A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The once prosperous, hard working, educated western nations have been driven into an exhausting spiral of crushing enslavement and despair.
How do we get this monster off our backs?
Kalm Keith, this isn’t related to what you say here, so, sorry for butting in, and it was on the last Unthreaded, so you may not have got back to see what I wrote in reply to your comment, but the curious question I asked of you there was ….. what is ‘the six sided pig’.
He explained just after — Hexham.
Yes Tony,
that suburb of NovoCastria was once the centre of all things dairy at the Oak.
I’m just fearful that some politician will decide to use the idea and insist on new suburbs going in out there adopt flow on names like PentHam and QuadrHam.
Number six is definitely a no no.
Used to be. Not any more.
I just hope that the planners provide for Newcastle to be bigger than Sydney in 2050.
Hexham ….. now how did I miss that? And here’s me stationed at ‘Billsville’ for ten years all up. Before the Bridge went in, that was the only way into Newcastle, via Hexham, if you wanted to take your car, other than the car ferry, and I think I only used that once. Mostly parked in the Stockton car park, took the passenger ferry and walked around Newcastle.
I hadn’t heard it called that before Tony.
Were much more formal, using William.
It’s amazing to look back on the old ferry and punt and realise how effective they were; we definitely need the bridge in 2023 because modern politicians mess up everything that moves now.
An enslavement and despair so subtly entrenched that I have not even noticed it.
‘Tis odd what we notice and what we miss.
I have not noticed ANY climate related degradation, in my 80 years.
You need to spend a day with an ecologist. I recommend freshwater ecology for accessibility to locations and their ubiquity.
Could said ecologist prove that any changes were due to climate change. I’ve worked with a few.
But none of it to do with human induced “climate change”.
Waterways are far cleaner now than they were a few decades ago. Still work to do, though.
… But with the economic pressures being put on everyone by the far-left elite agendas, that may soon reverse.
Again.. I suspect this is yet another area which you are chronically uninformed about.
Just saying –
One of the initiations at the boarding school I went to was to survive the dissection of a rissole. Amazing what a creative mind can find
Mr. Aye: The ecologist who has no training, education, or experience in atmospheric science? Or CO2 in the atmosphere? Thanks for the unhelpful tip.
Am three-quarters-and-a-bit of you (guess that equals two climate cycles in WMO-speak) and same-same… I’ve seen this weather before, round and round we go. Though, February was always hot – now BoMshite are calling snow & freezing for your mountains this weekend. Carboniferous!
No significant change in my 80 years either.
We used to take max/min daily temperatures at school when I was 7-8.
How do you convince youngsters that you have something they cannot have, such as experience and observation of earlier life and times.
Goodness, the typical youth of today are arrogantly ignorant of many aspects of life. Saw one a moment ago wandering central Melbourne, dirty, filthy matted hair, dressed only in shorts, talking and singing to himself while walking among the centre of the road traffic. A voter. Stoned at 10 am.
Geoff S
Of coarse not; there’s an impermeable barrier around the ACT which ensures that anyone in that area is unaware of it.
And so many live in condoms.
🙂 🙂
“anyone in that area is unaware of it”
Most people in that area are unaware or mal-informed, about basically everything.
eg… Albo, Bowen etc etc. any other member of the Greens or ALP, and a fair number of Libs.
“An enslavement and despair so subtly entrenched that I have not even noticed it.”
And yet it oozes from your every post !!
I’m sorry Gee Aye but I doubt that you are the noticing type.
Stop buying the Main Stream Media’s propaganda, promulgated by the World Economic Forum and do your own research for the latest information from independent sources.
Racist Leftists are saying white people shouldn’t use AAVE. What is that? African American Vernacular English.
But where does AAVE really come from?
And WHO has any right to use words from another language or vernacular?
In the following video Amala Ekpunobi examines the origins of AAVE and discovers that it actually originates with white people in the American South, and before that, in the 17th century, white people in southern and western England.
So who is “culturally appropriating” whom?
A fascinating video.
12 mins
hmmm… now where have I seen this before?
I posted it before, just before that thread ended so few people would have seen it. I think it is sufficiently interesting that those with inquiring minds would find it interesting.
Do you have any productive or interesting comments to add?
“now where have I seen this before?”
ie.. GA has absolutely zero counter to what is said. !
Some of the pronunciations quoted are Irish, “dat” for “that” eg.
I use the kill switch as soon as I hear “music” with that phong Deep South USA black accent.
Why do Aussie singers use R for I, lurve for love and so on?
More broadly, why have we lost musos with technical skills? Does each piece have to start with a loud drum beat? Followed by a narrow, repetitive tonal range? Can anyone compose a symphony any more?
Is music headed for a sort of reversion to a simple mean, when it will all sound like Xydeco?
Geoff S
Bills provide for imprisonment for those who doubt vaccines in Brazil
Six bills in Congress criminalize everything from cutting in line to receive a vaccine to people who spread “fake news” about how vaccines work.
Authored by Senator Angelo Coronel (PSD), PL 5555/2020 foresees the inclusion in the Criminal Code of imprisonment for one to three years for people who omit or oppose the mandatory vaccination of children or adolescents in a “public health emergency”.
The project also criminalizes, with a penalty of two to eight years in prison, people who refuse to take the mandatory doses of vaccines.
The same punishment also applies to those who spread “false news” about the vaccines or how they work.
False information – like safe & effective, prevents transmission etc?
A large amount of Australians are still not getting their COVID-19 booster shot, despite calls from health authorities to roll up our sleeves for a fifth dose.
Waking up at last!?
Even a dog knows when something is potentially bad for it:
Good boy! Give it to the liberal. 😎
The UK Counter Disinformation Campaign. Dr John Campbell is shocked ( as he should be…)
I’ll try another link.
MI5 have been at it as well:
Dave B
Good ! That should provide us with another source of intelligent, independent migrants to fill our job vacancies.
Second in the line of new millionaires?
“Authored by Senator Angelo Coronel ”
I wonder how much he made from it..
Tuesday tourism: green China wetlands
Well I guess we know where all that green paint the CCP has been spraying on trees ended up. 😎
Sadiq Khan Orders Police To Recruit ‘Non-English, Criminal Immigrants
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has ordered the Metropolitan Police to begin recruiting officers who can’t speak or write English, and who may have a criminal record in order to meet diversity quotas.
A 2014 pledge to have 40% of the force be represented by ethnic minorities by 2023 has fallen well short, with just 17% of officers being from ‘diverse’ backgrounds.
Matt Parr, the head of the organization responsible for inspecting British police forces, told the Telegraph that London, “which will likely be a minority white city in the next decade or so, should not be policed by an overwhelmingly white police force.”
So criminals in government want foreign criminals on the police force.
What could go wrong.
Khan is a very dangerous and traitorous individual doing his best to help bring about the final downfall of Once Great Britain.
There hasn’t been anyone in English politics with a brain or backbone in a long time . Just look at the circus surrounding Brexit . The Westminster system has been eroded from within and democracy has been suborned by the media . A return to reality is coming and it won’t be pretty .
Enoch Powell was RIGHT!
Back in the day it was considered a reasonable expectation that a police officer would be able to read and write English and also not be a criminal or have a criminal record. That would also apply to an immigrant for that matter (or at least a demonstrated preparedness to learn English).
And I should have said, the police officer should be able to speak and understand English as well, apart from being able to read and write.
Will women’s prisons hire convicted rapists as wardens? All in the name of “progress” and “inclusivity”, of course. Maybe even pedophiles to work in child care…..?
That’s about as far out on the diversity limb that you could go, is someone going to pull him up and explain that coppers need to meet certain standards.
“Multiple scandals hit the UK”
That sounds like another one
Ohh JC2, where do I begin with this madness?
“to begin recruiting officers who can’t speak or write English”
Everyone knows that I work in emergency services.
Ok, Imho, someone that cannot speak the language of the Service is next to useless.
Why?… I could list a page long.
I will give you two.
How do they communicate with other responders at an incident?… The language used is english.
How do they know what I, Central Comms or Incident controllers are communicating over the radio GRN?… the language used is english.
An example of what could happen:
Imagine if I had a non english speaker as my partner.
The scenario:
The patient is unconcious, note that when they recover they may fight us (by moving erratically whilst regaining conciousness). This could damage their spinal column.
We are now on scene trying to stabilise the patient.
So I ask in english to my non writing, non english speaker.
“I need you to keep their head in line, C1-C7 included, with the rest of the spine. Make sure there is no twist between the atlas and axis when he/she becomes conscious.”
and so on and so on.
So will we get a good outcome? I don’t know.
If you think that this is best practice in emergency care, then that is fine.
Should I and the organisation have to learn 8 or more languages?
That is what the utterly stupid bureaucrats and pollies would have us do.
Or should the applicant be conversive in the language used by the organisation?
Let me know.
There is a reason why commercial airline pilots and air traffic controllers speak a common language, english.
SPIKE Protein Detoxifier: COVID gene injection SPIKE Recovery may help manage LONG COVID, the amount of spike protein in your body & inhibit effects & blood vessel blockage, supporting T-cell activity
For those interested…
“Something’s Buggin’ Tucker Carlson, Food Production Is a National Security Issue
January 30, 2023 | Sundance | 79 Comments”
Aboriginals in Alice Springs are wanting to sue the NT government for 1.5 Billion dollars because its their fault the Aboriginals sit around all day in the Todd river drinking alcohol.
The previous Government facilitated banning alcohol on the settlements in cooperation with the Elders I believe?
The Albanese regime reversed that ban, and despite warnings this would again lead to violence, child abuse and other issues, they went ahead anyway. And all the problems warned about are now back.
The alcohol bans in the NT were implemented under Howard’s Liberal government and extended by Labor (2017?).
Before the last election the Liberals made no plans to further extend the bans. After the election Labor (still) could have extended the bans, but did not.
A pox on both houses?
Two observations:
1- Alcohol usage in northern Australia (not just NT) inflames the social problems in all disadvantaged populations.
2- The younger generation perpetrators of anti-social behavior likely have no possible incentive to improve their social interaction and likely have no possible punishment which would dissuade them from continuing the actions.
And while it is possible through preponderance of numbers to assign guilt to a specific ethnic group, I note that I did not do so and the problems are “universal”
Well you could say they haven’t done much to stop them, not that it’s their job anyway.
Tucker Carlson on the strange destruction of American food processing plants
Perhaps its a good time to quote Buffalo Springfield when they said:
Connect the dots
Last May I stocked up on a lot of non-perishables with long Best Befores….and here I am 8 months later, with the stash…and prices (I kept the check-out dockets) STILL exactly the same.
When am I gonna starve?
You can have three guesses as to what the cause is’
And if you blamed Putin you struck out badly.
See the blame list in that Conservative Tree House link at #8
Goes with food shortages
“War On Agriculture”
The genii of Canada
“Documents reveal feds considered carbon tax-like rule for farm fertilizers”
As does this with US egg prices
“It’s time we stop
Hey, what’s that sound?
Everybody look, what’s going down?”
Sarah Hanson-Young was invited to Davos but she said no one would tell her where Davo lived so she couldn’t go.
That’s not sarcasm. It’s a joke. Except Sarah Two Fathers would not understand it.
Sarah Duodaddynum.
Amazing how the so called Voice campaign to parliament tells us that Aboriginals need more say today, although they have endless numbers of organisations that already represent them.
But thanks to Andrew Bolt we can see and hear what some of these people have to say and it’s vile.
The hate just spews from their mouths and even Senator Lydia Thorpe leaves a lot to be desired.
But it’s great to see ex Labor pollie Gary Johns joining Warren Mundine to head up the NO campaign.
Here’s the rally coverage shown on the Bolt Report last night and it’s just clueless but revealing.
Mundine brings integrity to the debate and their campaign strategy should convince most Australians to vote NO.
Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen talks about:
Stop Celebrating Stupidity – The Rise of Anti-Intellectualism
15 mins
Ah, the irony.. its on Youtube instead of being written, the absolute bastion of the non-intellectuals!
mmmm its all been downhill since we stopped using quills
Thanks D M,
I agree with his basic idea, but he passed over the issue of trust in “experts” especially when advertised as such by MSM. Pity, but still worth watching.
After watching it I was presented with another set of clips that might interest me, and this one did. Russell Brand dissecting Bill Gates visit to Australia, in a way slightly different from what I’ve seen in our press. 16 mins. Enjoy.
Dave B
For someone who has been (is?) a pretty extreem individual, …( i used ti think he was an unfunny commedian !)….Brand certainly has to be commended for his ability to present an honest summary of many events that the average Joe Blo would not be aware of their significance.
It has taken me a few days but I finally got the free body mechanics of the sun sorted.
I have found that the rotational acceleration and deceleration due to the combined pull of the planets correlates well with sunspots.!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhH4T-aFhWq1OcceY?e=EocmJo
That’s interesting. 15:1 ratio of x class flares hitting Earth (1) to other planet’s.
Hope your research explains more data on gravitational interactions between the solar system
The ephemeris for Earth does nor include the movement of the sun. So the actual distance can be greater than just the change caused by the orbit eccentricity.
There is a strong 11 year signal in good temperature records as well as 18 and 28 years. The 11 and 28 years are related to the movement of the sun and the 18 year nutation of Earth’s obliquity due to the moon.
So I started out with a free body model of the sun to look at the movement then found the abrupt torque changes and found they correlate well with sunspots.
So the reason the temperature records show the 11 year and 28 year cycles is due to movement of the sun around the barycentre of the solar system. The sunspots are caused by the same gravitational forces. Sunspots may have an influence on cloud formation but I am betting on just being closer or further from the sun is more important.
There are more than just the 11 and 28 year beats but I have not got them all. Looking at the torque is really interesting because it has a long cycle as well.
Good work RickWill.
What other longer term cycles have you discovered such as Ice Ages.
And what is your prediction for the present cooling. For how long and will there be a glaciation event?
I set the start parameters for mid January 1900. I let it run for 300 years so I can look into the future but have only focused to 2030.
The image gives a hint of the longer cycles, You can see the sort of tearing that goes on with the little spikes and there is a pattern to them. 300 years is not long enough to get the sun to track all quadrants around the barycentre once I set up the rotational inertia. That makes it difficult to know if I have the starting parameters right. With just the point model it did what others have observed and the sun did not move much more than its diameter from the barycentre. The movement just as a point mass is well known but is wrong:
The sunspots will increase after the next one and there is a big one coming two cycles out.
There is no reason for the warming trend to stop. That is required to start glaciation. So far only Greenland and Iceland are gaining ice extent. That is because they are surrounded by warm winter ahead of the boreal fall and winter.
The next La Nina will likely be average but the one after around 2028 could surpass 2016. I am now focused on that detail.
Jordan Peterson Leaves Joe Rogan SPEECHLESS on the World Economic Forum!!!
“A Lightning War”
News reports claiming Four star General Jim Mattis flea’s US from military charges of treason.
General (Ret) James Mattis was reportedly in Florida today to lead a Commemorative Ceremony for WW2 Pilots at McKee Botanical Garden Vero Beach.
The Facts About Giving NATO Tanks to Ukraine
Marton Armstrong just posted this:
Zelensky is an actor and he is playing the role given to him by the West to start World War III. Everything he does is to expand the war and to suck in NATO and the United States to create this war. He is succeeding. I can object all I want, but our computer will be right and we are looking at World War III between 2025 and 2027. So batten down the hatches.
So 2028 is the real deadline, not 2030 or 2032.
Now who could forecast that? 😉
‘Now who could forecast that?’
Its a load of rubbish, you should get out more.
Hypothetically, the better equipped Ukrainians could push them back to the prewar border, but this is a risky venture and the West know it. NATO could pressure Ukraine to cut off this festering sore, along with its abundance of rare earth, to avoid the potential of starting a nuclear war.
‘Pressing for peace may sometimes, however, be started by the winning faction as a means to end the war for several reasons, such as if additional conflict would not be in the perceived best interest of the winning party. In that case, demands might be made, or both nations may agree to a “white peace”, which is a return to the status quo ante bellum (the prewar situation).’
Have you noticed how when you get emails from government departments, universities and other woke institutions the public serpent or similar carbon-based life form adds its made-up gender pronouns in the signature block?
And it’s almost a crime if you “misgender” one of these beings. In fact, I have no doubt it will soon be made a real crime.
zie zim zir zis zieself
sie sie hir hirs hirself
ey em eir eirs eirself
ve ver vis vers verself
tey ter tem ters terself
e em eir eirs emself
You hardly ever see:
I cannot say I understood a word of this and English is tough enough even though the verbs, nouns and adjectives do not contain explicit gender and declensions unlike all other European languages and Russian. Who is making this stuff up? And why? If you are confused, just use IT. Like the Addams family.
I always respond with the normal human binary gender identification.
If I offend them…. GOOD JOB, Well Done. 🙂 !!
I won’t play along with their silly woke BS.
Another FWIW
“The War Against Us”*-nation/the-war-against-us/
NZ – if we can do it for Covid we can do it for climate
Horseface is gone but the insanity remains…
Frankly, it’s terrifying.
I don’t intend to visit NZ ever again.
I wouldn’t want to be trapped there if they decide to lock down.
Plus in NZ, I might accidentally express alternate opinions at variance with the official Government narrative. I expect they want only tourists drink the non-thinking community.
NZ has become too much of a Nanny State for my liking. Even worse than Australia, as hard as that is to believe.
From, not drink. That was an unnoticed change from the auto-predictor.
Great to see someone keeping the climate hoax alive.
When are people going to wake-up to this fraud?
“Will Steffan passed away in January 2023.
That would be Dr Will Steffen the climate scientist.
He was the only Climate Commissioner who was actually a scientist. He was an industrial chemist and a professor at the ANU. But of course not qualified in meteorology.
However I did correspond with him because I thought as a chemist he would fully understand equilibrium and that CO2 was obviously in rapid equilibrium at the atmosphere/ocean interface. And also that C14 proved absolutely that there was no man made CO2 in the air (Under 3%).
But ultimately he just referred me to the IPCC reports which said nothing really about CO2 equilibrium. Except that the half life was standardized at 80 years, which is an astounding fantasy and the whole basis of the story of man made CO2. I felt that knowing his qualifications, this response was basically devious if not dishonest.
And now there are no scientists on the Climate Council.
G’day TdeF,
That should make their lives even easier…
Dave B
Years ago I looked up his academic background and even found the course outline and subjects taken in his first degree.
I forget the detail but remember being alarmed at the basic scientific material missing from his “qualifications”.
Hardly surprising – he was a Senior Advisor on many of their committees.
Together with Flim Flammery, he formed the Climate Council.
Steffen, Flammery, Karoly and Braganza have been “adising” govt climate change policy since 2007.
He wasn’t in the video I posted earlier, but he was the university professor who CREATED those idiots.
My latest on Whales vs Wind:
Another dead whale today, on Long Island.
Reckon they’ll be able to dispose of that without fossil fuel?
Could they extract the whale oil and burn this?
Wind turbines around the world are ‘collapsing at an alarming rate’
Windmills are near useless random energy. At least solar is predictable. It is guaranteed off completely for half the day. And most of the day in mid winter when you need energy.
Thanks for making me go and check this out. Previously, it would not have been an easy task, but these days, it’s an easy thing to do, and it took me all of five minutes.
I’m already keeping the daily data for wind generation, but I wondered about solar power plants, not rooftop solar, but the actual Industrial Solar Plants that deliver power to the grid.
Across the AEMO, there is currently a total Nameplate for solar plants of 6924MW and the total generated power delivered to the grid last year was 11,366GWH. That gives solar plants a Capacity Factor of 18.73% rounded up to 19%.
Now, I might think that the Australian Photovoltaic Institute would be a reputable enough source for indicating the best case for rooftop solar (RTS) Nameplate, and according to them, there is 28,200MW of rooftop solar installations in the whole of Australia. So, using the AEMO total generated power for RTS, and adding on the generated power shown at the link for WA and the NT, then that gives a 2022 total generated power from RTS of 21850GWH That gives RTS a Capacity Factor of (around) 9%. Now, here, keep in mind that these RTS figures are ‘rubbery’ at best, and the propensity would be to gloat that the total Nameplate is so enormously high. Also keep in mind that the actual generated power from RTS is also a best case guess on behalf of the AEMO, and even that might be on the high side as well. Either way, that CF I calculated would also be just as rubbery as the Nameplate and delivered power, but I might actually suggest that the CF for RTS could be used as a best case indicator. It might even be as high as 11%, and here I’m giving them a humungous benefit of the doubt.
So Wind Plant generation has a CF of 30%
Solar Plant generation has a CF of 19%
Rooftop Solar generation has a CF 9% to 11%
It would seem to me that renewable power is an absolute failure at delivering power.
Finally, the most telling thing of all is this:
Wind Plants, Solar Plants and Rooftop Solar have a total Nameplate of 45,400MW. (double the Nameplate for coal fired power)
Coal fired power Plants have a total Nameplate of 22,500MW.
Last year 2022, Wind, Solar. and RTS delivered 55,900GWH of power. (less than half the delivered power from coal fired power, 46%)
Last year 2022, coal fired power delivered 121,500GWH of power.
I come across as a pretty ardent supporter for coal fired power, and I’m totally against these three renewables of choice. You only have to look at the numbers to see why I’m against these three renewables of choice.
It’s because that they just DON’T do what they are supposed to do ….. deliver power.
Tony, Grid-connected Solar Plants according to OpenNEM deliver an average 300 GWh per week in summer (1,785 MW) but only 140 GWh per week in May/June (830 MW) from that nameplate capacity of 6,924 MW.
In the last week, peak output was 5,100 MW on one day, and 3,570 MW on another day.
In the last 30 days, daily output varied from 33 to 54 GWh.
That intermittency and variability adds costs to the entire network.
Capella Science–Immunology (nice) 🙂
“Leukocyte (BTS Dynamite Parody) | A Capella Science: Immunology I
Commentary by J.J.C …fight it off by leukocyte
“Study Hall: A Capella Science–Immunology I
“Science & Technology481 views
last live 15 hours ago
Anniversary of the 1953 North Sea floods, when the weather was safe yet deadly effective.
Mealworms can consume polystyrene
Stanford researchers show that mealworms can safely consume toxic additive-containing plastic
May my oppinion be a far away from what is said in the highlighted part of the citation ? 😀
Chooks (chickens) like polystyrene too. We had to hide old veg boxes from them. It’s not a problem now as we no longer keep any chooks; we’d become tired of cleaning up free-ranging chook poo from the verandahs and carport!
So, GMO food will kill you but eating meal worms that have been fed plastics and toxins is OK. Got it!
From the Epoch Times
Senior Biden Official Stood To Profit From Canceling Alaska Oil Leases, Watchdog Charges
Leftist “fact (sic) checkers” have targeted conservative-oriented PragerU.
New feminist chemistry class teaches that science is racist
… One of their goals “was to shine light, through this process, [on] how scientific epistemology and culture have strong links with capitalism, enslavement, colonization, and exploitation of female-bodied folks.”
Students also learned the definitions of terms such as diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and systemic racism.
Not quite what chemistry is about, iirc.
Just what you need!
“Leading The Charge”
Check the range!
Don’t be rude to Jordan Petersen
Here are some good articles and comments from around the internet as I continue to bring over articles and more from my old climate forum, this is one of my forums,
Blue Marble
Jordan Peterson’s Announcement Will Change The World
Good luck with that – you’ll need it.
Personally, I won’t be holding my breath.
The meandering jetstream is making a mockery of global warming theories.
It looks like Australians can sue ‘healthcare’ providers. The Australian Medical Professional Society (AMPS) has issued a notice to all their members that they may not, in-fact, be indemnified. The Australian government sticks the knife in further by telling the healthcare practitioners that they’re required by law to have gotten privatised indemnity protections from their private insurer: