A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Four minute clip from a movie that paints a vivid picture of what’s happening right now and here it is heading. Trouble is, the movie was made 40 years ago.
Beat ya to it. 😉
And it was doing the rounds months ago.
You have to have a high tolerance for deja on the internet, difficult to remember what year we’re in sometimes. Maybe we need to resurrect some of the classic repost memes!
Déjà vu.…..
Say, Memoryvault, do you know any journos who might be amenable to looking at a couple of images about power generation/consumption with maybe a view to writing an article about them.
Image One
Image Two
I was thinking maybe of submitting them to a tip line at a national daily, but it looks like they don’t have them any more, so I thought perhaps an individual journo maybe, and I’m not even sure there’s any interest in looking at something like this any more. I’m getting too old for all this now I think, so this is almost at the stage of sh00t1ng off that last bolt, and then leaving it for the younger people to take up. (Either that or sit around waiting for the ‘cr@$h’, as it’s almost too late for ‘told you so’ now)
Hi Tony,
Sorry, but as far as I can tell professional journalists in the MSM are an extinct breed. You may have some luck with some of the regional papers like Cairns News. You might be better off looking for an online platform. Martin North at Walk The World would be a good place to start. He’s an Australian economist with a wide audience.
I know what you mean about getting old. But hang in there. Everything comes crashing down in about 18 months. End Times type stuff. It’s probably going to be terrifying, but I wouldn’t want to miss it.
And the name is Peter.
Great charts, Tony. Thank you. Will post on my Instagram page and annoy the cr4p out of the rest of my daughter’s in-law family.
The fiery curse of conservation, Melbourne University study finds that catastrophic bush fires in Victoria were caused by 50 years “Green” policies.
The 1970 Land Conservation Act and the establishment of the Land Conservation Council created an explosion of inflammable trees and shrubs. Global warming was not mentioned in the online research study results. A socialist green tree hugging “conservation” policy that resulted in the destruction of wildlife, hundreds of homes destroyed and human lives lost.
I have friends who live in Gippsland Victoria near the Snowy Mountains National Park and they ride Horses there regularly, volunteer to maintain trails and with Country Fire Association, members of the Cattleman’s Association who have family connections to grazing of cattle in the Snowy Mountains since 1800s. They say that now since grazing was banned blackberry bushes and other tangled undergrowth is taking over and in future risking very hot and destructive wild fires where earlier with Aborigine seasonal burning tradition the cattle grazing families copied by burning as they left the grazing areas at the end of every season resulted in much cooler bushfires that wildlife mostly had time to escape from.
From my research the traditional seasonal burning was based on favourable weather and wind direction burning in patches so that fires burnt into a previously burnt area and stopped burning. This management probably developed over several thousand years, not 60-70,000 years of migration via two known routes.
I understand that applications for the records of land management of National Parks and other public lands in Victoria after the 1019-2020 bushfires were rejected by VicGov.
2019 to 2020 bushfires
They say that now since grazing was banned blackberry bushes and other tangled undergrowth is taking over and in future risking very hot and destructive wild fires where earlier with Aborigine seasonal burning tradition the cattle grazing families copied by burning as they left the grazing areas at the end of every season resulted in much cooler bushfires that wildlife mostly had time to escape from.
The Greenies have never understood this. We have a farm in a beautiful valley in the NSW Central tablelands. It is clear that the valley was originally settled because it was predominantly open Box Gum/Grassy Woodland country & so suitable for grazing. The grazing maintained that country in the manner of the indigenous fire stick burning. But in recent years urban greenies have been buying up 100 acre allotments and allowing saplings and thick scrub to take over. We now have quite a dangerous fire situation after a few years (as recently) of rain and explosive growth of scrub.
I have tried to explain this to the Greenies but they think you are just criminal graziers. They have no understanding of the hazards of scrubby undergrowth as opposed to open grassland with scattered majestic gums. They are total dimwits.
Can we please stop referring to “indigenous stick burning” as though it was some kind of wonderful, planned, controlled activity?
It is just yet more of the “First Nations” fantasy hogwash. It never happened.
Moderated again. That’s six times in four weeks.
What have I done wrong this time, Jo? Put a comma in the wrong place?
What evidence is there that this “traditional burning” was an established common practice, or even occurred at all ?
There certainly are no written records, and i suspect this may be as authentic as the traditional “smoking ceramony “
Actual written records from Cooks logs from offshore observations, describe the East Coat as being largely on fire!
Ever seen the number of lightning strikes recorded after a thunderstorm?
up in a NSW Yambulla State Forest Firetower early 2000s with a Firewatch recording any smoke arising after LIghtning Strikes – stunned at how many lightning strikes over the 2 hour period and the number of after fires arising from those strikes – pleased that Firetower was earthed
Bit concerned re earthing when in 2015 –
Ahh.. Bushfires.
After the rain… comes fire. It is the story of Australia.
I have posted many times, here on this site, what the research team at Melbourne Uni have just worked out.
They could have got there sooner with their finding.
All they had to do was read the last 30 years of bushfire Coronial Reports and Inquests, the recommendations and findings.
They are published for anyone to read. You may even read an attached report that I have made to the Coroner.
I am tired of writing reports to the coroner.
Our politicians and policy makers should be held culpable for the wholesale destruction of Life, Property, Fauna and Fauna.
They DO not listen or ever learn.
When the next bushfires occur (and they will), they will blame the patsy “climate change”.
They will not be held accountable for their lack of duty of care, ineptitude and policy failures.
While others suffer, they won’t risk their lives and they won’t lose sleep over a life lost.
It is groundhog day. This madness never stops. It keeps repeating. It has done through my entire career.
I am tired of it.
Dennis and Vicki are correct in their posts above.
Read those and learn.
Snowdonia is cool and in a spell of extremely wet weather this November, even that doesn’t stop scrub and thatch burning.
Wednesday funnies
One for the dog lovers:
When you make a post and the troll spots it:
Hubble – the best materials, the best people, the best manufacturers, the most expensive engineering project ever.
“Hey guys! It’s out of focus more than Mr. Magoo”
World’s largest active volcano, Mauna Loa, erupts in Hawaii
Well now, that #3.1 😎
As for #3.2, Shiveluch or Cotopaxi.
Taupo Volcano in New Zealand’s North Island appears to have increasing activity. There was a magnitude 4.0 earthquake located at the centre of the 250 cubic kilometre supervolcano magma chamber 5 kilometre below Lake Taupo at 5:37 this morning (NZ time).
Reserve bank governor Philip Lowe being questioned at the Senate Committee Proceedings (Economics).
Replying to a question from Matt Canavan about renewable energy costs, Lowe says,
“We are not doing this transition for lower prices. We are doing it for the health of the planet.”
The segment starts at 10:55:05.
(That’s the time of day of the recording, rather than the position in the recording. There is an option under the video “Show advanced controls and download options” to change that and other things if required.)
I doubt that many Australians are ready for the price inflation that’s coming.
I’ve been doing what I can to prepare for our future wood fired economy.
Hopefully my chain saw will last
Forests at Risk of Burning an Extra 30 Days a Year Without Climate Action
Without strong climate action, forests on every continent will be highly flammable for at least 30 extra days per year by the end of the century – and this fire threat is far greater for some forests including the Amazon, according to our new study.
Our research in Nature Communications looked at 20 years of global satellite data to test the link between wildfires and vapor pressure deficit – a measure of the atmosphere’s power to suck moisture out of living and dead plants. It can also be thought of as how ‘thirsty’ the air is.
Our results show that forest fire becomes much more likely above a certain threshold of vapor pressure deficit in many regions. This threshold depends on the type of forest.
The drying out of fuel is particularly crucial for making a forest dangerously flammable. Indeed, many researchers are finding links between vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and fire activity.
VPD describes the difference between how much moisture is in the air and how much moisture the air can hold when it’s saturated. Once air becomes saturated, water will condense to form clouds or dew on leaves.
Importantly, warmer air can hold more water, which means VPD increases. We refer to the air being ‘thirsty’ when the gap between full and empty air becomes bigger, meaning there’s a greater demand (thirst) for the water to come out of living and dead plant material, drying it out.
Vapor pressure deficit – never heard of it.
Junk science- oh look, we have invented this new weather indice. (VPD) Aren’t we clever? We’ll talk about it ad- nauseam, the people awarding our research grants will love it. The media love a new term, so they’ll run with it as well. Anyone doubting its validity will be immediately censored and called a climate denier. I reckon it’s good for maybe 5 years.
Wiki seems to define VPD as the difference between what moisture the air IS holding compared with what it CAN hold at a given temp.
Relative humidity?????
New Report: Earth Is “Unequivocally” in Midst of Climate Emergency
The Earth’s vital signs have deteriorated to the point that “humanity is unequivocally facing a climate emergency,” according to a study recently released by a worldwide coalition of scientists.
According to the report, “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency 2022,” published in the journal BioScience, 16 of the 35 planetary vital indicators used by the authors to measure climate change are at record extremes.
The authors of the report present new data showing an increase in the frequency of extreme heat events, an increase in the loss of worldwide forest cover due to fires, and an increase in the incidence of the mosquito-borne dengue virus.
Despite an increase in pledges for fossil fuel divestment, they also observe significant increases in the use of fossil fuels during COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns and a rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels to 418 parts per million, the highest on record.
There’s an emergency all right, just not an AGW one.
How odd that the 7 degree C global warming over the 18,000 years up to the year 1850 doesn’t rate a mention.
I think they’ve discovered that dry fuel burns better than wet.
It’s nor clear to me if they’ve also discovered that more fuel creates a hotter fire.
Dave B
How about 80% of fires are started by humans and once vegetation is dry enough to burn, the drying rate is irrelevant. Still, it will just come out to be a few percent higher VPD that was the cause of a bushfire. They’ll neglect fuel load, that a couple of dry months 100 years ago would have been enough for a large fire, and a much bigger population of brainwashed nutcases.
Vapidity Postulation Deficit! Fixed it for ya’!
Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, warns about vax harms to the Ministry of Health
“You are ignoring science! It’s a disaster. You spend billions on the vaccine & force people to inject it…due to the vax, natural immunity has been suppressed”
The tide is turning…
Meanwhile in China, Klaus Schwab’s dream manifests
Not a future worth looking forward to for a virus that will NEVER disappear.
If global warming is to blame for bushfires, rather than excess fuel, how come it is the moister cooler near coastal forests that burn, rather than the hotter drier inland forests?
In one word – people
More fuel, piled higher.
Two causes of bushfires – men and women. (There are no other genders, by the way.)
This will be interesting, i for one would not want vaccinated blood as a transfusion, hope the parents win this one.
The [bought-and-paid-for] NZ media were pulling out the big guns over this today, Voices Of Authority / The State v. mum & dad & baby. That Nicky Turner woman, professor of vaccine double-speak, will no doubt receive a bonus from Pf!zzer for the b.s. she spewed during a few radio interviews I heard.
The similarities to Climate Stasi Nutters was eerily familiar: name calling, demeaning & wild accusations, claims of peer review & consensus rules, government agencies know best, etc.
The danger of ‘setting a precedent’ was the catch-phrase EVERY talking head was throwing around like confetti at a gay wedding, no doubt on advice from those higher up the chain. DO NOT LET THE PUBLIC FALTER IN THEIR BELIEF in the Jabberwocky.
The next hearing is Tuesday next week. Hopefully the wee one receives a transfusion before then from one of the MANY pureblood people who have stepped up to donate their blood.
“Auckland University’s Immunisation Advisory Centre medical director Professor Nikki Turner….“Turner couldn’t recall an instance when blood had been deemed ill-suited to be donated because the person had been vaccinated.”
“From a scientific point of view, no I can’t think of anything that would make sense at all.I think it may be that people confuse the fact that the product in a vaccine is being injected into somebody but it’s not the product in the vaccine that is the response, the response is the body’s response to that [vaccine] that creates the immune response.”
Dumb bitch- Catching Covid is in no way similar to getting jabbed. Covid releases fully-formed viral particles into your body, the injections pollute you with a man-made chemical that doesn’t exist in Covid.
Doesn’t take much to become a Professor these days. You get the blood of someone who has been vaxxed and it will be full of random spike proteins, while catching Covid means your immune systems starts work before the spike proteins even get to your blood.
Thanks KP, you said it much better than I did; though I don’t think the ‘she dog’ is ‘dumb’ – the adjective I spat at the radio was way more colourful than that – she’s had the last 3 years to polish and perfect her slimy, slippery, snake-oil sales speak.
East Oz power system?
“Exploiters versus Experts”
“While it is a great thing to identify and correct inefficiency, the abilities of those who do so may be greatly overestimated at times. ”
“You don’t have to be an overall expert in regards to a complex system in order to discover and tinker with particular inefficiencies and shortcomings within that system. In fact, successful exploiters may be grossly ignorant or worse, misinformed about major factors of the complex system. The ability to exploit a system does not mean that the exploiter is capable of redesigning the system, building a system ground up or even maintaining their edge.”
More at
Very like computer system exploits. You dont have to understand everything a system is doing as long as you understand any of the key foundation components and what might screw them up.
Gotta love Albasleazy telling us how Morrison lied to the Australian people & conveniently forgets the hundred or so times he lied to the Australian nation about the $275.00 he promised to slash from the electricity prices.
The lies will continue for 3 years! Don’t forget to keep a record of the blatant lies for future reference. NEVER LET HIM OR HIS PACK OF LIARS FIRGET THEYARE BEING WATCHED & RECORDED!
Who is screwing us? Is it the retailers or the suppliers? One variety of cat food I buy was $1.40 a tin two years ago and is now $1.80. Another was $7.20 two years ago and is now $9.00. Another was $17.50 a packet LAST WEEK but is $19 THIS WEEK. Yet another was $2 a tin LAST WEEK and is $2.20 THIS WEEK. Someone is doing very, very well these days. Is it a case of the pandemic that keeps on giving, in this case being used to justify huge markups?
But of course you won’t see your grocery price increases show up in the Consumer Price Index, because, as we know all too well, the CPI figure is designed to come in low so that the government of the day doesn’t look bad, much like the unemployment figures.
Speaking of unemployment, I saw this extraordinary statistic in the Spectator the other day:
At present, 20 per cent of the working-age population of our great cities – Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester – are on out-of-work benefits at a time of record job vacancies.
Here’s the article:
And speaking of Brexit, it looks like we’ve lost that one too. Remember the peasants revolt just a few years ago that gave us Brexit and Trump.
And the entire establishment is working towards preventing the people’s president from securing a ‘third term’.
Again, the pandemic that keeps on giving!
With the major political parties AND the media all being of one mind, the ruling class know that they can do whatever they like – and they are doing it!
Next stop: digital currencies. “You have exceeded your carbon dioxide allowance and you have ‘liked’ tweets that were not approved by the regime. NO HOLIDAY FOR YOU!”
Soup Nazi:
Incoming: (un)Known Number, 1.8m Kiwis At Risk After WhatsApp Breach – Information From Norton
Reports indicate a personal data breach that may affect up to 1.8 million Kiwis. A cybercriminal may have scraped the phone numbers of up to 1,824,589 New Zealanders through a WhatsApp breach. This is part of a wider scrape of an estimated 1 billion records worldwide.
This breach has the potential to affect Kiwis. Phone numbers are traditionally used for scams and phishing attempts, such as last years ‘Flubot’ wave. This scam activity usually rises during the festive season. To combat a potential breach, Norton encourages vigilance and has provided these tips.
What can you do to help protect yourself?
Norton recommends maintaining good mobile hygiene – keep your devices updated with the latest operating system, use strong passwords combined with multi-factor authentication and of course, use comprehensive security to help keep your devices and data safe.
Couple’s battle with bank over $249,000 scam
An elderly couple who lost a quarter of a million dollars in a sophisticated online scam are equally gobsmacked by their bank’s inaction to stop the crooks.
Joan and Edward Adams are hoping the police can track down a team of fake Microsoft employees, but they’ve taken up a fight against Bendigo Bank themselves.
“It went over three days. They took out 11 withdrawals until it got to $249,000,” Ms Adams said.
I just watched this on ACA.
Bendigo Bank’s claim that security is a top priority is absolutely laughable.
“Bendigo and Adelaide Bank takes cyber security very seriously. We use a combination of security best practices to safeguard our systems and protect customer data.”
With my bank, any transaction over $1k requires a 2FA authorisation code to proceed, even for regular transfers, and has been the case for years.
For any bank to allow multiple massive transfers to occur to unknown payees is utterly disgraceful and inexcusable.
I would strongly suggest everyone check their banks’ procedures in this regard if you don’t know.
“Best practice” – oh please…
Scientists hail major breakthrough in fight against Alzheimer’s as drug proven to slow disease
Scientists are hailing a historic step in the fight against Alzheimer’s, after a drug was proven to slow the disease in long-awaited clinical trials.
The breakthrough comes after decades of failed attempts to find a way to do so, and has prompted hope among experts that it could eventually pave the way for treatments which could ultimately lead to a cure.
The drug is an antibody therapy known as lecanamab, and works to remove a toxic protein known as amyloid which builds up in the brains of those with Alzheimer’s and damages cells, leading to the memory loss and communication issues associated with dementia.
The eagerly-awaited findings of a trial – involving nearly 1,800 people aged between 50 and 90, who had been diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s – were unveiled on Tuesday night in San Francisco and in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Scientists found that lecanamab, when delivered as an intravenous drip every fortnight, slowed memory decline by 27 per cent over 18 months. While the disease still progressed in those taking the drug and those given a placebo, it did so significantly more slowly among the 50 per cent of participants given lecanemab.
JC2 rating – 0
They’d do better to read my posts on the topic.😉
While I’m at it:
Second Participant in Alzheimer’s Drug Trial Dies of Brain Bleed
Two people have now died from brain hemorrhages that may be linked to an experimental Alzheimer’s drug, calling into question the medication’s safety.
A 65-year-old woman with early-stage Alzheimer’s recently died from a massive brain bleed that some researchers link to lecanemab, an antibody drug designed to bind to and remove amyloid-beta from the brain, according to a report published Nov. 27 in Science Insider.
The woman suffered a stroke as well as a type of brain swelling and bleeding that has been previously seen with such antibodies, the report noted.
ER doctors at Northwestern University Medical Center in Chicago treated the woman with a common but powerful clot-busting drug, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). She immediately had substantial bleeding throughout her brain’s outer layer.
“As soon as they put it in her, it was like her body was on fire,” her husband told Science Insider. “She was screaming, and it took like eight people to hold her down. It was horrific.”
The woman died a few days later, the case report said.
New Banana-Derived Therapy Is Effective Against All Known Coronaviruses and Flu Strains
A study published on January 13th, 2020 touted the development of a potential therapy that may be used to fight all known strains of the flu.
One week later, the first laboratory-confirmed case of SARS-CoV-2 triggered the two-and-a-half-year-long COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.
Interestingly, the worldwide research team behind the influenza report had also looked into the treatment of coronaviruses before the virus that temporarily halted their work arrived.
“At the time we thought MERS would be the big target, which we were worried about because of its 35% mortality rate,” said David Markovitz, M.D., professor of internal medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Michigan Medical School. (MERS, or Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome, caused a brief outbreak in 2015 and resulted in 858 confirmed deaths.)
A study published in Cell Reports Medicine describes the effectiveness of H84T-BanLec against every coronavirus known to infect humans, including MERS, the original SARS, and SARS-CoV2, including the omicron variant. Markovitz is joined by two senior authors: Peter Hinterdorfer, Ph.D., of the Institute of Biophysics at Johannes Kepler University, and Kwok-Yung Yuen, MBBS, M.D., of the University of Hong Kong. Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan, M.D., of the University of Hong Kong, is the paper’s first author.
“When COVID-19 occurred, we of course wanted to study the therapy’s potential and discovered it was effective against every type of coronavirus, in vitro and in vivo,” Markovitz said. “Whether delivered systemically or through the nose in animal models or prophylactically or therapeutically early on in the illness, it worked.”
Forget the vaxx, all you ever needed was a banana!
Wow! A banana injection!
Makes sense in a banana republic. !
Which is where Australia is heading.
On the previous thread, GA tried to pass off the “Welcome to Country” as being a general welcome…
But its NOT !
GA says… “It is not them and us. It is “welcome to country”, not “welcome to my country”.
Sorry, but it is very much “them and us”
Everyone knows its a FAKE aboriginal non-custom, foisted on society by the far-left.
If its not “them” and “us”, why is it always an aboriginal that is invited to give the “welcome to country” speech, a chosen one of the maybe-local ex-tribe.
Perhaps its time an “old white fella” of English descent should give the “welcome to country” speech.
How would the left react to that, do you think ?
Einstein not yet proved wrong –
“Baby Names to Change because of …. Climate Change”
This is not a scam. My health insurance company is returning nearly $500 to me due to lower than normal member claims during the covid lockups in Australia.
Got the same but the cynic in me detects massive premium rise incoming in 2023
I have a friend who is a medical specialist who visits various hospitals.
One of them wrote to him saying that the hospital will NOT be installing EV charging points for staff because of the cost, questions about the hospital electrical system to handle the load and the fire danger. Presumably there would also be questions of how they would charge people for use. They would need a full time administrator.
Of course, there focus should be on healthcare, not virtue signaling for the sake of woke staff.
And why should they? No employer ever needed to offer an onsite petrol/gas station.
“Presumably there would also be questions of how they would charge people for use. They would need a full time administrator”
how very public service
My proposed solution to renewables:
Save America’s grid!
By David Wojick
The beginning: “It is no secret that America’s electric power grid is becoming unreliable. The secret is whose fault it is. Not knowing who to blame makes it hard to fix. If I could get a show of hands I bet that almost no one has heard of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. They are called NERC which rhymes with jerk. They are a private corporation endowed with federal authority to keep America’s lights on. NERC makes and enforces the regulations governing grid reliability in America. The looming threat of numerous blackouts is their fault. They have obviously failed to maintain reliability, which is their specific mission.
The grid is sick and getting sicker.
The reason for this growing unreliability is well established. It is the mad rush to replace reliable coals and nuclear power plants with weather dependent wind and solar power. This simply does not work and we are beginning to pay the price of folly. We must constrain and manage the penetration of renewables to maintain reliability. Given that battery costs are impossibly large, even assuming fantastic cost reductions, powering the grid with wind and solar is itself impossible. Reliability requires sufficient backup generation.
Last spring NERC released a major report warning of likely blackouts across much of America in summer 2022, and for the foreseeable future thereafter. This fall they warned us of possible coming winter blackouts. My question is, instead of reporting this pending calamity, why is NERC not preventing it? What is not reported, and seems to be little known, is that NERC is a quasi-regulatory federal agency whose mission is to maintain reliability. Clearly NERC is failing.
NERC issues reliability standards which the electric power industry is supposed to follow. These federal standards are supposed to be enforced by NERC’s regional subsidiaries. Clearly this process has not worked or we would not be facing widespread blackouts. Why not?”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
The new Congress should investigate NERC’s obvious failure to maintain reliability.
Also here:
Sam Brinton, a gender non-binary who wears women’s clothes and one of the officials put in charge of America’s nuclear waste by the Biden Maladministration was charged with theft.
Study: Key Chinese Climate Goal of ‘Peak’ Carbon Emissions by 2030 Not Happening
Nov 20221
Report: China’s Electric Vehicle Industry Destroying the Environment in Indonesia
Nov 2022
A link to the original stunning article. If you want to show anyone an article about EVs this is the one!
The typical Leftoid has no clue of the vast variety of products made from oil, including the clothes they wear.
I doubt the world could produce enough cotton and wall to clothe the present population, or it would come down to a choice between food or clothes.
Wool, not well. The spelling checker did it…
Actually, you typed “wall”, not “well”.. when you meant “wool” 🙂
Are ewe feeling ok 😉
And think of the massive areas of irrigation to produce all that cotton.. cotton is environmentally not all that good.
Or all those sheep to produce the wool… (which, if in NZ, will be taxed for farting)
And it did it again…
In the People’s Democratik Republik of Massachusetts they are paying people US$75 to get vaccinated or boosted.
“Britain ‘didn’t need boosters’, says top Covid tsar Sir John Bell as he claims top-up doses only prevent infections for up to 70 days.”
At the beginning of the following video Dr John Campbell explains how his YouTube channel is on a “warning” status which means the Leftoids of Goolag/YouTube are close to shutting him down, as careful as he is.
Nothing terrifies a Leftist more than alternative ideas or free speech.
He explains what is verboten to discuss:
-Covid vaccine safety alleging chronic side effects except “rare” ones acknowledged by authorities.
-Efficacy of covid vaccines such as not allowed to claim they do not reduce transmission or contraction of covid disease.
-Not allowed to talk about the ingredients.
Someone wrote as a comment on the above video:
🙂 How true !
US election fraud
“Is this how Election Fraud 2022 went down?”
Links to
We bring disruptive technologies to market to solve problems that elude any current technology.
Some of our team members built the eBay fraud detection engine, stopping on-line auction fraud that eluded neural nets and conventional fraud technology.
Some of that technology was used in the TSA No-Fly List to stop terrorists from changing their names to avoid detection and attack commercial air traffic.
Our technologies were used by most of the Top 10 property casualty insurers to thwart auto accident fraud rings.
We believe ALL public databases must meet the same requirements as corporate financial statements as outlined in the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation. Voter rolls in particular need to be cleaned – removing fake addresses and phantom voters.
We believe all public record databases must be visible to any citizen, at silicon speed, on their phone, able to be cross searched against any other public database, regardless of format. We make that happen now for over a dozen states’ voter integrity teams.
Data in the 21st Century is like Oil in the 18th Century: an immensely, untapped valuable asset. Like oil, for those who see Data’s fundamental value and learn to extract and use it there will be huge rewards.
We apply a new tech stack, Fractal Programming, to public record databases enabling citizens to access public records, cross search them, determine if they reconcile, check them for accuracy, and get that data on their phone – instantly.
We currently run almost 2 billion records for state election records alone.
We witnessed every state’s voter rolls are abhorrent – fake addresses, phantom voters – who vote in every election even though they live in a U.P.S. box.
There are registered voters older than George Washington still voting. There are 106 year old frat boys in a frat house still voting.
When we added Federal Election Commission data, we found political candidates in 2022 receiving donations in 2038 – time travel is alive!
The state of the most important public data, on which we choose our leaders is appalling.
This web site reports much of our journey.
“mRNA vaccination and cancer rates”