A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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For those who have the time, the Tom Nelson interviews of proper scientists and other interesting people are just excellent.
Nelson lets the subjects expound on the topic and does not interrupt or try to be the star of the shows.
Yes, well worth checking Tom Nelson out. Seems to me he is shadow banned on youtube.
A fun bit about Davos:
Is there such a thing as mindless madness? If so this be it.
Does Schwab read this blog? Who else would cast a down vote on DW’s post?
Maybe Jo should tax red thumbers a box of chocolates.
Jo knows who it is.
The why has been mentioned previously.
He did say they are mindless, so there is that I guess.
This story has been quite big in the UK
The BBC claim there were many demonstrations against the notion of celebrating Australia day as many (some?) believe it merely commemorates an invasion. I do wonder if all those countries who have been invaded or boundaries changed in the last 1000 years due to war or annexation should demand they be returned to the status quo?
In England’s case should that be before the time of the Romans? Or the Anglo Saxons>? Or The Normans? Do the indigenous people of places like Australia and New Zealand uniquely expect to erase the past centuries? Italian, French, German, Polish and Ukrainian borders are amongst many countries who have expanded or contracted over the years to the detriment of the original inhabitants.
The argument that ‘we were here first’ did not work in history. It is part of the Marxist attempt to destroy any belief in the existing government, to disrupt people’s beliefs and trust. At the same time they attack the heroes, from Sir Donald Bradman to Lord Nelson to Winston Churchill. And the religions.
It started in the universities in the 1970s when Marxists found that fighting for the workers made no sense because the workers were so much better off under a capitalist system. So now everyone is oppressed, except the now minority of white males. As a white male descendant of Irish and Scottish people, I now find myself the eternal oppressor and slaver. Now that’s a surprise. I might just go out and oppress someone. It’s been a long time since the Irish oppressed anyone.
As for the original ‘owners’ of the continent of Australia, they didn’t in any sense. The Mabo decision of pertained solely to Melanasians who really settled and farmed a very small island between Australian and PNG, specifically the island of Mer with a current population of 450 people. But our parliament arbitrarily decided that it applied to Australian aborigines who were hunter gatherers, not farmers. And since then we have been saying sorry and handing over land and countless billions in cash and free everything and a public apology. Now under endless pressure from the universities and self appointed morality police like pundit Phillip Adams, we are preparing to enshrine racism in our Constitution to further disrupt Australia.
So you are right, every country has to strike a balance between the aboriginal people and the endless waves of late comers including the current 40% of Australians who were born overseas. They have to say sorry and hand over money. And to perpetuate idea that the British are to blame for everything wrong in the world, which is the reverse of the truth. The idea that stone age aboriginal peoples with no clothes, metal, shoes, underpants or hope were better off is nuts.
The still evolving latest revolution is the computer revolution. And the impact is just starting as soon every person on the planet is to be tracked by the UN for their ‘carbon footprint’. Then you will see oppression such as no one has ever imagined before. Pax Britannica like Pax Romana has been a wonderful, prosperous and rare time in the history of the planet in which almost everyone is better off, lives longer and enjoys life without endless war.
For now, the WEF and EU and UN say let them eat crickets. All the meat, prawns, lobsters, wine and coal can go to their perfect society, Marxist China.
I agree. Wot’ Baat’ the Ancient Britons? They were Celts. Wot’ ave’ the Romans ever dun’ for us? Invasion!!!!!!!!!
‘Woolworths, Telstra, Network 10 and some of the Big Four accounting firms said January 26 was ‘not a day of celebration’ and instead gave their employees the option to work ‘out of respect for all First Nations peoples’.
Because of the Voice we should expect discussion on the issue and its fair to say the new immigrants don’t care about the date, but they still want to keep the holiday.
Hmmm!I wonder if they still expected to be paid at the Public Holiday rate!
This “First Nations” caper is a direct “lift” from North American racial politics.
“Nations” in that case refers to aggregations of people, NOT specific “turf”.
In ALL of North America there were VERY few “fixed” towns and almost no agriculture, except for a few, long-lost outliers on the banks of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and the very-long abandoned Anasazi cliff towns in the US South-west.
The “social” structures of recorded aboriginal inhabitants were built around a nomadic existence. Just because there are rock-wall fish traps in Victoria, does not mean that there was an organized city there, as well. Nomadism is based on following the food sources and climate. There were NO metal objects here, either, before Macassan trepang fishermen started trading pots to a tiny group of locals in the Top End, sometime in the 17th / 18th Centuries.NO metal pots, no boiling water? Clay pots? You cannot boil water in a “sun-dried” vessel, but yo can if the pot is KILN FIRED ….. And, despite the fashionable red loin cloths seen at events today, There was NO woven fabric here before those Macassans and European adventurers, started handing it out along with the “beads and mirrors” of legend.
And which of the (at least) three waves of south-bound humans comprised the “First Nations”?
If “science” is politicized, all that is left is “POLITICAL SCIENCE”.
“Trofim Lysenko to the red courtesy ‘phone; Tovaritch Stalin on the line””.
And who gets to carve off a slab for the “little people” of North Queensland?
Good one.
And the remarkably well hidden fact of the little people.
Where is their voice.
They were amazed at the sight of boiling water. A local man from Port Jackson put his finger in to see what would happen and instantly found the answer.
Sounds just like the Maoris in NZ, the tribe had an area they considered ‘theirs’ until they were thrown off it in battle and enslaved. Now they are multi-millionaires with taxpayers money as compensation instead of enslaved.
Coming to a Govt near you!
We whites are such fools, we deserve to lose our place in the sun!
With so many First Nations being around for 50,000 years, you’d think by now archaeologists would have found evidence of the centre of government of one of these nations? Perhaps the minutes of a meeting? Just some piece of evidence that these dispersed and nomadic tribes had any plans or objectives other than just trying to stay alive.
The whole idea of these small family groups being Nations is a total fairy story!
The breaking buzz here in Pfizamerica is an undercover Project Veritas vid in which a Pfizer guy says the company is busy “mutating COVID” producing new viruses for new vaccines.
Of course it is not Gain of Function research, it is “directed evolution”.
Like, totally different.
And for the children.
To be accurate he does say the company is ‘thinking about’ mutating COVID.
So they are thinking about whether they should be evil or go the whole hog to pure evil.
It seems unlikely that Sweden will be allowed to join Nato after the events of the last few days
Just wondering, does Sweden need to be in NATO to be in NATO?
If Ivan attacks Sweden, wouldn’t it be on for NATO anyway.
We won’t be sitting around saying, “oh gee, too bad … if only they had a membership card”.
Doesn’t NATO pool and golf course privileges come with EU membership?
There has been a lot of discussion here in the UK that there have been an unusually high number of ‘excess’ deaths over the last year or two
This may not be so, says the article. Of greatest interest however is the graphic going back to 1943. These show that taking into account age and population numbers the number of deaths per head of population though undoubtedly high in 2020 was actually lower than in any year in the record prior to 2009.
Yes, there are plenty of factors that may contribute to skewing the data message which is why a proper investigation needs to be undertaken. If the authorities collected and then released accurate well defined information then expert statisticians like Professor Fenon and his team could make more accurate sense of them. Dr John Campbell’s follow-up interview with the Prof encapsulates the issues.
From the WSJ (subscription required), Jan. 26th by Bienen & Smelkinson
The Vicious Circle of Covid Boondoggles and Bad Data
Medicare bonuses and FEMA funeral benefits create incentives to overstate the disease’s toll.
This is recent and I don’t find it elsewhere – yet.
OK, just relax, all solved…. Unexpected heart attacks are because some people carry a genetic change making them susceptible to bad cholesterol ‘Lipoprotein a’ and we don’t test for it. Nothing to do with vaccines, we’ve even found a heart attack before Covid.
You can feels safe in the knowledge we are working hard, 24/7, to find any excuse for these unexpected heart attacks!
YES!! Clickbait expert media rag Daily Mail’s contribution to (what I consider) the “factual disinformation” campaign beginning to be waged came in the form of the red banner BREAKING NEWS item Healthy dad, just 47, suddenly drops dead while jogging due to a one off ‘catastrophic event.
Given the current covid climate a reasonable first assumption would be (insert your first thought) and you would be wrong. The story relates to an unfortunate Perth death that occurred back in 2017 – yes 5 years ago and pre-covid. This secondary aspect ticks the “factual disinformation” box because fact the person died and disinformation because people may think covid implication but no we got ya just clickbait.
I would suggest that clogging up the internet with these snippets of “factual disinformation” serves a dual purpose of frustrating those who in the future do research of the past “covid years” and also reduce the interest of present day readers who, thinking it may be covid related click on it, find it is not and subconciously register another example of why anti-vaxer claims should be ignored. The programing never ends.
Yes, I think there is a concerted effort to throw up all sorts of excuses for the young having heart attacks, just to muddy the waters.
The authorities have been forced to admit there is something new happening, but the experts are baffled… then out come stacks of carefully worded articles to point everyone in the wrong direction. Someone is pushing them.
Yes, I think there is a concerted effort to throw up all sorts of excuses for the young having heart attacks, just to muddy the waters.
The authorities have been forced to admit there is something new happening, ‘but the experts are baffled…’ then out come stacks of carefully worded articles to point everyone in the wrong direction. Someone is pushing them.
Anyone else having trouble growing seeds or cuttings this year? So many or our tomatoes, brocolli, pumpkins & other veges have just failed to thrive in pots of commercial mix from Bunnings. They germinate and just stay small…
I wondered if we are suffering the same as Vic when plant material that had been sprayed with glyphosate was used for compost. I have noticed more seed-raising mixes using pine, and they make an abysmal media really.
Maybe its another hit against people growing their own food!
I use Bunnings mushroom compost and so far ok. I have flowering plants and herbs growing. The main thing I have to worry about is watering – making sure they get plenty especially the flowering plants. And not too much sun.
Get some quality compost not just potting mix and see what happens. A lot of commercial soils and potting mixes are seriously lacking in nutrients…
A friend – keen and experienced gardiner – complained last week about his vegetables starting very slowly and his fruit trees not having ripe fruit when he expected it. Mt. Barker South Australia
I noticed that the (widely planted in the streets) Jacaranda trees were at least a month late in Nov/Dec. Also that agapanthus barely started flowering by Christmas something that didn’t happen in the last 18 years when they started in the first week of December.
Must be due to all those atomic bombs worth of global warming Al Gore was raving about recently.
I have late everything and mostly reduced yields for annuals and trees.
Most significant anomaly is Boston Ivy – which is a grape relative and makes me wonder about the vineyards- started flowering almost a month late and the flowering period is twice as long as usual.
Same here but I think it had more to do with being cooler than wetter .
Probably, although the winter was not cold and the BI and the pomegranate (which was late flowering) supposedly react positively to a cold dormant period as well as the temperature when growing (mild spring and early summer).
Spring was late. Is it climate change?
‘The national mean temperature for spring was 0.10 °C below the 1961–1990 average.
‘The area-averaged national mean maximum temperature was 0.75 °C below average, while the national mean minimum temperature was 0.53 °C above average.
‘Mean maximum temperatures were below or very much below average across nearly all of mainland Australia, but above to very much above average for the northern tropics.’ (BoM)
My Boston Ivy was certainly late this year. It always does badly though. I’m guessing it needs to be in the shade.
My experience is that summer actually arrived in my part of Brisbane from last Saturday. As Ive mentioned before my balcony view of the sun’s traverse of our morning horizon has widened over the years. This last week, for the first time this season, walking to the clothesline bare foot has had to be avoided in middle day hours because finally the cement is both hot and retaining heat so awkward/ouch to walk on. And yes our 90k-ltr downsized to 60k-ltr pool is finally pleasantly warm ie like the levels it got to when a 90k liquid lump. As far as the big B and their soil/potting mix/plants go suffice to say after last years abject failure of 3 x tomatoe and 3 x capsicum plus soil impersonating concrete we didn’t bother this year.
Locally October through December maximum temperature averages were 3 to 5 degrees below the long term values
And little sun.
Not the best growing environment
Jacaranda flowering late here in SW WA too Graeme No 3. I have also noticed a lot of native plants demonstrating unseasonal flowering this year.
Farmers wouldn’t use glyphosate if it stunted crops.
“Directed Evolution”? Pfizer R&D Exec Says Covid-19 Created In Wuhan, Is ‘Cash Cow’ For Company
More interesting is how Google tried to bury it. I use Startpage for searching and the story came up instantly.
Tucker Carlson Gives Incredible Breakdown of #DirectedEvolution Investigation
Re latest Veritas on Pfizzer –
Caution here too
“Veritas’ Claimed Bombshell”
Depopulation Agenda: ‘COVID Vaccines Were Designed To Kill Billions’ – Pharma Exec Testifies
The COVID-19 vaccines were deliberately designed to be ineffective and deadly, according to bombshell testimony by pharmaceutical executive Alexandra “Sasha” Latypova.
According to Latypova, the Department of Defense (DoD) had “very clear intent to harm” by executing a “mass genocide of Americans.”
Under the DoD’s control and direction, drug manufacturers like Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen started mass-producing the shots for Operation Warp Speed – long before the first cases of “covid” even appeared, it turns out. These “figurehead” organizations, Latypova insists, were just obeying the DoD’s orders.
What this means is the United States military oversaw the creation and rollout of these “covid countermeasures,” as they were classified before being erroneously dubbed as “vaccines.” This is why they called it Operation Warp Speed: because it was a military warfare operation, not a “public health” operation.
“There are numerous mechanisms of injury built into the covid-19 injections,” she further explained. “The most important one being that these shots are designed to make your cells attack themselves, make your cells express antigens that are toxic spike proteins, and then create antibodies to attack the cells. So, it trains your body to destroy itself.”
Of course the shots MUST cause a wide range of effects AND over a medium time frame to avoid being identified as the culprit.
Just like old age [😎] – heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, cancer etc are what get you, and that’s what we’re seeing.
Speaking of people ageing faster:
Woman, 37, candidly admits that she no longer ‘recognizes herself’ in the mirror, revealing how ‘weird aging phenomenon’ has left her ‘struggling with her appearance’ – as thousands admit they have the same issue
A 37-year-old woman has detailed a ‘weird phenomenon’ she’s been experiencing with aging just days before her birthday.
Natalie Thomas – a marketing consultant, from Austin, Texas, who runs social media strategy business Less Wasted Living – revealed in a TikTok video, which has been viewed more than 620,000 times at the time of writing, she’d been really struggling with her appearance for the ‘last year or so.’
‘I want to share my experience with aging. I’m 37 now, I’m going to be 38 in a week,’ she told her more than 5,500 followers.
‘And in the last year or so I’ve really struggled with my appearance, and it’s not so much of like a shallow thing, not wanting to look old… but it’s not even that I’m like upset about a wrinkle or a blemish or a pigmentation.
Now what could be happening I wonder? 😉
Australian homeowners should pay weekly land tax to indigenous people for ‘200 years of unchecked genocide,’ say senator and activists
Homeowners in Australia are being encouraged by activists, celebrities, and a senator from the Australian Greens party to pay a weekly rent to native groups for living on the land, according to the Daily Mail.
An indigenous rights activist named Robbie Thorpe is spearheading the decades-old campaign called “Pay the Rent,” which asks homeowners to pay 1% of their weekly wages to those who claim to have ancestral ownership of parts of Australia. The money is allegedly intended for an unspecified group of Aboriginal elders.
Based on the median income in Australia from 2022, each homeowner would pay a weekly fee of approximately $8.83, which equals $459 per year.
Thorpe said the payment plan is “a rational, reasonable, responsible means of reconciling 200 years of unchecked genocide, as far as I’m concerned.”
200 years? Typical Greens nonsense.
“Unspecified group”? How much of this money will be consumed by “administration overheads” I wonder…
A couple of years ago I found the Newcastle university map of Australian massacres, and counted up the total. I think they didn’t count any with less than 3 killed? Well it came to about 11000, with I think a blip in the 1830s, until 1930? So rounding it out to include some of the lower numbers, we could go to 15000? Which works out at 100 per year. There were thought to be about 750 000 Aboriginals in Aus at first settlement, and by 1930 was it 250 000 or 100 000? I don’t remember. Anyway 100 people being viciously killed, out of an average population of about 400 000, is stretching the term genocide beyond……………………………>
Did anyone do a headcount over the whole continent at first settlement? How was the estimate of 750,000 reached?
Australia’s new billionaires for 2026-
Robbie Thorpe.
The British sure were hopeless at genocide. Despite all their efforts against the most primitive of tribes they only succeeded in doubling the life expectancy of the average indigenous person.
Bloody hopeless.
Horowitz: 12 new safety signals showing devastating dangers from COVID shots
17% of children experienced some cardiac symptom after the Pfizer shot: Just how large is the universe of those roped into some risk of cardiac damage? A new peer-reviewed study from Taiwan published in the European Journal of Pediatrics found that 17% of high school children, mainly boys, experienced at least heart palpitations or chest pain from the second dose of Pfizer.
20% spike in excess deaths in England and Wales:According to the latest figures from the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics, deaths for the final two weeks of 2022 in England and Wales were 20% above the five-year average.
0 of 1,1779 COVID hospitalizations in New South Wales were unvaccinated:According to NSW Health, which breaks down COVID hospitalizations and deaths by cohorts of various levels of vaccination, for the two weeks ending Dec. 31, 2022, not a single COVID hospitalization (or ICU admission) was among the fully unvaccinated.
FDA admits massive elevated risk for heart attacks, blood clots, and pulmonary emboli: FDA researchers published the results of a massive observational study of 30.7 million Medicare patients in 2021 and found that people who took the shot found that the shots increase risk of pulmonary embolism by 54%, acute myocardial infarction by 42%, blood clotting by 91%, and platelet disorder by 44%.
COVID vax was associated with 22%-74% greater all-cause mortality vs. being unvaccinated in U.K.: Prior to May 2022, the U.K. Health Security Agency published COVID case and death rates, age-stratified, by vaccination status.
Two studies show mRNA shots create wrong antibody class: In yet another possible indication that the shots actually make you more vulnerable to coronavirus, a second study has been published showing the shots create a class switch from IgG1-3 neutralizing antibodies to IgG4 “tolerating” antibodies, which can make someone keep getting the virus and not fight it off.
Is the JC2 2028 timeline becoming clearer? 😉
The death records show the COVID vaccines are shortening lifespan worldwide
Any state governor or the head of any country in the world could bring an immediate halt to the COVID vaccine program for all ages if they published the age, date died, and date of last COVID vax (if any) for all people who died since the vaccine became available in their state/country. All they have to do is match up the death certificate with the date of last COVID vaccination. It’s not hard.
But nobody will do that.
It’s because they all know it would show that people were more likely to die after they got the shot which is the exact opposite of what is expected (due to the healthy patient bias).
Any surgeon general of a state could do this as well. They are all afraid.
Because I know what they will find. And so do they. That’s why they aren’t doing it.
People sure are getting old faster than they used to…
How do we know that the Covid vaccines cause death?
There is only one way says Professor Sucharit Bhakdi and that is the way of the pathologist.
Dr Arne Burkhardt, a pathologist in Germany performed 15 autopsies on people who had died 5weeks to 6 months following a Covid Vaccination. He found damage to the endothelium of small and large blood vessels and accumulation of lymphocytes in the surrounding tissues. These are killer T cells according to Bhakdi and these are the bullets that cause the damage.
The damage was not confirmed to a few organs such as lungs and heart but involved many organs, including liver, kidneys, uterus, skin, thyroid and brain. Such widespread infiltration of numerous organs is never seen in medicine, according to Bhakdi and Burkhardt and this proves that the vaccine caused the death.
Here’s something for intelectual giants and tennis players: The Dzhanibekov Effect
Hmmm, 11M views 3 yrs ago, so this video has been around for a while. Concludes that the earth is stable in its rotatory format, and is not going to flip as did the bottle with the water moving about in it. Now, can’t quote references and the threads may have perhaps been displayed on this blog, recently there have been 2 announcements made about the earth’s core; somewhere down in there, it is proposed that there could be an water mass larger than the surface oceans. Secondly, there is a mass that is spinning, actually possibly slowing down, independent to the surface rotation. Wonder what impact these might have on said conclusion?
Extinction Averted
‘An asteroid only discovered last weekend will zoom past Earth today, making one of the closest known approaches for a near-Earth object on record.
‘Asteroid 2023 BU was discovered by an amateur astronomer named Gennadiy Borisov in Crimea last weekend on Saturday, January 21, 2023. Since then, additional observations have confirmed that 2023 BU will pass extremely close to Earth this week, getting around 10 times closer to our planet’s surface than our weather satellites’. (Weatherzone)
I could understand 10 times further, but 10 times closer?
Yes I am skeptics about the nearest distance also.
The distance is estimated in scart units.
scary units.
It’s not very big so is not a risk at all.
Also confusing terminology seems to be saying it is 1/10 of some nominated satellite.
This might be where El G found this
I heard that it’s going to hit Moscow and Washington is going to say “What bad luck!” hee, hee, hee.
pfft! Russian propaganda obviously! That asteroid didn’t exist, or NASA would have found it, not some dodgy Russian in their stolen territory!
“NASA’ Centre for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) constantly monitors all known near-Earth objects and asseses them for impact risk. NASA even has a Planetary Defence Coordination Office (PDCO) that aims to detect and respond to the threat of near-Earth object impacts.”
I don’t know how that story slipped past the CIA censors!
So Matt Kean or is that Green has a great idea for NSW motorists , pay $80 a year to offset your carbon emissions!
They’ll have to do that or put a road tax EVs. The choice is simple
How much to reduce Matt Kean emissions?
Albanese’s and Labor’s hypocrisy laid bare. While they try to convince Australians to adopt an apartheid form of government so that Aborigines will have more of a day in how the country is run than other Australians, they can’t even make an effort to listen to current indigenous members of Parliament.
Last year, Senator Jacinta Price clearly told them what would happen if they abolished the welfare card
Now that drunkenness, robbery and violence is on the rise even indigenous Labor politician Marion Scrymgeour is speaking out.
But but but Plibersek went to a protest with urban Aborigines to show her support, so everything’s well. Labor and its woke supporters can sleep well while Alice Springs remains a war zone.
Social breakdown and division is a feature, not a bug.
It’s a car-azy old world: How range anxiety, a lack of chargers and soaring power costs have sent the electric vehicle revolution into reverse with warnings from experts the whole market is ‘on thin ice’
Emergency warning to all Western Australia residents, apparently the government have lost a radioactive capsule about the size of a ten cent piece , any exposure is similar to 10 X-rays . Last seen early January! Are they serious they lost it at the start of January and are only just now putting out an alert ?
ABC News: Urgent public health warning issued over lost radioactive capsule in Western Australia
It’s claimed a Caesium-137 sealed capsule fell off the back of a truck.
If it was urgent you would think they would have reported it back in early January!
Half life ~30 years. Decays to 2 forms of Barium -one stable the other with a half life of 2.6 minutes.
Radiation is mostly β and some gamma rays. Best stored in lead.
Friday afternoon special!
“Go-Go-Gadget Range: Ram may add ‘range-extender’ to EV pickup
Truckmaker thinks adding touch of gasoline could be solution to battery-powered pickups’ towing and cold-weather concerns”
Add a generator to the tray and yeah it will work but then doesn’t that make it an ice vehicle anyway .
“Retired Col. Douglas MacGregor Discusses Status of Ukraine War and Background of Biden Sending Abram M-1 Tanks
January 26, 2023 | Sundance | 570 Comments”
From comments
“White House officials warned Wednesday it could take up to a year before Kyiv receives the tanks that President Biden publicly pledged because they would be purchased new with Congressionally approved funds as part of the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. “
Hang on, only two dead? How many survive those Ru tanks with turrets blown into orbit?
Everything about a tank is a compromise and probably where the ammo is stored is the most important for Americans.
But no thinking pundit says the Abrams is a good fit in Ukraine. Only the enormous US Army can move, maintain and supply such big gas guzzlers.
I replied to an earlier post #13 about genocide. 750 000 maybe 780 000, is a consensus number for pre settlement Aborigines. Anyway white massacres killed about 15 000 in 150 years; 100 pa. Anthropologists have tried to collate violent deaths in 4 Aboriginal tribes, and come to an average of 200 violent deaths per 100 000, pa. That ends up coming to 225 000 in 150 years pre settlement, or 120 000 for a medium Aboriginal population of 400 000, in the 150 years up to 1930. 15 000 or 120 000, genocide or suicide? Numbers or emotional masturbation?
What I find fascinating is that the might of the British Empire supposedly set out to accomplish the genocide of a bunch of primitive tribes yet only succeeded in tripling their population and more than doubling their life expectancy. The greatest failure of genocide in history.
Very amusing young Harves, but ultimately its all about how the indigenous population was callously treated.
Auckland mayor considering ‘state of emergency’ announcement (9pm NZ time) after 24 hours’ torrential downpour: motorways, houses, carparks, shops flooded, people evacuating, Fire & Army crew helping, airport closed, Elton John concert cancelled (no big loss).
Authorities were WAY behind the 8-ball and councils just forgot to clean drains before the deluge arrived, and as for new housing estates in ‘flood-prone’ areas going under… no doubt tomorrow will bring forth a scum of eggspurts proclaiming CCCrap is wot done it. Oh the Hugh Manatee…
Whereas all the essential people in the lower Nth Island are rejoicing in 24 hrs of steady , much-needed warm rain in the last fortnight of Summer.
It doesn’t get much better than this , especially since we got all the hay under cover yesterday morning.
Interesting to hear the snowflakes up North were surprised that the flooding was worst in the Wairau valley .
Hello ? Valley ? Hello?
Talking of flooding in Dorkland , I have heard that the percolation rate of water through house roofs , concrete driveways, and tar-sealed roads , is actually quite slow , compared to soil.
Funny that .
Ah yes, the Wairau swamp/lake ‘Valley’, I know it well – used to ride my bike to school through it (1970s) often knee-deep in sludgy run-off. Any old map, eg. Hochstetter’s 1859 one, will show it as a ‘swamp’, the bed of an even-older river system before Pupuke volcano burped and changed its course.
During the 50s/60s the area was ‘reclaimed’, some as a golf course & sports ground, most as an ‘industrial’ area with the then-new motorway running right through it, with houses cramming the surrounding slopes. Luckily my parents bought a house high up on the ridge overlooking ‘the swamp’ as we called it. Even so, I had to help my dad dig drains & scoria-pits in the clay soil during/after downpours way-back-then.
In the intervening decades, infill housing & big box stores & supermarkets & car yards have proliferated, seemingly without thought about the one (1) creek draining it all: a man-made disaster waiting to happen. And true to cult beliefs, the Minister for Emergency Management [sic] today said it was “without doubt” the result of CCCCCrap. He didn’t mention, however, that Christchurch went from 30 C to 15 C in a few hours as a southerly buster roared through. As you say, the rest of the country was loving the warm rain.
Another cold temp record broken .
This is a good video, with Richard Fleming discussing the manufactured virus and the subsequent injections. Clear, persuasive, thoughtful.
Climate change programs are fueling inflation, Bank of Canada admits
Jane Fonda: ‘There’d Be No Climate Crisis if It Wasn’t For Racism’
Caitlin Johnstone embarrassing the lamestream by bringing up old articles they printed that condemned the (now denied) Nazis in Ukraine, where they pointed out the USA was pushing war with Russia, and how the media was purged of views that disagreed with what we are now expected to believe.
“Interestingly, a 2019 Declassified UK report found that British intelligence services began aggressively targeting The Guardian after its 2013 publication of the Edward Snowden documents, and found their in when the outlet’s editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger was replaced by Katharine Viner in March 2015. After that point The Guardian began moving away from critical investigative reporting and began publishing softball “interviews” with MI5 and MI6 chiefs and willingly participating in the west’s information war against Russia.”
Hemp based building materials. Its not a new idea, but might become popular if the price is right.