC and HHS previously blocked the release of the NTPâs May 2022 review, despite the scientists stating it was ready for release.
The NTPâs monograph has already faced numerous peer reviews, by both internal and external reviewers, yet still remains unpublished by the U.S. government. ”
So, yes, people are getting more stupid with each generation!
I remember reading of them trialing fluoride on rats before it was used over 60years ago, and it popped up again with Monsanto feeding Roundup to rats and showing it to be harmless. When the French ran the same studies for a longer period they found the rats got cancer. All that happened was the Americans slagged the French off as cheating scientists..