A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Golly! First again?! By accident; came in from shopping and finishing a cuppa and Greg Sheridan in The Oz.
Beautiful day here atm, sunny, not too hot and not much wind,
Champion effort.
I’m wondering how our Kiwi friends feel. Auckland has been lousy for days and Cook St. bust be closed for shipping.
All good here. The river peaked at 6.6metres and is now dropping , and the stopbank is intact.
Rain in February is a big plus.
Well , there you go; there was a sting in the tail.Overnight the river rose another 1/2 metre. The model says that it is falling , but it has risen 0.02 m in the last two hours , so I guess we can say we’re near the top.
The model has been quite useful , in spite of being consistently wrong.
Still a bit of rain to come , so the model ‘s prediction of a falling river is probably wrong again:-
It’s nearly light , so it’s time to face the music.
I might take an umbrella .LOL
Y’all have a nice day now , y’hear.
Is climate- change responsible?
There is a guy on another blog I read farmerbraun, he has an orchard in Hawkes Bay. He said he had to be helicoptered out off the second story of his house last night. Lost everything. No harvest this this year. Hopefully the water retreats quick enough that most of his trees survive.
We river-land farmers accept that this is the price you pay for the most fertile growing situations; regular top-ups with new silt and clay; free-draining, versatile land.
Helicopters and jet boats are par for the course. I had a few goats to move to higher ground this morning, but a 7 metre flood in the Manawatu river is manageable.
At nine metres it’s getting a bit sticky , but we’ve been there and come out the other side.
It’s losing stock that breaks your heart.
Do you think that Greg Sheridan is worth the effort?
He is quite good on Christianity but he hates Trump so much that I doubt his objectivity.
Funny you should mention that Peter C.
Early in Trump’s Presidency, I felt greg sheridan was a bit of a Trump fan. Considering Trump only improved America from that point on, I can only wonder what happened. IMHO, I think some instructions may have come from a higher authority (in the pyramid scheme).
I also noticed this phenomenon with Sky News Australia – with every presenter suddenly becoming a “pro covid-19 experimental injection advocate” when they clearly weren’t to start with.
One can only wonder.
That’s how I saw it. Wondering can only get to the same conclusion. There was pressure from above. The bosses. And I wonder why.
And I am wondering about their current campaign for free speech. It looks to me that they are expecting to get shut down. This time by government.
If they get shut down so too will we.
I see cause for fear.
Advertising dollars have a loud voice.
That would explain it.
“It’s a big club, and we ain’t in it” (oft quipped by Sundance) – the elites don’t think they’ll be affected by their shenanigans for more money, control, power. They are wrong of course; the awful world they are making will the the same one they have to live short brutish lives too.
Trump had a falling out with murdoch at the time of the stolen election. The Australian did a 180 turn overnight, even the comments section became instantly plastered with anti-Trump hysterical nonsense. It was like reading The Age.
Yes shortly after that I gave up commenting at the Oz. I used to get near the top no of likes on a regular basis, but then suddenly 90% of my posts were moderated.
I complained several times, so what they would do is place it in the sin bin, but then release it several hours later. Which of course meant it was by that stage buried (it was released back into the stream with the time it was posted). Pretty nasty tactics.
I then spent more time commenting and posting at LinkedIn, and surprise surprise, was cut off there when my covid related posts (ridiculing masking and warning about vaxxing) obviously disturbed the powers that be…
I have little time for Sheridan. His stance on vaxxing and covid was at odds with his supposed Christian values. When he wrote in favour of masking that was it for me, anybody who does that has no brain at all.
I put him in the ‘controlled opposition’ camp along with Chris Kenny
I suspect Sheridan’s primary issue is with guns in the US. It’s the one issue that really riles him up. He probably is projecting his hatred of guns onto Trump.
I like my guns. I like that my guns cause people like Biden a great deal of stress. Exactly what the Founders planned.
I hope that isn’t too “crass” for this blog….
“I hope that isn’t too “crass” for this blog….”
I don’t think you need to worry.
What pointless comment !
“What pointless comment !”
Shows you don’t understand it
Sheridan carries on about CC being a threat. Sensible on military matters but spoon fed from neo cons especially John Bolton and previously,John McCain. He fits snugly into the category of establishment Con. Bog Irish to the Breeches.
Corey Bernardi is the only one worth watching on SKY. Kenny and others like Murray are emotionally invested in the “voice”, when logic says otherwise.
At article in Spiked has collated pointers towards the possible imminent failure (visible) of the green nonsense activities by firms like BP. Hope it’s right.
I think Greg Sheridan’s strength is primarily in review and commentary around defence. His writing in that regard is generally competent, has depth, and is well informed.
Otherwise, I don’t agree with everything he espouses, but I’m happy to consider his opinions which are not simply following the mainstream, and he is neither woke nor a virtue signaller.
Happy Valentine’s Day readers! If not then I can oblige too!
Thats weird no text with the link so i will try again.
Watch from the 25 minute mark to see a US Poseidon A/C take out the Nord stream pipe line.
Turn captions (cc) on.
Thanks for that, Crakar.
Pretty much removes any doubt about who did it and how.
For those who may want to know, the aircraft referred to, a P8, is a military version Boeing 737.
Oh yeah i probably should have highlighted the fact that this is a 737 that can carry munitions
cheers MV
But what about the possibility that previous underwater antics were positioning markers over the lines?
No actual hard evidence yet either way that I know of, Ian.
Monkeywerx original theory was that a US Navy P8 took out the pipelines with aerial torpedoes.
Seymour Hersh says that the explosives were prepositioned by US Navy divers and a Norwegian P8 triggered the explosions with a sonar buoy.
My take is that Seymour Hersh is mostly right. US Navy divers did place the explosives. I also think that Monkeywerx is correct about a US Navy P8 triggering the explosion. The flight path clearly indicates an aircraft coming from the US on a clandestine mission, then returning to the US.
No need to involve foreign powers and indeed why would you? The idea was to keep the mission a secret.
Markers over the lines?
Who needs a marker when you’ve got a GPS?
I repeat my assertion that anybody could have done it. Even a lone operator with a trawler.
Been raining here in Sydney for most of the day. So where are you Mr. Flannery? Had an umbrella for all those years of rain? He should get a job at the BoM……………..
It must have been galling for those hundreds of career meteorologists at the BOM to have Tim Flannery made Australia’s Climate Commissioner with no science qualifications at all. His first degree was in English at Latrobe because he did not qualify for a science course. However with the lateral expansion of science into ecology and archeology he managed to do ecological archeology. So of course he became a self proclaimed expert.
John Cleese Fawlty Towers reboot not for woke BBC
John Cleese is bringing back his classic Fawlty Towers sitcom but refuses to air it on the woke BBC:
John Cleese has said his surprise revival of Fawlty Towers won’t be returning to its original home on the BBC because the UK broadcaster would not give him sufficient editorial freedom.
The 83-year-old British comedy icon said the revived series, which is in the works at Rob Reiner’s Castle Rock Entertainment, would find a new home as he writes scripts with his daughter Camilla Cleese.
Asked if he wanted to work with the BBC, he said: “No, because you wouldn’t get the freedom.”
Maybe he’ll catch up with Rick & Eddie (Guest House Paradiso)…
Worried about a woke BBC but will work with Rob Reiner??? maybe its a different Rob Reiner from the whiney lefty version.
Tuesday advertising placement failures: Macca’s
I suspect they’ve been roasted over this. 😁
Oh dear, that’s just wrong.
Free advertising????
There have been worse in the past. Next to an article about a man that drowned in a vat at a brewery, was an article for the same brand of whisky, with the tagline “For the whisky with extra body”.
Japanese solution to the burden of the elderly: ritual mass suicide
A Yale economics professor…yup…
Canada beat them to it, sans ritual disembowelment.
It might be OK in Japan, but I am not signing up.
You don’t have to sign up. Pretty much all the Australian states have legislated for “voluntary euthanasia”. Unfortunately, with every lurch to the left, “voluntary” is becoming less and less voluntary. More a matter of how expensive (and inconvenient) it is to keep you alive.
I think I’d rather have the Soylent Green movie and cup of delicious wine.
It’s Valentine’s Day so this for my Valentine, my lover, and my best friend for 42 years.
Happy Valentine’s Day Marilyn, wherever you may be now.
Lovely thoughts MV. Your Marilyn was a lucky gal.
Thank you, Aunty.
But no, I was the lucky one.
Age-stratified COVID-19 vaccine-dose fatality rate for Israel and Australia
The COVID-19 vaccines did not only not save lives but they are highly toxic.On the global scale, given the 3.7 million fatalities in India alone, having vDFR = 1 % (Rancourt, 2022), and given the age-stratified vDFR results presented in this work, it is not unreasonable to assume an all-population global value of vDFR = 0.1 %. Based on the global number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered to date (13.25 billion 24 doses, up to 24 January 2023, Our World in Data),3 this would correspond to 13 million deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. By comparison, the official World Health Organization (WHO) number of COVID-19 deaths to date is 6.8 million (6,817,478 deaths, reported to WHO, as 3 February 2023),4 which are not detected as COVID-19 assignable deaths in ACM studies.
I saved it in case it gets purged…
Steve Kirsch is also now covering it:
UKHSA: Boosters Greatly INCREASE Covid Severity 6-9 Months after Vaccination
UKHSA’s report shows that instead of “protecting” people from Covid-19, Covid vaccines significantly increase the risk of hospitalization in months 7-9 after vaccination.
The UK’s Health Security Agency publishes regular “vaccine effectiveness reports.” The reports were designed to have several statistical sections meant to highlight vaccine successes. Funnily, many sections had to be discontinued as “vaccine successes” turned into spectacular failures. This happened with case and death rates and the section about pregnancies, which has not been updated for months but shows a 15% drop in UK pregnancies year-on-year.
However, another section of the report allows us to see something interesting. Look at the latest Vaccine Surveillance Report for Week 5, 2023. It shows hospitalization rates for various ages based on how long ago was their last dose. The rates apply to January 2023, which is the most recent data.
Seems to be already gone. That link dumps you to the top level of the site. Searching using bits of the title dont turn up anything.
I still have it; perhaps I’m misinterpreting what you are hoping to find?
Upped to here:
thanks for that
Stop arming Ukraine now, intelligence veterans warn Biden
EIGHTEEN senior former intelligence professionals have signed an ‘alert memorandum’ to President Biden warning him what will follow his decision to send Abrams tanks to Ukraine.
Calling themselves Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, they informed him: ‘What your advisers should have told you is that none of the newly promised weaponry will stop Russia from defeating what’s left of the Ukrainian army. If you have been told otherwise, replace your intelligence and military advisers with competent professionals – the sooner the better.’
Two decades ago, before the US/UK attack on Iraq, some of the same signatories warned President George W Bush that ‘justification’ for such an attack was based on false intelligence. In their February 5, 2003 memorandum on Colin Powell’s speech, they alerted the then president to the unintended consequences of an attack on Iraq which were likely to be catastrophic. Then, as now, they urged the president to widen the circle of his advisers beyond those clearly bent on a war for which they saw no compelling reason. Five years later the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded: ‘In making the case for war, the [Bush] Administration repeatedly presented intelligence as fact when in reality it was unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even non-existent.’
The current Alert Memorandum goes on: ‘The issuances of your current intelligence advisers rival those of Bush’s and Cheney’s fixers in disingenuousness. Their statements run from dishonest to naïve. They betray a woeful lack of understanding of Russia’s strategic concerns and its determination to use its formidable military power to meet perceived external threats. The statements also reflect abysmal ignorance regarding how US behaviour has led willy-nilly to a profound shift in the world correlation of forces in favour of Russia and China – to include making them military allies in all but name.’
Sabotaging Nordstream was an act of war.
In breaking news, all US citizens are being told to leave Russia.
The Doomsday Clock is about to advance again methinks…
Yes. I think we are in deep doo-doo. That UK reception for the Z man was deeply disturbing to me. They all think they are Churchill.
‘Public opinion in the US is not totally fooled, however, as manifested by a new right-left coalition …’
A major shift in sentiment.
‘Sabotaging Nordstream was an act of war.’
The war is already raging and they won’t give Putin the forensics on Nordstream.
Ukraine holds the high ground.
‘Russia has suffered some of the heaviest military losses in a single battle since the start of the war after elite units repeatedly tried to storm a fortified coal mining town in broad daylight.’ (UK Mail)
could be correct.
But how many casualties did Ukraine forces suffer?
Ukrainian total is running close to 1/4million with three times as many wounded. The army they now have is ineffective, but the ground to capture is very difficult.
Still trench warfare, Vuhledar is on a hill, the Russians tried a heavy armour assault and ran into a minefield, the Ukies had their artillery zeroed in on it. Turned into a complete disaster.
Bakhmut is another Stalingrad but the Russians have artillery control over re-supply routes now. They have surrounded it to the North & South.
The Russians pushed out of Kremmina and have made it to the edges of Krasny Liman again, regaining the ground they lost last year.
NATO admitted that they cannot make ammunition fast enough to supply Ukraine and wait times are over 12months now. Dutch F35s are operating out of Poland to push Su27s escorting AWAC IL20 aircraft along the border. The Russians are spying on arms coming in just as intently as the Yanks are spying on Russian troops.
The woman in charge of Moldova has resigned, the Govt collapsed and they accuse Russia of planning a colour revolution…
Which side will sue for peace?
Idiot Biden is beholden to Soros and the Washington oligarchy. Russia is going to win this conflict that should have been resolved. Meanwhile the MSM continues this nonsense about Russian human wave attacks and their incompetence. The UK Mail cannot be believed.
And (possibly) you can look at that as not just an act of war against Russia. It may well be considered an act of war against all of America’s NATO allies, and indirectly, against all of their allies.
Yes Nordstream is half owned by Germany.
Russia’s Gasprom is the sole shareholder in Nord Stream 2 but half the total cost was provided by five European energy companies: Wintershall and Uniper of Germany; the UK’s Shell (RDSA), Engie (ENGIY) of France and OMV of Austria.
Gazprom LLC holds a 51% stake in Nord Stream 1.
German energy companies Wintershall Dea AG and PEGI/E.ON each hold 15.5% with Dutch natural gas company N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie and French energy provider ENGIE each hold 9%.
A year ago the US and its allies drew up contingency plans for an anticipated choking of supplies of Russian gas by conflict in Ukraine. The Center for Strategic and International Studies responded that minor supply disruptions would not break the system, but complete disruption of Russian gas would be a different story.
The US opted for the catastrophe.
Tuesday spectacular nature: snow and ice
Norway – the place to be…
Soaring gas prices in 2022 means that the Norwegian Tax Administration will collect a record US$ 89,5 billion, triple the previous record of 2021, according to the tax revenue office. Likewise it has revised upwards petroleum revenue by 20%. The high natural gas prices drove the record tax revenue from petroleum companies which “has never been anywhere near as high as it is now,” the Norwegian Tax Administration’s director Nina Schanke Funnemark said.
In the previous record year of 2021, Norway’s petroleum tax revenue was US$30 billion, the administration said. Norway, Western Europe’s largest oil and gas producer, has benefited a lot from the spike in oil and gas prices since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February last year. Most of Norway’s government revenues from oil and gas go into the US$ 1.34 trillion Government Pension Fund Global, commonly known as Norway’s oil fund, which is the biggest sovereign wealth fund in the world.
Going forward, Norway is determined to keep high production on its shelf to export more gas and oil to Europe, which is scrambling for supply from sources other than Russia.
Earlier this week, Norway said it would offer up to 92 new blocks for hydrocarbon exploration in the new round of licensing in mature areas.
“Further exploration activity and new discoveries are important to maintain the production of oil and gas over time, both for Norway and Europe,” Petroleum and Energy Minister Terje Aasland said.
A great example of a contrary investor – refreshing indeed.
Refreshing to see that Norway has a PETROLEUM and Energy minister, as opposed to our sadly woke administration, which has a CLIMATE CHANGE and Energy minister.
Not sure whether it is still in place, but:
Military service of 6 to 12 months for the army and navy and 12 months for the air force, plus refresher training, is compulsory for all fit Norwegian men and women between 19 and 44 years of age.
and the Greetin Bairn could WALK over there to complain. There’s a Great un in den Bergen!
If only Australia had ever had a government that had handled our natural resources as competently.
Norway is to become carbon neutral by 2030 . If they are looking at increasing gas and oil exports that makes a mockery of that. Its looking like they had a hand in destroying Nordstream too . Any bets on how long their pipelines last ?
Equatorial Guinea declares outbreak of Ebola-like Marburg virus
An illness which has killed at least nine people in Equatorial Guinea has been identified as Marburg, a highly infectious and deadly Ebola-like virus for which there’s no vaccine, officials announced Monday.
The outbreak was first detected last Tuesday, affecting people who went to a funeral ceremony in Kie-Ntem province, which borders Cameroon and Gabon. It prompted a local lockdown and restrictions along the border with Cameroon.
One of the eight samples which were sent to the Institut Pasteur laboratory in Senegal has since tested positive for Marburg virus, the World Health Organization said on Monday. The other results were not yet known. Samples were negative for Ebola, Lassa, Dengue and Yellow Fever.
So far, Equatorial Guinea has reported 25 suspected cases, including 9 deaths. Their symptoms include nose bleeds, fever, fatigue, joint pain and blood-stained vomit and diarrhoea.
“Marburg is highly infectious,” said Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO’s Regional Director for Africa. “Thanks to the rapid and decisive action by the Equatorial Guinean authorities in confirming the disease, emergency response can get to full steam quickly so that we save lives and halt the virus as soon as possible.”
Marburg virus disease is a highly virulent disease that causes haemorrhagic fever and has a case fatality ratio of up to 88%. It’s in the same family as the virus that causes Ebola.
Illness caused by Marburg virus begins abruptly, with high fever, severe headache and severe malaise. Many patients develop severe haemorrhagic symptoms within seven days. Human-to-human transmission is possible through direct contact with bodily fluids, surfaces and materials.
There are no vaccines or antiviral treatments approved to treat the virus.
It’s been quiet on the disease front for months.
As IVM is ok against Ebola, why not Marburg from same family ?
Hanrahan, thanks for asking (didn’t want to jump the queue at #2). The storm formerly known as ex-tropical cyclone Gabrielle appears to have spiralled wide around me – is as pleasant as Annie’s place, apart from a little wind & rain last night – yet others faced a full-on fury.
As for Cook Strait, the last ferry lost power just as it was about to enter Tory Channel (whoah!) but managed to re-boot enough to ‘shoot the gap’ into safe waters… So many tragedies averted up-and-down the North Island thanks to farmers & boaties & others (apart from one fireman who was in a house when it slid down a hill – his buddies are still searching for him).
Petrol & diesel generators are saving the day as power/comms/etc are all down in lots of places: the usual suspects, and media, have seized the opportunity to push their ‘CCC’rap nonsense – sure hope these are the people who REFUSE to use such ‘dirty fossil fuels’ and let someone else make good use of them.
WTH! How does a ferry (ie diesel powered ship) loose power, especially in a critical situation?
A frightening thought with that ferry. It was bad enough in a full gale seeing that reef not far away. Losing power…crikey.
Poor NZ, on top of everything else to have the floods.
Digital ID is here in Australia
Monica strikes another blow for freedom.
She may be young and pretty, but she’s got bigger balls than most Aussie blokes today.
I urge everybody to spend 12 minutes watching.
For the record, the Digital Transformation Agency referred to is voice recognition on the phone. It was the pet project of Malcolm Turnbull and has been up and running since 2016.
Gaz pipelines feeding Europe that have burnt or exploded this winter:
6 Sept: Nordstream 1 & 2
19 Nov : S.Petersburg
20 Dic : Kazan (Russia)
13 Jan : Lithuania-Letonia
6 Feb : Hatay (Turkey) (earthquake!)
8 Feb : Irún (Spain-France)
Other reductions:
Magreb (Algerian)pipeline closed by Morocco Oct21
Medgaz(Algeria-Spain)reduced for maintenance 12Feb23
Coincidence? Energy war on western Europe?
Just a coincidence. Like the 100+ food manufacturing fires in the US.
Scientists regenerate kidneys to reverse diabetes damage in mice
An international team of scientists has found a way to regenerate kidneys damaged by disease, restoring function and preventing kidney failure. The discovery could drastically improve treatments for complications stemming from diabetes and other diseases.
Diabetes causes many problems in the body, but one of the most prevalent is kidney disease. Extended periods of elevated blood sugar can damage nephrons, the tiny filtering units in the kidneys, which can lead to kidney dysfunction and eventually failure.
For the new study, researchers in Singapore and Germany investigated a potential culprit – a protein known as interleukin-11 (IL-11), which has been implicated in causing scarring to other organs in response to damage.
On closer inspection in tests in mice, the team found that as kidneys sustain damage, the cells lining their tiny inner tubes release IL-11, which slows cell growth and sets off a molecular cascade of inflammation and scarring. But when IL-11 is blocked, using either mice genetically engineered to lack it or giving mice an antibody that blocks it, this process is prevented, and healthy cells can regenerate to reverse existing damage.
“We found that IL-11 is detrimental to kidney function and triggers the development of chronic kidney disease,” said Professor Stuart Cook, corresponding author of the study. “We also showed that anti-IL11 therapy can treat kidney failure, reverse established chronic kidney disease, and restore kidney function by promoting regeneration in mice, while being safe for long term use.”
Not hope though for those with puffy eyes, a warning sign of late stage kidney disease.
Why do leftists tend to act, think and LOOK the same? Check out this surprising analysis
Biopolitics has put together an analysis of the leftist psyche that helps explain why many left-wing people think, act, and even look nearly identical to one another.
The leftist personality tends to be one marked by hatred for all that is good and normal. It is also an ugly personality that tends to defy the natural order of things.
As far as appearance goes, leftists tend to have a certain look to them – usually ogre-ish and unsightly. Artificial intelligence (AI) recognition software is able to accurately identify a person’s political alignment 72 percent of the time based simply on facial appearance.
“Taller and more attractive people are more likely to identify as Right-Wing and more likely to actively support Right-Wing parties, policies, and politicians,” Biopolitics explains.
“In America, Australia, and Europe, Right-Wing politicians are more likely to be physically attractive than their Left-Wing counterparts.
Leftist males also tend to be weaker, less masculine, and more effeminate, on average, compared to right-wing males. Again, these are generalizations and are not true all across the board, but are more tendencies of which to be aware.
Left-wingers also tend to reject religion and morality, instead choosing to prop themselves up at the one-true moral authority with their various “social justice” endeavors.
It turns out that left-wing people, according to a 2019 study, care more about inanimate objects and ideas than they do their own family and friends. This also stems from the leftist disbelief in there being any paradigm of right versus wrong – their lives are based on “feelings” and reactionary emotions, after all.
“Leftists believe that life is fundamentally unfair, likely due to their undesirable physical characteristics (shortness, ugliness, weakness, etc.),” Biopolitics concludes. “This causes neuroticism and leads to self-obsession and spiteful envy.”
No comment. 😁
I get confused about what’s Left or Right these days.
Free Speech used to be Left, now it’s Right.
‘Question Authority’ used to be a Left thing, now questioning authority makes one a ‘right wing conspiracy theorist’.
The Left used to frown on compliance and ‘mandating’ much of anything.
Here in my little patch of ultra-Left America, all the rainbow people have a Ukrainian flag in their yard.
They are pro war for a country that a year ago most of them could not find on a map.
(Hardly a breath ago they were against American military support for the the defense of sovereign nations on their own continent.)
A culture that can no longer define a ‘woman’, has lost definition authority.
Reset requires neutralization.
It’s circular. They finish up where they started.
Can giving the ocean an antacid help curb climate change?
The technique is one of a growing number of strategies aimed at leveraging the ocean, which covers 70 % of Earth’s surface, in the fight against global warming.
Burt works for Planetary Technologies, a Canadian startup that’s attempting to harness and accelerate that potential by adding antacid powder to the ocean.
The theory goes that by altering seawater chemistry, the ocean’s surface could absorb far more atmospheric carbon than it does naturally.
The company is developing an approach that would turn the waste products from shuttered mines into an alkaline powder. They would deliver it into the water via existing pipes from wastewater treatment or energy plants to avoid having to build new infrastructure.
The technique is one of a growing number of strategies aimed at leveraging the ocean, which covers 70% of Earth’s surface, in the fight against climate change. In 2021, the National Academies of Science published a landmark report advocating further research into ocean-based carbon removal methods, in light of the growing scientific consensus that reducing emissions alone will not be enough to stave off the devastating effects of climate change.
What could (will) possibly go wrong.
What will be left of an otherwise healthy planet when these morons have finished “saving” it?
Somebody should tell these people that the oceans are already alkaline (ph around 8.1). The fable about acidification is just a fraud to scare the sheep.
The ’15 Minute Concentration Camp’ Concept Is Coming to Canada
The WEF’s ’15 minute city’ concept is now being rolled out in Ottawa, Canada.
…all without any input from the citizens of those nations!
Ditto Paris, via the WEF:
And how do we get from here to there?
1) Declare a climate emergency (city of Ottawa did this in 2019).
2) Use something as a test run to see how many civil liberties Canadians will give up voluntarily: Covid 19 lockdowns/vaccines.
3) Start implementing 15 minute neighbourhoods.
5 years ago I would have laughed at this. Now, not so much.
CoVid restrictions lasted years. Climate restrictions can last decades.
Living near a small country town, I look forward to the day when everything I might need is available within 15 minute driving time ! 🙂
Can anyone recommend a good mid range set of earphones?
I have struggled with Sennheiser for years. My son has bought two pairs for me.
It is prolly easier to list their shortcomings as things I wish to avoid:
Too loose fit although the pads were comfortable until they wore out and I couldn’t replace them. After a couple of years I found some.
The wireless range was OK but it used AM modulation which got noisy as you moved away.
The volume controls were 100 year old technology – carbon pots – which soon got scratchy so that it was hard to get both channels at the same time.
Manual tuning.
No squelch so that when the audio was finished you had to switch off the phones or get the “no station” hiss. The switch, fortunately, is robust.
El chepo ones are too tight and uncomfortable, and break too easily.
I don’t need fancy noise cancelling but an old fashioned “tone” control would be good – some industrial deafness. I don’t expect that really. 🙂
I prefer headphones.
Did anyone attend any of the Covid conferences hosted by the United Australia Party?
I went to the one in Melbournistan featuring:
Dr Melissa McCrann (Australia)
Dr Pierre Kory (US)
John Leake (US)
Dr Peter McCullough (US)
Senator Ralph Babet (UAP Senator for VIC)
It was fantastic! It was meant to go for 3 hrs but ended up going for 3hrs.
There were vast amounts of evidence presented to support all claims as expected.
I didn’t see any Lamestream media coverage but here is a disgraceful article in The Age, before the events started.
I will let you know if or when the video is put online. Obviously it won’t appear on any Leftist platform such as YouTube as they will automatically censor it.
Thanks David,
I was there. I was intending to write a report. Once again I am late to the party so I will add a few remarks.
Actually the published time was 7-9pm (2 hours). The Conference (so called) went to 3 hours because all the speakers went over time , especially Pierre Kory.
The Conference was organised a bit like a debate, except that there was only one side:
1. Dr Melissa McCann (first up) is an Australian GP who practices in the Whitsunday area. She began to notice vaccine injuries in her patients early on. She wrote to Professor John Skerrit (TGA) but was brushed off. She described the vaccine injuries, mostly from her own experience.
2. Second was Dr Pierre Kory. His focus was the scientific fraud which has been perpetrated in all the official published studies which purported that the vaccines were “SAFE AND EFFECTIVE”. This involved a total loss of his faith in the scientific process, the media and the institutions of the USA and he was very animated about it.
3. Dr John Leake has written a book about the the people and institutions that are shaping and pushing the narrative about the vaccines and influencing the politicians to mandate the vaccines for all of us. He compared the Military-Industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned against to the Pharmaco-Political complex that we have now. The Pharmaco-Political complex is even more powerful, In particulatr he named the Bill and Melida Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and a group called the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) which was launched at Davos in 2017.
4. Dr Peter McCollough wrapped it all up and gave specific advice for those who have already had some vaccine shots and for those who have not. Do Not Have Any More.
He asked two questions of the audience;
i. Who has had Covid? About 90% response.
ii. His second question was assumed. He assumed that most of the audience was vaccinated. The response was quite surprising to him. We said “Hell No, No Way”. He thought that meant that the official vaccination figures may have been exaggerated. My view is that the audience was highly selected. On official figures there should be about 4% of people (60.,000) in Melbourne that have not been vaccinated. No surprise that they were highly represented in an audience of 1200.
5. Last was Senator Ralph Babbet (UAP), who reminded us about the role of Clive Palmer. Like him or Loath him there would be no UAP without him and No Covid Vaccine Conference either.
Senator Babbet dedicated himself to bringing the authorities who have caused us so much misery to account. In some respects he was the most inspirational.
Thanks to those who stood up.
My bad typo. Yes, it was meant to go for 2 hrs but we got a bonus hour.
Good report Peter.
To add to that, he said that if you survive the vax for 30 days you are probably OK, but don’t have more.
He also said some particular batches appear to be more deadly than others, possibly due to manufacturing variations or storage conditions (presumably the mRNA degrades at too high a storage temperature making it less deadly).
He did not mention the adverse effect of possible immune system damage and desensitisation due to too many injections. This has previously been discussed on this blog.
“Clive Palmer. Like him or Loath him…” Early on in 2020 Clive imported doses of HCQ into Australia and was willing to supply them free to the public, with the backing of the medical fraternity to treat COVID. Unfortunately the product was seized and I think later destroyed under instructions from the TGA. Terrible. If Australia had endorsed both HCQ and IVM as stop-gap measures for control of COVID our response would have been so much better. He gave us Jacqie Lambie, so I hate him for that, but for the HCQ stunt and other things, I love him.
I went with a couple of friends to the Sydney Conference at the Darling Harbour Auditorium which, I understand holds about 2,500 people – & it was at capacity. A fabulous, and slightly emotional function in which the speakers, quite rightly, received standing ovations.
I was surprised to hear Dr. McCullough suggest that the vaccinated should be OK if you have survived with no ill effects after 30 days. And yes, he said that in Sydney as well. I thought he has said elsewhere (& it may have been another dissenting specialist) that the “all clear” would only be valid after at least 6 months.
I think all this nonsense of UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena) being spotted worldwide is just nonsense. I don’t mean actual sightings of Chinese spy balloons but other aerial phenomena doing apparently physically impossible manoeuvres as though they were alien spacecraft.
I think it is related to the the fact that there are now Leftist administrations in nearly all major Western countries. The underlying philosophy of the modern Left, apart from Marxism, is post-modernism and the belief that there is no such thing as objective reality.
If these people can believe that there is anthropogenic global warming; that covid vaccines are safe and antivirals like HCQ and IVM are dangerous; that a man can become a woman or a woman can become a man; then they can also believe we are being visited by aliens from outer space.
Two related videos worth watching.
Paul Joseph Watson
Sky News Australia
… other aerial phenomena doing apparently physically impossible manoeuvres as though they were … optical illusions? Observers are often very credible people, it’s just that interpretations always seem to use very limited thinking. The observations seem to have one common theme – that the observed objects behave as if they have no mass.
The sightings could have been holograms, but apart from the very first one I’m more inclined to believe they were entirely prepared fictional scripts foisted on a gullible public by people with a vested interest in obeying orders.
Even the very first sighting has huge credibility holes in it. Yes, a bloke videoed a balloon on his smartphone that he thought was a UFO. But at 80,000 feet? The image is clear and significantly larger than a full moon. We are told it was about 72 metres in diameter. That’s about the same as the length of a Concorde. How visible is a Concorde at 80,000 feet?
The first sighting was an errant weather balloon, obviously at much, much less than 80,000, or even 60,000 feet. Everything else has been a concocted malarkey fairy tale to bury the emerging story of the USA Nordstream sabotage from an easily distracted public.
How many national emergencies declared around the world so far this month?
I guess some were already in effect , like NZ’s “Climate Emergency” .
I see South Africa has a Climate Emergency , because la Nina.
A balloon of 72 meter diameter has an angular diameter of 0.17 degree to an observer at a distance of 80,000 feet compared to the 0.52 degree angular diameter of the moon at 384,000 km distance.
A balloon at a distance of 80,000 feet with the same angular diameter as the moon at that distance would have a diameter of 220 metre.
A balloon of diameter 72 metre would appear to be the same angular diameter as the moon at a distance of 26,000 feet.
That sounds far more probable on all counts. Thank you.
Re “Things shot down” – FWIW
“When you dig deeper, it gets worse. Here’s an advertisement for military surveillance balloons from defense contractor Raven Aerostar:”
“One begins to suspect there are a lot more balloons in the sky over the United States than we knew about. Naturally, with all that experience with spy balloons, you might conclude the Pentagon would have a pretty good idea of what it was looking at up there.
Some folks are starting to connect all these dots and are wondering, hey, wait a second, are we shooting down our OWN BALLOONS? ”
From today’s “Covid and Coffee”
“Objects” behaving as if they have no mass are usually optical illusions. For example Venus is always low to the horizon, so it’s affected by every little eddy and heat spot in the atmosphere. This makes it move and shake in an unnatural way.
‘ … we are being visited by aliens from outer space.’
There is ample evidence to support the hypothesis.
Everybody has a camera, so we are bound to see more UAP in the years ahead.
Yes, but sadly the videos will all be shakey, grainy and distant.
Still, there is enough historical evidence.
This particular model is common place and has been around for at least 50 years.
David, I respectfully disagree. There are aliens on earth. “But how so? Where do they hide?” I’ll tell you what I tell all my friends.
1) They have a secret base hiding behind Uranus. (not behind the moon like Independence Day, that’s ridiculous.)
2) They have a Stargate.
3) They have a secret ship in Antarctica as proven on X-files.
4) They look like and live among us. You need special sunglasses to see them as real aliens. I learned this from the movie “They Live” and have a pair.
I hope I’ve opened your mind, and those of our readers.
There is supposedly a fleet of ships on the way, three large and a few escorts. On hearing this I thought of the people living at Port Jackson when the Brits arrived, for quite awhile they turned their backs on them because they were ghosts.
Why would the galactic brotherhood come here now?
Give me a list of reasons?
“Killing innovation”
“A narrow research focus is above all a careerist tactic. Self-citation, a lack of currency with new publications, and the tendency to cite the same stuff over and over again, are all just symptoms of dimmer people publishing too much.”
More at link at
A benchmark for Elbow to leap on
With lots of comments
Curious to me that foundational institutions across the Western world have chosen, particularly since the Trump phenomenon, to establish moral authority by abandoning all pretense of moral authority.
Foreshadowed by the the ‘97% Consensus’ AGW theatrical creation.
: “abandoning all pretense of moral authority.”
You mean , in the eyes of those without eyes to see?
Perhaps I meant “establish moral authority” in the eyes of those without eyes to see. Very confusing.
A Hydrogen primer for those interested
Gotta hand it to John;always looks on the bright side .
XKCD weighs in this issue.
Rational thinkers need to understand that the modern Left is based upon post modernism.
It is an extremely dangerous and irrational ideology and at its core is the belief that there is no such thing as objective reality.
How do you debate or even reason with someone who believes “reality” is whatever you think it is?
The following points of view of Enlightenment vs post modernist thinking are excerpted from the link below. I have edited them for brevity but only deleted material, not changed any words. The paragraph following the number is the Enlightenment thinking and the post modernist view follows:
1. Enlightenment There is an objective natural reality, a reality whose existence and properties are logically independent of human beings—of their minds, their societies, their social practices, or their investigative techniques.
Postmodernists dismiss this idea as a kind of naive realism. Such reality as there is, according to postmodernists, is a conceptual construct, an artifact of scientific practice and language. This point also applies to the investigation of past events by historians and to the description of social institutions, structures, or practices by social scientists.
2. Enlightenment The descriptive and explanatory statements of scientists and historians can, in principle, be objectively true or false.
The postmodern denial of this viewpoint—which follows from the rejection of an objective natural reality—is sometimes expressed by saying that there is no such thing as Truth.
3. Enlightenment Through the use of reason and logic, and with the more specialized tools provided by science and technology, human beings are likely to change themselves and their societies for the better. It is reasonable to expect that future societies will be more humane, more just, more enlightened, and more prosperous than they are now.
Postmodernists deny this Enlightenment faith in science and technology as instruments of human progress. Indeed, many postmodernists hold that the misguided (or unguided) pursuit of scientific and technological knowledge led to the development of technologies for killing on a massive scale in World War II.
4. Enlightenment Reason and logic are universally valid—i.e., their laws are the same for, or apply equally to, any thinker and any domain of knowledge.
For postmodernists, reason and logic too are merely conceptual constructs and are therefore valid only within the established intellectual traditions in which they are used.
5. Enlightenment There is such a thing as human nature; it consists of faculties, aptitudes, or dispositions that are in some sense present in human beings at birth rather than learned or instilled through social forces.
Postmodernists insist that all, or nearly all, aspects of human psychology are completely socially determined.
6. Enlightenment Language refers to and represents a reality outside itself.
According to postmodernists, language is not such a “mirror of nature,” as the American pragmatist philosopher Richard Rorty characterized the Enlightenment view. Inspired by the work of the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, postmodernists claim that language is semantically self-contained, or self-referential: the meaning of a word is not a static thing in the world or even an idea in the mind but rather a range of contrasts and differences with the meanings of other words. Because meanings are in this sense functions of other meanings—which themselves are functions of other meanings, and so on—they are never fully “present” to the speaker or hearer but are endlessly “deferred.” Self-reference characterizes not only natural languages but also the more specialized “discourses” of particular communities or traditions; such discourses are embedded in social practices and reflect the conceptual schemes and moral and intellectual values of the community or tradition in which they are used. The postmodern view of language and discourse is due largely to the French philosopher and literary theorist Jacques Derrida (1930–2004), the originator and leading practitioner of deconstruction.
7. Enlightenment Human beings can acquire knowledge about natural reality, and this knowledge can be justified ultimately on the basis of evidence or principles that are, or can be, known immediately, intuitively, or otherwise with certainty.
Postmodernists reject philosophical foundationalism—the attempt, perhaps best exemplified by the 17th-century French philosopher René Descartes’s dictum cogito, ergo sum (“I think, therefore I am”), to identify a foundation of certainty on which to build the edifice of empirical (including scientific) knowledge.
8. Enlightenment It is possible, at least in principle, to construct general theories that explain many aspects of the natural or social world within a given domain of knowledge—e.g., a general theory of human history, such as dialectical materialism. Furthermore, it should be a goal of scientific and historical research to construct such theories, even if they are never perfectly attainable in practice.
Postmodernists dismiss this notion as a pipe dream and indeed as symptomatic of an unhealthy tendency within Enlightenment discourses to adopt “totalizing” systems of thought (as the French philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas called them) or grand “metanarratives” of human biological, historical, and social development (as the French philosopher Jean-François Lyotard claimed). These theories are pernicious not merely because they are false but because they effectively impose conformity on other perspectives or discourses, thereby oppressing, marginalizing, or silencing them. Derrida himself equated the theoretical tendency toward totality with totalitarianism.
Great stuff – and I shall add my own deeply considered response: “The bloody French”
And of course a true post-modernist rejects the idea of post-modernism.
Seattle is down the drain. An employee of the City Council there has complained white males are so discriminated against it makes his job impossible. One of the systems is ‘privilege bingo’, where you tick a card full of words and group discuss your results-
Native English speaker
No speech impediment
Currently housed
Conventionally attractive
Book smart
Speaks with American accent
No criminal record
and so on it goes…
Very interesting and disturbing. Good comments on the article at the link as well.
AGAIN,I just thought I should link to Andrew Bolt’s 2019 interview with Daniel Fitzhenry about the DATA concerning SLR at Fort Denison Sydney.
He is the NSW expert Hydrological Surveyor on SLR and he uses the BOM data starting in 1914.
Very little SLR over that long period and sometimes it goes up and sometimes it goes down.
But will we ever WAKE UP? Yet the resident ABC Science expert ( DUH ??????) once told Bolt that there could be 100 metres SLR by 2100 and even their CSIRO thinks a 1 metre rise is still possible in 77 years or by 2100.
AGAIN, all unbelievable but true. But everyone should watch this short video to learn the truth about the data.
Sorry 4th line above should be hydrographic surveyors. Grrrrr, I’ll have to do better.
People can check the data for themselves here. DF is correct.
From US Congressional enquiry into things covid
“Insurance analyst Josh Stirling testified under oath at Senator Ron Johnson’s covid vaccine hearings last week, and announced some pretty grim figures emerging from British data, including that people under 50 who got the mRNA shots now have a +50% higher mortality rate than unvaccinated people:”
From today’s Covid and Coffee newsletter
Listened to Jordan Petersen interviewing Judith Curry. She now runs a climate consultant practice advising on weather related risks.
She is talking substantial cooling underway, which is obvious to everyone and exactly as predicted by Prof Weiss.(see his extraordinary graph at 12:17) She is also talking about the major effects of ocean currents and solar variation, ditto Weiss. Clearly they are in total agreement. There is no mystery. CO2 is irrelevant.
It is the reason I have sat back to watch Global Warming disappear, because it has. As predicted.
But what I have never understood is that while the fossil fuel component of CO2 is under 3%, all the commercial damage as in Nett Zero is based on reducing CO2 emissions? Why? They are just absorbed quickly into the oceans. And I do not think any real scientist would disagree. I do not include fake scientists like Flannery.
CO2 levels are entirely natural and more importantly, we could not change them if we wanted to do so.
My take on this is that there are natural climate cycles. If one looks back to the Roman WP, then the Dark Ages, then the MWP and then the LIA, we see each period lasted around 500 years. There was a fair bit of ‘rollercoasting’ in each period but by and large those periods were basically warm or cool.
This warming period started around 1850 and since 1900 we have been cooling (1880-1910), warming (1910 – 1940), cooling (1945-1975), warming (1980-2005), cooling/plateauing (2005 -2010) – AND THEN, they starting adjusting the temps so we’ll never really know.
Since 1850, each warm phase has been a little warmer than the last but that should level out around 2050-2100 where each warmer phase will be less than the previous and cooler phases colder.
BTW, here’s an example of NASA adjusting the temps around 2010. The site is De Bilt in Netherlands. First data graph is the original ‘raw’ data.
The next is the data adjusted around 2010.
I think this is the only site they use from the Netherlands.
Could we say that the LIA didn’t finish in the Southern Hemisphere until 1900?
I see the Gleissberg (1880-1910), but its a Northern Hemisphere phenomenon and had no impact on Australia.
Yep. So give or take 50 years.
“EVs Are Failing To Break Into Mass Market”
Re that US rail crash
“East Palestine Railway Toxins Did Reach the Ohio River – Contamination Plume Traveling Approximately 1 MPH – Various Municipal Water Intakes May Close
February 14, 2023 | Sundance | 93 Comments”
For anyone in the vicinity – looks like the “vicinity” just got rather larger
There is now a belated evacuation order for the vicinity of the plume due to the levels of carbonyl chloride detected. The delay is a serious concern due to the characteristics of the gas and the delay in the expression of serious symptoms after significant exposure.
Some years ago my brother was exposed to the gas as part of a team of police forensic investigators responding to a suspicious death at Putty, northwest of Sydney. The death resulted from exposure to a phosgene “bomb” used to fumigate grain storage silos.
The odour threshold of the gas is considerable higher than the threshold of harmful effects at about 4ppm. Industrial hygiene standards usually specify a safety limit of 0.5ppm in workplaces.
The Court Says They’re Pirates, the IRS Says They’re a Nonprofit
Is there anything a leftist group can do to lose its tax deductible status?
In Front Page Magazine’s extensive series on the leftist organizations that the IRS has allowed to keep their tax deductible status, we have covered Chinese Communist front groups, art vandals, domestic terrorists, pedophiles, illegal alien smugglers and the enablers of murderers.
Every time we dive deeper into these investigations, someone asks if there’s anywhere that the IRS will draw the line. A few weeks ago, someone suggested pirates. Surely there couldn’t be nonprofit pirates with tax deductible donations that the IRS has decided is a legitimate charity.
Not only is there a pirate nonprofit, but it’s been denounced by the court, described as eco-terrorists by the FBI, and has shown up on Interpol’s Red Notice while being the subject of international incidents without ever persuading the IRS to drop its 501(c)(3) status.
A decade ago, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruling stated that, “you don’t need a peg leg or an eye patch. When you ram ships; hurl glass containers of acid; drag metal-reinforced ropes in the water to damage propellers and rudders; launch smoke bombs and flares with hooks; and point high-powered lasers at other ships, you are, without a doubt, a pirate.”
The group in question was Sea Shepherd: a trendy anti-fishing organization whose celebrity supporters included Pamela Anderson, Martin Sheen and Sean Penn. And a decade after the Court of Appeals stated that Sea Shepherd’s alleged acts were “clear instances of violent acts for private ends, the very embodiment of piracy”, Sea Shepherd maintains a presence on Facebook, Amazon, YouTube and other Big Tech platforms that purged conservations for “extremism”,where it sells merchandise featuring its version of the skull and bones pirate flag.
Are you suggesting that they are profitable?
Taxation has been a tool to catch criminals such as Al Capone, but I cannot see how they could turn a profit and taxation is only on profits and then you would have to allow deductions. At bit like gambling, which is why it is used worldwide to launder money without taxation.
Stealing public donations possibly for personal use, like so many including BLM but these are treated as unconditional gifts. If fraud can be shown, it can be a criminal matter but tax simple opportunism for unearned income based on deceit and you would have to lock up most of the world’s politicians. Not necessarily a bad thing.
We are under foreign espionage and it’s happening quicker than you realise.
I confirm Memoryvault stating within 18 months.