A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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New FLU Jabs will use SPIKE PROTEIN Technology After “Stunningly Successful” Covid-19 Vaccine
The mRNA technology, that was entirely shelved before the emergence of Covid-19, is now set to be used in a host of new pharmaceutical products including flu vaccines and cancer drugs.
An international team of researchers has used mRNA technology to develop an influenza ‘vaccine’ that reportedly targets four proteins that change little across viral strains. In their paper published in National Academy of Sciences, the team describes their approach to developing a ‘new kind of flu vaccine’ using the same spike protein technology used in the Covid vaccines and how well it has worked in mice.
The researchers claim that because the two main types of flu strains (A&B) ‘adapt’ so quickly to normal vaccines, new ones have to be developed every year. This approach is not only expensive, but also hit-and-miss—the medical community sometimes encounters a surprise variant that their newly created vaccine cannot fight. Because of that, medical researchers have been looking for a “better alternative”.
Stunningly successful – lifts rock, finds scientist. 🤣
Unfortunately, the narrative in MSM and the medical fraternity is that the mRNA technology is the best thing since sliced bread. Our fed govt have even invested money in a plant to spit out Moderna vaccines. There have been numerous articles on the mRNA tech for use in cancer drugs. Meanwhile the full safety of the COVID mRNA vaccines really hasn’t been validated yet. Medical ethics and evidence based medicine was a thing once, not any more.
…and Thalidomide was good too with little toxicity testing or scientific integrity.
Look where it got them.
Asbestos, Aluminum, Nicotine, Fluoride – the list is extensive…
It’s amazing when you think the biggest corporate fraud penalties in history was paid by a pharmaceutical company. Not the Russian mafia, not some dodgy crypto currency dealer. Nope, a drug company. You would think governments would be a little bit more wary of them, wouldn’t you?
“You would think governments would be a little bit more wary of them, wouldn’t you?”
They obviously know how to make “wise investments”
How do you spot an honest politician (see also: public serpent)?
When they are bought, they STAY bought>
Some months ago, after the first OBSERVATION FACTS from the genetic therapy started to become known, I have made my mind:
From now on, NO flu vaccines or “vaccines” of ANY kind!
The push to “cocktailize” vaccines with gene therapies in the SAME shot is too strong to be resisted by the Gates & Co.
So, even the flu vaccines have ended their course for me: from now on, just check the “immune promoting” simple drugs and foodstuffs (vit D, E, K, B12, Zn, Mg) and take the PALLIATIVE medication as soon as the first symptoms; in case that does not work, consult with an experienced, old school and scientifically aware GP working as independent, NOT enrolled to any state-owned “health” system (because being independent financially creates better conditions for him/her think freely).
Climate lockdowns – here we go!
Residents will be confined to their local neighbourhood and have to ask permission to leave it all to ‘save the planet’.
Oxfordshire County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones to ‘save the planet’ from global warming. The latest stage in the ’15 minute city’ agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighbourhoods.
Under the new scheme if residents want to leave their zone they will need permission from the Council who gets to decide who is worthy of freedom and who isn’t. Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year, but in order to even gain this every resident will have to register their car details with the council who will then track their movements via smart cameras round the city.
Communism will make the weather better.
Oxfordshire County Council, which is run by Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party, secretly decided to divide-up the city of Oxford into six ‘15 minute’ districts in 2021 soon after they were elected to office. None of the councillors declared their intention of imprisoning local residents in their manifestos of course, preferring to make vague claims about how they will ‘improve the environment’ instead.
Every resident will be required to register their car with the County Council who will then monitor how many times they leave their district via number plate recognition cameras. And don’t think you can beat the system if you’re a two car household. Those two cars will be counted as one meaning you will have to divide up the journeys between yourselves. 2 cars 50 journeys each; 3 cars 33 journeys each and so on.
How much more of this total BS will the masses tolerate?
V for Vendetta gets closer by the day…
And how does imprisonment save the planet? I guess that’s irrelevant to a dictatorship at council level. What about little yellow star badges sewn onto clothes and gps anklets and whole families not able to all leave at the same time? To save the planet of course and prevent white male supremacy emanating from Oxford.
It puts specifics on “I fart in your general direction”?
Who mentioned the French?
Not to worry, when there is no electricity to power the cameras, or when they are eventually iced over, their whole nefarious scheme will fail.
Why do looney tunes green schemes always involve more restrictions and more infringements of basic human rights? Australia would be a great place to introduce this social credit totalitarian scheme. We have so many braindead sheep here, who will believe anything channel 9 tells them.
The 15 minute city is the latest BS from the regressive Left.
And it is already in Australia, but sometimes called 20 min. See:
And the BS just goes on and on. Goolag “15 minute city Australia” without quote marks.
The Left have always hated the personal freedom given by affordable transport like the motor car. And living in decent size houses. Those are to be for the Elites only. This is one way they will lock us down to achieve their evil objectives if decent people remain silent and let them have their way.
This is precisely how things operated in China when Marilyn’s youngest brother went there to work on one of the earliest joint venture schemes, in 1992.
And please don’t blame the Chinese (or the Russians), blame the Oxfordshire County Council . .
I don’t, Geoffrey.
The Chinese dropped it as unworkable a couple of decades ago.
Saudi A also had a similar “Travel permit” scheme way back 40-50 yrs ago.
Social credit score by stealth.
They are copying Beijing.
Sounds like Babylon Bee!
Ridiculous! Will everyone have to work within walking distance then?
Switzerland, Facing an Unprecedented Power Shortage, Contemplates a Partial Ban on the Use of Electric Vehicles
It turns out that you can have battery-powered cars, or you can have renewable energy, but you can’t have both.
The Swiss Confederation usually imports electricity from France and Germany to keep the lights on over the winter, but this year neither country has any power to spare. Many French nuclear power plants are down after years of postponed maintenance, while in Germany we suffer from a superfluity of idle wind turbines and a (self-imposed) shortage of natural gas.
The Federal Council of Switzerland has therefore published draft legislation, which outlines four tiers of escalating measures to conserve electricity and avert potential blackouts. The first prescribes a lot of temperature restrictions for things like refrigerators and washing machines. The second includes more unusual rules, such as the demand that heating in clubs and discotheques “be set to the lowest level or switched off completely,” and that “streaming services … limit resolution of their content to standard definition.” The third foresees cutting business hours, banning the use of Blue Ray players and gaming computers, and also limiting the use of electric cars, which should be driven only when absolutely necessary. A fourth and final tier mandates closure of ski facilities, casinos, cinemas, theatre and the opera.
A lot of these rules look unenforceable, but they said the same thing about contact restrictions during the pandemic. It turns out that the state really can prevent you from socialising with people in your own home if it wants to, especially when there’s no shortage of prying neighbours eager to snitch.
Feasibility isn’t the point, though. It’s the optics here that are most astounding. Electric vehicles, which politicians have heavily subsidised as one of their primary policy responses to climate change, are just now crashing against that other great arm of the green agenda, namely renewable energy. You can’t drive everyone into ever greater dependence upon the electrical grid, while also orchestrating an energy transition to wind (which hardly blows in Germany, except in the north) and solar (which generates no meaningful power in the depths of the Central European winter). Gas from Russia was the magic ingredient that kept the whole renewables charade going, and we’re out of that now. There’s no way to cover up the failure; not even the green-friendly German media has any excuse or messaging angle here.
Insert picture of Fred Flintstone car here. 😎
No petrol, no electricity…
isn’t woke wonderful? Hoping for something to be true is not enough.
Great to see! The sooner it spreads to all Western countries the sooner people will wake up!
Astronomers Troubled by ‘Unprecedented Brightness’ of Huge BlueWalker 3 Satellite.
The International Astronomical Union is not opposing the BlueWalker 3 satellite, but it is urging companies to ‘minimize’ the impact their satellites can have on astronomy.
A large satellite that’s designed to beam internet to consumer cell phones is now one of the brightest objects in the night sky—much to the chagrin of the astronomical community.
Their concerns revolve around the prototype BlueWalker 3 satellite from Texas-based AST SpaceMobile. Earlier this month, BlueWalker 3 fully deployed itself, resulting in the satellite’s massive 693-foot communication array unfolding over Earth’s orbit.
The International Astronomical Union—which is made up of 12,000 members—now says it’s “troubled” by the satellite’s “unprecedented brightness,” especially since AST SpaceMobile has plans to launch dozens of additional BlueWalker-like satellites in the future.
“New measurements reveal that this low Earth orbiting satellite is now one of the brightest objects in the night sky, outshining all but the brightest stars,” the IAU said in a statement on Monday. As evidence, the group provided several images that show BlueWalker 3 creating satellite streaks in the night sky, which can disrupt and photo-bomb telescopic observations.
Hey. See that asteroid on a collision course? You can’t? Oh well…
This is a major and growing problem for years now. The number of NEA’s and PHA’s makes orbiting junk a real concern given the number of fly bys we didn’t see at all.
So, our new overlords have finally arrived.
EV Charging Stations Offer Convenience, New Attack Vector
The potential vulnerabilities found in charging stations run the gamut, from skimming someone’s credit card information, locking a charging station or a network of charging stations or hacking into the larger electrical grid. (JC2 – Or hacking the car itself)
Cybersecurity researchers at Sandia National Laboratories recently published a paper sounding the alarm on potential cyber attacks on electric vehicle charging stations and urging action before there is an explosion in the number of charging stations.
The U.S. went from having about 2,000 public charging stations in 2011 to 50,000 in 2021, according to the Department of Energy. And the number of stations is expected to boom to 500,000 in several years, said Jay Johnson, a cybersecurity researcher at Sandia and the lead author of the paper, which was published in the scientific journal Energies.
There was $7.5 billion allocated to build the network of charging stations in an infrastructure bill signed into law last November.
Such attacks have caused disruptions at several public institutions in Albuquerque. Earlier this year, Albuquerque Public Schools canceled classes for two days after it was attacked with ransomware, and a similar attack temporarily closed Bernalillo County government offices and affected operations at the Metropolitan Detention Center, which lost access to its cameras.
There have been several documented attacks on charging stations, Johnson said.
Meanwhile in Germany: Nationwide day of action against hate postings
A press release from the Federal Criminal Police Office
The German police will again take action on November 30, 2022 to combat hate postings in a nationwide campaign against the writing of punishable posts on the Internet. Because calls for crimes, threats, coercion or sedition on the Internet are crimes that can be punished with up to five years in prison.
As of this morning, police authorities have carried out a total of 91 police measures in 14 federal states, including house searches and interrogations.
Who says no-one can see the future.
Box cars on standby?
Demand for Unvaxxed Blood Skyrockets Across the World
Now that many people are educated about the dangers of the jabs, people are demanding “pure” or “safe” blood from sources that were never contaminated with messenger RNA (mRNA), spike proteins, and the many other contaminants found in covid vials.
“The spike protein (travels the entire body) caused by the COVID-19 vaccination last for months (potentially permanently in the body for those who frequently take booster shots).” reports: In 18 countries so far, “pure blood” banks have already been established. The goal is to set them up everywhere that people are in need of blood transfusions from sources that are free of covid poisons.
They claim vaxxed blood is safe but show me a single study into it. What do they base their claims on? Hopium?
Now for a separate medical and health system…
Meanwhile in NZ, the health service has pulled the “directed donation” page as it’s a major oopsy on their part in view of the fiasco over a baby’s heart surgery.
But here it is anyway, thanks to JC2:
Who cares what the medicos think.
If, as they claim, there’s no difference in the blood then they have no valid reason to refuse a directed donation!
I read one of the connected documents. It says NZ Blood discourages “directed donations”.
They have no moral right to do so. You should be able to select blood from any individual for any reason provided they are a compatible donor.
Correct. They discourage it but have no valid reason that I can see to refuse it.
No doubt sufficient adverse publicity, or the threat of a lawsuit would tip the scales.
I’ve only recently started donating blood due to the prior restrictions with English blood being considered unclean.
However I think that I’ll wait until this policy is changed before I donate again:
“Directed donation will not be performed for the purpose of avoiding blood components from donors vaccinated against COVID-19”
If only there was competition and a free market for health.
Ssomeone could set up an alternate blood bank for unvaccinated blood, and charge according to demand.
Dr. Peter McCullough – mRNA is being transferred to the unvaxxed
So why continue vaxxing???
Meanwhile in Italy:
Three doses obligatory – Italy: 2 million unvaccinated people have to pay a fine
1.9 million unvaccinated Italians must pay fines from Thursday. Affected are unvaccinated citizens over the age of 50, as well as the staff of some professions for whom vaccination against the coronavirus has been requested in recent months, including paramedics, educators and security forces.
The six-month period for unvaccinated people to justify not vaccinating came to an end on Wednesday. Many said they contracted the coronavirus between January and June 15, the day 50-year-olds were vaccinated.
Anyone who cannot explain why he has not been vaccinated three times must now pay a fine of 100 euros. The regions with the most unvaccinated people compared to the total population are the neighboring region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia in Carinthia, the Apennines in Abruzzo and Calabria in southern Italy, Italian media reported.
Meloni promised easing
The Italian government around the right-wing politician Giorgia Meloni abolished the vaccination obligation for paramedics in October. Rumors that she wants to lift the €100 fine have not yet been confirmed. In tackling the corona pandemic, Meloni has set new priorities compared to the previous government around Mario Draghi and promised that there will be no further restrictions, even if the number of corona infections is increasing again.
So Meloni – end it, if you are what you claim to be…
A single chart to show the cause and cure for global warming.
The only other knowledge required is that oceans store and release heat while land stores and releases ice over much longer timescales – 4 precession cycles for the last two glacial cycles.
I happen to have both gas and electricity accounts that are settled with the same provider, Lumo, every two months. The electricity is always surplus but the gas always deficit. Lumo once maintained a single account but then decided to separate the gas and electricity into two accounts.
When the gas bill arrives every two months I go into a chat with Lumo to transfer the funds. They request a whole heap of personal information that ends up on the chat stream for me to make this transaction that is entirely within their system. There is no external transaction involved. Today I baulked at giving more than my account number, telephone number and first name. Be aware all this information is on a chat stream to some call centre in Mumbai.
I have sent in a written complaint to Lumo on the basis that they have little regard for my personal information and given them two weeks to sort it. I do not even expect payment for pointing out the weakness in their system – that is just free advice!
The Indian call centre stated it was a mandatory requirement that I give my full name along with the other information already provided. I asked what law was she referring to that mandated it but there was no reply on that question.
I recently won a debate over giving excessive personal details to AusNet to get a meter reporting problem fixed – it took two and half years but they no longer have that silly requirement. I will see how Lumo go. But it gives me concern that call centres in India are required to obtain a whole lot of personal information unnecessary to the task at hand.
The system of independent confirmation that the banks now use should be the minimum requirement. Everyone should be aware of presenting all their personal information on a platter for any scammer to use for their benefit and your loss.
Good for you and thank you on our behalf.
Similarly I recall having to supply many details to confirm who I was to the Bus transport chat line to simply shift $17 from one bus pass account to another, both with the same address, same name. Cracking Medicare would be so much harder than simply cracking the chat bot for the bus system.
Now the EU commies are going after Elon Musk and Twitter.
SEE video by Dr Steve Turley.
There is nothing more terrifying to a Leftist than free speech or alternative opinions.
A nice bit of history: Michael Moore’s 2016 speech in which he compliments Trump:
4m 35s video.
No he didn’t
That is clipped out of context
Recent research has shown that the Earth’s atmosphere 4 billion years ago was much the same as it is today – Nature vol. 480, pages 79-82.
That means that CO2 induced global warming has been taking place continuously for more than 4 billion years culminating in a minimum temperature of 15.3 deg.C this morning in Perth, WA. While the Sun warms the Earth’s surface here for half a day, leaving it to cool for the remainder, the ever-present atmospheric CO2 gas is absorbing and re-radiating heat emitted by the surface for every minute of every day, supposedly making the surface hotter.
Isn’t this a ridiculous proposition ? In excess of 4 billion years of continuous CO2 global warming and our temperature is only 15.3 deg.C, roughly the average temperature across the whole of the globe, and we are told that this is “catastrophic” and we must achieve ‘Net Zero’ as soon as possible regardless of the inconvenience of losing our cheap, reliable power generated from fossil fuels.
Is this our new culturally correct mathematics in action or has our politicians and scientists simply ‘lost the plot’?
Anti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to 8,600 elderly patients with saltwater instead of Covid vaccine walks FREE from court in Germany
An anti-vaxxer nurse who injected up to 8,600 elderly people with saline solution instead of a Covid-19 vaccine has walked free from court.
Red Cross nurse Antje T, 39, jabbed thousands of elderly patients at a vaccine centre in Germany with what she told them was the BioNTech Pfizer vaccine but was just a saltwater solution.
The nurse, who administered the fake vaccines at the Schortens jab centre in Friesland, northwest Germany, was given just six months on probation.
She was found guilty of six counts of intentional assault by Oldenburg District Court, Lower Saxony state, on November 30.
Saving 8,600 lives warrants a medal!
I wonder how many politicians and others that push these jabbs, also get saline injections. !
And I wonder if there are any figures on the death rate among the elderly given saline not Pfizer. Since she hasn’t been charged with murder or man slaughter I assume that there weren’t an excess of deaths. In other words the vaccine is useless.
Braver than I. The risk of a capital charge is enormous.
I hope my local member was given the saline jab
I hope the likes of Dan Andrews, Albo, Bowen are all totally up to date with their real mRNA jabbs !
Russian embassy claims Australian Federal Police yet to get in touch over Medibank hackers
The AFP said last month that they would talk with Russian authorities about the cybercriminals behind the Medibank hack. Russia’s Australian embassy claims they’re yet to get in touch.
Russia has denied any contact from Australian authorities over the Medibank hack, three weeks after federal police singled out Russian cyberhackers.
Australian Federal Police (AFP) commissioner Reece Kershaw said on 11 November a group of “loosely affiliated cybercriminals” from Russia was responsible for the hack which affected 9.7 million current and former Medibank customers, and that talks would be held with Russian law enforcement agencies about the bad actors.
“What I will say is that we will be holding talks with Russian law enforcement about these individuals,” he said.
“The AFP is responsible for the Australian Interpol national central bureau, which has direct contact with [the] national central bureau Moscow.”
At the time, the Russian embassy in Australia said it was disappointed that the AFP had identified Russia-based criminals as the culprits without contacting Russian officials before the public announcement.
Maybe it wasn’t everyone’s favourite whipping boy after all.
Try China, North Korea, Vietnam, Ukraine, USA…
1) Maybe the AFP doesn’t want to offend the Russians.
2) Or the AFP simply don’t care and can’t be bothered contacting them.
3) Or they have no case at all and they just made it up to make it look like they were doing something.
4. They jumped onto the anti-Russia bandwagon without the facts to back their position and now they can’t prove their claim so they’ve gone dark…
The Five Eyes have decided to go after the hackers directly.
Has that bloke Steele got a new job?
There is a young man who is the son of friends of mine and he is having trouble finding a wife who is a “pure blood” (i.e. has not been injected with experimental covud vaccine).
It’s not just about unknown and untested longer term effects, including effects on fertility he is concerned about. There are social aspects as well.
He wants someone who is a well-informed independent thinker who had the moral strength to refuse injection under Australia’s compulsory vaccination regime. Finding an independent thinker in his age group is difficult at the best of times, but a pure blood as well, that’s tough, as he’s discovering.
I’m sure there are some very attractive and available women from the Ukraine who’d marry him for the opportunity to escape.
People of the World are Dramatically Losing Years of Life
Covid-19 vaccines and lockdowns are associated with years of life lost on a scale that is unprecedented. EuroMomo includes European mortality monitoring activity data from 22 European countries as well as Israel, representing a total population of around 450 million people.
Since the pandemic began, life years lost reported by EuroMomo have increased by 60%. Compared to the 1.5 years before the pandemic, the number of life years lost after Covid vaccinations were introduced has increased by 384%.
The greatest number of years of life lost after the start of vaccination are in the 45-64 and 65-74 years age groups.
Eat more bananas…
Friday silliness
Ahh…dear oh dear…
4k transmissions back Earth please.🤣
Elon Musk’s Neuralink ‘has been mutilating and killing monkeys’: Physician group details how the firm performed gruesome experiments on animals.
Elon Musk plans to hold a ‘Show and Tell’ event for his brain chip company Neuralink on November 30, but a group of physicians claims the firm is ‘mutilating and killing monkeys’ to create a ‘brain-machine interface.’
Musk announced the event on Twitter, which the company holds each year to showcase its latest updates. The first Show and Tell in 2020 demonstrated the brain implant in a pig and in 2021, the world saw it used by a monkey.
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) recently launched a website detailing the gruesome stories of monkeys that are said to have suffered from sloppy experiments conducted at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis).
PCRM shared lab notes with detailing several experiments conducted on monkeys that had received implanted electrodes during surgeries.
Nueralink’s head neurosurgeon Matthew MacDougall’s name is shown within the messages as ‘running the procedures.’
Reina Pohl, the communication specialist for PCRM, told that the lab notes were provided to the group by UC Davis due to a lawsuit filed against it by PCRM in February – but notes Neuralink employees conducted the experiments.
The lawsuit states the animals ‘suffered infections from the implanted electrodes placed in their brains’ and an ‘unapproved substance’ known as BioGlue ‘killed monkeys by destroying portions of their brains.’
USA Today – Elon Musk’s Neuralink implants have killed nearly 3,000 monkeys since last December, 98% fatality rate…
I’ll pass but I volunteer Biden, Obama, Fauci…
Have you ever heard Stanislav Petrov?
(Copied from elsewhere.)
I certainly have heard of him.
One of history’s unsung heroes without which most of us would not be here today.
I posted about him back on March 24th.
Gotta get up early…😎😎
Korean Air Lines Flight 007 was a scheduled Korean Air Lines flight from New York City to Seoul via Anchorage, Alaska. On 1 September 1983, the flight was shot down by a Soviet Sukhoi Su-15 interceptor.Wikipedia
Also Russian submarine officer Vasily Arkhipov ( ) who refused to provide the third authorisation to launch during the Cuban missile crisis.
What goes on in getting a satellite going –
Reply to
December 1, 2022 2:42 pm
That’s not it. Having retired from the satellite design business, I can tell you where the money goes. A lot of design work goes into job before you even win the contract. Contractors are paid between 10% and 50% of the cost of that effort. 15 years ago, on a job like this, you’re talking at least $30M per contractor over the years it took to produce the proposal. Assuming only two bidders, NASA may have spent $30M total. NASA will take a year or two determining the winner. In most cases, thew contractors are forced to let the design engineering group go into other program. It’s way too expensive to pay them to just sit around and wait. So, after the winning team is selected, a new team of engineers has to be assembled/hired, as the programs they went to will not want to let them go.”
More in that comment at
I would like to ask if there is any study on the effect, at least local, of windmill parks in temperature, and/or how it is contemplated in climate models.
I have always heard treating wind as an infinite resource, but the fact is that a windmill slows down wind (action/reaction effect), and creates turbulence downwind. The wind is of course the atmosphere’s way to mitigate temperature differences over the surface of the earth, moving hot air to cooler places (and the other way around), the logic inference is that wind energy parks must make temperature differences over neighbouring surface areas higher and more prevalent in time. There may be a preceptible effect in weather, and thus (unduly) influence human perception of climate change.
Any comments?
I don’t know if any of these are what you are looking for, but I do remember a study or two on the downstream climate effects.
Warning! Wind power warms local climate for next hundred years, needs 5 – 20 times as much land
FWIW – Fire up the BBQ anyway!
“Red Meat Is Not a Health Risk. A New Study Slams Years of Shoddy Research.”
Methodology might need “scrutenising with a very intense scrut”
But don’t let that interrupt the BBQ
I never believed health risk eating what ever meat, as humans in their evolution were dependant of meat and are still.
Two types of risk from meat eating are:
Under-cooking when pathogens remain, pig meat is especially risky, and
Over-cooking as there is fair evidence that charred meat is carcinogenic.
Don’t forget the risk of under-cooking green beans.
Bitter Zucchini is toxic.
As even the original nasty covid was no worse than bad flu and only a significant threat to the aged and sick, they created the catchy phrase long covid to ramp up the fear – OK you won’t die but you will be disabled and suffer – with all sorts of horrific descriptions of the ‘damage’ to various bodily organs etc.
Years ago I pointed out this was normal post-viral infection territory.
Of course it was a godsend to malingerers, conditioned to lazy days working from home, and indeed I remember one report that civil servants had a mysteriously much higher rate of long covid.
Antihistaminica are said to help treating long covid.
Desloratadin seems to be a good one, it’s a follow-up of Loratadin, that before beeing effective has to be processed by the liver. With Desloratadin that step isn’t neccessary anymore.
All medical science figures are rubbery. But the best data we have says Spanish flu deaths (2.5%) were worse than early Wuhan flu deaths (0.2 to 0.6%) which was worse than normal flu seasons (0.1%).
See worldometer. So far deaths in the top 50 nations range from 2000 to 6000 per million (so SARS has potentially caused deaths of 0.2-0.6% of the population). That presumably would have been worse if everyone was exposed to Wu-flu-Delta or earlier variants. (Though Spanish Flu is only estimated to have hit 1/3rd of the worlds pop by the end of 1920, so the real death rate might have been a lot higher and it did hit younger people so was worse in many ways.)
Obviously it would have been better if everyone was given D3/Zinc/Ivm/etc. But that’s another crime, and would also reduce influenza deaths too somewhat.
As for longcovid. Some people believe every report of vaccine side effects but no reports of long covid which seems rather incongruous to me. Same spike. Similar stories.
Krishna — antihistamines indeed are useful against the early variants along with melatonin, iota-carageenan, povidone iodine, etc.
There isn’t any widespread dispute that long covid exists as far as I know. The point is, as I said at the time, it is a normal consequence of a viral infection. It was grossly exaggerated and the microscopic effects described in all sorts of lurid and alarming ways as though it were unique to covid. It was just more fear mongering to get compliance. And as ever with these things there was an element of social hysterical contagion and straight forward malingering.
Polar bears enjoy their environment when there is less sea ice, who knew?
“Coldest November Since 1974 In Melbourne”
And wet too.
Might take a lot of pseudo-statistics to un-confound that?
How did the Jen and Jo Show go at the Windsor Theatre Yesterday?
The movie sound track was too loud so I did not catch much of the following Q and A after my ears got blasted earlier. The content was very good, quite dramatic in places, the techniques used by the alarmists were put down with effective description but their motivation was dealt with gently, barely at all.
Jennifer Marohasy and the other characters showed first class expertise and were very thorough in their research.
High caliber crowd. I enjoyed meeting people. Good questions.
The Doco’s were very watchable, and I learnt things I did not know. I must talk to Jen about weaving in a few big-picture points — the things which are too obvious to say for people who live and breathe the research, but which the public need to hear.
Plus now I want a drone, and to see if I can get Jen and Peter over here to study WA coral porites…
Never mind all this: WHY is no one banging the drum for lack of Wind, WHY is no one gluing themselves to things BECAUSE “climate change” has produced NO WIND ….. so that producing more windNills is a total waste of time.
there is an increasing demand now in the UK ( 40.6GW @ lunchtime ) and wind only producing 16% really, never mind the %%%%%’s. L@@K at the output 6.6 ( SIX POINT SIX ) GW. I’m deafened by the silence
That’s a three to sixfold improvement on most of Monday thru Thursday.
Next week it looks like it will get considerably colder.
Speaking of cold, it’s currently 15 degrees and still falling in my little corner of sub-tropical SE QLD. Record low for today was 16 degrees, set in 2013. I wonder if this new record will make the morning news?
I’m not holding my breath.
” it’s currently 15 degrees and still falling in my little corner of sub-tropical SE QLD.”
15 deg. ?
Luxury !
Why , when I were a lad . . .
Why do you think we moved to QLD?
We had been in Sydney, then I met Mel Gibson and he commissioned me to write a mini-series screenplay for him. He was living on his property in Tallangatta so we moved down to Mt Beauty to be near. One winter in the snow was enough.
The following story has just come up on the $1.3 BILLION a year ABC.
Copy and pasted without alteration but emphasis added:
The $30b question that will shape the Australian economy in 20223
I’m looking at a loan of a couple of million that I fixed at 3.75% for five years ; with four to run.
It’s not as though there was not plenty of warning of interest rates returning to normal.
Looking back at the 26% that I was paying when I bought the farm in ’87, I think current rates are great.
Yes indeed, same in the uk. Businesses were still built on ther backs of high interest rates, but then came along cheap dosh and a generation of Early retirees with golden handshakes – OUR cash, who undercut us to solve their boredom. and where are they all now? Mostly burnt out / gone and piles of hedgerow machinery. Is there another generation coming to take the slack? You really think I want to be bothered now ….to pay the taxes imposed by those lunatics in charge?
MV Link:
As to conditions in the market place , it’s been flat as a smacker since 2008 , with shrinking margins.
Since 2019 the volume has been shrinking as well , since consumers tightened their belts .
But I’m sure that we ain’t seen nothing yet.